by Joachiim Hagopian
The planetary controllers are using their climate change minions as excuse to double down on their endgame lies, in the same way they use the World Health Organization to usurp national sovereignty. Diabolical climate engineering controllers have for decades been engaging in man-made weather warfare, terraforming the earth to deliberately induce this week’s big headline claiming July is the hottest month on record. This helps more enforcement policies and legislation intended to drastically reduce the global CO2 output, as if carbon is to blame. CO2 is the plant food that helps make our planet green; it is critical to plant survival, which in turn is critical to sustaining all animal and human life.
Termites are known to emit significant amounts of both carbon dioxide as well as methane, two major greenhouse gases. In fact, termites produce more carbon dioxide than the total amount of coal burning plants worldwide. So, this notion of blaming human generated CO2 as rationalization for the climate change catastrophe is preposterous. Remember former Vice President globalist Al Gore’s alarmist 2006 prediction that global warming would cause rising sea levels, putting US coastline cities underwater by 2016?
The so-called renewable green energy like wind and solar power and the purportedly far more environmentally friendlier electric vehicles all are dependent on fossil fuel energy.
The same evil forces behind the COVID pandemic scam and the bio-weapon vaccines, now shown to trigger 74% of post-vaccine deaths in the US, are also behind this false “clean” burning notion of the green energy agenda as well as the normalized pedophilia scourge push.
All of these crimes attempt to hide the elites’ #1 priority to depopulate the planet killing billions of us by at least a 90% reduction. The race to world war is just one more depopulation method the ruling elite is persistently promoting. The simultaneous collapsing economy, enormous food shortages, price increases, unprecedented homelessness and breakdown of civil society as consequences of this Satanic dark agenda are all deliberately created to depopulate our planet.
A July 20th LA Times headline ominously warns, “Would an occasional blackout help solve climate change?”, This latest predictive programming headline is simply priming and conditioning Americans to brace for increasing major blackouts and ominous power grid failures coming to a neighborhood near you. Implicitly embedded in the elites’ climate change meme is that it’s all your fault.
Another sneaky, subtle gesture in recent use across the world now is the ultra-bright blazing red color scheme on weather maps conveying scorching red-hot temperatures accentuating this all-important climate change crisis.
On Sunday July 30th, interviewed on 60 Minutes Australia, when US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was asked which is the greater threat to humanity, climate change or nuclear war, right on cue the globalist puppet who’s busily plunging us into nuclear war with Russia answered:
Well, you can’t, I think, have a hierarchy. There are some things that are front and center…including potential conflict, but there’s no doubt that climate represents an existential challenge to all of us.
The same bloodline controllers both own and control the central banking system that finances all wars, pandemics, worldwide health industry, and mass media propaganda, always pointing to their same blame game scenario – humanity’s “fossil-fuel consumption” driving our colossal carbon footprint across the globe as the main driver of climate change. This is a boldface lie.
On Thursday July 27th, Time featured its “Climate Change is Changing How We Dream” and The New Republic offered “What Climate Change Is Doing to Our Sex Lives.” Everything today is pre-scripted, highly choreographed, signed, sealed and delivered propaganda from the powers-that-be.
Today censorship increasingly imposes stricter control over information and news outflow, with AI logarithms withholding the truth from public dissemination that counters all the MSM propaganda lies and climate change hoax. This climate change hoax provides the flimsy cover for banning use of fossil fuels, deliberately intended to cause deadly food and fuel shortages worldwide.
The West’s nonstop aggression that forced Putin’s 2022 Ukraine intervention, hyped as an unprovoked invasion, and Moscow’s most recent grain deal pullout are misused as propaganda war weapons accusing the demonized Russian leader of intentionally starving millions in our food scarcity world.
Dumbing down the global population through decades of toxifying environmental degradation, fluorides poisoning the public water supply and 24/7 mass mind control has allowed them to continue getting away with mass murder with complete impunity. The cumulative ripple effects, with covert geoengineering with aircraft aerosol sprayed chemtrails of heavy toxic metals and nanoparticles for decades into our lungs, all carry severe health consequences for all life forms inhabiting the natural world.
