Home Corona Criminal Experts and Willing Participants in a Genocidal Bio-weapon

Criminal Experts and Willing Participants in a Genocidal Bio-weapon


by G5

America is rolling out its lunatic, vendetta politics, door to door vaccine evangelists. Find a place to hide from criminal fools. This is not your belief in the bullshit of every other American Hoax, False Flag, or Propaganda.

As Activists and Collaborators in The Covid Crime: they are willing participants in a GENOCIDAL BIO-WEAPON, that will grip by UNRELATED MORBIDITIES in the period to 2030.

The real players are well hidden except for the criminal EXPERT puppets. If you never had a thought as to government and its owners in the past. If you never accepted rational and critical thought in the past, concerning every event that was brought to your attention. Why are you now playing in this monstrous event?


France is falling apart with the rollout of THE AMERICAN GENOCIDAL VACCINE BIO-WEAPON. The UK has woken, as has India.

Johnson is well aware of the 50,000 new cases of Covid reported daily. He has also read the correct SIS Reports concerning The Bio-Weapon and its false tests. And is aware of the fraudulent statistics being internationally generated.

To find a midline to what has been inculcated into the herds by propaganda media terrorism; he took the approach that; Yes there is Covid, and we must all be careful, so we will open The UK on 19 July 2021. Now everyone be careful as you go about your lives. He could hardly recover the situation better.

There is also an ongoing breach concerning Five Eyes, which became Fourteen Eyes, and yet one more international police force called FELEG. A police force attached to a subgrouping of American run intel agencies. No wonder it’s falling apart. They know who not to annoy and where not to go. Bad enough with The FBI operating in New Zealand during The DotCom Affair.

We now daily suffer pieces of shit government actors, walking to microphones around the alleged free world turned Third World, reading their BULLSHIT SCRIPTS, delivered to them by THEIR OWNERS; following the science.

The Science for those who jump to orders but do not bother to read: is FOUR PAPERS. The claim is the preparatory groundwork for The SARS-CoV-2, Covid Disease, Vaccination trail. Monumental names. Monumental numbers. Monumental Pseudo-Credibility. The PROFESSIONAL and EXPERT tiers of the fraud. THE RIGOROUS and IRREFUTABLE LITERATURE. In each of the four studies: The SARS-CoV-2 virus is identified; it is not a novel virus, symptoms are identified, but there was NO ISOLATION OF ANY COVID DISEASE.

The inventor of the tests advised it was false. Covid as a disease does not exist. The test signals: T-Cells, and Influenza A and B. The deaths are annual and seasonally correct. People are dying from comorbidities and mostly enhanced by the vaccine.

SorosandGates bought Moderna and converted it from a cancer research laboratory into a vaccine manufacturer BEFORE THE COVID VACCINE ROLLOUT. They have just now bought Mologic, a Covid Test Company. WHY? Perhaps these characters are the great humanitarians we missed identifying. Or were we right all along.

Jannsen who supplies The Jannsen-J&J Vaccine has had their internal files leaked. It is loaded with toxins. The Australian Government has been petitioned by its military concerning the rollout of an unapproved toxic Bio-Weapon as Oxford-Astra-Zeneca. The CEOs of Pfizer-N-Tech and Moderna have publicly advised that their vaccines cannot catch variants of the SARS-2, and that a SARS-3 has been identified. So all those who lined up for 2, will be contacted to line up for 3. We know where you live. And soon you will be required to tell on your friends, family and neighbours. In confidence of course. Morally serving your community as only a criminal collaborator could. And of course, how could you possibly believe all the Conspiracy Theories. Would your government lie to you?


You will not die of the non-existent Covid or its Bio-Weapon Vaccines. You will die of alleged UNRELATED morbidities it causes, or as comorbidity. Would you connect; rapid onset blood clots, pneumonia, stroke, diabetes, cancer, liver failure, rapid onset heart disease, kidney failure, or liver failure with a vaccine. Did you have any of these BEFORE you were vaccinated?

The statistics are hidden. YES! there are that many insane in elitist positions to cause this genocide. It is a pyramid. Convince those down the line, as professionals and experts of a fraud, and they will convince those below them. Down to the herds and the media propaganda drivings.

The CIACovid Bio-Weapon Vaccine Genocide was run out AFTER the insane realised that America and its cohorts will not go to war with Russia. They will not go to war with China, That Russia and China cannot be engaged together.

I wrote of The Winnipeg CIABWL-BSL5 and the four principal characters, I wrote of the logistics through Rotterdam then to Wuhan, I wrote of the initial attempts to have The Covid Fraud pinned back to Russia, and that; Putin, Trump, Xi and Johnson, were misread by the insane, as to being players.

The USS Roosevelt had some 5,000 infected when it docked in Vietnam. I wrote of the problems concerning the captain and the secretary of defence at the time. Recall that a vaccine rollout in India, BEFORE The Covid Bio-Weapon, had its players either killed or chased out.

