by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Satanism is a confusing topic to write about. Let’s start with the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …”
Well, OK, Congress is unlikely to establish Satanism as a religion. However, it acknowledged Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan by granting it a chaplain in the US Army. In the 1978 Department of Army pamphlet 165-13, we read this info supplied by that church:
HISTORICAL ROOTS: The Church of Satan is an eclectic body that traces its origin to many sources — classical voodoo, the Hell-Fire Club of eighteenth-century England, the ritual magic of Aleister Crowley, and the Black Order of Germany.
MINIMUM EQUIPMENT FOR WORSHIP: Varies with the type of ritual performed but is likely to include a black robe, an altar, the symbol of the Baphomet (Satan), a bell, candles, a chalice, elixir, a sword, a model phallus, a gong.
This series of articles has the title “Don’t Steal Children.” So, in this article, I want to elucidate only the part of Satanism that has to do with child rape and child murder. I am incapable of describing the origins of satanism. It has been around since at least ancient Babylon. I have no idea if it has a central hierarchy today.
I make one generalization (accurately or otherwise) about satanism. Namely, I think the reason it came about and still finds adherents is that its upside-down ethics help a person commit crimes guiltlessly.
As far as the performing of child abuse during ceremonies is concerned, I’m unable to know if the universal drive for sexual pleasure is the real cause of it (with “sacrifice to Baphomet” being merely a decoration), or if the whole affair of satanism is about important organizational stuff, with the sexual activity being just your basic perk.
Whichever it is, there is plenty of child abuse going on today and it should be made to stop. To those who think the satanic religion is great I can only say Who cares what you think? Child abuse is a crime and most of those to whom it is done will grow up in bad shape. This must end.
Examples of Criminal Convictions in the UK
In 2014, Wilfred Wong, who is a barrister in London, started a group called CASRA – Coalition Against Satanic Ritual Abuse. At the website freshstartfoundation.co.uk, there is a transcript of a speech he made, collecting data from settled court cases. I will quote some of it now, for anyone who thinks there has never been a successful prosecution.
(In the US, there were some promising indictments in the McMartin case in 1986, which implicated US Army Colonel Michael Aquino, but the corrupt DoJ caused that case to fail. The public’s interest was scoffed at as “satanic panic.”)
Here are 5 of the 10 UK cases cited by Wilfred Wong
- On 9th November 1982, Malcolm and Susan Smith and Albert and Carole Hickman, were convicted in Telford, Shropshire for a series of sexual and physical assaults against children during the course of satanic rituals. Malcolm Smith carved an inverted cross on one child’s abdomen and branded her genitals with a red-hot altar knife.
* In 1987, Andrew Newell was sentenced to seven years in prison for killing his best friend in what was regarded by the police as a Satanist ritual. Newell stabbed Philip Booth five times around the heart. A murder charge was later reduced to manslaughter. Books on the occult and occult symbols were found in his room, with the words Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial. “When police opened the box, they found a lot of material associated with the supernatural,” he said, “including candles that had been lit and a white-handled knife.”
*On February 9, 1989, Winchester Crown Court sentenced a sixty-year-old engineer to twelve years imprisonment on two charges of incest with one of his five daughters. The man, who was described in court as a practising Satanist had fathered several children by his own daughter. When police arrested the man at his home in Fareham near Portsmouth, they found a small room in the bungalow that he described as his “magic room”. There were occult symbols on the floor and on the walls, and occult and witchcraft books. They also found a black priest’s robe and an altar. On it were phials of oil used in sex rituals.
* On 3rd July 1992 a 57-year-old satanist was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court to 12 years in prison for sexually abusing his niece. He had raped his victim two or three times per week between the ages of 10 and 12. The Court also heard details of a “black magic room” where the abuser kept an altar and ritual equipment. Judge Dennis Clark told the man: “Your fascination with the occult or devil-worship played a part in impelling you towards this evil behaviour.”
