From Phil Hingston of Sydney, father of four sons.
Dear Commissioner Fuller,
I am writing in support of Fiona Barnett and the attempts to cover up the VIP Child Trafficking network in Australia, which she has bravely exposed. Ms Barnett has done what no other Australian victim has been able to do. That is, to openly confront the monsters who preyed upon her and countless other victims within Australia over many decades. The crimes she has alerted the Australian public to leaves the average Australian citizen stunned beyond belief.
The evidence of corruption in Australia, and indeed around the world, is voluminous. The crimes committed by certain members of the political “elite”, have been more than adequately documented and exposed to the general public. We, the People, have been lied to on many levels, but the most heinous crimes committed have been against the most innocent and defenseless, namely children. In short, We the Australian citizenry, have had enough of this blatant criminality and outright corruption at all levels.
Everyday, these crimes are becoming more obvious. Cardinal Pell is now facing a jury trial in Melbourne. The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse has just concluded its hearings after five years of inquiry and has documented hundreds, if not thousands of crimes committed by members of the clergy. (Not just Catholic but all denominations).
In the U.S., the crackdown on paedpohile networks has been an ongoing feature of the Trump administration. His Executive Order of the 21st December, 2017, entitled “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption,” is having a massive impact on exposing and shutting down paedophile networks, and drawing yet more people to become aware of this pervasive and insidious problem at the heart of our society.

The “Pizzagate” scandal in Washington D.C. was just the beginning of public awareness. It was followed closely by the world wide “Pedogate” issue. The 60 Minutes, Australia expose, (Lords, Spies and Predators) from some years back, on the U.K. paedophile network, operating at the highest levels of British society and implicating such people as Sir Jimmy Saville, Sir Edward Heath (ex Prime Minister) and Sir Peter Telford Hayman, (second in command of MI6) has woken up hundreds of thousands to the corruption and depravity of the “ruling elite.” We the public have become aware of this disgusting activity and we demand that it be stopped and those implicated be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law..
That victim whistle blowers such as Ms. Barnett are scapegoated and harassed by the authorities charged with the protection of society is a travesty of justice. Indeed, it goes well beyond being a travesty. It is a cancer gnawing at the root of human decency. That Ms. Barnett should be subjected to being stalked by “military looking thugs” is beyond comprehension for the average Australian citizen. Which agency do these “military looking thugs” work for? Are they Australian Federal Police, ASIO, NSW Police officers, or private contractors. Who is paying their salaries and who is issuing the instructions and receiving their reports?
As Commissioner of Police in New South Wales, you are charged with upholding the laws of the land and investigating serious breaches of the law. Surely, there can be no greater criminal activity, than harming and trafficking children for the use of depraved paedophiles.

Senator Bill Heffernan recently declared in Parliament, that he had in his possession a list of 26 high ranking members of the Australian “elite” who were suspected of being involved in paedpohilia, at least one of whom was an ex-Prime Minister. He further stated that he had furnished this document to the relevant authorities and that it was now a Police Document. This was in 2015. What have you, or anyone else in law enforcement, done to investigate the allegations against these 26 named individuals since then?
Public awareness is now such that this genie can not be put back in the bottle. You have a distinct choice. You can continue to block the efforts of Ms Barnett to expose this rotten network of degenerate freaks, or you can do what the public pays you for and expects you to do. Fully support the good members of our Police who are working to end this travesty of justice in New South Wales (and Australia generally) and investigate this disgusting network, without fear or favour, prosecute those suspected of involvement and to incarcerate those found guilty, no matter their rank, status or position in society. The law is blind, remember?
If you are not prepared to do your duty, please say so now and furnish your immediate resignation for dereliction of your duty. If, on the other hand, you are prepared to honour your obligations as the New South Wales Commissioner of Police, please get to work now and DO YOUR JOB.
We, the Citizens of New South Wales, who are your employer, are eagerly awaiting your response. If no response is forthcoming, we will be forced to assume that you have abrogated your duties and responsibilities as Police Commissioner, and are, as such, are unfit for command.
Your resignation will be expected forthwith.
We hope that this will not be necessary and that you will do the right and decent thing.
Your faithfully,
Phil Hingston
(on behalf of all right thinking and aware citizens of Australia and the countless victims of these networks.)
WAKE Up Australia,
Should we leave paedophillia in the to hard basket? and think of it as not a crime but a natural instinct that we have to tolerate as a human but necessary process of some individuals, when I take my dog to the park the dogs have a propensity to have a strong interets in the parts of anatomy that relate to waste disposal, this interest is by no means casual and has a investigatory interest which leave many dog owners feeling rather awkward, my own relationship is to let them get on with it.
We have to put this act in perspective, what I mean here is the casual acceptance of manufacturing military equipment that the consequence is to my mind of greater significance than the question we are looking at here, that is in serious outcomeof casualties.
A perversion that is overlooked here is the ability to treat others with contempt as with a sustained and wilful activity, I had been brought up in this type of family myself, no one as far as I know have brought this into focus as a criminal offence, the out come of this behaviour is the victim never recover, yet it happens as a normal activity in our society.
