Home Australia Chasing Justice – Exposing Child Trafficking

Chasing Justice – Exposing Child Trafficking


As a parody to the movie poster of A FEW GOOD MEN, I have recreated the poster with Pastor Paul Robert Burton and Dr Andrew Katelaris in their own court drama. The picture is on the background of the statue holding the scales outside the (Brisbane) Supreme Court. So we ask the readers, judicial officers and public servants today: “Can YOU handle the truth?

by Dee McLachlan

I believe Australia was tipped into a new era the other day. In an open criminal District Court in Newcastle two self-represented defendants laid out in detail, in their evidence, that the Australian government participates in child trafficking. In his opening address Pastor Paul Robert Burton informed the jury that he would show how the government removed a child on false grounds, and that department staff lied and acted deceptively. He said, “I will show you that I believed and still believe that the Department was and is trafficking children for profit,” and described how he discovered the day after the child’s unlawful removal, that the then Secretary of FACS, the person had the power to remove the child, was and is “a convicted heroin trafficker.” Pastor Paul felt compelled to try save that child. 

Confirmed – Child Trafficking by Government

Over about 14 days of the trial (R v Paul Robert Burton and R v Andrew Katelaris) starting from 14 October ending 13 November, the jury, the court and the gallery were provided detailed evidence of how and why the state government departments are abducting children from families and trafficking them for profit — in a ‘cash for kids’ program (as described in this ARTICLE).

I, and many others, were fortunate enough to be able to watch the trial over a video link. As part of the evidence, a long video was played to the court where Graeme Bell also provided context and detail of how the trafficking works, how children are assets (called financial units) and how, once a child is taken, is rarely, if ever, returned to their parents. The evidence presented was shocking and stunning in its disclosure. I doubt a barrister could have ever said what was put to the court.

The Crown never once attempted to rebut the claims of trafficking. But more on this later.


When does it become a “necessity” to save or protect a child from the possibility of life-long adverse consequences of him or her being removed from their loving parents … on known FALSE grounds? How do you “defend” the rights and liberty of that “kidnapped” child when there appears to be no ministerial or judicial remedy? The irony is, the law requires you to assist children in an abusive or dire situation. But if you do, beware — you are going to be punished and persecuted.

I’ll take you back seven and a half years.

In May 2017, Dr Andrew Katelaris was treating a 4-year-old highly compromised indigenous child (with intractable epilepsy) and Pastor Paul Robert Burton was providing pastoral care for the child and family. (The parents had left QLD with their children to seek special medical care for their young boy in Newcastle, NSW.) But FACS (NSW) removed the child claiming medical neglect based on alleged critically low levels of potassium in blood tests. But that was all a LIE. They knew the levels of potassium were OK, but removed the child (on FALSE grounds) anyway.

Dr Andrew and Pastor Paul did everything to negotiate a care plan for the child and for his loving parents, but FACS workers and the police force they had brought along continued with a shocking and violent, warrant-less and forced removal of this child. The supporters were capsicum sprayed and the mother was handcuffed and shoved in a wagon. Pastor Paul broadcast this live on Facebook.

Concerned citizens all across Australia were made aware of the violent removal — in effect, kidnapping — and the story was extensively broadcast. Thousands of people were posting the story that published the name of the child and his parents across the internet, and people did this to pressure the government to do the right thing. The Brisbane Times, the Daily Telegraph, published the story too and Channel 7 covered the story (plus, doing a hit-piece on Dr Katelaris), but governments rarely correct their wrongful actions.

However, only Pastor Paul and Dr Andrew were targeted and charged for naming the child even though they (reluctantly) removed the posts and videos. Pastor Paul was charged for 4 posts, Dr Andrew for one. Not one other person was ever charged, including a person who was called a “prolific poster” in the closed Children’s Court proceedings, and another who was actually acting as a solicitor in those proceedings.

Only a Few Good Men

It’s a very long convoluted story of endless court cases and court challenges by these two good men. (And it’s not me saying “good men” — their character witnesses testified they are much more than good, they are exemplary and extraordinary caring and courageous individuals.)