* In December 2012 two members of a Witches’ coven in St. Ives, Cornwall, were convicted at Truro Crown Court for their “ritualistic, sickening” sex abuse of young girls. Jailing Jack Kemp for 14 years and Peter Petrauske for 18, Judge Graham Cottle told them: “The offences range from the extremely serious to the truly horrifying.”
Interestingly, it does not appear that police used the opportunity of finding ritual material in the above cases, to inquire further into the way the convicted man connected with his co-religionists.
The Apology after the Royal Commission
There have been no prosecutions in Australia, as far as I am aware, for child abuse in the context of Satanic rituals. However, Parliament, on 22 October 2018, apologized to the victims whose complaints had been considered by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sex Abuse. Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Opposition leader Bill Shorten each gave a speech of apology. Morrison used the word “ritual sexual abuse.” He said:
“The crimes of ritual sexual abuse happened in schools, churches, youth groups, scout troops, orphanages, foster homes, sporting clubs, group homes, charities, and in family homes as well. It happened anywhere a predator thought they could get away with it … It happened day after day … decade after decade. Unrelenting torment. When a child spoke up, they weren’t believed and the crimes continued with impunity.
“…Not just as a father but as Prime Minister, I am angry at the calculating destruction of lives and abuse of trust, including those who have abused the shield of faith and religion to hide their crimes, a shield that is supposed to protect the innocent, not the guilty. And they stand condemned.”
Personally, I would rather they stood convicted than condemned.
Along Came Fiona Barnett
The first person in Australia to yell about satanism, or at least the first to get a good-sized audience (thanks to dear old YouTube) was Fiona Barnett. She planted her feet on the pavement outside the Royal Commission and gave a press conference in October 2015.
This was followed by her release of the autobiographical video, Candy Girl, in which she described a beheading of five children that she had witnessed at Bathurst City Hall in 1985. She was ordered, by Kim Beazley Sr, to bite the face of a decapitated boy. Beazley was Education Minister at the time. Fiona says he oversaw the murderous event and a “Sydney University lecturer” was present on the stage.
I believe Fiona later identified that lecturer as a person who then served as Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner. If that is correct, it shows that such offices can be filled by pedophiles and accomplices to murder.
In the US, according to Cathy O’Brien, the Secretary of Education William Bennett (b 1943) was one of her rapists. Note: he later held the title “Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy.” Fancy that.
Among the places where Fiona Barnett says crimes were committed are: Holsworthy army barracks, Sydney University’s St John’s Chapel, Engadine Boys Town, and the Caltex Oil Refinery in Kurnell. Well, why not.
Barnett and Satanic Stuff
Keeping in mnd that it’s hard to sort out “real” satanism from satanism used as an excuse for deviant behavior, I‘ll now put forward various helpful observations offered by Fiona. The following is a direct quote, abridged and bolded by me, of Fiona Barnett’s June 12, 2019 article at Humansarefree.org, in which she says trafficking is Luciferian:
Immigration. The International Refugee Organization was instrumental in bringing here many Slavs, Ukrainians, Serbs, and East Europeans after 1945. These people, when in their home country – Poland, Lithuania, etc – were already Luciferians and the Nazi party attracted them into working for the Nazi’s.
Over time, the immigrant descendants of the Luciferian pedophile refugees collaborated with existing Luciferian dynasties and infiltrated the Australian government and influenced law.
Childhood. My father, who has complex PTSD and DID, once told the relatives: “Everything Fiona says about the Satanists is true, but we just don’t tell her, for her own good.”
I was child-sex-trafficked to California in a cargo plane, having been gassed and stuffed in a wooden crate like an animal. I was trafficked to the annual summer camp at Bohemian Grove attended by notable politicians, businessmen, and VIPs.
At Bohemian Grove, I was one of a group of children dressed as teddy bears and hunted for sport by men to the theme song Teddy Bears Picnic and witnessed a ritual murder.
