by Dee McLachlan
In just a few short months the world has been turned upside down. One has to wonder who will survive the financial fall-out? Most of the small businesses probably won’t survive.

The worldometer reported 793 people died on 21 March 2020 in Italy. The images and video from the hospital were frightening.
I was informed the other day, through a reliable source, that aged-care homes had just received a letter from the Australian government. It stated that in three weeks, any elderly person suffering from the virus would not be moved to hospital and assisted. They’re on their own — but for how long?
Shutdown in Australia
Actions for Australia was reported in the Guardian at 15:12 hours yesterday (Sunday):
- Victoria and New South Wales said they would move to a lock-down of non-essential services over the next 48 hours…
- Essential services include petrol stations, supermarkets, banks, pharmacies, freight and logistics, home delivery services…
- Victoria is also pushing for a shutdown of schools, closing Tuesday.
- South Australia has closed its borders to non-essential travel, following the Northern Territory and Tasmania. From 4pm Tuesday, everyone entering SA will be made to undergo a mandatory 14 day quarantine.
- NSW has recorded 97 new cases in the past 24 hours, bringing the total to 533. The Ruby Princess cruise ship has been linked to 18 confirmed cases.
- Victoria has recorded 67 new cases, bringing its total to 296. The number of cases in the ACT has almost doubled to 19…
- The Australian government has announced the details of its $66bn “safety net” package… here.
To clarify, this is not the flu — it’s a bio-engineered virus designed to kill and destroy organs. The inventors took the best of Bat SARS-like replicase, added SARS, then tweaked various spike proteins (the corona) with HIV spikes to make the strain more virulent.
When the disaster in Wuhan began to unfold I wrote an article, “Are There Two Coronas – One an Almost Fatal Weaponized Agent, Another a Virus?”
I wrote that “Doctors must be scratching their heads. There are reports that most symptoms are ‘mild’, but then there are accounts of entire families quickly dying agonizing deaths,” with descriptions of people turning blue, and people just falling over in the streets. I found it most disturbing that Chang Kai, a film director, died on the 14th of February 2020 — along with his father, mother, and sister. His wife became critically ill at that time, and I don’t know whether she survived. The mortality rate in that one home was 80%, possibly 100%. Their son was living in London at the time.
Researchers at a Chinese university have allegedly identified two separate strains (L and S) of the Covid-19 coronavirus — a study produced by researchers at Peking University’s School of Life Sciences and the Institute Pasteur of Shanghai. But now there are allegedly 35 strains, and the virus can resurface causing a Cytokine Storm (an over-protective immune response that can actually be fatal).
Dr Paul Cottrell
Dr Paul Cottrell provides some excellent information in the video below, and also compares COVID-19 with the Spanish flu.
Looking back into history, the Spanish flu came in waves. There are many other similarities COVID-19, but this from history.com:
“The first wave of the 1918 pandemic occurred in the spring and was generally mild. The sick, who experienced such typical flu symptoms as chills, fever and fatigue, usually recovered after several days, and the number of reported deaths was low.
“However, a second, highly contagious wave of influenza appeared with a vengeance in the fall of that same year. Victims died within hours or days of developing symptoms, their skin turning blue and their lungs filling with fluid that caused them to suffocate.”
In the video below, Stefan Molyneux interviews Dr Cottrell about the looming health, financial and economic effects of the #coronavirus pandemic. The title of the video says it all: “Prepare NOW for 18 Months!”
But maybe Dr Cottrell is being optimistic, COVID-19, or SARS-Cov-2 is here to stay.
It’s Here To Stay
This virus was designed to have a very long asymptomatic period, so there seems to be no way to prevent the population from becoming infected over time. No way — unless there is complete isolation.
One can compare this to other corona viruses. After they were introduced, they stayed around. As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg in this video explains that since the corona virus became known, they remained in the mix — year after year.
A study out of Glasgow studied the prevalence of virus types (from 2005 to 2013) of those patients with respiratory diseases. They found that 7 to 15% were Corona viruses — as seen as bright green in the graph below.
It seems SARS-Cov-2 is here to stay.
I was taken aback when the prime minister first announced — out of the blue — that we would need to hunker down for about 6 months. There can only be one explanation. They must have a directive, knowing that this deadly and contagious strain of corona can only be defeated by a vaccine.
So are we to expect a vaccine in about 6 months? Expect an announcement for a vaccine around September 2020 — probably to be rolled out by the end of the year. And it will be mandatory. But people will be so desperate to start socializing by that time, they will be begging for a vaccine.
