
Editor’s note: The most extraordinary interview with Dr Carrie Madej.
The link to Alex Jones’s extraordinary interview with Dr Madej HERE. (A MUST WATCH)
Editor’s note: The most extraordinary interview with Dr Carrie Madej.
The link to Alex Jones’s extraordinary interview with Dr Madej HERE. (A MUST WATCH)
Interesting, but irrelevant to me, I refuse to own a ‘smart’ phone.
This silly notion that “What a friend we have in Jesus; All our sins and griefs to bear” is a perverse notion that seeks to institutionalise the arrogant ambitions of Judas the Iscariot and his friends in the Synagogue who sought to to make God into a servant of their narcissistic fancies. Scripture and Tradition makes it very plain that the fruits of Redemption are conditional; “Take up your Cross and follow Me”.
Hardly anyone here would be even slightly interested in or tolerate this lot but I propose it lest it be thought I am afraid to do so.
Looks like they may be trying to frame up the muslims again, a tried and true distraction
For introducing more anti-terror surveillance, anti- private gun ownership laws and so forth
I thought they were using the Muslims as a segue into supposed “White supremacists”. More about creating an equivalence association in the public mind.
You’re probably right or else we’re both right, the opportunists will see multiple opportunities in anything I guess
Truly extraordinary, thank you Dee.
One (minor) way to protest quietly the advancement of technology and AI taking over our lives is to “divorce” it when possible, go back in time so to say in our habits, stop using “online” services and technology as much as possible, i.e. bill paying by writing and mailing checks, shopping, not using “self-checkouts,” etc., embrace the “Old World Order,” face to face with people, in person (even if wearing a mask for the time being).
Live “love thy neighbor.”
“According to Central Bureau of Statistics data during January-February 2021, at the peak of the Israeli mass vaccination campaign, there was a 22% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared with the previous year. In fact, January-February 2021 have been the deadliest months in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates compared to corresponding months in the last 10 years.”
The IPC finds that “amongst the 20-29 age group the increase in overall mortality has been most dramatic. In this age group, we detect an increase of 32% in overall mortality in comparison with previous year.”
“Statistical analysis of information from the Central Bureau of Statistics, combined with information from the Ministry of Health, leads to the conclusion that the mortality rate amongst the vaccinated is estimated at about 1: 5000 (1: 13000 at ages 20-49, 1: 6000 at ages 50-69, 1: 1600 at ages 70+). According to this estimate, it is possible to estimate the number of deaths in Israel in proximity of the vaccine, as of today, at about 1000-1100 people.”
Again, if this statistical analysis is correct then the numbers reported by the Israeli health authorities are misleading by more than 22-fold.
Remember that the COVId Vax spike will be passed to NON Vaccinated people by contact. That’s skin, breath, sex etc.
See Natural News or Brigheton.com for details.
Most of my work colleagues have had their vax, and I haven’t so I’ll let you know. If any of that turns out to be true, then I’m in the line for it.
A few of them were off sick a few days with sniffles and headaches, and one has had blurred vision, but so far I’ve seen nothing particularly worrying. It’s probably been two weeks or so now, and I think this is something that will declare itself over the longer timeframe.
Thanks again, Dee.
“Transhumanism is a philosophical movement, the proponents of which advocate and predict the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly enhance longevity, mood and cognitive abilities.”
We aren’t created in the image of “sophisticated technologies,” but in the image of our Creator and Designer and Maker, our God.
Imho, we can greatly enhance our longevity, mood and cognitive abilities by doing good deeds, by helping our Fellow Man and by living “love thy neighbor.”
Don’t wear a “fitbit,” leave your cell phone and other devices home or office when possible, turn off the tv as often as possible, etc.. Simple moves.
We have watched more tv and used streaming services during the plandemic than we otherwise would have and there is a huge difference in human behavior and familial interaction after the introduction of media and technology in general with (mis)information that invades people’s lives and preoccupies and directs and turns their attention away from matters dear and close to home to matters that are totally out of their control, i.e. wars, political battles, etc., and, in a way, there is no way of knowing what is fact and what is fiction.
Remember the movie Wag The Dog?
Years ago the MSM reported and showed footage of the Chinese air force doing their flight training and one observant person said that it was a scene from Tom Cruise movie Top Gun (I wouldn’t have recognized the scene, haven’t watched that movie).
We truly live in surreal times.
May God bless us all.
They have so much file footage now I think most of the foreign news is file footage especially India, Brazil and whoever they are trying to smear. Is the file footage editor paid in cocaine ?
That is very possible. On another thread, w3, you suggested that what if we all just start being kind and good and leave all other agendas to the wayside so to say. That’s the only way to go imho.
Thanks to the home office, my moral dilemmas have mostly been reduced to a minimum !!!
This will help us understand our Dee.
