by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Vernon Coleman is known as “the old man in the chair” and was once known, through BBC coverage, as THE authority on vaccinations. For the last year, the BBC has not let him speak but he has been lecturing the public, on Bitchute and
My late husband, George Maxwell (MD, Edinburgh ’54) was the founding professor of Paediatrics at the University of Adelaide — a completely sensible man, as Scots tend to be. I am sure if he were alive today he would be giving the same angry speech that Dr Coleman is giving on this video.
In fact it is the same angry speech I am giving, with no medical training whatsoever but with legal training. I know homicide and genocide when I see it. The proposed program of jabbing kids with the mRNA “vaccine” is murder in the second degree, maybe in the first degree.
Arrest all the persons doing it. Citizen-arrest them if necessary. (That is LEGAL). Strike them down if they come at your child. For the umpteenth time, I quote the 1987 Australian High Court decision in Zecevic v DPP:
“The question to be asked in the end is simple. It is whether the accused believed upon reasonable grounds that it was necessary in self defense to do what he did. If he had that belief and there were reasonable grounds for it, or if the jury is left in reasonable doubt about the matter, then he is entitled to an acquittal.”
Is that clear enough for you? Since when did we have to let anyone harm us? Is there a chance that the injectable substance is NOT harmful? No. It has definitely harmed thousands already, and had killed people even during the so-called clinical trials.
So why are some respectable people supporting it? Because they are either ignorant or mentally ill. I’m leaving out the ones who are actually malicious. Folks can’t take it into their nog that doctors or even health-industry administrators cold be malicious. So lets’ just go for the stupid or nutso categories.
Coleman reads you the documents from UK’s National Health Service that says that parental permission will be sought before the 12-year-olds are jabbed, but if the parents don’t give the permission the kid will be jabbed anyway. Therefore he says: keep the kids at home and lock all the doors.
Thank God someone has finally put it into the correct words. Recently when Australia’s remote communities in the Northern Territory were being raided and invaded by military personnel armed with syringes, I said we should not call this “a human rights matter” or an indigenous people’s issue. It is plain crime. I’ll spell it: C-R-I-M-E.
Oh, but if an Australian soldier does it, isn’t that automatically not criminal? NO. Of course not. Crime is crime. Homicide is homicide. And anyway, note that Canberra said some of the soldiers will be “allied” persons such as Indonesians. You can guess that this is in case the Aussie soldiers chicken out.
Quick Background for the Uneducated
Those of us who read the dissident press have an advantage, and we want to share it with you. If you watch regular TV news or read the mainstream press, you are getting the wrong story. Here is a very quick list of things — indisputable things already admitted to by insides — that will surely make you reject the vax/ (and I am sorry if you have already got the vax, but for the sake of the kids please hear me out):
*1. This genocide was planned years ago. It is intended to reduce the numbers of humans.
*2. In addition to genocide, the “scientists” are playing God — they are “improving on” human DNA. In fact the Pfizer and similar vaccines are ones which will cause changes to DNA, putting at risk our species characteristics. Think about it. They are proud of it.
*3. All in favor of what cause? To save us from disease? No. The total number of deaths from all causes in May 2018 was the same as the total deaths from all causes in May 2020 at the moment TV reporters (and politicians) were making deceptive statements about a roaring pandemic.
*4. Among the sneaky and disgusting things done to get doctors to play into the false story was a heap of government money. For example, hospitals got bonuses for writing Covid as the cause of death on death certificates even when it was something else. And there was a payment (I think through Medicare) to reward doctors with thousands of dollars for every person they put on a ventilator.
*5. The lockdowns are, of course, meaningless. Everything about the PPE and social distancing is a joke. It is part of conditioning us to be obedient. Consider how conditioned a teacher or school principal must be these days to allow the new regime of jabbing kids AGAINST parental permission. A few years back that would have been unthinkable.
*6. The closure of small businesses was to impoverish the owners and let a few monopolies take over. This is called The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab at “the world economic forum” in Switzerland. Any “rights” of the small owners are imaginary.
*7. Respectable doctors who report the wrongheadedness of the official Covid treatment get censored and “cancelled” on the Internet; lawyers who try to assist get disbarred and smeared.
*8. Another part of the plan is for your brain to become tied into artificial intelligence. You won’t have free will anymore. (Look up “transhumanism.”)
*9. Furthermore, the “vaccine passport” is a social-class passport that will distinguish between people who have rights such as the right to buy food, while the rest will find that their bank account has been reduced to zero.
