Home Corona Dire Warnings and MSM Hosts Desperate To Discredit Vaccine Injuries

Dire Warnings and MSM Hosts Desperate To Discredit Vaccine Injuries

Overnight vigil in Melbourne to “Kill the Bill” (footage from real rukshan)

Editor’s note: Two videos as an offering for today.

The first is from Doctor Vernon Coleman, the old man in the chair. I have been following him for over a year, and he says this is his most important video.

Senator Gerard Rennick 

Australian Senator Gerard Rennick slams ‘vaccine’ side effects and declares it inhumane to force a second shot. “Vaccine mandates need to be lifted immediately.”

During an appearance on Sky News, Rennick spoke out for the people who have suffered adverse events from Covid shots. This was reported on Crack Newz:

“Despite the Sky news host trying to silence the Senator, he slammed his government for mandating the experiment mRNA shots, which has caused adverse effects in many people. Furthermore, he called it downright inhumane to force someone to take a second shot if they suffered an adverse event from the first. The Liberal Queensland senator addressed several troubling cases … a 37-year-old Australian female police officer who had a stroke fifteen minutes after receiving the “vaccine.” … a 19-year-old woman who is suffering from blood clots in her legs and lungs… a 31-year-old man paralyzed on one side of his body since September.”

The Sky News host (Tom) couldn’t help himself to try to shut Rennick up by quoting TGA statistics — not realising that doctors and medical practitioners have been threatened by APHRA is they go against the vaccine narrative. How easy has it been to brainwash the mainstream media to stop critical and analytical thought. Below, in the video, are the robots attempting to discredit a senator speaking up for injured constituents.

Source from the ABC sight — a parody called Anti-vaxx Airlines

Blood on your hands” — an 89-year-old woman suffers adverse events.



  1. Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2, Comirnaty) from BioNTech/ Pfizer: 14,002 deaths and 1,266,500 injuries to 06/11/2021

    34,377 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 196 deaths
    37,779 Cardiac disorders incl. 2,050 deaths
    348 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 31 deaths
    17,188 Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 10 deaths
    1,129 Endocrine disorders incl. 5 deaths
    19,593 Eye disorders incl. 30 deaths
    107,066 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 565 deaths
    324,554 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 3,983 deaths
    1,433 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 74 deaths
    13,777 Immune system disorders incl. 72 deaths
    49,517 Infections and infestations incl. 1,517 deaths
    18,101 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 217 deaths
    31,592 Investigations incl. 432 deaths
    8,709 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 243 deaths
    159,698 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 172 deaths
    1,080 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 105 deaths
    217,201 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,500 deaths
    1,753 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 50 deaths
    200 Product issues incl. 2 deaths
    23,195 Psychiatric disorders incl. 171 deaths
    4,438 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 221 deaths
    40,100 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 5 deaths
    54,682 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,568 deaths
    59,950 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 123 deaths
    2,583 Social circumstances incl. 19 deaths
    3,002 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 40 deaths
    33,455 Vascular disorders incl. 601 deaths


  2. The EudraVigilance database reports that through October 19, 2021 there are 29,934 deaths and 2,804,900 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:

    Total reactions for the vaccine AZD1222/VAXZEVRIA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca: 5,973 deaths and 1,065,560 injuries to 06/11/2021

    12,976 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 243 deaths
    18,819 Cardiac disorders incl. 676 deaths
    184 Congenital familial and genetic disorders incl. 7 deaths
    12,521 Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 2 deaths
    583 Endocrine disorders incl. 4 deaths
    18,723 Eye disorders incl. 29 deaths
    101,828 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 306 deaths
    280,708 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 1,426 deaths
    929 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 57 deaths
    4,646 Immune system disorders incl. 28 deaths
    31,579 Infections and infestations incl. 399 deaths
    12,147 Injury poisoning and procedural complications incl. 172 deaths
    23,340 Investigations incl. 142 deaths
    12,279 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 88 deaths
    158,583 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 92 deaths
    607 Neoplasms benign malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 21 deaths
    220,125 Nervous system disorders incl. 937 deaths
    504 Pregnancy puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 10 deaths
    183 Product issues incl. 1 death
    19,750 Psychiatric disorders incl. 58 deaths
    4,004 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 57 deaths
    14,909 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 2 deaths
    37,574 Respiratory thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 707 deaths
    48,852 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 48 deaths
    1,458 Social circumstances incl. 6 deaths
    1,343 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 25 deaths
    26,406 Vascular disorders incl. 430 deaths

      • Listen up conspiracy theorists, I am your imaginary Tom who ran the misinformation interview with Rennick.
        You are all stupid r-soles.
        Just rely on the ABC-and Ray Hadly, Knight, Fordham et.al at ‘our’ foreign owned fake Fairfax, 2GB sydney and allover, as was.
        Just shut up, our advertisers rely upon our integrity and we need our contracted pay, for our services.
        Do not shit in our nest. Got it? Do you miserable peasants have any idea how large our mortgages are?