It’s a tale twisting through every court (even three attempts in the High Court) to challenge the validity of the case and s105 of the (misnamed) Children and Young Persons Care and Protection Act (that prohibits mentioning the name of any child), and they even took out a malicious prosecution against Michael Coutts-Trotter (The Secretary of FACS), and three attempts at private prosecutions against the caseworkers (for a range of crimes). These were all shut down by the DPP.

Put simply, these two men stuck their necks out to help save this child. 18 months was the time the child spent in a motel, and it took two years for the matter to be resolved in the courts. The department eventually moved the family into the motel with him. Madness.

In a desperate attempt to convict these two men, the government and the courts ignored their own crimes which were detailed in the trial by the two defendants. Let me continue (referencing my notes):

During the trial, Pastor Paul presented evidence that the child was removed unlawfully (kidnapped by FACS); that the closed Children’s Courts did not honour their statutory obligations, and he gave evidence of how these courts condoned the unlawful removal of this child (and others) describing how FACS consistently participates in warrant-less removals in New South Wales.

He presented evidence that for seven years, the resources of the state, using millions of taxpayer dollars, was used to stifle any criticism of this department — and that this abuse of process has nothing to do with the purpose of section 105, which is to protect the privacy and identity of a child, or specifically, to protect that child from stigma. He demonstrated that this law was and is being used “to hide the criminality of the state, and that this is not a valid use of the law — and he went on to explain how abducting children is not a function of a representative democratic system.

Dr Andrew also spoke frankly in the witness box and in his final summation. He described to the jury how “Cognitive dissonance is a state of confusion arising in your mind when you hear information that is very hard to accept.” He described how the person who in control of child protection (FACS) only served three of a seven-year sentence for trafficking commercial heroin. He described how through seven grueling years in courts he had learned a number of “alarming and disturbing things.” Having appeared on this matter before seven judges “including this one”, he said turning to Judge Harris, and “…those seven judges had one thing in common. They all said to me, it doesn’t matter if a child was seized illegally, their suppression laws still apply.” And those judges were from the Supreme Court, the District Court, and the Court of Appeal. I think he said “mongrel” suppression laws.

He continued: “I consider, as Pastor Paul considers, the Children’s Court (he’d seen enough evidence), is a criminal organisation. … They should be in the dock here, not Pastor Paul and me.

Yes — why are the government not prosecuted for much more egregious crimes acting against children? Everybody ignores the kidnapping of children and the courts, by remaining silent, condone these actions. Those that remain silent are part of the problem — and it’s the fox investigating the missing chickens in the hen house.

Also, it seems, when public servants could be exposed for their lies or misfeasant actions (when subpoenaed to appear in court) there’s a simple way to abuse the administration of justice. Two public servants, a detective (who originally charged the defendants) and a FACS employee (the person who signed the papers to falsely remove the child) did not — or could not — appear as witnesses to be cross examined. How come? They both conveniently obtained medical certificates for the trial period.

It’s a challenge chasing justice.

I reflect back to the court persecution of Dr Pridgeon, O’Dea and the grandmother. They had clearly tried to protect children that had spoken of egregious sexual abuse. The court completely ignored this as if this is the status quo in Australian society. In both of these cases, it was truly shocking for me to see judge after judge, and agency after agency IGNORING the REAL CRIMINALS by trying to judicially punish those few brave persons trying to assist the children.

Who will be left to help protect the children in the future when they are deprived of their rights and liberty? I think that’s the idea. The government does not want courageous activists interfering in the business of children.

Court v Chamber

Pastor Paul put to the court, asking what was this all about?  “What have I done?  I’ve allegedly said the name of a child on Facebook seven and a half years ago, along with millions and millions of other people… I complied with all court orders when they were properly brought to my attention…” And Dr Andrew emphasized, “What’s missing from this trial is a victim.”

