Home Corona Covid Mysteries Part 1: An Australian Engineer Asks Questions

Covid Mysteries Part 1: An Australian Engineer Asks Questions

Covid-19 Tests imported in 2017 and 2018

Editor’s note: An Australian Engineer Speaks Out – The Many Mysteries of Covid. This is a republished article sourced from Covid Medical Network Newspaper.

by Dr PG

The purpose of this message
I remember when one or two of my friends were telling me sometime in 2021 about the origins of the pandemic and the hidden dangers of the vaccines. I didn’t take them too seriously, thinking that they had gone a tad too far down the conspiratorial road.
However, out of a mixture of curiosity and duty to myself, I decided to do some research – with the view that I’d be able to determine that they’d been victims of too much-sensationalised information.
Given that I used to head up the R&D division of a $700-million organisation, and that I’ve managed a wide variety of literally hundreds of corporate projects, I figured that it was a challenge that I could take on. Also, given that I have an engineering PhD that has helped me think critically, and that I’m very much a “show me the facts” type of guy, I figured that it wouldn’t be difficult to put any and all crazy conspiracies to bed.
After all, the prevailing message was very clear and consistent from our politicians, health advisors, expert government bodies, the MSM (Mainstream Media) and other experts which was:
Covid is a pandemic
The vaccine is safe, developed in record time
We need to be locked down and vaxxed for our safety.”
It was a major, global event, but it all seemed pretty simple. Conspiracy – I don’t think so!
What I hadn’t realised back in August 2021 was that I had stumbled upon something that was so conspiratorial, widespread and ingenious in terms of its dark intents it subsequently left me day after day moving from a point of uneasiness to being increasingly disturbed as a result of what I was uncovering.
In the process of getting to the bottom of the whole Covid/Vax thing I waded through more than 700 papers, videos, opinion pieces and articles. I talked to numerous medical professionals like nurses, doctors and paramedics, and I waded through data, LOTS OF IT. Perhaps most crucially, I did deep dives at the data behind the data that was bombarding us daily as gospel – which took a lot of digging. In the process I realised that very little, in fact almost nothing of significance that we were officially being told by the government or the MSM was remotely true. And not everyone that I talked to had the same story, so that led to more digging to get to the truth.
Anyhow, as time progressed I came upon such voluminous amounts of information that I decided to take time off work (which stretched to a whole month) – right in the process of building a new business that I’d planned to launch ahead of my 50th birthday; instead, I found myself devoting 18-hour days almost non-stop to get to the bottom of what became increasingly like a disaster movie.
At this point, let me say that I am NOT offering any advice. I’m NOT saying that everything that I’ve read, referenced or quoted will have complete accuracy. It would take years to check the contents and the veracity of every single data and information source; that is the nature of science and discovery.
I’ve decided to lay out this paper in the form of a series of Why? questions – since there are A LOT of things that did not make sense for me if the aims of our government leaders were looking out for their people.
I expect that much of the content in this document will need updating within literally one week of reading it, since the latest data that is coming from literally dozens of sources, including frontline workers and whistle-blowers, many of whom have sprung up during the pandemic. Almost none of this information is available from the heavily censored Fact Checking Big Tech, MSM or Big Pharma funded medical journals.
It’s worth stating that searches on Google – who has shares connected with Big Pharma, makes the task a little trickier since Google will ‘fact check’ things according to Google’s truth; alternative browsers such as DuckDuckGo can assist with this issue.
I appreciate that much of this content will likely seem far-fetched, fictional even, with opposing perspectives to the MSM, the political and government’s expert narrative that prevails – like it did to me when I first started off on the journey.
All that I would ask is that you keep an open mind and dig deeper into the facts behind the facts – without taking my word for anything that’s written here. I’d prefer it if you did your own research from credible, independent experts.
I’ve had this document reviewed by several senior medical practitioners who were each extremely well read and exceptionally knowledgeable regarding all things Covid.
I would also attest to the fact that Big Pharma is a brilliantly organised, highly connected trillion-dollar industry connected to Big Tech and advisory institutions – making it more difficult to determine the facts. However, voluminous amounts of good, credible information can be found if you are just able to follow the breadcrumbs and good neutral sources.
The Why? Questions
  1. The Mysterious Disappearing Flu
  • Why is it that the official government number of influenza deaths in Australia in 2021 is ZERO, and that there has not been a single flu death recorded since April 2020? And that the number of previous flu deaths in Australia are coincidentally similar to the recorded Covid deaths?
