by Dee McLachlan
I apologise to our regular readers that our articles have had a concentration of Family Court issues lately. But no other outlet in Australia is willing to expose what is happening, so I see no option but to continue. It seems Australia is suffering a crisis of DEAFNESS and BLINDNESS right now. I have no other word for it — I’m sickened by the responses and also the lack of response, by those in authority.
Have we, as a nation, lost our altruistic traits? Is everybody spineless?
I will be reporting the findings of the SURVEY over the next two weeks, but the present article contains a letter to Commander Justine Gough (below).
Response From AFP Media Unit
About ten days ago I wrote to the Australian Federal Police media Unit, and to Sergeant Darryl Williamson, Team Leader, Response and Crime Operations. I asked Team Leader Williamson if “the AFP investigated the claims of the protective parents in the cases of the so-called ‘child-stealers?” Williamson referred me back to the AFP Media Unit. I did get an email from back from Nathan in the Media Unit, in which he wrote:
- As Commander Justine Gough stated in a media conference on 18 October 2018, “In the cases we have looked into, where there have been allegations of sexual abuse made… those have been investigated by the appropriate authorities, and those allegations have not been substantiated.” The AFP investigation into this matter commenced as a result of two missing children and a Recovery Order which was issued by the Family Court of Australia. Any complaints regarding the conduct of the Court should be referred in writing to the respective Chief Justice.
I was also refused any opportunity to interview a member of the Operation Noetic team,
- As matters are currently before the courts, this will not be possible.

Commander Justine Gough
I am sure Commander Gough, who gave the media conference, has NEVER seen the Protective Parent’s documentation which outlines the “allegations of sexual abuse” in the case of the two missing children.
No honourable officer, or any person with an ounce of humanity, could have said what Gough had said, IF they had looked over the evidence.
I have to believe Commander Gough was relying on the word of the “appropriate authorities” — and had NOT seen the reports from the Experts that detailed the sexual abuse that had occurred. I have seen it and it is indisputable.
Possibly, the AFP were out to lunch when the evidence was put on someone’s desk. Maybe it was never presented to the team members of Operation Noetic.
So, importantly, who are the appropriate authorities?
As no one will answer my questions, I will have to speculate.
From what I am learning from the initial results of the Gumshoe survey, I have to assume that certain persons of the police, the court and other protective services, disregarded and DESTROYED evidence. It is most likely that experts, doctors or family were never allowed to speak on behalf of the abused children — and this resulted in the protective mother and her children being denied a fair and lawful process.
I guess it is highly likely that the “appropriate authorities” that sent the AFP on their arresting rampage, most likely broke the law by being complicit in, and cooperating with the perpetrator. They probably failed to disclose all the relevant documentation to the AFP.
A few honourable people did help these children — and accomplished what the prime minister recently promised, that as a society we would listen, believe and act, “…to keep children safe...”
One of the persons is Dr Russell Pridgeon. Another is Patrick O’Dea.
But the AFP arrested them, and have, as a result, destroyed the doctor’s career. Truly shameful that those who try help — are the ones now facing a possible jail sentence.
The Open Letter
Dear Ms Gough,
I was brought up in the Apartheid-Regime-Police-State that South Africa used to be. I have been in a war zone; been held at gun point; lived on four continents; served in the South African forces; researched sex trafficking in Melbourne for my movie (The Jammed)… but none of this prepared me for what I have learned in the last 2 months. The accounts of injustice and suffering are unimaginable.
For decades the children being abused by institutions were NOT believed. And now the cycle is being repeated. In fact one psychiatrist claimed 90% of children’s disclosures were LIES (quote from an ABC interview) — and he admitted that he was the “court expert” in about 2000 cases. This goes AGAINST everything the prime minister said in his recent apology:
“…we can promise a country where we commit to hear and believe our children, to work together to keep children safe...”
I can only say, from what I have now observed, that the decisions of the Family Court and their experts have damaged families on an INDUSTRIAL SCALE.
WHEN (not IF) this finally surfaces, it will make the recent Royal Commission seem like the hors d’oeuvre.
