by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
(Note: Reginald is my brainy relative, age 75, who claims to despise and reject conspiracy theory.)
Dear Cuz, here we are again, in September 2020, no better off than we were in any of the years after the dramatic collapse of the World Trade Center. In fact, I’d like to make the case that we are much worse off. (In your heart of hearts, you know we are in huge trouble today.)
This time I want to float a new idea – namely that the one factor most causative of our current endangerment is … is … wait for it … is you.
Your acceptance of the official 9-11story – which is a far-fetched piece of nonsense – has signaled The Powers That Be that they can proceed with other horrors, unencumbered. This became quite clear during the recent opposition – I mean lack of opposition – to the Lockdown.
Your own business suffered, and you are flailing around trying to think of a new occupation that you might still qualify for. But where is your anger? A bunch of Bozos in Switzerland and elsewhere decided that the world will have an economic “Reset.” They are threatening your son and daughter by saying that they’ll be lucky to become slaves. Can’t you go over to their “chalet” and wipe the smirk off their stupid, ugly faces?
A Recap of the 9-11 Event
There are adults today, age 18, who were not even born, not even conceived, by September 11, 2001. I assume that eventually, their school textbooks told them that 19 Arab men hijacked four jumbo jets, two of which smashed into the North and South towers of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, and another into the Pentagon (fathom it!).
They perhaps even “learned” that the fourth plane crashed into the ground in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, owing to the heroism of passengers who said the Lord’s Prayer – oh, please – and then whooped “Let’s roll.” Todd Beamer and others (now movie stars) caused the pilot, i.e., the untrained Arab pilot, to lose control of the flight.
Zheesh, do you really believe this stuff?
Why Fall for Obvious Fairy Stories?
Cousin Reginald, please don’t think I am unsympathetic to you. I do know that in the first instance we were given the story consistently by all the TV networks, including Public Broadcasting, whom we had naturally trusted. You and I – and our late parents — had no way, pre-Internet, to know that the media had been engaged, throughout the 20th century, in pulling the wool over our eyes, bigtime.
As for the part about the hijackers being Arab, it seemed to make sense. We had been prepared for this since the 1970s by mentions of Muslim terrorists, some even committing airport incidents. And remember Sirhan Sirhan shooting Bobby Robert F Kennedy in 1968, just before he would have got the presidential nomination? Wasn’t Sirhan’s native language Arabic?
And then there’s the logic – I’ll bet you have applied it – that if there were anything amiss with the hijacking story, the US’s many military safeguards would have noticed. Or, a few years later when the Report of the 9-11 Commission was published (in July 2004), we’d have surely been informed by critics that the official story has holes in it.
So, Cuz, pretend it’s 2004 and I am still OK with your being in denial. Oops, hold it a minute! “In denial” is the wrong diagnosis at that point. We were simply ignorant. At that point I was swaggering around, showing off my PhD in Politics. You’d think if anyone were able to see through the chicanery, it should be Cousin Mary. But no. A few others had picked up on the 911 issues, but not me.
My incidental means of discovering the lies of 2001 had to do with a separate matter. I was in Canada, reading “the Hutton Inquiry into the death of David Kelley,” in February 2005. The dear old scales fell from my eyes. Not because the Inquiry told the truth about Kelly. Rather because it lied, but lied in a way I could recognize as foul play (by the judge himself, Lord Hutton).
A few more taps on the laptop that week and I was delivered a barrage of conspiracy theory. Believe me, Reg, when I say was scared witless. I figured only a few people had caught on, about 9-11, and now I was one of them, and of course my computer would give away my identity, location, etc. Yup, I expected a knock on the door.
Worrying about the Knock on the Door, and Daddy
I suppose it is fear that keeps many people form joining the 9-11 Truthers. Any normal person dreads a knock on the door. But I have been impressed by psychologists, such as Fran Shure, saying that the main reason Americans won’t face up to “9-11 as inside job” is that they don’t want to hear anything bad about “Daddy.” It’s not a fear issue, it’s a love-and-protection issue.
Even a young child has trouble seeing that one of its parent is in the wrong. Most likely the evolutionary explanation for that trait is that it pays for a kid to put full faith in Mom and Dad as protectors. By extension, government is also perceived as a parent.
I would also add in, that a citizen in the US worries that his compatriots may hate him if he says anything too critical of “the tribe” or its leaders. It’s such bad manners!
(Eeks, I just asked the computer to give me a count of how many words I have typed so far, and it said “911.” But don’t worry, my conspiratorial leanings do not go so far as to look for hidden messages. I look for plain, in-your-face messages like, you know, government corruption.)
Cousin, you’d think after nine hundred and eleven words I’d have conveyed much of the true story of that famous day, to you. Well, no but you don’t want to have to digest all that at the moment. In a few words: the whole deal was well planned by Americans, and must have had many participants.
The Downlow
Examples of participants:
the Air Force personnel who chose not to use the standard procedure for chasing after suspicious planes,
the Secret Service that did not give President Bush any special cover on his way from the schoolhouse to Sarasota airport,
the Insurance Company that did not balk at paying double damages to the lessors of the STC for “two separate incidents”),
the New York City Police that allowed all the evidence of the collapsed towers to be swept away with no attempt to examine the crime-scene,
the Congresspersons who passed, days later, a Patriot Act without even claiming to have read it, etc.
Actually, I don’t think one could come up with a better example of the insincerity of government than the fact that the Report never mentions – never mentions! – that three skyscrapers fell at the World Trade Center, not two. (Yes, it was 47-stories high and came down like a perfectly controlled demolition.)
Dear Cousin, I am going to go on the assumption that you had never heard of that third building, and that now you hear of it from Cousin Mary’s lips you feel shocked and are rapidly planning to switch your loyalties on the whole 9-11 story.
Think about it, the public has been told over and over that only two buildings collapsed that day. How can we live in the supposedly most sophisticated land in the world and be such dumbo’s? By the way, I think a majority of foreigners holds the correct view of 9-11. For them, the Daddy problem does not get in the way.!
Also they are disgusted that we attacked Afghanistan on October 8, 2001 based on no proof whatsoever that any guilt belonged to that nation. Aren’t you disgusted, too, now that you see what a travesty that was?
The Future, and Our Responsibility
My truly valued cousin Reginald, now that you have a grandchild on the way, the word “future” has taken on new meaning, perhaps new forebodings. Am I right?
Imagine that she found this letter from me to you, in a time capsule 25 years from now, when you and I pushing up daisies. Warning! She would see that old Mary told old Grandpa the truth of 9-11. (I mean as much truth as we can discern, given the ability of government to block documents and to bump off whistleblowers.)
You would want her to realize that as soon as you came to the conclusion, or at least the strong suspicion, that 9-11 was a false flag, a psy-op, and a government junket, you jumped into action. She will be proud to know that you weren’t so silly as to close your eyes and say “Ho hum, who cares?”