Different batches of the different Bio-Weapon Vaccines have been rolled-out to testing in Africa and South America, with many different outcomes. I have read the tragic reports that have not been made public.

I have written about the history of eugenics. I have written of the developments and deployments of various pathogens from the exact same sources. And just in contemporary history.

NOTHING is going to eventuate in reality from any forthcoming court hearings. The conclusions of that theatre for populist consumption, have already been determined. You don’t really believe that court decisions opposing the political agendas of the owned, are going to eventuate into a reality.

Recall The Snowden Affair. Nothing happened. Recall the Boyce Affair of years past. Nothing happened. Recall the NSA being successfully opposed even in the FISA Court, for metadata gathering during the Cheney de facto presidency. Nothing happened. The NSA instructed all ISPs to gather the data and pass it on to the NSA. An illusion was presented. NOTHiNG CHANGED.

Recall Blythe advising that MkUltra had ended. Nothing happened. Recall Soetoro advised that Guantanamo was closing. Nothing happened. Recall the endless criminal prosecutions of servicemen during The Vietnam War. Nothing happened. Including Calley. Remember the circus concerning Abu Ghraib. Nothing happened. Including Lynndie England, and Sabrina Harland. Would your paperless void, lie to you? Janis Kapinski dropped rank, and went onto anti-depressants.

Would your Moon Walking Astronauts lie to you? America can’t fly to The ISS after a half century from The Moon, but is preparing to build a colony on Mars.

You agree to being unconstitutionally taxed by the privately-owned IRS. You VOLUNTARILY pay tax. If you don’t VOLUNTEER; you will have your assets stolen and you can be locked away, because you did not VOLUNTEER. Go to court and argue it. You have already paid, so you should continue to do so. SUCK IT IN.

Nothing is going to happen concerning the 2020 Coup, as nothing happened concerning the 1963 Coup, As nothing happened concerning ALL the frauded American elections from at least 1981. And for that matter, JFK was frauded to office. He became Charismatic post hoc. His father was the Irish Mafia in America, linked to his Italian and Jewish allies. The Pulitzer was a fake. Is anything American not a fake.

JFK was bought. Who voted for an elitist Irish Catholic, son of a criminal bootlegging mafia don Senator, government manipulator in The Dem Cabal.

If Trump had acted correctly from Feb. 2017, none of this would have occurred today. He was repeatedly warned by The International Intel Community.

This is a Bio-Weapon. Those concerned are guilty of War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Acts of War, Treason, and Espionage. They have earned the right to immediate and swift military tribunals followed by immediate public execution. The domestic judicial system is incapable of reality in these events.

Collaterally: it would solve the problems of BigTech, Propaganda Media, NGOs, PACs, Marxist Variants, and the many elements of insanity unleashed as normal, and infecting all aspects of reality. But it’s all too late for America to recover. The question is; how long will it be destroyed; fifty years, a century, or more.

The insane evil are comfortable in the grip of the deception. The lemmings have intellectually and morally lined up as ordered for the suicide pact to be rolled out. How could they have missed it?

The next round in the evolving propaganda game is to isolate the detractors as; Fullermich, Martin et al, Recall the removal of DSK and le Pen as the rightful Presidents of France, for the ROTH SCHI LDOW NEDP UPPET Macron. The Yellow Shirt Brigades and others more subtle have now become the police refusing to enter a game of forced genocidal vaccination.




  1. As MM has pointed out Scherff = HWBush and also Soetoro = Obama ( for the uninitiated ).
    In other news I saw the English had to invent a new, extra, Health Dept because they couldn’t handle the new track and trace software telling everyone to put themselves into solitary confinement for 2 weeks, the pressure must have got too much, so they got some brainwashed old doctor lady and what did they call her, director ? ministerial aide ? No, stop guessing, she is “chief executive”. Go and lock yourself up now, the smart phone has decided.

  2. The Face Mask Fascists.
    Just listen and realise how stupid our politicians are.
    The good doctor demonstrates the obvious that I have tried.
    Guess what it is!
    Gladys, take a puff of vaper or smoke a pipe, hold the breath, do not inhale, ensure your mask is well fitted,
    Really, Politicians must think we are stupid.
    Now Dam Dan what about all the times your thug police have violently arrested some poor mask less citizens ON YOUR ORDERS.
    Commissioners of Police in all states: DO NOT ENBARRASS DECENT COPPERS WITH SILLY ORDERS CAUSING UNECESSAEY CONDUCT BASED ON B ……. T from politicians blowing smoke.
    Also note AT THE 19 MINUTE MARK how some medical idiots BULLY other decent honest competent and SMART medical people under POLITICAL DURESS. (and the mass media is just not credible …… as we know)
    Toward the end the matter of alternative treatment being available.


    Sourced from https//www.whatreallyhappened.com on 23.7.21 at 6.14.
    Well at least with all the readers of whatreallyhappened.com worldwide, the world will realise how stupid and unscientific Australian health officials and politicians are.