To quote Pastor Paul’s recent update post:

[After the first jury was discharged and a second jury impaneled on the 30th of October] “…the trial finally started proper and continued through 31st Oct, 1st Nov, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th and concluded on the 13th of November with a jury deliberating for around 20 to 30 minutes before finding us guilty. And as I mentioned, they had absolutely no choice other than to find us guilty. … During the proceedings just before the last day of the trial the Judge removed ALL of our defences from the jury, including self defence, necessity and honest and reasonable mistake of fact and so [the judge] became the sole arbiter of fact bypassing the jury completely. The exact same thing I already raised to the CCA before the trial in Burton v The King [2024] NSWCCA 213 because “Blind Freddy” could see it coming.”

To explain the indictments, Pastor Paul writes, “…I bought to Her Honour and the Crowns attention that both indictments were not known to the law and were both missing an essential element. That is the indictments were both invalid. … we never had a chance because we were not being tried for what we pleaded to. I hope you are still following what could best be described as the death of democracy…

There is an appeal on foot. (Link to UPDATES)

Failing the Law and Mental Illness

I come to my final conclusion in this saga. We have an understanding of the PURPOSE of the LAW, as quoted in lawnotes.co

The judicial process plays a crucial role in maintaining social order within a society. It serves as a mechanism for resolving disputes, administering justice, and upholding the rule of law. By establishing and enforcing legal norms, the judicial system contributes significantly to the overall stability and harmony of a community…”

That is not what I have witnessed in Pastor paul and Dr Andrew’s case — and neither with the Dr Pridgeon et al cases. It’s the opposite. The judicial process, the judges, the law and protection agencies were silent about the egregious abuses of government for years and yet vocal about those trying to protect children and correct government.

They failed to deliver justice. Why were the kidnappers provided protection but the protectors persecuted in this case? The courts were not upholding the law. Why did the DPP shut down the private prosecutions that would have exposed the malfesance of public servants? Is this not administrating justice for overall societal stability? And in Dr Pridgeon’s case, the DPP and the courts gave a pass to concealing child sexual abuse — to rather prosecute those trying to save and protect children.

Instead of “establishing legal norms …that contribute to harmony in the community,” these actions contribute to societal dysfunction and breakdown, and mistrust of the system. If you can’t protect a sexually abused child because the courts disregarded or hid the evidence, or if you can’t save a child that has essentially been kidnapped by rogue public servants, then society is in crisis.

I refer in the heading to “mental illness”. When you are charged with these duties of judicial oversight, one should have an understanding of how society functions, the importance of family, love and human bonding. Judges and magistrates should have an understanding that the judicial process is the “vital instrument of social ordering“. So when a judge is able to “overlook” or “condone” the most criminal of actions of government servants but participate in the process to punish and convict those exposing that criminality, then you know society has a serious problem. The order is broken.

Having listened in to several trials in the last year, I can only conclude that some of these judges suffer from some mental incapacity or mental misalignment (with society). That’s what it seems like. Are they under instruction? Maybe a form of Stockholm syndrome? Judges adjudicating over any child-related matters should be put through a series of mental health assessments to also discount a form of any signs of cognitive dissonance.

The positive message in all of this is: these good men have explained and proved that the government is party to the criminality of trafficking Australian children.

It’s a challenge chasing justice in the Land Down Under. To quote Pastor Paul’s recent post: “We indeed had two prosecutors, the Crown and The Judge…. What I appeared to be witnessing was a Judge doing everything in her power to protect (aid and abet) a government department that kidnapped a child,” and… “To be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society is no measure of health.”


  1. Well, there you are Mr Kim Williams, something for the ABC to chew on and get the ratings up with some real concerning news for your diminishing viewers.
    Save some of our billion plus. Dee’s report is free, just be grateful for the voluntary work Dee has done at her cost and time that your staff seemed to have missed.
    Best be quick, the nine network lot and other globalist mockingbirds might beat you and scoop an interview with Dee.

