by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Characteristic of the confusing era in which we now find ourselves, there is a felt need to connect things. Perhaps in a week or so, I will be able to come up with a helpful article on bioweaponry. But today I wish only to throw some pieces together. These have come my way from Dr Alan Cantwell, Fiona Barnett, John Curnow, and Kris Newby.
To begin, here is an excerpt from an article sent to me by Alan Cantwell, MD, my mentor on the subject of the AIDS virus. It does not demand any effort – it just orients us as to the timing of governmental-science’s involvement with the corona virus:
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis March 26, 2020
“The first case of the novel coronavirus was reported on December 30, 2019, in Wuhan city, Hubei province, P.R. China. Swift actions were taken by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Chinese health authorities, and researchers. The World Health Organization (WHO) temporarily named this pathogen 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
“On January 10, 2020, the first whole-genome sequence of 2019-nCoV was released, which helped researchers to quickly identify the virus in patients using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) methods.
“On January 21, the first article related to 2019-nCoV was published, which revealed that 2019-nCoV belongs to the beta-coronavirus group, sharing ancestry with bat coronavirus HKU9-1, similar to SARS-coronaviruses, and despite sequence diversity its spike protein interacts strongly with the human ACE2 receptor.
“On January 30, the WHO announced a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) for the 2019-nCoV outbreak. Later, the human-to-human transmission was confirmed. … On the February 12th, the WHO permanently named the 2019-nCoV pathogen as SARS-CoV-2 and the causing disease as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-2019).”
I must insert here that I would not want to rely on anything that springs from WHO or CDC. K?
Fiona Barnett’s Article on Lyme Disease
At her website pedophilesdownunder.com, Fiona Barnett published a very valuable article on the Occult – mainly by reviewing a book from over a century ago entitled Practical Mental Influence, by William Atkinson. It is downloadable – as they say – at http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1908mentalinfluence.pdf
Well, I am doing a bait and switch on you. It’s not that article by Fiona, dated February 24, 2020, that I wish to point out but her next one, of March 6, 2020, on Lyme disease. Ms Barnett said:
“My own brother contracted Lyme Disease while working as a surveyor in the Northern NSW rainforest. Witnessing his ordeal, I discovered Australia to be the only country in the world not to recognise the existence of Lyme Disease. Owing to our Government’s blatant denial, and ruthless persecution of dissident doctors, my brother and an estimated 60,000 fellow Aussie Lyme Disease sufferers have been denied medical treatment, workers’ compensation, social security, and more. The following article by veterinary scientist Dr John Curnow explains why this is so.
“Dr John Curnow graduated from Sydney University in Veterinary Science in 1960. [His] wife Dr Barbara Curnow was also a veterinarian who graduated in 1963. The Curnows established the Government laboratory for tick-borne diseases in cattle. Following the couple’s retirement, Barbara contracted Lyme Disease in 2004 and died in 2012, according to Dr Curnow: “Following eight years of hell trying to get her treated.”
Dr John Curnow and Tickborne Diseases
Ticks are arachnids that survive on the blood of mammals. They can, in nature, be spread around, and they also can be deliberately spread for nefarious purposes by us crazy humans. I phoned Dr John Curnow to ask about Lyme. Here is the first half of our telephone interview.
Mary: Good morning, John, please tell me how you came to be involved in the study of Lyme disease.
John: My job, as a veterinarian, was for the New South Wales Agricultural Department, testing the health of pigs to certify if they could go to market.
Mary: Does Lyme disease affect pigs?
John: No, it affects cattle. My wife and I then also studied how ticks were affecting cattle. She was a veterinarian too. We met at Sydney University.
Mary: Fiona Barnett told us that your wife died after 8 years of suffering from Lyme disease.
John: Yes, she got it from a tick. She died at age 70; I am an old man of 81. I want it to be known that there are many Australians like my wife, thousands of them, who have the disease but cannot get treatment in this country.
Mary: Why is that?
John: Let me explain the ELISA test. It is the only test used and it does not work. Patients who submit to the test will not come up positive, even if we can tell from the symptoms that they have the disease.
Mary: Are there better tests overseas?
John: Yes, but doctors in Australia are not allowed to use them. In fact it is worse than that. Most doctors will not give a referral for the test. I complained about this to the HCC and was told that no doctor has to make a referral if he does not wish to.
