Editor’s note: We recently published the first part of An Australian Engineer Speaks Out – The Many Mysteries of Covid. This is a republished article sourced from Covid Medical Network Newspaper. This is Part 2.
by Dr PG
5. What are the Real Experts Saying?
1. Why did Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi who is a leading virus expert in microbiology in Germany, one of the most cited research scientists in German history, former professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, say:
“Gene-based vaccines are an absolute danger to mankind and their use at present violates the Nuremberg codex, such that everyone who is propagating their use should be put before tribunal.”
“Especially the vaccination of children is something that is so criminal that I have no words to express my horror … We are horribly worried that there’s going to be an impact on fertility. And this will be seen in years or decades from now. And this is potentially one of the greatest crimes, simply one of the greatest crimes imaginable.”?
2. Why does Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, FACC, FACP, FAHA, FASN, FNKF, FNLA, FCSRA, Prof. of Medicine with more than 1000 publications with more than 600 citations in the National Library of medicine, a world-renowned expert and leader in cardio and renal medicine, who has cured many hundreds of Covid patients with more than a 99 % success rate state:
“The current code vaccines; AstraZeneca, J&J, Pfizer & Moderna right now are obsolete. They do not cover the new variance. Patients are failing on these vaccines, they’re being hospitalised and getting sick despite having the vaccines. The vaccines at this point in time have amounted to record mortality and percent injury, and should be considered unsafe and unfit for human use.”
“The failed mass Covid-19 vaccination programme will go down as one of the most deadly in history.”?
3. Why does Nobel Laureate Dr. Luc Montagnier, expert virologist, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2008 with a colleague for his discovery of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) say:
“We’re in unknown territory and proclaim mandatory vaccines for everyone. It’s insanity. It’s vaccination insanity that I absolutely condemn.”?
And why is Dr. Montagnier claiming that widespread vaccination of children could have horrific generational consequences. And that the “Messenger RNA” may result in disastrous consequences without proper study; and why does he warn of the possibility of side effects of vaccines that could be seen in five to ten years related to neurodegenerative illness?
4. Why does Dr. Zev Zelenko, a Nobel prize nominee and Presidential medal of freedom nominee who has successfully treated hundreds of Covid patients with a 100% survival rate [almost zero], where his patients rarely require hospitalisation say:
“Covid War Criminals Should Face Nuremberg-Style Trials For Crimes Against Humanity.”?
5. Why does Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, virologist and vaccine expert, who sits at the top of his field in what are probably the deepest and most insightful (non-Big Pharma funded) scientific articles that you will ever read on Covid make the following claims:
“The mass vaccination hype will undoubtedly enter history as the most reckless experiment in the history of medicine.”
“Major outbreaks in countries with full vaccination rates … show that Herd Immunity is not improbable but impossible.”
“Mass vaccination campaigns may have a beneficial short-time effect in that they reduce viral spread and protect vulnerable people from disease (e.g., elderly people and those with underlying disease), but will eventually drive the propagation of more infectious variants.”?
6. Why is the MSM not telling us that Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (who was a lead lawyer in suing Volkswagen over Diesel-gate for $ 4.3 billion – the largest automotive fine in history) has assembled an associated team of more than 10,000 doctors and more than 100 lawyers to bring a Nuremberg 2.0 type trial in relation to the vaccine-pushers; he states:
“The frauds committed by Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank pale in comparison to the damage wrought by those who sold the Covid-19 crisis as the worst viral outbreak to hit the world in more than a century and used it to cause media-driven panic, government overreach and human suffering on a scale still not fully quantified.”?
6. Vaxxed versus Unvaxxed
Why is it that, in the latest data from the UK, US and Australia, we are frequently seeing daily death rates for vaxxed people which are SIMILAR TO OR GREATER THAN that for unvaxxed people (whereas in the early days of vaccination it was the other way round), as has been predicted by several top non-government virologists and immunologists?
