Intro by DM: This is covering one of the greatest crimes against the Australian people. Doctors were got “rid of” for following their code of practice — and by doing this, the authorities were placing the public in harm’s way.
The purpose of this article is to bring attention to the silencing of doctors by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. AHPRA has publicized opinions on Australian doctors’ Facebook posts and the sharing of information regarding early treatment for COVID. Doctors questioning vaccines or who provide medical exemptions are also promptly investigated, and suspended, and considered to be dangerous to the public.
This attack by AHPRA is an attack on human rights and free speech. There is an unfortunate lack of transparency and honesty from AHPRA, and doctors have had to endure severe persecutions. All health professionals have the important and basic human right to express their views. Yet in Australia, it seems that an accused criminal has more rights in law than an accused doctor. People and doctors should be allowed the legal and moral right to question government directives and public health messages without reprisal. Government should not get in the way of the doctor-patient relationship, otherwise the public will not have confidence that their physicians are doing right by them.
At this point, we believe hundreds of doctors have been suspended and not allowed to practice for advocating for the health and safety of their patients.
The punishment is the process, because the panel and deliberations, often tie up the doctor for at least 18 months. This is a further way of gagging the doctor. Some doctors have been suspended for several years and still have to wait for the final day of reckoning, where they will have to appear before a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to defend themselves.
From the start, doctors under scrutiny are classified as criminals who are a danger to the public even when they have never hurt or harmed a patient. These doctors are not allowed to work in any health situation, so it is more and more difficult for them to survive as their financial security has been whittled away, and they do not have an income.
Doctors have been labeled by AHPRA as a serious risk to public health and safety and that their actions and public statements undermined confidence in the public health messaging in relation to COVID-19 vaccines. These doctors are well trained and have done years of study and research, and specialize in many aspects of medicine. Nonetheless, they have been punished, reprimanded, separated, controlled, and pushed out of the medical arena.
The Official Line
The rationale for the official line on why the AHPRA has set about in this confrontational method for maintaining public health of Australia is apparently that having the public believe government policies are keeping them safe is apparently more important than convincing data or evidence to demonstrate safety. [1] This has culminated in what appears to be the legislating of these joint statements through the recent passage of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law that prioritizes Public confidence over public health and safety. [2] It appears censorship is how the Ministers of Truth (sorry, “Health”) in this country have decided they are going to achieve their goal of public confidence. This seems dangerous and dystopian to many medical researchers and doctors who are actively looking for new and more effective ways to treat viral infections.
Not only is this legislation a dangerous disgrace but likely a constitutional infringement on our right of political communication as outlined by Constitutional Law Professor Augusto Zimmermann at our recent WA symposium. [3] Publishing his statements in an article in “Quadrant” entitled the Menace of Medical Censorship in Australia, Professor Zimmerman concluded this law is unconstitutional: [4] “Because it suppresses freedom of political communication by censoring and punishing dissenters through serious threats to careers and livelihood, as a means to undemocratically control public debate and general perception through enforced medical censorship.”
The need to follow science
The problem, of course, is that the official line apparently doesn’t follow the current science about: (a) the problem of deficiencies in essential nutrients that contribute to serious illness from infections; (b) that the body’s response to vaccines for specific viruses can cause disease and tends not to reliably enhance its response to other related viruses; (c) that public health is not only about creating a pool of vaccinated people, but about enhancing the immune response to viruses of the population as a whole. Thus it helps to allow the immune system to be exposed to whatever viruses are present in the environment — as long as the individual is not in serious danger.
Nutrient deficiencies
Nutrient deficiencies are a major cause of failure of the immune system to prevent a serious infection, and also can cause the multiple organ failure and sepsis that occurs in the cytokine storm caused by COVID-19 pneumonia.
And now for Tucker Carlson’s interview with Dr Aseem Malhotra on the corruption of medicine by Big Pharma. And how Dr Malhotra did a complete turnaround.
Those hundreds of doctors need to get together right away and publish a joint statement. They need to know their combined strength, and throw thier angry weight around.
If any one of them wishes to become the spokesperson but does not know how to contact the others, he/she should look to an eager Canadian colleague at
I am the widow of an Australian physician. The main point my late husband would make, regarding the above article, is that science is entirely composed of questioning the received wisdom. The field of medicine HAS NEVER HAD A POLICY OF TELLING DOCTORS TO ACCEPT THE PARTY LINE ON ANY SCIENTIFIC ISSUE.