Mary: My research into autism showed me that Lyme disease has much in common with other “mysterious” illness such as chronic fatigue syndrome, known as CFS which is now called ME.
I learned about ME from Judy Mikovits. She wrote a book called Plague, co-authored by Kent Heckenlively, a lawyer. She is a whistle blower who found herself in jail circa 2015 for “talking out of school.” (The charge was actually: theft of notebooks.)
John: I myself feel under threat of arrest by Australian Federal Police, just for broadcasting this information. In part it is because I blew the whistle on the likelihood that Milson Island is a bioweapons place.
Mary: Where is Milson and why do you think the AFP care?
John: I live in Gossford, near Sydney. Milson is nearby, an island in the Hawkesbury River. Back around 1962, when I was allowed to visit any cattle station between Lismore and Ballarat, I was not allowed to go to Milson. That made me suspicious.
Mary: I live in New Hampshire which has a lot of Lyme disease. It is rumored that the ticks came from Plum Island, a nearby bioweapons laboratory.
John: It is possible. My belief is that migratory birds are the vectors. We can see in Australia that the path of the ticks is along the same route as the migration of some bird species. And it is my guess that the ticks at Milson traveled to the mainland by birds.
Mary: Do the birds themselves get sick?
John: Not that I know of. We had a dog that died of a tick bite. But let me repeat that my complaint is about humans getting the disease and not being able to get help from any doctor. They will lose their license to practice.
Reading the Book “Bitten” by Kris Newby
That interview took place about three weeks ago and was interrupted. In the meantime, at Dr Curnow’s suggestion, I bought and read the book Bitten: the Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons (Harper Collins 2019). Its author, Kris Newby, did a documentary on Lyme, entitled Under Our Skin. In 2010. She is a recovered Lyme patient.
Let’s have a look at the dramatis personae involved. The following items appear in Newby’s glossary, in Bitten:
Acari – a group of arachnids that comprise mites and ticks.
Anaplasmossis – a disease caused by Rickettsia bacteria that invades white blood cells.
antibody – a blood protein that helps fight invading microbes such as bacteria or viruses.
babesiosis – a tickborne disease with flulike symptoms, caused by babesia that infect red blood cells.
Borrelia — a genus of spirochetal (corkscrew-shaped) bacteria that includes the species that cause Lyme disease.
DDT – an organochlorine first developed as an insecticide and then used during WWII to mitigate malaria and typhus.
Diplococcus – a two-celled bacteria that can cause pneumonia.
ELISA – a test for antibodies in blood that can be used to detect infectious diseases.
insect – a six-legged arthropod with one or two sets of wings.
neutrophils – white blood cells that fight bacterial infections.
Rickettsia – an intracellular parasitic bacterium responsible for typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
sarin – an extremely toxic organophosphorus liquid, outlawed in 1997 by the Chemical Weapons Convention.
vector – an organism that conveys pathogens from one host to another.
Yersinia pestis – the bacterium that causes the three types of plague – pneumonic, septicemic, and bubonic.
The very day I moved into my digs in New Hampshire, on September 11 (yes) 2017, I walked on the grass in sandals and got a tick bite on my big toe. I have a photo of the round red rash that developed. I had just lost the Senate race in Alabama (remember that?).
I assumed I would die from Lyme and didn’t try to do anything about it. The weather was very hot and I couldn’t be bothered, even though I had learned from the Age of Autism crowd that Lyme should be treated at the outset.
Maybe I wanted to pass away and forget the whole damn thing (life). But a few days later all was well again.
Now where was I? Oh, yes, the book Bitten by Kris Newby. It is in large part a tracking down of a scientist whom she suspects of having done naughties at Fort Detrick. (Is there anyone who doesn’t do naughties at Ft Detrick?) He is Willy Burgdorfer (1925-2014), after whom Borrelia burgdorferi was named.
Having already teased you above with a nomenclature of COVID-19, and book review by Fiona Barnett (Practical Mental Influence), and then teased you with a half-interview of Australian veterinarian and widower Dr John Curnow. I’m about to do it again.
There is no time tonight for me to tell the gist of Kris Newby’s Bitten. Recall, however, that she was a victim of Lyme disease as was the late wife of John Curnow. Their major complaint – which echoes Judy Mikovits’ and Kent Heckenlively’s complaint in Plague, is that the medical profession keeps saying to Lyme patients “You’re mental.”