  • Why is it that the number of Flu Cases (interestingly, whose symptoms are similar to Covid) in the US declined by 99.5 % during 2020?
2. Masks
  • Why is it that we must wear masks whenever mask manufacturers state that they provide no protection against Covid (and that they are Single use only)?
  • Why do governments insist on wearing masks, whenever the most comprehensive analysis of mask effectiveness from 65 publications and 44 experimental studies show that masks are actually HARMFUL to human health – with a range of negative aspects cited as being the following:
Increase in dead space volume
Increase in breathing resistance
Increase in blood carbon dioxide
Decrease in blood oxygen saturation
Increase in heart rate
Decrease in cardiopulmonary capacity
Feeling of exhaustion
Increase in respiratory rate
Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath
Feeling of dampness and heat
Drowsiness (qualitative neurological deficits)
Decrease in empathy perception
Impaired skin barrier function with acne, itching and skin lesions?
  • Why, when studies have been shown that wearing masks causes a range of harmful psychological and societal issues, does the government mandate the wearing of them?
3. PCR Test
  • Why are we using the PCR test to determine whether someone has Covid or not? The PCR test kits that are used in numerous countries have been found to be extremely unreliable from multiple studies and laboratory professionals; and also the PCR test kits used in many nations are purported to be unable to differentiate between Covid and influenza?
  • Why are we counting Covid cases at an amplification test cycle frequency in the testing kit that is very high, above levels recommended by Dr. Fauci, so that it produces significant numbers of false positives, leading to the assumption that Covid case numbers are significantly higher than they actually are? And why did the WHO sit on this information for months before going public?
  • Why are we using the PCR test to determine whether someone has Covid or not, when the inventor of the PCR test stated that the PCR test is not meant to be used as a diagnostic test and certainly not at the significantly elevated number of cycles that it is being used at – since it will produce erroneous results?
4. Vax Injuries and Deaths – what we’re not being told re the numbers
  • Why, if the vaccines are safe, are Australian nurses so concerned about what they are seeing in relation to vaccine injuries and deaths that they have started a site on Telegram called Frontline Workers Speak Out which in less than 2 weeks amassed over 38,000 subscribers and more than 80 whistle-blowers who have reported significant increases in both injuries post-jab, and deaths in both patients and staff?
  • Why are hundreds of Australian nurses and doctors from the above site coming forward? And why are thousands of frontline workers in many countries coming forward, at the risk of losing their careers in some cases, with claims that almost none of the injuries and deaths post-jab are being recorded as linked to the vaccine?
  • Why, if the vaccines are safe, was the Facebook page of America’s ABC inundated with over 250,000 stories of vaccine related tragic injuries and deaths within the space of just 5 days — when it asked for tragic unvaccinated Covid stories (before they removed the page)?
  • Why is it that we have not been told that from the US Medicare database (not available to the public) that 48,000 people died within 14-days of receiving their jab (which is multiple times the number shown in the VAERS (voluntary adverse events reporting system data)?
(Of particular note is the fact that the Medicare database represents only 18.1 % of the US population, meaning that the real death numbers from the vax in this period only are more likely to conservatively be at least 200,000).
  •  Why did Mr. John O’Looney, the owner of a family funeral business in Milton Keynes, UK, claim that whenever the vaccinations started to happen in bulk he saw a very significant rise in the number of deaths in the population, claiming that he was burying the dead at a rate he had never experienced previously and, after talking to many medical professionals and frontline workers, concluded that he was “dealing with murder victims”?
Why did the 45 undertakers in Mr. O’Looney’s regional area also say that they could scarcely keep up with the rate of burials, and why would Mr. O’Looney say those things believing that it would probably cost him his membership of the association – which it did soon after he went public?
Why, if the vax is safe have US Army doctors filed affidavits in a lawsuit for a preliminary injunction in Federal District Court of Colorado, under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, calling for an immediate halt to further COVID-19 “vaccinations” for all military personnel and the grounding of all personnel as a result of three pulmonary embolism events within 48 hours of their vaccination, one fatal?
Why is it that the governments of the UK, Europe, and the USA maintain that “the vaccines are safe” yet 5-million adverse events (where approximately 50% will result in life-time disablement) have been recorded in the voluntary reporting systems – which have been acknowledged in numerous studies to under-report adverse events by a factor of between 10 to 100? And why was the vaccination program not stopped in Australia given that the number of adverse events recorded in 2020 were 2 x number of adverse events recorded for the previous 20-years combined?