Luciferianism. [There are] commoners who can never attain higher status because they lack the desired bloodline. These are your random covens based on nationality (e.g., there’s a strong Scottish coven in Bundaberg), sexual orientation (e.g., Bond University has a lesbian coven), gang membership (bikie gangs).
“It is from these lines that the cult obtains ‘breeders’ – women who are forced to breed unregistered babies for sacrifice and sex trafficking. Their behaviour is usually barbaric and requires constant management to stop them exposing the cult.
Child rape, torture, and murder are routinely practised within Luciferianism for various reasons. These acts are established traditions thought to appease their god Lucifer. Some members get off on raping and murdering kids, but not all. It is believed to bestow power on the practitioner. Sodomy is called the ‘fountain of youth’ and is thought to transfer the child’s youth to the abusing adult.
But the impact of indoctrination is reinforced by fear of the consequences of betraying or exposing the cult. The number one rule of Luciferianism is – there is no such thing as Luciferianism. .
Luciferian offspring are trained in witchcraft, and psychic manipulation of the physical elements. Children are tested at age 3 for whether they should be raised with conscious or dissociated awareness of their cult involvement. Children with a strong ethical objection to cult practises are never made aware of their involvement. These children are forced to dissociate through trauma, and their minds fragmented. My husband and I were two such children.
The Luciferian pedophiles have infiltrated all areas of Australian government, education, health and human services. They have control over the police, media, universities, defence forces, parliament, schools, health services, churches of all denominations, psychiatric hospitals, and fake child abuse advocacy organisations.
All top Australian military brass were Luciferians. Most Sydney University staff were, too. Child victims were sourced from Luciferian covens, various cults, BoysTown, juvenile detention centres, child protective services, foster care….
End of excerpt. To read more, you can download Fiona’s new book Eyes Wide Open at her website pedophilesdownunder.com.
I think one claim may be technically incorrect. Fiona said:
“I came forward to Bathurst police detectives after Tor Nielsen reported to police that he saw 60 children ritually raped in the same hall by NSW Police and Catholic priests who worked at nearby St Stanislaus College. Multiple St Stanislaus pedophiles have since been convicted for ritual abuse crimes. “
I mean the phrase “convicted for ritual abuse crimes” is probably not correct. The convictions, as such, were for abuse or sexual assault (or one for buggery, which dated back to 1978 when there was a crime by that name).
Admittedly I only searched lightly — using the term “St Stanislaus” — at austli.edu.au, which lists all convictions. I found one 2017 court ruling that mentioned an exorcism:
“The offender placed Damien Sheridan on his lap and told him he had the devil in him, and then purported to perform an exorcism on him. He then masturbated Damien Sheridan’s penis until he ejaculated.”
Does not seem to me to have involved satanic ritual.
Generally, Ms Barnett’s claims validate and are validated by, similar experiences reported by others in the US. Wendy Hoffman, author Enslaved Queen, also speaks of a Nazi-satanist connection. Kathleen A Sullivan, in her book Unshackled, spoke of rituals n the basement of churches in the Bible belt. My 2017 play at the Adelaide Fringe, entitled “My Best False Memories,” incorporated some of Wendy’s work and Kathleen’s outreach to survivors.
Note: Karen Brewer has made a heartfelt pitch to James Packer, son of broadcast mogul Kerry Packer, to come forward as a perpetrator. I add my plea for anyone to rise up above all the shame, and the consequent tragedy of letting these people control many aspects of our lives:
Well the same can be said about the Roman Catholic Church-State with Australia making Catholicism the only religion to have an Ambassador. The Australian Constituion is simply ignored like the Freemasons in Parliament are ignored
Wilfred Wong has just given a new interview in which he begs for people to form a Watchdog group in the UK to stop Satanic Ritual Abuse:
Thanyou Mary for having the courage and concern to post your article.
I note the term used: ‘guiltlessly’. Bloody terrifying concept, but it seems to apply in many social and professional surroundings excluding child abuse; e.g. warmongering, thievery and say, banking at the top level.
