
Editor’s Note: This was first published on August 4, 2020 as a Newsletter by Jon Rappoport, with the title “Dispatches from the War: vaccine, Gates, racism, liberals, logic.” Jon is author of The Matrix.
by Jon Rappoport
The night is long and the price is high. I imagine Trump stepping up to a microphone saying, “Yes, the GDP just dropped through the floor, and the economy is a wreck, but here’s the good news. Operation War Seed, I mean Warp Speed, is on track to spit out a genetic nano super duper bombshell cruise missile vaxx in record time. These guys in their labs are great. Great people. I hear they’re developing new masks—you can actually eat your meals through them…”
Since, as I’ve been demonstrating, researchers failed to prove the existence of a new coronavirus…
…In today’s logic class on the fly, we review a basically fallacy which I call The Effect Proves the Cause, an item Aristotle elucidated 2350 years ago.
The lockdowns, the distancing, the masks, the testing, the tracing are the effects. They are designed to prove there is a new and deadly virus, the cause.
The fallacy is: that’s backwards.
Of course, the lockdowns and the masks and distancing prove nothing. They’re on the level of: “The man is in jail, so he must have committed a crime.”
The fallacy is actually: The Effect Which Is Actually Not an Effect of a Claimed Cause.
And then think about this. If there were no containment measures, if people were allowed to come and go freely, they would soon lose a sense of urgency about vaccination. And businesses would be open; there would be no economic destruction. Now we’re getting down to the truth.
The containment measures aren’t the effect of anything.
They’re put there to achieve economic destruction, and to create the illusion of need for a vaccine.
Some variations on this theme:
“We are fighting a war against X; therefore, X must have threatened our security. Otherwise, why would we be fighting?” FALLACY.
“The jury brought in a verdict of not-guilty. Therefore, the defendant didn’t commit the crime.” FALLACY.
“The authorities stepped up surveillance on the suspects. Therefore, the suspects must be criminals.” FALLACY.
X might have threatened the nation’s security, and the defendant might have committed a crime, and the suspects might be criminals, but these require separate investigations. The “therefore” is the fallacy.
“People are dying, it must be the virus.” FALLACY.
Bill Gates and his Globalist colleagues want to shove a needle into the arms of 7.6 billion people. They want to create the illusion of need for that program. The containment measures, the lockdowns—“This must mean we have to have a vaccine.” WRONG.
Grinning smirking sociopathic Howdy Doody freakazoid Bill says the vaccine is essential. All these little programmed Leftists and BLM and ANTIFA running around trying to cancel this and cancel that, take power away from here and there…why don’t they ever mention the power of Bill Gates? It’s just a pure accident they omit him? After all, the man is very busy delivering toxic vaccines in Africa. For that matter, are no protests winding up at the New York headquarters of the United Nations? That organization seems to have some power. I’m not reading about protests in Langley, where the CIA is nestled. Or at the home of the NSA in Maryland. And what about the New York offices of the major news networks, Propaganda Central? These protestors and rioters have very specific blind sports?
Hmm. Let’s take a step back. Fauci and Gates and their ilk are wreaking economic havoc. The rioters are wreaking their own version of economic havoc. Could it be, in some way, some twisted way, they’re on the same side?
Speaking of twisted, follow along with this quick hitter on modern “epidemics”. You won’t find such coverage in the New York Times:
—Origin stories of viruses—what’s wrong with this picture—
Every organized religion has an origin story. The story explains where things started, and who made them.
Epidemics, as I’ve explained in many articles, resemble religions. Epidemics, too, have origin stories.
Perhaps summarizing a few of the more popular legends will reveal a pattern. Here is a short list. Name of disease, where it began, and what it supposedly came from:
HIV/AIDS, Africa, monkeys. West Nile, Uganda, birds, mosquitos. Avian Influenza (H5N1), China, geese. SARS, China, animals, perhaps bats. Swine Flu (H1N1), Mexico, pigs. COVID-19, China, animals, perhaps bats.
The first story-line requirement is animal origin. “The virus jumped species to humans.”
Obviously, this kind of tale could be told using any country in the world as place of origin, because every country has animals. Every country hunts animals, domesticates them, sells them, eats them.
With me so far?
A question that immediately pops up: why haven’t we been treated to a global pandemic origin-story that names America, Canada, or Europe as the source?
Those places have plenty of animals, wild and domesticated. People eat them. The factory-farms are notoriously unclean.
