Editor’s note: I’ve been told that if you are sustainably hunting kangaroos you don’t disturb the roos coming down to the waterhole at dusk each evening. Rather, wait for them to leave then pick off the straggler — so the missing animal goes unnoticed by the mob. Is this what is happening to the human mob in Australia with the vaxxines?
A post by Karl Guest Post by Karl Denninger investigated an article from The Expose that makes an explosive claim: There is a wildly statistically-significant skew in the death rate from Covid-19 vaccines by lot number.
We have heard the rumour that a percentage of the vaccines are saline, and others more toxic — i.e., an experiment in ‘lots’. Denninger set out to disprove it and what he found was ‘both interesting and deeply disturbing.”
I quote from the beginning of his article:
“Lots are quite large, especially when you’re dealing with 200 million people and 400 million doses. Assuming the lots are not preferentially assigned to certain cohorts (e.g. one goes to all nursing homes, etc) adverse reactions should thus be normally distributed between lots; if they’re not one of these things is almost-certainly true:
- There is a serious manufacturing quality problem …
- Much worse, the lots are intentionally segregated to produce different results. …or that the manufacturers are running unsanctioned experiments on a mass basis among the population at-large, since they know what is in each lot and intentionally varied the contents. OR
- Perhaps worst of all, reports are now being intentionally suppressed, the injury and death rate hasn’t changed and there are lots with one of the two above problems but it is being intentionally not reported, having been detected almost-instantly and health providers were directed to not report anything serious (e.g. death) associated with the jabs.
“Now let’s talk about VAERS. You can grab the public data from it, but VAERS intentionally makes it difficult to discern differences in lot outcomes. Why? Because they separate out the specifics of the vax (the manufacturer, lot number, etc.) into a different file. This means that simply loading it into Excel does you no good and attempting to correlate and match the two tables in Excel itself is problematic due to the extreme size of the files…”
What he found was disturbing — and not random.
“Are you really going to try to tell me that a mass-produced and distributed jab has a roughly ten times adverse event rate between two lots and seventeen times the death rate between the same two… that cannot be explained as random chance has occurred?
What Denninger was doing was investigating the lots against what had been reported on VAERS. Source his article HERE.
Mike Adams explains what’s going on from about 30 minutes.
Brilliant Dee with love from🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘
To have the matter simply explained, I suggest that you listen to Mike Adams firstly, for about ten minutes,
He cites some of the lot numbers.
So if you want the injection and/or some boosters, select your lot wisely and record all the details of the bottle you ‘drink’ from… take a photo of the bottle. Tell your injector beforehand, that is what you wish and if the injector declines your wish,,,,, walk out, if you are unable to run.
However, they want everyone on “va666ine subscription” which is what the business model for computer programs went to starting 2005 or earlier. So eventually you will be targeted by social score.
I cannot comment on the implications of jab-lot juggling, but can I please have it recorded that Aborigines targeted the healthiest animals to eat, whenever this was possible.
There is no logic in eating stragglers who, more than likely, are diseased and dying. For example, to bring down magpie geese, a throwing stick would be hurled from high in a tree following disturbance created by collaborators, designed to panic the geese to fly towards said tree. This is specifically designed to down the leading flyers in the squad, who are the youngest and healthiest.
The stragglers, the last to fly, and the lowest in the air, are ignored because they are always old and skinny.
If you want to live celibate in Aboriginal society, just come home with skinny old game.
As for contemporay hunters, these are mostly white and I have never heard of them practicing such sustainability. This is the fevered imagining of an urban greenie who has never fired a gun for sustainance. Cullers, however, just shoot everything.
Thanks Tony.
My observation of watching high school long distance competition running over a few years, (son running) it was always the usual obese teenagers straggling behind the others….. .easy pickings.
Yeah well, I dare say that the analogy goes to the idea that prior to Euro colonisation the abos were desperate savages that would eat any old garbage.
I don’t have a problem eating something that’s been slaughtered the way you describe but I prefer to give the shop-bought stuff a miss, mostly due to the conditions under which most farm animals are raised.
Repeating: censored?
I suggest that you listen firstly to Mike Adams, he cites some of the lot numbers.
Tell your injector that you wish to take a photo of the details on the bottle and observe the drawing of the syringe.
Chose your lot wisely and if your request is declined, get out of the place.
(This comment has been photographed for the record)
Two great links from yesterday a 30 second video from Greta Thunderbox and an expose of how the US can be pushed maybe even as far as civil war by planned destruction of supply chains
Justin Forkix November 4, 2021 at 3:57 am
“If We Can Save The Banks Then We Can Save The World” Greta Thunberg
I’ve Been Driving Trucks For 20 Years, I’ll Tell You Why America’s “Shipping Crisis” Will Not End
My first job after getting out of the Army was running a container freight station in Long Beach, California (K-Line). I had to work with both the Longshoremen and the Teamsters unions. It was a hassle at first, but I began to figure it all out. Initially the Longshoremen had to drop off a pallet halfway across the warehouse on a line, then the Teamsters would pick it up and then load it into his truck. The opposite was true on outbound freight.
