The article below by G5 was his response to this email (below) sent to him earlier today:
“Just a personal speculation re the speaker of the House. They are up to about ten attempts. One member just put up T for speaker. (Feint?)
Now was that a thin wedge? Tomorrow 6th in the US the USSC confer re: the Brunson case before them. Not known what the SC does….. so there has been an inordinate delay.
But, in short, they can sack 388 rodents plus B and H on the spot. What is left in the House are about 100 GOPs who did not certify, so they keep their positions.
To save face etc, the House dilemma is resolved on a temporary basis to select T. He would have the votes? A new election could be planned.
What the military does is mysterious….. depending on factors not necessary to speculate upon.
by G5
There was a plan to inaugurate Trump on 4/3/2023. A DATE CHOSEN BY GEORGE WASHINGTON!
Trump has mentioned it a couple of times since the 2020 fraud.
The US Corporation was destroyed by Trump. About which you were not advised by the media. He was the 45th President of The US Corporation and the 19th President of The Constitutional Republic.
Coup puppet Biden is the 46th president of nothing. It has been the control by Congress that has allowed the theatre to continue. Note the fencing in DC and the demands by Maryland and Virginia for the return of their territories.
The military has not been in The Pentagon since The 2020 Coup. It has been Cheyenne Mountain, as I have written. They control the ICBMs, the nuclear arsenal, and the survival of America.
The nuclear bombers just sent to Australia are more bullshit for punters. They were not armed.
The flights of all strategic aircraft must be advised to interested forces as to status. Creeping up; as postured by America; gets a full response.
Otherwise, by agreement, weapons platforms are to be regarded as fully layed out, hostile, and to be immediately dropped.
You might recall some weeks ago; I wrote; The Pentagon (Austin and Milley morons) through NATO (Stoltenberg) were moving nuclear missiles into Poland. As with The USS Virginia in The Russian Barents Sea and many other incidents; truth is not an American priority.
Putin was out of bed and driven to The Kremlin for a World War Briefing. He was advised on the car journey and ordered fully layed out nuclear TUs; lifted and headed to Poland and beyond. China’s military command contacted by Russian counterparts had also lifted, heading to America, over Japan and Taiwan on the journey. Beyond The Crash Sail commands redeploying naval platforms for immediate war.
So much for China not destroying their friendly flunkies.
As well as a domestic full military alert and covers removed from the Russian, Chinese, Indian, Hungarian, Bellorussian, Eurasian, Cuban, Serbian and Venezuelan, Russia supplied nuclear arsenals.
In accord with protocol: Putin called Guterres and advised him of the lift. Guterres in turn called Duda and told him to immediately return and stand down. Which he did by having his military command contact Russian military command (inside joke: under General Armageddon). Putin refused to take any calls after he warned Guterres. Putin was DEFINATELY going to redraw the map of Europe and America. THERE WOULD NOT BE NOR COULD BE ANY CREDIBLE RESPONSE FROM AMERICA.,
Mattis, Kelly et al control Cheyenne Mountain. Trump is still regarded as CIC.
The Mar-a-Lago Raid was to find evidence of Trump being de Jure CIC. As against the coup appointed Biden as transient de Facto. A matter to be flipped that Trump was planning a coup. It being well-regarded that Mar-a-Lago is the new White House.
Soetoro puppets: Garland, Wray, Austin et al, dissipated their threat, pending the civil war they would lose and be summarily executed.
The Ukraine War conducted in the name of America is a treacherous fraud against Russia. It failed in February 2022 when Russia marched in. The signal was when Russia recovered Crimea and separated Donetsk and Luhansk as The Dombass Oblast.
Sanctions being the greatest flag to impotency ever raised by America.
Trump correctly acting in January 2017 was the easiest and most publically mandated solution. He took bad counsel. In January 2018, the Democrat European Soiree presented, and he again believed those around him.
The only time he acted correctly concerned the murder attempts against him, his wife, and his family by The Hayden-Brennan-Clapper Intel Consortium. Mainly because good intel acted immediately before he was advised. He was asked to sign off Pardons for intel operatives who canceled many in The FBI, CIA and NSA.
A remaining threat against miscreants, on which he never capitalized.
The elections of 2018, 2020, and 2022 were blatant frauds. Fortunately for The People: that of 2022 recovered The House.