        • And by the way, do you pissants known how much it costs to dress up our ladies for a plastic media show? On your ‘televised vision’. ( tv for the dumbos)
          We have to impress, it is not easy to con the social media to take pictures of us to fill the plastic media with bs and soak up bs to ignore reality of a global injection scam.
          Bloody hell, bugger, if you all die, how will we make a bs living.
          Oh well, some of us are ‘all in it together’ and dispensable.

          • Actually one of the main signals that alerted me to just how divorced from the real world TV broadcasts had become was the perpetual spectre of greasy stage-makeup,plastic tits, & dumb-arse ugly haute couture. If you really can’t get by without the ABC, radio is a much better option

        • Ned: Damn right, people would rather die or become disabled or see their family member die or become disabled than let go of their vapid western lifestyle.

          I only feel so sorry for the children of these morons; no sympathy for the adults who agree to get jabbed. The jabbed are dragging the sane, the healthy and those who have done even a modicum of their own research and who refuse the injections down into the fascist abyss with them.


    • ‘Friendly advice’ – LOL. A police visit because a politician is upset, definitely a good use of the police force. Then they can use the phony excuse of a ‘firearms inspection’. Those ‘inspections’ can usually find something to create further problems for the license holder. Soft intimidation is all it is. I already got MY firearms inspection just a couple of months ago. No problems, but it let me know I’m on the radar.

      Anybody want to bet that there is another ‘gun psy-op’ in the near future? Probably from some male, White Supremacist, racist, militia, homophobic, misogamist gun nut.

      • Managed by his/her FBI controllers.
        Come to think of iit, where are all the gun toting female white supremeists?
        Right, they use poison🤡
        Have not seen one since Calamity Jane🧨

        • Everyone’s on the radar now not just Jerry Zhulse, and they are dreaming up new laws as fast as they can viz: Dicktator Dan’s Latest Bill. So now Trump would have us chew popcorn until the “State of the Union” address in January, a marathon under which F.J.B. is supposed to buckle. Well fair enough I suppose even though it’s taking 400 generations in mayfly lifespans.

          • T and company, need to have the stupids chew lots of popcorn till it runs out and the audience then have seen and now to starve, till interval and they have to crawl to reseat for the last scene for the distributed ‘cherry rope’ desert.

      • You forgot misologist (or misocosmist)

        Hatred of Facts, Misocosmia, Misologia – by W. Lindsay Wheeler


        (Don’t worry about his underlying dogma, this is a fine essay and you can agree and come to the same conclusions from any number of other baseline positions)

        Misologia – a hatred of argument, reasoning, or enlightenment


        “It is interesting to note that there are a lot of people out there that hate facts. Hatred for facts is a vice of ideologues, socialists, idealists. It is a very dangerous human pathology and it is throughout the academic world.”
        “Hatred of facts is an intellectual vice that plagues mankind and is especially prevalent among intellectuals and ideologues. Reality is of no consequence for some people and these people seem to think that they are above and beyond reality … “

        • Julius, pretty cool to have an upmarket, technical specific word to describe these creatures. I used to just call them ‘crazy’.

        • Interesting the sudden interest in firearms ‘safe-keeping provisions’. Something appears to be up, maybe it is just paranoia on the part of the political class (the masses are getting rebellious, could get serious), maybe it is predictive programming for the masses. Pay attention and don’t trust anything in the MSM.

          I seem to remember that Max Igan bailed on Australia as he sensed something building. He also had a firearm license and I believe he had his safe and firearms inspected after he had ‘punched out’ of Oz.

