(Sourced from The HighWire with Del Bigtree)
Editor’s Introduction:
“Mass Vaccination will Breed Dangerous Variants & Destroy Our Immunity” — Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD
Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, is a vaccine research expert. He has a long list of companies and organizations he’s worked with on vaccine discovery and preclinical research, including GSK, Novartis, Solvay Biologicals, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr Vanden Bossche also coordinated the Ebola vaccine program at GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation). He is board-certified in Virology and Microbiology, the author of over 30 publications, and inventor of a patent application for universal vaccines. He currently works as an independent vaccine research consultant.
Dr Vanden Bossche recently wrote “The science behind the catastrophic consequences of thoughtless human intervention in the Covid-19 pandemic”
(DVM, PhD, March 13 2021)
We have discussed Vaccine-induced enhancement but Dr Vanden Bossche presents a new problem. It seems these vaccines are driving immune escape resulting in driving resistance to the vaccines.
“Even though the first dose may protect you from developing symptoms, the virus may still be able to replicate and transmit. Exerting high immune pressure without preventing viral replication and transmission is a recipe for selective viral immune escape. However, what we are now more and more observing is even more worrisome: even those who got fully vaccinated before exposure to Covid-19 are no longer controlling virus replication and transmission. This is because they’re now increasingly infected by more infectious variants, the spike protein of which is different from the one comprised in the vaccine. Hence, the virus increasingly evades the vaccinal antibody response.”
Dr Vanden Bossche’s letter:
I expect the conspirators knew about ADE and were going to use that in the depopulation agenda. However, I wonder if they realized that they were creating an even greater problem that could take them out along with the masses.
In any event, I won’t be taking the ‘vaccine’. Del Bigtree’s further explanation and his diagrams greatly helped communicate the issues. A great video that should be watched by everyone (except the mask-holes).
I just watched Dr. Vernon Coleman’s (an old man in a chair) recent video. He has come to the conclusion that I referred to above, that is, that the PTB were relying upon the ADE/pathogenic priming aspect of the ‘vaccine’ but were unaware of the possibility of releasing a REAL pandemic.
The ADE/pathogenic priming aspect was likely what Bill and Melinda were referring/smirking about with a second pandemic. When the next flu season hits, those that are vaccinated will be very vulnerable.
Dr. Coleman’s video –
Programming your immune system with an mRNA injection wrecks the bodies response to all other infections, I gather.
Yep, that’s it on an individual level. However, it also allows each individual inoculated body to act as a source for even bigger and badder bugs.
At one point Dr Bossche says ‘these are great products’ referring to the ‘cocktail’, but he doesn’t specify…is he talking about the mRNA cocktails? Do his thoughts apply also to the adenovirus cocktails? I wish he would have elaborated on that given his conclusions that the jab is like injecting ‘new software’ into your body and that the Abs created ‘out compete’ your innate immune system and basically leave you with antibodies that will do nothing. Doesn’t sound like such a great product to me.
I’ve posted this link to this video before, but it is so over the top propaganda that I feel it should be posted again.
Thanks, Terry, this is criminal in my book, to use beloved animated characters to sell the agenda. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious.
Three health workers in Norway who had recently received the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine are being treated in hospital for bleeding, blood clots and a low count of blood platelets, Norwegian health authorities said.
Norway halted the rollout of the AstraZeneca vaccine on Thursday, following a similar move by Denmark. Iceland later followed suit.
39-Year-Old Mother Dies After 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine: Family
A 39-year-old healthy single mother from Utah died four days after taking a second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine on Feb. 1.
According to local news channel KUTV, her family said that Kassidi Kurill, who was a surgical technician for plastic surgeons, “had more energy” than most people around her and was a happy person with no known health problems
The Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Link.
“……While the two currently available COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. are based on novel mRNA technology — which in actuality are experimental gene therapies, not true vaccines — the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is a bit different. It uses a chimpanzee adenovirus vector genetically engineered to express the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein instead”.
What Is Coming Through That Needle?
The Problem of Pathogenic Vaccine Contamination
Benjamin McRearden
Hard to beat the French when making a point.
Do not be too distracted by the spectacle, read the full text down to the Queen of New Zealand.
James Corbett-Whitney Webb podcast AZ Eugenics Link
Heaps of important info in your two links today – thanks sandra.
Thanks for linking to my podcast sandra. Much appreciated.
Original interview with video can be found here: https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1619-whitney-webb-on-the-oxford-astrazeneca-eugenics-links/
California proposes curriculum with chanting name of Aztec god who accepts human sacrifice
Astra Zeneca / Aztech
“……………the patents and royalties for the AstraZeneca vaccine are held by a private company called Vaccitech,”
crisscross, thanks for bringing up the Aztech connection. I decided not to get vaccinated long before any vaccines were available and was wondering if any other form of delivering the “medication” would have been available because with a jab, or a shot, there is no going back, it is irreversible. Yes, I understand that this was the goal but if a series of let’s say seven tablets in seven days would have been offered, if any side effects would appear after one or two pills, one would discontinue taking them. Haven’t trusted the pharmaceutical – or harm-a-ceuticals as coined by David Icke – industry for the longest time – how is it they are even allowed to manufacture AND advertise their products with all the dangers and side effects they (may) cause??? Decades ago I was an avid reader of TIME magazine and other magazines but stopped subscribing them or buying them when more pages were Big Pharma and other corporate ads than worth while articles or opinions.