There is hardly doubt that from what we reported to Trump in 2015, and hinted in what I have written: the FBI-DOJ-Intel Community Coup was brewing from Operation Cross Fire Hurricane in 2015. As well as the blocked detonation off Florida.
One report today suggests that the USSC has decided what it will do re the Brunson case, but it will not be announced until Monday the 9th in the US.
We may as well go fishing over the weekend and wait until Tuesday here.
One tenuous inference could be that: if the matter is planned to go for a hearing, then a date could have been set down and
announced. Particularly considering there has been no smoke from the Respondents.
Perhaps the fish are in the basket awaiting filleting, whilst the fish mongers prepare????
For those unfamiliar with the system, note that the Speaker is third in line for the Presidency……. 🤡
T would have to be seen doing his duty for the country and probably get more public support then when he actually won in 2020.
If the house is cleaned out together with B and H, then ????
But the leftie commo herds would go psycho.
So, to keep all calm, a election in 3 months? With the military holding the status quo and barriers till then.
Then our ABC will be looking for a yummy fat crow.
What is key here is that our U.S. Supreme Court justices can be held and arrested because – if the Judges ignore they also are derelict in their duties to uphold the constitution. That means they can be arrested by military and given military tribunal (which is according to military law NOT U.S. law and is more stringent) for misprision, treason and possibly conspiracy to commit treason I would imagine. IIRC, the penalty for that is execution. Do you think this might be CHECKMATE???
That Barr fellow explained before a congressional committee and acknowledged, when being questioned the difference between the civil law and military law.
I watched the questioning but cannot recall if, he was asked, whether he explained when military law may be applied.
Well he did not need to be asked in any case, did he?
It is plainly obvious.
As T stated: we were invaded.
So who are the traitors?
Their plight is determined by military law….. they are not in uniform, spies and collaborators are exposed and SHOT by both sides in a conflict.
What is current, it is now a infiltrator’s war. Same results.
“Squad, Take aim on the order: FIRE”.
Ned, do you recall the source for this info? Would love to check it out, THANK YOU for this! As an American, it gives me great hope, have been watching Brunson case for quite awhile now.
Just look up Brunson v Adams on bitchute, rumble, freespoke etc
Commenter Ned said he is going fishing so I have been looking around and I saw “Raland said the SCOTUS always announces on a Monday”, looking up the source https://ralandbrunson.com/ nothing is there yet
Actually I think I saw the above comment on yandex.com
Well Sword, there are heaps of reports and opinions on this case and other happenings that I have been watching for over four years, last two for about 4 hours daily. (I actually started in about 2003 when I realised that the official government 911 conspiracy theory was ALL BS. Now, as we already knew the President Kennedy murder was CIA at point….. Faddy Bush was there💀
Where to start?
Be cognisant of msm fake news, but one must be familiar with a boundless ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE and identify the lies and misinformation.
Alternative media is a minefield of deception as well.
As demonstrated by the TWITTER FILES coming out now. The dangerous enemy of the US is the criminal fbi, with others such as the msm.
Try considering the X22Report.com, after a few programs of the episode Bs you will perceive an overall picture. For fiscal matters listen to the episode ‘A’s I started in March 2018 – 6/7
As you know msm press is rubbish but the astrology report is reliable (joke!)
So there is also much rubbish at.
Beforeit’snews.com. people powered news.. some way out stuff, but,
Greg Hunter, Mike Adams, the situation update reports (presently top left hand column) Aussie Max Igan, Charlie Ward and ….. forgot, Stew Carson (Fox excerpts) and heaps of doctors etc, just too many reasonably reliable reports to consider with your discretion…… as you would with msm.
That’s a start, to occupy yourself with all the Brunson brothers interviews currently. That subject will predominate now with the USSC AND TRUMP FEVELOPMENTS. So watch that space.
Do not omit GUNSHONEWS.COM, the comments are helpful with the links.
Also Mike Rivero’s whatreallyhappened.com for a daily headline skim.
It helps if one hates crap books and is retired.⚖️⚖️⚖️
Sorry: gumshoenews.com
And avoid giggle etc, I use DuckDuckGo.com for searches.
G5 – why do you not provide to the reader the secret operation set in place by those within the United States military, soon after the murder of Kennedy, so as to begin the process of dismantling the Deep State within the American government, and its agencies?