*10. Fear is the name of the game. I say: Stop being fearful and start being angry. Way to go, Dr Coleman:
The Path Not Taken-DarkHorse Podcast with Dr Peter McCullough-myocarditis in children
Rosa Koire-UN Sustainable Development Agenda.
As usual a passionate talk from a compassionate patriot. A real doctor!
I am just sharing this interview with CJ Hopkins again
• Der Weg in die totalitäre Dystopie – CJ Hopkins im Gespräch
because of a particular passage from 24: 44.
I have copied out the transcript – it was very messy with ums and aahs and I have cleaned it up somewhat so you can get the gist … but please do listen along.
Gunnar Kaiser: “… but you still have this hope that all these little steps can add up to something which changes the situation. “
CJ Hopkins: “I’ll tell you the truth – I don’t know if it’s hope – but I just I don’t know how to stop. You know – I don’t know what I would do – you know – if someone is attacking you – you fight back – you fight back and – that’s what this is to me – this is an attack on society. I mean look at what has been done to society over the past … 16, 17, 18 months. It’s an attack and to me it doesn’t really matter whether I can win or not. [GK: There’s no choice for you.] It doesn’t matter – if someone is attacking me – okay maybe he’s going to kill me because maybe he’s stronger than me, has better weapons than I have – [GK: but maybe if I obey he leaves me alone.] This is just not an option – you know it’s it’s I I you know you, what you’re talking about is – you know – maybe if I just – become his slave – then he won’t kill me – and and you know – to me when I become his slave I’m dead already you know – I’m worse than dead.
Mary and Dee that is you both to a T – thank you both for your inspiration. Submitting is not an option.
“experimental drug” – a good example of the use of planted language – they give us the language and we use it (even the marvelous Dr Coleman). They are not ‘experimenting’ to see if this ‘drug’ ‘works’ on something. This is NOT an experiment.
Dunno, Julius, In yesterdy’s article about Vermont, they discussed “terminal experiments” on mental patients. I am pretty sure they did not feel excited about knocking off 2,285 “nobody’s.” They were getting the dosages right to use on … um… on me und thee.
• Australia: Regulator Waves Through Experimental Injections for Children 5-11 yrs old
Good news, from The Hill:
“Wednesday evening, the Senate passed a resolution to nullify President Biden’s vaccine mandate, as Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) voted with their Republican colleagues against Biden’s measure.”
It’s already been proven that the Biden administration does not listen to court rulings.
IMO David Martin has done a formidable job following the patents/$$$ and his interview from about 38m on covidrevealed doesn’t disappoint. Save viewing time by watching at 1.5 speed. Rational, intelligent and encouraging…Choose Humanity!
Btw the whole series is good.
Personal note: lots of like-minded groups coming together, engaging & joining the rallies is great encouragement that we are not losing the battle. Praise be!
Ahem. For those of us in the back row, Famanda. How does one speed up the viewing of a video?
Find the cogwheel ‘Settings’ icon (usually lower right – in a couple from the extreme right). You will need to hover the mouse over the area to cause the controls to pop up – time, volume etc. You will see ‘Captions’ on top – ‘Quality’ – and ‘Speed’ at the bottom – go for x2 and back off for comfort.
if youtube Mary, click the little wheel ( gear ) icon just left to the word youtube down the bottom right, and you will get a list of options including playback speed.
thanks for another great article.
Handsome bloke was George. 👍 – as soon as the opportunity presents itself, Im gonna arrest someone.
Dear Famanda, thanks anyway. Our techie boys are on the case.
Mr Dinkum, thanks for the compliment of George. He was not only handsome but very kind. His secretary told me that children never cried in his office. How’s that for amazing? (On the other hand, one of his med students said they used to break out in a cold sweat if Prof entered the ward and they had not done everything correctly….)
I hope your arrestments go well. If cops try to haul you away from your quarry, just counter-arrest them. “Officer Smith I’m arresting you for felonious kidnap. You don’t gotta say nuttin, but lemme tell you, Bud, whatever you do say is going to fly in your face in court, right smack dab whammo.” (That takes care of the Miranda’s rights type thing.)
Here’s Wikipedia’s bit about Vernon Coleman:
And here’s a rebuke of said site by one of the founders
Vernon Coleman – “… conspiracy theorist, anti-vaccination activist, AIDS denialist,”
“denier/denialist” – don’ t they love that ad hominem!