“Today, CDC researchers named a North Carolina commercial pig farm as the starting point of the Raleigh Virus 1 Pandemic that is sweeping the world…”
Hasn’t been told, hasn’t been sold. Ever. Why not?
Keep in mind we aren’t talking about science or truth—we’re talking about marketing.
So, who is the major audience (target) for these pandemic stories? The West. People in Western countries. What does that audience need to hear, in order to be suitably impressed, deceived, frightened?
THE VIRUS COMES FROM A FOREIGN LAND. Yes, and in that land, “strange and mysterious things happen. Unhealthy unclean things.” That’s the subliminal pitch.
Consider another tale of domestic Origin: “Experts are now centering their investigation on a market in Dayton, Ohio. They believe the virus might have jumped species from a cat, which bit a human near the meat counter…” No. No good.
How about this? “Ranchers in Wyoming apparently ate a wild bird…” Better. Why not? If a virus-story about bats in China can work, so can a story about a bird in the US. Except it doesn’t work. No “foreign flavor.”
That is called a clue.
When you put together the fraudulent science that begins with the announced discovery of a new virus—never isolated or purified or actually found—with a legend about the virus’ origin in a far-off land, you have a marketable product. PANDEMIC.
Contemplate this interesting twist. If someone tried to sell a new pandemic that originated in a sanctuary city in California, “liberals” would climb all over that story: IT’S RACIST. THEY’RE TRYING TO BLAME IMMIGRANTS.
But the same “liberals” will put on masks, stand six feet apart, work from home, stay indoors, cooperate with contact tracers, and line up for a vaccine, if you say the origin of the virus was China or Africa or Mexico, WHERE THE SKIN COLOR IS NOT WHITE.
Racial bias sells. Hugely. As long as no one mentions it.
Thus ends today’s lesson in logic, internal contradiction, and the highly technical variation called liberal bullshit.
Copyright Jon Rappoport. www.nomorefakenews.com
The whole rationale of the BigPharma industry is “treat the symptoms”, you don’t even have to worry about the cause if you can get rid of the effects, simple.
As for the economic meltdown, I wonder how long ago this was baked in, or if in the frenzy of profiteering and new tech, it couldn’t be predicted beyond about a decade.
Well going back about 12 years as I recall the banks in Australia stopped taking bundles of cash of $10k or more and now all transactions are legally limited to $10k.
Back then I believe the Chinese were buying real estate with large bags full of cash. It’s an easy jump to imagine they were printing USD and anything else they could manufacture. The minions of the super rich running JPMorgan bank etc (who on contracts circulate in and out of the US treasury and Fed) would have been onto this and decided they didn’t want to be screwed by the CCP so they invented QE and awarded themselves vast amounts of E-money, so the price of old paintings etc went up to half a billion dollars each. Oh dear, what to spend all this E-money on before we die. Now they have bought up 10% of all the remaining company shares (after all the corporate share buybacks which were used to artificially inflate dividends). What could they possibly buy next. Well, crash the economy and see what comes up at half price, I guess, all sorts of distressed assets.
They don’t really need to kill everyone in Australia, it’s just as Reinhart said, in her Marie Antoinette moment, “you are only worth $2 an hour”. We are slow to awaken to this. The government will have to slowly devalue the AUD so we don’t notice, except that overseas holidays and imports are curtailed. It will be like back to the ’50’s, except the phone will be following us everywhere and probably telling us what to do every half hour.
As for BigPharmas vaccine project, at the very least it is stuck on like a hybrid, opportunists like Gates will have talked it all through at some lakeside hotel somewhere, years ago.
Actually treating symptoms, as opposed to uprooting the cause, is endemic to the human condition. e. g. ameliorating the discomfort of a personality disorder or dysfunctional relationship is much less work than dealing with the core problem, hence the attraction to booz & drugs. Big Pharma would otherwise not be able to get a foot in the door.
No suppressor with akrappaport.
Be it 12 or 7.62×30 or other, ASCII be stronger, than that load, hollow or else.
Sorry feeling better today, u know we all cycle, 24/7 flux like as Berry’s observation of recent times.
Thanks Jon, get me from here too … there, … you has, for many a year.
I’ll raise you 5 cents
By now anybody with half a gram of brain must have heard about the scam that is being played out.
And yet most seem to laugh it off as though they will not be affected. I know those that I have tried to wake up don’t seem to care that their life and that of their off-springs are not worth worrying about. Its a strange, strange world, that we live in Master Jack. Seem to have heard that song some time ago.