Too – your continual reluctance to differentiate between a Globalist Deep State and the actors in positions that are countering their efforts under Trump, in fact, got them on the run, as can be witnessed by simply visiting Real Raw News occasionally – as just one example, is confusing to the reader whose knowledge may be limited about how the Military Industrial Complex was operating with Big Tech, and all other Corporations around the Globe, until the advent of Trump?
Also – your own knowledge of ‘Q’ and what, ‘Q’ truly represents seems very limited, as I cannot remember any reference at all in your past posts? You do realize the Globalist Deep State world shattering significance of ‘Q’, Trump, and American Military Intelligence? You do realize it was the advent of ‘Q’ and the dropping of the, ‘bread crumbs’ that initiated the Global Digital Warrior movement without which Trump’s mission as CIC of the American military, would not have become so successful?
Many would still be fast asleep if not for the words from, ‘Q’.
Do you realize who, ‘Q’ is?
Asking questions of G5 to make your own obvious points is a tactic that is clear as crystal.
Mary tried it recently with no outcome.
Ned – Nothing should be hidden from any of us when it comes to Truth telling, and the exposure of what needs to be exposed to enlighten all of us.
I hide nothing – and neither should anyone else. Everything should be on the table for all to see with which to make their personal choices on their own journey for Truth.
HAARP, high intensity microwave radiation beamed at the sky, is the weaponisation of weather. The engineers can deprive or extend rainfall. Add EMF spewed from all gadgets surrounding us, it’s obvious we are continuously attacked by radiation. Add nano particles sprayed from the sky. Add fluoridation, toxic additives and GMO manipulation of food, we should be able to see by now that the eugenicists are deadly serious. This program beyond insane is a world run by psychopaths.
With social credit score surveillance all people have their every move tracked traced and monitored. The end of cash with CBDC will be hell on earth. This will be exact opposite of the joy we experienced as youths just half a century ago.
Whether we want it or not, the same kartel that financed control technology in China is doing it here now.
The smart weapons are installed in every home, all connected to metaverse central database at Gore Hill. 5G is apocalypse.
Serco is the biggest corporation in the world that most have never heard of. They control everything and everyone. Krown kabal komunizm enforced by slavemasons globally.
Their BSWL4 labs must be shut down, otherwise there is no hope other than Divine intervention, our children’s future at stake.
Pray to the Maker for common sense, if you can.
they are in the bunkers, because i don’t see them on the street anymore. They take to the streets when a lockdown requires
white hats, deep hats, beret this or that, thing is they are all centralized and consolidating and I hates(find profane) me a hat or colour/ especially on a textile.
don’t read much but the above is fiction, Aldus Huxley style
not your comment not fiction Ant, the article premise, to be clear to readers
I decoded the Trump, wow & @ warp speed, can agree with the G.Washington, angle. Did George have a uncle and sister. (you have 2 complete General history before the good decoding).
Some such as the good Alt Kennedy come out firing live rounds of likelihood in the autism spectrum and more. I like him, and he named names unlike Heffernan
If J.Stalin’s nephew came looking for some large institution work, i would b xtra sus.
Do I trust the father of the current WEF founder and leader, hell no.
Trump does not cut the mustard nor was able to fight out of a wet paper bag being the great POTUS
Does 4/3 mean 4/3 or 3/4
I will have to assume March since it’s sooner
This stuff has a way of dragging on and on and on …
Webster needs to be dug up and cloned and sent around america
If they insist on writing dates backwards please use ordinal numbers such as 7/4th or else the useless Swab & Harari could dictate computer time indexation such as 1776.07.04. – 08:00:00
How do they handle this on transatlantic flights, it’s appalling
Trump was a promoter of the jabs, trust nobody now.
There is nobody left to trust, except God.
The “promotion” of the jab was code for telling military that a massive operation has now started globally. It’s important to be able to know how to decode his code-speak.
Yes and he said he was very well after being treated with HCL.
There is a lot more to his TACTICS.
And he said take the ‘injection’ if you want … YOUR CHOICE!
Trump generously served as president for $1 per year and had to wear his heavy bullet proof coat everywhere. Every time he promoted the va666ines he added “but you have to have your freedom”. Trump would have to choose his enemies carefully and alienating all the mRNA fans would be unwise let alone the dangers from BigPharma assassins. So we have to let this one go to “wait and see”. Fauci gave all the advice anyway and he is a celebrity so maybe the new congress will string him up and by some miracle Norman Swan in Australia will get similar treatment.