Just imagine if every person in society decided to apply ‘guiltless’ as applied in all their conduct.
Just imagine if many thought ‘great’ and thought they were justified by the concept and went and ripped the heart out of every Satanist conducting or supporting such evil practices.
Interesting concept😈😈
Thanks for the warm compliment, Nedski.
I can tell you that my behavior almost never involves courage. I am just a machine. If I see what needs doing and think I can try, I just plunge in.
But it never has any effect. Sadly, I am old and have nothing to show for my efforts — the bad guys (the organizers) NEVER get taken to justice. Unless maybe they do and we don’t get to hear about it.
(Have you heard that Nelson Rockie died in the saddle? Maybe that’s not a true story?)
Re your subtle suggestion that folks take the bulls by the horns, I guess it does happen now and again. Please read the book “Savage Justice” by Handberg, about a cruel judge. Got his just deserts, he did. But the book is only a novel.
Robert Hughes in “Fatal Shore” (1988) tells of one incident at the original Port Arthur prison, concerning a sadistic warden, I think his name was Price. The prisoners (maybe including your ancestor) ganged up on him.
Those prisoners had nothing to lose however. Many of them wanted to die, out of sadness. I’m almost there myself — so watch out, guys!
I beg to differ Mary – you have a great deal to show for your efforts.
The numerous books you’ve written (not to mention your input at Gumshoe), have enlightened countless individuals
Each of these ‘enlightened’ may have spread the ‘knowledge’ to several others in turn and so the Red Pill movement goes.
If and when there is an epiphany amongst a critical mass of Aussies (and Seppos) as to the reality of what transpired with 9/11, the Port Arthur Massacre, The Boston Marathon, The Covid Hoax etc, this will be due, in no small part, to the efforts of yourself and Dee.
former UN Assistant Secretary General Robert Muller:
If you click here for a “Remembering Robert” tribute page for Robert Muller, you’ll be able to see a disgusting photo which is explained thusly:
Kathy: There is a beautiful painting in your home and I would like to know the story of it. Jesus appears next to the United Nations building in New York.
Robert: This painting is a gift from a French artist. He gave it to me and told me… “here is Jesus himself knocking at your office window. If you could only have the heart to hear it and the eyes to see it.”
as I have written here before without it having been absorbed by the Gumshoe line on SRA, see above article by MM, –
does herself and supporters no favours by 1. pushing a markedly anti-Catholic Protestant fundamentalist line 2. claiming the truth of astral projection. 3. writing how she forgave a pack rape of herself by various of her alleged co-soldiers.
I am not going to re-read her book, it is disjointed and hard going, nor re-watch her film “Candy Girl”. This will in Barnett’s view because I am a trafficking operative and/or have a vested interest, being by implication a witting or unwitting CIA asset.
Because as she writes on p.4 of her 456pp book,
“Be they arrogant academic or bottom-feeding troll, anyone who attempts to discredit the above writings is certainly an operative for the trafficking network. Similarly, whoever attacks my book has a vested interest in the lucrative international child trafficking operation coordinated by the CIA ”
Now having listened to the Greenbaum speech by Corydon Hammond and read Reina Michaelson etc.and watched Wilfred Wong, I have no doubt about the existence of SRA. not to mention the event around the Woods Commission, the Mulligan Report, Pizzagate, Marc Dutroux etc.
And it may well be that the ex-PM on Senator Heffernan’s 2015 list of 28 ACT police pedophile suspects was one of the many Aust. politicians who Barnett alleges are pedophiles (is it my imagination from memory, or all they all ALP, are there any Liberals?)
But this does not remedy Barnett’s shortcomings. I have enough trouble convincing a normie sheeple of SRA without having to defend Barnett as well.
It surprises me that no Gumshoer appears to see the problem of Barnett’s strident demand for utter allegiance to her in person.