The Savile Case is a perfect example of “Silence ’till death do us part”
[this from Wikipedia] Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG was an English DJ, television and radio personality, dance hall manager, and charity fundraiser. He hosted the BBC television show Jim’ll Fix It, was the first and last presenter of the long-running BBC music chart show…raised an estimated £40 million for charities…. at the time of his death he was WIDELY PRAISED for his personal qualities… After his death, HUNDREDS of allegations of sexual abuse were made against him, leading the police to believe that Savile had been a predatory sex offender ]—possibly one of Britain’s most prolific. [AND] There had been allegations during his lifetime, but they were dismissed and accusers ignored or disbelieved; Savile took legal action against some accusers.
This sums up the modus operandi.
Yes, Dee, but that was pre-Hingston.
Phil represents the new outlook — “Clean this up now or out you go”. He be aaaaangry.
Now let’s see every Gumshoe reader write to the Commish.
Come on, strength in numbers. Let Fiona know you care.
P.S. This morning’s Adelaide Advertiser front page re a former Adelaide bishop:
And for any Gumshoe readers so inclined, Commissioner Mick has an email address, just to make it easy.
I’m sure he’d appreciate hearing from a few thousand of us.
Sending a copy if a letter I sent to PM Turnbull and others dated 21 March 2018
Very good letter Phil. I hope it brings more success than my letters regarding the Port Arthur Massacre, to the authorities. I was dismissed as though the event never happened.
Starting at the top, the Office of the Governor General, the Prime Minister of Australia, two Premiers of Tasmania, the Australian Crime Commission, the Australian Federal Police, the Federal Ombudsman Office were shown evidence that Martin Bryant was not guilty.
Everyone of the people holding those positions swore an Oath to uphold the law of the land. But it seems no sooner had they sworn that Oath, they then forgot to put their duty into practice.
Mal, It’s great to speak or write “Truth to Power” but better if your comms are available to be seen by everyone.
Then, as they say, there’s “Nowhere to run, Nowhere to hide.”
Oaths of fidelity to country, people, law and all that are preeminently ignorable compared to clandestine oaths that are enforceable with bribery, blackmail, and other “inducements”.
So how do you define success ?
I’m currently in the thick of dealing with stuff that palls in comparison to any Barnett/Bryant scenario and I know from experience I haven’t got a hope in hell of getting anywhere near the desired outcome. So why do I bother ? Because I also know that everyone is exerting huge influence over every aspect of life from dawn to dusk whether or not they’re aware of it.
Your lot must be pretty bad, then….
No worse than the lot of the average Aussie actually.
Problem is that most souls don’t .even know that they’re being abused let alone how to deal with it. Which means a worst case scenario is beyond their comprehension
The title of this article could also have been: “Commissioner, It Is Your Duty To Support Fiona Barnett”
How the system closes the doors to justice…
If you seek preselection as a political candidate, party bosses must clear you as:
Pro-free trade
Pro party duopoly
Pro- executive decision-making
Pro-US/Australia military alliance
Basically, pro oligarchy. This means you will accommodate corruption and incompetence and cronyism and nepotism if you want to enjoy the perks of power.
If you rise in the ranks, a socio-psychological profile will be drawn up and whatever secrets, predilections or kinks you possess will somehow be gratified, But if you later stray from the path, these will be used to destroy you.
Pretty much the same clearance process applies to any other public office, including the police, judiciary, and administration of lands.
For example, I do not know of one member of the High Court who I would trust. I trust plenty of local cops but the police hierarchy is corrupt beyond redemption… in all states.
What I would like to hear is suggestions as to just how we might bring integrity back to government?
i really do fear on behalf of all whistle-blowers.
I suggest that an Australian Patriot’s Cooperative is an achievable way to select, propose and protect people of integrity into government so that all clandestine behind-the-scene traitorous influences that corruptly manipulate policy, judiciary, enforcement etc. can be eliminated.
Drop me a line at: dmkzmarwick@bigpond.com and I’ll send you a rough sketch of the proposal.
“bring integrity back to government?”
Enact strict term limits for politicians.(maximum 2)
2 Ban the SES.(Senior Executive Service) and reduce the size of government by at least half.
3 End the Reserve Bank of Australia or nationalise it and ban fractional reserve banking-period.
Enact Glass Steagall type legislation and break up the Too Big To Fail Banksters control over govt.
Force law enforcement to enforce the law equally. No favours for “mates”
Enact RICO(Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organistion) style legalislation.
Enact legislation to mandate heavily increased sentences for crimes against children.
That’s just for starters.
How am I going, Tony?
I see you have done your homework, Plilip. Going good, mate.
Is anyone else having trouble posting?
There was glitch this morning. Why?
No corrupt government is ever going to do any of that. The best one could hope for is, maybe, a couple of ineffectual “face saving” or “damage control” measures that might look good from a distance but won’t change anything much.