There is no “party line” on any scientific issue. If you have a new idea, you publish it in a journal and await challenges to it by any who see its flaws. For a government body to claim it has got the answer, and to penalize questioners, is a joke.
I can be contacted at
But APHRA’s not even a government body, it’s a rogue imposter as extrapolated by Peterbro below
Come on, be real, some are being bribed.
The Gumshoe Police offered to charge Whomever with manslaughter for the crime of witholding life-saving information and medicine to citizens, and for cancelling docotrs’ licenses:
Hey, I kinda like the sound of that: The Gumshoe Police.
It’s beyond me why manslaughter carries a lighter sentence than murder.
Why should a reckless disregard for the well-being of others be taken less seriously than malicious intent when the effect on the casualties is identical ?
Whatever goes on in anyone’s head is between them and God; playing God just makes a mockery of the core tenet of law & order
An elderly couple that are my neighbors are triple vaxxed. I tried to warn them years ago, but the TV is their source of truth. They have both come down with what they believe is ‘Covid’ and are having a rough time.
Normally, I am not fussed by such a situation, ‘stupid is as stupid does’, but they grew up trusting the government and were naive about what was going on. It is a shame, they are good people, generous and an asset to the community.
I hope the system, and all the traitors/doctors that led to this atrocity get the death sentence. Normally I’m against capital punishment, but there are so many deceivers involved with this scam that I don’t want our taxes to be used to keep these psychopaths alive, the money can be better spent on helping the people they harmed.
And just think what could be done with a borrowed billion dollars per annum if the ABC and SBS was given to the nine network or to uncle Rupert.
Thanks EB for the reminder below of the PRIMITIVE psychopaths and cuddly lions
I strongly recommend that everyone read all of the source article at Freedom Alliance.
Print it out and send it to Your local federal and state members of respective parliaments, including a link to with Tucker’s interview.
Probably just be a wasted effort to send copies to any msm outlet or their shock jokes.
Best just turn off the fake media or at least, blackball their advertisers.
A family member, relative or friend might be saved if one acts
I can hear the ABC news going in the other room now, they have a youthful professor guy and they are banging on about 2023 variants and “sub-variants we have to look out for”. “It’s like a marathon and we can’t slow down”. “This virus has thrown curve ball after curve ball”. The guy has been totally bamboozled by bullshit, probably hand-picked by Norman Swan. Nothing about Vitamin D or Zinc. There is only one approved treatment. that is a random variety of experimental commercially produced injections. Thanks ABC, I understand I will need go out and get triple boostered now, not forgetting my paper mask and plastic face shield.
“having the public believe government policies are keeping them safe is apparently more important than convincing data or evidence to demonstrate safety”
The entire system pivots on belief; “pay obiesance to or gods or you’ll be thrown to the lions”
“pay obiesance to OUR gods or you’ll be thrown to the lions”
“Oh, the hours I’ve spent inside the Coliseum
Dodging lions and wastin’ time
Oh, those mighty kings of the jungle, I could hardly stand to see ’em
Yes, it sure has been a long, hard climb
Train wheels runnin’ through the back of my memory
When I ran on the hilltop following a pack of wild geese
Someday, everything is gonna be smooth like a rhapsody
When I paint my masterpiece”
Where’s Ye, just playing their words got guests but Papanack style( bit worired for him(Yea), and not baalagciaga style
Dylan clearly made a deal with the devil, by his own words, paradoxically, leaving a clear Christian path
“she(Dr. Valerie Peers) declined to pay all fines & later, they were all lifted.”
(continuation of Freedom Alliance article)
Yeah, 9 times out of 10 it’s just a mater of calling out their bluff & bluster – the measure evidently had no legal basis whaatsoever
As we well understand by now, the medical system is the church of Rockerfellas.
The doctors spend years getting brainwashed and in this time they are led very far up the garden path. The favoured institutions of “healing” such as cancer research etc are simply fronts for collecting money. Actual cures for things are buried. Nutrition is totally ignored. I can give a simple example that everyone knows. All the “health professionals” ($$$) will tell you to cut down on salt if you have high blood pressure. There is no attempt to measure how much salt you have been having or should have. In fact the bigger threat is white bread and processed food. Expecting doctors with mortgages to find solutions is a waste of time. The church had a “Great Walkout” years ago, thanks to pedo scandals and TV. The government took over the tithing with their GST taxes by then so it made no difference. Now “medsin” (professional pronunciation) is being undermined by scandals and internet. It’s time for everyone to walk out. People need to stop using the General Practitioner as the first point of reference for everything. People just need to stop believing !!! Take good care of your body and learn about nutrition. All kinds of healthy food has been culled from our diet, medicinal plants like watercress, borage, milk thistle and dandelion are now found, not fresh by kids in a paddock, but dried out by shoppers in a vitamin pill shop.