1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance
Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered the Messiah by Christians, and who lived 2000 years ago. But very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666. By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world’s Jewish population during the 17th century.
Thank you CC – very topical
That embedded video seems to be defunct so here is a recap by the author, Robert Sepehr
• “Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered by Christian followers to be the Messiah who lived over 2,000 years ago, but very few people have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi who declared himself to be Messiah in 1666. He amassed the following of over one million believers, half the world’s Jewish population during the 17th century by proclaiming that Redemption was available through acts of sin. Considered a heretic by many of his contemporary rabbis, nonetheless his fame extended far and wide.
• Sabbatai adherents planned to abolish many of the ritualistic observances because according to the Talmud, in the Messianic time that would no longer be holy obligations. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies were encouraged and practiced by Sabbateans. After Sabbatai Zevi’s death his philosophy would be continued and expanded on by his Kabbalistic successor Jacob Frank. Frankism, a religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centred on the leadership of the Messiah claimant Jacob frank. He, like Zevi, would perform strange acts that violated traditional religious taboos such as eating fats that were forbidden by Jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, promoting orgies and sexual immorality.
• Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild called the order of the Illuminati. The objectives of this organization were to undermine the world’s religions and power structures in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism covertly ruled by their hidden hand, The New World Order.
• Using secret societies such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries, staying true to the script. Opposition is handled by a near total control of the world’s media, academic opinion leaders, politicians and finance. While still considered a conspiracy theory to many. more people are waking up each day to the reality that this is not just a theory but a true conspiracy.”
Some further commentary by Steven Ben De Noon and David Icke (notably on the Dönmeh etc) follows.
• “He [Frank], like Zevi, would perform strange acts that violated traditional religious taboos such as […] ritual sacrifice, promoting orgies and sexual immorality. […] Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild called the order of the Illuminati.”
Fast forwarding to the 1920s/30s …
“Who knows the first two laws that Hitler implemented … ?”
‘1. ”No more pornography. No more homosexuality – none of that garbage” – [under the Jewish Weimer control] Berlin … in the 20s was the Sodom and Gomorrah of the day … Homosexuality, pornography, all the bestiality – all the garbage of the world – that was the capital of the world. He outlawed it … You were no longer allowed – he closed all the bars, all the gay clubs, all the production – which were all run by Jewish people.?
‘2. ”You are not allowed to charge interest – no more interest […] because the high interest that Jews charged people was so high it ruined destroyed the economy in Germany. … Just like they destroyed Russia a few years before that … Jews destroyed Russia, not Goyim – you look at history – Karl Marx – all the other [?] – were all Jews – they destroyed Russia. … He [Hitler] saw that the Jews were controlling the financial system and they are charging such high interest they destroyed the German economy.”
Rabbi Yaron Reuven:
A lady, an Austrian, I met a few years back – who lived through the 2nd world war told me that the religion under Adol[h Hitler was called “Gottglaubig” which means believing in God. No set denomination was followed.
John 15:13 ” Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Yes, the Agenda is, again, to extinguish Judaism because of the above (and the below+), but there have been many attempts throughout time to do the same, without success and this current oroboros Agenda 21 – or Agenda 2030 – will not succeed either. It may come close because of all the misinformation that has been spread for decades, but it will not succeed.
The other night I listened to Mr. Pekka Sartola on YouTube, unfortunately his video is in Finnish. Mr. Sartola is a born again Finn in Finland, talking to his fellow congregants and he says that Agenda 2030 is the goal of NWO and that one common religion is to be established by then, I’m guessing URI, i.e. United Religions Initiative for a “global ethic” that has been in the works for a long time. According to Mr. Sartola, the Pope and President Obama signed an agreement to this effect – last week’s visit by Pope Francis to Sistani in Iraq may have been part of this scheme. I need to do further research into this.
Well, this is where the paths separate, all religions go in one (NWO) direction, Kabbalah goes in another.
from the Kabbalistic Book of Healing, page 5,
“Removing Religion From The Equation
Kabbalah separates fact from fiction, truth from superstition, spirituality from religion, knowledge from blind faith, validity from misconception, reality from illusion.
Kabbalah is our blueprint showing us how the universe and the human body is “wired.” Armed with this blueprint , we put an end to all “short-circuits” that occur in our lives. We learn how to harness spiritual forces in a positive and productive way, keeping our fingers out of the socket.
The kabbalists tell us that if we humbly think of A Book of Healing as a tool and an instrument of change – rather than as a prayer book that makes us holy and righteous – we will attain the power to transform our lives and brighten the world in ways we never imagined.
Indestructible Living Wisdom
During the past 4000 years, the wisdom of Kabbalah has attained a life of its own. It is alive. It is a living system. It is immortal, eternal, and a priceless unlimited resource of spiritual energy.”
page 10,
“The Nature of Reality
Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
Albert Einstein
According to Kabbalah, a curtain divides our reality into two realms described simply as the 1% and the 99%. The 1% realm encompasses our physical world of chaos. But this is only a tiny fraction of all creation. It is only what we perceive with our five senses.
On the other side of the curtain lies the 99%, which encompasses the vast majority of reality. This is the source of all fulfillment, healing and knowledge. Whenever you experience joy, you’ve made contact with this realm. Our personal immune system is connected to this realm.