I eventually got the two groups eating together and sharing pizzas. Then production increased as they would disregard the line in the warehouse and load and unload to get jobs done. The Teamsters were the most thankful for the expedition of loading as they could get back on the road and start making a buck.
The only time we had a problem was when someone spotted a union representative and everybody had to stop production and play the game. When the union rep. left, they got back to the job.
I read the article of what is happening now, Crikey, I can’t imagine it happening in my day. We wanted to move the freight as fast as we could, then take a break and have a cup of coffee and talk shit.
I should mention that after a bit I noticed the truckers filling their thermos jugs from our coffee machine. I got management to order another coffee machine and we had hot fresh ‘Colombian’ coffee, with ‘half and half’ (half cream, half milk) and sugar on hand for the truckers to top off their thermos before they left. It only took about a week (truckers on on the airwaves) before we had every trucker that stopped by, top up his thermos before they left. – Not surprisingly, we had very little problems with the Teamsters. – Probably only cost us about $20 a week back then.
A great article at Zerohedge by a teamster. The public unless knowing someone in the industry would be unaware of this system that increases prices and delays of delivery. Probably the same scenario as other industries world wide. Make money by creating the problems.
Greta Thunberg, poor deluded child is a very good example of child slavery. She has no idea of the topics she is supposedly educating other children and the public about. She is a pawn of unscrupulous international criminals.
Everything is inverted/perveted here where there is a fake ‘virus’ and a deadly ‘vaccine’, as ‘cases’ spike with jabs mandated. Curtain is drawn, Oz government is using crown plandemic for dystopian mandates, empowering the kabal ‘advance NWO fare’, adopting CCP dictates in subverting truth with ID2020. Only ‘fully vaxxxed’ are allowed to participate in no jab no play hell now. Protesting is banned with powers to arrest Covid ‘conspiracy theorists’. Police are tracking iPhones, altering data using geolocation and facial recognition, copying Chinese totalitarian communism. Pubs, restaurants, churches and sporting events are to re-open but only for fully vaccinated in the ‘new normal’, medical martial law ‘freedom’.
I hope this doesn’t double post…
Mike Adams asks “who is the target”. These links have come across my desk the last couple of days (I didn’t go out looking for them).
Would it not make sense to target higher IQ races?
I guess that explains why the US – China war is on the script.
Even if you only look at one link, try this one:
More than a third of white students lie about their race on college applications, survey finds
Loudoun County mom says 6-year-old asked her if she was ‘born evil’ because she’s White
“”Then, you kept the schools closed for a year and a half, despite the science indicating it was safe for kids to return,” the mother continued. “Now, you’ve covered up a rape, and arrested, humiliated and falsely accused parents of being domestic terrorists.””
Multi-Millionaire Activision CEO Signals Virtue With 99.9% “Gender Equality” Pay Cut
Beginning in early 2014, GamerGate was a backlash against what many (mostly male) supporters saw as the growing influence of a handful of female game developers and game journalists, whom – the GamerGaters’ insisted – were trying to force video game culture to become more progressive in fit in better with their far-left ideals.
Lincoln Project Democrat Operatives Busted For White Nationalist Hoax
“”Virginia Democrat operatives dressed up as Neo-Nazis holding tiki-torches today to smear their opponent and attempted to pass it off as actually happening” – (@JackPosobiec) October 29, 2021″
AT&T’s ‘Racial Re-Education Program’ Asserts “White People, You Are the Problem”
“White employees are mandated to confess their “systemic racism” and enjoyment of “white privilege” or face penalties (they’re so “privileged,” they get to enjoy one of America’s biggest corporations openly discriminating against them for their skin color).
White staffers are also asked to sign a loyalty pledge indicating their submission to the brainwashing while also vowing to ‘challenge others’ if they hear ‘hateful language’.
“If you don’t do it,” the senior employee says, “you’re [considered] a racist.””
“The author, Dahleen Glanton, writes that “American racism is a uniquely white trait” and that “Black people cannot be racist.””
How do we break the locks and chains of our enslavers the Rothschids crown banksters?
Obviously this bio war is a plandemic of the bioweapons labs, vaxxx pushers, puppet dictators and debt-slave traders. Are vaccinations now becoming a post ModeRNA sacrament? With treason and treachery expanding idiocracy, it’s bad and getting worse as they push harder with impunity, nanobot ‘things’ inside the weaponised ‘vaccines’. The Pilgrims Wellcome Trust, lies and propaganda, have controlled here since federation. We are about to witness the effects of their bioweapon injections overriding free will, as they continue to emasculate our men, rape our women and traffick our children. How long will this insanity persist? It’s now or never, we are called to step up for our children, embracing faith, love and wisdom.
How long will it persist ? Well, how long has it been going on !!!
This guy Livingstone is a great listen, he was on spewtube a few years ago but seems to have got deleted since then, but this might be enough of a taste:
Oh no disaster, it’s gone behind a paywall, I’ll have to keep looking
Here’s a little piece anyway, he’s all over the place, one of these book readers but quite articulate unlike most of my critics
More of this crypto-jews from babylon type of stuff but the delivery is so much better
Here he is hiding behind a title in French language:
Histoire du satanisme (cabale) /// David Livingstone: Paganism, Child Sacrifice, kabbalah, Lucifer