Today, I went to my local police station to put in a complaint against the Chief Health Officer and spoke to a young police officer at the St Kilda branch. What a pleasure it was to speak to a most respectful and educated young officer (Officer Vishnu). Below is my statement:
As a member of the public I am making a police complaint against Professor Brett Sutton, Victoria’s Chief Health Officer.
Professor Sutton, as the Chief Health Officer (CHO), undertakes a variety of statutory functions under health and food-related legislation; providing expert clinical and scientific advice and leadership on issues impacting public health. He provides expert advice on matters relating to the health and wellbeing of the people of Victoria, and this to the Minister for Health and Ambulance Services, and senior leaders in the Department of Health and Human Services etc – through powers specified in the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. He is also Chief Human Biosecurity Officer for Victoria and is the spokesperson for the Victorian Government on matters related to the health and protection of Victorians in the matters concerning Covid-19.
It is under his direction, through the State of Emergency powers, that has directed Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for all workers in Victoria (this signed by Professor Benjamin Cowie Acting Chief Health Officer on 1 October 2021).
- My complaint specifically focuses on the “banning” of IVERMECTIN for off-label use — for prophylactic and therapeutic treatment for Covid-19. I contend it should have been made an option in hospital protocols for all patients. By discrediting and discouraging life-saving therapeutics the Chief Health Officer (CHO) could then purport the so-called “vaccines” as the only option to “opening up” Victoria.
- I claim that the CHO has been coerced by corporate interests, along with all members of government, to follow a “pandemic plan” specifically designed to benefit the principal actors of the Vaccine manufacturing Industry now and into the future, forever altering the course of Victoria. There is evidence that large sums of money were flushed into the system to facilitate this plan.
- As part of this plan – that is to mass vaccinate populations now and into the future — enormous efforts went in to denigrate the benefits of certain therapeutics, specifically Ivermectin (IVM). The CHO would have been aware that the “experimental vaccines” would NOT have been approved had existing medicines and protocols not been wrongly discredited. (This also included Hydroxycholoquine, Zinc, and Vitamin D etc.)
- I contend the CHO’s actions of refusing to consider Ivermectin by the CHO resulted in a number of unnecessary deaths in Victoria. He was the one person in Victoria who could have mitigated the 900 plus deaths in Victoria in 2020. Whilst many elderly were dying in aged care facilities across Victoria, Sky News reported on a woman, Monica, and how her 94-year-old mum made a dramatic recovery[1] after being prescribed IVM (when it was possible to ‘sneak’ it through off-label).
- I contend that had IVM been widely used, Victoria would not have been locked down for the duration that we have had to suffer (becoming the most lock-ed down city across the world). Better decisions from the CHO could have saved lives; saved many businesses; reduced societal fear; and would have given hope to the people of Victoria – and possibly even preventing suicides.
- I contend Professor Sutton was the one person in Victoria that could have influenced the use of IVM in the second half of 2020, and all through 2021. If the CHO had acted in the best interests of Victorians and allowed IVM, this would have halted those intent on facilitating the agenda of the vaccine manufacturers – such as the TGA. On 10 September 2021, the TGA published a statement entitled “New restrictions on prescribing Ivermectin for COVID-19”…
“TGA, acting on the advice of the Advisory Committee for Medicines Scheduling, has placed new restrictions on the prescribing of oral ivermectin [AND] …there are a number of significant public health risks associated with taking ivermectin in an attempt to prevent COVID-19 infection rather than getting vaccinated” [AND] …the doses of ivermectin that are being advocated for use in unreliable social media posts and other sources for COVID-19 are significantly higher than those approved and found safe for scabies or parasite treatment. These higher doses can be associated with serious adverse effects, including severe nausea, vomiting, dizziness, neurological effects such as dizziness, seizures and coma.”
- I and several contributors of https://gumshoenews.com/ have written to Professor Sutton[2] over the last year questioning why he has refused to follow the science regarding the successes of IVM. His responses have been totally inadequate and factually wrong and outdated.[3] He has unquestioning followed the “Covid-19 vaccine script” that IVM is potentially harmful – yet claiming vaccines are perfectly safe when they are clearly not. I believe Professor Sutton has participated in the banning of IVM for profit motives (for international entities) and not for the health of Victorians.
