by Dee McLachlan
No no no… four British Airways pilots did not die over one week from COVID-19 Vaccine. So says Snopes.
But in the American Conservative Movement blog their article entitled, “British Airways Coverup: Four Pilots Dead in One Week But Airline Obfuscates on Vaccine Connection”, they write, “One needs only look closely at the wording of statements and oftentimes the subsequent fact-checks to see when a coverup is in process. Such is the case with British Airways and their claims that four pilots who have died in one week are not ‘linked’.”
The Gateway Pundit published this (unconfirmed) recording of someone discussing the deaths:
“They’ve had the third BA pilot die in the last seven days, yeah? Third pilot dead in the last week…. The first two guys were in their forties and fifties; this guy, mid-thirties, perfectly fit, no underlying conditions. He gets his second jab and he’s dead within days, exactly the same with the first two…. Because of this, BA are now in crisis talks with the government about whether to allow vaccinated pilots to fly. The issue with that of course is that about 80%, according to my friend in BA, 80-85% have been injected.”
— TJ (@TJ0056) June 17, 2021
On the Stew Peters Show he interviews Dr Jane Ruby.
Internal documents obtained by Dr Ruby illustrate a catastrophe waiting to happen! Are Airline pilots are dropping dead after being forced to take the jab, or face losing their careers? This is a major concern for hundreds of thousands of daily air travelers, and it’s only getting worse!
Dr. Carrie Madej Goes Full Truth On Jab, “There’s No Off Button” by Stew Peters (22:17)
The stupid public raced in to get vaxxed so they could travel. Now airline pilots are dropping dead because of being vaxxed. How are the zombies that are vaxxed and are planning to fly, if they can get on a plane, going to get to destination with a dead pilot or maybe a pilot with thrombosis?
Talk about mass stupidity. Any airline that allows a vaxxed pilot to fly a plane should be closed down. Not only are passengers at risk but so are people on the ground when the airliner falls out of the sky, taking houses and other assets as well as human life.
Please hurry with your prosecutions Reiner Fuellmich. Get some of these madmen out of the picture, so that the others will stop their genocide project.
I know a couple of commercial pilots, both have been vaxxed. Again, I am known as a ‘conspiracy theorist’, so my views are not mainstream and are subject to ridicule. I didn’t find out they were vaxxed until it was too late, but neither would have listened to me in any case.
So now I wait to see what is going to happen to them. If they get ‘grounded’ because of the vax, they will probably mention it to me. They will likely ask me if I got the ‘jab’ – no, will be the answer. If they ask me why, I will tell them. At that point I expect I will be attacked, “why didn’t you tell me before I got jabbed?” Like it is my fault and not theirs.
Then there is Lee who has his own helicopter. I haven’t asked him if he got the jab, but it is likely he did. If he gets grounded, his helicopter becomes a serious liability – so does most or all of the rest of private aviation.
By the end of the year I expect there is going to be a serious awakening in the moronosphere.
Dear Oh dear, ‘cockpit’!.
Get with political correctness, it is now ‘flight ..llll’ something or other? Must speak proper nowadays or risk being classed as a social misfit,🙈🙈
Less than 20% of pilots “hesitant”, that is a disappointing result in terms of mental acuity. Looks like the pilots of the future will be mostly from India !!! My most sincere congratulations to the Indians for their individualistic approach to many elements of existence. My respect is going up and up.
I recommend starting at 17.40. It’s very informative.
Well worth watching
There really is no getting round the fact that the ultimate evil-doers aren’t a handful of men plotting in a dark room, they’re just ordinary men and women who chuck in the human mission in favour of temporal comfort/security. Anyone who, despite all the evidence, continues to support the vaccine has simply lost sight of his/her original purpose:
Thanks, this was serendipitous.
As to the plotting, no, of course it’s not a handful. More like a few hundred to a few thousand. These are the ones threatening, the ‘leaders’ all around the world, like some hierarchy. And I find it difficult to believe that they are listening to their angels. And it’s obvious those threatened leaders aren’t listening to theirs, as well.
The question at this point should be: who is threatening the top-level ‘leaders’ to maintain their ridiculous stance in light of blindingly clear and obvious dangers to the people and disastrous economic consequences.
Have y’all seen this down thar, about CSIRO?
