Home Corona Dr. Bryan Ardis — Cov-19, Snake Venoms, Stable mRNA, PCR Tests and...

Dr. Bryan Ardis — Cov-19, Snake Venoms, Stable mRNA, PCR Tests and Poisoning People


Introduction by DM:

Dr. Bryan Ardis, founder and CEO of Ardis Labs joins more dots. I had not heard that the PCR tests was specifically used to identify snake venoms. He was the doctor to blow the whistle on Remdesivir – the Non-Approved FDA drug that Anthony Fauci made a protocol in all Hospitals — which literally killed people.

He has also been a pioneer in researching and uncovering the origins of Covid-19 and who may have created it. Dr. Ardis has teamed up with Dr. Tau Braun and their research suggests the vaccinated are in danger. It seems “they” have only just begun with their global human experiment.



    • The owned and controlled M$M is allowed to report, influence or perhaps boast, that the top 1% made twice as much money during their scamdemic as the other 99%, proving that they can direct as much funding to themselves as they please, with little or no interference from “the people’s” government, since they own the players, from Biden right down to Sarah Hanson-Young.
      When they say the top 1% got 2/3 of the money, that implies,,, : for every dollar a billionaire got, the average bogan got 1/2 of one cent. However this is not accurate. The second 1% got 2/3 of what was left after the top 1% took their share (22 cents). Then the 3rd 1% got 2/3 after that (7 cents). The last 4 cents was split up amongst the opportunistic and lucky, call them 2%, total 95%.
      The concealed fact is that the 95% ordinary bogans got poorer during the scamdemic, but by financial jiggery-pokery, their “stimmy cheques” transferred their personal debt to the national debt.

      • … total 95% should be total 5% …
        Busy listening to Ardis who has got a bit lost with his very open minded approach, the story that there is a 2nd water system under every city with remote control valves to deliver poison, I have to say, it wouldn’t be around here, maybe in some super rich place like North Sydney, but how would they stop the secondary supply from filling up with green gunk or spiders or simply muddy bubbles. Oh well we have to allow for a blip now and then.

  1. Everything we have been ‘washed to believe as true is BS, and we are set up never to return to normal, but for slavery sickness and mass ethnic cleansing.

    The first step to recovery is realise, as the Almighty says, that there are those whose minds are wired for evil and that they lie and murder for money and power.

    Many doctors have come out, so that truth may be heard, only to be silenced by the iron curtain of censorship through msm and the net web.

    The mantra of the bloodsuckers is, “truth is what we say it is”.
    Some are fooled, fortunately many are waking up. (not as in ‘woke’).

  2. Every known critter that is poisonous to Humans has been milked continuously for its venom, and for decades – why?

    Is it to provide antivenin remedy to those unfortunately bitten by any of those critters?

    Fact is – very few folk are ever subject to life threatening poisonous bites in any one year.

    Ever wonder why the truly dangerous critters in this country are ‘protected’?

    Or, was the venom milking exercise, and undertaken over many decades, initiated, to store enough venom to assist in the eradication of Humanity down to a more controllable, for them, number?

    Was the poison to be delivered solely by jab, or, were drinking water supplies also contaminated – remember all the testing done from sewer systems to find Covid?

    Why test sewer systems unless the water supply was known to be contaminated with Covid?

    ‘Q’ – warned us to watch the water!

  3. Brian Ardis, WTF do you eat? do you sleep in a pressure chamber? This is the scariest thing I have ever heard. I am dodging the medical assassins. How in the world do we live and stay safe in the is world? This is a serious question.

  4. We’re one tragedy away from pitchforks & torches…

    They Promised “Safe and Effective”, We Got “Sudden and Unexpected”


    “Question #2) How many people do you know who died “suddenly and unexpectedly” over the last 18 months?
    Recall how I was expecting to be hearing at least once a week about relatives, acquaintances and colleagues that had died from COVID, but instead didn’t hear anything. However, when it comes to relatives, friends and acquaintances who have suddenly and unexpectedly dropped dead of a heart attack or some other unanticipated medical event, over the last year to 18 months or so… well that’s a different story.

    • Even prior to the establishment of the internet anyone with any sense of self-worth/preservation would have been well aware that the entire medical arena has always been a minefield. As an archetypal scientific dunce I had long since figured out that no-one under 5 should be vaccinated for anything and that flu jabs were rubbish.

      A dig through the Gumshoe archives alone affirms the political context under which the covid saga emerged: the various articles all prove, beyond any question of doubt, that the need to be on red-alert re every aspect of exitence was being shouted from the rooftops.

