The Houthis conflict in Yemen
by G5
American Created Firestorms
America; instead of being able to invent another Ukraine; for Congressional looting, and manipulated public opinion; has created a sequence of fire storms.
Pretending it wants to face off against Russia and China: it runs scared; as it should whenever that prospect presents. America can never and will never directly attack those it pretends are both the causes of its endless stupidity and over whom it postures endless nauseous propaganda.Β
America is currently bombing and mercilessly attacking peasant Houthi tribes in Yemen. The big bully boy in the schoolyard is bashing the children to show the world how morally great it is, and really is the world policeman. We don’t see; ‘Yemen will be free’; protests in the yards of the idiot shops of America. As we do for the now backfired Anti Jew Syndromed, paid buffoons. No gain there. The Jew coin being of greater value than the collective votes of the deranged Hamas faction of the Dem party.
The latest attempt by America to hide yet another of its False Flags in The Red Sea. Cut the propaganda: a USN missile hit a Russian tanker heading for China. Nothing to do with the AmericanΒ invention of Houthi rebels. The Houthis are fighting against the civil war of Salafism in Yemen; caused by America. The Houthis are defending themselves. As Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan etc. In the years before the rise of the Houthi movement, American Salafis had harassed Zaydis and destroyed Zaydi sites in Yemen.
It wasn’t Omar Bradley leading the world’s greatest American force of a million ground troops in The Battle of The Bulge; actually less than 500,000; but Westmorland with 550,000 creating an exposed genocide in Vietnam.
As MacArthur botched the insane American invasion of The Korean Peninsula in 1950, leading to his handler Truman sacking him for Eisenhower: before Russia routing them; so too Westmorland was sacked for Abrams in Vietnam before Russia again, stepped in.
As America LOST WWII and LOST The Cold War; both caused by UK-US imperial aspirations; every conflict since; all caused byΒ The Evil Empire; have travelled the exact same path.
Only in fantasyland can one; vanquished so often; strut the world of delusional propaganda; posturing as a winner. While even running genocides against peasant tribes.
Re: Watch “Catholic Paranormal Investigations” on YouTube
I spent the 13 mins. and just watched the video.
He doesn’t say that the CDF is actually the lingering and hidden Inquisition, and run by the prior Grand Inquisitor, Benedict XVI.
He probably doesn’t know. He reminds me of Ted Cruz, Trump and other intel uninformed innocents banging on about America paying Iran 200 billion over the past eight years alone. The actual trillions sent in Russia’s direction; since The Shah; being out of sight.
And of course Russia having the actual paper, the actual ink, real US Treasury plates and the intaglio printing presses, all delivered by The CIA to Iran, allowing Russia to quietly flood The US economy to the state of irrecoverable inflation. Compounded by the Obama-Biden circus of economic experts.
All of which has just been enhanced by a Russian FSB intel sting, hitting all major J.P.Morgan cash repositories in Europe, collecting half a trillion USD, to be put to better use. Local policing, military, and local religions of law: stand clear and deny. Access is never impeded to Spetsnaz and FSB in Europe.
I am reminded when one of Putin’s daughters was kidnapped by the cute Dutch Government. In denial of course. Tzar Vlad was not amused. Warp Speed with Skid Marks, comes to mind.
The ICC as The UN are also good franchises for comedy series. Although that market seems heavily catered by NATO and The US.
The following interesting unrelated clip is from yesterday. There are many. When Obama did a pout with foot-stomp, and began expelling Russian diplomatic representation and seizing properties, in contravention of The Vienna Convention: Tzar Vlad wholesale expelled American missions and began entering all US government alleged diplomatic properties. An interesting technique was employed by Spetsnaz. No one knocked on any front doors. Entry was by the side or rear of buildings. If a door didn’t exist, an entrance was opened by the removal of supporting walls.
US puppet Zelensky was previouslyΒ captured by the FSB, released, and is currently bunkered in Miami. As I previously advised. He serving a better cause by being a focal point for American Congressional Fraud, further destroying the future of the Americanized world.
The economy busting F-35 super junk; as I advised and was ignored; has infected the American vassal and sycophant nation states. It’s reality just quietly admitted. (Nothing has changed since the F111.) It’s still hidden derivation being fake SU-57 drafts passed by GRU-KGB to the CIA. Leaped on by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Cheney’s wife as a token director of LockMart, and (pre FBI) Comey as a director of HKSB and senior legal counsel for LockMart. And the usual suspects.
