Home Australia Children For Profit – Interviewed by Matthew Wong

Children For Profit – Interviewed by Matthew Wong



  1. And of course the shock joke/s presenting their caring concern for children due to paedophliia behaviour never bring to notice what the GOVERNMENT IGNORES AND WHAT SOME AGENCIES ARE DOING.
    This interview will not get on the ABC nor will the ABC ring Dee for more detail with the relevant named culprits.
    Remember what happened to two ‘caring politicians’ in the NSW parliament over a decade ago. Franca Arena MP and another come to mind.
    Remember how the Wood Commission was stopped at morning tea time and NEVER RE-CONVENED. From recollection; during Premier Carr’s time.
    Remember that the address given to the Federal parliamentary committee, in the statement by Senator Heffernan in about 2015 concerning the police list was IGNORED and never raised by any other member of parliament since, to my knowledge.
    Trust government to care for our children?

    • So, Ned, it would appear that there is a conspiracy to harm kids. Or, as you recount, a conspiracy in government, to protect many wrongdoers.

      What is the Australian method for prosecuting a case of conspiracy?

    • John Hatton was the other MP you are referring to Ned.

      Carr (pedophile) was the Premier at the time and the push by Arena and Hatton was to have a royal commission into all four ‘pillars’ of society – being, Parliament, Judiciary, Police and Media.

      I wonder how many pedo’s that would have exposed -sarc.

      Carr managed to water it down to police only – as if that was going to expose anything in the honest observer’s mind!

      • That’s my take as well.
        Some have practical experience in experiencing and knowing of corruption by the mere fact of our professions and associations.
        The media would also know.
        The normies know SFA and do not care anyway.
        I had forgotten Hatton, I had in mind Deidre G?

  2. Here is the crime of conspiracy in Commonwealth law, for which I am asking ex-prosecutor Ned “how to start a prosecution.” The crimes referred are the ones discussed by Dee McLachlan in the video interview with Matthew Wong, and/or as laid out in her book The Child Protection Racket. (Or as laid out 5 years ago in my downloadable book Reunion: Judging the Family Court.)

    11.5 Conspiracy

    (1) A person who conspires with another person to commit an offence punishable by imprisonment for more than 12 months, or by a fine of 200 penalty units or more, is guilty of the offence of conspiracy to commit that offence and is punishable as if the offence to which the conspiracy relates had been committed.
    Note: Penalty units are defined in section 4AA of the Crimes Act 1914.
    (2) For the person to be guilty:
    (a) the person must have entered into an agreement with one or more other persons; and
    (b) the person and at least one other party to the agreement must have intended that an offence would be committed pursuant to the agreement; and
    (c) the person or at least one other party to the agreement must have committed an overt act pursuant to the agreement.
    (2A) Subsection (2) has effect subject to subsection (7A).
    (3) A person may be found guilty of conspiracy to commit an offence even if:
    (a) committing the offence is impossible; or
    (b) the only other party to the agreement is a body corporate; or
    (c) each other party to the agreement is at least one of the following:
    (i) a person who is not criminally responsible;
    (ii) a person for whose benefit or protection the offence exists; or
    (d) subject to paragraph (4)(a), all other parties to the agreement have been acquitted of the conspiracy.
    (4) A person cannot be found guilty of conspiracy to commit an offence if:
    (a) all other parties to the agreement have been acquitted of the conspiracy and a finding of guilt would be inconsistent with their acquittal; or
    (b) he or she is a person for whose benefit or protection the offence exists.
    (5) A person cannot be found guilty of conspiracy to commit an offence if, before the commission of an overt act pursuant to the agreement, the person:
    (a) withdrew from the agreement; and
    (b) took all reasonable steps to prevent the commission of the offence.
    (6) A court may dismiss a charge of conspiracy if it thinks that the interests of justice require it to do so.
    (7) Any defences, procedures, limitations or qualifying provisions that apply to an offence apply also to the offence of conspiracy to commit that offence.
    (7A) Any special liability provisions that apply to an offence apply also to the offence of conspiracy to commit that offence.
    (8) Proceedings for an offence of conspiracy must not be commenced without the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions. However, a person may be arrested for, charged with, or remanded in custody or on bail in connection with, an offence of conspiracy before the necessary consent has been given.

    • And the precedent for applying said format to the authorising entity ?

      And don’t tell me that any old nobody has the capacity to go ahead and set one when Russell Pridgeon & Co haven’t been given one iota of compo re the 6 years of damages sustained re a legally out-of-bounds prosecution

      As I said a mere 2 posts back, the only way of thwarting the PTB is via creating Gideon’s army-style enmity/panic within the ranks

    • “S.11.5(8) Proceedings for an offence of conspiracy must not be commenced without the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions. However, a person may be arrested for, charged with, or remanded in custody or on bail in connection with, an offence of conspiracy before the necessary consent has been given.”

      How naive would you have to be to think that the DPP would do anything toward capsizing the Mother-ship ?