        • I am going to seek a ‘glum’ licence and look forward to inspections and searches. But I will not need to follow up with a bazooka, although, what is the licence fee and gst for one?
          I will save heaps of time, my wife is a tragic ‘tidier/story upper’. Especially with tools RMs and such.
          So upon inviting the coppers with some warrant to inspect and search, I will ready a list of items my wife has apparently put in their/her right place and for them to locate.
          Oh heaven coppers, this is a very large house to search with a team for a week.
          Do me a favour, somewhere is a kangaroo skin rug with skins sowed by my deceased mum.
          Please, pretty please, anti terrorist coppers, just come and find the kangaroo skin rug. I think my spouse hates it and hidden it somewhere,
          Tea? English breakfast or Bushels, sugar, milk, China cup or mug?
          Give your commissioner my regards and job well done.
          Now I feel warm and snug for Terry’s solar minimum.
          ‘ I shall survive’, heard it in a song somewhere.

          • Ned, I’ve got a fire going in the wood stove warming the place up (I like sitting around in a T-shirt). I wanted something to eat before bedtime, so I put a half-eaten can of corned beef on top of the stove. Just what I needed before bedtime.

    • Once more my response is “what’s new”.

      “It’s been bought to our awareness”:
      The very words that were used re the refusal of my oldest son’s firearms licence application back in 2004.

      The family friend who’d submitted a letter of recommendation was dissed as being, quote, a “continual complainant” and I was fingered as, quote, “having had interactions with the education department” and responding to previous unlawful Po conduct with, quote, “complaints and criticism”

      So far as I’m concerned the more people who wake up the better

      • My son lodged an appeal against the refusal and at the respective hearing the same cop claimed that the same family friend had, quote “written several books about tyranny & anarchy” when in fact the only two books he’d ever written were about medieval story-telling. Eventually we wound sending the following joint complaint to the Po Commissioner:

        “Dear Sir,
        This letter concerns fallacious and defamatory police statements that concern us directly. Copies of relevant documents are attached.

        P. G.: Re the claim of the police memo of 3 November 2004 that quote, “There are also presently neighbour disputes ongoing between Gi and the neighbour on his eastern boundary” , and “My concerns here are that the use of firearms by Berry on Gilet’s property could escalate further complaints from surrounding neighbours’ :
        * The non-violent boundary-fence dispute in question was resolved 12 months before the memo was written. I acted on the advice of the Albany Community Legal Centre and both parties continued to attend the same church. Neither party has a Police record.
        * I have resided at 503 Lower Denmark Rd. since October 2000.The 20 acre lot bordering the western boundary has remained vacant since that time.
        * The occupant of the property situated on the western boundary of the above vacant land owns ‘B” class firearms. He frequently used said firearms on said property as of 3 November 2004 and he has continued to do so.

        I also note that the report includes numerous faulty and disparaging remarks about my property. It would appear that a Police inspection took place without my knowledge or consent sometime during September – October 2004.

        Re pages 34 and 35 of the transcript of SAT CC201/2005, my letter to SAT of 16 May 2005 speaks for itself. In order to vilify me the officer concerned had to turn to invention. In doing so he crossed everyman’s right of political dissent. Therefore I request a formal apology on 2 counts.

        E. B: The above documents both cite “incidents” and “the use of weapons in public” re members of my family. The SAT transcript also records Senior Constable T stating, quote, “the said acts that they were doing” :
        * I confirm that no member of my family has ever possessed or used a crossbow.
        * With respect to the machete confiscated from J on 28 June 2003 and the child’s bow confiscated from 77 Adelaide Crescent on 1 September 2003, I confirm that there was no evidence of use in any public place. I note Police disclosure re the fact that there was no legal basis for the respective confiscations. In effect the officers concerned committed common theft. The time to rectify that has long since past, however, I request a formal recant and apology re the falsehoods.

        In relation to the refusal of SBs firearms application of 13 December 2004, the public Police statement of 2 May 2005 also implies the committal of some sort of offence on my part. Quote, “ It’s also my information that Mrs. B has had interaction with the State Government in relation to the home education of her children” I trust you are aware that it would be impossible to nullify the political implications of such a remark, however, In view of the Hon. J. A. McGinty’s letters to me and the Hon. Alan Carpenter of 8 February 2005, I request a formal apology.”

        We were told that no response could be issued because the respective matters were convoluted with a legally ungrounded prosecution against the same son that was, quote, “currently before the courts”

          • Berry, everybody in Oz has a ‘confidential police file’ (or at least did while I was at the Bar). There can be all sorts of crazy information in that file. I accidentally got access to one page in my Special Branch file and it stated “ASIO indicated at a recent meeting that Shulze was a target re:militia activities”

            LOL, I didn’t even know that Australia had militias. Perhaps it was all the truth telling I was doing. As Orwell stated, “Telling the truth during times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.”

