Home Australia Crunch time in Canberra

Crunch time in Canberra


The reinvented Hawke and Keating head for a train wreck Pic: Courier-Mail

J.G. Olsen / Financial Expositor

The federal government had a thing or two on the back burner for emergencies, fixing the airline problems was evidently one of them, now pulled out urgently to cover up the Northern Territory election wipeout. 

β€œHeeding calls from consumer advocates, the government will establish an aviation industry ombudsman to replace the existing Airline Customer Advocate. The existing body is funded and run by the airlines and critics have labelled it toothless due to its inability to order refunds or compensation”. (Guardian)

Alan Joyce (2008-2023) was running Qantas during the creation of the ACA (2012)

Recall he was cream-pied at one point.

Perhaps if the ALP is wiped out in the forthcoming Queensland election the government will go on to rectify the totally defective and dangerous Therapeutic Goods Administration, but nobody should hold their breath. The TGA is reportedly funded 96% by pharmaceutical and private interests. Maybe another wipeout in the Western Australian election (early 2025) would help them to focus on the electorate, because it’s their (federal government) turn next. Or would that be just in time for some election promises, to be watered down and broken immediately post-election.

Let’s just imagine, in a dream world where fantasy is real, that the government policed the TGA and exposed their crimes against the public.

Instead, in our world, the government is concerned with concealing the TGAs many felonies.

Senator Babet says:

β€œThe Senate has overwhelmingly voted to protect Covid era secrets, to protect incompetence and protect those who inflicted human rights abuses on their fellow citizens. Australians deserve to know the truth about what went on behind closed doors during the pandemic. 

β€œCivil liberties were trashed, businesses were destroyed, children’s education was ruined, sports were banned, people died alone, lives were lost and families were broken up. 

β€œThat our political class – not least the leader of the Liberals in the Senate, Simon Birmingham – would deny the Australian public a full account of what went on is weak. 

β€œI thank Senators Roberts, Hanson, Canavan, Rennick, Cadell, Pocock, O’Sullivan, McLachlan and Colbeck for their support. The Greens abstained from voting and the Labor Party despite previously calling for a Royal Commission voted against the bill. 

β€œTwo additional Senators (Henderson and Paterson) from the Liberal party voted against holding a commission of inquiry into the pandemic”. 

Meanwhile in England, the Covid injections have them dropping like flies:


The Astra-Zeneka gravy train seems to be going off the rails, the buck stops with government mandates. Most in the Australian parliament support the status quo, as shown by the voting above. Most in parliaments expect to ride through elections one after another, keeping their seat, though their office and pay rate may change.

The next big target for privately funded NGOs masquerading as a branch of government would be the Reserve bank of Australia. God forbid that government should ever think to meddle in the affairs of the β€œindependent” RBA. The politicians always like to place the word β€œindependent” in front of the name, as if it was really the IRBA.

But the RBA actually does deserve a full investigation and exposure as it trades on nonsensical explanations while assisting the government in driving citizens to ruin. It’s an inescapable fact that inflation outbreaks are caused by excessive money printing. And don’t forget, if the bank forecloses on your mortgage, β€œsomeone” gets your property on the cheap. Who could that be?

The Reserve Bank of Australia likes to keep their local interest rate higher than the US interest rate to attract more investment, but in recent times it has been much lower, and if they raise it we will quickly fall into a deep recession. Thanks to inside information it seems they have been aware of a lifeline that will eventually be thrown to them, the US Federal Reserve is planning to lower their interest rates soon, two stages are proposed, and they are supposedly going to be significant. September has been mentioned. So the RBA can continue with the nonsense that they are β€œfighting inflation” by sitting in their boardroom, while doing nothing at all themselves, while the public pays the price. The threat of higher rates and the promise of lower rates are both on hold pending the decision of the US Fed who have big decisions on the table, since the BRICS and partners such as the Saudis have already rejected the US Federal Reserve Note.

Chart aph.gov.au

This shows the debt but does not show the interest paid, which went down to near zero during covid, but now interest rates have bounced up and are multiplied by around a trillion dollars. As we are dealing in financial instruments such as ten-year bonds, there will be a time lag followed by a debt explosion the likes of which we have never, ever seen.

A sample of what the Parliament Budget Office (PBO) is telling the treasurer:

β€œFinally, it should be noted that an economy does not need to pay off debt to bring down the relative level of debt. As an economy grows, provided the debt is stabilised, the debt will shrink relative to the size of the economy”.

They are not stabilising the debt, and the way they are growing the economy is by selling off the housing stock and importing working age new Australians to work in jobs such as aged care. This, just like a car crash, adds to GDP, and thus the economy has, on paper, β€œgrown”.

RFK on Black Rock et al  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/D3fYWTqXfjs

says the big financiers are buying up houses with their free money, which younger citizens can no longer afford, due to market manipulations and high interest rates.

The government is on board with an army of regulators and excessive charges.