Why is the case that the latest data that has been exposed from the DOD-stamped document in the US, that would have been presented to the CDC and other agencies, shows that 71% of all new Covid infections are breakthrough infections, i.e. from people who have been vaxxed – meaning that it is a crisis of the vaxxed not the unvaxxed; and these numbers are rising?
Why is it that NO government sources are telling us what a growing number of experts have been saying all along – which is that vaxxed people can pass illness from the spike protein onto the unvaxxed, according to PFIZER’S OWN DOCUMENTS?
Why is it that we have heard nothing in the MSM or from our politicians that an exceptionally extensive study involving both 2,947 US counties and 68 countries show that there is not only no difference in the Covid infection rates between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, but that the rate of Covid amongst the vaccinated INCREASES with the percentage of the population who are vaccinated?
5. Why, if the vaccinations are effective against Covid, are the percentages of people in ICU in hospitals such as Adelaide predominantly comprised of vaxxed people?
7. Children
Why are countries rolling out the vaccine to children aged 12 – 16, when the reported deaths of children from the flu in the US is greater than that of Covid?
(As of now, there are 332 deaths of children with COVID in the U.S. This compares to about 450/year in a normal flu season—and remember, these 332 deaths occurred during TWO COVID seasons. Beyond this, the CDC has noted that 35% of these deaths could not possibly have had anything to do with COVID [e.g., they were car accidents, suicides, etc.]. Thus, the actual number is not possibly above 219).
2. Why are we rolling out the vax to those under 18 years of age when up until 5th Sept 2021 there has been only one (1) death in the 10-19 age group in Australia (and the one Covid positive death was someone who had passed away from viral meningitis)?
3. Why are doctors not informing children and parents that the risk of children dying from the vaccine is 4 x that compared to Covid, according to a consortium of Irish doctors appearing in a video by the Irish Council of Human Rights?
4. Why are doctors not informing parents and children that the risk of vaccination in 12 – 15 year-old males increases their odds of developing a serious myocarditis condition post-jab (which is frequently permanent) by a factor of up to 19?
5. Why are governments constantly pressuring children and institutions, even when official advisory bodies to the government are recommending against it, to take the vaccine when there are numerous studies (almost all suppressed) showing that there is a NEGATIVE BENEFIT for children to take the vaccine, noting especially an exponential rise in debilitating myocarditis events experienced by young males in particular?
6. Why, if vaccines are safe for children, did Project Veritas recently release a bombshell undercover video where Brandon Schadt, Johnson & Johnson’s Regional Business Lead was caught admitting the following re giving the vax to children:
“It’s a kid, you just don’t do that, you know? Not something that’s so unknown in terms of repercussions down the road, you know?”
“Kids shouldn’t get a f*cking [COVID] vaccine.”
“It’s a kid, it’s a f*cking kid, you know? They shouldn’t have to get a f*cking [COVID] vaccine”
7. Why are NZDSOS (New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science) being ignored by the NZ government, when they have reported 5 deaths in vaxxed teenagers, and why are the NZ authorities not reporting these deaths? And why have gag orders been placed on people associated with all of these deaths, and why are the NZ government effectively covering up these facts?
8. Conflicts of interest?
To better understand how the MSM and special interest groups manipulate medical narratives I would highly recommend having a listen to the very insightful TEDx talk video by Sharyl Attkisson called, “Astroturf and manipulation of media messages.”
Why might there be some concern regarding Prof. Peter Doherty (notwithstanding his positive contributions to the industry) and the Peter Doherty Institute due to the fact that he is in collaboration with Vaccine and Immunisation Research Group/Murdoch Children’s Research Institute which has received very significant amounts of funding from vaccine manufacturers GSK, Janssen, Merck, Novavax, Sanofi and Sequiris?
2. Why would we trust Bill Gates, who is renowned for his absolutely appalling safety record regarding vaccine rollout – particularly in India – where the Indian government is suing him for the paralysis of 496,000 children as a result of Gates’s vaccines?
