Note by DM
I have always been a little cautious about Dr Greer. He talks about 4 of his team having ‘died’ and that his bicycle accident may not have been an accident. However, in this confusing, information-overloaded world, how can we ignore these voices?
I am fascinated by the hidden patents that could potentially “free” humanity.
This episode of the PBD podcast features one of the wildest conversations yet, with Dr. Steven Greer covering government conspiracies, whistle-blowers, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more.
Ashton Forbes recently brought to light the advanced technology that “disappeared” Malaysian Flight MH370.
Ashton Forbes questions whether the Chinese also have such technology. I strongly suspect they do and may have even more technology. My research indicates that the entities that had previously interacted with the U.S. had shifted their interactions with humans over to the Chinese. Allegedly this occurred when the entities realized that the Chinese sentience was more aligned with their own.
Well, I listened to all of that interview.
Many will not be bothered . Well that is THEIR loss, they may as well keep up with the government bs and the booster injections and let the abnormals face the future. We can handle it.
At least listen to the last ten minutes.
Seems that the $100m+ Abbott search pelican chase was just that.
He should have widened his ‘shirt fronting’ talents to bully someone into some truths.
Greer says “out in the public it’s 9 parts fake information and 1 part real”
Terrence Howard as mentioned on main video in connection with free energy and “donut” and periodic table (7 min)
Main video trailer (1 min)
Even better, Joe – what about promoting the Sirius Disclosure – which runs for over 12.5 hours in 1 hour allotments?
Another Greer, initiative.
From memory, that series came out around 2010 and is very relevant to what you have put up.
So many times a topic it is brought up at gs and I note a relevant snippet elsewhere at the time.
Well go to situation update by Mary at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news from about 20 mins to about 25. Somewhere in there is a report on a community in Switzerland that has a different way to create electricity and BE HAPPY.
SU is strictly for the abnormal cultists, normies can go watch the brawl between QLD and NSW in Melbourne and think that they are happy…. Depending on the result😱💁🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿
I am up to about 27 mins and will enjoy the rest.
A bit of a history lesson with Mary today, concerning the AshkeNAZI Jews.
I wonder how many on this site will even bother?
Well you better bother from about 52 mins to the closing scenes.
Dear warmongers, politicians, mass media, globalist fascist control freaks and our sad normies who do not bother to see and give a stuff.
What the F are you involving us
STAY OUT- REMEMBER THE lesson from ‘neutral’ Switzerland. Just finance each side and make us happy with the profits.
Terry, wash your mouth out!
Someone might think you are antisemitic and therefore anti Christian and anti Jesus Christ.
On another note, Ned, the release of Julian Assange, who was once the numero uno target of the Cabal/Deep State, could only have occurred if the Cabal/Deep State are no longer much of a threat to him.
Folks seem to miss that key factor in his release.
And by missing that key factor, they also miss who is responsible for setting him free, and with his own money.
When does a bird sing? Q
I hope many on this site get to enjoy their crow sandwiches in due course.
As usual we know sfa! There can be many ‘arrangements’ to protect an asset?
Ask Mr Epstein💀💁and compare with MAX being WELL🤪?
As for a comparison remember Bin Laden.
It is said that he was CEYEA and died of a liver problem. There is more on that for a normie to research💁🤪
However, if Obama’s seal team got him, then they managed to kill one of the greatest song birds in the park rather than use their resources to get him alive.
That alleged episode was BS and they had to wipe out the seal team to keep it quiet.
Poor normies, we really feel so sorry for some…… they think the msm is NOT FAKE.
As a reminder have a laugh with the short video: ‘911 a conspiracy theory’. 🤪🤪🍿
And then they buried the body at sea – Wow! Then everyone went back to sleep.
Guess who’s in Australia to interview Assange?
Trust the Plan – Q
And John John was buried ….where💁
off topic a little bit, but maybe we can all have a bit of another say?
Australian Human Rights – a project to determine that indeed, what we have all been through recently, was indeed a human rights violation.
Your Story Portal: How were you affected by
Australia’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Sharing your story
We want to share the stories and experiences of everyday Australians as part of our project. If we use any quotes, excerpts or examples from your story in our report or other published documents, we will not include any information that may identify you.
Mats Nilsson: Multipolar World Far From Perfect, But Better Than US Hegemony
Let’s not lose the moment. Julian Assange is “allowed to come home” to Australia. A unique day in history.
For me- today is quite overwhelming. I ask all -Please do your homework educate yourself -identify your self before you” judge” from your ivory towers. This is much bigger than the 3 D mind can embrace. Timing is part of the Master Plan. I note Clif’s reference today– an event 15th July– well NASA– Aurora– Australis is a clue. But that is another story.