The recent “chasing down” and arresting some Nannas and Granddads was extraordinary. The resources used to “capture” the “child-stealers” (mainstream media’s adaption of “abductors” and “syndicate”) is shocking.
I wonder why so many officers were dispatched to arrest Dr Pridgeon? He had disclosed that he was assisting these children to many Ministers and to members of authority. Surely a simple call, and he would have walked into a police station. This appears to be stage theatre for the media by the orchestrators of the operation.
Were you made aware that Dr Pridgeon had written to Hon Dianne Farmer, Minister of Child Safety, COUNTLESS times — pleading for her to help? In his correspondence he wrote: “I am one of many people who sheltered and protected them [the two children], in the four years that they were free of ongoing abuse…. This was one of the greatest privileges of my life to be able to help these children escape the horrific abuse inflicted upon them by fiends.”
Who are the fiends he refers to?
They should be easy to find. Firstly, look at everyone who tried to send the AFP on this “vigilante hunt” in the first place.
And if the “appropriate authorities” have not provided you with the “allegations of sexual abuse made”, I can easily arrange for the multitude of parties involved to forward you all the evidence you would need. You would then learn for yourself that many “fiends” have been complicit in the covering up of pedophilia — and wrongly acted against the children, and those trying to protect them.
Dee McLachlan
This letter, published in the Dailyexaminer.com.au on 16 November, 2018, sums up the situation.
PS: Justine, please watch THE KEEPERS on Netflix. Excellent viewing.
Reporting anything to the A.F.P. is a total waste of time, as the evidence has already verified beyond a shadow of doubt, that the A.F.P. is compromised from within. That’s why evidence disappears so often and easily, allowing Commanders to simply state, TRUTHFULLY, they have never seen or heard of such evidence or reports.
Thanks Eddy. Would someone please do this research for us:
What are the standards for admission to the AFP?
What training do they go through at the Academy?
Is any of the training done overseas?
“The AFP were out to lunch.”
I have had the experience whereby, when I forwarded information to the then Governor General, information regarding the Port Arthur Massacre my computer had three attempted virus attacks, from the AFP and when they realised that they had used their proper address on one of the emails, they then, twice crashed my computer.
Of course when I demanded that they themselves investigate my complaint and I demanded that the Australian Crime Commission also investigate this crime, I received no acknowledgement from either. I have proof of this happening and both know I have proof.
This is one of the criminal organisations that we taxpayers financially support. There are numerous criminal groups working on behalf of governments or politicians in Australia, at taxpayers’ expense.
Mal, the other morning — I was working on my desktop and looked across my laptop on the other side of the desk. My emails were open and someone was remotely flicking through them. The mouse (not a wireless mouse) was dormant. There was an error message on the screen — but I haven’t yet seen that in all my decades emailing. (I believe Terry had a similar experience in the 90s).
Not exactly, I was having an email exchange with Joanne Eisen in the U.S. (on gun control) and the spooks intercepted the emails in real time and edited them. The bloke was critiquing each paragraph of my previous email. I asked Joanne if she was doing it (I didn’t think so, but sent it back to her to confirm). She went off her rocker that not only were we being monitored, but the email messages were being altered.
It was just one episode of what was going on in my life at the time.
The crazy thing was, if I told any of the dumbed-down masses that the spooks were monitoring all electronic communications, they would call you a ‘conspiracy theorist’. At least now (20+ years later) people have awakened to the fact that all their communications are not only being monitored, but are being stored someplace for future use.
I love revving up those kind of people – “hey, remember that dirty phone call you made last month? The spooks have got a copy and are sending it around!”
Front page of the SMH in the 1980’s, during the “Trimbole’ period reported the bugging of a whole floor of barrister’s phone connections. (switch and private lines no doubt?)
Just imagine the amount of ‘privileged’ information was collected!!! Clients, solicitors et.al.
Do the naïve think they do not do the same to journos and pollies?
Clearly the government spooks know every paedophile in the community that is ripe for covert blackmail.