Well done berry for figuring out wikifakia – never too late to stop citing them (or watching pornflix). When we find common ground I get a warm fuzzy feeling.
More on the beloved Vernon Coleman in a few moments.
thanks Berry + Julius, – I often share stuff only to have people respond saying… ohhh look.. that person is such a nutter! etc.. ( of course – they are telling the truth, they have no other option but to denigrate! )
re your post above Julius about language.. it can be subtle, yet dangerous.
hoping im not upsetting the doc here by preaching to the converted, but someone did send me this – maybe youve all seen it already, its a wall of text, but i wont edit it.. so, verbatim.. here tis.
“This is speaking to me today. My name is xxxx I am Vaccine FREE. Coercion FREE. I am FREE I received this from the daughter of a friend and thought I would share. The right words can have an impact on how we perceive pretty much everything. A word or two can make the difference between a “pre-owned car” versus a “used car.” Which car would you prefer? I think it’s high time we changed the perception about ourselves by changing our language about ourselves. Up till now, those of us who want to remain in our normal health state have been derisively known as “The Unvaccinated.” And, what’s even worse, we have been naively cooperating by labeling ourselves the same as those who scorn us! It’s time to stop that nonsense!! Here’s why. The word Unvaccinated in our context implies “lack.” The impression given by the term is that those who refuse the injections have (or are) “less than” those who take the injections. We are wrongly perceived as either sadly or stubbornly deficient or defective — even dangerous — because we lack a drug in our bodies that, in itself, is proving to be defective. How ridiculous! Do you feel a sense of lack? Let’s look at some “UN” words to prove my point: Unenlightened. Unmarried. Unemployed. Unclean. Unattractive. Unhealthy. Uneducated. Undesirable. Unaware. Uncooperative. Uncaring. Uninformed. Unvaccinated. Get the point? Now, I propose we reinvent the perception of ourselves; one we can cheerfully announce without putting people off and also get them thinking. By this change, we can plant seeds of positivity around our informed and intelligent choice, change perceptions and the narrative and, perhaps, change minds and hearts and even increase our ranks. From now on, let’s see ourselves truthfully as “vaccine free” individuals — because that is what we are: mentally and physically free. If someone asks if you’re vaccinated, cheerfully reply to them with a smile, “I’m vaccine free,” or “I’m happy to say, I’m still vaccine free.” Practice saying it and writing it; YOU are no longer wearing the scarlet letter of UN, my friend. Think of saying I’m vaccine free as similar to the positive feelings around these words: Sodium free. Gluten free. Pesticide free. Static free. Phthalate free. BPA free. Hormone free. Fat free. Hassle free. Sugar free. Tax free. Allergen free. Stimulant free. Preservative free. Drug free. Now let’s convey the same positive note about the empowering choice we have made for ourselves. Make saying “I’m vaccine free” a habit. Free is the operative word. And, please share this with all the vaccine-free people you know. Spread the good news. We are Vaccine FREE. (With thanks to K.G. Wordsmith Warrior) Please feel free to share… just change the beginning to your name. Much love”
PS, you were already oiling Marys gears while I was still reading obviously 🙂
hehehe after seeing words like ‘illegal aliens’ reduced to things like ‘undocumented immigrants’ years long since passed ago I like your post, Fair.
Fair, there used to be a popular booklet called “Car-free in Boston,” that showed you how to get around on public transport.
It wasn’t sugar-free though. It led you to where you could buy a chocolate orgasm at Quincy Maket (in Fanueil Hall; on the Red Line).
Thanks for the nice advice about vacine-freeness.
If questioned, my answer: I am pre vaccinated, and leave it at that 😉
Re Vernon Coleman (I really do like him as one of the good guys) …
Who’d have thought that just six years ago I was jolted awake to the fact that EVERYTHING being reported about Syria on ABC, BBC etc was a LIE – the ’civil war’ turned out to be an orchestrated ‘regime change’ operation using proxy terrorists (I have no idea how these people get recruited into believing they are fighting for a cause but that is a whole other topic) – the ’chemical attacks’ were all false flags, and Trump, naturally, was only too happy to respond with missile attacks on Syrian government targets. The (proxy/failed state) US continues its military occupation of Syria to achieve genocide of the Syrian people by destroying their immediate food supply chain (burning crops due for harvest) and introducing defective genetically modified [Monsanto/Bill Gates] wheat varieties, while their masters in Israel have lost their patience and continue their regular attacks against civilian targets, the latest being the shipping container storage areas in the port of Latakia.
