Editor’s Note: Craig Kelly is on Stew Peter’s show, and then Dr. Jane Ruby explains why the FDA approval of the Pfizer ‘vaccine’ is ILLEGAL. She joins Stew to expose the contents of the package insert, ingredients and methods that violate all FDA regulations, and that 50% of the vaccine has been a placebo.
The world’s population has become a giant medical trial.
And now for the LICENCE.
Click to access August-23-2021-Approval-Letter-Pfizer.pdf
I had thought they must be serving up more and more placebos.
They are getting scared, they don’t want to lose the grip over their brainwashed hordes.
Ivermectin was taken off the banned list here, I talked to my doctor today and I was allowed to get it if I had a phone appointment, just have to say I couldn’t smell anything etc I guess then lock myself up for 2 weeks, then I am allowed a box of pills which you can also get over the counter at the farm shop for your horse. The whole system needs to be destroyed and started again.
Doctors have to do this, it’s their responsibility to manage themselves properly.
The time is coming.
Is that one of the US telehealth groups that were created?
No just the local GP, that’s what they do when gov’t decides to lock us up
Who’d have thought that the actual name of the ‘Telehealth’ system for online/digital ‘medical’ ‘reviews’ that was pushed heavily in the months prior to the launch of ‘COVID’ was actually called COVIU.
Check out this stuff on Ivermectin explains a lot. https://4horsessupply.com/
I believe they are playing word games. The poison injection approval cannot eventuate before the trials are complete which as the very earliest is 2023 according to the document as I understand it. However this minor detail doesn’t stop the related nefarious parties trying to again intimidate their employees into relinquishing their inherent Right pf refusal by means of such fraudulent claim that FDA approval is immediately effective and not contingent upon satisfactory results at trial completion.
Death and Destruction Continue to Follow Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccines – Now Approved by the FDA
by Brian-Admin
Yes, I like MIke Adams but he tends to over-express the gloomier details.
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0_omZmpMls AND/OR
Read the comment by Streetfigher2010 psted under that video; I’ll reproduce that comment here in any case with which I concur:
“Hello folks. I read the letter. The essence of it is this: The FDA is giving Pfizer the full license to distribute the vaccine. However, it is still considered a clinical trial and Pfizer is now ordered to collect adverse event data (especially myocarditis), and report the data to the FDA every year until 2027. In other words, the FDA merely gave permission to continue the current vaccine trial until 2027, only this time Pfizer must record accurate data. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.”
He means nothing has changed… materially.
Off topic. If Biden was falsely elected, and warrants impeachment, then so does K Harris, as they were counted on united electoral ballots.
Hence if they leave office, Nancy Pelosi will become president.
ON the other hand if Biden is thrown out via Amendment 25 (incompetence), Kamala becomes president and can nominate her own VP (needs MAJORITY VOTE OF BOTH HOUSES). She can pick Hillary. SHE CAN PICK SOROS’ SON. She can pick Ron Paul. Any US-born person age 35 with 14 yrs residency in US.
Not mentioning any names….
I thought in 2016 it seemed as if the electors / delegates were in Trump’s pocket, would that not mean Arizona would flip, then other states such as Pennsylvania, who presumably are locking in their audits now, would get the results about the same time as Biden’s gang ( not Biden himself ) was convicted in Arizona- bearing in mind the Dominion vote-flipping was traced back to … Swissy !!!
Its says “dr judy”…….where is she and what last name?
Thanks for that… glitch corrected
Kamala getting nausea, migraines, stress-type symptoms, what the heck, let’s blame the Russkies
Funny attack ad (1.5 min)
3rd attempt to post, censors blocking ? Take out the XXXX
Saw a funny protest placard on the alJazeera, a cartoon of the president of Tunisia’s head sticking out of a toilet, I don’t know the politics there but the image was very effective, almost as good as W ducking the shoes thrown at him.
Will America Fall Just as Fast as Afghanistan? Because that’s Probably the Plan
by Brian-Admin
………………..Conclusion: It is Time to Fight the REAL War Against the Globalists
I don’t know the full story behind everything that is happening in Afghanistan today, and probably only a small group of people do. But the media is certainly using it to create more fear, and to divide people by making it look like one side is taking advantage of the other side, when in fact the Globalists, mainly through the CIA, have been controlling what is going on in Afghanistan for a very long time.