Re Julian – I have done my homework as Fiona would say
And I claim some agency in my situation—I AM a Construct an Experiment and I know Julian’s Story because I know Sarah Moore’s Story and I know Evelyn Edwards Story. In fact I hold many people’s Story. They are part of my Family.
On the 24 th Jan 2024 Gabriel spoke of his older brother as a gentle genius. He spoke of the Torture he was subjected to and how specialists in psychological torture spoke of how Julian was only just Holding onto his Sanity. Psychological Torture is use to destroy the personality with the intent to drive people insane.
I am watching right now –yes abc–how Gabriel Shipton dedicated his life to supporting -standing by his brother working strategically — he speaks right now of his brothers “13 year ordeal” and how he now needs time to heal and enjoy the quiet ordinary life having stood up to the machine.
His father is a beautiful soul and his words eloquent. In my mind his order started in Townsville.
I listen to
Mark Drefus -Jan 30 2024
“The Labor government promised it would return transparency to government once elected at the 2022 election. More than anyone else that mission was given to the new first law officer of Australia: Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.”
So how has he measured up to Labor’s promise?
Today, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, on his essay in the new edition of The Monthly and his vision of a more honest Australian government. MMM MMM I also know Mark Drefus GG .
He says-“Politics are different to parliamentary life – he is a lawyer—Northern Land Council and a Barrister for 20 years” He speaks about Gov accountability – ROBO debt – aggregious—a scandal—RC -he was very happy– but what about the victims, what about recommendations—what about ROYAL commissions.
I ask about Ward 10 B Townsville Scandal – Chelmsford New Haven Larundle Scandal
Jennifer Robinson
22 May 2024
To secure a deal before election in November
“Julian Assange’s lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, describes the long, meandering court process Assange has faced as “punishment by process”.”
Just this week, in a decision that may have saved Assange from being immediately extradited to the United States, the British High Court ruled it will hear one more appeal against his extradition – but not until later this year.”
I then listened to a very red faced Alexander Downer being interviewed about how he felt about Julian -from his home in California. All I can think of is his night out in fishnet stockings and of course his Adelaide Dynasty.
Thank You Thank You Thank you — as Stella said
Enough for Now.
Yes, “punishment by process” — this is the children’s court to a T.
And Pridgeon’s case Pastor Burton’s case… all “punishment by process”
WOW -speaking Truth to Power– watch Aunties 7.30 report re Julian Assange–tonight–
I missed the first half but caught a few minutes of Marjorie Taylor Green giving it back to the fake news
A big day for me … I got a call from a LtCol (Ret) Loughrey about my report on Brett Sutton back in 2021 — requesting a criminal investigation. He called about what they are doing. It was a good day.
Brett is a super schemer, his resume is so dodgy it’s crazy it must have been designed by his relative Jane Halton
TV soap opera hospital receptionist
Injections for thee but not for me enforcement agent
Lurking in a biolab working on god knows what
Probably trying to get a job with Tedros at the WHO in Geneva
Great to hear Dee – Thank you for your amazing work. Yes an important day.
Federal Reserve hack
BREAKING: Supreme Court Greenlights Biden Admin. to Direct Social Media Censorship
Is it Bird Flu? Ask the Doctors
Published On: June 20, 2024
Assange: I Broke the Law But the Law Is Wrong
June 26, 2024
Julian Assange’s plea deal with the United States was completed before a U.S. federal judge Wednesday on the U.S. possession of the Mariana Islands, reports Joe Lauria.
Julian Assange statements.
Reflections on Julian Assange
EMAIL sent to me:
Why go to a district court — on a faraway island?
Well, this also appeared at:
http://whatreallyhappened.com – new.
Note the opinions expressed in the interview.
The real reason a US Island court was chosen …. Pity The T cases were not heard there⚖️💁
AUSTRALIA ( OYR POLITICIANS) only DOES WHAT THE US TELLS THEM TIo DO…. Thus our politicians joined the freedom express🍿🍿
The freedom express was also to take the political heat on the matter away from a Biden embarrassment when T would probably pardon him anyway.
All pretty funny and cynical …. Well what do we expect from our government, TRUTH🤪🤪🤪?
BtW, note some of our politicians criticising wiki. Someone remind our pelicans that Wiki showed us the US Apache helicopter crew killing about 14 Iraqis and a journalist gathering on a public street in Iraq. Then came around again and shot up some others who arrived in a van trying to treat the injured.
