J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor
There’s really only one broad and factual newsworthy item these days and it underpins everything else: that is the defund and depopulate agenda. The middle class is to be removed and the underclasses made into automatons and zombies, providing hilarious amusement to the heirs of the empires where butchery was the norm, from whipping to impaling to select tortures or being force marched to certain death.
Already the lower classes have surrendered to lives of repetition and tedium, long queues and an endless stream of bills, which only seem to magnify as housing density increases. For example what used to be a family house with garden is now a “six-pack” of granny flats, all of them paying the various fees and charges from their pension money. All these grannies need administration and lots of it.
We have been told, by insiders in moments of hubris, that everything we understand to be true will be a lie, and that any rational reaction is useless because we will be presented in every way with a false reality.
From the Vietnam War to 9-11 to forced injections, we see all this to be coming true.
The mass media presents a stream of lies and distractions diluted with the minimum amount of truth and this summer the message over and over again is that the planet is being destroyed, it is our fault and things must change. Of course, the elites have no intention of changing their lifestyles and will continue with their Lear jets, ocean liner-sized yachts, castles and mansions, social banquets, gatherings and parties of all types, sex, drugs, entertainments, and all other indulgences. One could observe various of these elites showing their faces at (literally) cool Britain’s Wimbledon tennis event, presenting the impression that they are as one with the people via mass media spectacles. In this case the unvaccinated villain Djokovic made it to the final but was eventually outplayed by the sure-footedness, speed, power and opportunism of the young Spaniard al-Qaraz. To the delight of most of the crowd, it was as if the injected, half-dead and half-forgotten Nadal was reborn as a golden youth.
At present a large contingent of the public still refuses to recognise or understand that the Covid-19 injections are killing people and prefer to believe that increased death rates come from heavily promoted false concepts like Long Covid and anthropogenic global warming (AGW). It has become a running joke.
Looking at the weather report on the mainstream evening news one might be forgiven for yielding to the panic about AGW but a cross-check is interesting.
At the height of midsummer, a mass panic is scheduled for all the TV networks.
Accordingly, iconic sites such as the Acropolis are closed for safety reasons while tourists stand in the heat for hours waiting for information. The Trevi fountain is popular as usual. The Vox Pop interviewer locates someone who is hot, perhaps having eaten too much pizza for lunch.
Temperatures were today given in the high 40’s for Arizona (state of USA) and Algiers (a city in Algeria). A simple cross-reference to the internet 7-day weather ostensibly confirmed the heatwave in Phoenix but not Tucson, a two-hour drive away, with a five-degree difference in climate. While the internet weather figures in Algiers seemed not to have been tweaked at all and remained resolutely at a milder mid 30’s, as it also is in South East Asia most of the time, despite stories of hotter weather, which are not true. Little wonder Algeria was overlooked for climate tweaking since most people in the Anglosphere wouldn’t know where it was. It seems the media lies are just as barefaced as that. The newsreader reads what is put in front of them, emoting the appropriate degree of anguished concern.
One of the statisticians’ climate tricks is to move weather stations around or to leave them as long as possible in unsuitable locations.
The old Bureau of Meteorology La Trobe St (Melbourne) Weather Station was used until 2015, the site is protected on the north side by two very small street trees, separating it from one of the major arterial roads of central Melbourne, a car-oriented city of up to about five million people. Prior to the closure of the station, a debate was continuing at snail’s pace, for at least twenty years, on “heat island effect” affecting this type of location.
So the continuity of statistics gets broken and recalibrated to something and somewhere else, as they do many places in the world, maybe even including world famous Death Valley, where the world’s hottest ever recorded temperature was recorded in 1913, that’s 110 years before this AGW crisis. All they need to do is change the carpark surface from gravel to asphalt and the temperature can go up as much as ten degrees.
The climate hysteria is not only fuelled by fake news, there are also apparently teams of professional arsonists operating in Europe, Canada, and even Siberia.
These wildfire events are major and go on and on for weeks and months. The foam and retardant mixtures they spray are produced by the likes of DuPont Industries.
The DuPonts are considered to be “illuminati”.
Rumours abound that these forests are prepared in various ways by their management committees to burn more readily. The weather is blamed, as if the official 1.5 degrees warming made any difference at all when the ignition temperature of a tree is over 400 degrees. In fact, 1.5 degrees probably won’t mean anything to anything and for proof look at all the oceanside developments still going up.
