by G5
Amid the usual roars to the contrary concerning facts and reality opposing absorbed and addicted political correctness; to which I have become immune; I wrote, early in 2020, that The Covid Affair was a massive hoax.
The Covid Hoax
The extent of that socio-economic devastation is now slowly being revealed to the broader herds. The amount of uptake of the reality is a determinant of the depth of the hoax, that is shaping the variant democratic models to becoming Post Modern Centralist Fascist Dictatorships, by willingly surrendered freedoms, predominantly in the once First World Free West.
The current joke of the Delta Mutation being airborne has the Masketeers and their dutiful cohorts, concerned to breathe. Isn’t there any parallel with seasonal influenzas? And of course, the ‘tested positive’ fraud using the fake (re infra) false-positive test designed by the perpetrators (‘Follow the science’: indeed) does not reliably give an outcome concerning the tested having The Covid Virus, or any of its many mutations or variants.
However, interesting for the Masketeer Brigades; who are usually the first in line screaming about their ‘Privacy’ fixation; while being incessantly advised that it no longer exists. Particularly due to their bad choices at the electoral box, and ideological addictions; carry mobile telephones (they have been self-chipped), and their Covid tests; best to make sure; have been harvested for their DNA. As occurs each time their doctor refers them for blood tests. I can hardly think of anything these windbags have not surrendered. Personally: good for them; and well earned. Stupidity and ignorance always deliver rewards. The delusional and moralized are always the first victims in line, for whatever it is that; they protesteth too much.
Long in the planning; The Covid Hoax; is the greatest ever perpetrated. And there have been many. Well known to the sane.
It is slowly being unfolded to the addicted of government. Like all such matters as False Flags, Government Conspiracies, and Hoaxes; there is never going to be a broad spectrum awakening of belief systems.
The War concerns Information. Reality as against government propaganda. Sufficient numbers of awakened People opposing the propaganda and information filtration by The Enemy Within, in concert with The Usual Suspects.
Fuellmich infra; is a gathering point for the dissemination of Information, as against the wholesale acceptance of effectively a worldwide genocide; led by the severely duped First World West. The greatest concerted genocidal criminal hoax ever perpetrated.
This currently evolving mass information is not an issue of challenging and making prior actors accountable. The Hoax continues. It ceases when sufficient numbers of people realise what has been and is being perpetrated.
Plausible Denial is factored everywhere. The very reality of any comprehension and correction. As governments uniformly have been duped. Legislatures and Judiciaries are functional elements of government. They do not represent The People. Only The People represent The People, and only Information is the guide for The People. Not Propaganda nor the filtration or censorship of Information.
Free Societies are defined by Free Information. The signals are stark whenever Information is obstructed or altered; for any reason portrayed. There is no fear of Free Speech and Information — if the challenged are correct. They are able to stand on Truth, Fact, and Reality. Unless they are the perpetrators of the evil. Then their final line of defence, is to block Information by Censorship and countering with false narratives. Why the beloved and easy Fact Checking, is the great deception it was always intended to be.
Nothing can defeat Rational and Critical Thought. The innate attribute of the sane, retired by inculcated false ‘education of what to think and never how to think. Rewarded for tokenized regurgitation and unchallenging participation. Aided by the constant moralized culture of Mass Media and Big Tech tutoring of that which defies beyond syllogistic logic.
2016 Elections
The most recent attempted correction of Government; effectively the Free World; was following the 2016 American Elections. By concerted Deep State activities to remove that threat; Big Tech, Deep State, the various evolved propaganda and mass correction elements, with Corporatism, and the control of mediums of exchange, were drawn together; in a fight for their self-interested survival. Broad-spectrum philosophical captures were spread. Various elements stuck to various groupings of the herds. Visible common threads were dismissed by information filtration, false narratives, the packaging of conspiracy theories, and ad hominem attacks of the sources of truth, fact, and reality. Unable to withstand the light of day of rational and critical thought for the challenged. Propped in their false belief systems by easily tractioned fake moral illusions.
My acceptance of the activities infra is not that I believe in correction by the use of judiciary; certainly, history is very clear on that issue; but rather that the activities are a gathering and distribution of essential elements for the awareness of The Covid Hoax.
As with all major Government sponsored deceptions: there is always the element that oppositions are established or aided to flourish, as gathering points of further control. (Well known from The JFK Coup).
Whether or not any well-meaning protagonists are aware. As such, I always applaud the dissemination of truth, fact, and reality, and stand clear beyond that element. Information is the imperative and always stands alone.
Information the Weapon
Dr Reiner Fuellmich’s class action.