Use your imagination to think what a government would try to get away with if it had got away with 9-11. The members would be laughing at us and maybe take bets to see what further mayhem they could do, all the while having their media cronies give us yet another implausible story.
Consider Them Trying These Tricks
“We’ll close down all small businesses [like yours] and let only a monopoly run each industry. One Amazon retail, one Cargill agribusiness, one Verizon communications, one Glaxo pharma, etc. That way, those pesky consumers will have to put up or shut up.
“We’ll have a bonfire at which the Bill of Rights will be ceremoniously burned. Anybody not behaving appropriately at the ceremony (that is, not rejoicing) will be chucked into the bonfire. Ha ha, won’t that be a hoot.”
“We’ll have a square dance for married couples and when the caller calls ‘Swing your partner,’ the men will move to the next lady and she will become his wife. Isn’t that a scream?”
“All boys age 18-30 will be drafted, no deferments, and they will be sent to war against each other. No real enemy; it will be pretty confusing. However, it shouldn’t cause actual awareness, as we’ve done it many times before and they’ve never figured it out.”
Cousin Reg, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but the point is, they really can pull any stunt. But if you were to start making a stink about 9-11 – and if you got suitably angry at any citizen who kept hiding behind the Daddy apron strings, the Destroyers would at least have second thoughts. They like survival just as much as we do.
Happy 19th “Anniversary” this Friday. I wish I hadn’t held my tongue for so many years — but when President Trump sad it’s vaccination time, over a fake pandemic, I knew it would be OK for me to get emboldened.
Lots of love, MM
P.S. You can order these two books: Another 19, by Kevin Ryan (hot, hot, hot) and America’s Betrayal Confirmed, by a rigorous scholar, Elias Davidsson.
Or, to save time, watch this YouTube video, only 2 minutes long: “WTC7 — This is an Orange,” by Anthony Lawson. (
Or, concerning the attack on the Pentagon, see James Corbett’s 5-minute video: (
Off topic. Hard to tell f the court adjourned today in London re Assange.
Speaking personally, I can’t say which I find more pukey:
That Wm Barr finds it in America’s interest to punish someone for revealing US war crimes,
or that folks on the street n UK are trying to PROTECT Assange from coming to my country.
I want him here immediately so he can get justice.
It wasn’t the war crimes so much as the Pizzagate I would say, war crimes were highlighted.
Pizzagate is a direct link from Clintons admin to Epstein, MSM will have none of it.
And, I vaguely recall reading “Huckleberry Finn” about half a century ago, they were on about the “A-rabs” back in those days. Soft target. Of course goes back to the crusades, as the A-rabs like to remind us.
I don’t think Trump will force anyone to take vaccines, I think he is just bluffing about any vaccine, fact is vaccine talk is silly, we have to wait for the election before we see. And as Trump said about the WTC immediately after it happened, “planes could not do that, it was bombs”. Don’t lose sight of this.
It was also said by mafia bosses (some of Trumps construction industry bosses) that it was all about getting to the gold—from the horses mouth so to speak–I posted the Tony Gambino interview some time ago.
Mary, seeing as you mention Assange in your opening comment above, this article just in from John Pilger titled ‘The Stalinist Trial Of Julian Assange. Whose Side Are You On?’ :
Two paragraphs of note from the article :
“As for Assange’s homeland, Australia has displayed only a cringeing cowardice as its government has secretly conspired against its own citizen who ought to be celebrated as a national hero. Not for nothing did George W. Bush anoint the Australian prime minister his “deputy sheriff”.
Freedom of the press now rests with the honourable few: the exceptions, the dissidents on the internet who belong to no club, who are neither rich nor laden with Pulitzers, but produce fine, disobedient, moral journalism – those like Julian Assange.”
As for the ‘Australia has displayed only a cringeing cowardice’ comment, this is to our eternal shame.
Yes, it’s the politicians but it’s also a reflection of the average Joe here in Oz – apathetic, ignorant and just too lazy to send off a brief email to their local M.P asking what they’re doing on behalf of Assange.
Maybe it should be seen as the Illuminati’s Great Victory rather than Australia’s shame. Shaming is the biggest controlling weapon perpetrators. Australia’s (the world’s) Ignorance, fear, arrogance and greed/self -interest has been manipulated and used to blindside, divide, conquer and destroy-like a cancer a virus.
Their weapons: Military organised psyops mass Genocide Torture beheadings barbaric rituals and extreme experiments breeding programs…….
Yes to understand Australia’s eternal shame we need to accept that Australia was selected as the laboratory to execute the Illuminati Master Plan in 1776.They declared war and claimed the Great Southland under the flag of Rule Britannia to enslave.
In comes Tavistock 100 years of Mass Mind Control and enslavement-Rees Psychological Warfare Department–Sargants- Battle of the Mind. Fait Accompli
Again part of the secret Illuminati Plan to make Melbourne Victoria their Head Quarters. Yes Tavistock Node post ww2–Cult of the Family–a headquarters for Tavistock Global experiments–child trafficking pedophile networks and monarch programming.
We are both guinea pigs and along with Martin the fodder.
See Noahide Roadmap to Peace —yes Melbourne. One World Gov– One World Religion Federation Square being upgraded during our curfew.
A video from Cathi Morgan’s latest post.
One thing we all need to grasp we are all in this together. -mind controlled.
I salute Julian Assange and inspirational survivors of torture who are speaking their truth and hopefully the noise of the ignorant will be silenced soon.
Ye now are sorrowful. Brahms’ Requiem.
Mary, you’re three days early with the 9/11 post.
Will Gumshoe feature another 9/11 story on Friday or is this all there for this week ?
Troof, if there is an article you wish to give us, just send it in! Max words 2000. You don’t need to supply a title or photos, as Her Poor Old Bossness does that.(I have had to rename Agent 77 as she is falling apart from overwork, related to child stuff.)
Troof, you don’t seriously think we plan several days ahead, do you? Gumshoe writes “in the moment.” Will any of us still be alive by Friday? And by the way, thanks for all your contributions. I apologize for those who call you Wilted Veggie.
Actually Mary, you’re the first to call me ‘Wilted Veggie’.
The usual culprits call me Untruth Veggie and Veggie Scraps.
No need to apologise on behalf of anyone Mary – I’m loving it.
As the bomber pilots used to say in WW II :
‘You know you’re right over the target when the flak is heaviest’.
And the fact that the usual duo bite back so hard tells you their conscience (or what remains of their conscience), is affecting them.
Conscience, Aspergillus?(type of vegetable mould), curious that you cite conscience at all, as your worshipful Master has no time for such a concept in his Mein Kampf. Eternal interracial conflict and so on.
Bombing, Botrytis? Releasing over the target your suitably moistened and wadded torn-out mens’ magazine pages showing your habitual pneumatic women (‘hindcasting, ‘Valentina Zharkova’ of non-GSM fame) as a distraction from the failure of your AGW denialism?
