
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews,
Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton,
Prime Minister Scott Morrison,
Federal Chief Health Officer Paul Kelly
Re: Notice of Liability & Potential Claims
We refer to our letter to you dated 6th November 2020. We require a reply to the very specific questions put to individuals (as attached). Please reply to those questions by 2nd January 2021. Regarding the balance of the letter and evidence put forward, in the absence of any response to same, we consider THAT the evidence is not refuted by any of you (listed as recipients to our letter dated 6 November 2020).
Signed on behalf of Concerned Lawyers Network:
Maria Rigoli B.A. LLB. (Melbourne University) Acc.Spec (Fam)
Jeff Tran B Science LLB (Melbourne)
Russell Sumner LLM GDipDisRes Post GradDLegal Practice (UK)(LLB) (HONS)
Shemarrah Davis LLB (Monash University)
Tony Nikolic LLB Criminology (Uni. Western Sydney) LLM (College of law)
Liesl Tziolis B.A, LLB, (Hons, Uni of Qld), MBA
- Prime Minister- If Covid19 is in fact man-made, is this crime of creating and unleashing a bioweapon on Australians still being investigated? Are there any reports of Australians or Australian organisations being allegedly complicit? Has CSIRO Geelong been cleared after they denied links with Wuhan after it was alleged they manufactured the virus and later used the Wuhan lab to amplify and test more on the virus? Have any investigations began or are they continuing in relation to the potential treason and sedition against Australians arising from this bioweapon if it is the case it was man-made? If so, what are the findings?
(All recipients) One of the most disturbing pieces of evidence is the fact that the Covid19 Tests were manufactured and sold around the world (including to Australia), more than 3 years before Covid19 was named as a disease. A cursory due diligence of the TGA approved supply lists cross-referenced to trademark/patent applications seems to point towards this conclusion. What level of due diligence (if any) has been done on ALL the manufacturers and sponsors?
How were the required clinical trials done and were the participants in these trials informed that they were partaking in a clinical trial? Was their express, informed consent obtained?
Where is the DNA and genome sequencing obtained from the “testing” kept and for what purposes? How many of these manufacturers and sponsors have CCP related backers, funders, shareholders? Further how many of these sponsors and/or manufacturers represent a conflict of interest for MPs and public health bureaucrats?
- Victorian Premier, Queensland Premier, and Prime Minister is DNA harvesting taking place in Australia from Covid19 testing, or are there plans for a law similar to that of the UK to be introduced here? If so, for what purpose? Is consent being obtained for DNA harvesting? Who is managing the DNA database? Where is the data being secured?
Prime Minister and Victorian Premier- is Victoria or Australia getting similar financial incentives from the World Bank or IMF for following their policies on Covid19 (or any other global policy) as with the country of Belarus? If so, what are the details?
Victorian Minister for Health Victoria Martin Foley WHY have you banned this life-saving drug -Hydroxychloroquine- (HCQ) during 2020 and up to 22 January 2021? Jeannette Young also- why have you criminalized the prescribing of HCQ?
Prime Minister List all types of “emergencies” that the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 is designed to cover. Why this unprecedented move to allow foreign troops and police into our country? What is the definition of Foreign Armed Forces (can it included a UN “peacekeeping force” sanctioned by the UN Security Council”? Why is it limited to natural disasters and other emergencies and what does this mean in practice? Why are there virtually zero checks and balances for this with the Governor-General being handed an inordinate amount of power to direct “foreign armed forces” together with the “Minister” and the “Prime Minister on Australian soil and presumably against Australian citizens?
It is not unreasonable to draw a conclusion that this is in response to “COVID 19” and to enforce medical procedures on Australian citizens without their consent. Is this a reasonable conclusion to draw? How do you intend to ensure that the rights of Australian citizens free of government tyranny and overreach are protected through parliamentary oversight?
Why are members of foreign armed forces being given immunity from prosecution? Will they be used against Australian citizens who lawfully protest? Is this included in the definition of Domestic Violence? Is the definition of Domestic Violence being widened deliberately to allow people to be arbitrarily detained? Will they be used against citizens who refuse medical conscription such as testing and vaccinations? What will they be used for and who will be paying for them?
Schedule of recipients p4 of the letter:
Click to access CLN-FOLLOW-UP-LETTER-11-12-20.pdf
Re-posting as more topical here …
Interesting video with Sacha Stone, so I looked up his webpage and found a few more. There was an interview with Robert Steele and also Ricardo Bosci of Australia One.
I hope he’s right that this period is the collapse of the empire and things will be revived. (either that or where’s my asteroid?)
From a biblical vantage he’s just another harbinger of the Ultimate Deceit spelled out in Revelation: superficially different to Simon Parkes but spiritually identical.
But no doubt I’ll just be shouted down or ignored as per norm.
“From a biblical vantage he’s just another harbinger of the Ultimate Deceit spelled out in Revelation”
Which part of Revelation are you referring to as there are many books in Revelation?
How is he another harbinger of the Ultimate Deceit?
He has described the situation quite accurately so I don’t know why you are having a groan about him and then trying to refer it to the Book of Revelation.
Where is the reference in the Book of Revelation to a video describing accurately what is happening in the world but specifically in Singapore?
But no doubt I’ll just be shouted down or ignored as per norm.
And why do you think you will be shouted down?
The book of Revelation identifies certain figures which one are you referring to?
Walking through Revelation
Everyone who calls himself a Christian should be aware that the Bible is essentially a series of instructions grounded in historical accounts(the consequences of Mankind’s natural proclivities) and prophecy(the consequences of failing to acknowledge the One and Only solution).
The consequences of failing to heed the corresponding fore-warnings and directives set out in the gospels and the epistles( falling prey to deception) are thus “spelled out” in the book of Revelation.
As to the fate of all false, self-appointed Christs & their devotees:
“And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.’