We can be sure that this is part of their plan to implement a New World Order, and as quickly as they changed the regime in Afghanistan, they can do it elsewhere, including the United States.
The only thing standing in their way now is massive non-compliance, and this is only going to happen if we learn how to unite and stop seeing people in “classes.”
Class warfare, whether it is political classes such as Right vs. Left, or religious classes such as Christian vs. Muslim, or Muslims vs. Jews, or even within religions such as Protestant vs. Catholics, or Sunnis vs. Shiites, is exactly what they want so that we do not unite together to fight against them.
More than ever before, all free people across the globe now have a common enemy, the Luciferian Globalists who want to implement their eugenics program to reduce the world’s population.
They are doing it through the COVID “vaccines,” in every country across the world, in what is now the last World War: the war against “the virus.”
The “virus” is not our enemy, however. And it is time for all who value truth and freedom to unite, because they cannot carry out their plans if enough people resist.
We need major defections from law enforcement and the military, as well as every major business and sector of our society. The brave doctors and nurses who refuse to participate in this genocide have led the way so far, putting their careers and even their lives on the line, but now it is time for everyone else to step up to the plate and do our part.
I see signs of this beginning to happen around the world, in Australia and parts of Europe.
But my biggest concern at this point is that America is going to fall, because so many are still trusting in Donald Trump as their savior, falling into the Globalist’s trap of blaming everything on the Left, or “liberals.”
If you people trusting in Trump don’t repent soon, you will be the most responsible for the destruction of the United States.
The head does not seem to match the rest of the body.
It’s just your gender conditioning, because women like to be ultra-competitive in appearance, therefore we look at them more critically. I was watching Mary Trump try to backstab her Uncle Donald with some very vague material and all I could see was her extremely weird teeth. What the hell is going on with Mary Trump’s teeth.
Eyes on Australia
Clearly our political leaders, health bureaucrats and thugs should go to another country ,,,, NOW!
Try Afghanistan.
A poor billionaire receives $1,000,000 insurance payout for each victim murdered on 9/11, and doesn’t give a cent to families suffering directly. That’s 3 billion $. Partner in NY gets same payout. Now that’s foresight. No need to mention names, at this stage, what’s the point history is erased. For money, guns and oil destroy Arab nations at taxpayers expense. Bring the troops back home to finish off the job. But hey, ‘philantrophists’ have our best interests at heart?
Anyway, no point in blaming them (those whose names are forbidden to mention) they are just instruments of the force unseen delivering us all to Armageddon. Moshiach’s anticipated arrival early September, for survivors 42 months of hell on earth.
Have faith, pray to Jesus Mary Joseph and all Saints that believed and spoke truth revealing Our Heavenly Father, Creator of all things seen and unseen.
I’m a sinner, pray and swear in same breath, bottom line is not about money, it’s about our children’s future.
Found at whatreallyhappened.com. today.
A word from a politician in the Australian parliament that the mass media vilify…………. Why?
The solution.
George Christensen demands that our politicians stop shooting citizens ( only rubber bullets at this stage ), meanwhile the sheeple demand to be locked up and want men in white coats to come and inject them with experimental substances. The programming on mainstream TV is relentless. If you don’t want to be locked up with men in white coats injecting you, you must be mad or at the very least, totally selfish and irresponsible.
Like the Israelites exodus from Egypt the sheep would not know how to handle freedom when it is given to them. Rather, they prefer slavery.
Excellent. Register your sex mate now.
I have several, may I register them all? Is there a limit to the numbers?
Sheep farmers are in clover.
Look away Charmy,
I thought I’d register Gladys since Daryl Maguire was thrown under the rickshaw. mmmmmm Gladys but then grrrrrr as I find Moses has claims here to
Perspective — The US Went Communist Long Ago
For most of the twentieth century, the United States tolerated a party
openly dedicated to the violent overthrow of the government and the
enslavement of its people. This party, the CPUSA was funded and directed by
a hostile foreign government. It engaged in industrial and military
espionage, trained guerrilla units on American soil, forcibly took over
unions, raided their treasuries and controlled whole industries. It
slandered, harassed and killed opponents; bribed police and judges and
infiltrated the military. Its heinous agenda is now disguised as a fake
pandemic with a survival rate of 99.8%.
Have you listened from the 32nd minute?