5 bio security weapons factories manufacturing vaccines in Australia. Over 60 of them globally, run by one world government. Our assistant tax commissioner CCP, a crown zionist slavemasonic communist dystopian pluto-technocracy, governed by oligarchs, is our demoncracy.
Deagel Makes Mysterious Changes To 2025 Population Forecast For America As Bill Gates Launches ‘Grand Challenge’: The ‘Holy Grail Of Influenza Research’ And ‘Bridging The Valley Of Death’ | Algora Blog
How in hell is WHO so confident to recommend and aggressively promote/campaigned the use of covid-19 vaccines without proper test?. Someone should be held accountable for this fatal blunder on mankind.
Ditto. Absolutely ditto.
The way I read it, if you follow the links provided on here, the Indians ARE taking the WHO and the chief Rep to court. Interesting to see how that turns out.
Eddy, hope you are right. They reportedly took the Gates Foundation to court and won. By the way has anybody seen or heard of “Billy” for some months. There are reports that he and she are no more. I saw a purported photograph recently but it didn’t look like the Bill Gates of renown.
Regards “Billy” and she, as far as I know they have both gone their separate ways. Rumor say Billy was bestest buddy with Epstein and spent many a night at his hangout. Wonder what they did to pass the time ?
According to this report the Gates relationship with Epstein was a bit more than a rumour:
The protocols of learned elders have a new addition to their manifesto – the Covid protocols.
A light in the darkness, where 95% are planned to be chipped with luciferase.
Another Cuomo, mass death in nursing homes is OK as long as it was an accident !!!
“We owe it to people who have sacrificed so much in this pandemic to be honest when we have let them down as I have done by breaching the guidance,” Hancock said in his resignation letter.
But if you were really being honest you’d ‘fess up to the fact that you don’t really have any respect for such “sacrifice”; that you’ve never been focused on anything beyond the path of least resistance
His sincerity is on a par with the character portrayed by David Walliams
UK health minister gone, Cuomo gone, Abe Shinzo gone, Bibi Netanyahu gone, Merkel gone, Dutch gone, Estonian gone, Russians gone, Italians gone (normal), Biden hopefully soon to go … often with dodgy alibis, is this the swamp draining or am I imagining it since Macron, Trudeau and Ardern are still at large, or will they be going soon too
It seems ironic, that the only legal recourse to rescue humanity from the criminal application of an experimental artificial self-replicating pathogen, which includes an agent for reducing immune response, while installing ‘magnetofection’; but without explaining any of this to recipients, is the once-farcical Nuremburg Code.
I bet, when all of this is over, and I mean over, we who refused to be jabbed or to be silenced, will get the blame. Why didn’t we warn the world earlier, and louder, and more forcefully?
An easy bet to win, throughout history there has always been the ‘shoot the messenger’ defense. It is like you have a crystal ball to the future and you intentionally didn’t let those without access to the crystal ball know what you know.
Nope, we don’t have a crystal ball, but we do have a rational mind, discernment (sometimes referred to as ‘prejudice’ in this PC world). logic and a willingness to look at inconvenient factual information. The opinions of the herd or of authority carry only minimal weight, it is the weight of the evidence that persuades us.
Tony, when i was trying to talk rellies out of jabs, I wanted to say, but it seemed rude to say, “You think I’m wrong now, but later when you see i was right, I’m afraid you’ll blame me for not coming on stronger.”
Mary, recently whilst on a bush walk with a group of 24 people from all walks of life, I was asked whether I had taken my jab, by one individual, who advised me that he had, and he was scheduled for his second in a few weeks. This individual is of Indian birth, currently living in my state, and does a lot of international travel. The later of which, being his excuse for lining up for the jab. Silence ensued for about 10 minutes, then he asked me, if I minded telling him why I haven’t rushed for the jab. I told him, sure he could ask, and I have no problems explaining why..
I clearly, established first off, whether he was aware that this so called Corona inoculation was a TRIAL, and not ratified at this point in time, for general use. That it was supposed to run until 2024, when all the data gathered from the trial would be collated/studied and findings ALLEGEDLY released on the issue, whether it was safe for humans, whether it was a benefit, and actually worked in neutralising the virus. He replied that he did. I then told him I was very happy to WAIT, and see the outcome of this TRIAL, that I had no intention of submitting myself as a guinea pig on such a basis. That in the “OLD” days, pharmacuetical companies were obliged to run such TRIALS with VOLUNTEERS who were PAID for their services, and were given coverage for any medical issues that may arise from such TRIALS. Whereas today, no one has been given that right, and responsibility from the companies for the side effects have been excused, that FACT alone, makes me shy away from any such jab. However, if he felt comfortable, KNOWING all the above, and still wishes to undertake the jab of this TRIAL, that’s his business and I won’t hold it against him. I sincerely hope, for him, there are no side effects as a result. Not one other person spoke up during that discussion, so I don’t know yet, whether they think I’m nuts or not. But hey, who cares, they can’t say they did not know the FACTS.