Mozart said he accessed such a reality when he “heard” in just a split second a complete one-hour symphony in his mind. When Beatle, Paul McCartney, suddenly woke up one morning, with the melody of “Yesterday” singing in his mind, he was touching the 99%. Moreover, when you first listened to “Yesterday,” and fell in love with it, the emotions that flowed through you emanated from the 99%.
Professor Stuart Hameroff, along with Sir Roger Penrose, developed the Penrose-Hameroff ‘Orch OR’ Model of Consciousness.
Dr. Hameroff was intrigued by Kabbalah’s description of the 99% realm and its similarity to the quantum mechanical view of our universe.
Hameroff stated,
“For 100 years it has been known that there exist two worlds, the classical world and the quantum world. We live in the classical world where everything seems ‘normal’ (if unfulfilling). Everything has a definite shape, place and substance. However, at very small scales the quantum world reigns and everything is strange and bizarre, defying common sense. Science knows very little about the quantum world, but there are indications that the quantum world could qualify as the 99% world, and that a curtain does indeed exist between the two worlds.”
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) considered to be the originator of formal logic, credited “a Jew” and “the learned men” with whom the Jew associated as one important source of his wisdom. Aristotle’s disciple, Clearchus, chronicled Aristotle’s statement, writing, “This man (said Aristotle) was by birth a Jew and came from Celesyria…”
Newton, Kabbalah, and the Zohar
Kabbalah Denudata eventually made its way into the personal libraries of the greatest thinkers of the scientific revolution, including Sir Isaac Newton. In fact, Newton’s copy of the Kabbalah Denudata is still archived at Trinity College in Cambridge, UK.
Eminent scholar Richard Popkin says Newton saw the Bible as “a cryptogram” that concealed the true secrets of the universe. Newton’s view of the Bible was identical to that of the kabbalists. Newton even learned the Hebrew language so that he could extract these great kabbalistic secrets from the Scriptures.”
Kabbalah teaches that Judaism is not a religion but a universal teaching of metaphysics, i.e. greater than the physical, mind over matter, for all Mankind and that “the purpose of Torah and Zohar study is not in any way related to academic, religious, or scholarly pursuits. Rather, the Torah – and the Zohar – is a tool for spiritual development with the sole intention of leading one to the ultimate objective of “loving thy neighbor as thyself.”
Imagine that.
So all translations of the Hebrew Bible are corruptions of the Original Idea of how to modify and bend, not spoons and forks like Mr. Uri Geller does, but human nature to actually live “love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Kabbalistic Torah/Zohar study is to reverse the conventional process of (academic, religious or scholarly) studying by allowing the Hebrew letters of The Text to look into us, inside us, letter by letter, to “remove rash and intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings. Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. The Light they emit purifies our hearts.”
The Hebrew language is not an ordinary language, nor is it for the Jewish and/or Israeli people alone either, yes, modern spoken Hebrew in Israel is an “ordinary language”, but Biblical Hebrew is not, it is the DNA of Creation as The Zohar states:
“The Hebrew letters are the instruments of Creation. They are genetic strands of cosmic DNA. The letters transcend religion, race, geography, and the very concept of language. They are instruments of power. This truth is found within the Hebrew word for “letter,” which means “pulse” or “vibration,” indicating a flow of energy. By virtue of their shapes, sounds, sequences, Hebrew letters radiate a wide range of forces. Their influence is universal, their scope, sweeping. Their power is shared with all mankind, though this penetrating truth has been concealed for millenia. Their sacred energy removes rash and intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings. Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. The Light they emit purifies our hearts. All these spiritual benefits, and more, are now bequeathed to us in this majestic passage discoursing on the Creation of the spiritual and physical cosmos.”
Zohar http://www.zohar.com/ Trumah
There is Light at the end of the Tunnel, we are not to give up Hope. Ever.
Dr. Kendrick: What is an Anti-Vaxxer?
“………..Do I object to all these attacks? Well, you know, to be perfectly honest, if you can’t take the heat you should stay out of the kitchen. In addition, I don’t think I would be doing things right if people were not hurling insults at me on a regular basis.
It also encourages me to carry on. Because, as Gandhi once said:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
You may prefer Schopenhauer’s take:
“First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
Once you have reached the violent, ridiculing, insulting, stage you know you are pretty much directly over the target:
“Bombs away! We will crack that bloody dam one way or another chaps – just don’t refer to my bloody dog by name, or we will never fly another mission.”
Anyway, because of my personal history I have taken a particular interest in the matter of personal insults used as a debating technique. Rather than relying on the use of terribly boring tactics like facts, and data…………….
Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM, is a vaccine research expert. He has a long list of companies and organizations he’s worked with on vaccine discovery and preclinical research, including GSK, Novartis, Solvay Biologicals, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr Vanden Bossche also coordinated the Ebola vaccine program at GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation). He is board-certified in Virology and Microbiology, the author of over 30 publications, and inventor of a patent application for universal vaccines.
Really, lol, and what shade of brazen hussy red lipstick do you prefer on pigs, Geert.
” inventor of a patent application for universal vaccines ”
How do you know the several different covid vax’s even reduce symptoms ?
Why do you compare a pre infection preventive vax for virus, with a post infection antibiotic treatment for bacteria ?
Do you know a relationship between virus and bacteria that has been postulated before.?
How has highly infectious ebola been contained when mealses(only one variant that is from a lab), flu(seems to started to mutate decades later) and whooping cough could spread country to country on slow ships?