Now you know what our traitors are trying to STILL accomplish. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU OR AUSTRALIA.
It is my opinion that x-22 ~ is, was, and always will be a Q-tard/Trumptard asset of Deep State https://www.bitchute.com/video/i7emNkTd2pTL/
x22 is just a guy trying to carve out a space in alt-media, like all the others before him, none are perfect but many are better that MSM.
Trump has been saying things for a long time such as “A lot of people have told me that their kid went autistic straight after they got vaccinated”.
Trump is a politician and can’t afford to be pigeon-holed as an anti-vaxxer, or other niches of the alt-crowd, such as Wikileaks etc. The US deplorables have generally worked out that they are the ones to be defined as “useless eaters”.
As for the Swissy-BigPharma-MSM cabal, there is nobody to take them on apart from Trump and Putin. It has to happen from Washington, there is no alternative, unless the sheeple grow a brain, which won’t happen, they are way too dumb. If they are in a good paddock, they are happy, most of them are just way, way too dumb to think much about anything important.
“WiIl Paranormal” says he is the only one who does real research. Yes that’s a quote. He seems to be conflating Trump statements about closing down the border with domestic lockdowns. Will P. can wait for Santa and then he will have everything just how he wants it.
It’s easier to fit in with the Libtards if you bag Trump, they won’t care if you have a new angle as long as you share the same hate-figure.
I am only very mildly skeptical about Mein Trumpf, and following “the law”, if waking up the sheeple fails, everyone knows where the oligarchs live, everyone knows where the mason temples are, everyone knows where the crooked media broadcasts from. Nothing happens because sheeple are sheeple and want to be led.
Trump is delighting in Biden’s failures and incompetence and seems not to care if a few people become lab test bunnies. From my point of view it’s as good as it can be so far, under the circumstances.
[ mark of beast, time of troubles, cold war 2.0, multinational bio-war, infiltration and total corruption, satanists, mass brainwashing etc ]
Mein Trumpf
@w3 The caveat re the australiannationalreview is “Good luck to you and the MSM once the truth comes out”.
The perfect example of the Holocaust myth exhibits that the MSM is already having an extraordinary run of luck and Trump’s current role is one of irrelevance except for an example of am efficient confidence trickster at the peak of his game and of the very first magnitude of deception.
I could be mistaken.
We could both be mistaken but I think the AZ audit is proof enough of everything proceeding as advertised. Candidate Trump told people he would not be telegraphing all his moves in advance. For myself I have a lot of patience, this is from a sense of how long legal matters drag on. This is a lot more than a legal matter though. The whole country has to be audited and purged through all levels of government including judicial and pulled apart while it is till running. Compare I guess to a heart-lung-liver-kidney transplant and siamese twin separation all at the same time, while the patients are still working, one as an air-traffic controller and the other as a bomb disposal expert. Can people not see this counter-coup is a tricky political exercise, with the Demonrats, Rockerfellas BigPharma, MSM, BLM, arsonists, banksters and so forth causing as much trouble as possible ? ? ? It was so much easier in Burma. They keep it simple in those places.
x22 today has finally got his story coherent, he says he has got new information that the quaxxine development was planned to take years in which time we were all supposed to be locked down and obviously gone broke etc. Really the audacity with which they banned HCQ had to be seen to be believed. These are the worst scum criminals who took over all of our lives since JFK, death sentence is way too good for all of them.
Hope, quite a good video, thanks for posting it.
British Medical Doctor: The Shots are Killing People! We need to Stop This!
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
A British medical doctor who had just worked all night in the hospital took time to give an impassioned plea to stop the COVID-19 injections. She states that other than the children, for whom the shots are not yet authorized, almost everyone she treated had two doses of COVID-19 shots.
She states that she is seeing things that in all her years of practice she has never seen before, such as blood clots in the arm of a young girl in her 20s. Nobody is linking these injuries to the vaccines.
She states that the hospitals are short staffed because nurses are quitting, as they do not want to get the jab.
“The shots are killing people,” she states, and “We need to stop this!”
This is from our Bitchute channel, and it should be on our Rumble channel also shortly.
Delta is in jabs manufactured in bio weapons security level 4 labs.
This fact alone should be enough to awake our mass, so far no luck.