      So the choice was between weathering the attendant sentient discomfort or maintaining the pretence that everything was still fundamentally sound.
      And everything on the face of the earth always comes at some sort of cost

  5. KISS – Gene Simmons, get faxxed

    They have been poisoning water supply since inception. Roman for instanced, liked to dull the populous with lead lined Aqueducts(Flint style). Could go on and on about chemicals to keep our teeth safe, and industrial chlorine with all the other yummies.

    Of course snake venom can be used as a weapon, I just have to use centrifugal force hanging onto a brown snakes tail to make that happen. Gain of function, but still a brain barrier crossing toxin. I think at a bs4 lab level they would like the “mule” possibility of self assembling transport to said target, the brain. Have to wait 600 years for the data

    Keeping it simple, we are been actively engaged in a demicidal matrix(they are going after everyone they can, man, woman and child). The vectors of assault are important in a battlefield sense, but this is a war. Keep your eyes on the big picture as you fight your local battle.

  6. The Dr. Ardis Show – Browse All Episodes – VokalNow.com


    Dr. Ardis has a special presentation for you to bring to light and get everyone up to speed on what the bioweapons are. He is educating to bring an understanding that the bioweapons are VENOMS! This is some of the most extensive research Dr. Ardis has done. There is hope and there are solutions you need to know about! http://www.thedrardisshow.com


    Must watch! In this incredible presentation, Dr. Ardis will open your eyes to why you should never consider a vaccine for anyone in your family, young or old. His presentation will cause you to hesitate, pause and question every single vaccine. You will get to know Paul Reid, PhD of Celtic Biotech. Why was the government funding him to grow and purify venom for large scale vaccine production?!!! Follow Dr. Ardis and go to https://thedrardisshow.com/ to subscribe to the email list and get access to more education, forms and nutritional supplements.

    • Ardis is going head-on into the entire narrative saying airborne virus, spike proteins and Crispr-Kass9 gene editing,,, is all actually venom, along with blood pressure pills ( Lisinopril and similar ), they are trying to get everyone full of accumulated venom. I would guess this fixation derives partly from Cleopatra who reportedly killed herself with a snake.
      Prince of Swabia, Klaus Swab, along with Gates & W.H.O. (Geneva), Pzifer, AMA, Health Dept., your local quack, all working together.

  7. The masses call for vaccination … or do they? Is it just another way of herding sheep?

    The Culls will continue. This will have deflationary effect and deepen the Greatest Depression.

    Interesting times!

    If we live to see 2054, we may envy the dead.

  8. College for Psychopaths, 5 year course

    Young Global Leaders Foundation Board
    ( most of these got delegated by now )
    Klaus Schwab, Chairman of the Board, Forum of Young Global Leaders; Founder and Executive Chairman,
    World Economic Forum
    H.M. Queen Rania Al Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
    H.R.H Haakon of Norway, Crown Prince of Norway
    Howard Cox, Director, Brown Advisory, USA
    Katherine Garrett-Cox, Member of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank, United Kingdom
    Ellana Lee, Senior Vice-President and Managing Editor, CNN International, Hong Kong SAR
    Marissa Mayer, President and Chief Executive Officer, Yahoo, USA
    Lorenzo A. Mendoza, Chief Executive Officer, Empresas Polar, Venezuela
    Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Chair, Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, USA
    David Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Carlyle Group, USA
    Jimmy Wales, Founder and Chair Emeritus, Board of Trustees, Wikimedia Foundation, USA
    Zhang Yichen, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, CITIC Capital, Hong Kong SAR

    The following organizations have selected the Forum of
    Young Global Leaders as an area they would like to engage
    in through their Strategic Partnership with the World
    Economic Forum.
    A.T. Kearney Inc.(Global Management Consulting)
    Bain & Company Inc. (Global Management Consulting)
    Barclays (major bank)
    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC (private equity)
    Deutsche Bank AG (major bank)
    General Motors Company
    The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (major bank)
    Google Inc.
    HSBC Holdings Plc (major bank)
    Hanwha Energy
    Heidrick & Struggles (Global Management Consulting)
    Lazard (Bermuda asset managers)
    McKinsey & Company (Global Management Consulting)
    Morgan Stanley (major bank)
    PepsiCo Inc.
    Publicis Groupe SA (Multinational Advertising & PR)
    Renault-Nissan BV
    Standard Chartered Bank (major bank)
    Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd (gamble against yourself)
    UBS AG (major bank)
    WPP Plc (Multinational Advertising & PR)
    Zurich Insurance Group (gamble against yourself)

  9. I have heard all this, heaps of fun and hope……. Just open the mind and consider what has been linked here for a few years to understand and get up to speed.
    One update I have received separately re the Fulford claim that T is an Avatar as included in the situation update by Mary.
    As for Pell and the Vatican, (Rothchilds and bribery of politicians as I have also referred to) my opinion is that he is in the right paddock…… as I have suggested in previous comments in recent articles. The politicians of high ‘status’ (especially the ‘wefers) have been historically bribed/compromised (also media?):with the bottomless ‘ROTchild’/ Vatican credit/debt card.
    Wonder if the Lathams and TEALS will realise the game?
    It is a must, at least, to listen to Charlie and his friend explaining the financial QFS ‘reset’ in the first interview. Will love a Lobster Wallet!
    Later SGAnon opines general matters for consideration.
    POOR MSM AND ABC! Those ‘fools’ are burnt toast to be chucked with their advertisers.
    If you are not with the present and do not care, just go back to Sandy Hook and Boston.

