by Phil Hingston
Modern Western society today is inundated with massively complex and apparently irresolvable problems.
Political corruption, financial and scientific corruption, mal-education, medical fraud and malpractice, and genetically modified agriculture, fake media, corrupt religious institutions, corrupt intelligence agencies and police forces. Even history itself seems to have been perverted.
And Political Correctness (PC) has forced a stifled silence on a population which knows intrinsically, that something has gone terribly wrong (but we mustn’t talk about it.)
Indeed, truth has been corrupted.
So is there a common denominator to explain the strange phenomenon of inexplicably complex issues currently confronting the world?
I believe there is and it lies at the heart of our monetary system, and indeed the World Monetary System.
“When the currency itself is corrupted, everything it touches becomes corrupt”
In Australia, we call ours the Reserve Bank Of Australia or the RBA. The Banking Act of 1959 created it and from then on, we had the privilege of paying a banking institution (many argue that it is a private corporation) interest on every unit of currency created. Of course, the regular banks do the bulk of the creation of money via loans, but the Central Banks get the process rolling and get everyone into debt, whether they like it or not. It’s called Government Debt. Sneaky, huh?
Every nation has one and they ALL follow the same intrinsic pattern, with few exceptions.
Basically, they ALL print/digitise the currencies of their respective nations and charge INTEREST to their respective governments, who then levy taxes on the citizens (after taking a cut for themselves) to repay principal and interest to the central banks which printed the currency OUT OF THIN AIR in the first place. It is backed by nothing except our belief, or confidence, that it is real. It is THE ULTIMATE CON GAME and we fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Sounds fair, doesn’t it.
Governments borrow, spend and print too much in their quest to secure votes and thus their control on power, or to line their pockets by dubious “capital” purchases of everything from unnecessary and massively overpriced military equipment, to social programs supposedly intended to improve society.
Laws are passed to ensure their control on power and thus their ability to enrich their friends and benefactors and of course, themselves.
Take a few minutes to let that sink in.
Central Banks print money out of thin air. We are forced, by legal tender laws, to use their currency. We work to repay their principal AND INTEREST, for much, if not all of our lives, via the taxation system. What little we keep is inflated away.
How much tax do we really pay? There are hundreds of taxes, fees, levies and incidental charges and imposts. And if you DON’T pay your “fair” share of tax, it’s big problems for you!
Central Banking is an insidious process even though, on the surface, it sort of sounds pretty harmless. But think about it for a second.

Printing too much money (or borrowing and spending) dilutes the value of each currency unit. This causes INFLATION. Inflation erodes the value of the currency/money. Inflation is not prices going UP. It is the value of currency GOING DOWN because there is too much of it. Simple.
And INFLATION is the most insidious tax of all because it is paid by people in society who can least afford it. Young, elderly, sick and poor.
Money has been defined as “STORED HUMAN LABOUR”. Therefore, Central Banking and their government accomplices erode the value of We The People via inflation. Small wonder that they might actually have in mind the reduction of our numbers if the Georgia Guidestones is any indication.
The Georgia Guidestones details the plan to reduce the human population to 500 million, and maintain this in “perpetual balance”. Them first!
The Power To Print

Many hundreds of years ago, Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Bauer/Red Shield) stated,
“give me the power to print the currency of a nation, and I care not who makes its’ laws”.
I guess he was inferring that he’d be able to bribe, blackmail or assassinate anyone who got in his way due to the obscene wealth he and his corporate and government cronies would accumulate over the centuries. It sure worked out pretty much as he anticipated. Just ask Lincoln, McKinley, Garfield or Kennedy. Don’t piss off the banksters or you’ll pay dearly. They play rough and dirty but look great in their pin-striped suits and on camera.
So in 1913, the world was gifted (the German word “gift” means poison) the Federal Reserve System (aka The Fed) and it was to be the prototype for the franchising of central banks around the world. No surprise that World War 1 kicked off the very next year. (Coincidence?). War is, of course, THE most profitable enterprise for banksters as nations always print and borrow ANY AMOUNT of currency necessary to win. Let’s face it. Who wants to lose a war? WW1 led to WW2, which led to Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen. Seeing any patterns?
And they have simply replicated the process of creating central banks in every country on the planet. Any nation that resisted was bombed back to the stoneage. (Think Libya and Iraq as recent examples).
So in summary the process goes like this: Secure control of the currency system; extract payments via overt taxation and covert inflation from every nation on earth; become obscenely wealthy; corrupt every other institution in every society.
Wash, rinse, repeat!
Media, politics and education come immediately to mind. With these three, you can pretty much control everything else. And We the People are very much controlled, whether we acknowledge it or not. Anyone wishing to argue this point is welcome to do so in the comments below. (And history is controlled — ask Dr. Fred Toben about the Holocaust.)
Now if we haven’t strayed far enough into the weeds, we’re now going yet further into the realm of the unfathomable.
Are finance, pedophilia and sacrifice connected?
Ronald Bernard
The Dutch whistle blower banker to the world’s “elite”. Let’s call them The Illuminati. Is he dead yet?
Ronald did quite well for himself in the world of high finance and banking. He hid his master’s fortunes, and laundered money for them. Pretty much whatever he was asked to do, he did it quite well. He was handsomely rewarded. He laughed about bankrupting competitors and ruining their families. Even laughing about suicides he had helped to foment. “Eyes Wide Shut” every Friday night!
Then, one day he was asked to something which even he could not come to grips with. The ritual sacrifice of a child. Bernard freaked out and suffered a mental breakdown once he realized that they weren’t joking.
And what have many articles on Gumshoe News over several years been highlighting? Corruption at the highest levels of our judicial and law enforcement systems, the legal system, child protective services, media, education and politics, indeed critical elements of the social fabric itself.
Fiona Barnett has been screaming from the roof tops for many years that there exists within society a highly connected, very powerful and wealthy group steering Western society (using MONEY) in a direction which, if known and realised by the average citizen, would be violently objected to. So they have to hide it from the masses at any cost.
Didn’t our new PM Morrison use those words in his recent apology to the victims in our Federal parliament? Yes he did!
“The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, Scout troupes, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities and family homes as well. “ Scott Morrison.
Satanic Ritual Abuse
And it is well hidden by the media. One would have to wonder why?
Countless priests have already been charged and convicted. But certainly not our politicians. Oh that’s right. Sir Edward Heath, UK Prime Minister. The truth came out after his death.