MATHEW 23:12
I asked you some very specific questions and once again you give me some bible texts that are unrelated. Can you please answer each question individually without the bible. Its called proper communication and sticking to the context of the subject and not going off in a tangent. Thanks
Revelation 3:9-10 “Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. 10 Because you have kept [a]My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth”.
Just join the ZDS support group and feel the love it’s easy
Please expline
That is only a small part of it. berry refuses to answer my questions and spouts biblical verses instead….It does not make any sense
ZDS is Zio-Derangement Syndrome
The genuine pandemic of the Age
It is the Synagogue of Satan itself which has the ZDS disease and Jews hate the truth, so why goys are said to be deranged is simply because of their observation of the facts. It’s silly slur a bit like the meaningless – anti-S(h)emitism
ZDS is a term of obfuscation used by apologists for the heinous crimes of the Apartheid Israeli state and its sayanim.
ZDS is their default response when they’ve been cornered like a rat and cannot come up with evidence to refute a deluge of proof for Zio-malfeasance.
ZDS is the blaming of Zio-Jews for EVERYTHING instead of apportioning the blame equally to all malfeasants, ZDS is reinforced by muslim dogma and neo-nazi type of subcultures. All of their references seem to be one or the other. I think the guy mohammad doesn’t get enough recognition for being a genius, hijacked the entire Eastern Roman Empire
Even before Muhammad began his religion, the fact that he was Jewish through his mother and had a Jewish first wife explains why Jewish tribes trusted Muhammad to lead them.
The more difficult explanation to make is to explain why Jews were so open to following Muhammad into his new religion of Islam , a religion much like their own in terms of Jericho-like “kill all the men, women and children”, don’t eat pork, and yet different in other areas, circumcise the men in one versus the women in another, rake in interest in one versus being forbidden in the other, and so on.
After our required history background refresher course, in “How Jews got to Arabia,” we will explain how ordinary Arabs came to trust Muhammad as well, and in the process, got swindled into the religion of Islam.
Lastly, since the Jews are traditionally such an exclusive tribe, we will also explain why the Jews even felt the need to convert these pagan Arabs.
Read on –
Re: ‘Apportioning Blame’ for criminality.
Well, let’s focus on the greatest crime of the second half of the 20th century (JFK Coup d’etat) and the greatest crime of the 21st century (9/11) for starters.
The bulk of the evidence points to the Mossad and the Zio-cabal for the former crime.
As for the latter crime, the ENTIRETY of the evidence points to the Mossad and the Zio-cabal.
For the sake of diversity and affirmative action, should I apportion some of the blame to the Eskimos and the Tribesmen of the Kalahari ???
The king of Zio-apologists once again puts forth his preposterous logic and once again makes a fool of himself.
He really is a glutton for punishment as one theory of his after another is eviscerated.
But Gumshoe readers, don’t be harsh on him, he has a job to do.
A few years at the coalface as a sayanim and he’ll be due for promotion.
Who knows, he may go the way of Mark Regev or replace Mark Leibler as the Zio-cabal’s Corrupter-In-Chief of Australian politicians.
Wish him luck.
Blaming anyone for anything is the most effective way of energising said thing. In other words it’s the best means of enslaving ones-self and others
Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Of course Berry, what was I thinking.
Let’s not blame anyone for anything – no matter what their crime.
Let anyone do anything and since blame cannot be apportioned, needless to say said criminal cannot be incarcerated and isolated from the rest of humanity.
We can abolish the judicial system, defund the police and it’ll be every man for himself – looting, pillaging and raping.
And, when they’re doing it to your loved ones, don’t be a hypocrite Berry, make sure you live by your rule.
After all, NO ONE IS TO BLAME.
Oh wise Veggie, last argument you were demanding that icebergs melting would lower the sea level and give up, before that you insisted you were a financial expert and advised me not to buy bank shares and the next day they went up 8%, probably 20% by now. I can’t remember all the rubbish you publish, if I could, I would submit it as an article.
Establishing and maintaining law and order is, in fact, the antithesis if blaming
Hence the current global mess
The International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians Video
There is no international jewish conspiracy? Then why do jewish lawmakers from around the world gather to discuss the priorities of world jewry?
There is also the World parliament that no one wants to discuss
A Parliament of world religions
Amazing! A must watch video.Probably the best I’ve come across on the matters addressed.
He says a lot of interesting things and also some very questionable things (people living 1,000 years). He also talks fast with lots of references to important people he knows – I’ve seen that before, so I did further research.
Apparently, for all the feel good talk about honesty he has a reputation of borrowing money and not paying it back.
If he ‘borrowed’ money from a Bank and not paid it back then there is no problem as he had self financed his own so called Bank loan. I must admit the 1.000 year old bit is mighty hard to believe.
Dear Department of the Treasury,
Are banks legally bound to take my promissory note?
What is the treasuries position on using promissory notes?
Lord denning stated
“We have repeatedly said in this court that a bill of exchange or a Promissory Note is to be treated as cash. It is to be honoured unless there is some good reason to the contrary” (see per Lord Denning M.R. in Fielding & Platt Ltd v Selim Najjar [1969] 1 W.L.R. 357 at 361; [1969] 2 All E.R. 150 at 152, CA)
Another of Lord denning’s rulings stated that a bill of exchange once tendered has to be treated as cash.
The principle is that a bill, cheque or note is given and taken in payment as so much cash, and not as merely given a right of action for the creditor to litigate a counterclaim (see Jackson v Murphy [1887] 4 T.L.R. 92).
First of all it is important to remember that the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 (and many Statutes subsequently) consider a Promissory Note to be the same thing as “cash”.
Is this somehow not enforced in Australia?
Yours faithfully,
Troy Dimitrov
“money ” includes:
(a) currency (whether of Australia or of any other country); and
(b) promissory notes and bills of exchange; and
(c) any negotiable instrument used or circulated, or intended for use or circulation, as currency (whether of Australia or of any other country); and
(d) postal notes and money orders; and
(e) whatever is supplied as payment by way of:
(i) credit card or debit card; or
(ii) crediting or debiting an account; or
(iii) creation or transfer of a debt.