I enjoy listening to Thomas Sowell, but he never said anything in that video. I don’t even know if what was said was something he ever mentioned. Hopefully, somebody did not use his name to get credibility for their opinion.
Tom Sowell does not pay any attention to the readily observable fact that any group of people can rapidly deteriorate linguistically and culturally if they are separated from the stabilising influence of a strong civilisation whether as fugitives or exiles. Just look at the many “subcultures” within our own Nation and culture. I don’t even pretend to know what various adolescents and their impoverished “lingo” could mean with almost no means of appreciating or conveying any abstraction. Oh no! they’re not people emerging from a simian past! they’re poor people descending into a brutal abyss… often through no particular fault of their own. There is no virtue in trying to keep them in a wretched state as a living museum of decadence.
On the other hand we seem to delight in overcomplication and properness, must be an English affliction. I once overheard some aborigine youths saying “He didn’t dood it, I seed him”, which suggests they were not book readers. However I wouldn’t judge them on that alone.
“any group of people can rapidly deteriorate linguistically and culturally if they are separated from the stabilising influence of a strong civilisation”
Most people would be surprised to learn that the original Aussie culture was devolving well before the Euros showed up:
The above commentator certainly ISN’T Thomas Sowell.
Weird that such a crappy clip should show up on his site.
Generally speaking he’s well worth listening to:
Oh for the sight of Cape Town.
A change is as good as a rest, have you been to Wilpena Pound or McDonnell Ranges yet
Here is Dr Carrie Madej’s website – Help her however you can –
THE BATTLE FOR HUMANITY – Dr Carrie Madej (stopworldcontrol.com)
It explains how, quote “There is a battle raging for humanity. Dr Carrie Madej reveals how Big Tech collaborates with Big Pharma to introduce new technologies in the coming vaccines, that will alter our DNA and turn us into hybrids. This will end humanity as we know it, and start the process of transhumanism: HUMAN 2.0 The plans are to use vaccines to inject nanotechnology into our bodies and connect us to the Cloud and artificial intelligence. This will enable corrupt governments and tech giants to control us, without us being aware of it.”
Yes, Dr. Madej is extraordinary, Peter.
Kabbalah is one option to take into account, against all this-worldly odds, to return us to being One with our Creator and Maker, not Big Tech and Big Pharma, to re-connect our immaterial (energy) consciousness and our thoughts and minds to The Main Frame of Creation above time, space and motion, to God’s Mind as it were, not AI, in Biblical yet not religious code the ultimate battle of Gog and Magog, the cosmic battle of the souls of all Humankind between good and evil:
“The Hebrew letters are the instruments of Creation. They are genetic strands of cosmic DNA. The letters transcend religion, race, geography, and the very concept of language. They are instruments of power. This truth is found within the Hebrew word for “letter,” which means “pulse” or “vibration,” indicating a flow of energy. By virtue of their shapes, sounds, sequences, Hebrew letters radiate a wide range of forces. Their influence is universal, their scope, sweeping. Their power is shared with all mankind, though this penetrating truth has been concealed for millenia. Their sacred energy removes rash and intolerant emotions, fear and anxiety from our beings. Their spiritual influence cleanses destructive impulses from our natures. The Light they emit purifies our hearts. All these spiritual benefits, and more, are now bequeathed to us in this majestic passage discoursing on the Creation of the spiritual and physical cosmos.”
Zohar Trumah
In David Icke’s words, “Everything is consciousness” and, “Only love is real.”
One of the most awe inspiring moments in my life was when I had David Icke’s books and The Zohar in front of me and there was no conflict at all in the ultimate goal of Mankind which is to, in transliterated Hebrew, “Ve’ahavta Lere’acha Kamocha,” to unconditionally love our Fellow Man.
We are so empowered with connectivity, jet-packs, info highway etc we are already 2.0 if you think about it that way. You can understand why the plutocrats are scared, this really may be the last roll of the dice for them. Daniel Andrews took a good kicking (maybe CCP) and Mark McGowan had some sort of murder attempt on him for doing a lockdown.
The economy is intended to be wrecked by the virus response, this is a global strategy, enabling the winners to pick up distressed assets at a low price. Lockdowns are intended to create debt mountains. The World Bank has tripled its issue of SDRs (available credit to nations), the world’s new global currency. When everyone is up to their eyeballs in debt the loans will be “restructured”, eg the loan security will become property of World Bank entities and leased back to the former owner. Otherwise, lockdowns would be pointless. Just locking down the old people would achieve the purported aim.
Late last night I checked out Maricopa County Audit live stream (azaudit.org), it looked pretty busy in there. (I suggest camera 5.)