The forests simply dry out if for example the rain is diverted elsewhere by cloud seeding, year after year. There are rumours of chemical applications.
Next, it will be Australia’s turn. The professional arsonists may be applying for their tourist visas as I write. They don’t go far from the road to do their work so if you see a car parked randomly on a bush track why not stop and take a quick look around. Consider that these individuals may be armed with more than just a can of fuel and matches. This is a business operation for them, and they are organised, the long-term objective of their masters is to ruin the state and impoverish the citizens.
They may own “The Greens” but they care nothing for the environment policies. These policies are just window dressing for more sinister objectives, such as the well-known and well-understood depopulation agendas of Bill Gates and others.
This Globalist class war does not always go all one way however, certain elements among the public are striking back, occasionally burning banks, masonic temples and so forth.
Bank-burning news clips can mostly be found on Bitchute and some are several years old. Bank-burning videos seem to be getting banned from the internet, with the possible exception of all the African incidents. In the current climate of bank fund seizures one would expect increasing incidents. The bank response is of course to put all their retail business online, and to normalise the microchipping of customers. They always come up with a strategy to extract a win from out of the jaws of a loss, in any case, they always start by holding the winning hand. This sample of clips was sourced in early July 2023.
French Rothschilds Bank burning
Chase Bank and Union Bank next door burned down in California
Arson attack in Portland, Oregon
Tripoli, Lebanon
Iranian Central Bank burning
Presumably this is a state owned mint, not part of the BIS system
Paris, uploaded last month
English HSBC branch
Khartoum (Sudan) Central Bank
Hull, UK
Guinea, Africa, Central Bank
French Euro Mint
Ecobank, Lagos, Nigeria
Multiple fires in Nigeria
Best to do a fresh search for bank or masonic temple fires if looking on YouTube as they will no doubt be targeted for deletion.
Shifty John Kerry, US “Climate Czar” who sneaked down to Antarctica during Obama’s caretaker period, recently flew into Washington on his private jet to be grilled and won’t say who is working in his office or who they are working for.
It seems unclear even what they are doing. Perhaps the media should ask Bill Gates, who is a fan of spraying particles of all types into the atmosphere.
Amazingly, “A Decade of Sun in One Minute” survives on YouTube and can prove to anyone the empirical fact that the sun drives the climate and that the sun got much cooler from 2010 to 2020. Perhaps the media could broadcast this one day? Or perhaps not.
The current official story is that the oceans are heating up and that causes more evaporation and more rain events such as flooding, however there is nothing to heat the oceans up with the sun cooling as it is shown to be. The density of the ocean is massive, compared to the atmosphere, and the evaporation occurs only at the surface of the water. The entire story is bunkum, shielded by a lot of vague excuses and fanatics who sadly are so genuine about saving the environment that they can’t think.
Flooding, landslips and so forth are caused by optimistic land management, bad engineering design and shoddy building execution. Their apparent abundance stems from the fact that everyone’s phone has a video camera on it. From all these elements a permanent state of underlying mass hysteria is produced, diverting the gullible public from real problems, such as pointless wars, endless traffic congestion and corruption amongst our authorities. How appropriate that the most overused words of 2022 were “egregious” and “gaslighting”.

Excellent analysis of the madness unfolding. Thanks for the links.
Another great read. Thank goodness you are on our side. If “they” had you working for them we would really be in trouble. Just using the brain and having a sense of what is fair and reasonable our world could be so much better. Unfortunately many have got used to not using their brain except for doing what is wrong. I think it is called laziness.
A question that always comes to my mind is, have any of the criminals running the show ever done a decent days work in their lives. Have they been born into wealth or made their money the easy way via the stock exchange or ripping others off as we know certain billionaires have done.
They are planning on mind controlling whoever is left standing after their jab genocide. Right now the nanotech is everywhere (air, water, food) and you can
literally be used as a camera, microphone etc etc and can be controlled by your tv, computer or mobile but they want you to think that you need an operation to get the chip into your head (a la Musks Neurolink)…..what a joke!!!! Dr Hildegarde’s book is very revealing…..
Also a presentation she did from 2012 available to download from this substack below shows she is spot on with what is occurring today in our blood from the nanotech war on humanity. It looks like there is a literal zombie apocalypse planned….