It is as if Gumshoers need to circle the wagons around any and all SRA witnesses out of fear of the normie sheeple and their lamestream media.
[quote=Duns] MM, –
does herself and supporters no favours by 1. pushing a markedly anti-Catholic Protestant fundamentalist line [/quote]
I have yet to see any one of these “witnesses” who is not promoting a stupid, sentimental version of “Christianity” antipathetic to Apostolic Christianity much as the Judaeo-Masonic elitists have been peddling for centuries. That’s not to say that many who claim to be “Catholic” have not been seduced by the perversity of diabolic con-men to heap blame on the followers of the Apostles. Of course, the best way to do that is from “the inside”; get agents in via many avenues to subvert and disgrace. The original Judas was only the precursor of the many to follow. Duplicity and “projection” are not new.
The blardy galahs who like to imagine that “real Christianity” is a sentimental, subjectivist notion that began in the early C16 refuse to recognise that Christianity was alive and well for almost 400 years before the Bible was even put together; and then existed only as a few hand-written copies in monasteries and universities for at least another thousand years before the invention of the printing press; and even then, for several hundred years, was a very expensive book only available to the few of wealth and education who could read it.
Yair, I have little sympathy for the sanctimonious basards who presume to be the arbiter of good and true by convenience and sentiment.
Dear Oldavd, Dun was not referring to me but to Fiona.
To anyone who catches Fiona out on a personality style, I’d just lke to say YOU try being attacked for 40 years and let’s see how you do.
How would you know that I haven’t been attacked for 40 years?
I was referring to the whole lot of Judaeo-Masonry that has been trying to depreciate Christianity into a silly sentimental waffle since the Crucifixion, at least. You are not exempt on account of your politic waffle.
Your silly “beloved” Ed wats-is-name is a poor silly bugger who’s got to be 86 years old without re-evaluating the fashionable 1960’s Hippy MSM “wisdom” of misanthropy masquerading as “love”. I expect that he will be granted a fat cheque from the NWO protagonists.
There are two ways of coming into the Christian Faith. One is the affective, or moral conviction; the other is the intellectual conviction based in reason. Y’ gotta have a bit of both whether it’s more one or the other according to personality and nature.
If anyone is to be “caught” for “personality style” it’d have to be me. I’ve not had any MKUltra style programming to sell anti-Christian waffle that I know about. There’s something about selling bulls**t that requires an admixture of truth to promote credibility. Fashionable opinion has never been a reliable arbiter of ultimate good or truth. The Father of Lies can present as an Angel of Light.
Mary, seeing as you made mention of a technically incorrect claim, there is another one that Fiona Barnett is mistaken on.
Kim Beazley Sr was Education Minister during the Whitlam government (1972-75) and retired from parliament in 1977 so was not a minister in 1985 at the time of the Bathurst incidents.
Thank you for the correction, Veggie, but think t was I who made the error as to when he was education minister.
Glad you sorted that out Mary. My contribution for what it is worth from my files-
“For anybody who researches the MK Ultra topic, this is the basis of it. It’s trauma based mind control. Multiple Personalty Disorder (MPD) is a real disorder, and is often triggered by severe trauma-TORTURE experienced as a child. This is the backbone of the MK Ultra program, torturing individuals in order to create multiple personalities. These ‘soldiers’ are then apparently used by the global elite to shared classified information and messages (among other things), without ever questioning what they were doing, sort of like a robot. They don’t even remember what they do, because when they’re doing it they’re taking on the consciousness of somebody else.
Their uses are many.
There are rumours floating around among researchers in this community that numerous presidents and politicians are actually part of the program themselves, having suffered from trauma based mind control in order to play a certain ‘role,’ like the president of the United States for example, but we can’t actually verify that as truth.”