This is turning into an interesting and exciting day for fishing. Pity about the weather.
Anyway, I just skimmed Charlie Ward at BIN in an interview last Thursday, it seems. Wish all interviews recorded the dates💁🏼
I did not realise that next Monday in the US is a BANK HOLIDAY.
W reports on all the increased flights over the US, many being Wells Fargo.
What and/or who is the cargo? 💰💰💰⛓⛓⚖️⚖️⚖️
For the normies, two separate banking systems are being contemplated…. Been discussed all year.
One is a digital fiat system, as we have now with the usual bankers and the alternative is a digital gold based system. Want to make a bet on the winner Nemisis, remembering what interests murdered President Kennedy and a paramount reason as to why?
Well, I am out of here .
Each day I skim the headlines at WRH and note so much horror and disclosures ignored by our fake msm and politicians.
But seeing the Ukrainian President on stage allegedly playing a duet on a piano with his penis was enough. About 5 mins, one will do it and note the tune.
Now we should understand what he is doing to the Ukraine and us, with our government’s (taxpayers) bushmasters.
8.59 on 6th at:
Whatreallyhappened.com – new.
I prefer whatreallyhappened (old), I don’t know what’s going on with the new format, seems like some of the archives are open but you have to log in for the headlines ? Why should I log into every-damn-thing and get a whole bunch of junk mail
I was lousy at punting Ned, so betting has never been my forte. However, my own knowledge of recent events would enable me to project the coming Banking future of the entire globe as being a split system for a number of years, possibly decades, as the old controlled Central Banking system slowly dies out.
Especially when the ‘normies’ are able to see how the Quantum Banking system benefits all who embrace it.
The world is already split via BRICS (Quantum Banking) while we in the West have yet to embrace that which will be beneficial to us all
Humanity has a very bright and enlightened future for those who are able to reject the ‘old ways’ and embrace what was always intended for us all by our Creator.
In my humble view, very IMPORTANT and URGENT news. (All in English.)
A criminal lawsuit has been launched against Bundesrat Alan Berset in the Swiss government, who I believe was the Health minister of Switzerland at the time of Vaxx launch. Implications to Janine Small (Pfizer rep. in the EU parliament in 2022.)
Rainer Fuellmich conducts the interview with Pascale Najadi who initiated the law suit ( 25 mins)
Son of a gunaroonie! I suggest u start at 7.45 mins, as the part before that is about Swissair.
Most starling thing is, he says he trusts the Swiss judiciary (re vax).. “They will do the right thing.”‘
I’m reaching for my smelling salts.
On October 26, 2021 Ms Dee McLachlan walked boldly into St Kilda Police station an filed:
“As a member of the public I am making a police complaint against Professor Brett Sutton, Victoria’s Chief Health Officer.”
I am mentioning this because Reiner Fulmich seemed to say that the Swiss guy is forst to try to en aninvestigaiton. — MM
Of course — NOTHING happened — with prosecuting Brett Sutton
say what you like about Brett Sutton, he “was a very attractive man” fit the part 2 a T, but not he, we have to forgive some, not my way but my way does not lead forward.
discernment like it or not, and C.Chant even though an extremist
On the 30th of July 2020 I wrote twice to Sutton’s office (Bram Alexander.) He was always out of the office, I didn’t get an answer.)
“Dear Bram (please let Brett Sutton and Dan Andrews have a look!)
Have our freshly infected cases (700 +) been given Stage 1 treatment?
Have people who may have been in contact with the infected persons been given Prophylactic treatment? (effective and available in many countries)
If not: are our authorities ill- uninformed?
To understand following info, it is of advantage to have the s.c. Lancet Gate in fresh memory (a very painful retraction of an article in the Lancet took place 05JUN2020, same happened to NEJM, where “scientific research” was used to suppress one working Covid drug in favour of a new an expensive and ineffective drug).
(To Mary) 7JAN 2023
The only thing I hope for is the fact that the Swiss people were extremely law abiding, at least in the 70ies when I lived there. (Maybe a sign of trust in the operators of their law system in those days and even today?? – Fuellmich says that the German situation is the opposite.)
The other thing, Mr Pascale Najadi has just then become very well known in Switzerland because of the movie he made about the bankruptcy of Swiss Air where he described the situation of the thousand individuals who all lost their jobs. It was said in the interveiw that this film has become THE most watched Swiss movie ever made. Maybe this helps his case?