This is a most malicious attack on humanity by insane scientists and backers of bioweapons.
And now for Dr Paul Cottrell’s interview:
Dee, in 150 woids or less, what is your basic message here?
The less contagious versions of corona have remained in the mix of viruses — so there is no way that Covid-19 is going away.
I go back to my first article on the virus. Most cases are very mild — and in many cases people don’t know that they have it. Yet in a portion of cases it is DEADLY. The explanation: it attacks those elderly or those with compromised immune systems. But the film director, his sister and his wife were not in that category.
The deadly strain almost feels like a “marketing” tool that allows the whole globe to be “shutdown”.
As I say, I think in 6 months of social distancing, no sport, no restaurants, bankrupt small businesses, no gyms, no hugs, kisses etc., people will be BEGGING for a vaccine. They will line up for days to be injected with hell-knows-what.
It’s not adding up.
On the contrary, Dee it IS adding up. Your words, not mine, I quote, “people will be BEGGING for a vaccine. They will line up for days to be injected with hell-knows-what.” Unquote. If that means to get the injection they must first agree to have a tattoo placed on their wrist as well as an injection of micro capsule containing Micro electronics to follow their every move, only then, will they be given an injection. For folks who refuse to have the above done, they will be cast aside with no jobs, denied funds and health care, denied the purchase of food, and left to fend for themselves.
It’s all been forecast/forewarned for ages now, this pandemic is the ideal opportunity to implement it. Watch this space.
OK Dee, that was 147 words. I offer, as the remaining three,
Who flung dung?
“Folks who refuse to be micro-chipped will be cast aside with no jobs, denied funds and health care, denied the purchase of food, and left to fend for themselves.”
All I can say is that the misinformation re said subject leaves all the rot about “climate change” for dead:
The run-down from 3:50 on in this vid might serve to clear up a few popular myths and misconceptions
The issue is neatly summed up at 9 minutes:
“It doesn’t matter what the World throws at you; take it and sanctify it. If you don’t have enough of the Spirit of God to do so you’re living in superstition”
full exegesis of “666” starts at 19 minutes
Dee –“its not adding up” thats because it has been designed to not add up–we are all part of one big cult–we have all been “programmed” we are all wittingly or unwittingly carrying out orders as David Icke explains in the last two videos I posted. Brainwashed-through frequencies — So what is the end game? One World Government total control of all resources- massive genocide-depopulation—breeding slaves and robots -with people begging for the vaccine and loving their servitude—yes there are two vaccines one will kill those who have been “selected,” subjected to experiments such as the Gates Foundations massive program to “prevent” Malaria experiments—I was used as a guinea pig and underwent malaria experiments–I now have auto-immune system disorders and am allergic to Quinnine- I recently received advice about Trumps ” Cure”–it would kill me and all those who have been subjected to mass scientific experiments-to build a master race -transhumanism-and prepare for this time of destruction. All in plain sight.
Just posting
Patterns in Mind-Control: A First Person Account
by Trish Fotheringham
© Copyright 2007
“I was raised as a demonstration model for mind-control techniques designed to provide the latest, most marketable form of human slavery of the time. I do not know the identity of the group who “programmed” me but it clearly had a political agenda. From my birth in 1960, I was subjected to daily trainings and exploitations designed to create dissociated identities or alternate personalities (hereafter referred to as “alters”) that could be programmed according to the needs of the buyer(s). This programming was instilled through the use of mind-control techniques, including ritual abuse-torture, built layer upon layer to form specific patterns of behavior within an alter, resulting in alters that were meant to be perfectly controllable “slaves”.
As a demonstration model, I was trained to exhibit a multitude of personality profiles, any of which could be individually defined and selected for purchase and creation in others. The conflicting programs involved caused an increased need for adjustments and fine-tuning, with program deterioration and eventual breakdown inevitable, at which point I was outcast and discarded (essentially a “built-in expiry date”.) It was this conflicting training that enabled me to eventually break the programming bonds and bypass the “failsafe” programs. ”
Thank you Trish and the thousands of survivor teachers who like David Icke have minds that can hold the big picture and minds that inquire, question, research, learn and know who they are. Thanks gumshoers.
Since Gumshoe is an Australian website I don’t want to make too much of a fuss but Trumpie-boy has just (according to NBC News 2 hours ago) violated the parchment.