The US FDA boss made a statement yesterday I think disavowing lockdowns or some aspect of the plandemic response. Various plutocrat types are backing off most recently Gates’ partner. Max Keiser is getting bolder and testing his limits on spewtube but he is available on RT as well if anyone is interested in deep economic theory
Hard to pick a side between Christian values and dark-green depop agenda, except the basic nature of the advocates for depop, thinking Gates, WHO, Rockerfellas, etc. makes it easier. The late Philip Saxe-Coburg used to like shooting rhinos in Africa, or so they say. It’s all about quality of holidays. Ski slopes. Beaches. Temples. Mass tourism has wrecked it for everyone except the full-moon-party teenagers and tour-bus crowd. Philip will be ecstatic to have come back as a virus.
During World War II medical experiments were conducted on prisoners in the concentration camps. After the war, during the historic Nuremberg Trials, anyone involved in these experiments was prosecuted. The Nuremberg Code was written to prevent criminal medical experiments in the future. According to this internationally recognized code, the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential in any medical experiment.
Since the covid vaccines are listed as medical experiments, administering them without the persons full consent is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
I agree when referring to ‘mandatory vaccines’, but the stupids that line up for the jabs is their problem.
Peter, not everyone was prosecuted at Nuremberg, many escaped and/or were helped and “rescued” to keep their knowledge and skills alive and well, the Nuremberg Trials was in a way a distraction so that we the masses would think fascism was defeated. Far from it as we are now witnessing.
“By Ken Adachi Editor@educate-yourself.org
http://educate-yourself.org/ mc/
The topic of mind control is elaborate, multifaceted, and multi
layered. For the casual reader, it can quickly become numbing,
overwhelming the senses and creating a desire to exit the topic, but
avoiding this subject is the most foolish thing you could possibly do
since your only chance of surviving this hideous and insidious
enslavement agenda, which today threatens virtually all of humanity,
is to understand how it functions and take steps to reduce your
The plans to create a mind controlled workers society have been in
place for a long time. The current technology grew out of experiments
that the Nazis started before World War II and intensified during the
time of the Nazi concentration camps when an unlimited supply of
children and adults were available for experimentation. We’ve heard
about the inhumane medical experiments performed on concentration camp
prisoners, but no word was ever mentioned by the media and the TV
documentaries of the mind control experiments. That was not to be
divulged to the American public. Mind control technologies can be
broadly divided into two subsets: trauma-based or electronic-based .
The first phase of government mind control development grew out of the
old occult techniques which required the victim to be exposed to
massive psychological and physical trauma, usually beginning in
infancy, in order to cause the psyche to shatter into a thousand alter
personalities which can then be separately programmed to perform any
function (or job) that the programmer wishes to “install”. Each alter
personality created is separate and distinct from the front
personality. The ‘front personality’ is unaware of the existence or
activities of the alter personalities. Alter personalities can be
brought to the surface by programmers or handlers using special codes,
usually stored in a laptop computer. The victim of mind control can
also be affected by specific sounds, words, or actions known as
triggers .
The second phase of mind control development was refined at an
underground base below Fort Hero on Montauk , Long Island (New York)
and is referred to as the Montauk Project. The earliest adolescent
victims of Montauk style programming, so called Montauk Boys, were
programmed using trauma-based techniques, but that method was
eventually abandoned in favor of an all-electronic induction process
which could be “installed” in a matter of days (or even hours) instead
of the many years that it took to complete trauma-based methods.
Dr. Joseph Mengele of Auschwitz notoriety was the principle developer
of the trauma-based Monarch Project and the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control
programs. Mengele and approximately 5, 000 other high ranking Nazis
were secretly moved into the United States and South America in the
aftermath of World War II in an Operation designated Paperclip. The
Nazis continued their work in developing mind control and rocketry
technologies in secret underground military bases. The only thing we
were told about was the rocketry work with former Nazi star
celebrities like Warner Von Braun. The killers, torturers, and
mutilators of innocent human beings were kept discretely out of sight,
but busy in U.S. underground military facilities which gradually
became home to thousands upon thousands of kidnapped American
children snatched off the streets (about one million per year) and
placed into iron bar cages stacked from floor to ceiling as part of
the ‘training’. These children would be used to further refine and
perfect Mengele’s mind control technologies. Certain selected children
(at least the ones who survived the ‘training’) would become future
mind controlled slaves who could be used for thousands of different
jobs ranging anywhere from sexual slavery to assassinations. A
substantial portion of these children, who were considered expendable,
were intentionally slaughtered in front of (and by) the other children
in order to traumatize the selected trainee into total compliance and
Some of these TV presenters might be getting their personalities split up and mind-controlled, the amount of rubbish they come out with, I haven’t watched BBC lately but it would be worth trying to keep an eye out for
Sorry, I meant to reply to Peter.
Lisa Haven on the Bill and Melinda show …………. Being our ‘saviors”.
She is a bit of fun theorising on why Melinda has split with uncle Bill.
However I was shocked at the video of a old Bill interview….. in black and white.
Does anyone know the meaning of the English word “concerned”?
