by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Since 1978 I have labored in the fields, namely, the intellectual fields of sociobiology, false flags, mind control, and court corruption. It seems I lack students or followers — no one has said that MM is their mentor. My books don’t get Amazon reviews, and my videos don’t get watched. As I am now old, and want to leave a mark, I am inventing a new field in which I can star.
I call that field ‘Disentanglement.’ Having eyes to see, I can see things going on in my society that others do not see, and will divulge them in this article. I endeavor to specify what’s really there, and differentiate it — disentangle it — from the myths that we unthinkingly accept. As this is a new field, disentanglement, with no one to award titles, I have awarded myself the royal title. I am, from today, Mary Maxwell, Queen of Disentanglement. Hooray!
Useless Eaters
If you are reading this, you are probably a useless eater — at least in the eyes of a minority of humans who believe they are useful eaters. Here is a quote from reader Joe Bogan, commenting under my article “Deliberate Creation of Autism,” at GumshoeNews.com, on 8 July 2023. Bogan (a pseudonym) wrote:
“We know from Dr Rima Laibow and Georgia Guidestones that there has been a plan to eradicate up to about 7 billion useless eaters for a long time and this type of plan would have been embryonic for even longer, (in fact instilled in elites such as Prince Philip) so it only stands to reason that Rockefellers’ Hospital System and allied Big Pharma industries would be interested in any kind of systems including random statistical discoveries for covertly removing useless eaters, sterilising them, disabling them or planting terminal illnesses in them.”
So do the Useful Eaters, aka the elite, need to see a shrink? Are they crazy to think of themselves as entitled to survive, at whatever expense that may cause to others? I don’t think so. I believe the habit of ranking people into worthy and unworthy is natural and normal; we all do it. For that matter, other animals do it, too.
No point your tsk-tsking me. “That’s so uncharitable, Mary. Haven’t you read the UN Declaration on Human Rights?” Oh please.
We have animal brains. The fact that somebody wrote the UN Declaration (and I’ll bet it was a Useful Eater pulling a trick) is not a part of REALITY.
We’re going to need some definitions. I’ll start by saying that our animal habits constitute a source of reality, at least when they are in play. Ah, am I about to claim that our animal habits are always bad? Oh, no. While it is true that the aforementioned Useful eaters — Joe Bogan named Prince Philip — may think unkindly of the Useless eaters, there is not a neat fence between mean people and kind people. We ALL do mean things.
And our animal selves can be kind, too, as indeed many species of animal have some kind habits. Please allow me to make up a fictitious species of animal for discussion’s sake — the Furfrog. Although it does not have language, it has most of our familiar traits. Furfrogs fall in love. They go to war. They shoplift. They flatter. They work busily. They save the young from drowning. Whatever. K?
When the human does those things, it may be REALITY, just as for the furfrog. Or it may be myth. My task is to distinguish the instances in which humans do their animal thing openly, from instances in which their real motive is clouded by the myth of the day.
Do you recall the night in 1991, when Peter Jennings, a TV newsman, introduced us to “shock and awe”? Jennings announced that the “war” with “Saddam” had begun, in Baghdad. The sky was filled with noisy, frightening fireworks. We (Americans) were supposed to be pleased at this new technique. “How clever we are! We don’t just bomb people to death. We precede it with a psy-op, and that will reduce our casualties. Hooray!”
The reality was that we Americans were killing people who had not harmed us. The proclaimed victim was Kuwait, an oil kingdom, which was allegedly “suffering” theft of oil by Saddam, via “diagonal drilling.” I, as an American, was in the position of Useful Eater, declaring the whole Iraqi population to be Useless Eaters. We all do this.
What the Spy from the Galaxy Didn’t See
Note: our animal selves are “reality.” If a spy were sent from elsewhere in the galaxy, with some book-knowledge about animal behavior but none about humans, she’d probably observe humans doing the things I listed earlier (making war, falling in love, shoplifting) as natural behavior for that Homo sapiens species. At first glance, the spy would interpret the Baghdad shock-and-awe thing as part of normal animal war in which one group knocks out the other, in order to protect that group’s wellbeing.