“To put it more bluntly, are we now being governed by lunatics?
“I’d already been pondering this for some time when I stumbled across an essay that Carl Jung wrote in 1957 titled “The Plight of the Individual in Modern Society.”
His opening reflections strike me as an apt description of the irrational and destabilizing phenomena we’ve witnessed in recent times.
“Everywhere in the West there are subversive minorities, who—sheltered by our humanitarianism and our sense of justice—hold the incendiary torches ready, with nothing to stop the spread of their ideas except the critical reason of a single, fairly intelligent, mentally stable stratum of the population. One should not, however, overestimate the thickness of this stratum. It varies from country to country in accordance with national temperament. Also, it is regionally dependent on public education and is subject to the influence of acutely disturbing factors of a political and economic nature.
Simon Crean’s brother said he died from a blood clot in the lung, virtually 100% guaranteed va666ine cause of death. I think they said he was hiking. The blood clots are from spike proteins forming in the lung capillaries. The lungs unfolded and spread out would cover a huge area, more than 100 square metres, you can imagine how many capillaries terminate at each of the lung cells – millions. Each capillary ending can probably accommodate 1000’s of spike proteins which the body is mRNA altered to produce. The body has been re-instructed to kill itself.
But don’t worry because the Japanese are bitching at Gates’ dopey fake therapies.
They came up with Ivermectin in the first place and now they have told us about Nattokinase which is in the Tempeh. Go and get some Tempeh at the Asian supermarket and cut it up and fry gently in olive or sesame oil. When it’s lightly cooked throw in some chopped up garlic and more oil and when it is all done drench it with soy sauce and serve with broccoli and mash potato ( Euro version ) or stir fried veges and buckwheat noodles ( Asia version ). Deglaze the pan with vinegar and that’s your sauce. Otherwise look out for Natto capsules and good luck with your mRNA, hope you come back to normal one day, not sure if or when.
Thank you Japanese and hope you maintain your intolerance for bullshit, of which Gates’ mRNA va666ines fall into the category of high grade purest bullshit.
Notice how the TV news medical stories always feature some DNA analysis. Person X’s genes are more resistant by a factor of 5 compared to the genes of person Y. What is the end game for all this research, have you guessed by now ? Of course it’s genetic therapy for all. Everyone with the “Y” genes to be injected under mandatory WHO guidelines. Well may you say “pigs might fly”, in the minds of these weirdos it’s possible. If they could they would re-plumb you backwards and have you eating through your asshole and shitting out of your mouth. These bio-warfare lab types are very badly messed up, half of them would have no idea what they’re doing and probably wouldn’t want to know.
By the way “Defund and Depopulate” is a very nice, genteel, clinical way of expressing the reality, “We mean to kill you and all your heirs and steal everything you own”. Thanks Bill Gates, can’t wait.
Jesus didn’t say “forgive them Lord, they know not what they do” because he was some sort of wimped out masochist.
He did so because he knew they( the Roman rulers, the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the fizzed up rabble) didn’t have a clue in hell that they were being used by PERSONS WITHOUT BODIES
How is it that every run-of-the-mill so-called “conspiracy theorist” is immersed in patent denial ?
A ‘Prince’ly Legacy – Christian Broadcasting Network
He had finished his race on the eve of the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets. His body was buried in Israel, his adopted homeland for more than 20 years. In his last interview with The 700 Club, Derek talked about his deep love for the Jewish people.
Why does the pharmaceutical industry symbolise itself with serpents slithering up a pole?
‘stauros’ wrongly translated as a cross, is actually a stake or pole as set upright, Strongs 4716; “I” is the first letter of Jesus and “X” is the first letter of Christ
When the ghost claims that “the serpent that did sting thy father’s life now wears his crown.”
This seems a direct reference to the snake in the garden of Eden, that caused Adam and Eve’s fall from grace.
1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.”
Virus’s are just what the Chambers Latin dictionary says they are – a venomous poisonous liquid. It is easy to isolate a poison. You cannot isolate something that does not exist.
The Sorcerors use chemicals to make bacteria produce whatever they want.