Why do vax’s not confer lifelong immunity that the human body can
Why does smallpox not mutate over a tens of thousand years with one benign exception after cowpox was attenuated for innoculation.
Why does Del Bigtree give the man air to deflect from the fact all these things are created/developed for bio-warfare.Both must know or in Del’s case strongly suspect.
How come lil ol me and 56(others here too) can point out the hands down most likely source of modern viral disease without a university or foundation backing us.
Call me anti vaxxer all you want, i don’t care, its worth the insight into either, ones ignorance or ones collusion.
Uni verse ity / one verse
A place where one learns to herd and speak in unity.
The germ theory paradigm and its commensurate vaccine “theory” have got an inherently unstable wobble, which can only result in a crash into oblivion.
The ‘virologist’ Stefan Lanka was able to get a determination from the highest German court that the measles virus does not exist.
So if the measles virus does not exist, then what is the ‘disease’ termed measles?
And what science is employed to make a ‘vaccine’ for measles?
The truth is , that vaccination is 100% harmful.
A little knock-on effect from the scamdemic is that in Western Australia the state ALP government has been returned with the opposition totally shredded, the only party that made any gains was anti-vaxx, starting presumably from zero, now up to maybe about 2% in some electorates.
Now the effect of having a communist sympathetic ALP government whose main customer is China will show over the coming few years, if the MSM ever reports it. We can expect large tracts of land, maybe even islands, to be sold or leased to China, who will I suppose go on to militarise them while protesting the opposite all the while. I asked one WA citizen today who they voted for and they said they voted Liberal (conservative) because they like Mark McGowan (ALP).
Democracy is so problematic, as wiser heads have said,,, you need a republic, because you need RIGHTS, democracy is the next step before dictatorship,,, and so forth.
there is little difference between a democracy and a republic.
What passes as a democracy here in the jurisdiction of Australia is merely an administration of a bankruptcy, and likewise for the US, it ceased being a true republic very early on and lapsed into an administration of a bankruptcy also.
Maybe what you really seek is to retain and not have abridged your unalienable rights granted to you by your Creator.
Such entitlement to those rights still exist, but almost everyone has elected to abandon them (in ignorance) and have elected to ‘exist’ in a legal sense in the legal jurisdiction that we are all familiar with.
Those rights are mentioned in the Coronation Oath, and can be claimed.
Likewise those same rights declared in the original Declaration of Rights can also be claimed to be the jurisdiction that one elects to live under.
But to do that you can’t be double-minded, and so your actions need to comport with your realisation that you have been ignorant of your rights, and actions done in the past have to be remediated.
The only jurisdiction capable of facilitating this is equity, which is well buried and hidden, but can be revealed with mindful digging.
We have been conditioned to think that government has jurisdiction over us, but that is not so.
We use a Driver’s License as a form of identity, but that card and the legal entity it describes are created by the government, yet we ‘naturally’ identify as that entity.
That is our problem, well a problem for those who seek freedom.
The inherent conflict of seeking freedom and being comfortable with servitude needs to be resolved, one has to choose one or the other.
Could be a long one but I’ll start off with the first premise by quoting Aaron Russo “democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on who is for dinner – you need rights”.
Next by freedom is that meant freedom to go bush or rights within a society, such as property ownership. I did see a guy in a video (English) repeatedly telling the cops “I do not stand under” as he was bundled into a paddy wagon or similarly subdued. So “I do not stand under” only works according to some theory. But if you’re packing a 45 in your own privately owned house you might get some respect from the injection quaxxassinators.
To say that you under stand is to place yourself under contract. but the low IQ cops would not understand.
That guy claiming “I do not stand under” was uttering those words but I would bet London to a brick that his actions, and only his actions, or lack of right actions, put him in their jurisdiction and they had every right to bundle him into a paddy wagon as per statutes, codes, rules, regulations etc that pertain to that jurisdiction.
What was the first act done on your behalf (most likely by your parents, in ignorance) that put you in the legal jurisdiction, in one way or other, and under the statutes etc of the corporate entity passing itself off as government by the people?
If someone becomes a worker for say BHP, then they are bound to the rules set down by BHP.
And someone who doesn’t work for BHP or is connected in any way, is exempt from those rules.
And regarding the act done by your parents, what have you done to remediate it?
If you have not done sufficient, then by default you are still in the legal jurisdiction.
Thank you Dee (and Terry for sharing this on previous thread). While watching I must have noticed this ‘related’ video.
Claire Edwards is reading a quote from Robert F Kennedy
This contains all the talking points necessary to share with friends and family. I usually start with the PCR process being fraudulently used as a ‘test’ to manufacture ‘cases’ and ask whether they have heard of Kary Mullis (Nobel prize winner in Chemistry/Microbiology)
First of all, there is NO ‘Virus’! Second, this is NOT a ‘Vaccine” its a bio-weapon to change our DNA. Geert goes on about a ‘Pandemic’ when there wasn’t one! hes apart of GAVI what!!!! How is this trustworthy! If people were taught by GP’s to gain a healthy life style in order to heighten their immune systems, the world would be a better place, but they don’t Older people have never been taught to do this either, I know I worked in nursing homes for years, its nothing but disgusting and disgraceful! Of course older folk NEED better skills to get their immunity well, so why aren’t they taught! I could tell stories about these places, to make your hair curl.