There are heaps of world reports that the agencies even accommodate the sick practises to promote persons into positions for their fascist agendas with the use of blackmail.
In the e-mail age the mountain of information easily collected does not even need a intercept line.
It is getting worse with CIA facebook, computerised spying Teddy bears, toys and even Samsung TVs.
Now they are giving us y Health Care” on line medical records.
Even in the 1970’s a doctor told me that every patient’s scrip is on record……………the government audits the doctors on the scrips they are issuing. IF you have VD, just pay cash Mr Smith!! No records!!
Just search how the Nazis found all the Jews………….IBM!!
Search it: One result I obtained:
The government should only have records on medical matters for those who ‘OPT IN’ to have there details stored and likely hacked.
Awaken idiot family and friends with this reality.
Re: My Health Record…
My medical records, along with others in my area were uploaded to My Health Record without our knowledge & approval several years ago illegally. This only came to my attention when the government started to promote MHR recently, advising that people whose records had been uploaded in a ‘trial’ could ‘opt out’…..
I’ve since tried to opt out in every way possible (including online many times & many phone calls holding on for up to two hours) without any success & the supervisor on the end of the phone to whom I finally spoke admitted that they were unable to remove my name & records! So unfortunately I’m one of those whose records are on file forever….
Luckily my visits to health professionals are & have always been few & far between so I doubt that my records would be of interest to anyone other than private health insurers.
Sadly I believe the next step for the people will be implanted microchips (if that is not happening already at birth)…..
PS: I would hope everyone here uses a VPN on their computers & phones (which hides their IP address) & I would also suggest that you use ProtonMail.com for your emails (a free encrypted email service).
Absoluetly spot on, Ned. EVERYTHING electronic today is BUGGED, no if’s or buts about it. Once you bring yourself to the authorities attention, they will focus their spying abilities on you 100% to dig up dirt or anything that can be used against you, then the threats come, to bring you in line. Ignore them, and the A.F.P. will come calling. Talk about the GESTAPO, they’d be jealous with envy to see what’s going on today. People are totally oblivious to all this, and compromise themselves so easily on the technology today. Amazing.
“Dr Russell Pridgeon is a living saint.
He stepped up to the plate and did what was right, at great personal cost. Some years ago, Advocate Fred Briggs, Australia’s erstwhile champion against paedophilia (Google her!) asked him, as a man and as a Doctor, to do the right thing. He obeyed her. After working for 38 years as a Doctor, Russell now has nothing left. He has spent it all trying to save people he hardly knew, simply because he could stand by and watch no longer. And now, while he awaits trial, his licence to practice medicine has been taken away from him by the New South Wales Medical Council! He has no income to sustain himself, or pay for his legal representation.
Russell helped stop a man from continuing to rape two little girls, not yet 10 years old, by helping their mother to hide them for 4 years. The father and others had been raping these kids for SEVEN years. Their genitalia were torn by these brutal assaults. These facts rest in the carefully hidden records of the Family Court of Australia.
When the mother had exhausted the “normal” channels, the Family Court having recently made the rapist the sole custodial parent, she did the only thing she could do to protect them from their ongoing terror….she took her kids and ran. And Russell helped her. THIS was his crime!
In WHAT CIVILISED COUNTRY could this even BE a crime, the crime for which he is now being so unjustly punished? And WHAT aberration of the law has allowed this to happen in the first place? How can the Australian Authorities explain their draconian actions, when they KNOW the facts of this case?
Surely ANYONE who knows the facts must understand that his “crime” was simply an act of mercy, made by someone prepared to sacrifice his entire life for the safety of others?
Gumshoe News is right: Russell deserves Australia’s most significant civilian medal for bravery, not this degradation, the removal of his right to work, or any of the many other horrible acts visited upon him by the AFP and the Australian Justice System.
So. Wake up Australia, and do your best to help this man – by persuading your Government to set right this and other terrible wrongs. Your Prime Minister recently apologized to Australla’s many, many paedophile victims. Help Mr Morrison to make good his declared intentions.