Don’t expect government to fix anything, it’s a joke, the answer is to walk out.
For blocked arteries try this:
1 kg lemons and 2 bulbs of garlic
Chop them all up including skins and blend with a small amount of water.
Add more water to make 2 litres total and heat, boiling for one minute only.
Strain while hot and put in jam jars with lid on and keep in the fridge.
Drink at least daily, at least 30ml half an hour after meals, for at least a month.
If you have temporarily blocked arteries by “cholesterol” (inflammation) you will know by your fingers and toes tingling. Inflammation is mostly caused by white bread and processed food. Walk out of the big supermarkets and junk food chainstores, just walk out and don’t go back.
“Inflammation is mostly caused by white bread and processed food”
Actually the “prebiotic wholegrain&seed” varieties that sell for $7+ a pop aren’t much better – the fact that anything more than small occasional amounts are harmful to domestic fowl is pretty telling. Prior to visiting the U.S. in 1972 I’d never come across such fare or, for that matter, anything resembling the giant “food” palaces on which virtually everyone now depends
And I’ve yet to see any member of the medical establishment acknowledge that fasting is integral to both “good nutrition” AND “mental health”
The corresponding drug trade – which, as everyone knows, includes vaccine programs – is all about consuming(overloading the human body to breaking point)
It’s true all the supermarket wholegrain etc is rubbish and their little packets of health branded processed food are mostly rubbish too
100 % agreed. everyone should have to do school home economics 101. give you some dried wheat to mill by hand by stone. then there is sugar, takes a lot of extraction. this makes it super toxic by gram when you wrap the growth method, harvest method, desiccation and just f you up extraction( can you please for my own safety chlorinate this whole process) by synthesis – wat! wink
Rafael Nadal said yesterday “I lost my match and it seems every time I go to a press conference it’s time to retire”. Nadal continues to try to find a cure for his va666ine injuries and why wouldn’t he. We don’t hear much about any of that though.
Ssshhh !!!
Now, every time a sports celebrity comes up with a “knee injury” or similar excuse, we cannot believe them. They were mostly all injected and like good customers are going back to the shop that damaged them in the first place.
Don’t question the medical professional, after all, they were qualified by Rockerfellas MedicalSystem™. If anyone ever disputes this, tell them “You’re not a doctor™”. If they already said “I’m not a doctor™ but”,,, just remind them they are not a doctor™ and therefore not entitled to an opinion. Why do you need to be a doctor™ ? You just do, everyone knows that.
The word from the top
The word from the top, Gates’ buddy Tedros of W.H.O.
I can’t understand why the internet wants to censor rumble and bitchute.
They could be depriving us of funny cat and dog videos.
Take out the XXXX
This video also disappeared today from:
Now gets error 404 page not found.
And try to find on a new smart phone, it is totally blocked and flooded by fact-checkers and negative reviews.
Hopefully with the entire link published the browser will go there
Through FOI, it is now generally known that APHRA is not an agency of “government”, but merely has authority because:
1. A statute created by “government” gives authority to APHRA to ‘administer’ the said statute.
2. What passes as “government” is merely a private corporation that is in effect acting as a non-sovereign “government” which has been constituted to administer a national bankruptcy. ( research ‘The Clearfield Doctrine’ )
3. The registrants to APHRA ‘elect’ by their “Application” which is generally presented, to put themselves under the authority of APHRA by pretending to be the fictional legal entity represented by their Birth Certificate.
The public only exists in the legal jurisdiction, and players only have standing when they act as a legal fiction, being either public office holders or by identifying as the BC entity represented by the “government” created BC.
The rightful jurisdiction for the people is the original or equitable jurisdiction, and it was the default jurisdiction at the time the people ‘elected’ to form the Commonwealth.
When the western world went broke in the 1920’s and 1930’s, the legal jurisdiction was created so that the bankruptcy could be administered and the people’s wealth was placed in trust for when they ‘elected’ to claim it individually and separately.
Because there is no constitutional money in general circulation, it is impossible to extinguish debt and the common law cannot be accessed ( it also has been placed in trust ).
Every interaction between the people and the public is in the form of trusts and comes under the equitable jurisdiction.
All the power is with the people, but by being ignorant of their rights, then they abandon those rights and find themselves in bondage, which they can free themselves from by their own hand.