My guess is at least 50% only want to think about flowers and butterflies
Hi Eddy, you even left the Indian guy off cheap. You have used “dates” used for ordinary vaccines, which do not break the Oviedo Convention. These vaccines do that and the “testing period” should be much longer. The vaccine injects a mRNA into me which is not mine. After a normal flu vaccine, it disappears from my body within 3-4 months whether I had the flu or not. About this one we have no idea, it could possibly be even inherited. Even 12 years of testing is not enough. However I am not telling this in order to tell that guy – he does not care, but for general info – that 2024 can hardly be a “safety threshold”. Quite possibly none exists.
Hi Ivan Hecko, Agree with your comment. In fact I’ve just discovered, that an infected person who has recovered from this virus, will be immune to it for the rest of their life. Very interesting indeed. The same article also tells us, the Dr involved, advised against inoculation if you’ve had the virus naturaly, as said inoculation will undo the work your natural immunity has done. In his opinion, a bloody stupid move. He also highlighted something that I’ve not seen anywhere else, the FACT that being injected into juveniles are not reduced for the less mass body weight of the youngsters, thus in effect giving them a super shot of the concoction. Amazing that the medical fraternity has not woken up to this.Even my Vet adjusts medication for my dog according to his body weight.
so British Airways or RAF because of the perpetual war allowed “essential” personal to ruin their replacement program planning.. mmm
Thanks pilots that tried to warn with very skilled sign writting. Those days are gone.
Hope there are some f35’s that can escort the fragile liners through the red(insert colour here) enemy lines. Why would I say that, well my experiances show that the machine no longer requires help to control and navigate a “bird”. Its a done deal, ask a Tesla car or the mutiple wannaby’s that run DARPA proprietary software. See ML#&).
Have you noticed all the jounos’s of the main are getting onboard this farce. Hey Stew(Peters), good work, your future is cleaning toilets that i must admit you have a skill for.
Sidney is a powerful experienced lawyer who is ALSO on to the election fraud,
Here she spends 6 minutes explaining the CDC vaccine murder set up.
Look up her site at defending therepublic.org
Snopes does not ask the questions if it is just a conspiracy theory!!
Well whada ya think our mass media is not doing? Sidney explains it above. (it is a big world wide swamp?)
Hey Ned, what’s the difference between a conspiracy theory & the truth?
Six months.
(Not original, saw it elsewhere. Was so true, had to borrow it)
For 911 it is at least twenty years🤪
We have known all along……… = DESPERATE ‘FRUS-STRACTION’.
If we can shut down for a virus we can shut down for a climate lock down.
(see also the video following on re our ABC)
NOTE OZ idiots in Australia …… add climate control to Death Certificates!!!! (2 min mark and a bit)
The commies are in Canberra and in the mass media.
Was censored try 5 xs
Dr R update.
We know what is coming because they have told us that the Covid crisis will morph into the Climate crisis.
Let it morph into the ‘climate crisis’. Fork me, I’m so tired of dealing with stupid people, I WANT them to get sucked deeper into the vortex of ignorance. Bye, bye dumb-ass…
I have been stunned by the ignorance of people regarding CO2, stunned at the bullshit promoted by the Kabal – like, could any awake/intelligent human being actually believe in that bullshit? – Well, YES, they can.
Don’t try to engage them in intelligent conversation, their minds are GONE! – Let them go. don’t waste another minute of your life on someone that is intent on believing total bullshit.
The idiots and criminals did. not know of Dr Day’s address in 1969 or have sponsored his totalitarian plans.
Hard to fix stupid and imprison traitors since then.
The treasonous bastards have been bought.
Search at rense.com:
New world order exposed by insider (1969 would you believe that they have suckered so many for over 50 years?)
Says it all, the traitors are now being exposed. That’s you lot owned mass media and politicians!