Just scroll to the 6 min mark plus a bit for the video interview and at 8 minutes listen to a current viewpoint from a Italian in their ‘Parliament’ …………….. ‘send him to the International criminal court for crimes against humanity’. then Lisa names a few others.
Ha; won’t hear a similar rant from any politician of puppet shock joke in Australia.
Gotta love the Italian Mummas!!!
Anyone for the Nuremberg Express? …………. boarding soon, if there is room???
Update in Ireland: Police Seize Children From Church Raid Filmer. Kevin Woodman
Yes, I think I picked up the Guardia invasion video at http://www.whatreallyhappened.com this morning on my daily scroll.
Frightening, to think that the Irish took on their British subjugators! For what? Fascism?
The ‘Safety Jihad’ drives on, using our morality against us.
Previously posted but relevant –
I will not knowingly eat anything that has been genetically modified so why then would I want to get myself genetically modified with these Jewish biotech/pharmaceutical companies mRNA vaccines?
“Even the latest technology platform stated to have been invented to be able to design a new vaccine to cope with any COVID variant within 2 hours and not only design it, but even have the finished product ready to distribute within 48 hours was invented by a Jewish professor, and here are other examples of Jewish-based COVID ‘vaccine’ death shot work”
Bill Gates: Crypto-Jew, Pseudo-Christian
An interesting Bill Gates connection –
Chabad Lubavitch Identified as Supremacist Criminal Cult in League With Mossad
by Brian Davis (henrymakow.com) (from June 11, 2011)
Would the anti-Christian Synagogue of Satan (Rev.2:9 & 3:9) make vaccines for your benefit or harm?
This is up your interest ally.
Search Jacques Attali, born 1943, banker and see the bitchute video report. He has everything you desire from a 1981 interview. The stupid will take the vaccine thinking it is for their own good.
Terry will be delighted, we will not have to put up with the stupids and the traffic jams will disappear. ……… heaven!
Thanks Ned – A must read –
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Globalist Banker Predicted Scam-demic And Genocide Of The Useless YEARS AGO!
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” – H.L. Mencken
“To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname empire; and where they make a wilderness, they call it peace”. – Tacitus
Join the gap –
https://www.bit chute.com/search/?query=jacques%20attali&kind=video
Very interesting article as are the comments –
The Satanic Roots to Modern Medicine – The Mark of the Beast?
Ha Ha, I am being censored twice………I should not have considered those who are retired useless eaters over Attali’s age forecast. Kissinger, Soros, Howard, Keating et.al who are apparently not opposed to Attali’s agenda.
Oh well, Her Majesty makes me feel better.
https://www.bit chute.com/video/Nfj42B2WBV5L/
Yep the old fuddies do want to be euthanised.
yep, tried to link without space.
Now censor THIS, the world awakening you A Holes
Getting the big picture Leena and Mr Ryan?
Got the picture ?
Be ahead of our conditioning lying mass media and ABC frauds.
Have to love it, they keep digging their own graves.
Well we are 99% of the shovelers and we will bury them for good.
If a guard dog feeder at a Nazi concentration camp can be charged at 90 years plus in Germany for crimes against humanity, then our shock joke finger puppets and politicians better be entertaining a lawyer.
Well, who actually listened to the latest X22Report report above?
Take us on Leena and Tony.
A quick take on “X22,” Ned, in Codex Magica by Texe Marrs he suggests that both the “X” and “22” are codes that the “illuminated ones” would use, so perhaps just another layer of distraction and misinformation. Have to look further and go deeper. Thanks anyway.
Symbolism infects everything (photo shoots, artworks, any human creation) and numbers are made to mean whatever people want them to mean, but be quick and get on azaudit.org early morning Melbourne time and look at camera 5 is the best view. They have tables galore and vote auditors and scrutineers everywhere. As Trump said, leaving the whitehouse with his happy wife, “we will count every legitimate vote””. x22 is just a reporter, with his own bias, but he covers something which the MSM is intent on fully censoring. The smear campaign by MSM against Trump has been absolutely relentless. They hate him more than anyone on earth but they have been unable to destroy him, much less stop him !!! Because even though they own MSM, BigPharma and all the rest, they do not own the US army.
There is a psychological war going on between the establishment and Trump / US army and x22 delivers the latest details in a way that is very conducive to a midday nap.
Texe Marrs seems to know his stuff you are probably right to take X/22 to task although I think x/22 is probably legit I’m not so sure he is in the know as much as I would like.
Orrite, yous galahs who seem to think that God can be defeated by “democracy” and that reality and the nature and purpose of life is determined by popular acclaim and that a just chastisement for perversity can be averted by similar claim to “sovereignty”, autonomy, or “rights” independent of obligations should ignore everything that pertains to obligations.