3. Why would we trust Bill Gates and his ties with the pharmaceutical industry when for Gates it has been, and always will be, about making unfathomable amounts of money, like the way in which he stated on air that he would make $ 200-billion from his $ 10-billion investment in vaccines?
4. Why would we place such emphasis on the advice from Bill Gates – who continues to fund billions into vaccine research, development and promotion – directly or indirectly funding the many institutions that make the policy decisions regarding vaccine rollouts?
5. Why might we believe that any research papers by ‘respected’ medical institutions or publishers that are partly or entirely funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates’ foundation, GAVI and so on would be likely to give positive reviews for products such as Hydroxychloroquine and the like, that compete with vaccines that Gates’ is developing?
6. Why do we permit such blatant and widespread conflicts of interest between the vaccine manufacturers, Bill Gates’s foundations, research institutions and many of our UK, Australian and US government leaders, which in a traditional corporate setting would be unthinkable, and which would lead to significant fines and prosecutions?
7. Why is it that Professor Neil Ferguson, epidemiologist with the Imperial College London, who collaborates with WHO and receives funding from the Gates Foundation, has such an influential position in advising the UK government on the effects of national or global disease outbreaks – when almost every single one of his predictions from Swine Flu to Ebola have been over-exaggerated by multiple orders of magnitude?
8. Why is it that many of the technocrats in many countries who are advising the governments and policy makers have direct or indirect financial interests in Big Pharma – where in the US for instance there is an interconnected web between Big Pharma funding, Bill Gates, the NIH, CDC, FDA etc?
9. And why do the authorities not seem to have an issue with the fact that Bill Gates – who is inextricably linked with Big Pharma, is THE BIGGEST donor to the WHO after the US government?
God help us……….. Reflect on this:
I thought I had seen the depth of Covid horror with those ridiculous cartoons and musicals, but that video was exploring even greater depths…
Gawd, what will the psychopaths come up with next?
No parent should allow their kids to watch such evil drivel. Does anybody still think this is about public health??
No word to describe this abomination.
Does anyone know if they were signed up to organ donation schemes
Why, why and why?
Why do our politicians, medical bureaucrats, medical professionals,SMH, ABC and spivy hypocritical mass media shock jokes ignore all the above.
One would have to be headless chook not to know why.
Yes, we await a Royal Commission or some Nuremberg trials to find out……. Or do we Have to wait that long, whilst they continue to destroy Australia and our citizens for the globalist agenda of totalitarian misery.
‘Papers please’.
‘Because your are dirty low scum peasant and we own you and you must comply or else’.
Thanks DICK Dan, et.al.
Art for art’s sake? No, art for truth’s sake.
The Victorian-CCCP connection-AGAIN
This is a long video interviewing Dr Fleming with a comprehensive and in depth dissertation of the science and politics of the the covid fraud.
An interesting point he makes is that the vaccine given to mice had a 95% death rate at 2 weeks, which translates to a year and a half in human terms.
Scroll down to the 2 and a half hour long video hosted by Miles Jonhston.
Dr Chris Martenson
Mandates have nothing to do with public health
The establishment has become completely corrupt with bought politicians serving their masters only and never the people. Now we see, vaxxx passports have nothing to do with health, it’s about digital identity leading to surveillance state, that is this central banksters takeover. The marketing of ‘no jabs no job’ has created profits to the moon for pig pharma investors.
How do we deal with these psychopaths in power?
Problem being, we cannot reason with them, they only keep using until their victims are sucked to the bone dry. The only way to confront them is with truth. No matter how hard days ahead become remember the prayer Jesus gave, for the healing of all nations,
“Our Father who art in Heaven…..”
The politicians better start answering the whys.
The Tumpet of Patriots new micro party has hit the internet NEWS in the US.
At 7.07 on 4/11 the Aussie Cossack interview with the Aussie ‘Trumps’ is logged in full at:
It is very much worth the listen……. Many parts of fun and their policy is simple FOR AUSTRALIA with Aussie flavour.