With coral and plankton populations in our oceans fast dying off, a decimated insect population as a vital food chain source for many animals, all directly, cumulatively are leading to irreversible mass extinction among hundreds of plant and animal species on a daily basis, is nothing less than premeditated ecocide collapse.. Unless we wake up and fight back for our very survival, it’ll be too late for us homo sapiens.
Dane Wigington of geoengineering.org has been warning us for two decades of the coming global disaster at our doorstep. From this week’s July 29th report:
‘Earth is at catastrophic risk of collapse by 2025,’ even mainstream sources are now admitting to what is becoming all but impossible to hide or deny. Over a dozen countries are enduring catastrophic wildfires, primary heat distributing ocean currents are shutting down and the ozone layer is collapsing.”
The brainwashing continues with nonstop behind-the-scene covert manipulation attempting to link everything happening on earth now to humans’ fossil fuel addiction and gluttonous “unnatural” vices perpetrated by you and me as the “spreading cancer” of our gigantic carbon footprint. The lies are presented to us as our guilt-tripping massive psyops
This week’s biggest globalist hurrah was UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres proclaiming this month of July to be the hottest month in all of recorded history, bellowing:
The era of global warming has ended. The era of global boiling has arrived. The air is unbreathable, the heat is unbearable, and the level of fossil-fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable.
Guterres also cited the pure hyped odious nonsense of director Carlo Buontempo of the globalist EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service:
Humanity is in the hot seat. For scientists, it is unequivocal: Humans are to blame. All this is entirely consistent with predictions and repeated warnings. The only surprise is the speed of the change. Extreme weather, which has affected many millions of people in July, is unfortunately the harsh reality of climate change and a foretaste of the future.
Before succumbing to all this hysterically hyped fraud, there’s never been a scientific consensus endorsing either global warming or climate change. Many science researchers have been exposing these globalist lies for a number of years now, though if you only get your news from the Mockingbird media, you’d never know it. Anthony Watts, a veteran meteorologist from the Heartland Institute, recently released an exhaustive study examining weather and climate data around the globe, specifically inspecting meteorological equipment and historical weather data. His research concludes that North America’s so-called wildfires are nothing new and have nothing to do with climate change, noting that all the 21st century fires are actually fewer than in the past:
As wildfires become less frequent, it is nonsensical to blame the few wildfires that remain on climate change… Peer-reviewed studies and verified satellite observations show beyond a shadow of a doubt that wildfires have become less frequent and less severe as the Earth modestly warms. The likely reason is the measured increase in evaporation from the world’s oceans, which has resulted in more frequent global precipitation.
Dr Watts determined that the vast majority of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) thermometers on the planet are improperly installed and maintained, leading to the recording of artificially inflated higher temps. The Watts study found that 96% of US temperature stations measuring climate change fail to meet NOAA’s own acceptable and uncorrupted standards.
The problem arises from effects of urbanization when thermometers are placed too close to asphalt, machinery, buildings and other heat-producing, heat-trapping and heat-accentuating objects.
NOAA has been repeatedly caught red-handed changing the data to fudge the numbers, intentionally committing fraud by lowering the data’s past temperatures and arbitrarily raising them in recent years to fit the global warming/CO2 bogus hypothesis. Last century saw decades that were hotter than average and decades that were cooler on average, rendering any significant trend one way or the other virtually negligible.
As far back as February 2018, Breitbart confronted NOAA with “cooking the books”:
Some outlets like The Conversation back in September 2014, were so cocksure their calculations were emphatically correct, it boasted a 99.999% “proof” that global warming temperatures were caused by the human activity releasing harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Even as recent as late October 2021, this same publication insisted it stood by its 99+% “proof.”