            By the way, you are not allowed to see what is in that file. The file can be tendered in court by the prosecutor for the judge to view, but the defendant is not allowed to view it (let alone produce evidence to refute it).

          • As soon as you let them know you’re not someone to be trifled with wild fantasy takes hold, proof positive of just how divorced from the real world the key personnel actually are. I’m convinced that swinging the situation to one’s advantage is the optimum survival tool – and it really isn’t that hard.

  4. again I share a Cathy Fox link received today–I have been following her for quite a few years– this is her latest article—significant for those who have some background knowledge– and some time


    Also two state funerals in Vic in one week–Bert and James Gobbo—Nicola’s uncle–been doing lots of dot connecting–waiting for the Miracle to come–as Leonard would say

  5. SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro

    “by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity. Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.”


  6. MSM host, quote. “We all know ya d ya……..”
    “We all know ya d ya……..”
    “We all know ya d ya……..”

    Pity he wasn’t asked “So who, exactly, is ‘we’ “

    • When an “interview” is conducted purely for vilification purposes quoting salient facts is like putting pearls before swine.
      Better to turn the attack on it’s head martial arts-style

  7. The vaccines are prolonging the plandemic, intentionally ignoring science truth, in order to enforce permanent crisis. These are the most lethal ‘medical’ intervention bioweapons in history, all people are victims. Public health, media and governments are calling it ‘safe’! It’s BS, drug companies know it’s BS, that’s why they reject all liability. Spike proteins enter the bloodstream, releasing ‘the thing’. If this isn’t mark of the beast, please tell me what is?

  8. Just Slightly Off Topic – Or Not

    It’s a War on Science

    “Therefore, under the rule of tyranny, truth must when possible be snuffed out, otherwise it is contorted until it is no longer recognizable, it is broken into fragments of itself in order to create factions, schools of opposing thought that are meant to confuse and lead its followers further astray.”

    The War on Science and the 20th Century Descent of Man
    • – Cynthia Chung


    Part 1 …
    Who Will Be Brave in Huxley’s New World?


    [Part 3 will discuss the origins of the counterculture movement.]

    • As the headline says, MSM is not reporting any injuries, instead tonight we saw WA Premier McGowan blubbering about how unfair it was he was getting threats merely for wanting to foist millions of dangerous experimental va666ines on citizens, and sabotage their income and career. Many, many very hostile threats. How unfair, why are mad Dicktators always so unappreciated. Probably the jews under Hitler were complaining too. How selfish of them. There is no opposition whatsoever in WA. At the federal level the opposition is Craig Kelly. The communo-fascists led by Elbow are not an opposition, they are just opportunists.
      There could be a massive backlash in WA against the mini-Dicktator and Craig Kelly will reap the benefit of that.
      ALP needs to be smashed, destroyed forever ( writing as a former ALP voter / preferencer actually ).
      I was trying to find another clip but this one will have to do.


    Matthew Ehret lays it all out – current geopolitics and history – everything but saying “E is for Elephant”, but there are enough hints that he is just playing it ‘safe’.

    • The Great Game with Matthew Ehret & V: Breaking out of False Narratives

    He talks about controlling society and civilisation using narratives but won’t quite go near WW II. Nevertheless, he is peerless in his depth of reading and analysis.

  10. And speaking of lists …

    • The Covid Injection Depopulation Perpetrators



    • Larry Fink – Blackrock CEO – Blackrock bought controlling interest in Pfizer in 2019
    • Rob Kapito – Blackrock President
    • Mortimer J Buckley – Vanguard CEO
    • Rochelle Walinsky – CDC Director
    • Anne Schuchat – CDC Deputy Director
    • Sherri A Berger – CDC Chief of Staff
    • Mitchell Wolfe – CDC Chief Medical Officer
    • Jeff Reczek – CDC Director, Washington Office
    • Stanley Erck – CEO President Novavax
    • Serge Weinberg – Independent Director Sanofi
    • Stephane Bancel – CEO Moderna
    • Tal Zaks – Vaccine Creator and Chief Medical Officer Moderna
    • Emma Walmsley – CEO GlaxoSmithKline
    • Drew Weissman – Pioneer in the development of mRNA vaccines
    • Albert Bourla – Chairman and CEO Pfizer
    • Mikael Dolsten – Chief Scientific Officer Pfizer
    • Sally Susman – Executive Vice President, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Pfizer
    • Alex Gorsky – CEO Johnson & Johnson
    • Pascal Soriot – CEO AstraZeneca
    • Zavier Becerra – HHS Secretary (Health & Human Services USA)
    • Alex Azar – HHS Secretary
    • Rachel Levine – US Assistant Secretary of Health
    • Jeff Zients – Biden’s COVID Czar
    • Andy Slavitt – COVID Senior Advisor