Mrs Curnow was actually given the treatment known from One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest – electric shock. At Stanford, a doctor belatedly apologized to Kris Newby for not pursuing the diagnosis properly. He said “When you came to my clinic before, we weren’t allowed to treat chronic Lyme disease. It was department policy. I’m sorry.”
I hereby apologize to veterinarian and good Aussie bloke John Curnow for his “eight years of hell.” It is the fault of all of us. We are too timid to crack down on this awful stuff.
Kris Newby writes (on page236 of Bitten):
“More than a decade after the tick bite that changed my life, I had a deeper understanding of the Lyme problem from a scientific, political and policy point of view. I knew that infectious disease departments at most major medical centers, including Stanford, were simply following the iron-fisted [beware iron fists!] ISDA Lyme guidelines that state that Lyme isn’t an infectious disease and that it can’t be treated with long-term antibiotics.”
My 2013 book – Consider the Lilies: A Review of 18 Cures for Cancer and Their legal Status — has much to say about the medical profession obeying the bosses, whoever they be, such as the CDC, instead of following medical logic and tradition. My book had a chapter entitled “Malice.” You will want to buy a copy. It is also a free download at maryWmaxwell.com.
Bottom line here, Folks. Governments’ scientific agencies are not your friend.
Thank you for shining a light on places no one else is even looking Mary.
The following (pdf link) was shared elsewhere – it seemed relevant to this thread, particularly when referring to diseases from a “scientific, political and policy point of view”. I never imagined diseases were anything but a medical matter – you get sick, see a doctor.
(I haven’t authenticated the link)
• National Vital Statistics System (NVSS)
• COVID-19 Alert No. 2
• March 24, 2020
• New ICD code introduced for COVID-19 deaths
“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death.”
Make of that what you will, especially in the light of this article:
Coronavirus Facts Over Fear: US, UK Gov’t ‘Experts’ Exaggerated Deaths by 131 Times
I do hope the ITNJ (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) has some clout
(and see the latest couple of short videos with John Wedger and Ronald Bernard)
Where will we see the Wedger nd Bernard items, O Fish?
I beg your pardon – just back to parent channel International Tribunal for Natural Justice
Latest Dr Fauci interview (Uncensored) – Reveals the untold truths about COVID-19 .
(Language Warning : Expletives galore ) :
The main take-away from the interview : ‘ Stay the F@CK home ‘ .
Oh, and how did we forget Africa, scene of the great AIDS genocide?
As Australia is now in Daylight Savings Time, and as the Editor and the Opinion Editor of Gumshoe News have a sort of Sunrise/Sunset relationship, it seems that my article popped up ahead of, or on top of, two articles by G5.
Quod vide.
Dee, my current article has 8 ads in it. I know we should not reveal what is in them as we would be giving away our CIA profile, but did anyone else but me get an ad for a diamond tiara today?
Nio Mary no diamond tiara for me
but I have “5 herbs that beat melatonin” and another “how to remove ugly age marks on
hands” interesting as I am very “freckled” and even more interestingly Dax ( with his wife’s assistance) researched freckling– melatonin on frogs –and I guess “me”
Don’t we all love a good diamond story.
The Diamond Necklace – or how to start a [French] Revolution
As we have seen with narratives like babies on bayonets, weapons of mass destruction, chemical attacks against their own people – the list is a long as that of conflicts and genocides for as far back as we can research – one of the key ingredients that gave the ‘French Revolution’ momentum also involved diamonds – used in this case to demonise Marie Antionette.
What you need to kickstart a revolution is to make the people discontent by crashing their economy and causing hardship in their daily lives, and then manufacture a villain on whom they can focus their frustrations, then whip them up into violence.
The following passage is an excellent summary from The Nameless War by Capt. A. H. M. Ramsay but there are other sources. Each of the characters is worth investigating and notice how the dots all define the same web of usual suspects.
“In order to further the campaign of calumny against the Queen, an elaborate hoax was arranged at the time, when the financiers and grain speculators were deliberately creating conditions of poverty and hunger in Paris.
A diamond necklace valued at nearly a quarter of a million was ordered at the Court jewellers in the Queen’s name by an agent of the Jacobins. The unfortunate Queen knew nothing of this affair until the necklace was brought round to her for acceptance, when she naturally disclaimed anything to do with the matter, pointing out that she would consider it wrong to order such a thing when France was in so bad a financial way. The printing presses of the Palais Royal, however, turned full blast on to the subject; and every kind of criticism leveled at the Queen.