    • Please consider and concentrate.
      The above situation up date via Mary should also now be examined with a few dots with the following situation update from Mary. ( not MM) not linked, just research.
      I have just listened to all, so to get a greater picture please listen at BIN.
      PARTICULARLY TO SIMON PARKES AFTER ABOUT 29 minutes (dealing with Ukraine) where he opines on near future US political theoretical scenarios.
      In short, B goes, KH runs (not born in the US… my addition) and the Speaker McCarthy (3rd in line) ducks and there is no alternative, for public perceptions, to run another election and who may walk it in ? After all, he has been on the SIDELINE out of the picture. It is a matter for a increasingly informed public to consider💁🏼
      Have to love a good chess game where checkmate is on the board and there is no alternative for the loser other to overturn the board and just hope for a war.
      All fun.

    • In the situation update video, note what Fulford said should happen to the DAVOS ‘wefers’. EMP?
      Wonder who is controlling the video cameras recording the fools. Hmm, honey might taste sweet!
      I trust Aunty Greta is counting all the parked planes and going to expose the owners and passengers to calculate their green waste💁🏼

  10. Today’s celebrity death from hip surgery ( following Pell ), Renee Geyer (69).
    “The Yiddish word geyer means “peddler”, and it is assumed that when last names became mandatory in Europe, the surname Geier was imposed upon Jewish peasants as a deprecatory label connoting a scheming merchant who takes advantage of the cupidity of others, i.e., a “vulture”.”
    The search engine offers dozens of reports all syndicated from an original report.
    Notorious far-right former Senator Jim Molan (72) also dropped dead making up for yesterday’s empty obituary list.
    The budget will save lots of money from baby boomers demising, money which can be diverted to Rockerfellas’ HospitalSystem™ instead, to siphon it all out of the boomers at warp speed.

  11. Exclusive: Zelensky to speak at World Economic Forum’s Davos meeting alongside NATO chief, CNN anchor
    Davos Man on defense: World Economic Forum lashes out at ‘disinformation campaigns’ against its tyrannical ideas

    As a matter of public interest and legitimate journalistic reporting, The Dossier is publishing the entire document below, which we modified with the necessary redactions to protect personal information.

    Thank you to the anonymous sleuths who assisted The Dossier in uncovering these documents.

    Update 1/10/23: The Dossier has also retrieved the list of Public Figures attending Davos, which is attached below:



    The Aussie Davos 2023 list, originally posted by Australians vs The Agenda, details the attendees.

    Here is the list of Australians set to attend:
    — 1 —
    Peter Holmes à Court
    Australian Financial Review.
    — 2 —
    Genevieve Bell
    Distinguished Australian Professor.
    — 3 —
    Julie Bishop
    Former Foreign Affairs Minister and Chancellor of Australian National University.
    — 4 —
    Brian Schmidt
    Vice-Chancellor of Australian National University.
    — 5 —
    Caroline Cox
    Vice President of BHP.
    — 6 —
    Mike Henry
    CEO of BHP.
    — 7 —
    Timothy Ayres
    NSW Assistant Minister for Trade.
    — 8 —
    Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forest
    Fortescue Metals.
    — 9 —
    Elizabeth Gaines
    Fortescue Metals.
    — 10 —
    Jade Hameister
    Teen Environmental Activist.
    — 11 —
    Julie Inman Grant
    eSafety Commissioner.
    — 12 —
    Naomi Flutter
    — 13 —
    Michael Schneider


    • 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
      So whom on this list was or is is a presently elected representative in our AUSTRALIAN PARLIAMENT from any Federal parliamentary electorate?
      What about you lot: one Nation and the Teal pond? Financed by Fortescue metals, who is your ‘daddy’ Allegra?