Mal, I fear brains gone AWOL
Delusion is not an intellectual process
In relation to bg’s article, do we have another 5G fiasco on the way? Don’t worry everything will be safe. Yeh! As per all radiation. As per the Covd-19 vaccine is, although not yet created. Bill gates and Co. have said it will be, so believe us.
I want to thank Kevin Woodman for donating me a meter. I’ll be reporting on my findings. Interesting, when the phone first rings, the meter shoots up (very high) then back. I’ll be walking around city checking the EMF. Oh sorry, I won’t be. Lockdown-tied-and-barred-gagged.
Once upon a time inconsistency was deemed to be a hallmark of lying.
Currently in W.A:
*Restaurants & bars are open but distancing is in force, which of course means that for some joints it’s hardly worth opening
* The 6 hour State run Albany to Perth bus trip is up and running, no distancing or masks required.
* The 1 hour Rex Airlines Albany to Perth plane is up and running but you can’t board without wearing a mask
You’d be hard pressed to come up with a more bare-faced means of manipulation of the economy
People know, still many don’t want to know.
“…. potentially an industrial accident.” – ABC tonight.
Victoria under the most draconian lockstep measures on the globe, enforced by pedophiles and vampires. Our collective darkness accelerated by blind nuclear science (ignorance).
We still have a huge advantage, there are people with hearts everywhere.
“These times, these changing times, changing the hearts of all mankind.” – Joni
I wonder when pedophiles having the dirt on each other became the standard for the Western secret societies.
Could it be that in ancient Rome any sort of depraved behaviour had become basically normal and then Emperor Constantine shut it down and drove it underground?
“Quarantine is when you restrict movement of sick people.
Tyranny is when you restrict the movement of healthy people.”
– Monte Maro 77
A twentieth century analogy – You can also make wine from grapes.
A twenty first century analogy – A baby can still be made with a man and woman making love.
Natural order is organic, science is not.
A baby from a man and woman making love? 56, are you hallucinating?
BC Centre for Disease Control – COVID-19 and Sex Guidelines
I just hope Daniel Andrews if taking all the personal precautions and using appropriate “barriers” … “glory … “.
You will have to read for yourself – I don’t dare reprint any of this material in a family-friendly space.
Well, I dare, Julius. It says (verbatim):
If you’re feeling sick, skip sex
You should not have sex with anyone if you or your partner(s) has:
Symptoms of COVID-19,
Been a contact of, or had exposure to, a known case of COVID-19, or
Been advised to self-isolate.
If you’re feeling well and have no symptoms of COVID-19, you can have sex.
You are your safest sex partner. Masturbating by yourself (solo sex) will not spread COVID-19. If you masturbate with a partner(s), physical distancing will lower your chance of getting COVID-19.
Honestly, has anyone in the room here ever thought of themselves as their own sex partner?
(No, don’t answer. That is a rhetorical question.)
It’s like wichety grubs. You go with the nutrition you have. Someday soon we will be glad to have anything.
Julius I immediately thought of Woody Allen’s film Sleeper -All scripted:
Sleeper is a 1973 American futuristic science fiction comedy film, directed by Woody Allen and written by Allen and Marshall Brickman. The plot involves the adventures of the owner of a health food store who is cryogenically frozen in 1973 and defrosted 200 years later in an ineptly led police state. The film contains many elements which parody notable works of science fiction and was made as a tribute to comedians Groucho Marx and Bob Hope.
Then I follow a thread to Wilhelm Reich—which took me to the Freud Hilton -Tavistock- and and and–epstein and and and
The Great Proselytizer of Orgasm
A new book explores the highly peculiar legacy of Wilhelm Reich.
“Christopher Turner, author of Adventures in the Orgasmatron
Today when sex combines with politics, the likely result is humiliation. We think of the crotch shot, the Sofitel suite, the airport restroom stall, the stained blue dress. The sex, which we see as sleazy and compulsive, is a sign of a defective self: risk-prone, greedy, compartmentalized, deluded, and hypocritical.
It’s hard, perhaps, to recall that once sex was—in the ideal—radical politics conducted by other means. When Wilhelm Reich coined the phrase “the sexual revolution,” he meant transformation in every sphere: health, marriage, economics, morality, and government. It was in sex, he believed, that we found the integrated self, liberated from the alienating culture and the authoritarian state. Christopher Turner’s Adventures in the Orgasmatron is in part a report from that past, when sex held the promise of social reform. His book bears the subtitle, How the Sexual Revolution Came to America, but mostly what Turner offers is a sex-centered biography of Reich, the great proselytizer of orgasm.