But if she ran into the library and grabbed, say, a book entitled The Haliburton Agenda, by Dan Brody (2004) or the book Sorrows of Empire, by the late Chalmers Johnson (2004), she would find out that the old animal instinct to go to war for protection of one’s group can be manipulated. Entire wars, with millions of deaths (think WWI) can take place to suit the individual needs or desires of a mere handful of people.
So why would soldiers slog it out for those individuals? Because they have been fed the MYTH. Individuals who are big enough, clever enough, wealthy enough, to run wars for selfish gain would make sure the soldiers were fed a line that suited those individual soldiers’ needs. “I’m doing this because my country needs me.” Or “The US is required to act as world policeman when humanitarian issues arise.”
Plus, the set-up of the post-conscript all-professional US Army has room in it for selfish concerns to be stated outright: “I’ve volunteered for a tour of duty in Iraq because it will hasten my promotion and pay rise.”
Really, though, the thing that keeps the soldiers marching off to war is that it is an established routine. Much of what humans do arose from culture (which arose from our animal instincts) and takes on a life of its own. Members of society rarely question it. In general, that’s a good thing — who’d have time to re-think everything? The brain of a young human is wired to see life around him as the norm. Even if he lives in a village where all the people are doing something fairly nutty, it won’t look nutty. “It’s what we do.”
Reality and Stickness
During the aforementioned “war” in Iraq in 1991, a wealthy, military-age Kuwaiti man said “We don’t need to fight. Our American slaves will do it or us.” The media published that remark, yet it did not spark a mutiny. I chalk that up to what I will call ‘stickness.’ Imagine a few soldiers feeling very ticked off about being called ‘slaves.’ What could they do? Could they call off the war? Could they go tar and feather the Kuwaiti man who had insulted them?
Most such logical responses would not appear doable. Think of the giant structure that would stand in the way of our troops calling off the war. It’s the same structure that a citizen faces when he perceives any political wrong — even when a large group of citizens seem determined to fight the system. Recently, some school districts introduced “sex for kids.” Moms and dads went berserk. Then, “government” came out with such doozies as “Parents who protest at school board meetings are terrorists.”
I apply the word stickness to the way in which those parents won’t win. An interested party — the one who wants kids to be sexualized — has got a lot going for him, by way of control of politicians and police. That will help him succeed. But two other components of stickness will contribute. One is the broader public’s unwillingness to get involved — people are timid. We follow submissively. So the angered parents at the school board meeting won’t turn into a national groundswell. The other factor of stickness — by which a bad policy sticks — is media.
I think it’s been established for decades that the voice of our society is the voice of the persons who get to be heard, broad-cast. Television began in the 1950s. (My family bought a black-and-white TV around 1962.) In addition to the fact that some TV people deliberately attempted to make us believe certain specific things, there is the fact that our brain is wired to hear the voice of society all around us. All it takes is a few repetitions of “Colgate toothpaste is wonderful” for it to be a reality in our brain. Of course Colgate is wonderful — everybody knows that it is.
Will the Useless Eaters Survive?
Your basic queen of disentanglement advises that we try harder to focus on the interplay of reality and myth. So far, I have offered a picture of reality as that which human do as animals. Recall the fake species, the furfrog. Its behavior, its choices, can’t be based on myth, as the furfrog brain doesn’t do myth stuff. It can’t construct a story (“Moms and dads at schoolboard meetings are terrorists”) because the neuronal connections just aren’t there for that sort of thing.
However, I am not trying to limit human reality to stuff that can be seen under a microscope as being nature-based or instinctive. Rather, I am trying to point out the occasions (millions of occasions) in which what we say (“Gotta fight for Kuwait because Iraq’s Saddam is such a rotten fellow”) is a myth.
Conceivably, the myth of the US being the world’s policeman could have some merit — if our society were skilled at measuring truth. But we are lousy at measuring truth. We don’t try to measure it. Folks, in general, are happy to accept a silly feel-good statement about the motive for fighting a foreign war. Dissenters will be snubbed. (And I should know.)