Del’s a nice guy, but goes on about a Pandemic and Virus that never was, This so called ‘Virus’ has NEVER been proven, found or isolated to this very day! they knew this back in March last year….The only Doctor who has explained preciously in full is Dr.Andrew Kaufman….Everything has gone to courts in Berlin, the walls ARE crumbling….
I like to see what’s going on in the boring middle ground of arguments.
Geert says the virus replicates in 10 hours, I would presume these viruses are lingering everywhere trying to get a toe-hold, that’s why you might catch one even in total isolation, because it had been quietly existing in some back corner of your nose maybe for months.
If they mutate readily, they can’t be categorised, unless there is a plague of one mutation which lasts for a while, say one flu season. If they get a big head start on your immune system by someone spraying you with “droplets”, you would be overwhelmed like a few doctors have found by becoming statistics.
Geert says the viruses will mutate into super-viruses, what this means to me is they call anything super if their antibiotics etc can’t touch it. To me it means just normal variants on the normal scale. But the point I keep trying to make is that medications for diabetes and hypertension create a vector, in other words an access pathway, for the viruses into cells. To my way of thinking, the prevalence of medication takers must be a big part of the death statistics in many places. Not only are these people older and weaker but the medications seem to be letting the viruses in. People old like me and older just have to stop clinging to life, I would say 55 and on medications is use-by, why be precious about it if you are past use-by, you’re on borrowed time, get your affairs in order, you could go any minute, stop crying about it, this is the problem, they have a sense of entitlement to get to 80 or 90.
Boxing Champion Marvin Hagler DEAD at Age 66 After Receiving an Experimental COVID “Vaccine”
…………Earlier in the day Saturday, fellow boxing legend Thomas “Hitman” Hearns, who fought in the ring against Hagler in the 1980s, asked fans to pray for Hagler via his Instagram account, because he was in the ICU following an experimental COVID shot……..
Eminent immunologist alludes to mass deaths
There are more presentations to your right
Great Common Law Info: Key To Freedom – Notice Liability Document
Notice: Liability
Any [wo]man acting for a service corporation[s] ‘Notice: Liability’ is given
I, require obligation [contract] produced to jurisdiction upon entry or trespass occurs;
Any [wo]man emptying to administrate property [busines, or I] produce evidence that…
Who is the [wo]man from said service corporation claim i…property;
A [wo]man from said corporation can administrate property without right;
Obligation [conract] exists with service corporation to jurisdiction [control]
Do you have a verified Trespass from another man or woman to claim that I have done wrong or harm? (For the police if they get involved)
Otherwise …do not Trespass
Trepass fine is set at $100,000 per [wo]man involved;
Fines increase by $200,000 or each additional Trespass
Dated January 1st
Do you have a verified trespass from another man or woman to claim that I have done something wrong or harm?
Those ‘acting’ as police officers if there is no verified claim that you have Trespassed and you do not have a contract with your service corporations no jurisdiction they have no business talking to us.
It’s a ‘service corporation’ to make money and they are ‘acting’ as police officers. Law enforcement is a service corporation and they wear their outfits acting as police police officers
Produce the contract that you are lying. They cannot claim the property… you and they cannot administrate property without right.
They have no jurisdiction or control over you and they have no business talking to you.
Remember they are our ‘employees’ we are the Employers
I don’t wish to engage with your ‘service corporation/s’ with their draconian legislation against the community
If you are going to come into my business my property and going to try to ‘administrate’ over me you had better have one of two things. To produce a contract that I have with your ‘service corporation/s’ that’s the municipal government which most businesses do not have and I am not referring to a ‘License’.
Who is the man or woman at this said service corporation claims I property? Someone in that ‘service corporation’ has a contract on you or someone is claiming that you are property or they can administrate property without right. That is the three points on this Notice of Liability
If they do not have a contract with you that man or woman, agent or officer or mayor…of that ‘service corporation’ does not have a contract
You place this sign outside your business for those ‘service corporations’ not government who are trying to control your business through these Covid rules and actions and that will give Notice to these ‘service corporations’ as the legal world does not apply to us
Next is a letter to the local government, police, state government and federal government ministers etc. with the same three questions and make them answer them or it is deemed to be lawful without their rebuttal
You are giving these ‘service corporations’ a Notice of Liability Honourably where do you have the jurisdiction and control to come into my business and order me around? That is what ‘administratively’ basically is! Control orders of rules, regulations. directives, recommendations etc. as it is not lawful legislation.
When you send a letter or email or both you are basically prompting or preempting their actions and attaching the Notice of Liability to the correspondence they have no out. You have addressed this issue ahead of time. You forewarn them if any man or woman who comes in they will be liable as I have nothing to do with your ‘service corporation.’
It can also be applied to your own physical body to gain jurisdiction over your own body
Produce the contract that you have jurisdiction over me or my business and they must answer YES to one of those questions for jurisdiction over you.
Please go to this website & work your way through the tabs at the top. The government & police CANNOT force you to shut your business. Link – http://knowledgeispower-uk.weebly.com/#
Meet Your Strawman – https://www.ruralmoney.com/meet-your-strawman/
MAGNA CARTA 2020 – https://www.intelligenceuk.com/newsx11.html
Common Law Court – http://www.commonlawcourt.com
There is no common law on the land, as all countries are in receivership and under administration.
Therefore there is no contracts, as there is no way to extinguish a fiscal obligation (legal tender is merely a novation to use an IOU to pay a debt).