  2. “Having listened in to several trials in the last year, I can only conclude that some of these judges suffer from some mental incapacity or mental misalignment” – Try doing that shit for 21 years,! The judges are total FRAUDS, they waffle on about being ‘the guardians of the Rule of Law’ and ‘following the great fundamental principles/traditions of the English heritage’ – it is total bullshit.


    • Well I guess that depends on one’s perception of what ‘following the great fundamental principles/traditions of the English heritage’ actually means/entails.
      So far as I’m concerned the word “court” says it all: a closed coterie of aristocrats who’s core focus is to maintain control over everyone else. There would otherwise just be a community-based disputes forum commandeered by unfettered/unpaid advocacy

      • When the primary focus is to maintain the status quo an accelerating social issue such as child trafficking is obviously just going to be rail-roaded

        • Even when caught in a racket Her/His(hope these pronouns hurt with hate) Honours have to keep to THE agreement. It doesn’t matter if Freemasons operate this criminal cartel, these should be suppressed with their own BAR.
          Never going to happen so I suggest full democracy or mad mobs smashing heads like the 2020’s copper/troopers did under government ordered cohersive/financial control.
          Am I inciting violence, no, just saying, there is a precedent society should emulate.
          We could refer to them as Judge X or Procecuter Y under the monkey see monkey do protocols. I hear kangaroos facing emus is all the rage with these idiots.

          Ok the deliberate damage these Satanists do to society is disgusting, their vile misuse of simple words and concepts has reached near critical mass. Let it burn and save some children by inaction, will not have grovel to Elon to not name, names too.

          More power to Pastor Paul and Dr Andrew Katelaris who are not hiding their names in chambers like the scum that stick together like shit to a tennis shoe

  3. Dee, you should be wearing a MABA hat. You are Making Australia Beautiful Again.

    Thank you, and bravissimo to Paula and Andrew, (and Patrick and Russell. Patrick is now in jail.)

    • “On the 3/9/2024 Patrick, despite his recognised substantive health issues , CPTSD and struggles from his time in national service received a sentence of 3 1/2 years , 12 months for breaching

      section 121 of the family law act and 2 1/2 years for the using a carriage service which in all circumstances is offensive, with 20 months non parole (which in plain English is his actual sentence) which if not successfully appealed would result in deportation. Patrick spoke amazingly well and did his absolute best in an incredibly difficult and unfair situation.

      We would like to send a big thank you to all who came to fill the gallery and the over 160 testimonials and character references we were able to gather in support of Patrick and to everyone who has and is supporting us in these most difficult times where people with the intent of protecting children are now branded as criminals.

      ​More information:

  4. When faced with the system trying to take your child it is clear that the words of Chairman Mao are particularly relevant .He said “power comes from the barrel of a gun”.

  5. Finding justice🙀🤪
    Listen to Mike King disclosures for 3/12 at
    http://www.beforeitsnews.com people powered news. ( do not use censoring giggles)
    Ever heard of Jacob Schiff (died 1920) and his historic ‘mafia’ gang to explain why we are here in this mess following the mafia, or maybe the mafia followed them with little comparative influence at all.
    This history report will not be disclosed by the mass media.
    Time: 6.20 pm

    • Finding justice for children.
      Really, the normies amongst us just allow the evil to continue because they do not give a shit.
      Well, you have no excuse not to know as you look in the mirror each morning.
      So you are now again officially exposing your soul.
      Even in Australia, we have heard of Fiona Barney and Senator Heffernan on this subject… but not our controlled mockingbird media. (30 mins just for a few)
      Just for a glimpse of your failures, listen to REAL MARY AT WTPN SITUATION UPDATE FOR 3/12 at:
      beforeitsnews.com – people powered news (forget google)
      Prior there is the real history of our colour revolution in Ukraine and why Hunter has his bs pardon.
      Ok, do not spend the time, so go along with the crime….. matter for ‘ewes’ to be shorn, dipped and dammed.
      Time 9.15 pm

      • Oops: Fiona Barnett. Remember what the ABC media watch did to her?
        Remember: what the Labour Party did to Franca Arena and Deidre Gruesavin? (Sp)

  6. I hate the use of ai except for db queries. If they could be used in the court as a appointed sketch provider, batched to social media atrocities like Meta friend finder could give names a name without further parse.