Best thing about “judiciary doing the right thing”, everyone in Switzerland has military training and a gun at home, Globalists were no doubt expecting the guns would always be pointed outwards. With all the money, Swiss are probably armed to the teeth with automatic weapons.
The cops in Australia are quitting in record numbers, and the word locally is that the force is in chaos, probably best suited to handing out infringement notices. I heard about a guy who was keen to join up and quit almost as soon as he qualified. I better not publish all the details
The best way to encourage recruitment of decent police would be to sack all the government ‘ministers for policing and fine citations’ and serial thuggery.
Plus shafting delinquent crooked coppers at senior levels.
When one has 55 years as a lawyer, mainly in criminal jurisdiction, the problems are bloody obvious. Start at the top, gutless controlled ministers especially, including the attorney generals. The last really decent AG that I am aware of was Frank Walker in NSW.
Well it might be a start?.
Then they shot his dog.
What JB says is correct. The Swiss male does up to 24 months obligatory military training, after this he takes his weapon and uniform home. The wardrobe with the weapon must be under lock and key. Some CH friends were proud to show me this.
To Dee,
Before I cooked up my immune system enhancer (Aug/Sep 2020) I wrote twice to Prof Sutton’s office asking whether they had plans to use early treatment (Ivermectin and HCQ) in the old folk’s homes in VIC. Person in charge was away for several days. No answers ever received.
Thousands of old C-19 people died unnecessarily in Australia.
Approx. 14.000 old people in Sweden were killed in the same fashion.
Is it better to have a good knowledge of God or a good knowledge of worldly history?
Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
Ecclesiastes 12
King James Version
9 And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs.
10 The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth.
11 The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.
12 And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
Luke 11:23 “He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters.”
Jude 1:18 They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.”
1 John 2:18 “Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.”
2 Esdras 6:9 “For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is the beginning of it that followeth.”
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated!.” -Romans 9:13
Esau was a designing and deceitful man.” -Book of Jasher 26:17
“Whereas Edam says, We, are impoverished, but. we will return and build the desolate places; thus says the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever”. Malachi 1:4
Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC
Judah – [Shemite] married a Canaanite [Hamite]
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]
In Talmudic tradition the mother defines identity so then the people who are today identifying as Jews are in reality Canaanite/Edomites-Amaleks if not in the flesh then in spirit.
According to the Mishnah, the first written source for halakha, the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally.
Isaiah 54:5 “For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.”
Esau was a descendant of Shem and the enemy of righteous Jacob also a descendant of Shem.
A Shemite in my opinion is not only a descendent but a representative of Shem. The usurpers of the name Jew today fail in that they are not of the nature of Shem, in fact they are anti-Shem.
The “Jews” Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.
To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) ,
Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”
Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”
Can you tell us about jews again
Bugger, I did not notice anything, I must have skipped ALL of that over the last few years.
There we go again and the rest of the brigade will come in to respond as usual in endless debate with no solution.
Btw way for others readers, anyone considered that at the moment in the US the fate of freedom, even in religious thoughts and beliefs, is being determined? Some say it is really a spiritual war and to that extent it probably is….. between good and horrendous EVIL and that is the war at hand. ( I will not enter any discussion on that aspect.)
If anyone wants to solve the philosophical issues of the world, there is plenty in the comments section of past articles in gs news to contemplate for about the last three years. So go for them.
Meantime please concentrate on the plight of millions of tortured children as a start, for their fate depends on cleaning out a filthy swamp RIGHT NOW.
Have a look at the twitter video of these mangy cops (1 min)
Ned, you are at once a worry and a laugh.
You deride anyone with a “barrow” containing precepts relating to, and derived from, the very reasonable premise that human life has a cause, and nature, and purpose that cannot be derived from a humanity that cannot create itself.
You seem to demand that the whole road is “owned” by a “barrow” full of hot air slogans that appear to be nothing more than the flatulence of a bloated ego.
If humanity is the result of random accidents of chemistry then why should we not exploit, or eat, one another? If no one has any intrinsic value determined by a transcendental purpose then might is right, eh? All this talk about “mustn’t murder or rape children” is only a political ploy, or con job, eh?
Anyhow, a “barrow” full of silly, flatulent, slogans much loved by a decadent society takes no pushing effort… you’re never going to be despised in the streets of Glug.
No idea what you are talking about and doubt if I did, would have the time to care.
We are at war.