    With cameos by:

    • Jonas Salk
    • Jack Lew
    • Alan Greenspan
    • Ben Shalom Bernanke
    • Janet Yellen
    • Robert Zoellick
    • Dominique Strass-Khan
    • Christine Lagarde
    • Jamie Dimon
    • Lloyd Blankfein
    • Bernie Madoff
    • Bob Iger
    • Jeff Zucker
    • Arthur Sulzberger Jr
    • Scott Greenstein
    • Mel Karmazin
    • Sumner Redstone
    • Les Moonves
    • Brad Grey

    … whatever they call themselves

    • please what a load of rubbish there going to round up 1.5million thats the unvaxed in QLd maybe more, off load them to all theses camps that exist where i know of one still under construction. Have you actually thought this thru, to me it seams you are being used to push a subversive campaign of fear maybe the people promoting this are being used to push people into a vaxine and here i thought you understood the tactics of the enemy on this site. Did you stop and think of the economic consequences of such an event your economy would collapse tomorrow, jeez REALLY.

      • If you want to engage in a discussion on an English speaking website you need to learn the basic rules of what’s evidently not being taught in schools i. e. written English.

        There are plenty of on-line courses available

      • Wow that is Woolworths shares tag, a Wall St banks (JPMorgan etc) company.
        There is no contradiction, they can get $2/hour people from anywhere and they will, bogans aren’t required anymore. Silly. Probably starting early next year, when the borders open !!! If someone told you 3 years ago we would go the full fascist in Australia you wouldn’t believe that. If I tell you these plans have been in the making for decades maybe you don’t believe that either. If it was a government promotion / psy-op you would be seeing it on ABC TV.

      • “Did you stop and think of the economic consequences of such an event your economy would collapse tomorrow, jeez REALLY.” – You need to bring yourself up to speed on what is really going on. YES, the kabal really wants to collapse the economy. That’s what the Great Reset is all about.

        There are lots of articles, with supporting documents, videos of the perpetrators and the like on this site. Go back, read the articles, try to break through your cognitive dissonance and understand what is happening.

        You are on the first step to becoming AWAKE. Don’t discount it, explore it – and buckle up your seat belt because the RED PILL is going to freak you out.

  11. Ahhh I heard this morning some very unconvincing Vic parliamentarian speak of the threats to their lives—but then she went on to talk about The Ministry of Loneliness and the need to restructure society.
    Then I listen to WARNING TO QUEENSLAND—if not double “vexed ” you will be very very lonely.

    Gilead as described in the Handmaids Tale–FEMA camps

    • Re above–Loneliness camps for unvax. ed.


      Why we need a minister for loneliness
      Thursday, 25 February 2021

      “In Queensland, a parliamentary inquiry now aims to address loneliness, after COVID-19 lockdowns left many feeling isolated. But it was back in 2018 that an Australian MP, Fiona Patten in the Victorian Parliament, proposed that her state should get its own minister for loneliness. That was well before the pandemic lockdowns in Victoria. Perhaps now is a good time to take Patten up on the idea, whether in state or federal governments.”

  12. Controlling technology with total corruption of military, police and government has given crown zionists absolute power, with a smile that stabs in the kidneys. People will be arrested as terrorists, based on posts, videos, comments and emails, because everything is digitised.

    Pfizer vaccine patent application, 31 August 2021. The purpose to remotely track all vaccinated humans worldwide. Each individual given a ‘score’, that will determine their treatment.

    Ehrlich and Fenster,
    patent and trademark attorneys.
    Dr. Gal Ehrlich
    Dr. Paul Fenster
    Maier Fenster
    Adv. Amit Ehrlich
    Adv. Roy Melzer

    The vaccines technologies patents and lawyers all in one firm.

    HUAWEI Human Captive Bolt Prong Alliance has been formed, with cell phones to track trace diagnose and microwave all participating. It belongs to Huawei Investment and Holding Co.Ltd.
    It is the 5G and smartphone tracking system for global enslavement, one world government.