A further scandal was then engineered for the presses. Some prostitute from the Palais Royal was engaged to disguise herself as the Queen ; and by the forged letter the Cardinal Prince de Rohan was induced to meet the supposed Queen about midnight at the Palais Royal, supposing he was being asked for advice and help by the Queen on the subject of the necklace. This event, needless to say, was immediately reported to the printing presses and pamphleteers, who started a further campaign containing the foulest innuendos that could be imagined concerning the whole affair.
The moving spirit behind the scene was Cagliostro, alias Joseph Balsamo, a Jew from Palermo, a doctor of the cabalistic art, and a member of the Illuminati, into which he was initiated at Frankfurt by Weishaupt in 1774.
When the necklace had finally served its purpose [in inflaming the passions of the hampsters], it was sent over to London, where most of the stones were retained by the Jew Eliason.”
Fish , I just skimmed through the video you posted titled ‘ Emergency 5G : Coronavirus Hearing ‘ & mainly heard the bits from Robert David Steele .
You know , RDS says some interesting & highly plausible things but is also known to say things like this :
WOW – thanks for being so Vigilant with the Truth. There was always this lingering lack of conviction but … children on Mars!!!? – expletive-expletive! There were a few other points in that video that needed to be challenged but I thought it was still worth watching.
Is this what that the mass murdering Bolshevik Ulyanov (aka Lenin) meant when he said
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves”
27. How Zionists Took Over the White Nationalist Movement – Nick Griffin BNP – Brendon O’Connell
And is that why some (so many) sites give us so much truth but nothing is every resolved? – just telling us what they are doing because there is nothing you can do about it!?
I wonder if those Nasty Germans took those children to Mars. This cannot be a coincidence.
Mars Germans and the Secret Space Program – Robert Sepehr
Fish, good to see you making mention of Brendon O’connell .
For those Gumshoe readers seeking to catch the latest offerings from Brendon O’Connell , refer to his You Tube channel :
I urge all readers to support this gutsy Australian who had been gaoled for 3 years ( for no other reason than for exposing the malfeasance of the genocidal Apartheid state of Israel – where he was beaten unconscious & had his arm broken , 11 years to the day after 9/11 ) .
No coincidence there – they wanted to send a message to anyone disputing the ‘ official ‘ narrative on 9/11.
They sent Brendon yet another message by killing his sister.
He now lives abroad, unable to return to Oz – lest he be gaoled again for an indeterminate period .
One of my favourite videos that he’s produced appears here ( under 9 minutes so please readers, take the time to watch this , it’s that important ) :
Nemesis, you're always asking for proof of Israel's genocidal activities ( I don't know why - there are reams of it on You Tube & elsewhere ).
Anyway Nemesis , have a heart & show some empathy by making a donation to BDS Australia.
Perhaps send some to the Rachel Corrie Foundation as well ( to show some contrition for your previous dismissiveness of Palestinian human rights abuses ) :
The sooner we Boycott, Divest & Sanction this heinous regime running Israel , the sooner we’ll be living in a more peaceful & just world .
Thank you for this post–so much to learn- so many to honour -I pay tribute to Rachel Corrie-in solidarity.
Truth – it’s only ever the one side in that conflict who commits all the atrocities, isn’t it?
You keep on believing what you choose to believe.
The following video of a New York City critical care doctor looking after COVID-19 patients , will be of great interest to readers I believe :
In his words, this doctor says : ” ….. everything I’m seeing in front of me , has led me to believe that COVID-19 is NOT this disease ” .
” We are operating under a medical paradigm which is UNTRUE ” .
Mind blowing stuff .
I hope for this guy’s sake he doesn’t suffer an unfortunate accident in the coming days for daring to challenge the official narrative .
IMPORTANT MESSAGE for those of the Jewish faith :
According to the Holy Rabbi , ‘ the Coronavirus is not for the Jews ‘ .
So , Jews of the world REJOICE & rest easy – it’s only going to kill those pesky goyim .
See here for yourself :
Hmmm , makes you wonder.
Perhaps the Holy Rabbi Rabbi is privy to Mossad / Israeli bio-weapons laboratories info that shows the deadly strain Israel targeted Iran with was genetically engineered to spare ‘ God’s chosen people ‘ .