DRAIN THE DUNNY🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺(Perhaps better: ALL THE DUNNIES; federal, states, AMA, Libs, labor, greens, Nats and the stinking mass media with their shock joke lying spivs and the ABC.[sell it])
Wish the new party well🇦🇺🥊⚖️
When shtf eighteen months ago, one woman with baby in arms stood in front of government house, Macquarie st, in protest. The goon squad came and arrested her for standing on the footpath! Wake up Australia, we are spineless cowards (me included sitting in this chair aimless and depressed, with practical skills that should be shared), tptb are banking on our ignorance and naive stupidity. Let’s all get up and say no more to these andrenochrome junkies pompously parading as if they’re something else. Target zero is genocide in booster jabs, that brave lady and baby have strength, it’s time to get ours back.
Flinders Uni professor in Adelaide about to be sacked for not taking the jab has developed his own vaccine – trialed in Iran.
No aluminum, no mrna, protein based, based on spike protein but have cut the bit off that attaches to cells so it?? can’t get in and no viral transmission in animal trials – but the TGA won’t look at unless he coughs up $300k. Article includes a link to his gofundme page.
They are pushing their new product “Malnupirivir” today, and claiming the unquaxxinated are all dying in hospitals, meanwhile showing normal people and masked sheeples mingling outdoors.
On the French news they were doing the usual quaxxine propaganda basically you can’t go anywhere without your va666ine passport then the reporter said “in some areas of (?) “Germany up to 2/3 of people say they won’t take the va666ine under any circumstances”, then instantly the story was cut and we flipped to halfway through a story from Mali, Africa.
The WHO is lamenting quaxxine deaths in areas where people “could be fully va666inated” saying the deaths are caused by “WANING IMMUNITY” and the treatment is therefore more boosters I guess.
The “variants” must be attacking the people with “waning immunity”. There must be a whole contingent of morons who believe this stuff.
Al-Jazeera saying “Europe is now the epicentre of the Covid-19™ Epidemic™ with infection rates higher than Asia and Africa combined”, looks like it’s not a Pandemic™ anymore because in Africa and Asia it just “went away”. There is something in this for Trump critics because this is what Trump was saying a year ago, basic common sense.
Looks like you can get a bit of sense re: India etc from al-Jazeera (Qatar)
Why so complicated? Vitamins C & D + zinc and probiotics and plenty of fibre in the diet, fruit & veg will do the job, all without injectable or ingestible pharmaceutics.
Ya gotta see this video of a ‘Covid Karen’. Thankfully, she is fully vaxxed and will be leaving in the near future, one less stoopid to deal with…
Crikey, here’s another lunatic. Totally flipped out, take a look at that lovely baby she’s going to have jabbed. – https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/this-woman-is-pure-evil/
This second one is quite convincing, these people are going to be angry when they wake up
I seriously doubt those people will wake up. I’ve dealt with them many times and they’re so far gone into their delusions that you can’t connect with them. They not only will reject the information that you try to relay to them, but just like the ding-bat in that last video, will try to destroy you for disrupting their delusions.
Just let them die…
Clif High gives a perspective on the current time where many people have been jabbed and there is a process entrain but no apparent developments:
This is a good time to be preparing for when ticking time bomb goes off!
6 out of 7 or 86% of the people that “died of COVID-19” yesterday in New South Wales, Australia were fully or partly vaccinated.
7 Died; 4 Women, 3 Men; 1: 40yrs, 1: 50yrs, 2: 70yrs, 2: 80yrs, 1: 90yrs; All had pre-existing conditions; 1 Pureblood, 3: 1 shot, 3: 2 shots…..
So…. In summary, all had pre-existing conditions (possibly on deaths door we don’t know), 85% were vaxxinated (6), 71% were 70+
To put some perspective on this, 2018 in Australia, 3109* people died of Influenza or Pneumonia. That would make it 8.52 persons died per day in Australia in 2018 from Influenza or Pneumonia with no lock downs or anything. How is 2021 any different to 2018 other than the obvious?
posted 29 september 2021
Scott Morriscums office phone # 02 62777700 if you want to be put on the list.
and again… or maybe it was before?