A New World Order Brought to You by COVID-19 and the Global Deep State
Ole Emick Jones can be a bit boorish at times but his main points are applicable everywhere. He seems a bit reluctant to tie “the Jewish revolutionary spirit” to ‘Masonry even though ‘Masonry has been described by Pharisaical Rabbis as “introductory Kabbalah for Goyim”. He’s right, though, that the blardy Jesuits have been gradually subverted by Judaeo-Masonic ideals for centuries. It is little known that the Judaic influence in the Jesuits became such a bother that the Society prohibited anyone of Jewish heritage and afiliations from membership in the Society; a prohibition that was gradually ignored.
Thanks old David for the introduction stirring music and words.
People should listen to the interview following. We are all now The Irish in spirit.
Referenced in the above video.
Leon De Poncins The – Secret Powers Behind Revolution
Rabbi Wise – “Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history, degrees, symbols, passwords and explanation are Jewish from beginning to end.” (slightly different translation)
Ned, recall my comment on that excellent 5½ video by Altiyan Childs – he was revealing all yet holding back on the “elephant behind the curtain”.
Freemasonry Historic Links To Zionism/Judaism by Ray Novosel
The Free Masons god is Tammuz a Babylonian sun-god
According to historian Alexander Hislop, Tammuz was intimately associated with the Babylonian mystery religions begun by the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and her illegitimate son, Horus (the god of money). The original form of the Babylonian letter T was †, identical to the crosses used today in this world’s Christianity. This was the initial of Tammuz.
In fact, the cross is a symbol of one of the enemies of God – Tammuz, a Babylonian sun-god. The ancient letter Tau, the initial of Tammuz, looks like the English lower-case ‘t’, which makes a very clear cross. It was this cross that was brought by pagans into the church and was later ADOPTED to stand for the “cross” of Christ.
The letter X in Greek represents the first letter of Christ in Greek. Where the Bibles translation in the New Testament says “Cross” the Greek actually says stake or pole – stauros. I is the first letter of Jesus in Greek. Thus IX with the X superimposed over the I is the cross on which Christ was crucified,
“……..And when the sentence of death had been passed on our Lord by Pilate, they (the Jews) made haste and went into the sanctuary [Fol. 46b, col. 1] and brought out from thence the carrying poles of the Ark of the Covenant, and out of them they made the Cross of Christ. Verily it was meet that these pieces of wood which used to carry the Covenant should also carry the Lord of the Covenant. The Cross of Christ was formed of two pieces of wood which were of the same height, and depth, and length, p. 229 and breadth. \
And Paul the Apostle laboured exceedingly that the Gentiles might know what was the might of the Cross, which embraced the height, and depth, and length, and breadth of the earth. And when they raised up Christ, the Lamp of Light of all the earth, and set Him upon the candlestick of the Cross, the light of the sun became dark, and was extinguished, and a covering of darkness was spread over the whole earth. Three nails were driven into the body of our Redeemer, two through His hands, and one through both His feet. And there were two thieves [with Him], one on His right hand and one on His left hand……”
Roman Catholicism is Babylonian paganism dressed up with Christian terminology.
The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop Chapter V Section VI
The Sign of the Cross
“…………The same sign of the cross that Rome now worships was used in the Babylonian Mysteries, was applied by Paganism to the same magic purposes, was honoured with the same honours. That which is now called the Christian cross was originally no Christian emblem at all, but was the mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and Egyptians–the true original form of the letter T–the initial of the name of Tammuz–which, in Hebrew, radically the same as ancient Chaldee, was found on coins. That mystic Tau was marked in baptism on the foreheads of those initiated in the Mysteries, * and was used in every variety of way as a most sacred symbol……………………..”
Joolyers, I am reasonably familiar with Leon de Poncins as I had a couple of his books 40 odd years ago. (They vanished into the lending stratosphere years ago). The one you linked to is a bit different to what I recall of the other two that I was familiar with because it had a bit of commentary to pull it all together unlike what I remember of the others which were a tome of direct quotes from ‘Masons and Jews.
Of course, I’ve not read every word of the book you linked to but, according to my couple of hours flick through, it’s entirely consonant to what I know from other sources.
Thanks oldavid – also Ned will appreciate this – don’t let the first few minutes put you off
NASA, Kabbalah, Masonry, and Zionism
Oh – and this too from Henry Makow …
FAVIPIRAVIR cheap knock-off
Thailand seems to be sneaking around the WHO / FDA guidelines
Still they are going amazingly slowly at legal speed, not state of emergency speed
“Green light for local favipiravir production”
The metaphysical cosmic power of Kabbalah has been abused thus far by the “illuminated ones” in business, politics and religion in every country in the world and in every language, etc. but there is a cosmic change, indeed a Climate Change and The Greatest Reset is coming since all agendas have been exposed and outed but “climate czar” John F. Kerry (of royal descent as well) is not in charge of this Change of our Narrative. “Democrat” Kerry debated “Republican” Bush in the 2004 Presidential Election, two Skull & Bones fellows debating the issues from the “left” and the “right”… How we’ve been fooled.