“Meanwhile Nemesis , in an exchange we had on March 31st , you said that the ‘ Q ‘ posts were signalling a big event to occur on April 1st (U.S time) – which corresponded to April 2nd here in Oz.”
Think you are onto it—The Grand Master Plan -the “transition” Easter– Bavarium Illuminati -One World Government One World Religion–
I received an email from Cathi Fox today -she also refers to Fiona Mary–I recall that’s how I first found Mary and then Gumshoe–ahhh the interconnectedness of all things- magic-
“How to Integrate Alters – Fiona Barnett [P]
Montauk Project, which is believed to be an extension or continuation of the Philadelphia Experiment (also known as Project Rainbow), which supposedly took place in 1943 [10]
The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time is a book written by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon is the first book in a series detailing supposed time travel experiments at the Montauk Air Force Base at the eastern tip of Long Island as part of the Montauk Project.”
I know about this program–I “time travel” – and live in “parallel” multiverse universes realities–
Check out Noahide and Rainbow girls.
Thanks Diane – I recall several years ago stumbling across a website to do with child abductions and other strange occurrences around Montauk during the 1960s and 70s. The blogger having knowledge of, or being a kidnap victim himself?
But what really got my attention was the inference from either the blogger or a commentor with a reference to the mass murdere at ‘some place in Australia’ who was ‘indoctrinated’ at Montauk Naval facility when the C_A had control over the functioning of the facility there.
I believe the whole facility was shut down during the late 1980s.
For the life of me I can’t remember the name of the blog or even if it still exists on the website.
A search for Montauk Naval Station? may yield results?
Nemesis–some response to your comment from my Experiments in Australia file-Have not watched all of operation grapple–but seems significant.
Operation Grapple
The lesser known history of the Maralinga nuclear tests — and what it’s like to stand at ground zero
ABC Radio National
By Mike Ladd for The History Listen
I’ve owned a copy of ‘LAB 257’ written by Michael Christopher Carroll for about 5 years. After Amazon refused to sell it to me ,I obtained it through an Australian book distributor. It covers the Plum Island Exotic Diseases Laboratory. This was of interest to me because I have no doubt my wife had Lyme Disease. She was born in 1940, and sometime after 1945 was living at Camp Muckley in the Woodridge area of outer Brisbane. It was also next to Archerfield Airport, used by the US Airforce. While living there and walking to school along a bush track, she was bitten by a tick. Her medical problem from then on became allergies. Insect bites of of any kind always reacted badley with her. Kevin Woodman
Corona – The wrong paradigm?
Corona – The wrong paradigm?
Looks llike the great reset. Back to year zero, the ccp leading our freedom liberty and prosperity with the cyber surveillance gulag. Don’t be fooled, when the red flag hangs above parliament
– ‘meet the new boss, same as the old boss’.
Prince William: Even before his birth, Princess Diana knew that her first born son was destined to be King, Messiah and leader of the New World Order.
Prince Charles and Princess Diana’s wedding had nothing to do with love. Diana was chosen for her Merovingian blood-line secretly known as the bloodline of Christ.
Throughout the ages, the Knights Templar protected the Holy bloodline until it reached its final recipient – Prince William. Even before his birth, Diana know her first born son was destined to be King, Messiah and leader of the New World Order.
William 2015 reveals ten sacred truths that shape human destiny. Seekers of the truth are empowered to choose their own destiny instead of living a destiny that has been chosen for them
Diane , I’m glad you liked my post .
In light of all the enlightening information you’ve posted here on Gumshoe over the years , it may serve as some small recompense .
Nemesis, in relation to your earlier comment in relation to the Palestinian Freedom Fighters eternal struggle to rid themselves of their ruthless illegal occupiers : ' Is it only one side that commits all of the atrocities ? ' , any objective analysis will show that in both QUANTITATIVE and QUALITATIVE terms , the murderous IDF are committing in the order of 98 -99 % of all the crimes in this conflict.
Yes, there is some push back from the Palestinians . Wouldn’t you if you had been forcibly removed from your homeland , the homeland of your forebears for millenia , had your village bombed , your immediate family members dismembered by the IDF from shelling / shrapnel ?
Would you not feel some compunction for retribution ?
Only one regime on Earth is so depraved as to be using White Phosphorus ( banned by International Treaty for decades for use in war on hardened soldiers – let alone on civilians , women & children as the cowardly IDF do ) :
Nemesis , you should hang your head in shame for defending this despicable Apartheid regime .