141 people in hospital only ONE who didn’t have the jab
“Vitamin D deficiency is so widespread, and so predictive of bad health outcomes, that it has itself been called a pandemic by many scientists, even in the title of at least one peer-reviewed scientific paper1. Others have argued that widespread vitamin D deficiency may be a symptom, not a cause, of ill-health2. In A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, Bret Weinstein and I contend that the rush to supplement with vitamin D is yet another example of reductionist, metric-heavy thinking that passes for modern medicine and science (excerpted here). Our broader point stands, including that we moderns are making matters worse with many of our lifestyle choices, such as spending too much time inside, and slathering ourselves with sunscreen when we do venture out. But with particular regard to whether WEIRD3os ought to supplement with vitamin D, we (both Bret and I) now believe that we were wrong.”
FROM — https://naturalselections.substack.com/p/vitamind
and slathering ourselves with sunscreen …. containing titanium dioxide – the same stuff used in Sun reflective roof paint.
WEIRDos = inhabitants of Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic countries
After doing a bit of research and finding out that most of the deaths from ‘Covid’ had a vitamin D deficiency, I started taking 5,000 units of D a day. A couple of months later a ‘flu’ came through the area (it could have been Covid, I don’t know). A lot of locals got it, including my wife, I didn’t. – Most of them, including the wife, had been ‘vaxxed’ for the flu.
I still take the 5,000 units a day – no problems with catching a ‘bug’.
David Icke – We don’t need a solution. We need to remove the cause of the problem.
short and sharp – we need to stop acquiescing.
Like my blood pressure, the doctors prescribe to treat the symptom but are not in the least interested in the cause. More than once I have asked doctors “do you want to kill me?”
It’s here, no queer proof of vaxxx, NO ENTRY anywhere. Is this what our combined blood sweat and tears, that built this nation get in return after been fleeced to the bone. F’ them and their gulags.
Treat the cause not the symptom
Revelation 12:12 “Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
Jesus speaking to the Jews –
John 8:44-45 “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me”.
Protocol 21 “……Reduced to impotence the nations bow before the Law not of Moses, even, but of the Jews’ Bank ‘always united and always devoted to our (Jewish) cause’.”
The version I looked at said these Jews were Pharisees which is a type of conservative Jew.
Then I looked up the word Pharaoh and this also came to English through Hebrew, originally meant someone from a big house, therefore a nickname for ruling class.
There is a real problem with analysis with a certain contingent who are manipulated into thinking wars are race wars when really they are CLASS WARS.
Anyway, the cull of the stoopids is underway, no stopping it now.
Did we think, with CCP invasion we wouldn’t get their system? Here ‘freedom’ is slavery and worse, it is BS (beast system).
I think the Ministry of Truth (CBS etc) is having trouble maintaining the charade, the rats seem to be getting ready to jump off the sinking ship. The catalyst I think was the Virginia State Election which the anti-Trump candidate was enlisted to supposedly win easily, however like Hillary he lost. Now every news reader seems to be repositioning. They make this stupid surprised, “what’s going on here” expression to disguise the fact they know perfectly well. All these news anchor actors and the politicians know perfectly well everything about what is going on, what they are interested in is MAINTAINING THEIR JOB, basically their attitude is, “boss I will read out anything you put on the autocue with my best facial expression just please boss and dear god keep me here to pay my mortgage and privatised pensions scheme. Meanwhile the death count rises:
As far as I recall CBS (US) bought out Australian channel 9 & 10 immediately before the scamdemic and the other day I noticed the 2nd half of SBS news (SBS = “non-English” channel in Australia) was replaced by CNN, wtf, they get it for literally one dollar a year I would say.
Another “why” question.
Why are very few doctors not accepting the fact that Covid-19 was never isolated and therefore has never been in existence? They are still talking Covid and variants? Without the original there can be no variant. Simple common sense.
