Editor’s note: Today, a selection of videos.
The Crowhouse report.
Dr. Zelenko returns to SGT Report to drop truth bombs.
Karen Kingston, former Pfizer employee and biotech analyst, joins John Di Lemme LIVE on the CBJ Real News Podcast Show to discuss the vaccine bioweapon.
Riccardo Bosi interviews Alex Cooney and Craig Backman.
And David Icke
Port Arthur was the beginning, with 911 the official ending of the little freedom allowed, here in Oz, during seventies and eighties. It’s all over now, with code of vaxxx ID, cyber digital enforcing this slavery made in hell. All bases loaded with demons and we sitting ducks unarmed and helpless.
It’s time to pray with all hearts minds and souls, to the Almighty Creator of all things, cause nothing else can save our children now.
Mex Ican Not in Oz
Oh, my…
The cops started paying a bit too much attention to Max, so he trusted his intuition and bailed on his residency in Australia so he could continue to have a voice on the ‘net. – It’s a Hell of a thing to leave everything behind in order to escape persecution.
Look up worldometers.info and see the works of CCP virus in jabs.
coronavirus deaths:
USA 2,245 per million
China 3 per million
Rebuilding Babylon – where is Nimrod?
What is the “Global Public-Private Partnership”?
20 October 2021 — Off Guardian
Iain Davis Heads of UN and WEF signing “strategic partnership framework”, New York 2019 The Global Public-Private Partnership (GPPP) is a world-wide network of stakeholder capitalists and their partners.
This collective of stakeholders (the capitalists and their partners) comprises global corporations (including central banks), philanthropic foundations (multi-billionaire philanthropists), policy think-tanks, governments (and their agencies), non-governmental organisations, selected academic & scientific institutions, global charities, the labour unions and other chosen “thought leaders.”
The GPPP controls global finance and the world’s economy. It sets world, national and local policy (via global governance) and then promotes those policies using the mainstream media (MSM) corporations who are also “partners” within the GPPP.
Often those policies are devised by the think-tanks before being adopted by governments, who are also GPPP partners. Government is the process of transforming GPPP global governance into hard policy, legislation and law.
Under our current model of Westphalian national sovereignty, the government of one nation cannot make legislation or law in another. However, through global governance, the GPPP create policy initiatives at the global level which then cascade down to people in every nation. This typically occurs via an intermediary policy distributor, such as the IMF or IPCC, and national government then enact the recommended policies.
The policy trajectory is set internationally by the authorised definition of problems and their prescribed solutions. Once the GPPP enforce the consensus internationally, the policy framework is set. The GPPP stakeholder partners then collaborate to ensure the desired policies are developed, implemented and enforced. This is the oft quoted “international rules based system.”
In this way the GPPP control many nations at once without having to resort to legislation. This has the added advantage of making any legal challenge to the decisions made by the most senior partners in the GPPP (it is an authoritarian hierarchy) extremely difficult……….
Read on –
That’s very helpful, Criss Cross. Still, besides calling it a thing, such as GPPP, it always has to be made up of human individuals.
Is the onily focus, of each of them, to keep the system going? How is it that they often plan for things which they know they will not live to enjoy? That has always baffled me.
Mary, that is just the way it has been ordained. Who are we to question our maker?
Matthew 13
36 Then Jesus sent the multitude away, and went into the house: and his disciples came unto him, saying, Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field.
37 He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man;
38 The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;
39 The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
40 As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
43 Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Crisscross, my hunch is that Donald J. Trump is a reincarnation of Nimrod.
Here is a TRUE hunter
I am told he is ruled by the planet Uranus, signifying change
Shocking: Dr. Carrie Madej releases first look at Pfizer vial contents
Uncle Clif-Chrono Woo-WW4-NZ and Australia already captured.
Yes, the msm Laundry service.💰💰💰💰💰💰
The whole script directed by Doherty Institute, head office within Melbourne University, being one of five BSL4 factories in Australia. They don’t even hide this give away fact, advertising satanic agenda before every broadcast.
Fully waxed in western Sydney, having to take nasal swab every three days in order to work!
waxxed should be vaxxxed
Dr Ryan Cole.
What they find when you are the injected dead🙈🙈
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com on 20th 0ct at 14.52 timeline.
Fancy that, second link not found, so just go to the first reference at whatreallyhappened.com.
crisscross767, I agree with what you are saying and another term that is used throughout WEF documents is NGO’s ( Non Government Organisations ). So my take on reading this material is as you say there will be a public/private partnership Globally in all aspects of commerce but going one step further the workforce or employment will be the sole responsibility of the NGO. No Government oversight relative to working conditions, citizens will have contracts or agreements and NGO’s also become the agent with regards to taxes. Hence digital ID third layer for double entry bookkeeping.