The history of; Op. Ajax, The Shah Era, the non internet history of The Superbills, The Strait of Hormuz, The Suez Canal, Russian Caspian Sea reach etc. have been drowned out by the self absorption of propaganda and escaped true comprehension.
And of course we are aware of Benny XVI’s murky past that had him under agreed house arrest. A stupidity in its own right.
Vide the house arrest for John Paul I and other murders of Cardinal Marcinkus, and the fake detention then cancellation of Cardinal Pell. Lest more of the hidden be exposed at his absurd appeal in Australia.
What happened to the Paedophile Masters The Christian Brothers of Waverley College, and their allied Franciscan priests and hidden Franciscan brothers of Mary Immaculate, Waverley.
Strathfied Seminary became The Australian Catholic University. Waverley College and Mary Immaculate were descummed. If The Apostolic Nunciature knew the perpetrators, why didn’t they act. (Boston Globe, ‘Spotlight’)
The hidden criminals shipped to South East Asia to continue the works of Edmund Ignatius Rice, Francis of Assisi, St. John Bosco, and of course Jesus of Nazareth. Don’t tell anyone but there was no census in year 1 requiring a journey to Bethlehem and Mary giving birth at age 13 for paedophile Joseph.
Contradictions by all major historians of the era: Josephus, Herodotus, Eusebius, Tacitis, Pliny Secundus et al; needs to be ignored in place of dogma.
They all forgot to mention the greatest character of all world history who existed at that time. The contradictory history as delivered in The BibleΒ must be preferred. Even the inconsistent scriptural genealogies of Jesus.Β
Appearing as though the great enclaves of the great; commencing with Nicea; didn’t actually read what they agreedΒ beyond excluding what was not palatable at the time.
But of course, geniuses who followed as; Augustine, Ignatius Loyola, Thomas Aquinas et al, wrote their delusions to become dogma to be back-written into The Bible, as the cart fronting the horse.
The Americanised world.
Last night I was confronted by some people in the 20-30 demographic.
I was being advised that Turnbull was Australia’s greatest PM. They had never heard of daddy Neville Wran, utegate and the overall need to de-scum middle class liberaldom. I attempted to inform them that I was based in KP’s legal office of: Malcolm Turnbull, Bruce McMillan, Mark O’Brien, Ian Phillip, and rover Graham Richardson. The silence was deafening.
These people vote.
Pelosi had the audacity to recently speak at The Oxford Union. There were actually worthy Oxfordians present for a change. She did not disappoint. She presented as an uneducated buffoon, and spoke and interjected accordingly. No idea.
I am reminded of HRC at Columbia, Warren, Banks, and Lightfoot, at Harvard, and various other pollutants at American former Ivy Leagues. Gone are the days. The Intellectually and Morally unwashed have taken hold. The Jewish coin to no longer send fodder. The Oxford room was descummed of hijab flaunting one liner feminese imbeciles. As cringe was suffered to Oxford’s discredit, when Ben Shapiro was putting The Case for Israel.
I thought that Oxford had bottomed with token tickets to; Diane Abbott, Rachel Maddow, Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott, Bob Hawke, David Cameron, and Chelsea Clinton (daddy boy was sent down; EXPELLED; for a particular violent rape, despite the copious lies on the net.) The Rhodes becoming The Rogues.
Chelsea of course collected tokens from Oxford, Columbia, and Stanford. I won’t detail here.
ABC (AOC) collected from Jesuit (daddy connected) Boston (refused at Brown), after zero from school. Even with the name change.
After 15 years in the afterlife of 5 unis: I can spot tokenized from afar. We EARN tools. We don’t flaunt worthless paper for political peers, or to self-aggrandize. The latter being particularly tiresome, nauseous, and loathsome. I don’t bother with that entry to; the cringe zone. Particularly when tagged on books: pre and post. The signal of: nothing to see here.
Robert Hur’s Biden Tapes of criminality have been sealed by Biden power overreach.
Not a good look at election doorstep. Playing the buffoon classes with their short attention span. If Congressional Committees find an opening at lackey DOJ Garland: Biden’s owners will seal Garland. As Ford did for CIA Angleton et al for the JFK murder. Leaving Church and Pike stranded. The Rockefeller Committe was to rubber stamp the fraud of The Warren Commission.
As Kavenaugh confirmed, and proven by the Military Tribunals of Mattis and Kelly successfully charging GHWB and McCain III for Treason in 2018: justice awaits away from presidential political arsewipe. The CiC to look away as Trump did in 2018. And of course Lindsay Graham, HRC et al sang as little birds. So much for the team, and solidarity in the criminal classes.