Re Truck Blockade
In other news, Australia’s truck drivers are completely over it! They are planning to blockade the highways and borders and potentially the ports of entry across the entire country. They have given us warning though the actual date when this will happen is unknown but as they have advised, if at all possible, it will be good to have 2-3 weeks’ worth of food and water
and if your neighbours have not been able to prepare for the shutdown (which will interrupt the supply chain), then sharing what you have would be a blessing.
It appears that the truckies may be joined by construction workers, ambulance drivers, motorbike riders and a host of other workers from different trades across Australia. Some nurses, carers and even doctors may join in the protest! If you are near one of the blockades when this action starts and are able to help out by bringing food, water and perhaps paying for port-a-potty facilities, that would be great. Let’s support these brave men and women whose actions have the capability of bringing the government to its needs in a matter of days or weeks.
As always, direct action and all of us working together for a common cause of freedom and informed choice will win the day. As hard as it sometimes is to see the hope when we are surrounded by political leaders who seem intent on making us all feel hopeless, we are not alone and there are so many more of us than there are of them!
As you read through today’s newsletter, please make sure you put your hand up for any of the actions which you are able to help with and if you want to add your contact details to our volunteers list as well, here is where you can do so.
I hope to see many of you at the QLD border on Sunday and here’s to the day – coming very soon – when those in government who have tried to imprison us in our homes, destroy our businesses and neighbourhoods and force us to take dangerous and ineffective medical procedures will pay the price for their crimes.
Yours in health and solidarity,
Meryl Dorey
AVN President
Hope we’re not being naive, and falling into their net.
Not being owner drivers, these men can be replaced. As has been done in all service industries in our two major cities. If the shelves aren’t stacked, we starve. Then there’s no need for second shot or boosters. You gotta love free (slave) trade, not.
There are much simpler ways around this, don’t wear masks, ignore queer codes and refuse the jabs. Non compliance to mandates and switch off the tv.
They haven’t had proper strikes since the communist Bob Hawke defused them and his accomplice Keating sold us out to Swissy with his privatised pensions funds etc. Hopefully this strike will be the one that wipes the ALP off the map. I can’t think of one of them that is worth paying. I voted for Rudd but I will never vote for ALP again in my life, any of them, state or federal, and when I go to the polls, I will give their shills an earful, they sold out the workers to globalists, the conservatives never performed such an act of outright TREACHERY.
Better idea, just lock the politicians UP.
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Builds on our ‘Riddles In Stone’ and ‘Eye of the Phoenix DVD’ but takes you into uncharted waters.
2 hours 8 minutes Order one today
Yeah you never know it might be, they said the next pope is the antichrist pope.
They won’t have to put much in the water now, to have everyone totally paranoid and jumping at shadows.
Russia, Iran and China to hold joint drills in Persian Gulf
Russia, Iran, and China will conduct joint naval exercises CHIRU in the Persian Gulf between late 2021 and early 2022, according to Russian Ambassador to Tehran Levan Dzhagaryan. Russia, Iran, and China will hold joint maritime exercises in the Persian Gulf in late 2021 or early 2022, Russia’s ambassador to Tehran said on Monday, according […]
Read on –
Everyone in Australia should have got on LPG when John Howard started handing out money and we still had car manufacturers, instead what did the public do ?
You got it, Sweet Fuck All !!! More proof they are completely stupid ( if you needed it )
Fifty percent of the shots have been placebo, BUT HAS IT BEEN SPECIFICALLY TARGETED TO A HIDDEN GROUP ?????
Gasp, are you saying a different blend in Footscray to the one in Toorak !!!
Hopefully Bill Shorten might go for the Footscray mixture, though I think more likely he will take the Canberra APH mixture.
The Australia Project is about maintaining the sovereignty of all Australians.
pencils + paper everyone! 🙂
The Placebo part is incredibly important. Who got the placebo? Was it random or is it stupid and naive to think so ? I have been dealing with these folks for 40 years. I don’t know how it works but I believe “They” recognize each other somehow. They know who they are and we don’t. People need to carefully watch the method in which the vaccine is selected. This is especially true for the miltiary and police. It may sound weird but they may just be killing off the good guys in these groups.
“It may sound weird but they may just be killing off the good guys in these groups” Yes, it is the only assumption that makes sense.
And how could our Olympic athletes have competed at Tokyo if they had not received a placebo?.