Home NWO Citizen of Aurora Reduces WEF’s Gargantuan Plans to a Matter for City...

Citizen of Aurora Reduces WEF’s Gargantuan Plans to a Matter for City Council To Decide


by Joel Sussman

Introduction by Mary W Maxwell

I recommend everyone subscribe to “drtrozzi.org.”  This Toronto physician, Mark Trozzi, sends out sensible emails calling attention to the work of good people. He sent us to this Sussman speech, carried on Rumble. I was amazed to hear an ordinary citizen talk in a calm tone to a City Council Meeting. He appealed to the local authority of Aurora, a city in Ontario, to prevent the WEF takeover.

And he was well received! What? No one called the cops to get rid of this terrorist Joel Sussman? Talk about how one voice can make a difference!  All he asks is to be able to travel, per Canada’s Charter of Rights. Hey, is that asking too much?

Here is one of the comments that this item received at DrTrozzi.org:

“Hoping Canadians wake up to the fact that Pierre Poilievre is just another WEF stooge and nothing will change if he’s elected as PM. His knee-jerk reaction to some of his party members meeting with Christine Anderson when she visited Canada to support our Trucker Convoy Protests is indicative of his true nature. The only truly conservative, populist party leader in this country is Maxime. Bernier and I for one intend on supporting him and the People’s Party of Canada, even if it means splitting the conservative vote.”

Now please watch Joel Sussman’s 5-minute talk by video, or read it as follows. (I machine-transcribed it from the video.):


Good evening.

Restructuring of Canadian mayors and municipalities under the auspices of the United Nations began in 1992. Prime Minister Mulrooney signed Canada onto UN agenda 21. Canada thus became a UN member nation state. 178 countries signed on, lured by the promise of big money to go green.

By 2000, countries including Canada were being governed by directions of the UN, the G7, the G20, World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation to name some. Every organisation name is a foreign based NGO non-governmental organisation and every member of all these organisations is unelected.

Parliamentary procedures for law changes weren’t followed. In 1994, a municipal primer was issued to all local towns outlining how they were to restructure their governments. Though the municipal primer was a non-binding agreement, all towns adopted it.

Our public officials — the mayor and councillors of that day — were partnered with a private corporation, the corporation of the town of Aurora, who appointed a chief administrative officer who helps implement the global agenda, instead of a local one.

The international council on local and environmental issues, “ICLEI,” became the main source of consultation to push and fund the global agenda. We remind you that the world economic forum and the United Nations signed a strategic partnership framework in 2019 to join the accelerate implementation of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

This is the same World Economic Forum whose chairman Klaus Schwab famously declared you will owe nothing and be happy. This is the same Klaus Schwab who, referring to Canadian prime minister Justine Trudeau, boasted “We have penetrated more than half of his cabinet.”

We would ask Mayor Marakas and the councillors, why should the citizens of Aurora bow down to the intrusive dictates of an unelected foreign entity? The fact is we should not and we will not. What, you ask, does this have to do with 15-minute smart cities? Absolutely everything.

“Smart” =  S for surveillance, M for monitoring, A for analysis, R for reporting and T for technology. Technology news editor Patrick Wood [with] 50 years of experience and expertise on technocracy wrote: The fifteen-minute city is a cover for data collection bonanza for technocrats to design and operate them. Cities designed for maximum efficiency always reveal technocrat thinking that efficiency itself is the goal. Maximum surveillance allows for maximum control to achieve even more efficiency. At its very root this mechanistic thinking is anti-human.”

The 15-minute city narrative seeks to fool you in the guise of saving the planet keeping you safe and delivering you convenience. It’s actually the gateway to digital IDs and CBDCs Central Bank Digital Currencies. CBDCs allow bankers and or governments to freeze your bank account because you happen to peacefully and lawfully protest and express your disagreement with government policy.

Anyone remember the truckers’ convoy in Ottawa February 22 when the government of Canada invoked the Emergencies Act , and froze the private bank accounts of law-abiding citizens?  Fifteen minute cities are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Don’t believe the countless stories spewing forth from the 24/7 bases from the elitist-captured mainstream media.

All claiming to have your best interests at heart. We have been burned too many times. In reality 24/7 surveillance thru the Internet of Things inside your home, 5G, and LED streetlights outside monitoring tracking and recording everything. Implementation and exclusion zones and “geo fencing” to restrict movement and travel.  Ability to control behaviours thru military directed energy technologies. Property and car ownership could be outlawed, evictions from farms and rural areas to gather people into cities.

Digital passports being promulgated (?) by the UN world economic forum and the world health organisation, are in the final stages of planning and implementation. They are tied to social credit score which is determined by compliance to government directives. These passports control all access and all aspects of life.