Priory of Sion
Protocols of the Elders of Sion
Sit up, listen and learn
re: demons are people without bodies, fits within the wider scheme
But why don’t / didn’t they exorcise persons of interest like Big George Pell
Shouldn’t it be a prerequisite of office
Demons can’t be cast out of anyone unless they’re willing
What makes you think that George Pell was possessed anyway ?
His public persona was contrived, and he was a pedo protector.
If he was for real he would not have put career climbing above everything. A total fake and look at his friend Abbott who gave a medal to Prince Philip. Another career climber who amazingly flipped on “Covid”, probably thought “hey this is getting too real, I have 3 fairly good looking daughters to answer to”
Demons can’t be cast out of anyone unless they’re willing, in any case all the issues out-lined in the write-up are centred on collective oppression – as opposed to personal possession – hence my reference to LUKE 23:34. The crucifixion took place because there was a certain dynamic in force and because there was only ONE WAY of pulling the plug
The plug wasn’t pulled, the Roman Empire absorbed Christianity into the Vatican and the whole show went on and now we are coming up to the Beast System
Why do you think history is divided into BC & AD – or BCE & CE if you prefer.?
Either way there’s no getting round the quantum shift that took place, that at a specific point in time being under Satan’s thumb became a matter of personal choice – irrespective of the fixtures and forces that are still at large
Because the Roman Catholic Church decided to harness the public mood for their own agenda, just as they follow the script of Revelations today. To deceive the people you need to mix lies and truth in the most appropriate proportions
I don’t prefer “Christian Era” to “Anno Domini”, it’s annoying revisionism and like gender dysphoria it’s a stupid indulgence, in Thailand it’s year 2566 of Buddha: “official state documents invariably follow the Buddhist Era, the Christian Era is also used by the private sector. The lunar calendar determines the dates of Buddhist holidays, traditional festivals and astrological practices, and the lunar date is still recorded on birth certificates and printed in most daily newspapers”.
CE is an abbreviation for Common Era. It means the same as AD (Anno Domini) and represents the time from year 1 and onward.
BCE is short for Before Common Era. It can be used instead of BC (Before Christ) and stands for the time before year 1.
CE and BCE are used in exactly the same way as the traditional abbreviations AD and BC.
No, they don’t mean that, they mean the abolition of Christianity, as is taking place in schools. The papacy has been without authenticity since JP2, I am guessing, because I don’t claim to be any sort of authority. I am expecting the next pope to be the prophesied antichrist pope, however that title may be loosely interpreted in one way or another, I am not up for a debate on the precise meaning.
There is no such thing as “Common Era” because as I have showed there is Buddhist era and no doubt others co-existing around the world. I repeat it is simply a device to erase and remove Christianity and replace it with NWO Luciferianism or whatever they call it.
If Pell would not agree to be exorcised would that not confirm he was controlled. They should all agree to be exorcised as a matter of course, otherwise how can anyone believe anything.
The “CE and BCE” claim I posted is a quote from the source provided
As I already said, my position is that history can’t be reinvented by re-labelling anything
In this instance the proponents have simply proved their existence pivots on the very advent they belittle/deny
The principle of the cross is akin to the principle of some martial arts
An enemy that’s bigger and stronger than oneself can only be defeated by absorbing his/her energy and using it against them
The Holy Spirit is a helper, not a despot, hence the admonition to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
Trying to figure out who’s being controlled by what won’t save you or anybody else from anything
Whatever happens in “the next world” nobody can guarantee but this is the promise of Christiainity, the reality of Christianity is self-sacrifice
“The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain, and be raised the third day.
If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.”
LUKE 9:22 – 24
So you say
“Freely you have received, freely give” – Bible
Charging interest or taking increase (on anything) is breaking the moral code.
“The love of money is the root of all evil” – Bible
Until the control of the issue of currency and credit ( interest free cc ) is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talks of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.
William Lyon Mackenzie King
Once a nation parts with the control of its credit, it matters not who makes the laws.
William Lyon Mackenzie King
The Australian aborigines survived for ages without the need of a Bank and its money. Now look at what the sit-down money has done for them.
The RBA and the ATO are owned by the owners of the corporation called “The Commonwealth of Australia”, registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission
The Nation’s Credit: Senator Richard Darcey, 1941 ( ALP, Tasmania)
“…………………On one occasion I told honorable senators that the people who sent us here are under the impression that the 111 members of Parliament in Canberra comprise a national government engaged in the task of ruling Australia. I have told the people repeatedly that their assumption is entirely wrong and that Australia is governed by the associated banks.