There was a rush to judgment against any supposed 3% of scientists and public unwilling to jump on this false bandwagon, were quickly dubbed “climate change deniers.”
The original 2013 paper published in Environmental Research Letters first claiming the 97% consensus backing the “global warming” hypothesis has been completely debunked over this last decade.
The bottom-line, the corrupt, bought and paid for research grant system as practiced in the US, both funds and drives the university and corporate scientific community. Therefore, it’s compelled to forego following true science in favor of caving in to political and financial pressures.
Likewise, since the so-called scientific agency NOAA is part of the US Commerce Department, similar to NASA as another federally funded US agency, both have been caught repeatedly attempting to deceive the public by following strict orders of an unaccounted-for elite.
Call it paradoxical irony or purely false propaganda, geoengineering has been promoted by mainstream media to mitigate and reduce the negative effects of climate change and global warming. From a January 2022 article in Live Science:
Geoengineering is the term used to describe the manipulation of weather to combat the effects of global warming, according to the Oxford Geoengineering Programme.
This Oxford University pro-geoengineering think tank is obviously an elitist propaganda creation. Oxford’s US equivalent, Harvard University has a website called “Science in the News” putting out the same falsehood also in January 2022 with “Reversing Climate Change with Geoengineering.”
Also from January 2022, here’s another factor hidden in plain sight for consideration, the massive Tonga underwater volcano. From the August 2022 NASA website comes the headline “Tonga Eruption Blasts Unprecedented Amount of Water into Stratosphere:
When the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted on Jan. 15, it sent a tsunami racing around the world and set off a sonic boom that circled the globe twice.
This massive blast, located about 37 miles northwest of the island of Tongatapu, is the biggest eruption in modern history, occurring 490 feet below water surface, fortunately with no fatalities.
The powers-that-be invariably lie to blame humans for causing the rising level of planetary pollution as their fraudulent reason for climate change, to both justify and obscure their draconian genocidal policies.
Again, many scientists who take into account the bigger picture, know full well that the always changing dynamics of mother nature unfold organically in cyclical patterns over many centuries, and what we’re most likely seeing today is no different. Thus, today’s climate has virtually nothing to do with man’s so-called carbon footprint or farmers’ cattle flatulating deadly amounts of methane gas.
But human survival and preservation of our planet is no laughing matter but the challenge of our lifetime. Are we willing to fight for survival or are we to simply roll over and die? We can no longer stay on the fence, but must make the choice for life and be willing to stand up and fight for it. If we come together as a unified front, we increase our million to one odds against our desperate enemy.
Good on you Jo,
There really is an awakening, we have the echo chamber issue of course and the lead thumbnail. (don’t shoot cows with a shotgun-unless barrel to head and a solid load).
Solid bro, good on you, I can see you hitting targets
Agree Simon. A great article-yes “planetary controllers” and courageous truth tellers.
“But human survival and preservation of our planet is no laughing matter but the challenge of our lifetime. Are we willing to fight for survival or are we to simply roll over and die? We can no longer stay on the fence, but must make the choice for life and be willing to stand up and fight for it. If we come together as a unified front, we increase our million to one odds against our desperate enemy.”
I share this—aarrgghh maybe seen as off topic by most –but not for me.
I honour a courageous truth teller.
I met this man in 2016 in Canberra- and have been entwined -yes woven into the fabric of his world ever since–His funeral is on the 12th of August. His story needs to be told . His story needs to be heard.
(1 of 2) Dean Morgan: Persecution-2: Forced Closure of Oombulgurri Homeland
Around 10 minutes and 19 minutes suggested for those with time limits.
Thank you to all.
This will make you laugh –
The poor Greens senator has his wires so badly crossed, he means well but the brainwashing has been so bad he conflates environment degradation with the Globalist “Global Warming” agenda. If only he knew, Globalists such as Rockerfellas are pushing out petrochemical novelty and junk as fast as they possibly can in terms of packaging, building, clothing and nonsensical pharmaceutical products. These same Globalists control the Greens party, as we have seen, Senator Hanson-Young is one of them, a graduate of the Klaus Swab school. Greens really do need to go back to school but not that school.