Digital currency is being implemented to end cash and monitor all your spending. Your digital currency will be turned off or on depending on your compliance score. UBI universal basic income is a state-controlled allowance forcing compliance by restricting access to food, money, services, and education. All of the above will enable climate lockdowns to be implement easily, arbitrarily and indefinitely.

The real agenda of 15-minute smart cities is to monitor and control everyone and everything.

In summary, in the coming days Council will receive an electronic info packet which will contain the text of this delegation and other items. We the citizens of Aurora wish to enter into a meaningful and respectful dialogue with our elected members of council on this complex important issue.  A key framework of that dialog is a list of questions posed to council.

Can council explicitly guarantee that citizens will remain free to travel, as is their right under the charter of rights and freedoms? Can council guarantee not to restrict access to essential services — medical care, bank accounts, government pensions, utilities?

Most importantly, we the citizens of Aurora need to have the conversation with council about exiting their non-binding agreement with the private, for-profit entity known as “The Corporation of the Town of Aurora.”

We need to turn back the page to a simpler time when open, transparent municipal government serving its citizens, and working in their best interests, ruled the day. We are your equal partners on this journey, Thank you.   [Bolding added by MM]

[Sussman got a standing ovation.]

A Member of the Aurora Council responds (at 5.2 ins on the tape):

“Thank you. I just wanted to thank you for bringing that to our attention. I’m not prepared to say anything other than it was intriguing, I really want to learn more and I’m open to understanding the impact and try to do what’s best for Aurora. So thank you for bringing that to our attention.”

Another Member of Aurora Council

“Thank you so much for coming and delegating today with passion, and obviously you have filled the chambers quite a bit in support of this [the gallery was crowded] and I agree that, you know, people want to feel they can roam free with their democracy and their rights, and not feel that their being tracked and surveillanced at all times.”

“And definitely I do want to learn more, [Wow] and yes, you can ask questions and we can sit down and meet. I’m more than happy to have this conversation with you. In fact I did actually have some conversations funnily enough with staff just last week about data privacy and the fact that smart technology is coming in different forms and what that looks like.

“And I really do hope that I can formulate some motion that will help protect our data privacy in here, because I don’t want us to have a system in place where our privacy has already been at risk or our privacy has already been comprised to that point of, to your point of surveillancing.

“And I don’t think the town of Aurora at all supports wanting to have that, but it’s knowing and understanding that those privacy policies are in place, so we are safe, and we do have that freedom to live and prosper in our own community without feeling like we are being judged or a social credit score. So happy to reach out and have the conversation.”

Another Member of Aurora Council:

“I also would like to find out more about this, I know very little, and I appreciate all the information that’s been brought forward and the sentiments of the two councillors that have spoken, and Mr Sussman, good to see you again.”



  1. Well I’ll just copy& paste what I said last night by way of response to jo bo calling me “ridiculous”:

    “The role of local minions re executing any Grand Plan is absolutely critical.
    That’s always the battlefront; there really isn’t any other place that anyone can make a difference.
    The nitty gritty combat is always with brain-dead faceless nobodies who don’t aspire to anything beyond securing a stable wage for as little work as possible.
    Which means that getting the upper hand is as simple as maximising their blood-pressure”

    it’s also like getting the better of an agro dog
    The moment you exhibit fear you’re done”

    • But so far as I’m concerned the real issue of the hour is the Rumble-dependency re an issue that any fool could figure out for his/her self

      • How is it not ridiculous, you wrote “So how, exactly, will the transfer of sovereign power from national bureaucracies to WHO kingpins make a toot of difference to anyone other than the extant non-elected mob?”
        And the answer is “accountability”

        • When are you going to wake up to the fact that there’s no such thing as accountability ?
          Judges and magistrates aren’t accountable to anyone
          And as I’ve said before,, there’s no system for holding elected members answerable to anything due to the fact that when you formally raise any matter of concern the respective letter automatically gets forwarded on to the head of the offending Department, i.e. the person who writes up the response.

          • If I was writing what you just posted I would have said there is not enough accountability, not “no accountability”.
            “When are you going to wake up to the fact that” people are trying to change the current situation, first by circulating the information when other channels are just doing car crashes and sports instead of news. The apathy of the do-nothing crowd who believe in God and Qanon and whatever, as commenter Aussiemal said the other day … (blank) … and as DdV posted in a video, many jews gave up on God after the Holocaust. I was listening to another thing about the Phoenicians and Carthage, that they used to do blood sacrifice of the first born to Ba’al, because by their calculation life was bad so their god was evil and needed to be appeased by feeding it the most precious thing they had.
            So it all comes down to perspective based on some sort of construct the individual ends up with. If you’re burned out and want to be fatalistic that might be what suits you, if you want to believe God and Qanon will fix everything, who knows maybe they will but the record is not that great.