I suggest Veggie’s neo-nazi perspective has a negative value in terms of what Gumshoe tries to achieve, the major US capitalists are of equal or maybe more interest than Rotschilds who are and always have been very well known. I remember first hearing the name in connection with some estates, when I was about 10. Nelson Rockerfella I recall from his political career decades ago. JPMorgan etc more recently than that.
As for Palestinian Arabs, I feel more concerned for the West Papuans, by quite a large margin. Last month the Lebanese got bombed according to Trump and we hear nothing about that.
If Rotschilds own and control everything then what is going on with the US fed buying everything with printed money and QE? They are buying all the junk in the world being sold at scrap rates ie airlines, hotels, Deutsche Bank and whatever. So surely it is critically important who ends up owning the fed – the US or the Rotschilds. All we hear from Veggie is Zio- this and Zio- that and the most rubbish conclusions drawn from rubbish, just recently I saw “the moon landing is fake because of Van Allen belt radiation”, this is pure rubbish. The dismal Veggie is unable to edit itself and has little or no concept of the search for truth. It seeks only evidence to make its own narrowly defined and pre-judged case. The Jews are more embittered than anyone, I would not be provoking them with abject rubbish, such as a treatise on 9-11 specifically designed to frame up Zionists for “everything”.
Your Shin-bet / Mossad controllers would be proud of you with that effort Rabbi Bobby.
As for the ‘Zionists fingerprints ALL over the 9/11 False Flag’ (as per my posted video), that is not me making evidence free assertions or speculating wildly.
That is the fact-checked and exhaustively researched output of the internationally acclaimed Christopher Bollyn.
I can see that listening to Bollyn’s findings would upset you – because you know you can’t refute it.
The truth hurts.
Lastly, about your ‘As for Palestinian Arabs, I feel more concerned for the West Papuans’ comment, I do not doubt that for one second.
In fact Rabbi, I’d go further than that.
I strongly suspect that you and your ilk feel more concerned for the welfare of rodents in your attic than for the Palestinians – such is your lack of empathy for those your brethren are genociding.
It also seems I struck a nerve by bringing up the moon hoax.
Why are you so defensive about it ? If you’re an Aussie you can either accept it or not – without losing any sleep over it one way or the other.
Are you an American ? Do you have a vested interest in maintaining the hoax ?
Are you worried that the moon hoax will be exposed and with it the release of information that the first Jewish President (LBJ), defrauded the U.S taxpayer and diverted funding that was supposed to be spent on the Space Programme ?
Are you worried that the goyim will discover that LBJ instead channelled these funds to Zionist financiers and the state of Israel and that this discovery will result in your beloved Zio-cabal quickly unravelling thereafter ?
Is that why you’re livid with rage when anyone suggests impropriety on the moon hoax ?
Dear Rabbi, you are an angry man with anger management issues.
Change your ways. Try being truthful and admit the countless sins of your Zionist brothers.
You’ll feel better for it – rather than spending your days defending the indefensible.
The latest Zionist attack, I would say almost certainly a Zionist attack, was the bombing in Beirut a month ago, we’ve heard little about that from you, you just keep copying weird neo-nazi rubbish from dodgy websites
Rabbi ‘dsw’, I could have sworn it was me that posted links and research on Gumshoe showing the ‘Beirut bombing’ was a tactical nuclear warhead (approx 6 kT equivalent of TNT) delivered from an air-to-ground missile, launched from an Israeli F-16 fighter aircraft.
But, seeing as you’re claiming it wasn’t me then my congratulations to those contributors that did relay the facts of the event – as opposed to the bogus ‘ammonium nitrate caused the explosion’ obfuscation.
Compostable Veggie,
Trump confirmed it was a bomb and you spend all your time rubbishing him, so if you’re so good, what’s your follow up, it’s 9-11 day tomorrow, why don’t you come up with something verifiable or at least making sense for a change. If Trump was Zio-cabal as you say, wouldn’t he have kept his mouth shut?
Trump is clearly Zio-cabal controlled.
Revealing it’s a bomb says NOTHING.
A bomb planted by whom ?
Of course Trump would never reveal that.
Trump KNOWS it was a tactical nuke delivered by the Israelis.
In fact, it’s more than likely that BiBi himself gave Trump a heads up and told him beforehand that Beirut was about to get nuked.
If Trump had even a scintilla of guts he’d say that Beirut was nuked by the Israeli’s – THAT would show he’s a free spirit.
But he isn’t. He’s a sock puppet through and through – working like you towards the greater Israel project. ie: control of the lands from the Nile to the Euphrates, with all Arabic peoples standing in the way to be genocided if need be.
Just say it Rabbi Bobby. The Gumshoe readers already know it so not as though you’re revealing any state secret.
Just come clean – it’ll do your conscience (assuming you have one), a world of good.
Who will stop this?
A little less than two months before 911, Silverstein Properties and Westfield America secured a 99 year lease on World Trade Center Buildings.
Silverstein and Lowy collected 7.1 billion dollars insurance after the event. Some people are just born lucky. Both being philanthropists, we can be assured that just ice was served.
Lowy sold Westfield only about a year ago (obviously better connected than poor old Warren Buffett who was holding lots of airlines shares when the music stopped).
If I was well connected I would be using this downtime to get a few transplants in a hospital in Israel, life extension stuff you know, recycled from the military hospital.
The benefits of insider trading.
Rabbi ‘dsw’, tell us more about the transplants in Israeli hospitals – I’m sure the Gumshoe readers want to know.
Are these the transplants (heart, liver, kidney etc) that are given to cashed up geriatrics utilising organs obtained from Palestinians through organ harvesting ?
After all, how is that David Rockefeller allegedly received seven (7) heart transplants AFTER the age of 80 – when it’s a known fact that elderly people are never allocated an organ when there are so many younger people in need of them and never enough organs available to satisfy all those on the waiting list ?
How is it that Prince Phillip and Henry Kissinger are almost 100 and just won’t drop dead – much as we’d all like to see these depraved vermin dispatched to purgatory ?
Rabbi Bobby, seeing as you have the inside running on organs harvested from Palestinians, I was wondering if you could give us the going shekel rate for said vital organs.
Compost Veggie,
I think they are most probably from Syrian Arab teenage warriors, not from Palestinian Arabs, they have a marketing advantage, no alcohol ever been through them. These would be privately purchased from military hospitals, NGOs and WHO and so forth. I don’t claim any personal knowledge, just heard rumours and follow the money type of thing. These body parts are of course a sought after commodity, as you speculate there about Rockerfellas, I suppose you are going to tell me Rockerfellas are Jews now.
HWBush and McCain would have probably got transplants but according to “G5” they were dealt with by the military tribunal.
J D Rockefeller, the patriarch and founder of the dynasty was not Jewish.
However, I’ve heard from some sources that some of his descendants may have taken Jewish wives.