- Professor Sutton, as far as I am aware, has not corrected the media’s scripted mantra that Ivermectin (IVM) is a “horse drug”. IVM is one the safest drugs on the market, having being used on humans for about four decades which extraordinary success – with 3.7 billion prescriptions administered over several decades.
- A (Japanese) study[4] published in 2011, entitled “Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective” stated in the Abstract,
“Discovered in the late-1970s, the pioneering drug ivermectin… has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world.”
The opening paragraph of the Introduction stated,
“There are few drugs that can seriously lay claim to the title of ‘Wonder drug’, penicillin and aspirin being two that have perhaps had greatest beneficial impact on the health and wellbeing of Mankind. But ivermectin can also be considered alongside those worthy contenders, based on its versatility, safety and the beneficial impact that it has had, and continues to have, worldwide…” AND “…highly effective and broad-spectrum, safe, well-tolerated…”
- As explained by toxicologist Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) in a video review[5], that despite the brutal campaign against Ivermectin, a world-class 2021 review paper by Jacques Descotes, a prominent toxicologist working at the behest of Medincell, revealed that it is among the safest and most well-tolerated drugs ever introduced to the market.
- Ivermectin is well tolerated even at ten times the standard dose of 200 μg/kg,[6] [7]and at high doses, in particular, for COVID-19 treatment.[8] and [9] Cancer patients who took Ivermectin at five times that standard dose daily for up to 180 consecutive days had no serious adverse effects from it, in experimental protocols with harsh additional drugs.[10] Of 19 patients who took extreme overdoses up to 1,000-fold that standard dose of either Ivermectin or the closely related Abamectin, all using veterinary forms, only one 72-year-old male who took 440 times the standard dose died.[11]
- Ivmmeta reports that real-time meta analysis of 63 studies with 26,422 patients, and 623 authors demonstrated that the use of Ivermectin for COVID-19 was found to have 86% effectiveness in Prophylaxis, 69 – 70% for Early treatment, and 40-43% in Late treatment. From the experience of doctors at the ‘front-line’ like Vladimir Zelenko MD, and other front-line doctors, they have found “miraculous” recovery rates using their Ivermectin protocols. Dr Zelenko[12] has allegedly treated about 7,000 patients and lost 3.
- As reported on https://ivmmeta.com/ “Elimination of COVID-19 is a race against viral evolution. No treatment, vaccine, or intervention is 100% available and effective for all current and future variants. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used. Those denying the efficacy of treatments share responsibility for the increased risk of COVID-19 becoming endemic; and the increased mortality, morbidity, and collateral damage.”
- Justus R. Hope, MD, in an article “Ivermectin Wins in India”[13] noted “… the massive drop in cases and deaths in India to almost nothing after the addition of Ivermectin proved the drug’s effectiveness. This is a truth that the NIH, CDC, and FDA cannot allow because it would endanger the vaccine policy.” Furthermore he compared data on Uttar Pradesh on Ivermectin versus the United States on vaccines:
- Uttar Pradesh: Population 240 Million [4.9% fully vaccinated]; COVID Daily Cases: 26, COVID Daily Deaths: 3
- The US off Ivermectin: Population 331 Million [50.5% fully vaccinated]; COVID Daily Cases: 127,108, COVID Daily Deaths: 574
- The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS[14]), which was put in place in 1990, has to date reported 1,573,153 adverse events, 24,960 VAERS reported deaths, and 15,937 Post-COVID Vaccine reported deaths as of 5 October 2021. A 2006 – 2009 study with 715,000 patients by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc., for the US Department of Health and Human Services found that “fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported” (to VAERS). It is not known whether this applies to the present Covid-19 vaccines statistics on com, but some professionals believe the figures could be ten times higher than officially reported.
- These above statistics would lead to Ivermectin being at least 5,000 X safer than the vaccines. Only 20 deaths have been attributed to IVM over the decades from billions of prescriptions, whereas as of the 5 September 2021, the TGA confirmed 9 vaccine-caused deaths from the 516 post-vaccine reported deaths — from 1 million first doses and 7.9 million second doses. (A side note: the TGA notes that reports of death may or may not have been a result of taking a medicine, and has only found that 9 deaths were linked to immunisation.)