Who would have thought that the events in Syria brought me to question and investigate Putin and Russia today and took me back through Russian history and up through the Bolshevik takeover of Russia [“they hated Russia” and Russians – Solzhenitsyn] and on to the mega-mass murderer Stalin [references available].
And of course once you get to Stalin, you cross paths with Hitler and Germany. WWII has become something of a singularity – all paths lead up to it and all more recent events lead back to it.
Everything of historical significance both before and since WWII is a proven
conspiracy theoryLIE. So why should the ‘official narrative’ about WWII be a beacon of truth in this continuum of lies?I can hear several regular commenters screaming out “yes, we agree about all that other stuff – COVID, the War on Terror, the destruction of seven countries in five years, 911, Port Arthur, the USS Liberty, bombing of the King David Hotel, plots to murder millions in Europe by poisoning the water supply etc etc – even the origin and details of WWI were obscured (babies on bayonets) – – – but the official WWII narrative is still singularly True! Before WWII there was no eugenics movement, no medical experimentation by anyone, anywhere, there was no propaganda and mass psychosis, there were no secret societies and the freemasons were a benign charity group that built children’s playgrounds – and the Federal Reserve was created just so that people could receive money and be happy. Everything was just peaceful, fine and dandy … until the N-word and the H-word.”
I am quite a fan of Dr Vernon Coleman, amongst others. Even some that are ‘controlled opposition’, possibly including David E Martin – Henry Makow – Chomsky – ?Chossudovsky – ??Matthew Ehret – ???Putin are worth listening to to accumulate a portfolio of objective information.
I trust Vernon Coleman and his message absolutely. What a shame that, like so many others, he has to fall into the well constructed ‘MKUltra’ trap of projecting the attribution of all ‘evil’ back on to the victims of WWII. This is why they continue to get away with it, and maybe this is why people like Vernon are tolerated and allowed to survive on the internet – as long as they don’t draw attention to the proverbial elephant.
So who would have thought that by overplaying their hand in Syria, they have brought me to reading the likes of Ron Unz, James Bacque, John Wear, Gerard Menuhin, Gumshoe News – and Hitler’s speeches.
“The National Government will therefore regard it as its first and foremost duty to re-establish the unity of spirit and will of our Volk. It will preserve and defend the foundations upon which the power of our nation rests. It will extend its strong, protecting hand over Christianity as the basis of our entire morality, and the family as the germ cell of the body of our Volk and State. – AH“
At least Hitler tried to protect and preserve Christmas – and Christians as a whole.
Of course as they accelerate the normalisation of paedophilia I can understand that there are Sabbatean/Marxist-leaning detractors who will find this concept abhorrent.
And of course if you are into the kabbalah and not into loving and respecting your neighbour as a fellow human you might find these messages extremely caustic – like sunlight or garlic to a vampire … or ‘hate speech’ to a rapist and murderer.
Julius, speaking of preserving Christmas (and what would you Aussies know, with yer sunburns and barbecues), the trick this year was for Christmas to be totally watered down by its early arrival. I saw Xmas trees in shops by later OCTOBER. And everbody did it, proving that the word need only come from one top source.
“They” really do know human nature. I am sure they could see how the feeling of Christmas would be cancelled merely by taking it out of its December context. The way for us not to be fiddled with, is for us to learn and teach these fine nunces of human nature.
Juliet Schor, an economist at Boston College once said that kids today are taught (no doubt “online”) to make a demand of a Mom up to 50 times, so she will cave in and grant it. If I were a Mom, I would teach that trick openly to my kids. I’d say “OK, you want new ice skates. You’ve already asked me 6 times. Let’s mark it on the fridge calendar to see how long I can hold out.”
I also think, per your subtle wailing about WWII, that everything should be on the table. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. All sides of the story, including research and prejudices, on the T-A-B-L-E.
And you’re just the one to do it, Fish.
(Chomsky and Chossodovsky, yes, controlled.)
cant wait for december 26.. thats the date easter eggs are up for sale in the supermarket..
gram for gram, must be the worlds most expensive cheap chocolate.
I refuse to pay more that $4 per 200 g (the double chocolate gram-dollar rule).
Personally I like the easter egg chocolate that tastes like armpits. jk
Just avoid cadbury, especially the big ‘value’ block, at least. And if you really must buy the ‘snack’ block, the small 55g bars have better quality chocolate than the junk in the 200g block.
And don’t try the ‘chocolate ripple’ bikkies in arnotts family ‘value’ pack, unless you like the taste of burnt coffee. The others just have no flavor.