Because of his belief in orgone, an imagined form of energy, Reich is now a figure of fun. (Orgasmatron is Woody Allen’s name, in Sleeper, for a parody of Reich’s orgone accumulator, a telephone booth-sized plywood and metal box said to store a healing and enlivening force.) But Reich is a fascinating, unfairly overlooked figure. If he had done nothing else, he would perhaps be known for the great work of his youth, Character Analysis, a book that forever changed the way psychotherapy is done. What he went on to do—crazily, confusingly—was to elaborate a dream of a society saved by sex.
At the end of the Great War, Reich, 22 and in medical school, showed up at Berggasse 19 to request a reading list. He became Freud’s favorite. By the mid-1920s, Reich was the director of the technical seminar of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. His contribution is summarized in the adage, taught to generations of psychoanalysts, Interpret character before content. Reich had observed that his patients, as obedient Freudians, might share memories of the primal scene but conceal ordinary shameful feelings in torrents of talk. Reich concluded that he had to address what he called “character armor.””
Reich left me somewhat mystified when I read about him decades ago. But I have been thinking about altered states lately especially about the state of “shock” which enables one to be eaten painlessly, for example by a shark.
How could this state be compatible with evolution theory, since the shock victim ends up dead, not reproducing. I wonder if anyone has any ideas.
It’s all very mysterious, for example, if there was a big global ice-age 10,000 years ago, then why are there so many tropical fruits, and so few arctic fruits, just a few berries and nothing else, but bananas and pineapples have survived perfectly well.
The only parallel that could possibly be drawn between Reichian therapy and the Covid 19 fiasco is that they are both giant scams designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. I was befooled by the former throughout my 20s, but thank God I never went so far as to participate. Those who did wound up footing the bill for the whims & fancies of the likes of this bloke:
Interesting how trendy it’s become to waffle on about Satanism whilst remaining 100% oblivious to the modus operandi of said fallen angel
berry thank you for the above certainly took me down the rabbit hole
Have a lot of these old movies on laser disk. Wish I had that one. Think I remember the lead character hiding from the state going after the “outsider”.
Cops, stormtroopers, causing 200 year old man to hide in the orgasmitron by himself.
The beginning has frozen man being forced cigarettes because it turns out, future science finds them beneficial to health.
Have over 1000 dvd’s, agenda, runs through almost all.
Leads to boom, boom Beaker, but I digress
“There are a lot of places in this world that have beautiful landscapes and beautiful structures but they often have some of the most lifeless and paranoid people who live in them. Melbourne, Australia and New Zealand are Green Party country and their agenda has always been anti-social and anti-consumer. The COVID agenda is the Green Party agenda on steroids. Their end game is a totalitarian state run by the super globalist state where the general population will forever be under total control and surveillance. It’s just so sad to witness how easily so many people have confirmed to this tyranny without much organised resistance.” – John G
I rang up Therapeutic Goods Administration Dept ph 02 6289 4124 and they said lots of people had been ringing them about why they banned HCQ from being prescribed by General Practitioners.
They said they banned it on 24th March because “it hadn’t been tested”, I said why don’t they test it then and unban it, they said they didn’t have enough pills, I said Clive Palmer has a mountain of it and it will all go use-by in a year or whatever so you do have enough pills. They said some company has to initiate the moving of HCQ off “schedule 4” and on to “schedule 2” and I said you moved it onto schedule 4 so why can’t you put it back on schedule 2, all these people are losing their house, suicidal, wives are getting bashed, it’s all because of your department.
Donald Trump has tested it and it’s fine, it’s been around for 50 years and it’s fine, it’s been banned for months now, nobody seems to be “testing” this 50 year old medicine, WTF 🙁
Lots of U Tube footage of Victorians being attacked for refusing to wear masks.
The MSM & Po are evidently deluded to the point of thinking it’ll strengthen their case!
Thanks for the number
I rang that mob and they could not take the call because it said that they were training people.
The recording also told me that they could take personal details.
I spoke to the record it section and merely told them it was a private inquiry and stated to it that it has banned hcl and asked why.