“President Donald Trump on Sunday announced he would activate the federal National Guard to assist Washington, California and New York, three of the states hit hardest by the corona virus pandemic. He added that those three states have either been approved or will soon be approved for major disaster declarations to allow the federal government to more seamlessly provide supplies.
“Trump said there are large quantities of masks, respirators, gowns, face shields and other items currently en route to those states, due to arrive within days. He added that he has ordered the government to set up large federal medical stations in each of the states. The Sunday evening announcement came as governors clamored for more assistance from the federal government.”
I say those governors who clamored can clamor for funds all they like, but they ought to be at least noticing that “activating the national Guard” is their job. President can only call up National Guard for war.
“He has ordered the government to set up large federal medical stations in each of the states.”
(Please correct me if I’m wrong.)
BOSTON — Gov Charlie Baker
The governor announced that he is working with the Army Corps of Engineers and opening hundreds of emergency child care centers in response to COVID-19.
What about the Presidential powers under the “Dick Act” and its various modernisations.
Thank you, Delta. The Dick Act indeed. But legislation cannot contradict the Constitution. The 2 controlling bits are:
Article I, sec 8, “The Congress shall have the Power…to provide for calling forth the militia….”
and Article II, sec 2 “The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States and of the Militia of the several States when called into the actual Service of the United States.”
But that phrase “when called” harks back to Congress “providing for the calling forth”.
Maybe Congress did give Trump what he needed in this instance but I did not hear of it. I will grant (with a heavy heart of course) that SCOTUS in Houston v Moore allowed the prez to call the National Guard (really, the militias of the several states) to serve in the (Congressionally declared, of course) War of 1812.
Omigosh, Delta. You have taken the chauvinist mickey out of me. I had always thought the 1812 Overture was about the US-Brit war. So I just played it and I am thinking Why the hell would Tchaikovsky write about that. Now I find it was about Russia during the Napoleon war. Tres embarrassment.
Somebody had better inform Prisoner Tsarnaev. Wasn’t he going to blow up the Boston Pops at the Hatch shell on July 4th, 2013, maybe just as the orchestra came to the cannons at the end?
(At 3 minutes it gets a bit peppier, and there is no audible Second Amendment stuff at the “finish”.). And didn’t Fish say he would give us another article on Mother Russia?
I may be naive but I hope and pray that the current US military movement is for mass paedophile/child trafficker arrests. This 2017 article would suggest Trump despises them https://townhall.com/columnists/lizcrokin/2017/02/25/why-the-msm-is-ignoring-trumps-sex-trafficking-busts-n2290379 This video says the same. It’s very long – 3 hours, but one of the best documentaries I’ve seen in a while as far as instilling hope is concerned. You have to sign in to watch it, but it is well worth it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmA8rreTvm8&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0SphDDp4pPgY_5_lA-GtRNT8y4JSK0eiIAnY2NFCcp-4j0SqjWnfOVVig There is some conjecture that we are simply moving out of one paedo protecting system into another – from Luciferianism to the Noahide World Order, both of which favor child abuse and see humans as a commodity. I prefer to see a brighter future. Astrologically this was always going to be a time of immense change. Mercury, Saturn and Mars are wreaking havoc. But at the same time, the age of Aquarius is rapidly approaching. I have been told by an astrologer who knows her stuff that the coming age is one of humanitarianism. October could see us living in a whole new, altruistic paradigm. I’m hunkering down as suggested, ready to weather the storm.
i see the beast system as part of the aquarian age. I have never found any information regarding a luciferean doctrine. Hope is a strange bed fellow…
Not buying into this virus hysteria nonsense, Italy has been super hit around Milan..5G city. This is a government driven event to usher in the collapse. 650K a year die from the flu and the world is closed down by the Cabal for virtually nobody knows anybody who has died from this hoax. But many know people who have passed from the flu over the years. The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. ~ J. Edgar Hoover
Whatever the case, 5g is greatly more alarm-worthy
2 Points:
1) The comfort derived from crowd-energy, be it sports, school, church or shopping mall, is a type of unregenerative drug . As for small businesses, the bulk of those doing well or even just scraping by under the pre-covid system were held together by a significant level of delusion. In both cases the current restrictions are simply serving to break a spell.
2) The bio-warfare hypothesis is therefore mute
As everyone’s going to die sooner or later anyway each & every wake-up opportunity should be welcomed
When the figures first started coming out of Wuhan I was getting all sorts of mortality figures. The lowest was 20% and the highest was 63%. I’d like to know more about the two strains. I’m wondering if a stronger strain was released in Wuhan and a lesser strain elsewhere.