“But again, the fact is that multiple personalities do develop as a result of trauma . Kim Noble, for example, is an artist with different personalities – twenty of them, in fact. After suffering childhood abuse, Kim’s mind split into twenty distinct personalities to cope with the trauma. Over a dozen personalities are painters, including Judy the bulimic teenager, a gay man named Ken, and a mother called Patricia”
Kim Noble
The Artist with Multiple Personalities
The articles here should be of interest –
Many children will be raped tortured and murdered again this Halloween except this year many many more as it’s a full moon in the northern hemisphere
Yes Wayne I hear you but maybe just maybe the words of the thousands of brave survivor victims- here in Australia- who have been fighting tirelessly, and speaking out relentlessly against all odds for decades will- at least break and remove some of the perpetrators strangle hold on this evil madness– and the children will be released and spared.
House Dems Vote To Cover Up Child Sex Trafficking
In a 371-18 vote, House Democrats voted to essentially make opposition to pedophilia a hate crime in their pursuit to demonize the Q Anon movement.
H. Res. 1154
In the House of Representatives, U. S.,
October 2, 2020.
Whereas, throughout history, conspiracy theories that falsely blame secret cabals or marginalized groups for society’s ills have fueled prejudice, genocide, and acts of terrorism;
Whereas QAnon is a movement promoting a collection of unfounded conspiracy theories that have spread widely on the internet since 2017;
Whereas QAnon initially alleged that prominent Americans are engaged in a secret plot to control the world, while using their power to exploit children, and has expanded to embrace virtually every popular conspiracy theory of the last several decades, from questioning the truth about the September 11th terrorist attacks, to believing in alien landings, to denying the safety of vaccines;………………..
Every day in courts in commonwealth countries Her Majesty’s Crown Prosecutors present a indictment alleging that a accused and others conspired to commit a crime.
Her Majesty may not be amused.to be informed that conspiracies so alleged are bs.
So if Her Majesty claims that Q is bs, let her present the evidence of such a conspiracy in a commonwealth court with a appropriate indictment.
Seems that the Democrats in the US have forgotten some fundementals!
I smell panic it is basic; provide the overt acts required to substantiate a alleged conspiracy by Q anon to substantiate a act of a unlawful conspiracy …… for a unlawful act.
Offering a opinion is rarely, if ever, a unlawful act. Well, it used to be!
The Legal System Is Corrupt – There Is No Rule Of Law
The Democrats are Communists and this is never revealed to the public
The Democratic Party: Corruption Communism with Crashing and Burning
The Communist Takeover Of America – 45 Declared Goals
Communists and Socialists Push Democrat Platform Toward Tyranny
Democrats & Communists: A Review of the Documentary “The Enemies Within”
FaceBook Democrats are Communists
Democrat Party goals run right down the Communist Party line.
Why does the CPUSA support Democratic Party candidates for the presidency instead of running their own candidates?
The Democratic Party: America’s New Communists
Why Democrats are Actually Communists
Published on Mar 1, 2017
The Democrats sat there with their hands locked to protest President Trump’s first address to Congress. The reason Trump’s speech bothered them is because like Communists, they despise national sovereignty, identity, religion and shared wealth. Equality and collectivism is their worst enemy even though they portray to the public that they’re for it. That’s why Communism has proved to be corrupt, unequal and authoritarian.
During his first address to a joint session of Congress tonight, President Donald Trump saluted the widow of a U.S. Navy SEAL who was killed in a counterterrorism raid in January. It was an emotional moment as widow of U.S. Navy Special Operator, Senior Chief William “Ryan” Owens receives prolonged standing ovation. “Ryan died as he lived: a warrior, and a hero.”
On the other hand Nancy Pelosi refused to even applaud Job Creation.
Communist Party USA: ‘Working with the Democratic Party’ is key
Allen West says about 80 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party
The embarrassing electoral smattering of Hillary Clinton in November of 2016
carried with it the added effect of fracturing the democratic party.
Reagan Like Rudy Tied Democrats to Communists
Controlled by the Soviet Union for most of its history.