That only leaves trusts, and as the following quote states, no party need know that they created a trust, nor are bound in a trust.
That which presents as a government is actually an administration of a bankruptcy, and any laws that existed in the Commonwealth are only valid when it is convenient for the current administrators.
If you use a Birth Certificate for any reason, then you have agreed to be a surety for the legal trust created by the government, and you are the one the government comes for when the legal trustee (which is your BC ens legis corporate sole) doesn’t perform.
There is a quote by Mark Twain at the beginning of the film “The Big Short” which is essentially:
‘It’s not what you don’t know that hurts you the most, it’s what you know for sure but it just ain’t so!’
No. 0228, Sept. Term, 2009. Court of Special Appeals of Maryland. June 8, 2012.
It is to be noticed that an express trust may arise even though the parties in their own minds did not intend to create a trust…. It is the manifestation of intention that controls and not the actual intention where that differs from the manifestation of intention. An express trust may be created even though the parties do not call it a trust, and even though they do not understand precisely what a trust is; it is sufficient if what they appear to have in mind is in its essentials what the courts mean when they speak of a trust.
Thank you for that! 🙂 I believe that there are still are a number of ways,means techniques and tactics to change that by those high up in this realisation and understanding of this predicament
Sidney Powell Latest Interview; More Election Fraud Arrests & 90,000 Ballots In Nevada Returned
This illegal corporate-government entity has been trampling on our rights and privileges by blatantly disregarding the legal Bio-Security Act and is using the police and the military which is unlawful to enforce, intimidate using threats, physical abuse and heavy fines to stop genuine dissent, protests and demonstrations of our welfare and wellbeing. The military and the police need to stand down and refuse these unlawful orders of their deliberate misguided freemason politicians acting in malice and aggression against “We the People” in which they too are part of. They are not abiding by the Bio-Security Act and they are misusing the police and the military for their own sinister agenda which is Crimes Against Humanity for all the destruction they have created in his country at present in which will continue for years to come. They are clearly not following and obeying the legislation and a Class action will take place against the government, the police and the military for lack of Duty of Care, Malfeasance in Office, Vicarious Liability Medical Negligence, Abuse of Office, Crimes Against Humanity, Not being “Fully Informed” and number of other appropriate charges. We have been in a ‘state of lawlessness’ and it will come to and end with respecting the Australian Constitution and respecting the thoughtful appropriation of lawful legislation for the rule of law which does not hinder or harm its inhabitants. What part has the ‘intelligence agencies’ also played in this medical lockdown hoax? Spreading Medical Misinformation is prohibited and a criminal offence.
Lawyer Serene Teffaha explains the Law re: Bio-security act – forced medical measures & procedure
Medical tyranny with the aiding and a betting by the MSM TV channels, the illegal-corporate-government entity, the police and the military
Misinterpretation or extending the interpretation beyond what has been legislated
You cannot take:
Body samples
Asking or mandating wearing clothing or a mask
Contact Tracing
Assessment of health risks
Only when you can show that you are exposed to a risk to the disease or you have signs and symptoms of that disease can person “authorise” to do so give you a specific requirement.
That means no laws, no policies, no directives can require you to be bodily sampled, vaccinated, detained, isolated, clothing and masks. You can.t be required to do those things unless it is under strict circumstances.
Only if you are sick
Only if you have signs an symptoms
Only if an ‘authorised officer’ can do so
Perfectly healthy people should not be required to do anything
The presumption under the bi-security act is that you are healthy until you are proven sick
You are proven innocent until you are proven sick not the other way around
Some people are saying “for the sake of everyone” That is not how science works or operates
Science works on the identification of risks
If you are a risk then measures can be taken
It can’t be taken on a group
It’s individual not groups
You have to look at it through legality and science
The illegal corporate-government has been peddling dogma not science
We are here to peddle science
Science says we will ask you to do things when you are determined you are a risk
So if your employer says to you you need to be vaccinated you say can’t require me to do so. Are you an “authorised officer”? No
Am I at risk? No
Has a medical practitioner assessed my infectious risk status? No
Have you issued me a bio-conroe order specifying the reasons for everything? No So you can’t require me. You can recommend it but you can not require me to do so Because there is no serious public health risk that I need to mitigate
If you are an employer and have not been “authorised” you do not have the right to make that as policy. Ok?
Policy has to be lawful. It has to be based on the laws Ok There are laws for that purpose
What is constituted by a bio-security order is this. Section 61 of the bio-security act
A human bio-control order that is in force against an individual must specify the following:
The ground on which the order is imposed on he individual
The listed human disease in which the order its imposed on the individual
Any signs or symptoms to be listed to the human listed disease
The prescribed contact information provided by the individual
So you can’t just say I kinda think you have been exposed. No You actually have to identify the person
A unique identifying code for the actual order. It can’t be a generic one that is thrown out by government
Each bio-security measure which the individual must comply with and an explanation of why each bio-security measure is required in relation to anything
Decontamination, examination, body samples, vaccination etc.
Any required information to be included
And the period in which the ‘order’ is enforced which must not be more than three months
In relation to being ‘issued appropriate rights of review”
Which is very important! Rights of Review Ok? We have rights of review in this country and they don’t go away simply because government on this occasion it goes away, No
There is something called the balance and we need to be balanced because we do not have the statistics around us that says jump too an unbalanced state
There are laws and they are just trying to provoke us against each other folks. But there’s laws. Ok It comes back down to laws and none of their lawyers have been able to answer me. OK?