The suggestions of going for a ‘cashless’ society are becoming more ‘normalized’. The economic collapse is DEFINITELY on the cards. Small businesses will be destroyed, currencies imploding, unemployment worse than the Great Depression.
I’ve also read that the vaccine will have a dye in it that will show up at the injection site with a ‘black light’. If you don’t have the mark, you don’t get to be part of society, no travel, no hospital, no employment, etc.
Here’s hoping someone develops a ‘simulated’ injection dye for those who rather avoid being injected with Gawd knows what…
Yes absolutely. I was thinking of seeking out a prosthetic arm
Terry as I wrote — there seems to be two coronas.
But let me correct this. The corona might well be CATALYZED by 5G.
Consider what Dr Cottrell said about the ACE2 receptor and its effect on enzymes
Take once glance:
“Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is an enzyme attached to cell membranes of the outer surface tissues of lungs, arteries, heart, kidney, and intestines. It lowers blood pressure by catalysing the cleavage of the angiotensin II peptide (a vasoconstrictor) …
ACE2 is a single-pass type I membrane protein that anchors the enzyme to the surface of cells in lungs and other tissues and serves as main entry point into cells for some coronaviruses, including HCoV-NL63,[5] SARS-CoV, the virus that causes SARS,[17][18][19] and SARS-CoV-2,[20] the virus that causes COVID-19.”
The Bioeffects of Millimeter Waves Documented Years Ago
“A Russian Review on Millimeter Waves declassified by the CIA in 2015 “Biological Effect of Millimeter Waves” reported multiple research findings and concluded that “Morphological, functional and biochemical studies conducted in humans and animals revealed that millimeter wave caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitative changes of the blood and bone marrow composition and changes of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, activity of enzymes participating in the process of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism.”
Wow, I wonder if that is the difference. If you have 5G in your area you are more at risk! I hope someone follows this up with statistics from villages in China away from 5G. The same with Italy, as I understand Milan was 5G. So what are the statistics away from the 5G locations?
I just got our weekly Circular for my village. The Community Center is closing along with the weekly doctor visit, and the RSL and the local restaurant. Heck, we are well away from any of the metropolises and our lifestyles are already ‘social distancing’. Crikey, if we are in danger, then the rest of you guys in the cities are screwed!
Scary: “activity of enzymes participating in the process of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism” and “ACE2 anchors the enzyme to the surface of cells in lungs and other tissues and serves as main entry point for SARS-CoV-2”
Heard from someone in the know, an opinion, that the virus is mutated and contains a number of viruses. It was genetically engineered. When rolled out symptoms will be mild and it will evolve as it spreads from person to person (once it mixes with human DNA and also picks up on other conditions that the individual has). So infection spread becomes more severe as it moves 1st-2nd-3rd-4th person). And because it behaves like this, scientists won’t be able to develop a cure.
I may not have explained this very well but it does make a lot of sense when we see that some people have no symptoms or very little, to some being severely affected and dying.
This problem all comes back to why are “scientists” allowed to play around with these viruses. There is no reason for it. The argument that they are looking for a vaccine, makes no sense. There was no problem with the natural virus so why would there be a need for a vaccine. Complete, bullshit!
All the recent flu’ outbreaks have been bio-engineered. They are all patented.
Think about this! If there was no patent on these viruses, (that is they are natural) then maybe there would not have been any epidemics to kill all the people that they have over these years.
There is mention of grant money being a reason for this laboratory experimentation. How evil must be some of our “intelligent” scholars?
Quote, “why are “scientists” allowed to play around with these viruses. There is no reason for it. The argument that they are looking for a vaccine, makes no sense. There was no problem with the natural virus so why would there be a need for a vaccine. Complete, bullshit!” Unquote. No dispute with you on any of the above, BUT to consider “why scientists are allowed to play around with these viruses”, is explained easily. They do it to pay the rent and put bread an butter on the table, and add kudos their fragile personalities. That’s my main reason for rejecting all the crap we are fed on a daily basis by these “alleged scientists” on climate change. Very few genuine scientists will stand up and openly challenge these sell outs who do their financiers bidding. To staunchily oppose those financial groups, means less money and less kudos, maybe even unemployment. Therefore they will do whatever they are told to do.