    Is Lady Justice on the take too. Scales have been used to scam the unaware from day dot.1. The sword insurance, should the scales like hers, be checked for the inability to measure anything but mass weight. I would yield to BS mass weight but who calibrates and tests that and then there is the butcher thumb issue.

  7. Oh well, what follows from Real Mary above is so shocking it will have the distractors up most of the night finding videos and reports to take your attention away.
    Same old modus usually found here as with the msm.
    Before proceeding with them just realise why and spend the time to note the reports above for why🙀 – just the usual gate keeping!
    Tim 🕙

  8. I remember one comment from Pastor Paul, something like:
    He was disappointed at the lack of support from some of the people concerned and even the victims did not seem to have the mental or emotional resources to pitch in to help themselves.
    I presume generational, broken down sheeple and those in gowns and wigs the wolves, picking off the weakest

  9. Ned with your particular knowledge of the courts I guess you watched some if not all of the proceedings in the Newcastle district court also Mary although maybe due to your current work and time zones you did not.

    I watched every second on line – brilliant brave work – such extensive research – I learnt so much- such raw grief –speaking Truth to Power –exposing the criminal history in this land- from Neville the Protector of Children-to the Lady Cilento hospital-
    -to “identity” theft -to the “removal” of whistleblowers -and global human trafficking -experiments a pattern repeated – also ( I add a video -Kevin Annett- related to the history of dealing with human rights activists and whistle blowers) and the evil.
    I had planned to be there but my personal connections with Newcastle’s history -(note findings from the RC -into institutional Child Abuse) MKULTRA Mind Control MPD cults and the Old Bailey and my experience and the consequences of being a whistleblower could have been counter productive——- I was guided to observe bear witness from a distance. In deep gratitude to Pastor Paul and Dr Andrew I experienced great healing and spiritual strength and connection— so we keep going.
    Look after the children Look after the Land— the mother child–

    for now I share this from Rachel Vaughan’s Telegram page-

    “A true angel I know has put together the following post so that I could share it, regarding the situation of Yolanda – the hero who did her duty by reporting the creature Ashley Griffiths who has been convicted for LIFE for horrific child sex abuses.”

    ‘Here is a brief summary of the case in question, which is followed by a link to an episode of ‘A Current Affair’, which details this case.

    In 2022, Ashley Paul Griffith was arrested by Australian Federal Police and charged with more than 1600 offences after allegedly abusing 91 children across two states. He was recently incarcerated for life by admission of guilt to 307 charges with 190 counts of indecent assault of a child under 12, 28 counts of rape and 67 counts of making child exploitation material. He has been widely described as Australia’s worst known and convicted pedophile.

    Yolanda Borucki was manager of one of the child care centres where Griffith had worked. In 2021, she filed a report with Queensland police under mandatory reporting obligations. However, police cleared Griffith to continue working in child care, where he went on to abuse another four children.

    Yolanda blew the whistle on Griffith. Soon after that, her home was raided by four detectives, armed with guns and tasers. They executed a search warrant and seized devices from her home. She was charged by police for “using a restricted computer without the consent of the Uniting Church to cause detriment”.

    By any measure, Yolanda Borucki is a hero, who should have been hailed as such. Instead, she was terminated from her role and has had her life turned upside down.

    Prolific toddler and child rapist Ashley Paul Griffith has been given a life sentence for his offending against 69 KNOWN victims – 307 KNOWN offenses over a 19 and a half year period.

    Griffith was involved in uploading his depraved acts to the dark net alongside fellow convicted paedophile, South Australian Shannon McCoole. Both were employed to ‘care’ for children during their offending.

    It is difficult to read about this case for many reasons. The offending is horrific.