Engaged in espionage, infiltrated unions, and used front groups.
Acted as a fifth column in American government and society.
Democrats Love Affair With Communism
A bill narrowly passed the house in California, repealing part of the law enacted during the Cold War era in our country’s history when communists were really active and infiltrating our government, attempting to overthrow it.
The bill proposed to eliminate the section which allowed the firing of public employees if they were members of the Communist Party. The bill now goes to the Senate and its author, Democrat Assemblyman Rob Bonta, hopes that it will pass.
“Assemblyman Randy Voepel, a Southern California Republican who fought in the Vietnam War, said communists in North Korea and China are still a threat.”
Communist Party Admits Infiltration & Takeover of Democratic Party!
Communist Defector Speaks Out on America’s Marxist Future
Most of the Democrats in Congress are Card Carrying Communists!
Communist Party USA
The American Communist Party was born in Chicago in 1919 and headquartered there until 1927, when its headquarters and newspaper, the Daily Worker, moved to New York.
Communist Party USA Celebrates 95th Anniversary in Chicago
Barack Obama and the Communist Party
What is human capital?
Human capital theory was invented as an ideological weapon in the Cold War. Now it is helping to Uberise the world of work
Chicago, 1960. The United States is bogged down in a long, expensive and dangerous Cold War with the Soviet Union. Inside the Economics Building at the University of Chicago, two academics are engaged in a private, intense conversation. Theodore ‘Teddy’ Schultz is tall and lanky. Raised on a South Dakota farm and pulled out of school by his father, he’d still managed to scale the heady heights of academia, first as chairman of the Economics Department in 1944 and then as president of the American Economic Association in 1960. Schultz has strong connections with the Ford Foundation, an important front for CIA programmes during the Cold War.
The American Communist
Communism in America
Red Chicago
Peoples Republic of America a Communist USA
Communists entered from here down when reading the article.
By the early 1880s, discontent in the American levels reached a critical level. Millions now identified with the socialist cause, and called for the ousting of the Democrats who were still in power, and the implementation of many social reforms. While militant socialism expanded rapidly, and Communists had gained power in the upper house, the number of Americans supporting a communist rebellion remained minutely small compared to those supporting a less extreme socialist rebellion.
Q ANON followers are now banned from Facebook
Cannot wait to have sports pundits filling the news cycle with predictive crap on their prophesied winners and losers also banned.
Bread and circuses, anyone?
A reader sent me this about NSW “Suspect Target Management Plan:
“The STMP is a secret NSW Police policy and practice that is used by police to target individuals for pro-active attention including random personal searches and home visits at all hours of the day. In some cases, young children have been targeted with these invasive policing strategies even though they haven’t been charged with any crimes – but in fact are known to police as being the victims of crime or children at risk.”
source — PAC.asn.au
Start at 5.47
I thank Crisscross above for sending us HR 1134, but it is not correct. I treat Congress.gov as the authority on this. That website says the bill was introduced in 2019 and was sponsored by 17 House reps, but has been idle since then. It was not voted on. Cirsscross says it got 318 votes. What is your source, CC?
That said, it is a most peculiar bill — “to condemn QAnon” and similar conspiracy groups. A low point in the Legislature!
God help us.
It was not voted on. Cirsscross says it got 318 votes. What is your source, CC?
Oct 02, 2020, 12:31 PM | 116th Congress, 2nd Session
Roll Call Number: 218 | Bill Number: H. Res. 1154
Vote Question: On Agreeing to the Resolution
Bill Title & Description: Condemning QAnon and rejecting the conspiracy theories it promotes
Vote Type: Yea-And-Nay
Status: Passed
yea: 371
nay: 18
present: 1
not voting: 40
Western Anger as China, Russia Elected to UN Human Rights Council and Saudi Arabia Rejected
The rejection of Saudi Arabia, the only country that did not receive the required number of votes from UN member states, has been seen as a repudiation of the Kingdom’s decreasing international support.