And a couple of years ago I made the mistake of reliving the taste of ‘froot loops’. Sugar loops, more like.
Don’t get me started on ‘coca cordial’…
Kids …
The person who introduced me to Gumshoe also mentored me with this quote (thanks idig) …
“Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one’s self-esteem. That is why young children, before they are aware of their own self-importance, learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.”
Thomas Szasz, author, professor of psychiatry (1920-2012)
I dread the thought of future human offspring being raised like caged lab mice – the limit of their IQ will be their experience.
There will be no libraries or books or reasoning – or truth – just wikifukya.
But then … what do I care … ?
Take out the XXXXs, very strong ban on this link
For Fair Dinkum, on his search for felons:
Pikachu Hell March
Great stuff w3 – unbelievably, I was thinking about you earlier and was going to ask – “so could it have been the Swiss who concocted this diabolic hoax against human civilisation and just used the Jews as fake victims/scapegoats?”
It seems we are all converging on exposing this hoax … as prophesied
Was the following part of the article commentary or an added comment … ?
“About the Holocaust you need to revise your History!! The 1600 page 3 Volume report by the Red Cross States there was no Genocide.They delivered 1.1 million parcels to all camps throughout
the war and inspected the camps.Download it read it yourself.The dead in your photos were Germans killed after the War 14 million and Jews that died from Typhus as the Allies bombed German supplies into none existence intentionally even down to machine gunning the animals in Berlin Zoo.
No Evidence Of Genocide
One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: “In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 … In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp …” (Vol. III, p. 83).”
Several links following in this commentary …
Or we could just call it quits – “reconcile’ if you will – forgive the real perpetrators and just try and get along …
after reparations – and justice served of course …
Multiple versions of history can be true at the same time. I don’t know much about Russia from the south (Byzantine) end, I always focussed on the Swedish Rus but I suppose I will have to put some time in on that. Make sure you listen to the link above, it is double concentrate, goes to the bloodlines, even you must admit the bloodlines are paramount.
The Bible does not mention “Swissy”. It only cites Esau/Edom who, posing as Jews are the enemy of Christ.
Revelation 12:12 “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.”
The looming controversy
By: Dr. Stephen Jones
The Jews are of Esau ( who intermarried with the Canaanites ) from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”
I read Saul / Paul’s shortest book “Letter to Timothy” or whatever its correct title, and all he could do was bang on about some coppersmith or tinsmith as if it was the devil himself. I have heard Saul / Paul was working for Herod. You have to understand that some of the best books in history were burned and some of the worst have survived. These jews, historically, have no money. Before about 1800 there was no money, and there was never any empire with slaves etc. Just one temple in the desert which was smashed by the muslims, who got their ideas from the Eastern Roman Empire.
What really makes me laugh is that vaccinated people are scared of unvaccinated people. But you say that they are safe because they are vaccinated and they lose their heads. And this was before covid came on the scene and changed the definition of vaccine.
vaccinated people are just plain Selfish – “I want to feel safe and special and important and part of the cult” – and they are bigots and waycists … and antihuman f***tards … and yeah, whatever
Sowwy I was waycist bout Straya, above.
The True Meaning Of Christ-Mass
“………………”Mass” is strictly a Catholic word and thus, so is “Christ-Mass.”
It would stand to reason, that since all of these denominations love and embrace “Christ-Mass”, that December 25th is the great homecoming day, when all of the Protestants become Catholic for a day. It would seem that all of the so-called “wayward daughters” of the Romish church return to their mother, the scarlet harlot. Thus, all of the so-called Protestant churches could sing to the Pope that popular song “I’ll be home for Christmas.”
As previously stated, the word “Mass” in religious usage means a “death sacrifice.” The impact of this fact is horrifying and shocking; for when the millions of people are saying, “Merry Christmas”, they are literally saying “Merry death of Christ!” Furthermore, when the fat man in the red suit laughs boisterously and says, “Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas”, he is mocking and laughing at the suffering and bleeding Saviour, who died for our sins. He does this while parents place their little children into his waiting arms to hear his false promises of gifts that he says he will give them. Consider what you are saying when you say “Merry Christmas.”…………………”
Blaspheming Mary and the Birth of Jesus in the Talmud
By Michael Hoffman
Anyone who’s ever been within ten metres of a pom knows all about racism and what is “proper” or “not proper”.
Latest from John O’Looney (funeral director) – omicron is vaccine injury