Which side of the ledger is your promissory note deposited?
Quick-fix, cost-free solutions to anything are invariably as toxic as all hell
What he and Parkes are doing is principally no different to those pushing the vaccine agenda
Those who fall for it will inevitably wind up in a worse mess than ever
So why hasn’t evil Soros been charged and jailed under he Trump administration? His group has done a lot of sedition damage and treason and he is still free to go about his business. That should tell us a lot!
Just like the 2 above charlies, “the evil Soros” would be powerless bar willing dupes.
So caging him obviously wouldn’t save anyone from anything
Well that’s no true berry. Arresting, charging, jailing with financial penalties and fines and all of those associated with his seditious and treasonous acts would be a great start and continue with the rest of them until they make deals and spill the beans or jail or capital punishment which is too good for them. There would be book full of charges for each and throw the book at them in the process. They would start to run like rats as justice and the rule of law with justice must be seen to be carried out as well. It’s long overdue with Trump acting in a number of areas. No action is compliance and appeasement is surrender. No action is guilty by association and then that is Malfeasance or Misfeasance in High Office with a number of other charges
Misfeasance in public office
Vicarious liability
Another boring diatribe that simply affirms you’re an unsaved slave to dead works
More riddles!
Will not be boring for traitors tied to a chair before a firing squad.
Sorry, it is just another riddle.
I wish you hadn’t said that Ned. I come here to read berry’s comments when I’m stuck on an impossible cryptic crossword clue.
… Same result.
I have to admit you are a sharp pencil! Lol
Have patience Arlyn. Wait until Trump takes the second term presidential seat, then he may be judged. Much of the first term was used to gather EVIDENCE of the wrong doing and cleaning out the swamp which had engulfed the investigative institutions and the judiciary. At times traps had been set to gather this proof, as in the election fraud now being made evident.
In my opinion, Soros will indeed be found guilty of numerous crimes over this and the previous century and will “swing”. While he is free, his cohorts are having evidence against them collected.
Yeah I know he US is under dire circumstances and it has been for decades with the infiltration and takeover of the US. I’m just not convinced with the proof that is thus far in his historical term. the old saying is the wheels of justice are slow or they are not forthcoming
So you refuse to answer the very specific questions and you go off by a false character assassination without even knowing me. Is that your type of Christianity…/ And you wonder why people shout you down. True Christianity is open, honest and revealing not concealing and with a nice spirit not vindictive or attacking. Why is it you refuse to answer some very specific questions but you are quite happy to constantly spout biblical verses thus ignoring the questions? That is weird and certainly does not display the true Christian spirit
A. M.
Sorry about the font.
T just signed anothe ex order giving everyone a public holiday on the 24th…. except the military etc. Ref end of latest x22.
Yes, wonder what may happen on the 23rd?
Ref report2351b “marker revealed trump new eo durham gw surprise attack html”. Fill the spaces with – – – etc.
Mal, you’re going to need more patience than you anticipated (like having to wait until 2024), in relation to Trump taking action on anything.
Refer to my 2.21pm comment in this previous thread :
Forget being patient.
Watch the next few weeks. (Even days) Ref again to x22. 2351b
Forget old naysayer truth.
Ned, it doesn’t matter what you or I or X22 forecasts, come this Monday (U.S time) / Tuesday in Australia.
Because that’s when the Electoral College meets to certify former Vice President Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States.
And, as surely as night follows day, Creepy Joe WILL be certified.
So Trumpinistas, you have about 60 hours of delusional sunshine to enjoy before the reality of the darkness sinks in.
Sacha Stone does go off on tangents into esoteric realms at times and hosts a few ‘questionable’ guests (eg Leigh Dundas)– but so what – each to our own mind and conclusion.
Nevertheless, his work with the ITNJ is fabulous and I really admire his articulation skills especially on topics that echo our own sentiments.
His most succinct and apt phrase describing these perpetrators and their collaborators reads:
“Molochite, Baphomet worshipping, Sabbatean detritus – the unensouled”
(Of course he is talking about freemasons and their handlers.)
Here here! He is a character that is needed for a certain type of person as well. Some people are just closed minded about his character. Its another “Kill the Messenger “instead of listening to his sound and passionate arguments. Australians lack passion
Hey James Dean, here’s me thinking you came to grief driving your Porsche 550 Spyder.
Well, seeing as you’ve been resurrected, I wouldn’t put much store into any of Leigh Dundas’ forecasts coming to fruition.
You’ll have a better chance getting the trifecta … twice at the ponies.
The word delusional is most appropriate. These fundamental Christians placing their hope in a man instead of God is also delusional. All politicians give false election promises and they all come to naught. https://www.compellingtruth.org/strong-delusion.html
There has always been heavy suppression and censoring after the Vietnam war as much was exposed. Not enough though. They have hit new bench marks that have sky rocketed into space with their propaganda apparatus. 9/11 was obvious, the Port Arthur Massacre was even more obvious, the Bali bombing, MH370 and MH17, the present Covid scam is even more obvious but somehow people are still in a deep sleep. I’m absolutely amazed that people are just obeying these illegal-unlawful government edicts and not very many people are defying and simply complying. It’s a woeful dire situation and people will willingly walk to their deaths without any resistance. That is what is what it is coming to according to the evidence thus far. They are so concerned about shopping for Christmas presents and going on holiday again. Dream on…:-(
Indeed Arlyn, this is the sorry state of affairs we find ourselves in today my friend.
Nothing new from Leigh Dundas except a repetition but thanks for the post. She did not speak about fraudulent Barr and time wasted with him not acting out Trumps orders
His mastery over ideas and language is extraordinary.