Compare that with what was alleged against one of our VCs in Afghanistan.
Our politicians are sick pelicans.
In another report at WRH, there is a claim that JA has to delete all his Wiki stuff… like the killings referred to above presumably?
Anyway Napolitana gives JA some clues as to what he should do back here. We shall see.
Another BTW,Judge Napolitano states what every practising criminal lawyer knows….. he has experienced thousands! Some just plead guilty, though they are not, just to have some respite. Now wait for our fake mass media pundits to crow; “well he pleaded guilty” as an excuse to condemn JA.
Pick the fakes when they use that argument, is screamed. That sort of pressure and justification is also the modus of the prosecution and media when a simpleton is set up, has a crooked lawyer and the community believe the guilt to clear the actual felons.
Let us go back to our government ( UNDER JWH) being part of the Coalition of the willing (killing) and complicit fake mass media just over 20 years back in history.
They were following the neocon plan to take down 7 governments in five years as planned prior to 911….. as exposed by General Wesley Clarke to Amy Goodman in 2007.
How many remember back those years looking for weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION. Young readers should especially take note ….. believe government?!!!
Now we have a reason for our pelicans and mass media to attempt to cover their complicity in so much evil.
They now have JA, a loose B…EE in their bonnets.
The public should see through all of them.
Of course the fickle fake journalists will continue on their snow flake journeys to hell if they keep up the fakery, misinformation and lies.
As an example of the plea deals. I recall one certain police squad often lining up an accused with one provable case, so they attached numerous other unsolved, not investigated cases! in the plea deal. They were put in as a schedule to the indictment.
Thus: well done job, cases solved, get a medal from the Commissioner and police minister plus a dumbo msm write up for the government.
Not Division 21, Ned?
Considering, this state had only 20 Police Divisions, once upon a time, and before the English import, top Freemason, created all the police fiefdoms we now have, the control of which comes under their CEO’s?
Just like all councils are controlled via their CEO’s, and not the Mayors, while the voter still thinks, voting actually works!
“Some call it Marxism (Communism), I call it Judaism.” – Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise – The American Bulletin, May 5, 1935. (Judaism is nothing but disguised, camouflaged Communism, therefore, Zionism is nothing but Communism) !!!
“Bolshevism and Communism, were Jewish proposed, Jewish financed, Jewish led and Jewish
Jewish Supremacist Boasts on Israeli TV – AIPAC Rules America
When they are speaking frankly in Israel, jewish supremacists have a habit of actually telling the truth. No matter who wins our elections, Israel never loses.
Read more.
h ttp://www.renegadetribune.com/jewish-supremacist-boasts-on-israeli-tv-aipac-rules-america/
In August, 1974, President Richard Nixon submitted his resignation to the foreign-born Jewish Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, as stipulated by law.
h ttp://www.renegadetribune.com/aryan-ethos-and-jewish-ethos/
h ttp://www.mediamonitors.net/khodr49.html
Sharon to Peres: “We Control America”
Israel may be small, but so was Britain when it controlled India. Israel doesn’t need to control everything in the US, just the important things: AIPAC (with the help of Christian Zionists) controls Middle East policy and keeps aid money flowing by controlling all branches of government; the label “anti-Semite” is used as a weapon; media is kept from any meaningful criticism of Israel; and “exceptionalism” allows the Jewish State to waive rules that every other country on the planet must obey.
Robert Fisk: ‘There is no difference between the American and Israeli governments’
h ttps://www.sott.net/article/399476-Has-Israel-de-facto-colonized-the-United-States
10 Communist Manifesto Planks of the US Government
Voices of Liberty
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
h ttps://medium.com/@VoLiberty/10-communist-manifesto-planks-of-the-us-government-84a34f8d25ba
British interests would never admit to controlling the USA but they don’t mind working through Zionists. The average “jew” is not involved, it’s deception to claim otherwise. British interests never admit to actively controlling Australia but the facts are already on the table, in plain sight, all legislated. After ww2, where did the British Empire go ? Answer, behind closed doors. They were Euros since 300 years ago anyway and after George 5 and Edward 8 the jig was up.
Who controls the ‘City of London’ ?
Who set up the private US ‘Federal Reserve’ Bank?
Who controlled the Vatican Bank?
The bloodlines all go back to Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia but they don’t like publicity. Zion is a project not a specific race
Western governments are all ZOGs
I had to look up a ‘ZOG’ at Wiki.
Perhaps that explains our pelicans and a few cover-ups like the USS LIBERTY AND All.
Interesting conspiracy theory!