  3. I thought I would check out ABC24 news channel for a couple of minutes and see what the lying filth was putting about today, normally I skip it as they just stand there all blathering unendingly about their stupid rubbish trying to brainwash everyone but I was rewarded with a couple of little gems, first they said they were going to target the homeless and second they said their plague spread from the Prahran market (in Melbourne), this is a very old market nowadays probably still surrounded by gays, I haven’t been there for a very long time. But this is exactly the same strategy they are using in Bangkok to shut down small business. They blame the wet market for everything and try to destroy the operators. I guess some globalists will move in on Prahran market if they can weaken it enough to make it unviable. They are going hell-for-lather in Bangkok on the small business. In Australia local councils have been busily trying to undermine and destroy it for decades. They have all their pretexts. The python slowly squeezes. The new generation accepts the paradigm as normal. It doesn’t seem to enter their head that a shop-house could be a viable existence. In many places in Australia the concept has been totally eradicated. When was a Westfield mall identified as a viral outbreak source. If they ever were the lying MSM would be told to shut up fairly quickly. The story would change to “we have effectively contained it”.

    • W3 RE “The new generation accepts the paradigm as normal”.

      This is how the Globalists psychopathic elite always work the scam and always have.

      People do nothing because they do not identify them “for they will not see us, for they cannot see us” as The Secret Satanist COVENANT says.

      Which also perfectly tells us how their system works:

      “We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.”
      “Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.”
      “Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.”
      (Fiat Finance and Reserve Bank)
      “While pretending to do the opposite we will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.”
      (amalgam fillings, preservatives, coloring’s, sugar, cosmetics, glyphosate, etc, etc.)
      “The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.”
      “They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them”
      (via TV, film, media, games etc)
      “We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all.”
      “We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished.”
      “They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.”

      AND HERE is their Problem
      11. “But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
      12. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came.”
      13. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.”

      Just THINK about it Folks – This is what they have been doing incrementally for centuries – gradually – creating disasters then placating us when they have consolidated their new inserted controls and conditioning the following generations to that setup.

      FIRST ‘spawn your consciousness’ ie; educate yourself and your acquaintances in reality, then as a group secretly identify them individually along with their place of residence and their families. Next “fall the veil” of their disguise and destroy them any way you can as Christ has said he will do.

      Realise PEOPLE we are AT WAR with “the ones who from heaven to earth came”.

      The reality is – they can only possibly win if we do not work together. They are but 2 percent of us. That is why they MUST separate us and get us warring against each other, OR LOSE..

      I urge you all at this time to get together, form groups and prepare to barter, support, prepare, defend and educate each other, to pray together and much much more.

      • Right on. Great comment. I know all about the whole Jesuit ideology to destroy us and keep themselves in the dark. When you are black magic Satanic worshipping pedophilies – you want to keep your head down and use others to do your dirty work. We must form communes and band together and share food, water etc …

  4. • The Architects of Inversion – Robert Phoenix with Russ Winter

    Linked from here …
    • Russ Winter Rejoins Robert Phoenix to Discuss the Enormous Subject of Sabbatean Frankist Inversion

    A little long and a bit slow at times but just play at speed in the background – many highlights and insights into the inverted world of today under the control of the “Molochite, Baphomet worshipping, Sabbatean detritus– the unensouled” [quoting Sacha Stone] with Blackrock at the helm.

  5. Jewish Created Gulag Wins Battle For Right To Electrically Shock Special Needs Children

    The Judge Rotenberg Center was founded in 1971 as the Behavior Research Institute, which was located in Providence, Rhode Island and was founded by the jew Matthew Israel.

    The Judge Rotenberg Center recently won in a federal appeals court, so they are once again allowed to use electric shock devices on mentally handicapped children.

    From NBC News:

    A federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., overturned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s ban on the use of electric shock devices on people with mental disabilities by a Massachusetts residential school.

    The judges’ 2-1 decision this week will allow the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center in Canton, Mass., to continue using shock devices on its residents. The center, which serves a mix of children and adults with severe developmental and emotional disabilities, has been one of the most controversial institutions for people with disabilities in the country for half a century. NBC News covered the FDA’s years-long effort to stop the school’s use of the devices

    Read the post


  6. Pestilence – What’s next?

    The Bible warns of terrible and frightening times in the End Times. Wars, fires, earthquakes, storms, tempests, floods, famines, plagues and pestilence.

    “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.” – 2 Timothy 3:1

    “ ‘and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes’ ” – Matthew 24:7

    “ ‘When you hear of wars and rumours of wars do not be frightened’ ” – Mark 13:7

    “ ‘and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven’ ” – Luke 21:11

    “Our God comes and will not be silent; a fire devours before Him, and around Him a tempest rages.” – Psalm 50:3

    “ ‘For those days will be a time of tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the creation which God created until now.’ ” – Mark 13:19


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