With this computer virus, if the ptb asked us to walk on all fours tomorrow 90% would do so. Hope is lost,
Divine intervention being the exception.
Dear God, pass the ammunition with a schooner of beer and we will do the rest.
Sorry, misread ptb as Pub.
Weird quaxxine personal histories updated (Australia) :
US FDA finally issues warning on quaxxine related hart failure
I happened to turn the TV on in the background earlier this evening and I saw this entity who identified as a female who was apparently reported to be the South Australian ‘Health Officer’. I guess that means it works in an office. I could not tell what it looked like as it (thankfully) had a thick mask on – aka make up.
Anyway, it made me think of this
• Dr. Fauci LIES About Deadliness of “Delta Variant”
• Bryan Ellison Lecture 1995 Unabridged
Double whooah
• 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic Facts Not Myth Corona Virus medical mafia martial law nwo who cdc
I turned the TV off again – it was horrific!
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” The creepy quote above has been widely attributed to Former CIA Director William Casey. Casey was the 13th CIA Director from 1981 until he left in January 1987. He died not long after of a brain tumor in May 1987.…
Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918–1919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence
Thousands of flights cancelled as vaccinated pilots fall ill or die
According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, pilots suffer an increased risk of clotting issues due to frequent and prolonged air travel. Pilots are encouraged to be aware of the signs of deep venous thrombosis and clotting issues and take preventative measures such as compression stockings and stretching of their legs during long flights.
Medical News Today published a study on June 15th, 2021 that showed an increased risk of blood clotting and low platelets in AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine recipients. Some scientists hypothesize that since the ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in the shot causes a full body reaction, once the vaccine comes into contact with platelets inside the human body, the vaccine activates those platelets, causing them to change shape and transmit chemical signals to the immune system. Those platelets send out platelet factor 4 (PF4), which regulates blood clotting.
However, in some people, after some undetermined amount of time, at random, PF4 latches onto the vaccine, and large “complexes” form. Since those complexes are “unknown,” the human body interprets those clusters as threats. Thus, immune cells in the body mistakenly attack PF4’s, prohibiting them from preventing the problematic clots seen in some COVID-19 vaccine recipients.
Pilots have an increased risk of blood clots. COVID-19 vaccine recipients have an increased risk of blood clots. Reuter’s and Fact Checkers cannot hide the fact that an increased risk on top of an increased risk is potentially a disaster, but neither has any regard for human life or the truth, as evidenced by the propaganda they’re currently creating by the minute.
Delta Airlines now requires the COVID-19 vaccine for all new employees, potentially putting Delta employees at risk of blood clots and death. American Airlines doesn’t require the vaccine but gives its employees one day off of work and $50 for getting the vaccine. No mention of the inherent risk for non air employees, let alone those who spend ample time in the clouds, is ever made by Delta or American.
Read on – re British Airways
Why the delta variant is pseudo-science and propaganda
According to USA Today, more Australians have died from the COVID-19 vaccination than from COVID-19 this year. Still, Australia’s top medical officer, Paul Kelly, stresses the importance of the vaccine amongst a surge in “variants.”
From CNBC, “WHO officials said Wednesday there were reports that the delta variant also causes more severe symptoms, but that more research is needed to confirm those conclusions.” In other words, the WHO and Fauci are alerting the public that the big, bad delta is indeed the monster it’s purported to be…all based on conjecture? No. Rather, their claims are based on science they’ve created. Scientists say that delta is 60% more transmissible than alpha, the alleged variant that “swept the nation” in late 2020. ……………… read on –
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” The creepy quote above has been widely attributed to Former CIA Director William Casey. Casey was the 13th CIA Director from 1981 until he left in January 1987. He died not long after of a brain tumor in May 1987.…
Dr Harvey Risch from Yale (epidemiologist) rips into the FDA for lies, nonsense, fraud and criminality in relation to HCQ suppression
It would appear that all the doctors, pharmacists etc in the world need to form a new medical association, where they could re-swear their Hippocratic oath in stronger terms and gain independence from Rockerfella’s BigPharma racket, they would take a pay cut but they might save themselves from a class action in the near future when people have woken up about their injuries. The key is the oath, “first do no harm”.
[…] https://gumshoenews.com/2021/06/26/dr-jane-ruby-explains-clots-and-are-pilots-dying-from-the-jab/ […]