Dr James Lyons-Weiler has refuted that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon(jameslyonsweiler.com)
Jon Rappoport encapsulates the COVID-19 “pandemic”(Corona virus,Toxic Drugs,and Fake News-talkdigitalnetwork-YT-21 March 2020)
“…… but for how long”?
How long is a piece of string?
Put bets down, i may as well gor for April tenth, Good Friday in a few weeks.
We trust that Bunnings remains open, great time to work on all those household jobs….. paint the house. Terry will be in his garden, pull out all those cook books accumulated and wasted, Terry will be in his garden, Dee will be at her desk, Mary can now finish off another novel, the msm journos will imagine more fake reports.
The corrupt will hide away claiming they are infected with the pox.
All good.
Quote, “The corrupt will hide away claiming they are infected with the pox.” Unquote.
If only.
I trust everyone’s carrying a 1 metre long ruler.
I was speaking to someone earlier in the day who’d just driven past a humongous cheek-by-jowl conga-line spilling out of the local Centrelink, a reminder of just how absurd government dictates are and just how dependent the region is on tourism. So far as I’m concerned that’s a much more serious disease than anything cooked up in a lab.
Once upon a time the place was a hub of primary production and it’s pure wool blankets were exported all over the world. The current situation is just a reminder that everything’s been running on vapour for far too long
Of course SERCO runs Centrelink jobs detention centres age facilities.
For entertainment in the home lock down try being optimistic and have a look at the x22 reports.
For a start try a late x22 report, particularly from around the last ten minutes.
Cannot put in the link but it may be found with some imagination at beforeitsnews.com or just search: episode.
2128B of 2nd March 2020.
Interesting. I found a rusty old very large ‘nail/spike’ this afternoon and my neighbour commented; “looks like a nail used in old times” . I replied; “yes, for crucifictions”!
Relax, there is no alternative.
OOPs, sorry 22nd of March.
If these mad scientist love playing with death, just give them free guns and plenty of ammunition so they can have heaps of fun, get immediate results and soak up their own gore and keep us safe.
I hear the panic buying has changed to grog and ammo
Interesting that government & big business are calling prepping “panic buying”.
I realise it’s not the most holistic way to go but at least it indicates some sort of initiative
Hence the put-down
As for the random rationing introduced by Coles & Woolies, management should be called out for profiteering from a crisis and causing people to be exposed to more potential harm than necessary.
Particularly obvious re booz: By limiting the amount that can purchased at any one time they know that a good percentage of the respective customers will make a return trip, and it’s known that the more time that anyone spends in such an environment the more unneeded items they’re likely to buy.
Who cares about the other stuff might pick up in the process !
should read “the other stuff that might be picked up”
The human psyche can tolerate the horrors that nature may throw at us from time to time. It is in our make-up to recover from such events, as quite often they are predictable and sometimes we are able to circumnavigate these events. As in a cyclone you may be able to move from the path of such an event.
However when man-made atrocities, such as I believe the current epidemic is and wars, humans are less forgiving. We do not generally know where the outbreak will start, how long the event will last and may not have the financial capacity to withstand the time for the recovery process.
It is too much of a coincidence that this epidemic just happened to break out in two separate countries, several hundreds of miles apart, virtually at the same time. China is the main country wanting to deviate from the current trade practises of the world, taking other countries with it. Italy was quick to deny the European Union’s orders to ignore China’s proposal of the Belt and Road Initiative.
The Belt and Road program will take much control from the One World Government, and Central Bankers. This cannot be allowed to happen AT ANY COST. Meaning the lives and incomes of many millions of people are expendable. This is where we are today.
Countries closed, all sorts off activities put on hold. Many not even able to go to their place of employment. Those in part time worker have no income for the foreseeable future. But politicians on their good incomes don’t care. They will just go along as the Central Bankers direct them.
It seems that the people have forgotten the Fukashima incident (a man-made event) brought down on Japan for going in a different financial direction to that ordered by the Central Bankers. The World is still undergoing the ill-effects of that atrocity, even though there is no recognition of that fact.
Can we get any new information on the radiation levels of the Pacific Ocean? I have not checked but the last person that I know that released knowledge of the damage done to the west coast of the US’s sea life was jailed.
Many in the northern hemisphere are most probably forming cancers at this very time. The cancers caused by the bombing of Japan during WW II did not become noticeable until 40 years after the event.
“Fate Of World Rests On Which Of The Two Coronavirus Species Sweeping Across Globe Wins”
By: Sorcha Faal
Just taking my mind off this stuff and watching a relaxing scenic documentary. Stunning views and insights.
