Home Corona Did The IMF Try Bribe Belarus With $950 Million To be in...

Did The IMF Try Bribe Belarus With $950 Million To be in Lockstep?

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko

by Dee McLachlan

As Melbourne descends into Stage 4 Lock-down, I will only be allowed out for 1-hour exercise day. Somewhat a relief at least, as I spend approximately 30 minutes in the waters of Port Phillip Bay each day. But while on the beach this afternoon I was alerted to a story that originated with one of the Russian woman that swim each day; the case of a President turning down a bribe.

BOOM! The President of Belarus, it seems, has turned down a $950 million bribe.

It sounded like the Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko didn’t want to be in “lock-step” with the rest of the world. On returning home I did a quick search in English and nothing surfaced, so did a very quick google-translate search in Russian, and this article surfaced (one of many). Please note, below is a google translation:

“At a recent meeting with the Cabinet of Ministers, the head of Belarus said that the International Monetary Fund offered ‘quick financing’ for almost a billion dollars, in exchange for the president’s will to do everything ‘like in Italy’.

“In the following video (from 1 min. 50 sec. To 2 min. 50 sec.) Lukashenka talks about the IMF’s proposal, as well as what he thinks about it:

[Lukashenka speaking] “It was announced about the possibility of providing Belarus with 940 million dollars of so-called quick financing… I want to declare that we will not dance to anyone! There are already demands: you say, in the fight against coronavirus in Belarus, do as in Italy!  … Listen, I don’t want the situation in Belarus to repeat itself as in Italy. I don’t want this. We have our own country, our own situation. And God forbid that we end up with this coronavirus as it is now. The World Bank is already ready to finance us 10 times more than it offered, for the fact that we are effectively fighting this disease. Even I have requested experience from the Ministry of Health. And the IMF continues to demand from us: you give quarantine, let’s isolate, let’s have a curfew! … Listen, what nonsense! “

Thank God for some leaders standing up to the global mafia. I believe Lukashenka is saying that the IMF offered $950m to “quarantine… isolate… curfew!”, all because Belarus is “effectively fighting this disease.”

(Could a reader that understand the video, please confirm what is being said.)





  1. Well, wonder iif comrade Dan has some influence with the IMF?
    Why ban hydroxychloroquine for three months while people die and Vic is locked. Down due to ‘incompetence’?

  2. Of course, if there is a oopsie (accidentally?) with the vaccines, the drug companies can’t be sued.


    As one company representative said, “what if some ill effects occur 4 years later?” – Heck, I can watch others take the vaccine, use me in a ‘control group’ for the next 4 years.

    I haven’t had a flu shot in decades, they’ve got zero chance of me taking their bloody vaccine.

  3. “Get your shot or get on the bus.”
    Then be taken to one of the many newly built Serco prisons around Oz, CCP style.
    Don’t be fooled by our beurocracy politicians and msm. They are all graduates of the freemason beast institutions. Compromised pedophile sex zombies performing child sacrifice. Hypocrites without hearts.

    Bioweapon factories (3 in Victoria) producing vaccines. We used to manufacture motor vehicles down there. Now following, the US and UK, our scientists are making weapons of mass destruction to be injected into everyman/woman here. There are no nations anymore, all that is – one eugenics agenda directed by Crown Kabal reptilians, the serpent race.

  4. The wife just walked in and told me that masks in NSW are now MANDITORY. I don’t watch TV so I don’t have a clue what the latest craziness is. Anybody have any further information on this latest absurdity?

  5. They do it in increments. At first, they lockdown a few apartment towers. Now they lockdown the whole state. What’s next?
    Victoria is the launching pad, NSW and Queensland next along the line of the one belt road. Just like the fires, our traitors are clearing the terrain for the ccp mega cities to be built along this eastern coast.

  6. Great investigative work Dee–the mafia –syndicates- IMF bribes blackmail–the grand plan

    4 Corners–Will be sickening to watch—but an example of msm promoting their four corners program tonight about “conspiracies” re cover 5G–“wild conspiracy theories”– a must watch to connect dots –shows what we are up against mind control of the masses–convince us that black is white

    Some propaganda emotive excerpts from Daniel Andrews State of Disaster media release.
    First create the Problem -then the justification of extreme actions State of Disaster- creating Turbulence Fear Threats Powerlessness.
    Dan says there are–
    “More Victorians in hospital beds. More Victorians hooked up to machines just to breathe.

    And more Victorians – more grandparents, parents, sons, daughters, partners and loved ones – choked to death by an invisible enemy.

    That’s not something I’m willing to accept. I don’t think it’s something any of us are willing to accept.

    We must do more. We must go harder. It’s the only way we’ll get to the other side of this”

    Also reference to East Gippsland unprecedented exercise–lock down – rehearsal–with boats helicopters coming in “rescuing” men women children pets–think that was called a “state of emergency” –

    “It’s why from 6pm tonight, Victoria will enter a State of Disaster. We used this same provision over summer, and as we step-up our fight against this public health bushfire, we need to use it again.”

    “These changes will be in place for at least the next six weeks until Sunday 13 September.
    It’s why I’m asking something else of Victorians – please be calm, please be kind, please be patient.

    I understand people will feel scared and sad and worried.

    But we are Victorians – and we will get through this as Victorians. With grit, with guts and together.

    We can – we will – get through this.

    Apart. But together.”

    from Dan -groomed for this position for years probably since birth–I knew one of his mentors very very well.

    We will hear from Dan today about -“what businesses will be required to close due to the State of Disaster.”

  7. Off topic but nonetheless something that Famanda may find of interest (seeing as she’s* a Dominic Frisby aficionado ) :

    I am assuming that you’re a she Famanda (seeing as there’s an ‘Amanda’ in your pseudonym).

  8. I don’t know if you ever saw this translation. He is speaking Russian and the translation is accurate.

    This is the cornerstone of everything that the WEF agenda is pushing and it needs to be exposed. Please copy/share everywhere.

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