Now back to Useless eaters.
The demographic situation of our species is not good. We quadrupled from 2 billon to 8 billion in a mere century without considering Earth’s capacity to be the habitat for such a large and polluting bunch. In future, we should aim for a lowering of that number. In fact, this gets taken care of automatically by the fact that women have started to want fewer children. A government could also try to control births: China took the surprising step of issuing a one-child policy, for that country only.
Today we hear that the Elite, aka Useful eaters, want to get rid of the majority of us. It is noteworthy that when this is mentioned, people don’t get “up in arms.” Sophisticated writers make a humorous point of it. Some people get depressed by it. Most take the typical path of fleeing from the very thought of such a horrible thing. “Let’s go to the beach.”
Don’t you think it is crazy that the majority is not discussing how to go to war, as it were, against this newly identified enemy? Well, no, you don’t think it’s crazy, thanks to ‘stickness.’ When TV says Colgate is wonderful, that settles the matter. When people say the global leaders are going to wipe us out, oh well, ho hum, that’s interesting. Plus, in this instance, since the threat is so novel, one feels embarrassed to raise it as an issue. “Oh, come on, have you been reading too much conspiracy theory?”
Stickness is reigning supreme. Now I hear you murmur “What is Mary Maxwell going on about? Many people are arguing strongly against the globalists — for example, Catherine Austin Fitts does it very well. Mary’s not introducing anything new.” Yes, I am! Yes, I am! And please call me by my right name: Mary, Queen of Disentanglement.
I am saying that it’s something new under the sun that a tiny group is set to murder as many people as they can. I’m pretty sure I know their real motive — they have to dominate us physically in order to save themselves from the gallows (or from the lamppost, as GHW Bush once said). The Useful eaters’ animal instinct has warned them to avoid trouble. “Just slap ’em down, accuse them of misinformation, give ’em as many booster shots as is feasible, kill any bigwigs who spill the beans. We gotta prevail.”
That’s perfectly normal and natural — I bet you do it, too, on a small scale. But whatever our mechanisms of accepting such abuse from the Useful eaters, we had better face the music a.s.a.p. They ARE killing us with medicines. They ARE poisoning the rivers. They ARE sexualizing children. They ARE planning a food shortage. You know Stalin and Mao starved to death tens of millions of their own people, right? But both of those leaders lived to old age. S’far as I know, they did not suffer so much as a punch in the jaw from their victims.
And why is that so? [Pause, pause.]
Go to the head of the class if you’ve figured it out.
Hint: It rhymes with “grickness.”
That’s the sum of it.
Useful eaters philosophers believing they can bask in fruits of their labour, the “trans human era”, served 24/7 by artificial insanity and AI chipped slaves.
Wake up and get out of this wicked system, if you can. Try to achieve self sufficiency, because all governments and politicians are controlled by banksters secret disorder.
5G is on, and somehow we need to ease addiction to iPhones. They track every keystroke whilst fishing for young innocents,
as AI checks all posts and eliminates those not “woke” with the progressive communist dystopia.
It’s a journey ahead, these are challenging times. Keep heads up and trust Almighty above all.
Sydney 2050, as Diane says we a closed off beta experiment and every step backwards by design. Ironically overseen by useless eaters
Above post for Tony and Mary and me
What about writing your memoirs Mary. Start when you met Dee – your life before gumshoe and what has transpired in your life in the past 10 years
Your story from Fred Fictitious always resonated with me
Mind control experiments–play around with the bodies electro magnetic field–changes the brain—
“The Gateway Reports describes “the Absolute” as the primary force of energy within our Universe, but it is all of that energy and en masse. It is the force responsible for powering our entirety in this hologram of the Universe. The report sets the stage by describing our “cosmic egg” or universal hologram as a massive spiral that flows continuously. Intertwined somewhere between this Absolute energy and what we perceive as our own reality are an endless number of dimensions. The last line before delving into the long-missing page 25 of the report described “the Absolute” as the ceiling of this universal conglomeration of energy and existence.