I will watch the videos a little bit later, Ned & co., but nothing will change my stance on Kabbalah and its power when used for the good.
God = Good
Good = God
Just imagine and picture the scope of the misconception and misunderstanding of The Hebrew Bible with the following verse from The Kabbalistic Prayer book:
“A story in the Torah tells us that God ordered the Jews to go and slaughter the nation of Amalek, including all the men, women and children. A controversial directive, to say the least, especially in light of the Commandment “Thou shall not kill.” Kabbalah explains this apparent contradiction. The Torah is a code not to be taken literally. The word Amalek has the same numeric value as the Hebrew word for uncertainty. The Kabbalists explain that it is uncertainty that is the seed of all evil in the world: uncertainty about ourselves, uncertainty about the existence of God, uncertainty about our destiny and our abilities to overcome challenges. Because our consciousness creates our reality, uncertainties lead us to a sea of chaos. When we destroy our uncertainties, we are blessed with positivity and certainty in the Light. God is really telling the Jews to slaughter the uncertainties within ourselves. Slaughtering the men, women and children of Amalek represents the destruction of of our uncertainties, from the initial seedlings of doubts to the full-grown uncertainties, skepticism, and adulterated thoughts that overwhelm us daily.”
“Wittingly or unwittingly, the Jewish Councils were tools of the Nazis. Jewish leadership made the destruction of the Jewish people easier…” Hannah Arendt “Eichmann In Jerusalem”
Help IS on the way, Big Time.
Never Again! Nie Wieder!
Phew! Leena!
[quote Leena] nothing will change my stance on Kabbalah and its power when used for the good.[/quote]
We need a proper definition of “the good” and Kabbalah’s “power”.
According to Kabbalah and Talmud the ultimate “good” is the total subjugation of the Goyim to the “chosen” apostles of “the Light Bearer” and the total elimination of the followers of the weak, stupid, Adonai. You know, that stupid godhead that revolted Lucifer with His intention to be born of a woman and to sacrifice Himself as the ransom for many. That One Who said “My Kingdom is not of this World” and Who declined to use His wonderful powers to smash the Romans and to impose the Sanhedrin and Pharisees as the boss of the whole World.
Kabbalah and ‘Masonry promise all sorts of worldly advantages to anyone who will abandon abstractions like Truth and Virtue for “higher” “illuminations” that give an arbitrary, but subservient, power over the stupid masses.
Maybe “nothing will change my stance on Kabbalah” as this diabolical narcissism has survived for millennia and seen the end of many great civilisations… I can’t see why it should stop now; there are still plenty of children of Adam that desire to “be as gods”.
Leena. I happen to agree with you on the Kabbalah. It was Colismo de Medici, (add n and e that name and what do you get – it’s not homeostasis) who had the Hermetica translated. Well at least that is what some researchers have said. Now as a wealthy dude and powerful figure it would be fair to say the banker probably wanted to use the wisdom to his benefit. But the Hermetica, and its offshoots like Kabbalah, was put in writing for the benefit of all, not an individual.
I like your examination of uncertainty. But I doubt wisdom is certain. In fact it was Bertrand Russell who said: the stupid are so sure of themselves whereas the wise are so full of doubts. I know the guy was a Fabian so was looking at people from the wrong direction but the statement, when we look at the world around us, has merit. We don’t need any more evidence of that than the reply of oldavid who proudly claims that he is so certain in his belief on the Kabbalah that nothing will change his mind.
“They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.’
Edward Mandell House
Trump has started his own twitter, and he uses it to bash twitter, so funny
“What Facebook, Twitter, and Google have done is a total disgrace and an embarrassment to our Country. Free Speech has been taken away from the President of the United States because the Radical Left Lunatics are afraid of the truth, but the truth will come out anyway, bigger and stronger than ever before. The People of our Country will not stand for it! These corrupt social media companies must pay a political price, and must never again be allowed to destroy and decimate our Electoral Process.”
Sarah Beuckmann: 34-year-old Scotland Woman Suffers Gruesome AstraZeneca Adverse Reaction
This story is not for the queasy. So fair warning – stop reading now if you can’t handle the sight of ghastly human injuries.
Mrs. Sarah Beuckmann received her first dose of the experimental AstraZeneca viral vector shot on March 18, according to The Daily Record. She immediately felt flu-like symptoms, but was otherwise ok – until seven days later. A tingling sensation in her legs quickly turned into a rash that morphed into something you only see in horror movies……………………
Mrs. Beuckmann is “ineligible” to get the second shot due to the adverse reaction. But she is encouraging others to get the shots despite her adverse reaction. “I’m not an anti-vaxxer or anything,” – Yeah, encourage others to take the ‘vaccine’, you must be one of the ‘stupids’ that are destined to the trash heap of humanity.