This prick from the the Northern Territory obviously does not know his days are numbered, he has committed a hanging offence and there is nowhere to hide, nowhere to run to.
Frankly, even though Icke was the first, and probably the best researcher of globalisation, in my opinion he lacks the cerebral capacity to see past his own conditioning. He rants about us acquiescing to the controllers but is blind to the belief systems that enable this acquiescence.
He finds the terms ‘equality’, ‘election’, ‘majority’, ‘representative’, ‘leadership’, ‘voting’, and ‘parliament’, confusing, never once realising that these are components of the acquiescence system that so haunts him.
It is a giant con.
It does not matter how you set your controller up; whether he nominates himself (leadership and dictatorship), or whether or not he is elected. As long as you pass your right to self-determination up to another person or group, you have empowered him or them AND, CONVERSELY, DISEMPOWERED YOURSELF. Similarly, Acton, when he so accurately observed that that accumulated power corrupts, he never once grasped that the counter-point to that acquiescence is when everybody ceases to handover their own power and instead formulates their own policies of self-determination.
The name of this empowerment is People Power; fully informed people evolving consensus and delivering their self-determination to an administration for implementation exactly as spelled out.
As the post-Lincoln Populists campaigned saying, “Democracy is fully informed people determining their own future”.
And yet poor old Acton died, heartbroken, that he was unable to envision this fairly obvious axiom. He lived his life on the threshold of almost understanding. But beliefs and conditioning got in the way. Sadly, I don’t think he even thought about the populists, or the anarchists, both of whom were saying essentially the same thing.
Icke likewise.
Tony, first time I have ever heard of this guy Icke never heard or read any of his material. My assumption above is only based on my own inquisitive nature and trying to work out the ultimate agenda.
At the moment there are three simultaneous abrupt Global movements – Covid, Climate change and Digital ID(vaccine passport) I oppose them all, have not QR coded anywhere or PCR tested at all. As you say above only the people can stop this lunacy, but you have to be prepared to have the strength within yourself to be non-compliant.
Don’t know the answer Tony there is roughly 20% of us left and the Government is coming after us with these hefty fines ( WA Premier $10000 fine for the unvaccinated) and really don’t have confidence in NSW Premier free to all 1st Dec.
Need a crystal ball.
It really is no good that people resign from the police/armed forces, it just gets rid of any who may have had a conscience leaving the brainwashed or the amoral to fill the void. Wasn’t it Cuomo’s replacement that said medical staff not vaccinated will be replaced by foreigners?
“The plan, outlined in a statement, would allow the governor to declare a state of emergency and thereby increase the supply of healthcare workers to include licensed professionals from other states and countries as well as retired nurses.”
Magna Carta 2.0
Good ol’ Avi Yemeni covering the protests in Adelaide. Did he spend 14 days in quarantine after arriving first?
There is a lot of available information about the rebranding of “co-morbidities” into Covid-19™ death statistics, but the most diabolical is the transposition of va666ine injuries into Covid-19™ deaths, and the way this is engineered, so that the doctor or coroner does not actually have to lie, they just have to misdiagnose.
The blood clots fill up the lung capillaries stopping the blood circulation to the lung surface so the victim can’t breathe and gets put on a ventilator where they die. Diagnosis is a lung infection such as influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, or if there is a bonus offered then definitely Covid-19™. I think it’s no wonder Gates is so proud of himself for developing this spike protein and for selling it to the stoopids even though they know there are blood clots, they are too stoopid to look deeper into anything, let alone think about it. I just marvel at this deception, they attack the lungs on the blood side, then say “the virus did it” on the air side. It’s a bit like the old story from 20 years ago, “the muslims did it”, but the biology of it all is more sophisticated.
Those muslims should have put it about by now that they DIDN’T do it, they have had plenty of time, but maybe it works for them, that all our stoopids get killed off and then they move in. Maybe it’s their turn next, or else just a good old civil war of some sort.
Most people have had 20 years for reflection now but still in the same place, they are still stoopid.
Like how the muslims were silent during the gay marriage survey?
Islam is the broom of Israel.
That’s like comparing the Ben Hur feature film with the Loony Tunes cartoon
Biden: Jewish Leaders Drove Gay Marriage Changes
Just a cohencidence I’m sure.
Do you think the muslims in the UK would speak out against gay marriage if there was a referendum in the UK? I don’t.
They know if they did speak out, they would lose their priviledged status. Aren’t they the culture that throws gays off the top of buildings?
I see that no muslim has offered any input either way…
If you didn’t know, the institution of marriage has been under attack for at least two generations.