Reminds me that the planet will be just fine without this human virus.
There are a couple of two minute promo interludes at around 16 and 32 minutes – just flick past those.
Episode 1 of Bird’s-eye China: Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
(I don’t bother with Attenborough anymore – in any case, ‘climate change’ is by definition hereby quarantined – I mean resolved.)
Thanks Julius
You’re welcome Dee. Actually, I stumbled across that series by watching an interview with John Pilger being interviewed about his 2016 documentary “The Coming War on China” which was featured by Caitlin Johnstone earlier today …
That type of article and documentary remind us why Christopher Pine was so desperate to push for the $50 bn (?now $80 bn) ’submarine’ project – so they could be deployed to ‘protect’ us from China. Logic?… was he inebriated or something?
Imagine if we just scaled that project back by 20% (i.e., five to four submarines) that could ameliorate the impact of The Virus ™.
Something with a different view to this crisis
wow. wow. wow. wow.
thank you Dee –:-))
Superb, Dee – and just in case it was Mary’s birthday, something tells me she would like this …
Hi Dee, What was the title of the video you posted, it has been censored.
Ahh no yet ANOTHER ONE. I’ll see if I downloaded it
“(I don’t bother with Attenborough anymore – in any case, ‘climate change’ is by definition hereby quarantined – I mean resolved.)”
Julius, I know the feeling. I can be reading or listening to something and ‘bang’ out comes the ‘global warming/climate change’ promotion – and I’m outa there. It is a ‘red flag’ as to how much credibility the rest of the article has.
From today’s New York Times:
“What it will take to stop the coronavirus
If the U.S. is to repeat the success of countries like China and South Korea in containing the epidemic, health experts say it will require extraordinary coordination and money from leaders as well as near-total cooperation from the public.”
OH-OH. Near total cooperation. OH-OH.
A good article on the math of ‘social distancing’ – a must read.
The following is a ‘ must watch ‘ video to be sent to all friends & family that are hysterical over the coronavirus threat :
Yes, it's former Congressman & 50 plus year specialist medical doctor Ron Paul .
It’s taken from the latest Ron Paul Liberty Report posting ( a site which I watch religiously – & I strongly recommend all of you do also if you’re genuinely seeking independent & factual commentary on geopolitical , economic matters & more ).
In my opinion ( & a hell of lot of others ) , you will not find anyone with a multi-decade track record of integrity speaking as objectively & rationally about the coronavirus as Ron Paul .
The sooner more people learn the true facts, as disseminated by Dr Ron Paul , the sooner the gullible public will calm down , stop hoarding toilet paper & ( this is my sincere hope ), will turn on & forever lose trust in their ‘ wise overlord ‘ government representatives & the media for propagating unbalanced & exaggerated propaganda about the alleged threat that COVID-19 poses.
I’m not saying that COVID-19 poses no threat & that those at greatest risk should not take precautions .
All I’m saying is that people should calm down , use their critical thinking skills & stop acting like it’s the dawn of a zombie apocalypse .
Everyone needs to be reminded that a good 90% of both mainstream and alternative news-sites are rooted in fear-mongering. Good to see someone calling it out.
“they probably don’t even need the law passed because they do what they want anyway”(12:45)
In fact all that said ritual does is prove that socialism is wholly reliant on that which it tries to destroy
Thank you Truth Vigilante. You write:
“All I’m saying is that people should calm down , use their critical thinking skills & stop acting like it’s the dawn of a zombie apocalypse.“
To that end, a fellow Gumshoe reader sent me this
Corona virus COVID-19- hype and hysteria? Demystification of the nightmare!
Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
“So what do you think of all these [extreme] measures?”
Professor Bhakdi:
“They are grotesque, absurd and dangerous.
The life expectancy of millions is being shortened [by these extreme measures]
All these measures are leading to self-destruction and collective suicide because of nothing but a spook.”
Comment: So we should stop fearing The Virus ™ and start fearing the extreme measures.
By the way, the Dr Wodarg video (also in German with subtitles) that Dee featured in yesterday’s article has been removed. I shared it a couple of days ago via bitchute:
Stunning Insights into The Corona-Panic by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg! Coronavirus A Huge Fake?
Same message re manipulation of the statistics by our government(s) to manufacture the hysteria and justify the “extreme measures” – as noted in Dee’s article
As I see the situation for Australia. Since Monday anybody entering Aus from overseas has a quarantine of 14 days to undergo. Each state border has been closed, and I believe measures are in place to curtail regional travel also.