To my knowledge the only place where the so-called variants are appearing is in the vaxxed which means the “variants” are in the “vaccine”.
Sars-CoV-2 Virus Isolation.
Thank you Sandra for this article that does not prove that the NOVEL virus Covid-19 exists. It talks about Corona Virus Sars -2 but not the new so-called Covid-19. They also use the PCR technology in their argument. It is known that the PCR is useless for diagnosis.
If their paper is authentic why are other doctors and scientists not recognising the presence of the Covid-19 virus? How is it that they alone have got hold of a sample and many other laboratories have been unable to do so when millions of positive tests have supposedly been taken?
If the Covid-19 virus does exist how is it that the overall deaths globally and locally were not as high in 2020 as in 2019 before which this apparent new killer became active?
Here lies the answer to my own question. This video is an explanation of Common Law but it gives the answer to the Covid-19 question. Watch all the way through. Is time consuming but worthwhile.
Here is the video address:
Senator Malcolm Roberts:On Corona,Climate,China and the Great Reset.
well worth listening to, thank you sandra. we need more like Malcolm Roberts & less of the parasites!
Will the electorate vote him in next election?
Report of Problems With Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Being Investigated: Contract Company
Dr Igor Shepherd:COVID is a global military operation,we’re facing Genetic Genocide
Thank you.
“90% of UN soldiers are Chinese.”
Craig Kelly has introduced 2 bills to parliament, one against va666ine coercion and one against va666ine passports, the crooked ALP and Liberal parties have refused to support them. Members are apparently fully owned by globalists and require leadership from the US to flip. Their job seems to be to change lightbulbs in the street lights and collect the rubbish every week. Their authority doesn’t go much further than that. Craig Kelly is sticking his neck out to protect you and your kids from BigPharma so if you’re not doing anything else ( such as being a pharmacist and trying to flog modeRNA ) then go to united australia party and sign on as a volunteer.
The labor and the liberal parties lost the plot years ago but the sheep keep on voting for them. DUMB FUCKS.
Somewhat amusing.
I will contend that anyone who can believe that Nothing turns itself into a cosmos, that turns itself into biogenitic mud, that turns itself into microbes and Men can believe any impossible nonsense proposed by irrational ideologues whose whole purpose is to eliminate any idea that all contingent (depending for its existence on something other than itself) should easily accept that any incarnation of a Caesar is a new, improved, version of anything that came before.
Yes, I admit that the above is compressed according to my somewhat autistic personality defects.
Anyhow, so far, no one or no “political gang” has been able to systematically reduce men and women to abject or mindless pawns without their implicit consent.
I can’t help but recall an old French saying: “the more things change the more they are the same”.
Transhumanism The endgame
Clandestine sub rosa
Cover stories to get technology into us
Trump—in realm of mind control
How to Brainwash 7 billion people
Frequency wars
A very good talk (quite long) the interface of sci-fi and reality, with more present day reality than sci-fi, however many people will not be able to accept it, they can’t accept anything outside their shopping mall / MSM TV news existence. They think millions of people working in labs are just inventing new appliances for the department stores, or “wonder” drugs.
In Ethiopia they are having a civil war, the rebels from the north are advancing.
I heard a little mention of something interesting, it seems the motivation of the various groups of rebels is that the government wanted to do a guns roundup, in other words, a 2nd amendment type of attack on the public we have seen in the Anglo countries.
In Ethiopia they are prepared to face a massacre to avoid a genocide.
In Australia we have nothing. We thought we could outsource our defence to an organisation which has at the top a range of corrupted individuals.