    The Aust Federal Police IMO are very much involved in the cover up of child rape. I know this from personal experience. My extensive 2017 statutory declaration of allegations (signed off by a barrister) involving incest, ritual abuse, the procurement of child rape material, and multiple child murders perpetrated by my father and his Adelaide paedophile ring were ignored by the AFP.

    I wonder if the AFP are now aware that I have been paid a Victim of Crime compensation payment by the Crown Solicitor for the offences my father perpetrated against me?

    Even though I am overjoyed that these little children, many now adults, who were raped by this creature Griffith have the closure that he has been convicted and will spend the rest of his life in jail, I cant help but wonder if this case has simply been prosecuted appropriately because there is international offending involved (Italy) and there is a need to appear to be ‘doing the right thing’.

    We will know whether or not the AFP is serious about protecting children if they follow up on the point made by one of Griffiths victims parents, and investigate every single co-worker and supervisor in the multitude of child care centres where Griffith worked. It is not possible that they were all oblivious to what he was doing. It is very likely that similar offending is still occurring. This material makes these creatures a lot of money. All of those child care centres need to be named publicly.

    If the AFP fails to do so, then this conviction against Griffith is just lip service to keep people under the impression that the AFP is working to protect children.

    The obscene AFP cases against Dr Russell Pridgeon; Patrick O’Dea; Laura Hinks; and their failure to investigate my case are proof that there is much to be investigated within the ranks of the AFP.”

  10. For Pastor Paul and Dr Katelaris and the millions who Know we must not let them bury our memory in their courts

    Kevin Annett — a fellow traveller –

  11. Phil Giraldi : Will Netanyahu Be Held Accountable?
    No confidence motion in French Government,faux Lebanese ceasefire,Syria,South Korea,Georgia and Netanyahu’s wife and son wined and dined at Mar-A-Lago-interconnections.

    • COL. Douglas Macgregor : Can Biden Extend the War in Ukraine?
      United States orchestrates what happens on the Korean Peninsula.
      Lie re North Koreans fighting for Russia in Ukraine to convince South Koreans to fight with Ukrainians.President Yeol wanting to set himself up as dictator (reminiscent of Zelensky)but opposed by Parliament and populace.
      Erdogan and Putin bump heads.
      4 billion dollars to Ukraine before Jan 5.
      Col Macgregor should be a voice of reason in the Pentagon

  12. Dianne,
    This gumshoe article turned up and linked from:
    http://www.whatreallyhappened.com. New
    At 06.18 on 4/12
    So your comments would be included and going worldwide from Mike Rivero’s site.
    Mike is suffering from very inconvenient ads blocking large parts of the reports and it is tedious to deal with. Rumble i(BIN) is being plagued by silly ads imposed nearly every 9 mins.
    Being of suspicious mind set I wonder if the sites are being sabotaged? When the flack is heavy there is normally a reason💁
    Anyway Mike is on to the problem as it is appearing here. Do not know if US readers have a similar problem.
    I note today on their 4th at WRH there are at least seven scientific linked articles to the affects of the evil covid mysterious injections and the lying bureaucrats.
    Including cancer and autism from others.
    If anyone has family they might care about, their safety DO YOUR RESEARCH.
    I trust that placebos are not going to save the culprits and their political and media/medical running dogs when the injected wake up or the wise see what has been done to their family and friends.
    Time: 12,18 pm

  13. Anyone. want to get into a melee?
    Or just watch it?
    To watch, Order your free tickets from Clif High for two episodes per his schedule on 3 and 4/12 of his promotion at;
    http://beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    Recall my 9th Dec calendar marking that I have mentioned. 🤷‍♂️
    I have arranged a front row seat for Mary Maxwell next to Joe to hold her hand. Berry will provide the pop corn?

    • The banks are creating money faster and faster and people are stuffing it anywhere they can, in Thailand on the information signs over the main road they have crypto price updates for some of the major cryptocurrencies. It looks like a hyperinflation boom, superannuation accounts are probably going to be the biggest victims

  14. UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson’s assassin may have left message on bullets used in murder: sources
    Sources said several of the pieces of evidence each contained one word, indicating the shooter may have been trying to leave a message.