If this as stated is true, then anybody from overseas will know if they have the virus by April 6th/ 7th (14 days). Anybody within Australia’s borders prior to 23rd March will have been diagnosed by the same date.
Those infected will by this time be under medical care and be away from the general public. If the government keep the 14 day quarantine period on people entering Australia after this period there is no reason that Australians cannot get back to normal life.
If this is not allowed to happen I suggest that the said government has an ulterior motive.
Aussiemal – just to add to your comment – Trump recently stated: ‘I would love to open up America By April 10’.
America open for business, and just in time for the advent of Easter?
While on the topic of websites I access on a regular basis for objective Libertarian aligned information , there are few better on the planet than this one :
Today’s articles feature many focusing on the coronavirus including one by the brilliant Dr Bill Sardi.
If you click onto the ‘ authors ‘ tab & search for some of the previous output of Bill Sardi , you’ll see what output this courageous truth-teller has produced on the coronavirus in recent months :
The list of authors who make contributions on this site is a who’s who of high profile & respected commentators. eg : Pat Buchanan , Gerald Celente , Paul Craig Roberts , David Stockman … to name a few .
I strongly recommend this website on all manner of topics ( not least of all on economic matters ) .
Digressing slightly off topic, I must also mention Vanessa Beeley – another essential go-to person of extraordinary courage and integrity. I did not know of Charles Shoebridge.
Another essential watch …
• Renegade Inc: White Helmets or White Wash?
[…] Corona Shutdown in Australia — But For How Long? […]
No arguments from me Fish . Beeley & Eva Bartlett have certainly been the go-to sources as far as objective reporting on the Syrian conflict are concerned .
Of course, Vanessa Beeley has not gone unnoticed by other reputable platforms :
And, that particular platform has also hosted someone else that has featured in the news somewhat in recent times :
Anyone looking for sinister motives beyond Monsanto style farming of the world population or elimination of entire countries by denying them “the vaccine” ie Iran sanctions,,, may like to join the dots starting from the Nazis, who never were exterminated apart from a few at Nuremburg trials, but went on as cocaine ranchers in south america, as pill company people in Frankfurt (the place is full of pharmaceutical industries), as industrialists (Hitler’s car the VW lives on all over the world) and last but not least in the Bush family who are descended from a plantation guy called George Herbert Walker, who used to do shipping and banking for the Nazis until the US joined WW2 and shut the operation down. The most interesting thing GHW Bush ever said was something like “when the new world order happens … and it will happen” … a tantalising hint at 9-11 and beyond. His right-hand man Donald Rumsfeld was boss of the bird-flu vaccine company and so I would say all these people already have “the vaccine” but they can’t start selling it yet for operational reasons. Actually “slowing down the spread” is so orchestrated in the media and politicians I think it may be underpinned by sinister motives in itself, maybe like a terrorist strategy, explode one bomb and wait for everyone to come out then explode more.
This seems to be planned as an economic bomb, the usual crowd will probably manage to acquire the biggest single chunk of world ownership in one hit since 1947. They’re all up to the usual fairly predictable stuff on their private islands and various retreats (Cathy O’Brien is full of information on all this stuff if anyone doesn’t know).
The timing of this virus, like the burning of the Notre Dame (during Thursday night rush hour before easter) is amazing, it all seems to have been done by calculation, to cover the financial collapse, stop the unrest (lock down yellow vests etc), undermine the Trump re-election bid, shut down China, wipe off a huge government expense ie old people, cut down mass tourism (what’s the use of being elite if there are cheap tourists crawling over everything), it is like a sort of Napoleon or WW1 era strategy to deal with increasing unrest.
All the news channels are pumping out exactly the same stuff as usual and most people are happy to “believe” everything they have ever been programmed with. Things that don’t fit with the orthodox narrative get cast aside like a jigsaw puzzle piece that can’t go anywhere, it just gets mentally blanked out as if it doesn’t exist.
‘ Bg ‘ , I don’t disagree with the bulk of what you said but, as for the ‘ undermine the Trump re-election bit ‘ , the machinations in the world right now are designed to ENSURE Trump’s re-election in my opinion.
Firstly , the major economies are ( & have been for some time ) , haemorrhaging red ink – such is the phenomenal level of debt in the world.