We have the same insidious problem here in Australia with the disinformation and propaganda barrage that we have to endure daily with Covid and a multiplicity of issues from the lies, omissions, exaggerations as well. It’s woeful…Its misinformation to the masses that seems to be acceptable to the masses who trust the corporate-government propaganda apparatus. These are criminal indictable offences with misfeasance in high office and vicarious liability applicable. It is fraudulent advertising and fraudulent claims of drugs and vaccines is the only option coming from this illegal corporate-government entity
Mr. Rothchild’s Energy Discovery
What Mr. Rothschild had discovered was the basic principle of power, influence, and control over people as applied to economics. That principle is “when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you.”………………………
I cant find it do you have the link?
Its all over.
Try rumourmillnes.com AND SCROLL DOWN ARTICLES.
Beforeitsnews.com presently at the top
X22report.com , the home site.
Use duckduckgo for a search. NOT GIGGLE.
Sorry, I was distracted by a comment by some vigilante above.
Should be rumormillnews.com (us spelling)
To not deny, is to admit guilt.
Of course.
But the above letter is a series of questions; I can’t see any actual claim anywhere.
Ok got it thanks Ned
Actress Says Jewish Conspiracy Behind Coronavirus
Cornell Mandates Flu Vaccine for White People Only
Jews declare themselves to be anti-White
Jew Professor Noel Ignatiev on how terrible white people are
Don’t Deny Jewish History and Culture by Calling Us “White”
Micha Danzig — Forward (New York)
… Anyone that understands Jewish history as well as the history of the entire development of the idea or construct of the “white race” should understand how that no Jew, Ashkenazi or otherwise, is “white.” While it is certainly the case that many Ashkenazi Jews today in America (such as Ruiz-Grossman) identify as “white,” that doesn’t make it any more accurate or appropriate … This is not merely a semantic issue. Jews are not “white.” We are a tribal people from the Levant … No one that wants to end anti-Semitism and to fight against bigotry and racism should be claiming that Jews are “white.”
Head of Pfizer research says Covid vaccine is female sterilization
Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon request a stop of all coronavirus vaccination studies. This comes after 2 people died after receiving the vaccine in a trials.
Their main concern, however, is that “infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.” In other words, women who take the vaccine could become infertile. This sounds suspiciously like another attempt to reduce the world’s population through vaccines—just like Bill Gates has stated in the past.
Dr. Wodarg and Dr. Yeadon demand that the studies – for the protection of the life and health of the volunteers – should not be continued until a study design is available that is suitable to address the significant safety concerns expressed by an increasing number of renowned scientists against the vaccine and the study design.
The UK government knows this but refuses to warn people.
Shame on the Mayo Clinic
Here is Mayo’s Deceptive (AND immunologically-illiterate?) Q & A About its Recommendations For its Employees About the Experimental (AND Un-tested for Long-term Safety or Efficacy), Synthetic, Messenger RNA Vaccines from Pfizer (and Moderna)!!
(NOTE: Messenger RNA Vaccines Have Never Been Used in Humans Before and NO Studies on the Long-term Effects of Synthetic RNA Have Yet Been Done)
The Information Below was Taken Directly From December 11, 2020’s “Mayo Clinic Answers Questions About COVID-19 Vaccine”
By Deborah Balzer, Mayo Clinic News Network – December 11, 2020 (1682 words)
The question requiring a answer from Victoria and Queensland is;
Due to available treatment by hydroxychloroquine, being banned in those states,hpw many people died as a result of the banning of a available treatment?
If it is even one, then why should those responsible for the banning and deaths not be sentenced to a custodial sentence?
Ditto, for those aiding and abetting the banning of the treatment and those who are accesories after the fact…..Still ongoing.
In Australia
Only some really old people in nursing homes died, it was all hysteria and propaganda, almost nobody died that wasn’t about to anyway from multiple causes
True ?
Very true! 99% recovery rate despite the constant perpetual barrage of daily Positive tests which are meaningless. the average age being 75.5 to 85 with those elderly having multiple health issues for years and many bedridden up to 10 years!
Those that dies were in government regulated aged care facilities so what does that say. The government is poor in health quality plus the abuse that was taken place for years and not recitified….
Watching communist “PBS Newshour” and the deep state apologists just frames the unreality of everything in the MSM these days, their line is Trump is wrecking the nation for bringing up election fraud, they have forgotten two years of Russiagate hoax and nonsense impeachment, it’s madness, I think only martial law and mass executions can fix this
Firing sqads been recently approved.
And a hell of a lot more going on! . Its full on!
Yep, unfortunately, China and irs corrupt treasonous US bribed running dogs will prabably lose the US election.
The people behind Q will see to that.
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation is a Jew owned Bank – not a PRC owned Bank.
Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral by Paul Collin
Ned, seeing as you’ve mentioned the ‘people behind Q’, I managed to locate a few of them in this video here :
‘w3’, seeing as you’ve been to many of these dance functions in your Hasidic community, I was just wondering – WHERE are all the women ?
Aren’t they allowed to dance too ?
It looks like one big BRO-mance going on in that video.
I could reply with goose-stepping nazis but that also would not be enlightening
And why shoul the medical practitio ers who deny prescriptions for the proven treatment not be struck off the medical registrar. Been done by the ams for not keeping prooer records. So the medical practitiiners should have in their notes details of either refusing such treatment or not advising patients of the option.
Watch the insurance companies go balistic and medical negligence premiums hit the roof. Ha!
Apols for the typos.
Btw the AMA or whoever struck off a Woolloomooloo old doctor for not keeping proper records and no computer. There was such a patient outcry on talkback radio, the AMA controllers reversed its decision.
Wonder what they are going to do with doctors that deny proper treatment for covid 19 as requested or not advised?
Let he who is without typographical errors, cast the first stone.
Dyslexics of the world, UNTIE!!
So, for the blind on a elve’s keybored with fit arthritic fingas.