They could use some of the many empty office buildings available but they have regulated most of these possibilities away. They could let some people build their own dwellings, as happened throughout history, but is no longer allowed, without multiple government interventions, and concomitant expenses. 

No permit, no house.

The real question in the minds of interest rate setters and their shareholders, the mortgage providers is β€œhow close can we get to taking 100% of their income”, bearing in mind the ideal is already known as β€œyou will own nothing”.

There’s always a way out, but there’s the matter of agreeing on a good starting point.

A look-alike for cream-pie victim Bill Gates



  1. “β€œThe Senate has overwhelmingly voted to protect Covid era secrets, to protect incompetence and protect those who inflicted human rights abuses

    OF COURSE THEY DID — That’s their job. They are working for corporate and foreign interests. We vote them in to do exactly that. And the objective is to trash any poli that tries to work for the people. I learned that if Canberra and all the state leaders are unwilling to help a child that was raped and abducted by the state — then they don’t give a f…. for any Australian adult or community.

    • Or, maybe Dee, they have done what they have been told to do by those now in control of Parliament – the White Hats?

      Don’t forget – we are watching a movie that still has many twists and turns, even in the closing scenes.

      Think about it – this whole ‘Operation Odin’ is about exposing the wrongs, so that even the most uninformed begin to question, just who or what, they are asked to accept as to vote for.

      How much further do the ‘normies’ have to be pushed before the alarm bells begin to ring?

      As to an update for what is going on in this world, perhaps you may entertain yourself with what American Patriot and our own, AustraliaOne leader, have to expose over at, beforeitsnews.com?

      There is still much to learn.

  2. Some reasonable questions for J.G. Olsen:

    Who really owns the RBA?

    Why would the RBA be reliant on the Federal Reserve to set interest rates?

    Doesn’t working in with foreign interests (RBA reliant on Federal Reserve to set interest rates in this country) contravene the Australian Constitution?

    And, how would the RBA stabilize a national debt, when it is the money it supplies to federal government, and that year after year, runs the debt into numbers that is not possible to stabilize, and mainly due to reckless (unaccountable) spending, and without any budgetary restraints, while the money supply is accumulated (borrowed) by the RBA?

    You provide no remedy for the problems you have raised – surely there must be remedies?

    If you cannot answer any of those questions, then why are you writing these articles?

      • As for voting, why register, just say that you Mr A β€˜Neighbour’ and have your name ruled off get a selection form, tick it off put it in a box and repeat at another booth
        You really are not really a Mr smart Bogan, are you?
        Select. early vote all dayπŸ’πŸΏπŸΏπŸΏπŸΏ

        • I have a university degree in aeronautical engineering ( doctorate in rocketry ) with $250k HEX debt which is why I work at the traffic lights panhandling, I can only take cash jobs, I am “stabilising my debt” as they mention in the story above under “Parliament Budget Office”, while I finish my other doctorate in robotic microsurgery
          ( intercranial tissues )

          • You read the article!
            I just relied on your Mr. plodger’s summary.
            Been busy today, have not managed Mary today, but did a skim of Byington, I managed.
            Nothing new on what expected.
            Interesting mention of my β€˜peasant’s’ old silver collection of coinage somewhere. RMN?.
            Seems that it is useful for batteries and if so, I might move into my Lordshp’s gate house and gain a hunting licence for trespassers.
            Cannot wait to hunt down a WEFER in the shrubbery and hear it scream for mercy.

      • Lastly, I noted at RMN that Kennedy, by joining the Trump is going to deal with those chemtrails that our politicians approved of decades ago. No authoritative quote though.
        If anyone is a nutter mad tin foil hat conspiracy theorist and could help, would be gracious enough to donate a flask of barium, aluminium and mystery contents for a fellow traveler.

  3. I have got an ABC-TV chat show on in the background and they have George Brandis who was Federal A-G ( Lib ), a school buddy of Alexander Downer, both went to school in England, and Brandis is on there saying how awful Trump is because he would stop the war in Ukraina and everyone else is pure identity politics can’t stand Trump because he is not a brown skinned woman, it seems we have to have a brown skinned woman, warmonger or industry minion makes no difference as long as we get free money and gay marches, now they are comparing Trump to Hitler, these are weird people, the nobles ( politicians ) are hiding behind huge ramparts built from lies and the serfs ( public ) are dumb as rocks. The DeepState has got them pegged, they want a brown woman, it’s no contest. One of them doesn’t have a clue about what’s really going on in Zion and that one has a seat in parliament, their researchers must be dumb as rocks too. Like the brown skinned woman, it seems to come down entirely to brand building and truth is the first thing to go overboard.

  4. “The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” – It’s always been this way and things are about to get ugly. Wakey, wakey, there is only one way out.

    • Is this what you’re after Dee?
      Wieambilla massacre inquest: every exhibit released so far
      Extraordinary footage and audio has been released during the inquest into the massacre at Wieambilla. Here is every exhibit released in the first two weeks
      I don’t subscribe but only $4 for first 4 weeks.
      Was live when I first looked.