And thereafter, seeing as the Jewish lineage is tracked through the maternal line, subsequent generations may have adopted the Judaic faith although not come out publicly.
So yes, whilst they may still be ‘Rockefellers’ nominally, the dynasty may well now be Jewish.
Apparently this has been going for generations as the aristocracy of Europe have taken Jewish ladies for wives.
Prince William for example (the future King William IV) is married to the descending-from-Jews Kate Middleton.
The last two male British P.M’s ( Boris Johnson and David Cameron) have Jewish forebears.
Another country heard from. Just watch the opening half minute and then go to 11 minutes:
(In the notes, someone specified the section of the mask-wearing law.) Yay.
a troubling quote from (published 5 Aug): COVID-19 has not just caused social & economic chaos, but it’s also been a significant constitutional event. Authorities have been empowered to impose restrictions on individual freedoms & movement that SUSPEND CONSTITUTIONAL NORMS, using directions that CIRCUMVENT NORMAL PARLIAMENTARY SCRUTINY.
Declaring a ‘state of disaster’ under the EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACT 1986 on 2 August gave ‘police greater powers to enforce public health directions’.
But they can’t lock us ALL up?!!!
Usual political bullshit. They cannot over-rule the Constitution of Australia. It overrides the constitutions of the states.
As I said a day or two ago every Premier and Territory Administration are traitors according the Commonwealth Constitution and should face charges of treason.
What makes the act of treason in this case so much more terrible, is that the supposed purpose for the treason did not exist. See video below.
Mal, if they have committed the crime of treason you should write to the DPP and propose they be arrested and charged. Not joking.
“Authorities have been empowered to…”
Who done empowered them?
How many more atrocities like the Port Arthur Massacre, 9/11 attack, Madrid Railway bombing, 7/7 London Underground bombings and police murder of Mr Mendez, Lockerbie Air disaster, Fukashima Power Plant destruction, the Australian Embassy in Indonesia bombing, the Bali Bombing and the Covid-19 scam in which all people worldwide have been directly affected, will it take to awaken the wilfully blinded masses?
Answer: The “universal lockdown”, whereby it is too late because nobody will be free to do anything about the situation. The complete Police State in place worldwide will be the time the masses will eventually be awakened.
I hope that this situation does not happen, but it is possible and probable unless the ordinary people get off their arses and do something for their future. Get mobile, forget the mobile phone.
Mary, forgive me, I left out the Boston Marathon bombing, until after I pressed the comment button.
You forgot the Sydney siege, Mal. You — of all people!
Mary, unforgiveable! I thought I had included it. Only made half the comment I meant to. Shall only have one beer tonight as punishment.
What in hell is going on. Yesterday a low flying military plane was flying over my home. I was on the phone and didn’t get to see it. Just now two more military planes flew over, very low, I would estimate less than 500 feet ( I think that is the legal minimum). One was a military cargo plane and the other was a military “airliner type”. I do not live in a airplane corridor. They were flying in a south to north direction opposing the direction of civilian air traffic in the metro area which is east to west.
Not only were they flying low, the noise was tremendous, even from a distance, that is what brought my attention to them. They came from the south flying over housing areas and then between the mainland and Garden Island Naval base. There is nowhere for them to land at Garden Island.
I presume they were military planes as they were coloured grey but I did not get to read any ID.
Aussie, how many engines did each plane have ? Were they turbo prop of plain jets ?
It matters a great deal. The SAS train regularly just off shore by jumping out of a Hercules, (Four engined turbo prop) with parachutes, practicing the shortest time for chutes to open. A whole section will jump, then get picked up by rubber ducks, (slang for the boats they use) transported back to shore, then Pierce for a repeat of the excercise. I have actually watched this training from my ocean kayak whilst paddling just off shore at Hillaries. The Airforce also practice low approaches to Pierce by trying to fly below their radar and then bounce back up when they are close. I have also observed them doing the same thing down the Avon valley, flying below the hill tops, invisible to radar, then pop up just before Pierce. A very exciting thing to watch, with the Hercs engines in full power and black exhaust pouring out the back whilst the pilots wipe it over from side to side following the contours of the river.
Just another day in the military.
Eddy, neither was a Hercules, I have flown in one of those and seen several on the tarmac. One was a more modern cargo plane than Hercules, not sure if it had props, was fairly broad with a flat fuselage.The other was more a civilian type passenger plane, jet not a 747 or like, smaller version.
I live south of Fremantle quite a distance from Pearce. I would think if SAS were parachute practicing they would be on seaward side of Garden Island as the coast side is open to civilian use and industry.
What I am concerned about is flying low and over housing areas. The noise pollution was horrendous. It bad enough we have police helicopters regularly flying over making a racket, but nowhere the noise level of this morning. It was louder than an Iroquois.
It could be meant for you, Mal. I recall you and Cherri Bonney each getting “visited” overhead a few years ago. But more likely it is to scare society.
Late autumn early winter, over Sydney, army choppers were flying in groups of four to six daily. So low that, with side slider open, you could see the soldiers. Maybe they were practising if shtf. Do our overlords view us as Vietnamese or Palestinian innocents now? Looks like.
Military madness is killing our children worldwide.
I feel like we are all on a hamster treadmill. Every year we revisit the crimes…
Building critical mass can be slow
Riccardo Bosi said something similar – If people haven’t heard of him, look him up. I’m be interested to learn how others think. Could he drag Oz from the dung hole?
Have been having trouble posting anything. This is of interest so I try again
Dr. Michael S. Heiser discusses the Noahide Laws and addresses what they are, who they are applicable to, and if they guarantee salvation for gentiles
At about 9 minutes he talks of the concept of the Noahide Laws —Talmudic theory—Legal theory in Judaism and describes the theory of Jewish Noahide laws —
He repeats several times that the concept of Noahide laws comes from the Talmud not the Torah—they are not synonymous one is the bible the other is not.
He goes on to ask who gets the most excited or alarmed about these seven laws – he speaks of messianic christians and mainline evangelicals. He then speaks about the theological baggage that goes along with these laws, the real intent.
“Whosoever accepts the “seven commandments” and carefully observes them is among the pious ones of the nations of the
world and enjoys a share of the hereafter—provided that he accepts and performs them.” Malmonides,
I guess Dan is among the Pious-not so sure about our evangelical leader.
Dear Mary,
Your poor cousin Reginald is a waste of time.
So he hates conspiracy theories!
Tell him that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 will bar him and anyone like him from ever serving in a commonwealth country as a jury member in any criminal trial where two or mor accused are indicted for any charge alleging a conspiracy to commit a criminal offence.
Her Majesty’s learned Crown Prosecutors conduct such cases every day somewhere.
The prosecution presents evidentiary ‘Overt acts’ committed by the accused and it is for a jury duty bound in law to objectively and impartially examine the evidence presented and determine the facts and determine the verdict on all the evidence.