APHRA is holding the private property ( the signature on the “Application” ) of each applicant, and so each applicant has the capacity to make APHRA a trustee to a private trust which the applicant is the grantor of, and so can be made to serve the interests of the beneficiary nominated by the grantor (applicant).
The grantor makes the law of the trust.
The people choose the nature of their relationship with those legal entities occupying the legal jurisdiction.
The public is one large legal trust and it is derived from the equitable estates of the people.
The people are sovereign, which is clearly stated in Quick and Garran’s annotated notes.
How can I stop paying medicare levy, I want to get out of their system
You can only be harmed by that which you voluntarily took on board.
The vaccine was an obvious test in that regard. It might not have been an enviable choice in certain situations but it was still a choice
Your personal choice mantra rings hollow because not all choice is informed choice.
For my New Year’s Wish I hope “We Caught Them All” materialises into a lot of highly visible hangings and gaolings, including these misfits who pass themselves off as doctors, who are just parasitic drug pushers with barely a scrap of useful initiative between them all.
Not only does the notion that mankind should be spoon-fed information belie it’s very purpose, it plays right into the very god-fatherly control on which vaccine programs and the like are based.
Everyone has been free to do his/her own research for the last 20 years; the core issue is MSM addiction not a lack of data
You give your position away with the word “everyone”
As I keep saying, the “victim” ethos plays right into the hands of the very entity that ‘s purportedly being opposed: you might well FEEL like a victim; boasting about it on a public forum is anathema and taking it upon yourself to be an invited or uninvited spokesperson for others is the heart & soul of bolshevism
I’m not a victim boasting on a forum, you’re just trying to press my button.
It is not possible to give specifics without a broad foundation of trust law and the equity jurisdiction.
Briefly, the type of relationship you currently have is a legacy of what your parents did just after the time of your birth, assuming you have not fundamentally changed it as an act of competency.
No doubt they acted in ignorance, as have we since when we took over the running of our affairs.
What confuses most people is that they identify as the BC entity which is a fiction created by “government”.
It is not enough that we decide to no longer identify as the legal fiction because we have done acts in the past that bind us, and these acts have to be corrected by right action which equity facilitates.
The original jurisdiction has not been removed or usurped, but rather the people have been enticed to abandon their God given rights to go play in the fictional jurisdiction which is filled with dead things and lies and lacks mercy and justice.
So far as I’m concerned the 1st port of call is the fact that Mary & Joseph complied with the Roman cattle-count, not because they were weak & ignorant but because Bethlehem was integral to the arrival of “the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the World”(JOHN 1: 29)
In 1990 I came across 3 choices in a pro home-ed manual
1) Go full subserve; comply with all the education department demands
2) Inform said department re your intentions but don’t seek it’s approval
3) go off the books & underground
No 1 was a no-no for obvious reasons
And as we lived in town with kids that were always out and about and very visible so was no.3
I had no idea of what no 2 would reap but after 3 years of unmitigated harassment it evidently became easier for those concerned to simply pretend that we were invisible !
Hence my affiliation with the fact that “she (Dr. Valerie Peers) declined to pay all fines & later, they were all lifted.”
That’s an invaluable testimony that, bar the originating governmental accreditation, would never have transpired and there really is no other way of reclaiming stolen territory
Mary & Joseph were well aware that they were under Roman rule per the folly of their forbears – a situation that was actually a piece of the prophecy puzzle.
Conversely the A. D. 70 revolt/diaspora remains a showcase of butt ignorance/arrogance
Governor Ron DeSantis Petitions Florida Supreme Court for Statewide Grand Jury on COVID-19 Vaccines and Announces Creation of the Public Health Integrity Committee
On December 13, 2022, in News Releases, by Staff
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis held a roundtable discussion joined by Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo and world-renowned physicians, researchers, and public health experts to discuss adverse events of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and announce new, aggressive actions to hold the federal government and Big Pharma accountable, including:
Establishing the Public Health Integrity Committee. The Committee will be overseen by the Surgeon General to assess federal public health recommendations and guidance to ensure that Florida’s public health policies are tailored for Florida’s communities and priorities.
Filing a petition for a Statewide Grand Jury to investigate crimes and wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Leading further surveillance into sudden deaths of individuals that received the COVID-19 vaccine in Florida, based on autopsy results. The state will collaborate with the University of Florida to compare research with studies done in other countries.