I didn’t know that. I only read the lead up. Is cognitive dissonance the correct term to apply to that lady?
Way back in the olden days I think it was a very widespread superstition called “leader worship” where the secular “authorities” are presumed to have magical powers to be able to “fix” everything.
In these days I vote for no bastard to make rules to govern my life.
Those blood clots legs photos are popping up a lot now, in a comment about a week ago I speculated that they might be in the legs because of gravity, so if you were upside down after your injection you might get migraines, stroke, cerebral haemorrhage etc.
But the interesting thing about your link is that google found a way to block it !!! And I had to right click and open in a new window !!! and then I had to be “redirected !!! And yesterday I told someone I know to go on brighteon.com and he told me it was blocked too. As the maligned x22 has been telling people (over and over), censorship will be ramped up China style until possible blackout, when Trump has already advised he has a military application called “big voice”. Well, wait and see.
Ooo! Are you promoting anarchy as the “best” form of social (dis)order, Crossy? Perhaps you have your black “Antifa” mask in your back pocket? Historically, (let’s not get to philosophy), anarchy is always a prelude to a brutal tyranny or collapse into savagery. Anarchy is not an improvement on the tyranny of megalomaniac error; only the adherence to Truth and Virtue in spite of “difficulties” is the antidote to both tyranny and anarchy.
The “rules to govern your life” are not the whim of any “bastard”, or group of bastards, or the popular acclaim of a mass of bastards; the rules come from a higher order that has to do with the nature and purpose of “your life” which is not determined by any bastards; not even you bastard.
A Second Letter to Thomas F. Bayard,
by Lysander Spooner (1808-1887)
To Thomas F. Bayard of Delaware:
“…..……1. No man can delegate, or give to another, any right of arbitrary dominion over himself; for that would be giving himself away as a slave. And this no one can do. Any contract to do so is necessarily an absurd one, and has no validity. To call such a contract a “constitution,” or by any other high-sounding name, does not alter its character as an absurd and void contract.
2. No man can delegate, or give to another, any right of arbitrary dominion over a third person; for that would imply a right in the first person, not only to make the third person his slave, but also a right to dispose of him as a slave to still other persons. Any contract to do this is necessarily a criminal one, and therefore invalid. To call such a contract a “constitution” does not at all lessen its criminality, or add to its validity. These facts, that no man can delegate, or give away, his own natural right to liberty, nor any other man’s natural right to liberty, prove that he can delegate no right of arbitrary dominion whatever — or, what is the same thing, no legislative power whatever — over himself or anybody else, to any man, or body of men.
This impossibility of any man’s delegating any legislative power whatever, necessarily results from the fact that the law of nature has drawn the line — and that, too, [*5] a line that can never be effaced nor removed — between each man’s own interest and inalienable rights of person and property, and each and every other man’s inherent and inalienable rights of person and property. It, therefore, necessarily fixes the unalterable limits, within which every man may rightfully seek his own happiness, in his own way, free from all responsibility to, or interference by, his fellow men, or any of them.
All this pretended delegation of legislative power — that is, of a power, on the part of the legislators, so-called, to make any laws of their own device, distinct from the law of nature — is therefore an entire falsehood; a falsehood whose only purpose is to cover and hide a pure usurpation, by one body of men, of arbitrary dominion over other men. That this legislative power, or power of arbitrary dominion, is a pure usurpation, on the part of those who now exercise it, and not a “trust” delegated to them, is still further proved by the fact that the only delegation of power, that is even professed or pretended to be made, is made secretly — that is, by secret ballot — and not in any open and authentic manner; and therefore not by any men, or body of men, who make themselves personally responsible, as principals, for the acts of those to whom they profess to delegate the power.
All this pretended delegation of power having been made secretly — that is, only by secret ballot — not a single one of all the legislators, socalled, who profess to be exercising only a delegated power, has himself any legal knowledge, or can offer any legal proof, as to who the particular individuals were who delegated it to him. And having no power to identify the individuals who professed to delegate the power to him, he cannot show any legal proof that anybody ever even attempted or pretended to delegate it to him.
Plainly, a man who exercises any arbitrary dominion over other men and who claims to be exercising only a delegated power, but cannot show who his principals are, nor, consequently, prove that he has any principals, must be presumed, both in law and reason, to have no principals; and therefore to be exercising no power but his own. And having, of right, no such power of his own, he is, both in law and reason, a naked usurper. ………………..Read on –
“…..……1. No man can delegate, or give to another, any right of arbitrary dominion over himself; for that would be giving himself away as a slave. And this no one can do. ”
Nonsense, Crossy! Prostitutes, politicians and perverts do it all the time.
William Penn — ‘Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.’