  5. Crunch time in Canberra🀣
    For some serious CRUNCH just listen to Scott McKay and col’ Ricardo Bosi. Retired now Australia one leader.
    From about 11 mins and note the reference to Pastor Joyce with heaps of GIGGLE between them.
    Beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    The normies who have never heard of β€˜FAZZLE DRIP’ better get real and READY. I have read other reports for years and hinted in old comments about the table tennis scene after an exhausting game.
    Jim Willie, just presently above Bosi, will be interesting with some camel gossip?

        • Oh dear,
          Beforeitsnews.com – people powered with Mary at situation update today.
          Aunty Nancy has been reported to be in the Hilary club and at about 20 mins the Willie, mentioned above is cited. on the 24 zeros ( not 26… sorry, I was napping!πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ)
          I am up a bit past 20 mins but it is ALL HEAPS OF ENTERTAINMENT.
          Crunch away normiesπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€£ BE CAREFUL THAT YOU DO NOT CHOKE

    • LOL! Pastor Joyce is back in the building, sporting white hair and beard.

      Looks good for his age! Not too mention, his singing voice.

      • β€œThe devil in disguise”
        Some look, walk, talk, lie like an angelπŸ’πŸ€£πŸ™ˆ but are the β€˜devil in diguise’.
        Some wake upπŸ‘»πŸ’

        • A lot of shocked folk coming.

          What a pity some couldn’t look past their personal or, indoctrinated biases to dig a little deeper into what has been exposed on this site.

  6. I got a question for any accountant reading this
    Let’s say I go into business and get a bank account for all the trade and work stuff.
    I decide to get into shampoo so I buy an IBC ( 1000 litre tank ) of detergent and 5000 small bottles with labels and perfume, and a folding table for the weekend markets.
    So far I spent $2000 on detergent and bottles and I sold the lot for $50,000 + gst, the small bottles sold for $11 each. Now my bank account looks like $55,000 in and $2000 out then gst about $5000 out and then the tax year ends and I fill in the forms and have to pay income tax and medicare on it, cost $15,300 so my business income was $55,000 and my cost of doing business was $22,300 all up out of the business account so the next tax year I can claim $22,300 deduction because all the tax was a cost of doing business wasn’t it, if I stayed at home doing nothing I would not have to pay.

  7. A feast for the worried, anxious and paranoid
    Karen Kingston dishes it all up.
    CCP working intensively for Globalist depop agenda, as they have been since their “one child” policy and before.
    Maybe don’t buy that Chinese car just yet, they will probably reach in to the computer and shut it down one day when they need to.
    American depop is getting real and the cold war is heating up. They want us to eat bugs and be sprayed like bugs. If you go to Malaysia they spray you like a bug so if you’re on a flight take a blanket. They sneak up from behind with their bug spray.
    Video conks out at 34:00 I don’t know why.

  8. Joseph, just for you, as you are interested in doing research.
    Beforeitsnews.com – people powered news.
    β€œKerry Cassidy” (!VERY SCARY!) gives a frank interview on her personal experiences with a Intel contact and the Pleebeeins”. (Sp?)
    Seems that an average African mum knows more that those dimwit articles published in medical journal fakery.
    I recall the African story from way back when the catholic doctors did the research after the mum’s reports on the affects of the TETANUS injections.
    Seems that first we SHOULD listen m, use COMMON SENSE and observe before relying on dumb doctors, FAKE MASS MEDIA AND PELICAN POLITICIANS.
    We need saving and the Pleebeeins will be the world’s saviours.

  9. A Famine in Some Part of the World Will Kick Things Off
    I spoke with Bok Kudla from Trade Genius about the changes expected through the rest of the year with possible oil shortages, rising inflation and gold prices and how crop losses will be the domino that tips our world over the edge. We are one crop loss away from the kick off. Prepare now.

    • In parliament the other day the ALP members were lining up to give Rennick some shit for daring to represent basic conservative opinion on some matter such as childcare, for holding conservative values he gets the “extreme right wing” treatment from these Brave New World Order types who want every unit placed in state care from age 0 to induced death aged probably about 50 or 60 for the average punter but more for elites. We are pre-programmed by Charlton Heston to think we are living in the Soylent Green world but things look pretty normal from my location.

    • A matter of months later the boys from Arizona inexplicably sharpen up into a disruptive force majeure upon normal society, was it Zappa, was it Polanski, was it Manson, it can’t have all been Bob Ezrin

      And like Tayla Swift, of course Alice is a man

  10. Getting back to main article. If banks can create credit to loan to house buyers and demand cash back for repayment how is it that the Commonwealth Government cannot create credit instead of borrowing from overseas, whereby all repayment and interest disappear from our shores? We have land, agricultural crops, precious metals, mined and still to be mined, oil and gas with other metals and minerals and labour to use as collateral for the credit I am suggesting.

    I know the answer to my question. It is that we put gutless people into politics that seem to think that they are required to do as their overseas masters dictate.

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