It’s a big equation with everything in it but the bottom line is that the money creation ( “printing” ) has been out of control since Obama’s QE which was set off by Bill Clinton’s abandoning Glass-Steagall in 1999. The reason why inflation took so long to take off is that initially all the money went to rich mates who soaked it all up buying assets and commodities that the public doesn’t ordinarily buy, old paintings and so forth, along with shares and land which did go up. The shares themselves can be “printed” ( diluted ) so the effect is more, and harder to notice. The public helped themselves to a huge amount of debt to keep up with this asset inflation. The public got cheap consumables such as packets of food and cheap products such as appliances so they didn’t notice their pay wasn’t keeping up with asset prices. Finally we were treated to the scamdemic and we all got “stimmy cheques” and other forms of printed money, the dam burst. Suddenly prices had to go ballistic, with not only the massive groundswell of all the money printing, but supply chain disruption, lockdown induced laziness, the force of over-regulation overwhelming potential businesses, the inflation was predicted by me well before the scamdemic but I don’t say when or how it will end. The clues were around years ago, the QE and the price of old paintings which went through the roof. Blind Freddy could see the money going from government to super-rich.
One problem with all conventional economic analysis, you need to include crime !!!
How do we wean doctors (and the nation) off of drugs?
Not only drugs.
They should holster their scalpels
On two occasions about ten years apart two independent surgeons wanted to carve me up for a protruding spinal disk.
In short, my osteopath/S fixed it on two occasions about ten years apart and that was about 30-40 years ago.
Now I am over 70.
So for the ‘scalpers’ and the rotchild’s f-w doctors. and their medical schools.
No f~w doctor has ever inquired as to my recoveries.
The ‘w’ is for ‘wit’, ‘witless’ if you desire? Or scared ‘witless’.
Report today at situation update (BIN) on huge number of PRESENT Chinese casualties in China from about 24 minutes.
Horrific report!.
Scare event?
No worries our government not restricting flights from China?
All fun😩😩😩😩💀💀💀💀💀💀
At 19 mins Ms ‘Gucci’ accuses step dad, mother and gran….The opening is fun too!
[…] Source […]
There’s a crazy lady on the ABC I can hear in the other room saying we are all going on the blockchain with our digital ID and everyone will be going under a communist style Public Health Umbrella including all services including nutrition etc and this will help young people who are going to die 5 years younger than their parents because of ClimateChange™.
Since “health professionals” can’t do their job now, how is going on blockchain going to help, answer: it’s the surveillance system again, stoopid. Thanks ABC-TV, you are once again useless beyond words and stoopid beyond belief, your leader Norman Swan must be very satisfied. Defund the ABC, make the drug empires pay for it.
The “post-truth era”
The “post-truth era”
As a feature of the post-truth era RT is banned by the spam filter, take out the XXXX
The children are better at Hungry Jacks –
Rabbi Finkelstein Interview – 300,000 Children a year blood Sacrificed and put in McDonalds meat!
Heard him before.
Be careful of the alleged rabbi, he comes over as a Bs artist.
I expect that Leonard Cohen would be spitting blood from his tongue bitten in apoplexy if his corpse could react to this adaptation of the “Halleluia” lyrics and tune.
His (Cohen’s) typically plaintive lyrics and melody in the song “The Sisters of Mercy” wouldn’t need much adaptation to be “Sisters of Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners in this valley of tears”.
That Finkelstein bod seems to be an exact example of supreme (or demonic) narcissism. A bit like “give up now because the gaslight is only on or off if I say it is.” Yair, of course Finkelstein is an accredited sociobiologist, or psychologist, etc. who’s mission it is to deride any pangs of conscience as a “hangover” from horrible and “repressive” old notions of what is good and true.
The most beguiling, and most insane, notions of “enlightenment” is the “Ultimate Pervert’s promise” that “you will be as gods” by simply defying the nature and purpose of your existence.
Scott Morrison Confirms His Evil Twin Brother, Greg, Was The Architect Of RoboDebt Disaster
Stephen Andrew statement on hidden connections of power elites
These are just a few examples but there are many more – some are well-known, while others are tightly guarded secrets.
All in plain sight
in plain sight but they are not basking in the sun down here, Caribbean, most likely but talk about an evil brother, Abbott and ” Costello bro’s ” style .
23 and in plane site
It’s hard to untangle the comedy from the reality, they are equally bizarre.
i may also add the NZ hag’s father reportedly went very hard on his subjects the Tokelau Islanders and wanted them all locked down, force injected etc.
Tokelau population is about 1500.
These people aren’t human, they’re demons.,-171.8492203,12z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x70518ecf227efb1b:0xa5975dff837e6289!8m2!3d-9!4d-171.75?hl=en