“The Institute now continues with similar studies, especially experimenting with the concept of “Hemi-Sync,” or hemispheric synchronization, which focuses on achieving equal balance in the frequency, electrical brain patterns, and amplitude present in both the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
Matrix, Duplicated ‘Population’ Simulation Argument Extensive Evidence & Original Research/Investigations
This Site Presents Extensive Evidence that we are in a Duplicated Copied Simulation/2 Bodies Interfaced Together Matrix Reality Combination”
Who Is Our Creator? David Icke Exposes The Simulation Architect | ROSE/ICKE 7: The Trap
This might be part of the equation Joe was referring to-the holographic universe a place/a dimension where torture victims escape to- a place of insanity
Yep… “Stickness is reigning supreme.” so sticky… that despite vax deaths Qantas has refreshed their vax mandates…
We are living in a mental institution called Earth,,.
” They ARE killing us with medicines. They ARE poisoning the rivers. They ARE sexualizing children. They ARE planning a food shortage.” And INFECTED the brains of at least 5 Billion…
I mean if this was a real world … Schwab would be in the institution. I keep asking myself “is this possible”
I’m a cotton picker on Schwab’s plantation here in Stockholm. He is a VERY nice overseer.
(Is that what you meant by INFECTED, Dee?)
from Qantas, retrieved July 13, 2023:
“If you’ve been vaccinated in Australia, and you’re required to provide proof of vaccination for travel, you must show the Australian Government-issued International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (ICVC) when checking in at the airport. Your domestic proof of immunisation from Medicare will not be accepted.”
Oopsies, what if you are abroad and you still call Australia home?
I was going to comment on Dees ” “Stickness is reigning supreme.” so sticky…”
to my fragmented mind sticky gets a dissociated identity response from rituals -semen is sticky it is a trigger word -semen–attachments–introjects–implanted entities.
But I received this overnight and my Military trained parts require I post it.
“This week, the 31 member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) met in Vilnius, Lithuania. Ukraine’s status as a potential 32nd member was high on the agenda, but the growing rifts within the Alliance produced few tangible commitments.
While the media focused on whether the US and UK thought that Ukraine was sufficiently “grateful” for the many billions in military aid the country has received, NATO doubled down on its dangerous vision of a polarised world that reasserts its role as global policeman.
As in Madrid in 2022, the 28 European, two North American and one state that straddles Europe and Asia (Turkey) were joined by the governments of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand at the Summit. At last year’s meeting, the Alliance articulated a sweeping vision of a “Global NATO”, which the Progressive International Cabinet condemned in a statement. The new Cold War, the statement warned, risks not only direct confrontation with Russia or China, but could also turn third nations “into sites of indirect proxy conflict, creating new ‘sacrifice zones’ in the name of security for those who are last to bear the brunt of war.”
This year, the invitees from outside the North Atlantic and the communiqué the NATO states issued at the Summit doubled down on the organisation’s strategic posture outlined at last year’s summit: China’s “stated ambitions… challenge [NATO] interests, security and values” necessitating a NATO pivot from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
The Chinese government condemned these pointed criticisms in NATO’s communiqué. “NATO, having destabilized Europe, must not try to destabilize Asia-Pacific and the world,” the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. “More than 30 years after the end of the Cold War, NATO — as a legacy of the Cold War — remains trapped in a zero-sum mindset.”
NATO insists that it is a defensive alliance. But its bloody record — including the unprovoked full-scale wars against Afghanistan and Libya — contradict that position. Now, with plans for NATO Liaison Offices from Japan to Jordan, it is clear that NATO’s expansionist agenda does not stop at Europe’s borders. Indeed, NATO’s communiqué ominously warned that it would now seek to combat foreign influence in what it calls its “southern neighbourhood”, Africa and the Middle East, where NATO has a sordid colonial history.