Under the present system no government, can carry on its functions except by continuing the policy of borrowing. The only way to pay the ever-increasing interest bill is by borrowing still more. All money comes into existence through the banks in the form of a debt. That is why we are ealled upon to pay such tremendously high taxes to-day.
I have spent a considerable part of my life expounding my financial theories to the people, hoping that they will some day realize what a racket is being put over them under the present financial system, and that an obligation rests on the shoulders of every member of this Parliament to scrap it…………………”
http://www.alor.org/Political Democracy/The Nation’s Credit Senator Richard Darcey.htm
“We even place within you a ‘guilt complex’ making you afraid to criticize Jewry openly.”
The cause of mankind’s enslavement is that nations have allowed Cabalist bankers to create the medium of exchange (currency, credit) in the form of a debt to themselves when free governments could easily create this necessary commodity, debt-free. Success in society now depends on criminality and treason: complicity with this massive fraud and the pernicious agenda it represents.
In 1976, insider Harold Rosenthal revealed that this subversive agenda already extended to every aspect of Western life……………………..”
At least we know where those Peers of Heytesbury, and former Beatles fans, found their performing Teals:
And Greens, Blues, Reds … rainbows et al.
Just over a year ago at the polls I spoke for a few minutes to one such star performer about solar weather and he put down his pamphlets and went home
Been at it for a while
“As I walked down the stairs from the airplane in Estonia, I thought “Wouldn’t it be great to be waving to a cheering crowd right about now?”
— Adam Swart, founder and CEO
( a likely story )
Baron Heytesbury ancestor of Teals’ Party financier was a globe-trotting British Empire superstar, even got in on the startup of the Irish Famine. So what are flightless Teal ducks here to get in on the startup of, hmmm, SEERS2025, GreatReset2030, could be a number of other things … in fact they are not flying ducks they are egg-laying ducks and their eggs have yet to hatch.
My guess (and it is only an amateur guess) is that the “arson” at the Acropolis is coming from satellites.
Several years ago, Mary Gregory (author The Microwave War) calculated that the simultaneous fires on many Greek Islands had to be comiing from the sky.
And don’t forget, many satellites are privately owned.
It was a deal signed in Yalta, February 1945, between the Crown Cabal and Communists.
They rule with an iron fist since, no opposition visible, invading nations having goods beneficial for themselves only.
78 years on Ukraina crushed, with 30 million population reduction past decade, creating through spoils of war and suffering the most lucrative black market industry in the world today child trafficking.
Realise people leading us to gates of hell here are on the ‘chrome juice. They drink the blood of innocents so why do we trust them with bio weapons of mass destruction?
Repeating, Oz and Ukraina labs as elsewhere are working together murdering their own within.
Unless we grow a spine, it’s business as usual with demons on all bases loaded.
Shut down the private reserve bank, probably too late now that we’ve been handed to CCP social credit 5G data control metaverse web at Gore Hill.
Our children deserve much better, screens have destroyed our world creating artificial BS that’s total opposite of Almighty Creator’s intention naturally.
Rep Plaskett gets a scoldin’.
Shame our Fabian PM doesn’t walk the talk.
As with ScoMo, the media honeymoon for AnAl has passed use-by after a year or so and now AnAl is probably getting some more much needed grooming, as with his timely “Covid” week off during the campaign.
So instead we have Treasurer Charming covering for everything while the shit blows over. The previous charming Treasurer Friedburger normalised $200 billion per year debt, we are aiming squarely for the Great Reset by which time the debt will probably have risen to $500+ billion per year, to fund all the government administration, kickbacks, ripoffs inc general bungling and stoopid ideas like injecting everyone as if they are a pincushion, including vitamin D deficient children.
By the time of 2030 we will be screaming for a reset, O Klaus please save us from these nation destroying lunatics who have made the whole country dysfunctional except for Rotschilds’ Rio Tainto and the British Empire’s BHP-Billiontons. Goodbye useless commoners, you are to be governed into oblivion. “We are from the government and we’re here to help”.
Here’s McNasty splashing the cash, pushing the junk (1 min)
Ya basta
Would that be Spanish for “stop” or am I imagining it