I am imagining the best of the best.
Debating teams FOR Palestine of; Rashida Thalib, Ilhan Omah, and ABC; FOR Democracy of; Pelosi, Waters, and HRC; and FOR the religion of law of; Schiff, Raskin, and Goldman.
In January, 2019, a plane load of Dem owners and their Congressional reps. were off on a government paid party extraordinaire to Europe, with pied piper Pelosi. The first of those three successive electoral frauds; 2018, 2020, and 2022.
Destined for USN unwitting target practice over The North Atlantic; as many times before; an accident brought the matter to Trump’s desk. Being a self-destructive fatalist: he blocked the intel operation, rather than having lunch.
Pelosi; ignorant of the matter to this day; began exercising her lungs with gesticulation; a sad recipe acquired by ABC with her bilious theatric at the Congressional effort to expel Omah.
Trump organized the Pelosi sojourn by the USAF.
Interesting that this report corroborates many happenings the informed already have seen reported. elsewhere and that the gullibles and mass media have no knowledge of. or are just liars and deceitful.
Well home naysayers? Lots more to come, so try and catch up with the Mary at situation update at where?
you should know by now.
Ned – my only bone of contention with what G5 puts out is the omission in differentiating between the hijacked America (1871 District of Columbia Act) and the real American Republic, as it was always meant to be, and that will soon be ushered in publicly, and is currently being protected (by following the original Constitution) covertly by the military alliance headed by Trump.
It would make things a whole lot easier for folks to comprehend what is actually occurring in the background, and that the compromized and dying media, is fully aware of, but refuses to report on, if the two opposing sides, the corporation controlled side (Communists, Nazis, Fascists) and the Constitutional controlled sides under Trump,, could be identified as being the Ying and the Yang.
Is G5 aware that, Trust the Plan -Q, has gradually infiltrated the Cabal/Deep state with over 70,000 Constitutionalists and Patriots, from as far back as the early years of this century?
For some, it would make the meme, ‘you’re watching a movie’, so much easier to understand.
When those who still sit on the sidelines in this spiritual war realize, that there is an actual war being played out for their souls, then maybe, they will begin to open their eyes just that little bit wider to see the bigger picture?
Well Clif High suggests the shooting starts a month from now, and according to commenter Shulze the US dog may be kicked ( that’s us ), possibly with a few high value targets taken out, maybe submarine docks and things of that nature. It’s not much use waiting for Trump or SCOTUS or “white hats” when things are going in this death spiral. Underpinning it all is the final revenge of the Globalists for the USA actions in 1776, these empire revenges sure are served cold.
For anyone who missed it; true, DEWs or fake news, it’s beyond me:
Joe – it will come to be known that the American Revolution of 1776 was really won by Britain, and they’ve been unleashing ‘revenge’ on the dare to be audacious American people ever since.
The war of 1812, the Civil War, the assassination of Lincoln, the District of Columbia Act, the assassination of Kennedy, all controlled to subjugate and control the American population, and now, the final show down that they, the Cabal, knows only too well, that they cannot win – hence the sped up Agenda’s of 2021 and 2030 that has exposed their nefarious goal – total control over a drastically depopulated Earth to 500 million souls.
There will be no second American Civil War or Third World War.
Trust the Plan – Trump is the Peace Maker.
Gates closed
What is utegate?
A very dull 2007 Kevin Rudd election funding media diversion
Probably connected to the story of Gordon Gretzch who misinformed Turnbull about some details and made MT very egg-faced and tragically incompetent for a week or so.
Donβt tell anyone but there was no census in year 1 requiring a journey to Bethlehem and Mary giving birth at age 13 for paedophile Joseph.
Mary and Joe’s exact ages are unknown though both were probably young as Jewish customs of the time seemed to demand this .
Joseph was hardly the father of Jesus .
Even the inconsistent scriptural genealogies of Jesus.
One of the accounts is of Mary’s lineage , the other of Joseph’s .
Always love your stuff G5 .
Well this deconstruction of the bible is interesting, I had always supposed there was a Christian cult who got thrown to the lions etc., that the Jehovah Witnesses story of the pole must be true, shroud of Turin was as described, let’s have more religion since it’s at the core of things, and get to what should be the real morality, should it be out of the way me first, where does it come from, where does it go
One aspect of the Shroud always stood out to me.
The nails were driven through the wrists(necessary to bare the weight of the body) and NOT through the palms as is usually seen in iconography.
Many videos relate to the Shroud but this one is fascinating as it discusses the energy radiation which formed the image(and much more) on the linen wrappings.
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