The law must be changed, but first PLEASE use your Australian’s great sense of duty to force your Government to do the right thing, by releasing Dr Pridgeon and his co-helpers from punishment. Stand up for the brave people who helped save the twins from their ongoing horror. Let your Ministries hear EXACTLY what you think. The press releases, generated by false and intentionally misleading information given to journalists, have very effectively stopped all of you from knowing what has happened here.
The hearing for this case is set down for the 7th of December. Let the Australian authorities know that they should pardon and perhaps even reward this man, for his exceptional bravery and sense of civic duty. And give him his life back. This Australian citizen needs his fellow citizens to act for him. Use your voice NOW. Make it very loud.
Duty of person who has care of child
286 Duty of person who has care of child
(1) It is the duty of every person who has care of a child under 16 years to—
(a) provide the necessaries of life for the child; and
(b) take the precautions that are reasonable in all the circumstances to avoid danger to the child’s life, health or safety; and
(c) take the action that is reasonable in all the circumstances to remove the child from any such danger;
and he or she is held to have caused any consequences that result to the life and health of the child because of any omission to perform that duty, whether the child is helpless or not.
(2) In this section—
“person who has care of a child” includes a parent, foster parent, step parent, guardian or other adult in charge of the child, whether or not the person has lawful custody of the child.
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Goody, goody, goody, Mish. Beautiful law!
That sec 286 is for Queensland (and is in force today). Anything like that for NSW or SA?
Dear Doctor John, you should read the book by Dee McLachlan and myself, “Port Arthur: Enough Is Enough” to see the extent to which “the authorities” will go to imprison an innocent person.
You ask: “How can the Australian Authorities explain their draconian actions, when they KNOW the facts of this case?” Answer: they explain it with gobbledeegook.
I think any feat of squelching the truth can be achieved by a sufficient deployment of gobbledeegook. Did you read the article I published in America about your brother?
It is called “Australian Policewoman Gets Caught Blooching for Pedophiles” [not referring to Commander Justine]
But you are right to say only a big turnout of opposition from the public will do the trick. Last week I compiled a list of efforts people have made to help two prisoners, and the bottom line is: “no joy.” But the public’s efforts were way too meager.
Russell’s case has a main feature in common with those two prisoners (Martin Bryant and Jahar Tsarnaev). Namely, the crimes for which the accused are being punished are really crimes committed by the authorities.
I think we should stop using the word “authorities” when referring to criminals in the FBI or AFP. Can anyone please offer a substitute word? In my book “Prosecution for Treason,” I say such persons are impostors. They are not carrying out the work listed in their job description, so they ain’t authorities.
Big turnout today please – at Parliament House, Sydney. It is not specifically for Dr Pridgeon but it will help him. You can carry, or wear, an A4 sign “Pridgeon and O’Dea.” Easy.
Do it while you can, cuz our days are numbered….. The subject matter is legislation that will be Sayonara for protective parents. Bring toothbrush for prison in case you get nabbed.
November 20, at 3.30pm. Special prize for any doctor or nurse who shows up.
There is no mistake being made.
In Newcastle Family Court, if the children are being sexually abused, they will be given to the abuser.
Solicitors advise mothers not to mention it.
This happened to me, it happened to a friend in QLD.
It’s part of organised child trafficking MKULTRA on a national level.
No mistake. National Child Trafficking is run by Peter Cosgrove.
I understand
I too have had my children removed after raising issues of child sexual abuse in the family court. This is real. This is absurd. This is criminal. WE ARE NOT THE CRIMINALS…….the VICTIMS are our children who are forced to live in silence with their abusers. The elimination of the Evidence Act from the Family Law Act speaks volumes.
Imagine how our world would change if all medical professionals stood their ground and supported Russell (and Patrick)? After all WE KNOW WHO THE REAL CRIMINALS ARE!
My heartfelt thanks to Dee & Mary for supporting victims of the Family Court. This truly has been going on for long enough. Time for change!!!
and some have greatness thrust upon them
Dear Eyes, would you please clarify “the elimination of the Evidence Act from the Family Law Act”. Do you mean it was originally there and then removed?