Information is the weapon; as it always has been. Decisions from benches are as irrelevant as official versions of reality and the libraries that house them. Even renowned Left captured Chomsky stated following The 9/11 False Flag; “Who cares”.
Information always has an intel component; either directly or indirectly. Efforts towards judicial reviews are fine, and indeed move false Popaganda to the level of the reality of factual Evidence. But then at the end of that torturous journey, is the opposing argument and interpretation of that Evidence. And the resounding reality of who determines the weight of that evidence, and what hidden political agendas influence whatever decisions become the following acceptance; years into the future.
My experience and the lessons of history are that the corruptions of Government must be challenged at every turn and articulation. (The insanities perpetrated in the education systems of The West, that intellectually metastasized into tertiary education; needed to be challenged and excised at the instigations of ‘Common Core’ in America, ‘Comprehensive’ in The UK, ‘Wyndham (Gonsky)’ in Australia, etc.) Now The West has inherited the loss of two generations by ignorant and arrogant delusionals who have further infiltrated the elements of government. Even beyond the embedded cultures of corrupt, self-serving, Deep State.
The debates of opinion as evidence have never accomplished beyond the pyrrhic. As well-meaning and honest the attempts of those working tirelessly in the institutional beliefs of their endeavours. Compensations, admissions, and adjustments, do not occur in reality. In passing: The Nuremberg Theatre (mentioned supra) was a total fraud. Built on the deception postured of The Potsdam Agreement.
The Power Base is The Enemy Within. Morality and evidence are not believable. Cynicism has a long history founded in fact and reality. But a valued Information Dissemination service is being conducted.
In passing: SARS, MERS, etc., are all CIA inventions. ‘Evidence’ from me requires I surrender my current existence. It needs to be determined individually from correct populist understood information.
Stench of Deceptions
The original intent was to have it postured as released by Russia. The False Flags of Salisbury and Amesbury to be precursors. May, Cameron, Corbyn, Sturgeon, and the many others of that playing field; being captive to The Company Narrative. Certainly, the UK’s absurd economic strangulation by Polaris then Trident, through to the ridiculous FA-35, The US Bases, being plays in incessant acts of military absurdities and attrition. Only a small step to the preservation of the surrender of sovereignty perpetrated by the blackmailed murdering pedophile Heath. And followed through by the mentally challenged and owned Thatcher. The latter removed from office when; as May; her stench to her own party exceeded that known by the population itself. Thatcherism: the theft of a half-pint of milk from the children of impoverished families, poll tax, for the impoverished to pay the taxes of the landed gentry, the closure of coal mines, causing great and generationally enduring hardships to working classes, in order to serve the dictates of unelected Brussels Apparatchiks (The EU Parliament has NO VOICE), and the deception of the insane Falklands War, to protect the financial interests of FOGL. And who could forget the lunacy of The Spycatcher Case?
The Masketeer arrest affairs on Australian media were staged. They were Intel cops acting as pretend targets. What is occurring, is what happened in Kings Cross, Sydney, this morning (29 June 2021). No doubt not to be reported correctly, or at all. Teams of police hit the bus stops and busses. Who are you? Where are you going? From there to the police station, to be released before morning court exposures. Subjective interpretations of ‘Essential Work’. Except in postured national security issues. Vans were running to the detention centre for unsatisfactory identification from those with the wrong accents or appearance.
The Hoax of Covid is the move from variants of Democracy to Post Modern Collectivist Fascism by psychologically manipulated consent.
COVID-19 is caused by Graphene Oxide introduced by into the body by vaccination, masks and Covid nasal test.
Story at a Glance;
BREAKING RESERCH has discovered;
COVID-19 disease is the result of introducing graphene oxide nanoparticles through ALL of the Covid vaccines including the anti-flu vaccine. The masks being used and the Covid nasal test also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation and damages the immune system by decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves causing the collapse of the immune system. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste and accumulates in the lungs generating bilateral pneumonias.
Affect on Graphene Oxide by 5G
These nanoparticles haver a certain frequency above which the graphene oxidizes very rapidly, proliferating in the organism as the toxicant against our natural antioxidant glutathione reserves. Precisely this frequency band is emitted in the new emission bandwidths of the new 5G wireless technology.
Sounds great, Peter. Research into glutathione has also been important in autism studies.
In his own very strange way Scotty has saved us from the injections by now saying we are locked up until 2023. Giving him “the benefit of the doubt” he is saying there is no point getting an experimental injection before 2023 because the airports won’t open anyway. And they have added extension upon extension prior to this anyway. Anyone thinks there won’t be another extension must be nuts, unless there is enough political pressure. However. Most of the sheeple are way too confused and still swallowing the hoax narrative hook line and sinker.