  1. This is an extremely important and timely report, exposing in clear-cut terms what many of us have known since the beginning. It also reveals more of the mind numbing criminal fraud which has been perpetrated upon humanity than some of the more enlightened amongst us might have even considered. I will be reposting and circulating far and wide. Thankyou Phil for this.

  2. “Revelations from Pfizer executives have recently been released showing that the mRNA gene serums contain aborted fetal material not only for the production of the original vaccine, but also for its replication and production on a vast scale…This makes the use of these drugs absolutely immoral, just as it is immoral and unacceptable to use drugs that use orphaned children for experimentation,” Vigano writes.

    • W3,
      Thank you.
      Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, is a inspiration for all believers.

      I’m a sinner with faults, often praying and swearing in same breath, yet truth is always golden music to ears, comforting and reassuring for better days ahead.

    • W3, i dont even believe their gods. i have never believed the ends justifies the means. Doesnt the USCIA operate under this premise as well, given free range to do whatever with impunity – i believe this to be the model being followed…

  3. “given that I have an engineering PhD that has helped me think critically, and that I’m very much a “show me the facts” type of guy, I figured that it wouldn’t be difficult to put any and all crazy conspiracies to bed.” – Easy for you as you can think critically. However, have you ever tried to discuss this information with a ‘stoopid’ that has as their sole source of information the TV?

    I have given up on such discussions, no matter how much logic, rationality and evidence you present, it is a waste of time and effort. In order to retain my own sanity, I refuse to engage with other people’s insanity.

    I have come to the sad conclusion that I approve of the Kabal’s agenda of a die-off as it will disproportionately affect the ‘stoopids’.

    • I sympathise with you, Terry. We all have been the victims of over 100 years (really, millenia) of professional psychology. You think many are going to see through it? I personally didn’t think as many people as now are awake to it, though. Alot of people know something is wrong, but few are able to understand why. How long have we been at it, still researching to this day! Much only recently with the advent of the interwebs. We are probably luckier that we have been able to devote time to it. Most people’s lives are filled with just trying to make ends meet. Especially the younger set. Sure, you can say technology has made things simpler, but life’s challenges have changed as time has gone on, so their lives are just as difficult, just in a different way.

      I tend to deal with such people simply by asking questions that test their knowledge, like the child who always asks “why”. Eventually they contradict themselves. I think it also helps (alot) to say that you, personally, have been brainwashed (heck, you went into law. I avoided it 😉 just as I do, because I was, too.

      Just keep such convos short, say less than 5 minutes, so you don’t feel emotionally wasted afterwards. All you really have to do is to start making them questions things for themselves, you don’t need to be there for their entire journey.

      Because I cannot accept what has happened to Rachel, Diane, or to the many readers who have been victims to the evil that has been perpetrated from the Kabal or downstream thereof.

      Because I cannot accept my partner, or my children, or yours, being controlled by an internal artificial entity under the control of an external force without oversight, to the point where they have absolutely no self determination, or will, doomed to be a slave for possibly eternity if in case the entity cannot be killed. Assuming they are not killed off prior to the activation of Human 2.0

  4. Thank you Phil for your due diligence in exposing what many folk still have no clue to. There are those who blindly follow whatever government and media tell them to do, who have mostly been double jabbed and are looking forward to the rest of that poison as ‘booster shots’, and then there are those who are aware that something is not ‘quite right’ with the world, but have no investigative skills from which to find reliable sources that they can learn Truth from, and are still foo caught up in the old CIA defection to their wrongdoing, of being labelled the ‘conspiracy theorist’, which keeps them from venturing outside of the box that mass propaganda and brainwashing has achieved over the past decades.

    At least you are now awake, while many others will never awaken.