Sad to read of stuff like this. One person who had the AZ Quaxxine (thx w3, nice word) had a blot clot (to the heart) still will take the 2nd shot (v1.1) it’s getting heartwrenching when you see others go this way.
Critically Thinking On The “Vaccine” Bioweapon
The credit for the video’s recommendation goes to Deanna Spingola. I think people will find this one hour and twenty minutes podcast very interesting. I want to make something crystal-clear; I do not personally endorse any of these doctors and researchers, in fact I find some of these people a bit suspect for a number of reasons. I am just posting this video to see the direction where this important debate is heading to, as it seems new data is being added to it all. By the way, as I have been able to witness, YouTube has deleted this video in a matter of hours.
It is our lot to try and determine the credibility of these people who create these videos. I’m glad that gumshoe is a good site where we all can look to determine whether something is plausible or not.
We are no longer sheep, but have graduated to lab rats status. They play us like a cat does with one before it skins it alive. Bs on steroids, screen bombardment now, with slavemasons pushing their satanic agenda.
You are salt of the earth, 56, and so on point.
Slavemasons build their own prison, yet do not know it
Thank you, you are even better.
We’re all sinners, imperfect in many ways, although a child can see the emperor is naked from too many lies. For many, the obvious too difficult to see, brainwashing overpowering created sight.
x22 Dave says people may not be loudly declaring that they are waking up, but they are asking questions – a great sign. Tucker Carlson sends the same message – ASK QUESTIONS.
https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/04/27/sharyl_attkisson_investigates_covid_19.html Sharyl Attkisson investigates: did Covid-19 originate at Wuhan Institute of Virology?
CoVID-19 got rid of colds and flu now like diamonds, Covid is forever.
“By Janet Phelan
An article in The New York Times, published on May 3, reveals a dramatic shift in the narrative concerning coronavirus and the future.
Gone are the declarations that Covid is a temporary phenomenon, to be defeated by masks, lockdowns and herd immunity. Quoting Rustom Antia, who is a virologist with Emory University, the article promotes the hypothesis that Covid is now forever.
Dr. Antia stated that “The virus is unlikely to go away.”
The article goes on to quote Dr. Anthony Fauci, a previously strong prior promoter of the herd immunity thesis as saying:
“People were getting confused and thinking you’re never going to get the infections down until you reach this mystical level of herd immunity, whatever that number is.”
In a paragraph that might send chills down the spine of those yearning to be free from the yoke of virus restrictions, the Times article reports that “Polls show that about 30 percent of the U.S. population is still reluctant to be vaccinated. That number is expected to improve but probably not enough. ‘It is theoretically possible that we could get to about 90 percent vaccination coverage, but not super likely, I would say,’ said Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.”
In a dramatic reversal from the promises that we would sooner or later return to normal, the article goes on to explore the apparently novel conclusions that viruses spread persistently, and that a vaccination skeptical populace is aiding and abetting the persistence of this spread. The article states “…experts now calculate the herd immunity threshold to be at least 80 percent. If even more contagious variants develop, or if scientists find that immunized people can still transmit the virus, the calculation will have to be revised upward again.”
Pope Pushes Vaccines
Vatican heavily promotes coronavirus vaccines in ‘Resource Kit for Church Leaders’
The propaganda document goes to great lengths to justify the use of the shots while making statements that are not totally accurate or that it’s not qualified to make.
May 5, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, created by Pope Francis in 2016 from the union of four Pontifical Councils, has published a “Resource Kit for Church Leaders” penned by the special Vatican COVID-19 Commission set up on March 20, 2020.
The document devotes a large portion of its 15 pages to promoting COVID-19 vaccines and offers material that could even be used in homilies…………….”
Now look, fellas, I could go on for thousands of pages about how tell a Poop from a Pope and what it all means. Very succinctly, a Pope is not an arbitrary “authority” that can change anything, anywhere, anytime. He is bound by the continuity of the Faith that proceeds from the Apostolic deposit.
There have been Pope scoundrels and political egomaniacs and pretenders before but the only thing that persists in spite of all the perversities and con-jobs is the Apostolic Faith. No Poop, ever has, anywhere, anytime, any authority whatsoever to add to, change, or delete anything from the Apostolic deposit as handed on in the teaching of the Apostles, the liturgical practices, and their written exhortations, admonitions and historical accounts.
Channel 7 led the 6pm news with massive blood-clots and the old lady (not very old) was being threatened with spleen removal. 9 & 10 seemed to have missed that but I believe they are property of CBS now. ABC and SBS seem to have missed it. So again it seems you have more chance of getting the truth or independent reporting from channel 7 these days.
“Australian BioTech Company Developed a New Treatment to Prevent People DYING from COVID VACCINE!”
start after 6:00
[…] headaches, memory loss and dementia. Even pain with Bell’s palsy which is something new. (Canadian Dr Charles Hoffe) Video from 4 minutes […]