I know people who’ve been complaining to politicians about various kinds of corruption for about 40 years and things just keep getting worse. These days they just ignore anything that’s not convenient for their plans. Years ago they would at least get one of their back room boys to knock up some idiotically dismissive platitudes.
Tony and Phil, between the two of you, you’ve got it pretty well nailed.
feeling guilty I didn’t pursue this issue last April when my attempt at change.org petition received no interest 🙁 Superbly done, Phil! I’ll get you to write my petitions in future!
Dee has asked me to post this:
Gumshoe is having some technical glitches today. She does not know if it is intentional or unintentional. She can’t get onto the website from her own computer.
I add this: I am in Melbourne today and tomorrow and if anyone wants a meeting, let me know at mary.maxwell@alumni.adelaide.edu.au. I am at the Bayview hotel on 52 Queens rd.
Note: the person who commented as “mary” at top of this thread is not me. I always use my full name.
Not sure if it is the subject of Fiona that gets us in trouble. On May 19, I commented at Fiona’s website and the next night I was gang-stalked in Adelaide — only my second time in Oz plus once in US. (I saw it plenty of times when I was traveling with Blanche Chavoustie but it was directed at her, not at me.). There are so many stupid creeps in this world. (I am not referring to the actual stalkers, hirelings who probably have no idea what’s going on.)
I hear William Engdahl has a new book out that applies Orwell’ 1984 to us. He is a fine man. Will some reader please buy the book and send us a review? It’s called Cognitive Dissonance.
I tried to post a comment this morning and nuffin happened. Probably just a glitch, but we can expect ASIO interference in the near future.
Except Pizzagate didn’t happen. Oh dear.
Shreeeiking — “Bryant was the killer” — Wombat Ninja… Did they deliver your pizza with the wrong toppings?
Oh Dear, indeed.
They’re baaaack!
Ok, it was definitely Fiona.
Phil, Phil, two swallows do not make a summer. (The comment by Ninja and my getting gang-stalked.) It takes 3.
Let’s wait.
Very happy to see Fiona Barnett being supported on Gumshoe. She has more support than she realises as so many anonymously watch on and intuitively know she can help put the bigger picture together. Fiona is exposing the foundations of all organised corruption, bribery and control- as well as satanic sexual ritual abuse, in all it’s interacted completeness.
Also glad to see you,Mary Maxwell, supporting Fiona Barnett -you are the only fearless uncompromising lawyer I am aware of in Aus…why is this so?
I know your wrench boys in here wrote me off a while back when I was supporting you, supporting Bryant, (as some sort of flat earth numbnuts government plant disinfo monster) but I have continued my research and had a really interesting interview with Eric Dubay in Feb. I always trust that if i align myself with truth as I find it, even if it is unpopular, I am doing the right thing, AND everyone will be forced to eat their words in time, as truth rises.
Anyway thanks to all, and keep up the good work
Dear Mick Fuller, please show us there’s someone trustworthy in the police force.
Your Pell statements are a clear breach of the court process and are a contempt of court and will be reported to the appropriate authorities. In the meantime can you explain how Barnett could have been abused by Walt Disney when he died 2 years before she was born and perhaps you can obtain some photographic evidence of the secret tunnels she claims runs from Sydney to Pine Gap (nearly 3000 kms away) . This can’t be too difficult. Was Barnett abused by anyone who isn’t famous?
Don’t you get the letter? It is asking the Commissioner to do something vs to do NOTHING. This is the normal process. This letter is asking for process to be done. Nothing more.
One has to learn from some historical cover-ups where no one acted: There are some parallels to Washington at around the same. But powerful people stopped it.
Former Republican Senator John Decamp was involved in a documentary called “Conspiracy of Silence” that exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. It was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. It is alleged, at the last minute, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed – and it was never aired. And all the lawyers had done their due diligence approving the airing. It was just “stopped” by people more powerful that the law.
People Magazine spent a million dollars (a lot of money back then) investigating all of America’s orphanages and found the stories were true – identifying very powerful people as pedophiles.
“….your Pell statement(S) are….. etc.
Read the msm dip stick.
Dear Sam,
Cardinal Pell IS facing a jury trial in Melbourne. FACT.
So get off your high horse and stop pretending to be a real person.
We Hate Trolls.
Come home, Cardinal Pell
(Cardinal Pell)
I know you’re scared, Georgie-Poo
(Come home)
They have a right to know what you knew
Your time is running out to atone, Georgie
I think the Lord is calling ya home, Georgie
Perhaps he could forgive even you
If you just let them know what you knew
Oh, Cardinal Pell
My lawyer just rang me to tell
Me this song
Could get me in legal trouble
Oh well, Cardinal Pell
If you don’t feel compelled
To come home by
A sense of moral duty
Perhaps you will come home and frickin’ sue me
Tim Minchin – Come Home (Cardinal Pell) Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
I notice shes friends with Rachel Vaughn …
hmmmmmm interesting combination
Two freaks together!!
Nobody has answered the question someone made about how Walt Disney raped Fiona when he died two years before she was born?
Can someone please explain that?
inaction of the police commissioner makes him complicit and therefore guilty along with those on the list in my opinion