We have been told about SPARS2025 as we have been selectively told this and that, we can see the peak va666ine die-off is most probably scheduled for 2025. We already see, va666ine injuries are being re-labelled as bat-flu. Young boys in large numbers getting heart attacks have no effect on the puppets of MSM TV news, they only care about their mortgage. They will read anything and sit there acting to us as if it was all true. At the top they have super-liars like Fauci and Cuomo who don’t even need a teleprompter and producer. The supermarket is full of confectionery junk food which is usually sold with “attractive” plastic packaging. Instead of taxing white bread we are sold “healthy” varieties. Then we pay for the medicare from our income. The junk food gets off scot-free. Chocolate bars everywhere half-price, training everyone the supermarket is a place of reward, like a dog treat. Where did all this half-price suddenly come from ? The NY owned Coles and Woolworths intend to destroy the rest of the supply chain. The mind control is totally pervasive.
OK back on track they are talking about the “ether” aka “space-time” aka “spirit” and saying the talk of “ether” was banned in the US in the 1920’s, now that is worth following up. I have some experience with “ether” which I could be tempted to do a Gumshoe article about but the banning of “ether” would be a great lead-in.
Rand Paul calling Fauci a liar multiple times to his face and tells him to resign:
Sleepy Jow incestuous pedophile story:
Why COVID deaths increasing among the vaxxed.
Release of the alleged Australian pedophile list – https://www.bitchute.com/video/KyFaVuwUtDc2/
I presume that this list, or some of them were on the list referred to by Senator Heffernan in a parliamentary committee in Canberra in 2015 (?).
The list of 26-28 persons was allegedly from a police report.
Nothing said or disclosed subsequently.
Bloody hell I am getting sick of all the ‘WHYS’.
Oh well,
Was there any investigation into the alleged list?, if not, why not.
If there was, what was\were the result/S?
Did Ray Hadly, [2BB nine network mob] the paedophile fighter, ever ask any of the question above?
Well Mr. Hadly, can you think of any questions by Monday?
There are so many whys, the alphabet at x, y, z, should be adjusted to:
‘…… x, y, y1, y2, y3……. Adfinitem, we can forget z.
I think we at least have y1. Why do we have so many useless, cowardly, hypocritical grubs in our Australian parliaments followers by Y2, being ‘ditto’ to all our fake phoney and false mass media?
Then y3. What the f are our police for…… sorry, they are too occupied chasing the mask- less with government medical tyranny and thuggery.
Well, we get what the fools we vote for: ‘what one tolerates one has to suffer’.
Now, shall we mention blackmail? Nah, we already know……. That determines the policies of our prostitutes, directed by the shadows, to be imposed on the populace.
Quite a roll call but only Keating’s wife packed up and got the hell out, at the time we were wondering what was gong on ? She got her old KLM stewardess costume out and
disappeared. So now Scotty will really have to do something, because “no comment” indicates acceptance.
We also need a definition for pedophile, the “age of consent” in Tasmania used to be 12 up until the 80’s when they moved it to 16 and moved sodomy from a crime to a virtue at much the same time.
Perhaps she left because of the concophonyb from the French tictocks in his cock collection.
Oops. ‘clock’.
Ta Terry😜
THIS COULD be the most important headline… but fact checkers have gone to town.
Searching on qwant.com there are a lot of entries in French and Spanish but where’s the English !?!
Searching “pfizergate”
Bloody hell, the Aussie Pfizer lobbyist might have to seek from someone, a doubling of his available lobby funds as governmental expectations may increase substantially.
Same with mass media propagandists who may wish to increase their advertising fees for advertising aborted baby cells.
Sought of explains the raids on the staff of Veritas with a non reporting request from the raiding organisation. …. GRAND JURY SUBPOENA.
I will have to check where I heard a address by a Veritas spokesman on the raids REPORTING A ATTEMPTED CENSORSHIP OF JOURNALISTS (was it this morning’s X22Report.com? No 21620?)
Maybe the fbi raid on veritas refers to Ms Biden’s alleged diary.
The veritas fellow was provided with a copy but could not authenticate if it was genuine and did not do a report on it and returned it, or attempted to, to authorities and a lawyer.
Just search raids on veritable employees.
Just a thought. The coppers took records computers etc……. Cover to look at any Pfizer material.???
Sorry, not ‘veritable’, veritas! 💁
WOW Dee.
This “should” set the cat amongst the proverbial…..
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