I told it to think about the banning of the treatment at an esrly stage that may prevent a death and it may be negligent to ban it and might even be manslaughter and there may be possible class actions following. I also told them that many have been receiving the hcl treatment.
Perhaps more should ring it.
I was polite enough not to stop giving us the bs treatment because it does not work.
I see hospital video and they appear to have the victims bare-chested and bare-headed in an aircon environment when common sense dictates that they be kept warm or very warm or in a hyperthermia state but you can’t tell these people anything because they have the certificate to do whatever they are told by some dodgy governing body such as the W.H.O. and so be indemnified.
So the therapeutic mob are on notice of possible class actions for relatives of those deceased who could have been saved for want of a available treatment if it had not been banned and the deceased could have been provided the hcl + treatment.
File this and the above notification of the phone message left with the tga.
I only had to queue for less than ten minutes, just put the phone on speaker and do something else
If my aging memory serves me well, didn’t a local university professor named Petrovsky identify the virus as man-made?
We really need to line up our ducks on this one.
I note that the brilliant Professor Borody is reported that a treatment for nits with other additives may at a early stage be a defence against our ‘msm virus’.
Unfortunately it has to be tested and a delay with a potential treatment might be too late to prevent the complete destruction of our small business and economy. Not to forget our elderly victims.
I find it very strange that a already approved treatment in the US (years back and recommended by Fucci. 2005?) is banned by comrade Dan and the TGA.
From an article submitted by “berry” yesterday …
On Tuesday, April 7, morning the ministry of external affairs issued a statement, ‘In view of the humanitarian aspects of the pandemic, it has been decided that India would license paracetamol and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in appropriate quantities to all our neighbouring countries who are dependent on our capabilities.’
(Humanitarian aspects eg. painful deaths, economic destruction, anarchy etc, pity Dan Andrews is unfamiliar with the concept of humanitarian aspects)
Such a dumb-arse he’s evidently oblivious to the implications of his “this isn’t about human rights” cant
The personification of what happens when you sell your soul to You-Know-Who: unhttps://quadrant.org.au/opinion/qed/2020/01/how-daniel-andrews-gets-away-with-it/
Off topic but something that may interest many of you.
Seventy five years ago today, the A-bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
James O’Neill, if you haven’t already read it, this article titled ‘John Pilger: Another Hiroshima is Coming, Unless We Stop It Now’ will be of particular interest :
John Pilger is arguably the greatest Australian journalist of the last 50 years and he doesn’t disappoint here.
Simply outstanding how Pilger ties in the mistakes made in the lead up to that depraved act 75 years ago with the present day demonisation of China and the potential catastrophic consequences if we [the U.S and slavish vassals like Australia] don’t immediately curtail our provocations.
And the current predicament facing Victorians couldn’t possibly have anything to do with Chinese infiltration:
Bolt laments the huge numbers of teenagers killing themselves because of the lockdown, but I would say the teenagers are looking beyond the lockdown to the global concentration camp they are expecting to spend their lives in, HECS, house prices, career death, all feed into it. Bolt says wouldn’t it be easier to isolate the old aged people. Too easy maybe!
It seems very clear the whole of government response is designed to create the maximum “attrition” and economic damage. The ban on HCQ is the last nail in the coffin for our governments’ integrity. For creating this outcome in Melbourne, the Andrews government is clearly either guilty or insane.
Screw Victorians, they were stupid enough to elect a total incompetent who has never had a real job in his life. – I’ll bet he even gets re-elected for his ‘strong’ handling of the plandemic, LOL!
Keep the border with Victoria closed, please!
Given the actual danger posed by the virus, keeping the borders closed will ultimately be more harmful to the rest of the Country than otherwise.
Oz is a communist state, the Zionists and Freemasons sealed the deal and nothing can be done.
They pretend there are nation states, in reality there is only one disorder directed by WHO that is the World Economic Forum Luciferist United Nations. Unfortunately for all, CCP is the role model for world dictatorship and Melbourne is the launching pad for this agenda.
If the wheat/grain silos bombed, in Beirut stored 85% of supply, what are the surviving innocents going to eat. Will international compassionate aid flotillas be targeted again or will the Crown and Israel save them with Monsanto production from CCP ?
None of these events are by chance or accident, they have been planned for over sixty years and more. The Christian (Catholic) faith is the only true opposition to them. It is our last stand and if it goes down all is lost. Then it’s up to Divine intervention and He will come. God will not allow His beautiful creations go to waste.