- But we know that tens of thousands are being injured. The draft list for the FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines includes these adverse event outcomes from the vaccines (which is subject to change):
Guillain-Barré syndrome; Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; Transverse myelitis; Encephalitis /encephalomyelitis /meningoencephalitis / meningitis /encephalopathy; Convulsions/seizures; Stroke; Narcolepsy and cataplexy; Anaphylaxis; Acute myocardial infarction; Myocarditis / pericarditis; Autoimmune disease; Deaths; Pregnancy and birth outcomes; Other acute demyelinating diseases; Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions; Thrombocytopenia; Disseminated intravascular coagulation; Venous thromboembolism; Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain; Kawasaki disease, and Multi-symptom Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.
- As a medical professional and Victoria’s Chief health Officer, Professor Sutton has failed in numerous aspects with regard to protecting the health of Victorians. The CHO has …
- failed to warn the Victorian public of the possible dangers to the so-called vaccines, and that these specific vaccines can cause serious injury and death
- failed to warn the Victorian public that the so-called vaccines are “experimental” (stage 3 of the global trial) and that their long-term safety is unproven
- failed to consider the numerous studies that have demonstrated the prophylactic success of IVM, and failed to consider the numerous studies that have demonstrated the therapeutic properties of the IVM; and failed to provide medical professionals the opportunity to prescribe IVM protocols (with zinc etc) or use IVM in hospital protocols.
- Professor Sutton has advised the premier and government to mandate an experimental vaccine on anyone who works in Victoria, obviously knowing that it has caused the deaths of tens of thousands.
- Professor Sutton, by preventing the use of IVM has supported the vaccine passport rollout that does not benefit Victorians in the long run. It is clear the ‘passport’ will subjugate the Victorian people into a medical-style technocracy where they will lose all autonomy over their health and bodies into the future. This could be deemed a form of medical bondage.
- In the interests of all Victorians, presently alive and those yet to be born, Professor Sutton should be investigated for any ties to the pharmaceutical companies; his correspondence with former prime minister [NAME PROVIDED], and all his appointments and contributions; and those associated links to the vaccine industry should be investigated, as should his financials.
Dee McLachlan BSc Hons
The video:
[1] https://gumshoenews.com/2020/08/30/ivermectin-professor-borody-the-94-year-old-woman-and-the-federal-government/
[2] https://gumshoenews.com/2020/09/28/brett-me-and-covid19/
[3] https://gumshoenews.com/2021/09/04/australian-politicians-complicit-in-desperate-coercion-for-risky-jab-whilst-denigrating-ivm/
[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3043740/
[5] https://www.peakprosperity.com/definitive-ivermectin-toxicity-review/
[6] Guzzo CA, Furtek CI, Porras AG, et al. Safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of escalating high doses of ivermectin in healthy adult subjects. J Clin Pharmacol. 2002;42(10):1122-1133.
[7] Navarro M, Camprubí D, Requena-Méndez A, et al. Safety of high-dose ivermectin: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2020;75(4):827-834.
[8] López-Medina E, López P, Hurtado IC, et al. Effect of Ivermectin on Time to Resolution of Symptoms Among Adults With Mild COVID-19: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2021;10.1001/jama.2021.3071.
[9] Krolewiecki A, Lifschitz A, Moragas M, et al. Antiviral effect of high-dose ivermectin in adults with COVID- 19: A proof-of-concept randomized trial. EClinicalMedicine. 2021;37.
[10] de Castro CG, Jr., Gregianin LJ, Burger JA. Continuous high-dose ivermectin appears to be safe in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia and could inform clinical repurposing for COVID-19 infection. Leuk Lymphoma. 2020;61(10):2536-2537.
[11] Radley DC, Finkelstein SN, Stafford RS. Off-label prescribing among office-based physicians. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166(9):1021-1026.
[12] https://beforeitsnews.com/health/2021/09/x22report-the-medical-coverup-is-being-exposed-class-action-lawsuits-is-not-just-a-catch-phrase-clay-clark-must-video-3041604.html
[13] https://gumshoenews.com/2021/08/22/ivermectin-wins-in-india/
[14] https://www.openvaers.com/
[…] in October I made a complaint to the Police about […]