Home Australia Digital ID – Another Notch Closer

Digital ID – Another Notch Closer


A DM (gumshoe) adaption

Introduction by DM

Is Dr Richard Day going to be proved right? He said in 1969, “Everything Is In Place And Nobody Can Stop Us Now.” He was referring to a dystopian-type society, totally manipulated by the powers in control. On the surface that seems to be what is happening.

I wrote this in 2012 in a children’s book: “Before you blink twice, it’s 1984… They are taking the world to a dark twisted place, where Sheeple are slaves, and there’s no human race.”

 This email arrived in my Inbox from George Christensen:

Dear friend,

Australia’s Albanese Labor Government has had its Digital ID Bill passed by the Parliament in the past week. It will now become law. The Digital ID system is meant to be a unified digital identity for every Australian.

While its supporters claim it will make accessing services easier, the truth is much more concerning.

  • The Digital ID Bill passed by the Albanese Labor Government this week will soon become law.
  • The Digital ID system centralises personal data, making it prone to misuse.
  • It grants the government unprecedented control over our identities and lives.
  • Various political parties and civil liberties groups have voiced significant concerns.
  • Privacy concerns include increased risks of cyber-attacks and privacy breaches.
  • Surveillance and government overreach are major fears associated with the Digital ID system.
  • The bill lacks adequate safeguards to protect against personal and biometric data abuses.
  • There are fears of function creep, where the system could be used for broader surveillance.
  • Avoid the Digital ID system by refusing to comply and using privacy-focused tools.

Political action and collective resistance are crucial to protect our freedoms and repeal the bill.”

There was more about the “Reasons against the ID” and “How to avoid it.”

“The Digital ID system centralises our personal data, making it prone to misuse and cyberattacks. Even more troubling, it grants the government unprecedented control over our identities and, by extension, our lives.” Subscribe to Christensen’s newsletter.

A video from World Alternative Media:

“The Technocratic World Order Knocking At Your Door EXPOSED”



  1. Jump the preliminaries, go straight to 3:30
    Passive Resistance = “Do not comply”
    Active Resistance includes making their systems unworkable by flooding them
    “Canada bank accounts are linked to Obedience Scores”

  2. “a dystopian-type society, totally manipulated by the powers in control” – The history of mankind in a nutshell albeit the populous need for a changing of the guard in order to sit up and take notice.

    As for an impending disclosure of the paper trail of weirdos like me, hallowed be THAT day !

  3. The end of the fiat petro-dollar is in sight. The financial crash of the Central Banking system is close – some are suggesting that Monday, May 27, American time, will be the catalyst for the biggest financial crash of all time.

    Like the proverbial Domino, the pretentious ‘Australian government’ will collapse, as will all Western Central Bank controlled ‘governments’.

    When that system implodes, the actor Biden will be removed, and Trump will then take control as Commander in Chief (CIC) of this world’s military alliance which will then usher in, world wide martial law.

    In the meantime, all you gotta do is not comply with things that don’t make sense, and be prepared by having water, fuel, cash and food stored for at least three weeks.

    • Shit’s getting real. – Of course, many of the occupants of the moronosphere will be standing around with their thumbs up their backsides, like, what is going on? Hopefully, we have discussed enough of these issues on Gumshoes that most of the readers will have understanding and have taken some precautions.

      Protect yourself, nobody else will…

    • Thanks Sandra.
      I will not be getting out of bed on the weekend of 22-23 of June and climb out on Monday to look around and see what is left💁🏼😱🤷👻
      EB, want to listen to Clif now? Some examination, foresight, history, conclusions, opinions, attitudes and reality are more real than ‘hateful’! Perhaps you might wish to book a cruise to Vanuatu to escape?😱🤡

      Hmm, I note silver is floating at about $A.47-48+ and one Oz Charlie’s and Roos are way up; happy ‘threepence day’ on the 24th🧨🏦
      I note ANZ is not paying off its loan accounts to the suckered lenders. Ditto ‘Mackquonald’.
      Well maybe time to file a statement of claim in court for some repayment of debts.
      That would fill up the court lists and distract from the domestic court lists.
      Might have to catch up with Mary today at situation update, yesterday’s commentary was full of fun [ESPECIALLY AT 30 mins for a few…. Bit of fraying getting some corroboration reports] wonder if Clif ‘piggy backs’ on Mary or is it vice versa?

      • So you still haven’t figured out that I’m not interested in escaping anything or setting myself up nicely, that my entire focus is repossessing stolen property and using whatever happens to come my way to that end, a course that’s known as following in Christ’s footprints.

        The above “ain’t no grave” clip apparently also escaped your attention.
        And I daresay you’ll also give this a miss:

        • The Shroud of Turin is the evidence, and is all the proof anyone with an open mind will need to accept the absolute Truth of Christ’s resurrection

  4. Mary at Situation update today does not disappoint today.
    At least watch from about 50 mins and meet ‘Tiffany’, and have fun for SEVEN X two minutes.🙀🤣💁🏼
    For newbies: situationupdate – beforeitsnews.com – people powered news

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