Sir Peter Telford Hayman KCMG CVO MBE (1914 –1992) was a British diplomat, intelligence operative, Deputy Director MI6 and member of the Paedophile Information Exchange (a pro-paedophile activist group). He was knighted in 1971 for his work in the diplomatic service. The truth came out after his death
So who else is involved?
You’d have to ask Fiona Barnett for details. Hey, some are dead, some are in gaol, and some are still collecting government pensions.
So if power corrupts and money is power, those with the power to print the money have placed themselves (and their ilk) in a position to influence the course of human destiny. And the evidence appears to indicate, that the course they have chosen for us is not one we would choose for ourselves.
In Australia, we’ve just had two major Royal Commissions. One into BANKING. The other into PEDOPHILIA.
Is anyone else having a blinding flash of the obvious???
Let’s End the Fed (Central Banking) before the Fed ends us!
A recent program on ABC 621 radio, a speaker sugested Russian intelligence is not to undermine as a program but to spread confusion, here in Australia the culture is now in a chaotic state of confusion, if any country has undermined a so called democratic society, Russian intelligence having made this country into a confused state and no longer a sovereign state but a lap dog to exterior forces.
(wondering if there was a verb in that sentence, Hotart?)
Show me a shred of evidence that Russia controls, the Rockefellers, Brzezinzski, Garnout, Murdoch, and Lowy; then I might take you seriously.
Reminded me of several of the D.C. commentators having to stop and catch their breath relating to Pineal remarks.I noticed that the Dutch Whistleblower was on Russian News. No chance of that happening on our MSM ? No wonder President Trump is protecting Julian Assange from danger.
” I heard it on the grapevine ABC ” please tell me it is a joke.! President Putin after using Soros threw him and the Rothschilds out of Russia, banned.We are grateful Phil Hingston for your article. One cannot imagine the ignorance of the Australian people because of our so-called news. while recently talking to 4 businessmen not one knew of our Bail-in Legislation.
Gaz, The sheeple will sleep on, no matter how much we try to alert them. Can only do our best.
Cheers and TY.
Very precise article Phiill. Ty
But the sheeple, especially the msm journos, cannot grasp reality. The financilal journos are no doubt controlled by the editors, who are controlled by the msm owners who are controlled by the criminal private banksters.
I spent over three years over a occasional beer in Club trying to get a financiial investment (‘adviser’) journalist to spit out the blue pill, all to no avail. The Bulletin magazine is now defunct … as it should be.
May many more lying msm rags and their presstitutes join The Bulletin.
May I add.
I do not frequent the club much these days. I have extreme difficulty tolerating so many ‘proffesional’ IDIOTS.
Ring some time Phill and you can observe them over lunch. More fun than a monkey cage at Taronga.
Your shout?
Had to do this. Hope it works.
“Some dead, some in gaol and some still on government pensions.”
And this is spot on topic. The Fall of Empires resulting from government overspending and debasement of the currencies.
Borrow a million , payback two and a half minimum on a thirty year home loan at a consistent 5% interest rate . That’s a 100k net per year in repayments !
Who are buying ?
Oz is a kleptocracy , ruled by an elite that has sucked the blood of the true workers here , and now they require new blood to keep their nightmare (dream) alive . Hence , mass immigration to Sydney and Melbourne on a scale unseen in our history .
The more punters the bigger the profits !
As long as you fail basic arithmetic , you qualify for the loans that can never be repaid .
I suggest readers contemplate this interview and keep it bookmarked for reference.
Plus this recent statement from the Australian Federal Reserve
Religion predates fractional reserve banking. So while the monetary system creates its own hell it’s the much older, propaganda, that’s more likely the central problem of this world. Money makes us selfish and greedy, but it’s propaganda that makes us believe we need violence and punishment; or to use the polite terms – laws and courts; to make us civil and respectful to each other.