    Gal Ehrlich is also ceo of IATI. Israel Advanced Technology Industries, the motherload of AI all over the world. In this post-COVID economy crown (corona) Israel will be roadmap to the world, with the CCP as its enforcer, alongside associates from all communist dystopias.

    • Quite right the 5G “microwave-death” story quite likely originates from a globalist think-tank dripped out to some lefty outfit they have infiltrated, the 5G is for tracking and data collection with unprecedented accuracy to take us into “LockStep”. I think the Zionists are little more than faithful servants and probably some type of Hungarian, Armenian, Khazarian whatever claimed jew status to get into banking or some such arrangement. From the way the Israelis are walled in, militarised and injected it looks like they are all to be sacrificed as predicted by the revelations “Armageddon”. I was 80/20 pro-Trump but I am wavering now, he has a lot of “plausibile deniability” with everything he does and he told us all kinds of stuff about 9-11 etc but so does Klaus Swab tell us stuff. Maybe Mein Trumpf has mentioned something about va666ine injuries but I didn’t hear it yet.

    • Patten: Somyurek’s opposition may have ‘blown up’ Victorian pandemic bill
      7,857 viewsNov 18, 2021


      Meet Reason Party leader Ms Fiona Patten –she is the Minister for Loneliness –she has conceded Adem Somyurek’s decision to block the the Victorian government’s controversial pandemic laws may have “blown up the bill”.

      So scripted—–so fabricated— yet so real

  13. I don’t know if this is the same video Dee showed above, but the headline says “Randzie tells FauFau he killed millions of people.” Music to mine ears if it’s really true.

    By the way I think having somebody whack Rand on the back and break ribs has kinda backfired.

  14. Holy Crikey! Diane gave us a link thru Cathy Fox and now I found it direct on YouTube. I am never willing to listen to more that 10 minutes of a video but I have just listened to this one for 2 hours.

    It is by a young survivor of SRA, as articulate as all get-out. I think she said her twitter account is “I lack eyes.” Please follow her.

  15. Find Aussie Cossack interview with Craig Kelly MP re Melbourne and now for Sydney in Hyde Park, sydney, up Pitt street then to the Domain. All approved.
    Wonder if minister Buzzard will be appearing with all the other speakers.
    12 miday, Sat. The ‘unclean’ are also invited.

  16. • Dr. Peter Hammond – The Real Story Of The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation


    Dee, the first 19 minutes might interest you as it is a personal first-hand reflection on South African politics involving Botha and de Klerk. Hammond is particularly harsh on the latter who he calls a traitor against everything (sounds like a Dan Andrews) but all this is quite new to me.

    Explosive exposé on the vaccine industry starts at 20 minutes.

    Peter drops out at 44:00 but ACH continues on with more information and analysis of the official adverse reactions data. Link to Peter Hammond is restored at 51:00.

    (I download – Save Audio – and listen at speed)

    See links to various attachments including The Vaccine Death Report

  17. “Australian College of Nursing CEO Kylie Ward discusses the news that more than 20,000 frontline nurses have quit the profession this year, amid Australia’s COVID-19 pandemic.”
    They are saying very few if any have given up their registration due to injection coercion because the statistics will not show up until next year – can anyone believe the shit they have to talk to keep their job.


    Nurses quitting is at 12:00 onwards, but back at the start:
    “Virtual care of patients who are asymptomatic”
    They are monitoring blood oxygen levels but still no HCQ and IVM, these people are morons, you sit at home with no HCQ or IVM and if you get sick they try to find a ventilator to put you on.

  18. Some music is called for … I think I have these in the order right

    We first get mad …

    • Do you Hear The People Sing – Les Miserables – Lyrics (HQ)

    • The Internationale Modern Rock Pop Version Chinese French – “L’Internationale”

    and then we forgive them (Ivan Ilyin) and/or …

    Then peace at last …

    • Anonymous: Alliluia. Se zhenikh gryadet (Alleluia. Behold the bridegroom) – c. XVIII century

  19. Craig Kelly’s policy platform includes:
    1. NO VA666INE PASSPORTS, abolition of mandatory stuff
    3. a SERIES OF ROYAL COMMISSIONS into crooked politicians:
    Why has Greg Hunt ordered millions of booster shots and $300m worth of crap pills
    Why are we injecting 12 year olds with MODeRNA when they don’t in the US (where they make it)
    Who ordered firing of rubber bullets into unarmed protesters


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