Clearly, anyone who dismisses abundant evidence in regard to the mass murders on 911 should be ashamed that they do not have the confidence of Her Majesty and should be barred from jury service for want of intellect and common sense required when serving as a juror.
As with cousin Reginald they are just gullible conditioned robotic vacuums, they have to take their responsibility for being suckered for nearly 20 years of killing millions and invasions in the Middle East.
However, there is another class of killers; they are of course those who are not gullible and they know the truth, yet conspire with others to aid and abet to protect murderous terrorist who actually planned and carried out the mass murders.
The last group are truly evil and they should be charged with ‘ a conspiracy with others to defeat the course of justice’. THEY ARE CRIMINALS!
I think we could reasonably assume that the Rabbis that invented the Babylonian Talmud and the Noahide Laws are the ideological compatriots of the influential Jews who organised the murder of the Messiah (and heaps of “disagreeable” faithful before and since) and for whom the ultimate blasphemy and idolatry is the acknowledgement of that Messiah… automatic penalty death.
Judaism, Talmudism, Noahide Laws may seem pretty benign on shallow face value but you should read the fine print.
Mary, regarding school textbook ‘versions’, I’m unable to access the Aussie ones, but I suspect it’s similar to US: Notes from article from 10 Sept 2019 by Olivia Waxman.
The teachers who remember the day, teach their emotional response to the news – an emotional burden – and may refer to images and documents, as primary sources, that may be ‘disturbing’, including “news footage of the day”. Some credit to the writer of this article: “The story is also very much still being written”.
Interesting is that the states teach differently – “26 specifically mentioned the 9/11 attacks, nine mentioned terrorism or the war on terror, and 16 didn’t mention 9/11 or terrorism-related examples at all”. According to Prof. Stoddard’s study, the most popular teaching method about 9/11 and the war on terror was showing a documentary or “similar video”.
Stoddard, with his colleague Diana Hess, compared textbooks to note how descriptions of the attacks evolved. One small example was the change from 2005 to 2010 edition of Prentice Hall’s Magruder’s American Government, which deleted the sentence about weapons of mass destruction. Stoddard & Hess noted that in some textbooks, the descriptions of the attacks got shorter over time, while the main themes from 2003, such as ‘a day of remembrance’, focus on first responders & heroes, the world united to a horrible terrorist attack, remain.
In 2019, textbooks are “not the go-to resource”, especially where they haven’t been updated. Stoddard’s survey found that 71% of secondary-school teachers said they use websites. According to Stoddard, teachers have told him they are “increasingly having to field questions from students about conspiracy theories”.
There’s been debate over the appropriateness of using of pictures from 9/11 – defended by teachers saying photo and video make 9/11 resonate with students who have no personal recollection of the day.
So as the (hi)story continues to be (re)written and more attention is given to the responses & outcomes of the event,
I ask the questions: who fact-checks the pictures, videos and websites? Will the true story ever be written, or will it be wiped from the syllabus? “Move on, nothing to see here”…
Wow. I am so unaware of what the young are taught. Thank you.
Epstein — Bush — and the Usual suspects. 9-11 blends into everything else. Ryan Dawson.
Oh dear, how much do we pay the crew in Canberra and Melbourne to protect us and keep us safe from official psychopaths and LEADERS in the world?
Morrison, Frydenberg, Pauline, Latham
the greens, Albanese et al, We are awakening.
If 2GB Hardley had his way, he would have the lot in gaol.
Pity he concentrates on the low hanging perverted fruit.
A 58 minute video by Dr Tim O’Shea, of $5000.00 reward for proof of Covid-19 virus. Well worth the time.
Surprise his previous video taken down by
what a great pity these weren’t shared far & wide back then (March 22 – April)
Could have sped up the wakening….
by the way Mal, thank you for your reassurances re faith in our constitution.
Anyway Mary, I hadn’t intended anything long-winded like writing an article on 9/11 in relation to my earlier query.
I just wanted to post the following video titled ‘NEW-9/11 Revisited, Uncovered & Exposed – Barrett, Gage and Bollyn’ :
It came out a few years ago and many of you may well have seen it.
But for those that haven’t it’s a great watch and will fill in many of the gaps (in particular as to exposing what shadowy figures really comprise the ‘Deep State’ – needless to say it’s not the Bush’s or Nazi 2.0. 3.0 or etc, as some disinformation peddler(s) on this site keep banging on about).
Three of the giants of the 9/11 Truth Movement (in no particular order) are Christopher Bollyn, Dr Kevin Barrett and Richard Gage.
This video above has ALL three of them on the same stage.
If he were alive today and able to appear on that stage together with the other three, USAF Lt-Col Robert M. Bowman would have made up the dream team – he was such a Colossus in the movement.
I single this video out for a secondary reason as well.
And that’s to highlight that it was hosted by Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam.
Now, my question to all of you practising your religion out there.
Those of you who are Catholics or Jews or Jehovahs Witnesses or whatever, WHY isn’t the patriarch of your religious institution hosting leaders of the 9/11 Truth Movement and informing individuals in their congregation about the 9/11 False Flag (and the accompanying government and media malfeasance worldwide in suppressing the facts about this, the greatest crime of the 21st century) ???
Yet, the much maligned (by the U.S media) Louis Farrakhan has the guts to host such an event.
This tells all you need to know about which entities are really pursuing the quest for truth.
Nation of Islam, I salute you.
I hope readers will watch your video, Troof. For me, Gage does not cut the mustard. I saw him speak at Red Pill Expo last year and it was a waste of time. How come he has not pressed the matter more effectively in all these years, with such a prestigious title as leader of engineers?
The various subgroups of 9-11 Truth are heavily infiltrated. I refer to the doctors and lawyers groups. The pilots group seems more genuine but why have they not done more as a group? Citizens adore pilots. Cousin Reginald would probably listen.
As for Christopher Bollyn, he was the inspiration for a whole series at Gumshoe. Go to the search engine and ask for “Cock Robin.”
Gage is not a prosecutor he collects evidence and analyses it.
Give him a break, he is not stupid, if he were to do other, his scientific objectivity would be compromised.
Surely, you are able to work it out.
There are too many of us analyzers, me included. Re the assassination of JFK we have had 57 years, fifty seven years, of analysis. What diff does it make if he was shot in the neck or the ear.
Look for one of the perpetrators, low hanging fruit is enough to get started. Arrest them.
More and more analysis takes up crucial time. As of now we have no time to spare. (Pit and pendulum type thing.)
Everybody, please print my article and mail it to any Cousin Reginald in your life. If it’s your spouse, just put it under the pillow.
Watched – thank you TV. That spectacular video is the complete package of How, When, Where, WHY and WHO. Along with Mary’s article (with thanks) I will be putting it under everyone’s pillow that I know.
I’m glad you liked it Fish.