Meanwhile Matt Canavan has an eye to populism now, having seen his compatriot Gerard Rennick skewered by the nasties in his party, Canavan is now incentivated to go head on into the CO2 narrative, at the same time corralling the baser instincts of his rural supporters calling for the death penalty for weirdo perverts like the one recently charged with violating 91 girls aged under 10 in his chldcare premises. Well the cops were wondrously ignorant too. A high-speed electric guillotine may be required here.
Poor Sen Canavan is to blame for global boiling. Please tell him to turn off the gas stove.
If you think this idiot is a ‘space cadet’, just think how many idiots had to vote for him to be in Parliament. – That’s scary, but I think I’ve detected a really neat solution to getting rid of that many idiots.
Here’s something I’ve noticed. If you ask someone that believes in ‘global warming/climate change’ whether they took the ‘jab’, so far EVERYONE I’ve asked has said ‘yes’. Go ahead, try it!
It appears that it is part of their overall psychological make up. The same people that were manipulated by MSM fear campaigns over climate change, fell for for the fear campaign over Covid. – It is who/what they are, irrational, hysterical bed wetters.
Thus, if everything goes to plan, the idiots should be removed from the gene pool within a few years.
Problem with that conclusion is that free-will decisions aren’t determined by our genetic make-up
“It appears that it is part of their overall psychological make up.”
“if everything goes to plan, the idiots should be removed from the gene pool within a few years.”
“the idiots should be removed from the gene pool within a few years.”
and then ?
Good one Terry right on the money
The value of the “climate change” narrative and the fallout thereof is just one of many illustrations of what happens when science is superseded by superstition. It really isn’t anything more than an offshoot of the belief that the planet is “billions of years old” and that our ancestors were apes:
I don’t mean to be melodramatic
” “Planet of the Apes” was based on French author Pierre Boulle’s 1963 novel “La Planète des singes”. Boulle wrote the novel in six months after the “humanlike expressions” of gorillas at the zoo inspired him to contemplate the relationship between man and ape. It is one of several of Boulle’s works that use science fiction tropes and plot devices to comment on the failings of human nature and mankind’s overreliance on technology, though Boulle rejected the science fiction label, instead terming his genre “social fantasy” ”
I still think Orwell’s “Animal Farm” rules
As all such superstition is innately appealing to the human proclivity towards escaping certain uncomfortable truths that’s how it takes root: that’s the disease. The political exploitation thereof is a mere side effect.
The “geo-engineering” credo is just another sect of the same dead-end religion
David Berlinski at 2:22 min: “It gets on everyone’s nerves after a while”
No shit Sherlock!
John Kerry’s daughter Dr Vanessa Kerry appointed as WHO Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health.
The “geo-engineering” credo is just another sect of the “global warming” religion
Unfortunately the proponents aren’t prepared to look at the fact that blaming a small group of people for every fire, flood & earthquake is principally identical to attributing natural weather changes to the lifestyle of a larger group: both sects are divorced from the real world
Both groups are set on controlling each other; both have created a fantasy as a means of justification
Both are the progeny of the one Spirit;entertaining the one just feeds the other
Australian front page fallout
“If anyone is prosecuted, presumably it will be a Nuremberg kind of scenario, where a relative few take the hit, while the rest get paper-clipped off to better positions and the safety of obscurity.
Whatever happens, I think Mathew Crawford was right when he said, ‘Stop Saying Nuremberg 2.0’. I don’t think we want that.”
Sandra, thanks for both the links you sent today. One is Wow, and the other is Wow wow.