  15. I have spent time listening to the Real Mary at WTPN update and will indulge a few who keep ignoring my suggestions to spend the time.
    Not in order.
    Joe go to 23+ for the united health ceo murder.
    Clones? Or real and protected the opening, been around awhile for the astute.
    Dianne. From 26 mins to 33. If Mary Maxwell can cope. Then more to Haiti. Remember how much Gillard and abettors gave to the Clinton Foundation. ( pay to play, anyone🙀?)
    Joe, your uncle Val at 45+
    For those who refuse to mention Derek from 47+
    Ant and poor Berry. From 51 and a bit of revelation/s
    For adults: 1.02.
    Bugger the rest, do your own homework.
    WAKE UP.
    No proof reading I have a couple of lamb sausages to address, at least they have a brain to listen and not be burnt with ignorance.
    Time 6.38

  16. No comments🙀🙀💁 busy thinking?
    Want more?
    Time to.understand the clues?
    Try SGAnon for at least 30 mins and decide where you should be standing.
    At beforeitsnews.com people powered nes:
    ‘SGANON ‘bombshell’ ‘Devolution’……fens camps…..”
    Too subtle Simon, reading between the lines….. on your way with Elon to MARS💁💁🤪🤪
    10.48 ….Good night sweet dreams normies!
    Ps that Derek fellow is acknowledged🙀

    • Maybe link to the stories you refer too i.e /outrageous-story-here/
      Site is to “busy” for me to go fish, agitating like a Geoff Rense

      Elon is clearly in the club(the big lies club), so yes, he will say he got there. The only strange thing is, modern lies are filmed at the same quality as the NASA boys(Tesla S in space and India probe landing lol). He must be a blood drinking pedocorpse because thats how that club rolls

      Anywho, reading between the lines, I think Trump is going pardon all those Puff Diddy Epstein club members. Chuck us a few bones at best, not bones like “here we go again” Hilary and other VIP’s.
      Did “own your soul” diddy call for the Hunter pardon from “Epstein Jail”, to normalize to public for Trumps coming 5d play. They could have got Hunter off the old fashioned way but the pardons, break all those connected legally.
      Last of the Gaza children, some say, Hostage Banking Hamas Terrorist bones deadline speech of Trump seems agenda.

      The used to call me a conspiracy theorist and now I have TDS and BDS, so thats my call for the 2025 kick-off.

  17. Interesting list of Trump pardons incl.
    Dinesh D’Souza (2000 mules)
    Charles Kushner (funny story)
    Douglas Jeam (assoc of above)
    Jared Kurson (assoc of above)
    Albert Pirro (ex Judge Jeanine)
    Also sentence commutations, a bunch of arsonists, drug dealers, money launderers etc
    Story is also amusing for extreme left wing bias, if one knows the history of Bill Clinton’s pardons

  18. A sort of follow on from commenter Shulze with all the blind people seeing things, what’s equally bizarre is they seemed to have different methods.
    There was a book called Zen and the Art of Archery I used to have, don’t know where it is now.
    When I think of an image I don’t see it in my mind, there is no image, but I can describe it perfectly from memory. Then If I am in a half dream-like state the pictures start to appear in full colour, likewise if I’m asleep and dreaming it is a full colour movie. When I was young I could replay songs in my head but it doesn’t seem to happen now, though I can recall them accurately.
    The facilities may be fading away with time.

    • Elbow and Jim Chalmers and many others but hard to count as so many rush to stand with clandestine geo engineering, Sadly they were expecting this as there is so much anti-thought.


      “This is clearly an act of anti-Semitism. It’s an attack on a place of worship so by definition it’s an act of hate.” Elbow
      I would add any place of worship and their practices. America was founded on these principals. As the big M said, you got to eat a lot of Unleavened bread on extended desert forays and there is no water in rocks. If your find some you can turn it into red wine. Ask any Pope

      But the perps have not been caught to explain. Its like me jumping to the conclusion that Yumi Friedman had a hand in it. Can’t find Rebel news’s Avi Yemeni story rushing the door. Sure we will get one, like when he went ant-vax-science at Davos on poor Albert Bourla.