For those that are pressed for time, watch from 54:30 onwards for the Christopher Bollyn speech – it’s the core of the video.
ie: it addresses who was behind 9/11.
Type in the search bar: and you’ll be directed to
Just noticed this on a very good website
We demand that the United States government end its efforts to undermine Colombia’s peace process, including its advocacy for the violent forced eradication of illicit crops and forced fumigation with the use of lethal glyphosate (banned in many countries, including the USA) instead of peaceful eradication in exchange for rural development and crop substitution.
Hooray, I’m a rich man! Went to vote in local elections today in NH. They gave me a ballot and a pencil. Inside the booth was a sign “After voting, keep the pencil. Do not share it, for hygiene reasons.”
A beautiful sharp pencil. Almost makes ya wanna write a boat-wall confession.
Speaking of confession, Qld passed a new law to make priests say what they heard in the confessional about child abuse. What utter nonsense.
Note. If you want to take the big video posted by Troof Veggie, in three parts, here is the division:
Kevin Barrett starts at 3.50 minutes/. Richard Gage starts at 29 minutes/ Chris Bollyn starts at 53 minutes.
From Max, if you haven’t seen it. Melbourne rally 13th Sept.
And this worthy cause. I like Nathan Buckley!
Thank you, Wendy. I googled for Class action and got this one:
which is not the same as yours.
Two weeks ago a commenter at Gumshoe also gave us a link to a class action by a young female lawyer — would that person please repeat it here. It looked pretty sensible. She charges $250 flat rate and is only looking for a declaratory judgement.
Hi Mary. I was not the original poster however can answer your question. Serene Teffaha is the young lady lawyer in question. Her firm is called Advocateme. Here is their website:
‘Advocate Me’ – Serene Teffaha – link as per C of Adelaide.
You can listen to her speak on the National Class Action tab.
But also this most rousing speech that took me there – thank you whoever provided that link. Wow she has a gift!
Her Class Action invites anyone to join as a litigant but this is for a minimum of $100.
She includes a very comprehensive list of areas of concern worth copying and pasting.
Thanks for that Mary.
As the MC says himself, the first 53 minutes focuses on the LIES of 9/11. ie: the history of False Flags up to and including 9/11 and Richard Gage speaks of the LIES disseminated about it by the establishment.
Then Christopher Bollyn addresses the issue of the LIARS behind 9/11.
ie: he exposes the entities and high level traitorous politicians / military and Intel people that were instrumental in perpetrating the event.
While these people are not the actual shadowy members of the Deep State that planned the event (these people never actually get their hands dirty and will always cover their tracks to avoid a direct link), the exposing of these middle-management minions will lead you in the direction you need to take.
Also, in relation to the video I posted, you’ll notice the ugly melon belonging to one Ronald S. Lauder (President of the World Jewish Congress).
Bollyn tells us he’s an Israeli agent but his surname may look familiar to some of you.
That’s because he’s the owner of the Estee Lauder cosmetic empire.
So readers, make note of this and tell your friends to boycott Estee Lauder products because every dollar you spend there subsidises misery and despair in Palestine and elsewhere in the world.
Ronald Lauder is a rabid Zionist who not only was in charge of the privatisation scheme that allowed the lease of the World Trade Centre complex to go to Larry Silverstein, but has an ongoing relationship that supports the Apartheid Israeli state.
Ronald S Lauder’s photo and Bollyn’s appraisal of his role in the 9/11 False Flag appears just after the 1:22:00 point of the video.
If you care to, Veggie, please quote or describe the privatization — it sounds pivotal. The lease by Larry and Frank was signed on July 24, 2001.
Mary, my understanding is that since it was built, the World Trade Centre complex (a series of 7 buildings which included the Twin Towers and Bldg 7), was operated by the Port Authority of New York – a local government entity within the New York precinct.
Then Governor of New York (Pataki) introduced a Privatisation Scheme to sell off government assets to raise funds / pay off debt etc.(And to unload assets that weren’t financially viable – the Twin Towers were an asbestos ridden liability which, despite massively reduced rental leases as an inducement could only manage an approx 50 % occupancy rate) :
From the article above :
“According to some estimates, the Twin Towers contained 5000 tons of asbestos materials. As long ago as the mid-1990s, the New York Port Authority was looking at an asbestos abatement bill of as much as $1 billion dollars – representing well over 12 times the buildings’ original cost.”
Gov. Pataki appointed Ronald Lauder to head this privatisation scheme for New York state and that’s how the lease for the complex came into Larry Silverstein’s possession.
And Mary, you did also say the lease of the World Trade Centre was made out to Larry and Frank – the latter referring to Frank Lowy, the former Chairman of Westfield Corp.
Lowy and Westfield owned the lease to the retail floor space in the complex and, from memory, when the towers came down Westfield pocketed something approaching USD $ 1 billion from the insurance payout.
Westfield America has its headquarters in one of the Twin Towers and Frank’s sons (either Steven or Peter or perhaps both) would be in their office in the complex on a typical weekday managing the affairs of this corporate Goliath.
However, on the morning of 9/11, neither was in the building.
What luck !!
Perhaps one or both of them was also scheduled for a dermatology appointment (?) – like Lucky Larry.
Some interesting reading in Frank Lowy :
A passage from the article above :
“Lowy leased the shopping concourse area called the Mall at the World Trade Centre, made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space. Silverstein and Westfield America insured the complex for $3.55 billion, but after the attacks of September 11 lodged a claim for $7.1 billion on the premise that each plane collision constituted a separate act of terrorism, doubling the payout.
“Like Silverstein, Lowy maintains close relationships with former Israeli prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak, and other high profile Zionists like Avinoam Brog, Barak’s brother.
Brog told the Sydney Morning Herald that Lowy’s “influence is such that if he wanted to talk to any politician in Israel, then he could. And they will listen.”
Not wishing to defend Lowy, he can defend himself, but in the interest of accuracy.
I think Lowy must control the insurance company to get paid twice in which case the gain to him is the loss from his company. Insurance usually argues nonsensical claims quite vigorously. So ON THAT BASIS ALONE this looks like it may be one of your dodgy sources held up to be proof of Zio-everything.
And the source,, I can’t even be bothered to look at it, I bet they don’t think much or check anything, like you.
All the pre-cooked stories came out in the first week after 9-11, “the muslims took flying lessons to do turns” … these pre-cooked stories are used as evidence in the court of public opinion.
Jews, muslims, niggers, witches, it just goes round and round.
Yes a great link re Frank Lowry–very educational connects more dots hence the Matrix- Mark Leibler a man of interest.
“Leibler made Prime Minister John Howard’s “elite list” for donating $132,000 to the Liberal Party, which bought him a barbeque with Howard and George W. Bush in 2003. He also enjoys chatting to Obama about Israel. His extended bio is here [.pdf].”