Having known for some years that the world economy would fall off the precipice , & knowing that the repercussions of said collapse would precipitate a Gilets Jaunes ( Yellow vests ) social unrest movement all over the world , the Anglo-Zionist empire have acted preemptively by introducing a ' two-for ' .
ie: they’ve introduced the Coronavirus which simultaneously targets America’s hegemonic rival (China) & the hegemonic rival to Israel in the middle east ( Iran ) , while ALSO insitituting a martial law lockdown which prevents disaffected masses from rioting in the streets & diverts their attention to existential matters of survival over their soon-to-be economic impoverishment.
So, here is the timeline for what is about to transpire :
1) The masses are further traumatised by exaggerated reports of Coronavirus armageddon over the coming months by the Zio-cabal owned politicians & controlled MSM .
2) The bulk of said virus spread / fatalities are in the northern hemisphere , but as sunshine levels & the Vitamin D that accompanies it increases as the warmer months unfold , this will radically diminish the fatality rate of the virus ( if not eliminate the threat in its entirety ).
3) By the time of the Northern Hemisphere late summer / early autumn , Trump ( & the western European vassals of the Anglo-Zionist empire ) will all proclaim from the rooftops that they saved their respective countries by swift governmental action .
Their economies will still be in shambles & unemployment will be in the double digits everywhere but the gullible masses will ALL BREATHE A SIGH OF RELIEF that they & their kin are at least alive due to the swift action of the ‘ wise over-lords ‘ who rule over us.
4) Come November , Trump will face the incoherent dementia-ridden Biden who’ll be eviscerated in the debates & Trump will handily secure another 4 years.
Of course there will be some ‘push-back’ as people mention the catastrophic state of the economy but Trump will dismiss this & blame that as a side effect of the Coronavirus ( ie: an ‘ act of god ‘ ) , that no one could have predicted & therefore should not be used to smear his otherwise superb stewardship of the economy .
To give you some appreciation & proof that the Zio-cabal have rigged this election to ensure a Trump victory, I will paraphrase a line from the movie Casablanca :
‘ Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world , what were the chances that the Democrats could find a more pathetic mentally-impaired fu@k-stick than Joe Biden ??? ‘ .
We never thought it could happen but the ruling oligarchs have managed to engineer a situation where the Dem candidate is actually MORE UNELECTABLE THAN HILLARY CLINTON !!
C’mon people, do you REALLY THINK the Democrats chose Biden because they think he’s their best chance to oust Trump from the W.H ?
As Jesse Ventura / Ron Paul have told us ad nauseum : There is ONLY one party in American politics & that party is the Zio-controlled WAR party.
And that party is ALL-IN facilitating this psy-op to make sure their Zionist poodle ( Trump ) , is re-elected.
Tv, I don’t know if the Zionists are as bad as you say but that is just an I don’t know. They seem to be focussed primarily on the land of ZIon. The rest was organised by Bush and co. Hillary was thought to be very electable and even claimed to have won the popular vote (while her backers decried populism). Who was Bush and co working for, well they were all into oil there’s a clue. Sure the Zionists are big but the US was never really their turf. Maybe Trump was paying them off for two reasons,i) he hoped they would quickly buy up shares when the bottom dropped out and ii) he needs the information from mossad. A lot of people are cynical and derisive about trump but don’t forget he is not a politician, he is not a lawyer, he is a practical guy who thinks all the wars are stupid and a waste of money. How can the average person disagree, as a short term vision (and he doesn’t have much time left by any reckoning), making america great again and stopping the endless wars seems like the right thing to do. And now he is trying to hand out money to the people, as Kevin Rudd did a decade ago, and as Obama did not, a decade ago, you may recall Obama bailed out the banks with all the money, and he and Hillary paid all the mercenaries in Syria until Putin turned up and scared them off, they quickly ran to Libya and made more refugees, yet still we hear about how bad Trump is, Trump went straight out and defused all the wars, from North Korea to everywhere, but many people can’t get past their blind bigotry of an old white man in a suit. They want Obama to read his teleprompter for another 8 years, because they are saddled with some types of white guilt, all they want is Michelle Obama for president and Morgan Freeman for God and they don’t realise both are totally career focussed puppets.
ps I have heard from a couple of places that the real candidate is to be Michelle Obama !
It’s true that anything is not far-fetched when you look at Sleepy Joe & Crazy Nancy.
[…] by Dee McLachlan [originally published on GumshoeNews 23 March 2020] […]
[…] my last article, I suggested that the ‘powers’ will certainly try to bring in a mandatory corona vaccine — […]