Home Corona Died Suddenly — Documentary World Premier

Died Suddenly — Documentary World Premier


The Stew Peters Network presents DIED SUDDENLY — from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer. They are the minds behind WATCH THE WATER and THESE LITTLE ONES, and now have a damning presentation on the truth about the greatest ongoing mass genocide in human history. Say no more!



    • Simon,
      You are missing the gory stuff taking those ‘thingies’ extracted from the veins from cadavers and the good one, FROM A ARTERY NEAR a beating heart.
      Man up, it could be from you…….. if you were stupid💁🏼😄
      Oh well, just forward to near the end and listen to ‘doctor’ 👻 Dolly Parton with HER adaption from her ‘Maxine Maxine’ hit. It rhymes WELL.💰💰😄💁🏼

  1. Come on globalist volunteers.
    Get your boosters now and save us Now, save our world.
    Be good CHAPPIES…. PLEASE LEAD US. (NO, no placebos please)

    • Hey medical tyrants and gullible pollies volunteering to lead the depopulation agenda by example.
      Seems that you lot were suckered by the pharma and bureaucrats into banning ivermectin and HCL.
      Listen at X22Report.com episode 2931 B from about 33 mins for a few re the CDC now backtracking IN COURT on the lies claiming that those treatments were ineffective.
      This news Mr ‘horse dewormer’ Fitzsimmons and you lot at the SMH who employ him?
      Not to forget our sucked in medical bureaucrats. Please explain why you lot are so dumb? Just being kind; giving them crawling room to get under their rock before they should ALL BE SACKED……. and buried without any superannuation.

    • Well we knew by now the ALP was controlled by international communists but here is the proof the Greens party are the same on the va666ines they are more interested in depopulating Australia’s bogans than fighting plastic pollution, deforestation, degradation and so forth. What use are these politicians who carry out evil schemes which they seem barely aware of. Here is another short video posted the other day by “Waz” ( maybe overlooked by some ) showing the extent of this evil communist collusion, we may as well be run by chairman Mao because all these communist politicians are in absolute Lockstep.

      • AHPRA, National Cabinet, Chief Health Officer, National Legislation produced by a broken uni-cameral state government (Communist Anasty in Bris-vegas), all these bolt-ons are not even legit !!!
        All presumably run from out of Geneva.
        “Anasty is run by her pop who is in track’n’trace

        • The Queensland government scrapping of their upper house a century ago was another initiative of the communist Labour Party who were no doubt controlled by the same crowd way back then.

          • The difference is the structure, the communists are top down and get nothing if they get out of line while the RealEstateAgents are bought off one by one with private sector careers.
            The communists are actually worse, because they claim to represent the workers whereas they actually represent International Communism = Globalists = Klaus Swab et al.

      • Well, simply, how many Australians know that Tedros of the WHO runs Australia for the genocidal psychopaths with our whores flat on their backs.
        My bet; 99% of our normies have never heard of Tedros and his violent history.
        Why would they? Our misinformation brigade of the globalist controlled and complicit mass media have never told them and distracted us with “visual Valium” (apologies Ex Justice Kirby):BS.

    • And what did you vote for Senator ‘get your injection’ (vaccine) Lamby?
      Also would be Nice to know what arrangements were also made with all the state politicians and that we be advised of ALL THE LOBBYISTS FOR VARIOUS PHARMA INTERESTS.
      The gossip is that one lobbyists in NSW had a TEN MILLION DOLLAR SLUSH FUND TO SPREAD AROUND.
      “Who said ICAC”. ? (Apols’ the Colonel)
      “Who said ROYAL COMMISSION” (apols’ again)

      • It would be stretching credulity to not seriously suspect that, a few of our politicians and bureaucrats must have known about the long term history, approval and effectiveness of ivermectin and HC AND HOW CHEAP THEY ARE.
        Anyone want to bet that a pharma condition of forcing and providing ‘injections’ was that: “thou shall not recommend, inform or make available to the public alternative effective treatment for covid as specified BY US and control the mass media to similarly obey”. OR ELSE!
        Table the arrangements, as is being demanded by some in Europe, who are not gullible idiots.
        Do our politicians rest easy knowing that it will only take a few whistlers in the world or the US patriot military space force (who record and know everything) to dump on the deals in due course as just ‘swamp draining’.

  2. On the movie, Good intro with, it sounds like, some old Pink Floyd song (?), I didn’t notice Roger Waters getting a cameo though and I think I did see a guy from Foo Fighters who died (“suddenly”), but no Foo Fighters song, I wonder what the remaining Foo Fighters have to say about that now. I especially liked the pliesiosaur just before Tom Hanks came on with his depop piece and all the people in the window behind presumably protesting his pedo affiliations.
    Some of these types of details would be totally unknown to the average observer, which a film like this should be aimed squarely at.

  3. I could forward this to some friends and family, but they will not believe it………perhaps because they are already vaccinated.

      • They said the foetuses are getting heart attacks while still in the womb !!!
        We have heard how the va666ine components are designed and packaged to cross every type of natural barrier in the body, so brains and foetuses are also targeted.

        • As babies are fed via the mother’s blood supply vaccination of any sort during pregnancy it’s obviously lunacy.
          But when I happened to wind up GP waiting room in March 2020 I was struck by the number of large seasonal flu vax posters specifically directed towards pregnant women

          Like I’ve said before, I had flu in all of my pregnancies including one particularly bad 3 month bout during which the GP advice was simply to take a walk every day – which I was actually already doing. I got through quite a few bottles of horseradish and garlic tablets and went on to deliver a completely healthy child .

    • I can guess what KC3 thinks of his agents being intimidated, “Klaus Swab can deal with you lot”. Aussie Cossack had better keep away from Western Australia since it’s a good bet in a few years the cops under WA law would be holding him down and giving him a potentially lethal injection for his own safety. But perhaps they are doing the same in Queensland as a precursor to national law. Strike-forces catching everyone and injecting them with blood clots 4x per year.

  4. Those that most need to watch this presentation will not. I say that most need to watch, those that have had “vaccine”, is because if they are jabbed they need to know the problem in case a cure or treatment is suddenly found.

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