“When ABC’s 7:30 Report did a story on July 8 1996 asking “Where is the missing $800 million?” that the government had promised to collect from ultra-wealthy tax dodgers [details here], it answered its own question, stating “All roads to Leibler–Mark Leibler.” Indeed, the 1984 McCabe LaFranchi Report on Tax Avoidance named Leibler as a director of seven companies, and an advisor of many others, which went to the “bottom of the harbour” in the well-known scam of that name.”
Yes Anna “truely mind blowing”
some comments are revealing
My God, truely mind blowing!!
I first heard about those details in 2011 and I’ve yet to see any sort of repudiation.God only knows how many other lives were lost re the indiscriminate/reckless use of asbestos for 80 odd years after it was confirmed to be life-threatening:
“In 1899, H. Montague Murray noted the negative health effects of asbestos.[35] The first documented death related to asbestos was in 1906.[36]
In the early 1900s, researchers began to notice a large number of early deaths and lung problems in asbestos-mining towns. The first such study was conducted by Murray at the Charing Cross Hospital, London in 1900, in which a postmortem investigation discovered asbestos traces in the lungs of a young man who had died from pulmonary fibrosis after having worked for 14 years in an asbestos textile factory. Adelaide Anderson, the Inspector of Factories in Britain, included asbestos in a list of harmful industrial substances in 1902. Similar investigations were conducted in France in 1906 and Italy in 1908”
It’s not an apple. It’s not a banana. It’s not a paw-paw:
Big Dee is not able to post a new artlcle today, so please watch this:
Or this if you are the nostalgic type:
Can you imagine, poets artists musicians craftsmen philosophers in parliament?
It’s our loss they’re not attracted nor permitted to the corridors of power.
A blessing or a curse, who knows? Politics only attracts those devoid of compassion and truth.
Anyway, John Farnham would be a great PM.
Bulletin. As stated in, Wm Barr has moved to change the defamation case against Trump (re a 1990 incident) so that the DoJ can be Trump’s defender. This is completely unlawful.
The correct thing to happen now is for the Congress to impeach Barr. After Barr is gone, the next step is to impeach Trump quickly so we can advise the electoral college to pick someone else on Dec 14. (The two are not actually related; he can sit in the White House and the Party still come up with a better candidate.)
Otherwise it is a repeat of the 2017 Alabama senate race in which the Repubs insisted on claiming innocence of Judge Roy Moore and thus handed the senate seat to a Democrat.
Actually instead of impeaching Trump I would just ask him to step down. The lady in question said she was attacked in the fitting room of Bergdorf Goodman’s. There is no way to try that rape case; it is out of Statute of Lims. But she is going for defamation, as he recently called her a liar.
I believe in party loyalty. But I do not believe in making “Repub Party loyalty” hand an election to the Dems.
Now this must be one of these many ridiculous defamation cases which rely on availability of funding (presume funded by Democrats donations).
It may be used as a ruse to get Trump on board with the DoJ because I think I heard the FED is also defended by the DoJ even though it is a private company. Well I don’t think the DoJ would be defending both of them against each other so if they are making a test case of it in connection with bankrupting and bringing down the Fed I would be following with interest.
How the whole process works and who represents the US Treasury or citizenry I wouldn’t have a clue.
“We Sing” Kutcha Edwards
thank you, Kutcha all heart.
Maybe Cousin Reginald might enjoy this:
A nice sentiment but it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than a dance off to extricate America from the depths of the economic abyss it’s been thrust into.
Be patient tv.
The whole world has been cast into the abyss by the private greedy control freak bankers Since 1913 with their printing press casting out fake, phoney false private ‘IOU’s In the greatest cruel fraud of all time run by the usuals.
The dance off will succeed when the pipers lead millions of peasants with pitch forks, feathers and barrels of tar.
We may soon hear the trumpet call to advance. And watch the fat bloated rats scamper.
Ned, my patience is fast wearing thin.
I really need something tangible to happen – the sooner the better.
k, just say,Reg is staunch, good man, right
Yes, just a typical gullible idiot who. does not give a stuff that he finances the genocide of millions in the Middle East
Whilst I would prefer the bagpipes, this is a modern message, good work.
Remember the Ereka stockade Victoria. Honour those who died there and those of our soldiers who followed in many wars for our sovereignty.
Piss offF the globalist running dog politicians and their corporate masters.
This is our country, not a mere vassal iof the UN.
UN Globalists, piss off out of our country.
You listening Morrison?
Ditto, fake phoney and false monopoly msm…. traitors! Take our ABC and SBS with you and go serve Murdock or Soros with the anti-democratic psycho bankers.
Brilliant Dee–yes Ned I remember the Eureka Flag ( like so many flags-it also has been appropriated by the enemy) strangely-ironically a very close, politically aligned “radical friend” mentored Dan Andrews back in the 90’s. Strange times we live in.
I omitted to add-the “radical friend” brought me a blue singlet printed with the Southern Cross when we attended a Down to Earth festival back in the 70’s–Jim Cairns Junee Morrosi ? ah a lot of water under the bridge–all pawns in their game.
Strong video, after the first run through it, I played it back and kept stopping it to read the signs, T-shirts and the like. There was heaps of TRUTH shouting out from the crowds. No doubt clowns like ‘Dan’ fear such an uprising of commoners. I’ll bet the vibes at the demonstrations was palpable.
Back away Dan, this sh!t can get real – and you ain’t the kind of man that can handle that.
Terry reckon they will have their replacement -at the ready–as Joh would say “Don’t you worry about that”
Ahhh Ol’ Jo Bjelke, we do miss him :
Now there was a Premier that made Qld great – not like the rabble that we’ve witnessed post Campbell Newman.
Or if you prefer a cappella – yes, including full ‘percussion’ and ‘electric’ accompaniment
Naturally 7
I was waiting to see if anyone else picked up on your subtle bit of symbolism, Dee. Well Max Igan’s at least.
The left and right borders at the very start of that video are fasces – the bundle of rods tied together to make a strong axe handle. These borders must have been added by Max Igan as they are not present on the original video that he mirrored from the linked faecesbook [no pun or similarity intended] post.
The symbol itself signifies strength in unity – in particular, a symbol of strong self-sufficient national unity – as against communist oligarchic globalism and one world government, which is strongly affiliated with the antifa (anti-unity] Marxist terrorists.
The US founding fathers must have used the fasces either as a symbol of the strength in unity of the states and/or of the people collectively. Regardless, it is a symbol of nationhood.
As they have done to so many other words, Communists/Marxists have in more recent decades effectively redefined words like fascism in a negative context. While imposing totalitarianism themselves, any resistance to such totalitarianism is redefined via the media they control as – you guessed it – “totalitarianism”.
You will also find this symbol on either side of Abraham Lincoln’s chair
as well as in the US House of Representatives
In the US House of Representatives, why are there maces on the wall behind the Speaker’s podium?