          • Here it is if you’re interested, it only goes for about ten minutes then the rest is about fossils and DNA

          • Why post a rabid personal attack as a “reply” to my comment when it has no hearing on it whatsoever ?
            If you know of an instance in which an Aus Judge magistrate or elected member has been held to account you should simply supply the when-where & how details.

            An articulate repudiation of my other remarks would also be welcome
            The argument that “people are trying to change the current situation” just proves the veracity thereof.

          • First you said I need to wake up and now you say I’m rabid, which one is it, why don’t you go and have a cup of tea

          • I shouldn’t have to remind anyone that repudiating a rabid attack is NOT the same as calling some one “rabid“

            It’s a matter of note that the 3 initiating comments remain unchallenged, quote:

            “The role of local minions re executing any Grand Plan is absolutely critical.
            That’s always the battlefront; there really isn’t any other place that anyone can make a difference.”

            “The nitty gritty combat is always with brain-dead faceless nobodies who don’t aspire to anything beyond securing a stable wage for as little work as possible.
            Which means that getting the upper hand is as simple as maximising their blood-pressure”

            “it’s also like getting the better of an agro dog.The moment you exhibit fear you’re done”

            Gratuitous remarks(“why don’t you go and have a cup of tea”) don’t exactly cut it

          • I did tell you @ the 3rd comment from the top and you have been so lustful for argument you have unfortunately become befuddled

  2. Rep. Thomas Massie Exposes Taxpayer-Funded “Transgenic Edible Vaccines”

    Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) recently made a startling discovery that should worry all American citizens: the U.S. government is funding research into something called “transgenic edible vaccines,” which could have come straight out of a science fiction novel. This alarming issue is happening right before our eyes and needs to be addressed immediately…………….”


  3. Kevin McCarthy has just got voted out as speaker. of the House. (US) 
    Woman, they have no Spaker.

    should I try for it again?

  4. Quite the bunch of “I know nuffink” councillors to judge by the three that spoke, but I wonder what the others would have said if they were brave enough. Perhaps they have some Swabians amongst them. In any case what happens in local councils in Canada need not slow down progress elsewhere, for example, a referendum could be set up to change the constitution, somewhere else on the other side of the world, and everywhere, used-up politicians are collecting their new careers, holding out the same promise to fresh, willing career puppets.
    McCarthy did his best no doubt to walk the fine line, I wonder what his future rewards will be. Good doggie gets a treat.

  5. “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way”. – Franklin D. Roosevelt

  6. https://www.who.int/images/default-source/fallback/header-logos/h-logo-blue.svg


    PROTOCOL No. 3

    To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.

    Henry Makow – “You Knew I was a Snake”

    We allowed a satanic cult, Freemasonry, affiliated with the banking cartel to infiltrate every social institution. “We corrupt in order to control (and destroy)” is their motto.

    “You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in…”

    We allowed this corruption to spread to all the institutions necessary for the preservation and healthy development of society: government, the mass media, education, church, justice system, military, police.


    The Pope as with the Judaists wears a Yarmulke.

  7. WEF Confession: Water Crisis Will Succeed in Establishing a World Government Where COVID and Climate Change Failed

    Efforts to vaccinate everyone on the planet have failed and “climate change” is “too abstract” for people to understand, but the looming water crisis is something everyone can relate to, according to World Economic Fellow Mariana Mazzucato Forum.

    During her speech in Davos, Mazzucato essentially implied that since the WEF had failed to control humanity with their Covid ‘scamdemic’ or climate ‘hoax’ narrative, it will now turn to water as a means to its world government agenda………………


    • They already do spraying in Thailand, they fill the open drains and gutters with pesticide-smoke and the whole street is full of smoke, in Thailand they are not spraying a “virus”, they are spraying the mosquitoes, which is what West Nile Virus is, Bill Gates has been trying to mRNA the mosquitoes and has reportedly unloosed lots of mosquitoes around Florida and Georgia, I think he may have admitted to doing it, “Get used to being sprayed”, “You’re not only eating bugs, you are bugs” Chlorine Dioxide for Marlberg Virus

  8. WATCH: How American Imperialism Works [in 5 Minutes]

    Wrong Kind of Green Mar 22, 2023 Whiteness & Aversive Racism

    h ttps://www.wrongkindofgreen.org/2023/03/22/watch-how-american-imperialism-works-in-5-minutes/

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