And Jesus arrived as they gathered to stone the alleged adulteress he said: Let he without sin cast the first stone.
For a minute the crowded executioners stood silent.
Then Jesus yelled:
“mum, put down that stone”.
All jokes aside,there’s nothing in the Bible that so much as suggests that Mary was immortal(without sin)
The immaculate conception didn’t exempt her from wearing out just like everybody else
Exactly I have said this years ago myself and they should also be struck off for a number of other issues. the problem is the evil AMA controls the doctors conscience with APHRA. They threaten to deregister them if they do not tow the line in a number of areas. The better medical associations are the General Practitioners Association and the Reformed Doctors. They still have to “practice medicine” is the key words and not deviate from that to stay registered. They still hold the seriously flawed medical model of their Pasteur “germ theory” compared to the real physician Bechamp. Medicine is medicine not health, As I have said many times before it is the third largest cause of deaths in the world in addition to the vaccines, inappropriate treatment, wrong diagnosis, human errors, staph and bacteria and hygiene issues, side affects and reactions to drugs. Stay healthy. Prevention is better than cure
This is the issue that has most interested me –
“Because the vaccine is not tested for its real-life preventative effect when humans are re-introduced to the wild virus, any claims of effectiveness are FRAUD. There’s no evidence that the vaccine actually prevents infection. In fact, the opposite evidence is true. All animal studies for coronavirus vaccines show an influx of non-neutralizing antibodies that causes an exaggerated immune response. When the animal is exposed to the wild virus later, their immune system overreacts, destroying itself. This overactive immune response caused the death of all the animals exploited in the study. These animal studies were bypassed for the COVID-19 vaccine trials because the scientists were well aware of animal fatalities from previous coronavirus experiments.”
So, you get the shot, then at a later date you get hit with a real virus and you’re done for. As the previous experiments showed “the death of ALL the animals exploited in the study”
It strikes me that,as a consequence of being bombarded by multiple vaccinations, a significant number of people under 40 have already experienced an “overactive immune response” that manifests as food and insect bite allergies.
As a child none of my peers were plagued by either
But back then immunisation programs were limited to whooping cough, diphtheria, tuberculosis and polio
Yes ‘Don’t Know” is not really good enough”
Three headlines as I glanced up … all somewhat topical
• US Supreme Court DENIES Texas election lawsuit for ‘lack of standing’ [Mary’s favourite phrase]
• ‘Medical miracle’: Trump praises ‘safe & effective’ Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine as FDA grants emergency use authorization [no lack of standing there apparently]
• ‘You have 15 seconds to comply’: NYPD says new robotic cop dog will ‘save lives’ as netizens warn of sci-fi dystopia
“US Supreme Court DENIES Texas election lawsuit for ‘lack of standing’ – oh sh!t. I really don’t want to read anymore legal decisions in my life, but I can’t see why the Texas pleading didn’t have original jurisdiction in the court. Perhaps it is what we have come to accept from the Australian ‘judiciary’ – that sophistry is the main focus of the ‘Rule of Law’.
The way i understood it the judges reckoned that it was none of the mayor of Texas’ business what goes on in Pennsylvania or in any State other than his own.
I’m always optimistic so I think Chief Justice Roberts is heading for Gitmo courtesy of some dirt collected from Epstein in his last days.
It is a national election to elect a national leader. Using an analogy, if a school board is having an election for a leader and one of the members is going around changing the votes from one potential leader to another, it is everyone’s interest that is being compromised by that member.
Someone else can read the judgement to see where the court hung it’s hat.
It looks like an escalation game
Yes texas lost at the Alamo due to insufficient(s) standing. But it all worked out eventually.
Note latest x 22 report No2351b. Particularly T’s lates ex order giving everyone a holiday on the 24th….. except the miltary etc.
As I mentione to Mal above…I wonder what may be the situation on the 23rd. Terry, you are aware of course of the inordinate military movements recently in the air.
I hope Rudolh has a safe flight plan.
Supreme Court Hides from the Issue
The liberal/left claims that the Supreme Court refused to hear the Texas case that the election was stolen because there was no evidence. This was not the court’s ruling. The Court ruled that it could not take the case because Texas lacked standing. The Court did not examine or rule on the case of whether the election was stolen. Here is the Supreme Court’s ruling: “The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution.”
In other words, the Court does not want to look at the evidence, because the evidence would require a ruling that the election was stolen. The Court, with the exception of Clarence Thomas, does not want the responsibility of discrediting the Democrat Party and American democracy.
Bizarre, all 36 comments above this one entirely ignore the topic of the post, which is that of the Concerned Lawyers Network.
Suspecting that the average age of Gumshoers is 65 plus, that might explain why there were almost no pensioners at the Adelaide rally last Sunday. The typical attendee was a woman in her mid-thirties, I would say.
Funny, even Skoolafish, who apparently was there with me, ignores the topic.
it is as if you people are just tired and worn out and waiting for the Grim Reaper and while you hope he isn’t in a mandatory vaxx, you are not really bothered.
Instead, you regale each other with this or that rare and useful video link, proving or not proving what the Juice and their Zios are up to again. Do you think you have no skin in this game, no offspring for example?
I wonder if your collective abiltiy to be distracted from the topic at hand and to free associate in your comments signals early-onset dementia?
So, what do you reckon?
Thread from 10:42am discusses victims, relating to HCQ topic in lawyers letter.
Australia is holding its breath really waiting for Inauguration Day, personally I’m hoping for military rule day, I hope they drain everything including Hollywood and Canberra
Scotus, what are you insinuating with your ‘early-onset dementia’ comment ?
BTW, what were we talking about ?
As for waiting for the Grim Reaper, he already be among us (refer to my post – and Criss X’s – the other day on Mark Leibler and his stranglehold on Australian politics).