They are not maces, they are fasces … read on
Their loyal minion Dan Andrews is clearly imposing Marxist authoritarian totalitarianism. Whether he realises it or not, Max Igan is sending the message that the people need to unite to oppose this treachery and tyranny.
You’re The Voice, By John Farnham. Nice choice, Dee!
Who can oppose! Let this song be our banner!
I saw someone carrying the ‘Eureka Flag’ during one of the marches.-
I may get a sticker and put it in my back window on the truck. Of course, the media may try to paint the Eureka Flag, like the American Southern ‘Stars and Bars’ Rebel combat flag as being ‘racisss’. However, I doubt that BS would have much impact in Oz.
Thanks for posting this link re: Eureka Flag
“At the Eureka state treason trials that began on 22 February 1855, the 13 defendants had it put to them that they did “traitorously assemble together against our Lady the Queen” and attempt “by the force of arms to destroy the Government constituted there and by law established, and to depose our Lady the Queen from the kingly name and her Imperial Crown.”[46] Furthermore, in the relation to the “overt acts” that constituted the actus reus of the offence, the indictment read: “That you raised upon a pole, and collected round a certain standard, and did solemnly swear to defend each other, with the intention of levying war against our said Lady the Queen.”[46]
“The coming coup against Trump” – it’s all here
Julius, you’re a man of many parts, no question about it.
Oh boy, I have just looked at the “September 5tth” video by Max at bitchute. It is fabulous. Thank you Dee.
In the sidebar was this competing video from Canada. Go Ausses. Go Canucks. Go humans.
Wow Mary
“A Law was passed today by a council of Canadian citizens’ assemblies that struck down and criminalized all COVID measures requiring masking, distancing, quarantining, and vaccines.
Under the new Public Safety Law NCCLA Order No. 09082020-A, any attempt to impose such measures on Canadians is considered a punishable crime and can result in the arrest and trial of the offender, regardless of their office. Canadians are encouraged to actively resist COVID measures, relying on the new law and local Common Law Sheriffs.
The law was issued by the National Council of Common Law Assemblies (NCCLA), which unites more than forty such Assemblies across Canada within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Kanata. The NCCLA also issued a Stand Down Order to all government, police and health officials that requires that they not enforce COVID measures and comply with the new law.
Copies of the NCCLA documents are posted at under “Media”. Write to . Posted 7-8 September , 2020.”
Speaking of ‘mafia’, “The Godfather” was one of the great propaganda brainwashing masterpieces, thanks to which we now all know where to look [or not to look] and what to assume when we hear the word ‘mafia’.
And staying with the 9-11 theme …
• Trump Is The Swamp – Trump’s Jewish Elite Mafia, And The Five Dancing Israelis
For some reason that was taken off Ywtube
More to help unravel that matrix …
• The Judeo-Russian Mafia: From the Gulag to Brooklyn to World Dominion – Matthew Raphael Johnson
• Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert I. Friedman
If it’s eventually proven there is no chance of any “good” existing in the world, or even no “good” in combination with any sort of power, how would you suggest I continue my life (apart from as some sort of martyr)
That’s easy [for me to say] – if you haven’t, watch the Yolande Norris-Clark video (“Done With This”).
• Don’t live a Lie and don’t be one of the Walking Dead. – Live until you die.
You may or may not recall me quoting from “Colourless Tsukuru Tazake” by Haruki Murakami.
A couple of prescient quotes that are now more topical than ever …
• “You can hide memories, but you can’t erase history“
• “The truth sometimes reminds me of a city buried in sand. […] As time passes, the sand piles up even thicker, and occasionally it’s blown away and what’s below is revealed.“
As Serene Teffaha said … “Join us”
Rabbi ‘dsw’, in response to your post above, Gumshoe and its subscribers / Ron Paul / G Edward Griffin to name just a few amongst the countless millions is ample proof that there is much ‘good’ in the world.
And as long as people can collectively work on exposing the malfeasance of the cabal, a great awakening of the sleeping masses will hopefully be sufficient to unravel it with all entities within subsequently prosecuted.
What can you you do Rabbi, you ask, with the remainder of your life ?
Do the right thing and call out the miscreants whether they are part of your clan / religion / political ideology or not – like I do.
Yes of course Fish. People should quit with the Cosa Nostra diversion and call a spade a spade.
Ever since Meyer Lansky took the helm in the late 1930’s, the ‘Mafia’ always has been the Kosher Nostra.
Any and all Italians / Siclians within the organisation thereafter were never more than upper middle management and accountable to Meyer Lansky.
As with all 911 tin foil hat official 911 unscientific conspiracy theorists; their credibility must be gauged By considering their intellect and/or Willingly fo the enforcement of justice to the culprits and for the victims.
If they fail that, then they be exposed as murderers with knowledge or just stupid foolish gullible sheep.
‘Thou Shal know them by their actions’ ( and /or omissions and stupidity)
So be the challenge for our pelicans, msm, Trump, Biden et al.
My bet, hardly one to take it on.
Thus we are manipulated by criminals, murderers, international home invaders and thieves.
Tar and feather time? We own them they are just a miserable lying gutless greedy 1%.. of … I was going to say humanity, but they are not in the humanity club.
I know we are about remember 9/11 but I woke up this morning to a sickening news bulletin talking about a wonderful programme to ‘educate’ school children about 11/11 and how important it is to commemorate this date and remember that our forefathers fought and died “for the freedoms we enjoy today”.
… and all it took was a common cold to prove that their sacrifice was in vain.
For every single person who genuinely commemorates the loss of a father, brother or grandfather – think on the names of Daniel Andrews, Scott Morrison, David Hurley et al … we have been had.
Covid (code of vaccination ID) 19 years on, the msm silence on 911 continues.
Thought is forbidden where history has been crushed by gaystapo jackboots.
“Communism is demonic possession”……in new CCP downunder.
Justice Rising – 9/11 Truth Conference Day 1
Justice Rising – 9/11 Truth Conference Day 2
Justice Rising – 9/11 Truth Conference Day 3
May Justice Rise
Dr Alan Sabrosky Blows The Lid Off Zionist Involvement In 9/11 Terror Attacks
Much more on the “Vigilante Jesus” Bitchute channel
Thanks Julius…
I was talking to “cousin reg” on the weekend..
he was telling me how the buildings “pancaked”
after all this time…
didnt like it too much when I informed him, that version of the official conspiracy theory, was quickly withdrawn by the theorists when it was patently clear there was no stack of pancakes..
ill add your link to my list of downloads.. for me.. 9/11 is the litmus test.. if we can wake reg up about the impossibility of the official conspiracy theory, then the dam walls come crumbling down… TRUTH can finally rise above the build up of bullshit, regardless of what entity was responsible.. Justice will rise with the truth!
to me, the important thing is to get people to realise the enormity of the lie…
open your eyes reg, and trust what you see, 🙂
Great to hear from you again – I had wondered if that was you over on Caitlin’s blog.
“Justice will rise with the truth!”