All the politicians everywhere are testing the limits of the sheeples’ gullibility. The have to balance between the demands of the plutocrats and their own political survival. More and more propaganda gushes out of the usual MS orifices. One brainwashed idiot follows another, pontificating. The viewing public repeats what they have heard like parrots, they mouth the words with barely any insight into what they are saying.
The propaganda shows have names like “Insight”, “Insiders” “Media Watch” “World this week” and of course the perennial favourite, “News”. All delivering continuous propaganda.
My wonderment is with you.
I cannot believe that in 2021 i am being held prisoner in my own state by my own government.
You’re going to love 2030
This is a fascinating interview. Delves into the psychology of the ‘measures’ and genuinely questions the science. well worth a look, IF YOU CARE about the truth.
Yes it’s very condensed, a lot of early childhood development stuff … and … debunking some virus misinformation, namely, this does not behave as an airways virus but goes to the red blood cells and stops them binding with oxygen (may explain why mindless sheeple think Ivermectin should be disqualified), lots of good material here
They also say we need brand new institutions, which is what I was saying a few days ago, in Australia the TGA and AMA and Chief Health Officers have been a miserable failure in respect of this scamdemic and prior to that they have generally speaking been mercenary and under the influence of unknown entities probably connected to Rock——s. The medical system got a brief MSM lashing for children dying in queues etc then it’s back to full censorship and media darling status.
We need an institution duopoly to start with, which is what they are saying here with the metaphor, “don’t tear down your bad local supermarket, start a better one up the road”.
If the product is good people will go there. But the product is rubbish so they will create a massive wave of vaccine skeptics, good !!! I was on the fence before but now I wouldn’t trust any of it, for any reason, or any purpose, trust in BigPharma R&D + marketing is totally destroyed now, and will never come back. I want to opt out of medicare and the whole deal of it, they can make it all user-pays for me, as the alt-treatments are. The Rockerfella fantasy of a futuristic high-tech military style operation powered by spiralling taxes doesn’t work properly and we know now it was never intended to.
I urge everyone to watch this opener from those gallant Irish who’s situation is almost identical to ours except that they were “granted” a constitutional republic by the same secretocracy that “granted” us a “self governing colony” that was already stacked with the same ‘Masonic infrastructure that would ensure that both systems were independent in name only… corrupt and manipulated from behind the scene from the get go.
I am not clever with these computer things so I haven’t been able to find the details of the Constitution of their “Peoples’ Tribunal” but I am seriously hopeful that their system might be a blueprint for a very similar thing here in ‘Straya. With a bit of application it might be the thing that could put the brakes and frights on the rampaging corruption that victimises the likes of Serene Tefaha and countless others who have been, and are, persecuted by the corrupt “establishment”.
If I had contact details for Serene I’d certainly like to get her “take” on the whole thing but maybe someone else “in the know” could bring it to her attention and elicit a response.
Since then I have blundered around the internet until I found what they were talking about. It’s called Integrity Ireland; the best thing about it, in my opinion, is that it’s not some wannabe demagogue trying to set up a “political party” that promises to “fix everything” if they can get enough noisy sycophants to further disrupt an already sick and compromised social order. I have no sympathy at all with the ‘Masonic slogan (Novus) “Ordo ab Chao” which roughly means “create chaos (disorder) so that a new order can be imposed” (i.e. the “Novus Ordo Seculorum” so blatantly advertised on the Yanky Dollar Bill), or the very similar Marxist ideal of “workers of the World unite to destroy the existing order so as to usher in a Communist utopia in which ordinary people will own nothing and be happy” (whether you like it or not). Fairly obviously, ordinary people will own nothing because everything will be “owned” by a “chosen” elite.
Anyhow, flick through “Integrity Ireland” and make your own assessment as to whether it would suit the Judeo-Masonic globalist agenda.
The Robert Kennedy quote was enough for me:
“Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on.”
No question as to doubt that the situation in Aus is of, for & by the People
The only way it can be said that we deserve anything, is if we the people formulated policy. In fact, we have no say in policy whatsoever.
People formulating policy is actually the definition of democracy. When and if this ever happens, this will be in the absence of Murdoch. It will be the fully informed people formulating policy and, because all people only want their families to be happy and prosperous, consensus will be easy to achieve.
Like it or not, Australians ARE “formulating policy” 24/7 by virtue of populous acquiescence.