Do you not recall or remember that Mary said we could all go OFF TOPIC so it is a freedom to do so without reproval. It creates a diverse flow and topics are hit with others being related to the Collective interest I would say. No harm done no victim
I attended the Perth Rally last Saturday. I urge the lawyers to follow up with their action so far, but there is nothing really for me to comment on to do with the article. These lawyers are supposed to be more intellectual than myself, I did not attend university and I am not a good verbal debater so I leave the tactics up them.
However I wrote in September:
Malcolm R. Hughes.
17th September, 2020.
Advocate Me
P.O. Box 7015,
Reservoir. Vic. 3073
M/s Serene Teffaha,
I forward you information and a computer disc of videos that may be of assistance to you in your upcoming “Class Action”.
I have only marginally been impacted by the treasonous actions of our politicians in regard to the lock-down because of the non-existent Covid-19 virus. I say non-existent, as you will see from one of the videos Dr Tim O’Shea has offered a prize for anybody who can provide scientific proof of the existence of Covid-19. This prize has not been claimed 9 months after the notification of the so-called pandemic.
I am very interested in your “Class Action”. Below is a comment I posted to http://www.gumshoenews.com A site a occasionally write for.
Aussiemal September 5, 2020 at 9:48 pm
Because it is illegal to close the border between states, according to the Constitution of Australia, every premier, chief minister and prime minister is a traitor to Australia. Keep these names in mind for arrests and criminal charges in the future. Scott Morrison, Dan Andrews, Annastacia Palaszczuk, Gladys Berejikliac, Steve Marshal, Peter Gutwein, Andrew Barr, Mark McGowan and Michael Gunner.
These criminals have also deprived us of our right to associate, forced Victorians to wear face masks to the detriment of the people’s health, created no go zones in their respective states or territories, refused proven health relief medication to be used or prescribed for those with the flu, and refused re-entry of Australians from overseas, enforced quarantine restriction on healthy beings, restricted employment, created business bankruptcies and maybe loss of home ownership. Health issues not directly connected to the so-called Covid-19 virus, (which does not exist), and suicides caused by their actions is another charge awaiting these fools.
These same beings have been following orders handed down by foreign persons and entities to the detriment of the Australian population of this Sovereign Nation and against the Constitution Of Australia, the highest law of the land. This is by definition TREASON. Some of those foreign entities being the WHO, the World Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board.
The same type of beings, Federal politicians, Tasmanian politicians, Tasmanian police commissioners, and ASIO were the traitors that planned the false flag operation, on behalf of the U.N.O., known as the Port Arthur Massacre in 1996, which killed 7 of their own (intelligence officers) and 28 innocent civilians. Martin Bryant who killed nobody has been in prison for 24 ½ years, yet not one of these vile creatures has been charged. Would not the penalty for the treasonous crimes now committed (Covid-19 atrocity) be a chance to place today’s creatures into the same conditions that Martin Bryant has had to endure? If capital punishment is not an option. This would maybe put an end the shenanigans of the One World Government Cabal’s activities.
I was aware that the Covid-19 scare was a scam within a week of the announcement of its appearance, so I investigated and downloaded any information in regard to viruses that came my way. Most of the videos I downloaded were shortly after, taken down by Youtube, which implicates that organisation in the scam. The worldwide msm is also a main player in the scam.
I will list the videos that I think may be of most value to you:
Natural viruses do not cause disease. Only viruses engineered in a laboratory and injected via vaccines have that ability. Tom Barnett
Dr Stephan Lanka
Dr Robert O. Young
Dr Tim O’Shea
Viruses by Injection
Empty Hospitals German Hospitals
Elmhurst Hospital
US Hospitals
Conspiracies Polly’s Mafia
Amazing Polly Another Boom
Transfer of Funds to China
Max Igan DNA virus scam
Best Video on Covid-19 as well as….
I sent email addresses of videos, similar to ones provided to you to Mr Roger Cook, Health Minister of W.A. back in May. However because of Youtube censorship I sent a disc in July and received acknowledgement from Department of Health. Copies of correspondence to Cook are enclosed.
As the Victorian Government has fiddled with the information that was on the site of Birth, Deaths and Marriages in recent times, I have included a copy of the circular that I distributed at the rally a few weeks ago in Perth. It has the original monthly death numbers for Victoria over the last 10 ½ years, to compare against the current years’ deaths.
I stated earlier that I had only suffered marginally. However I am a Vietnam Veteran and there was a reunion planned to be held in W.A. next March. It now depends on what the decisions that each state premier makes, as to whether that event will take place. Many of the veterans were to come from Victoria. If they can’t make it, I image the event will be called off. Some of us have paid deposits on accommodation and I imagine those from interstate may have paid for travel expenses which will not be fully repaid.
I wish you success in bringing these traitors to justice and hopefully returning Australia to normality, while at the same time dealing a blow to the One World Government fanatics, forever. Long live a free Australia.
Yours faithfully,
Malcolm R. Hughes.
Email address: …………………………………. I do not have Face Book so any communications can be by email.
I was just informed that there are NBN outages in Melbourne, Adelaide and he Eastern seaboard. Any up to date info?
COVID vaccine documentation has two versions
The COVID test that yields ‘cases’ not fit for purpose as ruled in EU court
Class action lawsuit omitted from report?
I just happened to have read this excellent article by John Wear last night and it linked in on several levels to various comments here and on previous threads.
“David Icke’s Misconceptions about National Socialist Germany” – by John Wear
Of course, to those suffering TDS, this may just seem like another ‘boring diatribe’.
Yes they are identical to the muslims in terms of their logic being SELF-REFERENTIAL.
I’m not bound to the 6 million figure, I don’t deny Rotschilds have a lot of influence, what I do deny is this ultra-simplification. I think there is a lot of scope for sharpening up the argument.
btw TDS is a condition of the Democrat Party supporters
Fish, I don’t profess to have read reams of John Wear’s output but what I have read has been a masterclass.
And Wear doesn’t disappoint in the article you posted either.
David Icke should take note.