The drive towards and perils of a new Cold War should be clear for all to see. The nations of the world now spend over $2 trillion annually on armaments — with the US accounting for nearly half of that amount. As tens of thousands die on the battlefield, precious resources are being diverted from the great challenges facing humanity: hunger, poverty, illness, and climate change. With the threat of nuclear annihilation looming over our societies, the imperative to challenge NATO’s agenda of war has never been greater.
As the Cabinet stressed in last year’s statement: “Lasting peace can only be won by a common security framework that does not allow for the domination of one country by another, or one bloc over any other — but rather succeeds to demilitarise the planet, fight its poverty and pool common resources to secure social and environmental justice. In standing against these existential priorities, NATO has revealed a preference for domination over the imperative of our survival.”
In solidarity,
The Progressive International Secretariat
A Scott Ritter Investigation: Agent Zelensky – Part 1
THAT should be the primary focus
Constantly allowing it to get eclipsed by what’s currently bad and wrong just engenders a warped perspective of the situation – in fact it makes one just as oppressed as the deniers
Why NATO Refused Membership to Ukraine | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Sorry for the diversion from your article and “The Concept of Stickness” -that word is doing my head/my mind in— I looked up stickness in dictionary and got referred automatically to wikipedia and got the whole comedy series of “in sickness and in health” along with the series “Till death do we part”
It also tells me that all the episodes are still available.
Is the English Language being used as a weapon of mass destruction —
Programmers use the reverse Kabbalah to control their slaves.
The many versions of the Bible Babble 0n
I can now understand what you mean by ‘stickness” thank you Mary Queen of Disentanglement— I think I met this Queen at the Adelaide Fringe Festival.
Makes me think of the Mad Hatters Tea Party
“I apply the word stickness to the way in which those parents won’t win. An interested party — the one who wants kids to be sexualized — has got a lot going for him, by way of control of politicians and police. That will help him succeed. But two other components of stickness will contribute. One is the broader public’s unwillingness to get involved — people are timid. We follow submissively. So the angered parents at the school board meeting won’t turn into a national groundswell. The other factor of stickness — by which a bad policy sticks — is media.”
Again apologies for my ravelling and unravelling and causing disruption to your story.
I feel a painting coming on.
I watched a most amazing documentary last night a wonderful diversion about how spinifex resin is gathered melted and used to attach stones and barbs to make tools and weapons. Very sticky.
One night while living in the desert I got an unexpected visit from an old Law Man a Proud Pintup Senior Law Mani travelling in convoy -heading off for ceremony, he needed frozen Kapi -water kuka-meat and red wool. As he was leaving he saw my swag and signalled he would like it –I hesitated and then agreed–somewhat reluctantly – he happily gathered it up and headed off into the night—half an hour later knocks on the door again woken from sleep.
There he was Tjakamarra with a gracious smile holding a woomera-a spear thrower–a gift for me to give to Tjapangarti my son. He pointed to the resin that attached to the barb and said–“proper one that one–not bubble gum –Spinifex that one”.
Thank you Mary for enabling me to share that memory.
“Proud Mary keep on rolling rolling on the river”
Well, Diane I couldn’t have foreseen that outcome to my making up the word “stckness.” I must say it is not a very useful word. Dee did not want to go forward with this article till I fixed it, but I begged for speed as I have already written Parts 2 and 3. I did promise her I will refashion “stickness” later.
As for someone knocking on your door in the desert I think you mean “putative door,”
I have a spear story for you, Diane. There is a doc in Toronto, Mark Trozzi, who is beng beaten like Pridgeon. He says hundreds of docs have lost medical license over the jab. Trozzi is humble and not trying to steal the show. At the end of his talk, a panelist said “Mark, you are our hero, you are the spear, you are the point of the spear.”
Thank you Diane and Mary
Vale Tina
Wow thank you Sandra.
Yes Vale Tina- what a Victorious Performance.
She makes us all Proud.
The Rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane / plain–I think I get it– my god she gets it
Posted 12h ago12 hours ago, updated 7h ago
related to sticky —aka —glue
Australia’s energy transition is sparking a search for the new ‘glue’ to hold the system together
By energy reporter Daniel Mercer
Posted 12h ago12 hours ago, updated 7h ago