  5. You will not believe this.
    Line up your 5 to 12 year old kiddies at the injection test site for a injection.
    “We will not know if the ‘injection’ works unless we try it.
    True, listen to the FDA statement, from the 30 min mark at X22Report.com.
    Report: 2612b
    Wake up….
    It is genocide☠️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓
    Clearly, any parent who does not fight, should sell their children as well.

    • i think the goal is do what ever they want to our children in public an live TV – i think they have stated this numerous times… the only hope we have is to engage our warrior instinct and protect! the time for turn the other cheek is DONE!

  6. Why does he stop there? I could have written 5x that much. He doesn’t even touch on the bullshit pre-event media narratives, the insidious involvement of Gates et al, Rockefeller Lockstep paper, CDC, WHO, UN etc, social-distancing nonsense, destruction of small business & profit to Amazon etc, utter MSM complicity, DNA altering effects, spike protein. I could go on…

      • Whoever wants to get to the bottom of the SarsCov2 business needs to start with the education system. The next step is to examine the language: as in – and the Word is god. Next the Monetary system, thoroughly and not a shallow University misdirection exercise. Then the Media, Religious Institutions, Supranational bodies, Aristocracies, Commerce, Corporate Structures, History – excluding those fictions taught at school, BAR Associations. And that’s just the start. There are many more globalised bodies to look at before we even get to national Governments which, as hard as it is to believe, are constitutionally subordinate to the People, and Natural Law.

        Natural Laws are God’s Laws. They cannot be usurped by Man. What Man can do is brainwash humankind to believe Man’s laws are above God’s laws. And what a magnificent job man’s education system, media, religions and all the other suspects have done in convincing mankind of that.

        If you can get this far you don’t even have to examine SarsCov2 because you will know that it breaches Natural Laws so must be a(nother) man made phantom.

        If you still need man made evidence of that look up the name Antoine Bechamp and Terrain Theory. And ask why the Universities pretend the guy never existed.

  7. Fancy.
    A engineer who examines evidence and found facts, then concluded the finding with COMMON SENSE!
    Good one Phill, perhaps you should go trying to convince the many other engineers…….. I have tried and failed miserably with many of the dumbos…..actually, ALL OF THEM. I Know quite a few.
    Makes me worry when I traverse a bridge.
    We “ RAT bags” should form a association……. How about ‘the truth rats’?

  8. All my lifetime religions have been telling us of “the end of the World” or “Armageddon” but nobody ever predicted that it would be mankind himself that would destroy life on this planet except maybe by a nuclear war.

    Unfortunately because of all the idiots refusing to respond to the readily available information it may be too late for all of us.

    Now the children are to be “vaccinated” there will be no future off-springs except for those of the elite few. The eventual finish of humanity.

    • It looks that way because the Revelations have been interfered with and interpreted “officially” to mean all sorts of things, whereas if you read them by my approach, which is as a skeptic, they start in the mid-20th century and document our self-destruction, it’s not the usual natural events (“acts of god”), it’s our deliberate war on ourselves that features in the “core” text, personally I tend to think all the type of stuff like “7 candlesticks = 7 churches” etc was added in later. So it has been told adequately and carried through history until now.
      The vision of the atom bomb in chapter 1 is what it is.
      The number, for anyone “with wisdom” on the popes hat adds up, check it yourself, VICarIVs fILII DeI = VICIVILIIDI, if you couldn’t read Latin this is likely what you’d make of it.
      Locusts with the faces of men is like the helicopters flying around the middle east.
      The fallen star “Wormwood” is the translation of the Russian “Chernobyl”.
      Armageddon is the middle of Zion.
      I mean really.
      What more could you ask for.
      But there is plenty more.

      • The bottom line is that God created both good & evil and he remains in control of what happens. I take great comfort in that knowledge.

        • By escape you presumably mean escapist, I’m not in denial about the “restoration” of Israel. I wouldn’t call it escapist to cast doubt on various tracts of the bible and various scholars, I’d call it pragmatic.
          Start anywhere you like for information control:
          ” In 213 B.C., Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang (more widely remembered for his terracotta army in Xian) ordered a bonfire of books as a way of consolidating power in his new empire.”