All this could go on for a while
Relevant in the courts
Here’s the setup—hopefully.
THE-CORPUS-JURIS and the Magna Carta.
Global Banning of All Privateers # Opening of Fema Camps.
This Notice of Liability suffers from one very significant flaw.
No distinction has been made between the alleged virus, SARS-CoV-2 (formerly 2019-nCoV), and the supposed disease it causes in humans, COVID-19.
The request can be legally argued against on this technicality alone.
Absolutely! It still has not been identified as well
Coca Cola Tests COVID-19 Positive In Austrian Parliament
An Austrian parliamentary member exposed the defectiveness of the government’s COVID-19 tests by demonstrating in the parliament how a glass of Coca Cola tested positive for COVID-19. In footage from the meeting in Vienna Friday, FPO General Secretary Michael Schnedlitz brings a glass of Coca Cola to the podium, from which he proceeds to collect […]
Read more of this post
Many of you will be aware that I’ve given Trump a hard time of late and maybe he deserves accolades for the good things he’s done.
In relation to Afghanistan, officials in his administration have been saying that Trump is not the same as previous Presidents, that under his tenure there have been demonstrable achievements in ‘Spreading Democracy’ and ‘Nation Building’ through vast infrastructure projects that the locals have shown real appreciation for.
Well, it takes a big man to admit he was wrong and maybe, just MAYBE I was wrong about Trump all along.
Could it be that, due to the initiatives by the Trump administration, after 19 years of occupation, American troops have FINALLY been able to win the Hearts and Minds of the Afghans ?
(watch from 5:00 – 6:20 and see for yourself – best watched on Full Screen mode) :
President Trump, we salute you.
Mission Accomplished.
Wars are for god… Gas Oil Drugs
The war was never intended to be won it was intended to be prolonged so the war mongers could cash in. Its a racket and at the same time to consolidate their deranged “Full Spectrum Dominance” Doctrine
Vig and Arlyn,
It pays to remember that in every important election the globalists have ‘owned’ BOTH SIDES of the contest so that depending upon how the scenario goes ‘socially’ they have a ‘fall-back’ position.
Satan remember is unbelievably cunning.
Absolutely. He is cunning as cunning can be! There is no other like him!
Isaiah 45:7-9
7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.
8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it.
9 Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?
Yes that is a good one to keep in mind.
Paul and the False Apostles
…13For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their actions.…
Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Re the concerned lawyers wonderful letter/lawsuit. See? See what a smart, moral, self-confident lawyer can to to ram somebody with the law? Ah, ’tis beautiful.
QQ: why do some of the addressees have the word Hon before their name?
Doctor, Ex Intelligence Section Chief for Covid Response, Ex Military Physician specialist on weapons of Mass Destruction
World’s Biggest Vaccine Company Sues COVID Shot Volunteer who Spoke about Negative Neurological Effects
World’s biggest vaccine company sues COVID shot volunteer who spoke about negative side effects
The man’s wife told local media that he began vomiting and complaining of a pounding headache ten days after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine
CHENNAI, India, December 11, 2020 —A 40-year-old Indian businessman who suffered a “neurological and psychological” breakdown after taking a COVID-19 vaccine developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca is being sued by the Serum Institute of India (SII), the world’s largest vaccine producer, for defamation.
The man’s wife told local media that he began vomiting and complaining of a pounding headache ten days after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine on Oct. 1st, RT reported. His wife says that he experienced confusion so severe, he couldn’t identify close family members.
“He spent 15 days in hospital, including 8 days in intensive care, suffering from acute neuro-encephalopathy (an altered mental state) that left him “totally disoriented,” so much so that he could no longer recognize close relatives,” his wife told reporters, according to Science Magazine.
The man has asked for trials to be immediately halted, and is suing for $676,000 in damages from SII. “The lawsuit also demands that SII, AstraZeneca and the Oxford Vaccine Group immediately halt vaccine trials, in which some 1,600 volunteers are currently enrolled,” reported RT.
In response, SII is suing the man for $13.5 million, calling his allegations “malicious” and complaining of damage to their reputation…………………”
Venezuela: Hilarious Headlines Reveal Hypocrisy of US Regime-Change Aspirations
“U.S.’s Pompeo says Venezuelan elections were ‘political farce,’” read an ironic Reuters headline on December 7. “US Condemns Venezuela Election as ‘Charade,’” reported Voice of America weakly the same day. “Venezuela’s Guide to Election Theft,” wrote Wall Street Journal on November 29, eight days before the elections had even happened……………….”
Brutal Repression and Covid Reality Denial: The Results of America’s Imperial Decline
by Internationalist 360°
This week, data scientist Rebekah Jones announced on Twitter that the government had threatened her family at gunpoint and confiscated her hardware because she had brought the public the truth about the amount of Florida Covid-19 cases. Earlier this year, Jones was fired from her position as architect and manager of Florida’s Covid-19 dashboard because she refused to censor pandemic data. After creating an accurate homemade dashboard that competed with the fraudulent official one, Florida police officers raided the home of Jones, all simply to cover up DeSantis’ own incompetence at fighting the virus.
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Our here and now, onwards to our future…
Australia the land of the dumb.
Apathy is our leader and narcissism our ethos.
The entitled ones are bleeding us dry.
Families are broken by the love of the youth.
Bankrupted parents left as just a bank for their offspring.
Society owing the apathetic narcissistic youth for things they haven’t yet done.
Our lands are mostly foreign owned, resources exported for a song.
Australia is in its death knell and no-one gives a damn.
When privatisation rules and our rights laid bare, we sit back and complain.
It’s just not fair.
Expletives abound blue is the air.
Now too late with belt and road everywhere.
Politicians and main stream media,
Giving us to those who want evermore.
Countries and currencies are all their toys in a game of global chess.
Oh what a mess!
How to fix this global catastrophe?
Too hard for me, I am but one.