  19. Made another kilo of roo into jerky yesterday. The wife wanted more flavored/marinated jerky to munch on, so I lost half a kilo to snacks. I’ll probably have to increase the purchase of roo meat so I can stash 20-30 kilos of jerky away for the future.

  20. We’re on the edge of extinction designed by destroyers. Guess it’s time to repent, accept JC as Saviour and pray for relief from the deluge of troubles by these lying demonic creatures who want to eliminate us so they can rule over a world of slaves.

    Child trafficking thrives with open borders where children are sold by cartels to predators to be used as cheap labour and sex slaves. These children are so abused many don’t live past 6 years.

    The schools are overloaded.
    Meanwhile the original local working class are wondering how this nightmare came here. The plan is to bring wages down reducing Aussies to poverty. Look around and see who’s doing the jobs.

    • Ant,
      There are 19 reports today at:
      http://www.beforeitsnews.com. People powered news.
      Chose any of interest for you but I will recommend just one for you.
      Gene decide and Lt Col Ricardo Bosi with patriot underground. The promo has Bosi and gene decode’s huskie pictures with the patriot.
      I have just finished the TWO HOURS.
      You can go to Bosi on your apparent problem in about the last quarter of the program and get a more positive perspective. Bosi in particular deals with psychopaths. They are the problem, do they have a soul etc and much more. Gene Decode contributes his experiences and wisdom.
      Trust me💁🙏
      Of course you could also start from about 5 mins on current world affairs etc that should also be beneficial if you are prepared to listen carefully.

    • My reply has not appeared.
      When it does: correction. The promo is the fellow in the black mask but the guests are in text gene decode Bosi etc

    • Professor Ian Brighthope Dangers of the Vaccine
      An Extract From “The Great Debate” 29/11/2024
      Is there still a chance for you?
      The Great Debate, Port Headland vs The Premier 💉 | Perth, WA
      In response to the W.A. Premier Roger cooks attacks on the Port Headland Council motion: Exposing the misinformation and disinformation regarding the COVID-19 jab DNA contamination issue.
      This event will be MC’d by Graham Hood and will feature:
      Senator Malcolm Roberts
      Russell Broadbent MP
      Professor Gigi Foster
      Professor Ian Brighthope
      Julian Gillespie
      Katie Ashby-Koppens
      Rebekah Barnett
      This event is brought to you by Adrian McRae who organised it.

        • Interesting how the bowel cancer testing push came about 10 years before the va666ines and their horrible sounding turbo cancers. I threw all my bowel cancer testing kits in the rubbish and will continue to do so.

    Want to know how tens/hundreds of thousands of illegals are being taken into the US by the Biden? Do the stupid not know why?
    Plus the sniffing for nukes.
    Then go watch the MONKEY WERX REPORT FOR 5/12 linked from,
    rumormillnews – reading room at 10.13.50 time on 6/12. [DO NOT WASTE TIME AT GIGHLES]
    Anyone not heard of monkey werx? Where have you been for the last seven years?
    I have been ‘sniffing’ around the monkey. occasionally for years.
    Pity none of the mass media fake journos
    do not do their jobs.
    Anyway, these current days are getting more interesting as to flight movements plus some current politics.
    Note, not much happening over Australia💁🙏
    Time: 12.29

  22. Repeating, in California it’s legal for adults to have oral and anal sex with minors.
    An adult can have sex with a 10 year old because the child has given consent !
    How can a 10 year old give consent to being raped by an adult?

    They’ve legalised pedophilia.
    What horrors can result from this?
    Only stupid people want to encourage sexual abuse of children and proclaim it’s consensual. Just ice on rocks down under with judiciary up to their necks in it.

    Almighty’s law never changes, what was abomination previously still holds true today.

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