It is also the goal of communism to destroy the institution of marriage:
BLM site removes page on ‘nuclear family structure’ amid NFL vet’s criticism
“Black Lives Matter scrubbed a page on its website this week that disparaged the “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure,” prompting a former NFL lineman to blast critics who accused him of previously misinterpreting the organization’s incendiary message.
The group, whose co-founder Patrisse Cullors has described herself and fellow co-founder Alicia Garza as “trained Marxists,” removed a page titled “What We Believe” that included its public policy positions as well as describing itself as part of the “global Black family””
The gay marriage ‘referendum’ was the closing of the coffin before all the nails are hammered in. Next will be sibling marriage, then child marriage. You already see it in flags that have the baby blue and baby pink colours joining the rainbow flag. And US consulates in the mideast (and Russia too, IIRC) proudly displaying the rainbow flag it is easy to see that ‘Rainbow Politics’ is not some home-grown community movement. The huge international nature of the movement betrays the Big Money required to sustain it.
These aren’t the only attacks on the family, of course, but it’s funny how you seemed to have overlooked this.
You will find it in most of our politicians and mass media.
It is simple, the ‘Thing’ is otherwise known as genocide, but the murderers get the saline. No thing!
Until they have served their purpose🙈🙈🙈🙈
its ok… crisis over… we got ya vax! how many ya want?
Other countries are just business as usual, we can see there are no bodies piled up anywhere, and the news footage is all from file of hospital staff wearing space suits, they are doing brain surgery or something like that, basically most countries in the world are just over the whole thing, it’s a disease for old-folks in old-folks homes, the news reports “cases” and they say India has had a billion va666ines, I call this out as totally contrived bull$#!%, the numbers are just all being made up somewhere now, and instead of live on-location video of anything happening we have a live on-location talking head, reciting made up numbers. Still the fake news is enough to scare some and I have come up with a way these people can be even more protected against this imaginary pandemic.
Just make yourself a shrine a the spare room, or in the back yard, filled with photos of the high priests of this cult, Greg Hunt would be one such, the most exalted of course are Rockerfellas who own most of BigPharma, they are demi-gods now and their likeness should be at the top of any shrine. The acolyte can wear face shield, mask etc during worship and pray for safety, if they want to go a bit further there is always the old burnt offerings, perhaps get a chicken from Woolworths and stick it full of needles as a sacrifice, then you can incinerate it as an offering to Rockerfellas. Just do this every day at dawn until you feel safe and protected. As an added level of security, to help this very traditional method to work most effectively, you might need to give up watching TV.
A couple of links that I thought worth contributing to the Gumshoe community dossier.
• Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Luc Montagnier, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Viviane Fischer and Reiner Fuellmich
• Cutting Through Anti-Chinese Psy Ops on Thought and Conduct – 31 May 2021
(see embedded youtube video)
Source document under discussion:
• Beijing, the Five Eyes or Something Else? Who’s to Blame for the COVID Pandemic?
While I don’t hold a candle against Matthew’s intellect and scholarship, I can’t help feeling he was holding something back at around 40:00 ++. He made a comment about the central bankers being ‘fascists’ which I actually believe is a correct adjective, and yet the word is usually used as a pejorative against those who stood against the central bankers. Interesting bit of Hegelian dialectic – I wonder what he was getting at.
• Moscow to shut schools, restaurants & non-essential shops for two weeks as Russia again hits grim new record for Covid-19 deaths
Maybe I was wrong about Russia – maybe they have not survived Bolshevism
Very disturbing – I need another fix of hopium
• Dschinghis Khan – Moskau (Live 1979)
But seriously
• Moscow DOUBLE-CHECKMATES globalist cabal, imposes lockdown AND indefinite QR codes!
No, seriously …
• Russia Is Rapidly Adopting QR Codes. How Does This End?
Just kidding – but seriously
• Moscow to shut schools, restaurants & non-essential shops for two weeks as Russia again hits grim new record for Covid-19 deaths
Просто шучу – но серьезно
• Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network
по крайней мере, мы не говорим по-немецки
What is life, if not able to walk out front door without digital ID surveillance system that controls every move we make? Denied jobs, entry to shops or permission to go anywhere without proof of vaccination.
This being the plandemic of deception, treachery and incompetence by a select few. Lacking skills with their own hands, always sucking blood of producers fleeced to the bone. This is the end game of usury, kill shots for used up and luciferace zombification for slaves required to service their machines from hell.
This beast system is evol to its core, no good can ever come from it, do not comply to any mandates enforced by possessed demons loaded on all bases.
Children of earth deserve better everywhere.
What are the parasites going to suck the blood out of when we are all dead? Is this their Samson option seeing as they know their time is short?
Woolworths ( owned & controlled from New York ) mandates injections for Australians
SGT report is Qtard rubbish. They made millions from giving people false info.