And the advent of readily available on-line information has proved, and continues to prove, that the likes of Murdoch can hardly be blamed for their willingness to take misinformation on board
The start of the crimes for the destruction of Australia, yet to be real ised
Naturally by beady eye fell straight on the scripture on the letter-head:
‘Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
That looks mighty like like old-speak for “the governments of the World might be hell-bent on driving mankind off a cliff-face,but if you keep doing as God commanded via Moses you’ll steer clear”
Dear Emsue, on the document you linked I, found this lovely quote from Justice McHugh:
Extracts McHUGH J.42. ………. in the interpretation of the Constitution the connotation or connotations of its words should remain constant. We are not to give words a meaning different from any meaning which they could have borne in 1900. Law is to be accommodated to changing facts. It is not to be changed as language changes.
Emsue and friends…
Just a bit of context here. Dave Walter was an amazingly flexible cop in the NT.
I worked with him on a community re-empowerment project in 1979 ish, in which the entirely dysfunctional Aboriginal community of Bamyili was converted into Burunga, the celebrated site of the current Festivals.
Dave was the toughest cop in the NT, yet he joined me in a ceremony which removed power from colonial white Australia and returned it to the Aboriginal people of that community. That empowerment persists, but how it was achieved is deeply repressed information, barricaded by the judiciary, social workers, and bureaucrats.
Dave has since gone to war against the power elite who control this country. Unfortunately, he launched his war before the internet enabled critically prerequisite information.
Thus, he is engaged in a full frontal attack on the enemy we all face, and is suffering the traditional crushing of subjects who dare confront ancient power.
Just incidentally, for those who like stories, that episode is included in the novel I have almost completed writing.
Congratulations to G5 for the uplifting overview, supra, of Covid.
This is from BBC.com:
‘Heartless’ Queensland bars US couple from seeing dying father
The Australian federal government granted Mark Kilian and his wife Anneli Gericke an exemption to Covid-19 border closures, allowing them to travel to the country to visit Mark’s dying father.
The state of Queensland, however, has denied their quarantine exemption so the couple are currently serving 14 days in a hotel isolation.
A spokesperson for Queensland Health has defended its policies, saying it would “always put the safety of the Queensland community first and our quarantine policy has been successful in keeping our community safe”.
But with his father only clinging to life in hospital, Mark and Anneli are making a desperate plea to the state leader and chief health officer to have compassion before time runs out.
The politicians know all about HCQ, Ivermectin, Maricopa County Audit, actual death statistics not rigged, Agenda21, they know the lot, they live and breathe all this type of information, rest assured they know all about everything. What’s amazing is their cold-blooded ability to lie all the time.
The government & media personnel that’ave been continually barking on about quarantine for the past 15 months are evidently of the view that the best way to change the meaning of a word is via repeated misuse.What they really mean is traffic control but I guess that doesn’t carry the same authoritative punch
quite apart from which implementing the latter is obviously going to be chaotic and divisive, the antithesis of the rule of law
Lockdown, isolation, one hour exercise, all these are prison concepts
The stoopids have agreed to be imprisoned for a hoax
which goes to the fact that all imprisonment, by it’s very nature, is a form of torture/mind-control hence it’s use as a form of “correction” is alien to tribal societies where violations of core tenets are dealt with purely via exclusion, execution or recompense
Mark Kilian did get time with his Dad, much due to a change.org petition! People power v heartless institution. Feels good too.
Berry… (which goes to the fact, etc).. This is easily the most profound comment you have ever made on this site. And as one who has studied this pretty much non-stop for 36 years, you are absolutely correct.
Good for you, mate. Tell everybody.
to DdV
The reasons for Rummy to go and die with his family around him in Mexico would be many.
Maybe some of the family is lying low, maybe the weather is better, maybe it’s cheaper !!!
But in Mexico anyone whose time has come can buy Nembutal legally, so maybe just send out a courier. And then if you didn’t want to pay for an autopsy you probably wouldn’t get one.
It reinforces the rumours that all sorts of swamp creatures are being “processed” in Washington, Gitmo etc. Rummy is probably the ultimate pragmatist anyway so the decision would be easy.
Still do not believe in murder and genocide?
Holy shit! Prison for a doctor prescribing an anti-viral in use successfully, without significant side effects, for 60 years.
If anyone was in any doubt this is deliberate psychopathic genocide, surely this clinches it.
Regardless of what happens, eventually there is going to be civil war. The only unknown factor is, who will win.
So far, the psychopaths are holding three of the aces.
Dick Cheney’s daughter (Rep) and Nancy Pelosi (Dem) team up to try to take down Trump.
Corporate lawyers trying to take down Trump Corp and ABC Australia on board with “false claims” election was rigged. Oh dear ABC you are so tragic, you are so awful, you are beyond description.
Can I please have my 8 cents back, and also my medicare levy. I wish to disengage from these compulsory services.
AustraliaOne Party – Riccardo Bosi – Masks, Lock downs, Mandatory Vaccines