Hey–maybe we all -should hang our heads in shame (or deep sadness)- or at least all who have used their position wittingly or unwittingly ( and are now entrapped) to benefit from the despicable war crimes happening right now in this place called Australia–yes we are all part of this – through ignorance /good /bad intentions– we are part of the Illuminati laboratory- the Matrix- genocide, torture, slavery, child trafficking, government sanctioned satanic ritual abuse that uses every institution every charity every funded organisation NGO’s, Not For Profit, volunteers– I ask -I ask myself -where are you on the Illuminati pyramid. Who do you serve.
Until we can all accept that we have been “socially engineered” into our current roles and beliefs e.g. mind controlled- enslaved, groomed, brainwashed, duped, experimented on, tricked, lied to–yes subjected to UK Tavistock Institutes MI6 (Mossad CIA) Military Intelligence Mind Control–Rees’s Psychological Warfare Departments Experiments- The Royal family The Vatican The Pentecostals The High Court etc
Yes and how the UK very cleverly set up Tavistock Nodes / cults post ww2–60 initially I believe– that has through Paperclip (Matchbox here in Australia) shifted the headquarters to US (Stanford) another clever British Empire ploy.-and now to the great silence the great south Land.
Significant Cathi Morgan Interview.
‘ETK Introduction: Information presented in these interviews helps to clarify an astonishing number of confusing topics…. including the British role in MKULTRA mind control; and specifically, the contributing roles of the London School of Economics, Tavistock Institute, psychological warfare, Jewish neuroscientists, the eugenics and transhumanist movements, elite deviance, and the institutional use of pedophilia-trauma-based abuse of children.”
“Moderator: The MKULTRA official story is that America imported all the Nazi scientists. But I know that the British Establishment were the brains behind it and they used America as an outpost. There’s great snobbery within the British establishment….. so I think they farmed it out to America. And let them take the heat if ever the heat came. But they stayed very much invisible and under the radar, and they just put the money out there, and making the committees and giving the instructions and so on. I know this intuitively, I’d like to prove this. I know that the British Establishment and the military were huge in overseeing it all. It’s a bit like colonization.
Morgan: The testimony revealed that one girl, who was a victim in the MKULTRA trials… when she was 9 she was made to sleep with older men. Many of these were MKULTRA guys, and one of these men was Senator Frank Church, who was conducting the Church Senate hearings at the time that were supposedly exposing the CIA crimes.”
Lets stop judging each other it is bigger than us–
“I know this intuitively, I’d like to prove this. I know that the British Establishment and the military were huge in overseeing it all. It’s a bit like colonization”
It is of course all about colonisation.
Diane , your post this morning mentioned the book ‘ The Montauk Project ‘ written by written by Preston Nichols & Peter Moon .
I always wondered what happened to Peter Moon .
Last I heard from him he was doing this with Steve Vizard :
more to the point what happened to Steve Vizard
Montauk Nuclear Fusion ????–maybe why we have to stay inside
nuclearfusion #zerocarbon #climatecrisis
Nuclear Fusion: Revolutionary new breakthrough.
David Free’s Story- -blog along with Fiona’s testimony– MKULTRA in Australia–one big cult
On the Beach by Neville Shute– fascinating
Diane , just watched your ‘ Nuclear Guinea Pigs ‘ earlier posting & it was very interesting indeed .
It’s the first doco I’ve ever seen featuring the N.Z military vets perspective on that issue .
You made a lot of good points there Diane , in your evening posts .
Food for thought .
I agree with TV re Diane’s excellent posts which partly prompted this.
There is so much out there – none of us have time to watch it all so just sharing this for the collective dossier.
The following video is a quite ‘raw’ in its presentation but is packed full of truths worth sharing/repeating.
Warning/disclaimer – his language may even offend Mary – at 6:30 he says “in the rest of this video I am going to be quite cognisant of my vocabulary for those of you out there who have a more sensitive disposition towards language … but this I am passionate about”
Diane, your links prompted me to share this because at 30:00 he gets on to the nuclear testing in the Marshall Islands.
Let the passion flow …
My Isolation Induced Rant About China, Racism, Inhumane Testing, the WHO and John F in Bolton
(BTW – “John F in Bolton” is to be read “John eff’n Bolton”)
Fish , just saw your ‘ Isolation induced Rant ‘ video.
All I can say is ‘ John eff’n Bolton ‘ indeed .