          • What needs to be taken into account is that prior to the creation of computer technology it was also considered to be “pragmatic” to “cast doubt” on Revelation 13: 16 – 17:

            “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
            And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

            Prior to the 21 Century the plausibility of such control was simply not on the horizon

    • “Thus we may know that there are five essentials of victory …
      “He who knows the opponent and knows himself need not fear in a hundred battles. He who knows only himself and not the opponent will lose one for each that he wins. He who knows neither will fail every time.

      Sun Tzu “The Art of War” Chapter III, paragraph 17 and 18

      Much to add, but for now this excellent piece by Matthew Ehret just came in.

      • Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Transhumanism and the Cult of the Fourth Industrial Revolution


      “[Google Engineer Ray] Kurzweil and [Yuval Noah] Harari even predicted the date 2050 to be the magical moment [The Singularity] which the new age of human-machine unification will be consolidated, as artificial intelligence, bio-engineering babies with CRISPR technology, and interfacing our brains with microchips in the ‘internet of things’ will finally see the birth of a new species.

      “In a 2018 WEF sermon, Harari said:

      “We are probably among the last generations of homo sapiens. Within a century or two, Earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us, than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. These will be the main products of the 21st century economy.”

    • religions taught us to be passive for a greater reward after death – still believing that wasnt a setup from rulers of old – Constantine comes to my mind immediately…

  9. Excellent way to raise curiosity in sceptical readers.

    Keep drilling, though, and you will find yourself on the side of Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp. You will also discover virology is an illusion, contagion is a myth, and an industry being exposed as riddled with corruption.

    Anthony Fauci is the embodiment of the corruption that is found within the Pharmaceutical/Medical industry. He is, not the discoverer, but the INVENTOR of AIDS and HIV.

    Kary Mullis had Fauci’s number going back to his fake AIDS and HIV campaign, aided and abetted by other notables who were awarded Nobel Prizes.

    Luc Montagnier is belatedly trying to redeem himself. However, Mullis even found him out, when seeking the paper that detailed the evidence of HIV. Montagnier, a co-discover, attempted to squirm his way out of the hoax, of which he played a part, regarding the Human Immunodeficiency Virus that purportedly kills people, when they were really dying from starvation. Mullis had an epiphany: HIV does not exist; it was not isolated; it was not discovered.

    Add to this the professionals working in the Ill-Health industry, who have all been duped through indoctrination and constant repetition of memes, such as: “safe and effective”, “the science is peer reviewed” “respected institution” “authorities can be trusted” “doctor knows best” “science is settled” etc.

    Being an engineer, and not a medical authority, the pertinent questions you raise (and there are more incriminating ones raised by David Martin PhD), are not so easy to dismiss as they need addressing.

    Among other questions, one I now have is: Why are there reports that the Australian Royal Navy had 317 cases of myocarditis among its members over 31 years, and 1113 cases of myocarditis in the last 9 months from Jan. 1 to Sept 27, 2021?

    Hopefully, even those who are not capable of critical thinking, or are too intimidated to do so, may be aroused to ask WHY? These questions need satisfactory answers with facts that add up.

  10. well off the bat i question this guys credibility, i also have worked in R&D and am a ‘Technical fellow’ in my current role, and this statement strikes me as rather odd for a scientifically minded, show me the facts sort of R&D guy. Because, in R&D we follow Murphy’s law!

    ‘I have an engineering PhD that has helped me think critically, and that I’m very much a “show me the facts” type of guy, I figured that it wouldn’t be difficult to put any and all crazy conspiracies to bed.

    After all, the prevailing message was very clear and consistent from our politicians, health advisors, expert government bodies, the MSM (Mainstream Media) and other experts which was:

    “Covid is a pandemic”
    “The vaccine is safe, developed in record time”
    “We need to be locked down and vaxxed for our safety.”’

    does anything that is developed in record time actually work as expected – this has not been my personal experience regarding R&D – if the regression testing isnt completed to mete the ERS then the product will likely have many bugs that need to addressed down the road. the bugs are typically found by the end user when full testing isnt completed.

  11. Heard a funny thing about Western Australia today, they said persons entering from NSW or VIC had to be double quaxxinated but coming from QLD didn’t need to. Now that’s weird. Of course decrees don’t require any explanation so it didn’t come with one, and if asked later the response would be, “I can’t recall, someone on the committee suggested it, I can’t recall whom”.
    Maybe they just want to exterminate Sydney and Melbourne useless eaters only.

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