Because there is weight to what I am saying
Ok? You are presumed healthy before you being sick. Ok?
You are not presumed sick and have to ‘prove’ your health
These are archaic laws and archaic thinking. Its dogma!
So you open your eyes and stop being so aggressive!
What are the bio-security measures? What are the things they have to follow these processes for? They can’t require you no one can require you to give contacts unless you have been ordered under a bio-security order
The health status bio-security order
Restricting behaviour bio-security order
Clothing bio-security order
Equipment bio-security order
You don’t tell healthy people to wear masks that is not how we work in this country. It is not how it works
Especially when we are ‘social distancing’ Especially when we have other measures
Especially when we have RCT’s stating their our issues with cloths masks wearing it all the time in the community
And it is not really effective and we don’t have high quality data
Because the government said it, the Equal Opportunity Commission said its ok, so is the police so is the big Bar
Section 88 follow the rules
Decontamination section 90 ongoing examination
Section 91 requiring body samples for diagnosis. Please look this up. Look it up Ok?
Receiving vaccinations so if your employer or university says you are required to be vaccinated. Have I received a bio-control security order? No
Otherwise it is just a recommendation so you tell that to your employer or anyone who is requiring you to be vaccinated or any criteria where you have to be vaccined. Ok?
Your body your choice unless there is an actual reason to be vaccinated or to be medicated a lot of hurdles have to be jumped and your review rights then No!
It cannot be done! Not according to the law
Receiving medications section 93
Section 94 appropriate medical or other standards to be applied
And no use of force! No use of force
Travel and movement measure
Isolation measures pretty well touches on everything that can be done to you
How does that sit with the states? Measures thrown here and there. No consistency with the bio-security act
Lets look at Victoria Section 200 we are doing everything own Victoria forget about lets look at the Public Health and Wellbeing Act.
They are pinning their whole hat on section 200 forget about the rest of the law. No not listening to the laws. Well there are laws
Public Health and Mental Wellbeing Act is a long legislation and there has been recent amendments to bring it into line with the Bio-Security Act
Section 117 and 123 were introduced recently to bring them in line
Section 200 has no been changed since 2008
Lets read them and what they say again Section 117 says you need to issue a person a public health order similar to what a bio-security order says
The Chief Health Officer may having regard to specify in sub-section make public health order if the chief health officer believes that the person may have an infectious disease or has been exposed in an infectious disease in circumstances where the person is likely to contact the disease and where the person is infected with the disease in in serious risk to public health as constituted by the infectious disease or the combination of infectious disease or the likely behave of that person.
It talks about the factors that need to be considered but yet again. You’re healthy until proven until proven sick. You’re not sick until proven healthy. Ok? That’s how it works! That’s how science works! That’s how prevention of disease and how science works and disease management works. Ok? And just because you test positive does not mean that you are infected so get over it! Over it is settled! This point is settled! Ok? In terms of the fact the tests are not actually confirming diagnosis. We need to be told how many people have recovered.
So what’s in a public health order? It must be in writing. Identify the person who the order applies. Specify the purpose of the order. Specify the disease in which the chief medical officer believes the person has been exposed to. Explain why the chief health officer believes the person is infected with the infectious disease or has been exposed to the infectious disease in circumstances where the person is likely to contract the infectious disease.
Specify the period. Explain the persons rights and entitlements under the act and the processes making an application to review under VCAT.
Contain a statement that persons should seek legal advice and explain to the person if they do not comply with the order and the person commits an offence is liable to the penalty not exceeding 120 penalty units. And it goes on in relation to the types of things that you can do including refraining from visiting a place. Residing in specified place, refraining forms of behaviour, submitting to supervision of a person nominated including attending meetings, receiving visitors etc., receiving including prophylaxis including a specified vaccination. Undergoing a specified pharmacological treatment of the infectious disease from registered medical practitioner. and submit to being detained or isolated or detained and isolated as specified. So thank you contradictions in there own legislation! Section 117 is contradicted 200. You don’t just go around wily nily detained everyone and everyone you see fit! It’s not reasonable! It’s not how legislation was meant to be and it’s not how the Bio-Security Act works! Oh it’s an Emergency…anything goes young for old old for young whatever they can do whatever they want.. Science forget about that. And Enforcement orders if you don’t comply there are processes as well and its only then that you can possibly call the police at the end line of that and that would have to be pretty pretty serious. So here are the laws.. this is how they apply… we say the state and territories legislation have to run concurrently with the bio-Security Act and where they are in conflict with where they are inconsistency the Bio-Security Act takes precedence. Ok? So these are the processes. So when you are asked to do something or are required to do something you should ask,
“Have I been issued with the right documentation?“
“Has my infectious disease status been ruled as been having a risk?” and only then do I need to be ordered to do certain things
So yes there are there is a legislative framework in dealing with that and I suggest that you all lookout the closely. Iv given you the Bio-Security Act 2015 and the state of Victoria. There are of course similar provisions that run across all states and territories but it is beyond this capacity of this video.
We will be issuing our information shortly and in terms of the class action we look forward to most Australians signing up for Common Sense! Yes Im going to say it common sense common sense. There are certain things that we should not be fear mongering here. Fear mongering Aahh Daniel Andrews saying Covid is bush fire. How dare you say that Daniel Andrews! How dare you say that as half a billion animals died in the bush fire! Thousands and thousand of people were impacted! We are creating impacts that are not necessary o manage thoughtfully in accordance to our legislation the associated risks without going mad!