Disenfranchised individuals are we.
In the eyes of the elites just useless eaters, not free. Freedom relinquished.
Abeit Macht Frie once forged in iron.
Fatally flawed for absolute millions. Freedom stolen.
What can we do as remedy?
The judiciary?
Nationally or locally?
The masses unified.
95% strong we can overcome all ills.
Brains not quite fried.
Pharmaceutical pills.
In the end freedom for naught will never exist. Only by unity and truth will we be free from oppression.
I fear war is nearer than ever before.
Annihilation to achieve their agenda, we freely march onwards. Soldiers to slaughter.
Martin Finn
Arlyn –
Buckmaster Fuller said:
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren’t any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you wouldn’t be here in the first place. And never forget, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. So be that one person.
Good advice and good philosophy if you one of the good guys. The evil have their own wicked philosophy and ideology about change. However point taken. I have tried to be that one person for 35 years so I’m still waiting…Lol
Yes I do understand as I have been fielding in left field for over 50 years – My metamorphose, believe it or not was started by a subbi who came on the job years ago and said one day – I wonder where to jump you into all this stuff – So never underestimate the effect/affect one good man can have.
If there is one thing I have learned is that it is much easier to identify qualities in anyone else but yourself! As my mate used to say “You cant know that you don’t know” I would add – Its important to know when you know!
Indeed! My father used to say a similar saying. When you don’t know you don’t know and when you don’t know you don’t know…:-)
Paganism is paganism and not Christian. It does not matter if its Catholic, Jewish cabal, Muslim, Hinduism etc. It is a man-made religion not a God-made religion
The Star Of David Deception
The “Star of David” is Pagan
Since The ‘Star of David’ Is A Satanic Hexagram, What Is The Biblical Symbol For Israel?
Commentary: The Six-Pointed Occult Symbol
666 – The Masonic Square and Compass/Hexagram
The Pagan “Star of David”
You missed Metatron’s Cube of Kabbalah but otherwise well done.
Thanks I will look it up. “-)
WARP SPEED BEGINS: Coercion, Deceit, and Making An Informed Choice: Dr. Bohemier + Sayer Ji Discuss
Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated: The Study The CDC Refused To Do — Interview with Dr. Weiler
The COVID Vaccine Is Here … And So Are Potential Side Effects …
The Transhumanist Covax Agenda Exposed with Dr Carrie Madej
Group Overseeing $10 Trillion, Called “Guardians For Inclusive Capitalism”, Signs Partnership With The Vatican
James Corbett on COVID-19, The Great Reset, and Problem-Reaction-Solution
Off Topic
The Greatest Hoax in History That Has Duped The Majority Of Christians by the Unholiest Hoax in All Of History – Awesome Videos That Reveal the Truth!
Arlyn, there’s a lot of material in that link above so I only just skimmed through it.
I’ve hears quite a bit of Benjamin Freedman’s speeches in the past and would advise those that haven’t to take heed.
Freedman is a decent man and had a lot of courage to come out the way he did and speak those truths.
Do Not Be Fooled by Government
Don’t fall for legalities that you don’t understand. People are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
People are falsely claiming that they do not see the fringed flag under Trump particularly when he is addressing the nation or in an interview or giving press release. I see it most of the time
op 3 Ways Presidents Violate the Constitution
The Cyberpandemic Has Begun: SolarWinds + FireEye — Anything Can Happen Now
Breaking: Pentagon Imposes Emergency Shutdown of Its Secret Internet Protocol Router Network – Handles Classified Information Up to the Secret Level
Antiwar article: What we know for sure: it was
Do you have links to that?
Here you go Arlyn – almost missed this. I was tired and I don’t get notifications anymore since I seem to be locked out of GumshoeNews directly by Chrome – can only comment via WordPress
US Media Outlets Claim Russia is Behind Massive Hack Without Evidence – Antiwar 15 December 2020
Usual suspects – WaPo and their army of anonymous and unnamed sources
“Anonymous sources were quick to pin the hack on their favorite suspect — Russia. On Monday, The Washington Post published a story that cited anonymous “people familiar with the intrusion” who pinned the blame on Russian intelligence. What started as conjecture from unnamed sources turned into fact in a story published by the Post just hours later.”
Thanks Julius
Yeah just as I suspected another false claim
They want us to keep our trap shut! 🙂 Im deactivated on FB so don’t feel bad.The Factcheckers are a bunch of Communists some are Chinese. It’s funny that they only check one way. Lol
Note: there are now 87,000 nurses that have been in contact with Doctors for Truth and the organization’s founding physician, Elke de Klerk, that are publicly refusing to be guinea pigs for Pfizer’s new, experimental, untested-for-long-term-safety or efficacy, highly over-hyped Covid-19 vaccine.
Watch Dr de Klerk’s impressive 3-part interview at: https://irmaschiffers2014.wordpress.com/unn-interview-with-dr-elke-f-de-klerk/.
Dr de Klerk is one of those rare, thinking for herself, highly ethical physicians that has no conflicts of interest with profiteering industries or government bureaucracies or the mainstream media, and she isn’t afraid of blowing the whistle on Big Pharma, Big Medicine, Big Government and Big Media.
Dr de Klerk is just being true to the Hippocratic Oath (first Do No Harm) and the doctrine of Informed Consent (that patients have the right to be “fully” informed about the risks of any drug, vaccine or surgical procedure before consenting to receiving it.
In her role of ethical whistle-blower (by exposing the pharmaceutical and medical industries (which have basic control over what is allowed to be broadcast on the mainstream media), she has been black-listed, pharma-shill-trolled, threatened and, not surprisingly, has found that the information about her on Google is blatantly contrived and untrue.
Please, as soon as you are done studying the following article by F. William Engdahl, watch this powerful 3-part interview of this REAL doctor at https://irmaschiffers2014.wordpress.com/unn-interview-with-dr-elke-f-de-klerk/. GGK