  3. MM, I have told you before. I am retired and am not going on your usual goose chase.
    I look for facts.
    Try it with the Boston bombing and the fellows in the khaki pants, black jackets and one with a back pack that contained the bomb.
    You have persistently failed to get all the photographs from what really happened.com to prove the innocence of the alleged culprit that you submit that you are defending.
    Sorry MM, but I do not concern myself with your epistles and time baiting as you ignore and do not concern yourself with matters that I raise

  4. Anyone else out there, then, since Ned does not want to play. — Does anyone know of the current way, in Oz, to burrow into the Court of Equity? It contains creative way to punish “Unjust Enrichment.” To wit, you can be ordered to disgorge your ill-gotten gains. (Dee, I should think the State Guardian could be told to disgorge the children. No, seriously.)

    And by the way, in reply to Ned’s request that I do something about the FBI men who played a part in the Boston Marathon bombing, we already went to the US Supreme Court as amici (which costs $5k USD just to sign a 3-sheet paper) and I already filed a RICO lawsuit, Maxwell v FBI et al.

    See my website http://www.JaharCompletelyInnocent.com. But don’t go there now. We are talking about Dee’s book. Come on, Gumshoers, what is the point of whining about a horrendous crime if you don’t do something about it.

    • MM,
      At a guess they might be those MOSSAD FELLOWS, you think?

    • Mary – I have pointed this out to you previously. The road to the top of the heap is controlled by gate keepers who have installed many insurmountable road blocks.

      And it does not matter which country you may happen to live in, they all employ the same method of protection for the criminals at the top, and on the way up to the top.

      It is often referred to as the Cabal/Deep State/secret government/ Black Hats.

      Its a system of control that has stood the test of time, and has ruined many who wanted to bring the whole rotten to the core system down.

      A very valid case in point, and a graphic example of control on the road to the top of the heap, would have to be what occurred to radio announcer, Michael Smith, who employed at 2UE, Sydney, started talking out of school about Julia Gillard and her criminality.

      He was gone from 2UE within a week – did anyone notice?

      Smith has a blog – Michael Smith News – and outlines his history in attempting to bring down a Prime Minister whose criminal record should have prevented her from even gaining public office, let alone become a Prime Minister.

      His determination is quite something to behold – and makes for a very entertaining historical read over on his site.

      Smith is not the type to just roll over to the gate keepers of this world. He has spent years in pursuit of Gillard, and has exhausted every possible avenue in his quest to bring Gillard to book. And being an ex-detective, even his then at the time mates in the force, were warning him against what he was attempting to do.

      You can’t seem to understand just how corrupted the whole system is. The only way to bring it all down is from the top because there are too many gate keepers on the way up! – hence what Trump’s role has been all along, and what he has already achieved all around this great big world of ours, and that you just cannot seem to comprehend.

        • It seems Plodgers has been replaced by a double, for once he has produced a bit of copy with some value, even though it becomes repetitive at the end.

          • You cannot replace gained knowledgeable experience Joe.

            Seems, that reporting on what one has learned about this world due to said experience, the knowledge gained accounts for nothing in some folks eyes.

          • I like to consider “value” in terms of the very silent majority of readership, in this case NSW readers. There’s no harm in revisiting it though personally it’s a bit out of my scope, as is child abductions. What is in my scope is the crooked government witch-doctors’ approach of always applying more leeches, as the video illustrates. If in doubt, apply more leeches.

  5. May be a repeat?
    Joe, pity that you are probably, with T.O, not in the G5 loop.
    Then you would have more copy (worldwide) than is published here at gs.

    • Well I read it as it comes along, most interesting lately was I seem to recall some stuff about Yemen being framed up for sinking ships when G5 was saying they were not the guilty party, so in that case “our” side is doing everything they can to wind things up in the region of the Suez canal. But I digress

        • The CO2 fraud has conscripted the greens voters into what we have seen in Australia lately, a defacto support for nucular power which is actually part of the expanded defence budget which has already gone through the roof with AUKUS submarines. We also have missiles being developed in Darwin in the guise of satellite launchers.
          The fraudulent CO2 narrative drives change which costs big money eg. e-car infrastructure, bizarrely sited solar and wind farms, plumb crazy and non-viable CC&S projects, as well as talkfests galore and kickbacks to crooked “scientists”, lots of vested interests cashing in who would otherwise be stranded, some of them selling technology which is probably already outdated.
          Who pays when your Tesla car spontaneously combusts and burns up the cars parked either side of it.

      • I was trying to read the graph on Australia that was towards the end of the video. Even with my magnifying glass up against the monitor I couldn’t make it out. It ‘appeared’ that both temperature and precipitation would decrease at some point. – Bugger if I could make it out. Does anybody have any good data on what happens here in Oz?

        I won’t be around for the event, but who ever gets this property will at least have a greenhouse to grow some food.

  6. I haven’t watched all of this yet- but seems relevant The Forgotten children Missing Children Vaporised– fostered out with no paper work it was called informal foster care-Soul destroying —didn’t exist —

    an chat with Tracy Rabbi –Gabbi Choong

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