The corporation masquerading as a government can do any damn thing it wants to, to its chattels, including those people deluding themselves that they are that which the ‘government’ created.
If it is not making sense to you and you can’t seem to get any relief, then maybe you are barking up the wrong tree.
Believe it or not, all the power is with those people who change the nature of their relationship with ‘government’, claim their inheritance which is theirs by right and stop pretending that they are something the government created.
Or as Confucius said: “it is no use running harder if you are on the wrong road.”
Yes a few of us are working on it. It all makes sense. Thank you for your explanation
check out item 7 at larryhannigan.com.au
The guy has a similar take to me as to the current state of affairs, but his solution is still a dog’s breakfast with no guarantee for success.
His claim that the Constitution of the original Commonwealth is still available to those who claim it is not the way I see it.
My take is that Section 105 and 105A was passed by referendum by the people giving the government the power to deal with the financial emergency, and they formed a trust (reread the cite from that Green Valley court case again), put the peoples’ assets into trust, removed lawful money (of substance thus ceasing all common law) and replaced it with legal tender.
They then lured the people to leave the de jure jurisdiction of the Commonwealth for a bowl of beans, and pretend that they are the creations of ‘government’, specifically the BC is them.
Only trusts are now possible, and guess what, the ‘government’ is using my property, to wit the Birth Registration Statement (or its equivalent), signed and presented by my parents (and my inheritance by right) to underwrite this legal construct.
They owe me!
Note video above censored by youtube available on bitchute just search:
Lawyer Serene Teffaha explains the Law re: Bio-security act
Ok Thanks w3
They hate the truth and they hate being exposed as liars
Common Law – Aron Walton and Christopher James Provide Vital Information To Help Save Your Business
Informed Consent Is Being Denied By State and Federal Gov on The Elderly regarding Cov injection
Emergency VACCINE ALERT edition: Situation Update, March 16, 2021
The mass vaccination of the human population is turning vaccinated people into “super strain” factories who are churning out mutant, deadly strains of coronavirus that may devastate humanity. A top vaccine scientist (Dr. Bossche) is warning that mass vaccinations may create an “unstoppable monster” and that mass vaccinations during the pandemic could transform the relatively harmless coronavirus we first saw (SARS-cov-2) into a deadly “biological weapon.”
The current vaccine, meanwhile, is not only approaching the point of being completely obsolete as viral immunity is quickly achieved; it also permanently impairs the innate immune response to future coronavirus variants, leaving vaccinated individuals totally vulnerable and defenseless against exposure to mutant coronavirus variants.
The current vaccine, meanwhile, is not only approaching the point of being completely obsolete as viral immunity is quickly achieved; it also permanently impairs the innate immune response to future coronavirus variants, leaving vaccinated individuals totally vulnerable and defenseless against exposure to mutant coronavirus variants.
The net result is the very real possibility of a global mass death event that could potentially kill hundreds of millions of people and shatter world economies, governments and entire nations.
Yet the obstinate, arrogant, criminal vaccine industry and its media propaganda pushers are aggressively demanding vaccines for everyone, utterly oblivious to the mass death they are likely unleashing for themselves and others.
In my emergency “vaccine alert” edition of today’s Situation Update podcast, I reveal shocking conclusions from the public documents of Dr. Bossche, found at this link, which spell out a dire warning for humanity. Be sure to also see yesterday’s feature story at NaturalNews.com, which provides important details on all this.
Here’s some of what I cover in today’s podcast:
How the vaccinated will be killing the vaccinated as they all share super strains they breed in their own bodies.
Why healthy people must avoid the vaccinated in order to evade the super strains they are shedding.
How the vaccine industry deliberately set this up as a global depopulation biological weapon system, knowing they could brainwash the gullible into begging for vaccines.
Why it’s already too late to save hundreds of millions of people who may die over the next few years as a result of today’s risky mass vaccination campaigns.
Why innate immunity is vastly superior to artificial vaccine immunity, and why only the “innate” immune people are likely to survive the global super strains created by the vaccines.
What this all has in common with hospital superbugs such as MRSA, c.diff, etc., and how doctors overprescribed antibiotics in the same way they are pushing vaccines today.
Get all these details and more in today’s emergency alert podcast:
CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are secretly vaccinating the “vaccine hesitant”
It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview with Ana Garner
In this interview, Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico. Garner represents her client Isaac Legaretta, an officer at the Doña Ana County Detention Center and a military veteran, who is suing the county over its new policy for first responders to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or face termination. Attorney Garner explains the significance of this case and what is at stake, as it is the first of its kind and may set a new standard for legal precedent regarding mandatory vaccination. Garner says she is prepared to take this case to the Supreme Court if necessary. Spiro and Ana Garner also discuss another case of her’s that is ongoing currently. A case that challenges not only the Governor of New Mexico, but the emergency itself. NM Stands Up! https://nmstandsup.org Show Notes: https://www.activistpost.com/2021/03/…
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[…] “Masová Vakcinácia Vypestuje Nebezpečné Varianty & Zničí Našu Imunitu” — Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD Zdroj Gumshoe News […]
[…] data website predicted plummeting populations, until too many people noticed. Belgian virologist Geert Vanden Bossche and British doctor Vernon Coleman have warned of a potential genocide, as has vaccine industry […]