      • Westfarmers and Bunnings is probably more sinister than it looks, working with Gates to private-equitize farms, as for Teals Party, they are part of Holmes-a-Court. Julie Bishop is on the covert Yellowcake board with Malcolm Turnbull and Alexander Downer.
        ANU is no doubt going to push ClimateChange™ experts down our throats and I see we have Jade Hamster the new Sarah Hansen-Thunderbox to try to bore us to death with their emissions.
        None of them seem bothered that there is no evidence of any ClimateChange™, there is only evidence of a lot of citizen journalists uploading video of everything. Even the plane crashes now have uploaded cabin video of the moments before death and carnage. The black box won’t even be needed, when we all have cameras built into our hats.
        The weather just goes on as always with droughts and flooding rain, with snow on the high plains and in Melbourne, it always rains in December, everyone knows that.

    • Pentagon Announces Ukrainian Troops Will Train in Oklahoma | 13 Jan 2023 |

      Shortly after the U.S. announced it will send a Patriot air defense system and more weapons to Ukraine, a Pentagon spokesperson has now announced a group of Ukrainian soldiers will come to the United States to train on a Patriot system so they’ll be ready when their own system arrives. Pentagon Press Secretary Gen. Pat Ryder in a press conference on Tuesday stated, “Training for Ukrainian forces on the Patriot air defense system will begin as soon as next week at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.” Gen. Ryder would note that 90 to 100 Ukranian troops will train to operate and sustain a Patriot air defensive system.


  12. Sorry Joe, just got a massive “awareness”/download.

    We can’t help, ourselves, but we can help the kids while we are here. .. you all choose that day to day, keep on keeping on

    Its a gumshoe thing, so blessing Dee

    • Thank you Simon. Thank you. I keep working on possible solutions. (1) Hoping for a team to take the matter of state abduction to the High Court. I recorded a discussion with the child protection (trafficking) dept the other day — as a trial run. I think we may have to produce some recordings with authorities for “training and educational” purposes …

  13. Our wicked, evil governments are doing one of their fake shitfights about medicare, they want to raise medicare levy but have to pretend they don’t want to first.
    What they always do is, pretend to cut income tax then raise a different tax like gst or levy instead, making more and more rules as they go along, which they see as their job, as if they are doing something, when it’s clear they are doing nothing.
    Now they’re going to find a solution to GPs who cannot survive on $300 /hr anymore, they all need double that, to stay ahead of the accountants’ rates.
    The solution will be to get them more money when what they seem to need is less work. Simple answer, let the chemists dispense the pills and the public can dispense with the GP. Chemists can take blood pressure and hand out antibiotics and it all goes on the database so it’s all the same.
    But …
    This is too easy, too simple, too effective.
    The process must be followed. Months of politicking followed by a tax increase.
    All brought to you by shiny-bum central, good for nothing, useless for everything.

  14. Vaxxing the food supply this year


    “We will soon be eating DNA altered, sickened animals from the same mRNA jabs contributing to the ‘Died Suddenly’ pandemic,” one Twitter user wrote.

    Another noted that, in financial partnership with Big Pharma, the federal government aims to inject vaccines into plants as well.

    I suggest locating an organic food supply. Bill Gates really wants to control the world food supply and force everyone to buy his frankenfoods. Worse yet, they won’t even put the vaxxes on the label so a person can tell the difference.

    With Sudden Adult Death Syndrome now leaping up the charts to become the leading cause of death—on account of the vaxxes—there are still many people who are part of the resistance.

  15. Thanks Sandra.
    First ten minute, ++++ the best from Mr High…… hilarious…..no turn up, booked attendees lose their deposit and bookings🤡🤡💰💰
    Hope our 🤡‘delegates used the booking wisely and will direct our politicians as to their riding instructions.
    Maybe there was a shortage of the required pilots and crew that have not been injected😩

  16. US military was secretly behind Australia’s COVID jab rollout

    “It is a fair bet that almost no Australians realize that their health system has been effectively taken over by the US Department of Defence (DoD). Yet that appears to be what occurred during the COVID crisis. A group of Australian scientists, doctors, and medical academics, headed by pharmacologist Phillip Altman, are claiming that the US DoD “had a dominant role in the response to the SARs CoV2 virus and in the subsequent development, manufacture, and distribution of the Covid 19 vaccines.”

    In a project dubbed Operation Warp Speed, the DoD manufactured the vaccines, managed distribution, owned the vials, and designed the clinical trials. The pharmaceutical companies effectively only provided window dressing. They were paid billions to do “large scale manufacturing demonstrations” that had little validity (Pfizer actually defended itself in a lawsuit claiming that because the DoD knew these demonstrations were fraudulent there was no malfeasance). The pharmaceutical companies lacked the capacity to produce the vaccines themselves.

    The intention was to create the impression that normal regulatory processes were being followed when in reality they were bypassed completely. Australian governments and regulatory authorities participated in the deception, repeatedly assuring the citizenry that there was sound oversight to ensure safety and efficacy ­– even when it was obvious that medium term safety was impossible to assess in such a short period and the requirement for repeated boosters showed the injections were not effective for any length of time.”

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