The word “genocide” means “killing of a RACE/KIND”:
The current ww governmental disconnect from the real world re farming practices couldn’t be construed like so by any stretch of the imagination: inflammatory mantras have never been known to free anyone from anything
What doesn’t appear to be getting any attention is that farming in Australia and New-Zealand was specifically established as a means of supplying Great Britain, it was never based on fostering internal sustainability. The big producers have always been reliant on political patronisation in some form or other
David DuByne-Latest
Nice chart at the front, Globalists will have their own version worked out which they use as a timetable, probably with an alternative ending
They get going after about 25:00 of preambles about food prepping etc.
Mentioned Ice Age Farmer without disclosure of where IAF might be, I guess he just went off grid.
Problem is the book of Revelation doesn’t say anything about any of the 7 judgments being re-sealed via prepping:
Three Sets of Seven Divine Judgments ( 6:1–16:21 )
a. The Seven Seals ( 6:1–8:5 )
i. The First Seal: The White Horse ( 6:1–2 )
ii. The Second Seal: War ( 6:3–4 )
iii. The Third Seal: Famine ( 6:5–6 )
iv. The Fourth Seal: Death ( 6:7–8 )
v. The Fifth Seal: The Martyrs ( 6:9–11 )
vi. The Sixth Seal: Terror ( 6:12–17 )
vii. 144,000 Sealed ( 7:1–8 )
viii. Praise from the Great Multitude ( 7:9–17 )
ix. The Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven ( 8:1–5 )
The entire thrust of the New Testament is about proclaiming salvation via ENDURANCE, there’s no focus on self-preservation whatsoever. The 1st century church was, in fact, marred by the execution of Stephen, Peter. Andrew, Paul. Thaddeus, the 3 James, Matthew, Thomas, Bartholomew and Philip and Revelation was written by John whilst he was in solitary confinement
Oz is a corporation with movie stars on all bases loaded, yet we still think we can change their system set in concrete. Everyone worldwide faces the same problem, absolute organised crime in suits enforcing a global eugenics genocide program. Tragically, many good people simply don’t get this is mass murder.
5G is only going to increase their power, making living in cities giant microwave ovens. These smart bs weapons have entrenched the worst tyranny in history.
Chemtrails sprayed down affect every living thing, simply if environment dies we die. Without any doubt this place is run by psychopaths on ‘chrome juice.
The weapons are being installed in every home, all connected to Gore Hill central DC metaverse datahell. The proof, every time we use iPhone, whatever interests magically pops up!
5G is apocalypse as beast system becomes more and more invasive with jabber sorcery. This the not so great replacement of people by artificial insanity at the hidden hands of most evol deceivers of all times. Krown kabal komunizm on steroids in neighbourhoods globally.
I’m waiting for the Chinese to photograph the moon to se if the dune buggies are still their ?
Corporations Control Our Governments: Here’s How | Aaron Bastani meets Matt Kennard | Downstream
I just watched the poofy weatherguy on ABC-TV saying there is heavy weather and strong winds and rain bashing Western Australia and a map of a big cloud going over Perth but looking out the window the weather is very pleasant.
As well they are saying in England summer is completely washed out while a few days before the earth was boiling. The problem must be mad Globalist dictators ringing up all the time telling people to say stupid things, people like the chief puppet of the UN as well as producers and executive types at the ABC.
The Globalists are trying to wreck farms and they use their puppets, like new premier and former health minister Roger Cook, to do their dirty work. Cook is a sellout to the voting public, he wants to wrap farming activities in “black tape”, following on from green tape, red tape etc. This guy Cook is basically the working against the interest of Western Australia. He is trying to use aborigines as a wedge and if there is any backlash he will throw them under the bus. This guy Cook is a clear-cut globalist minion and you can tell by his career path, jumped out of the Health Ministry after everything was set up, and into the Deputy Premier role, poised to take over.
Where do they get their training outside of Klaus Swab’s YGL programme ? Would be interesting to know where he got his induction and ongoing training, as well as his directives. Closing down farms is a clear Globalist indicator and he has gone hard from day one. This guy is an infiltraitor, there is virtually no room left for doubt.