Home Corona Dr Peter McCullough Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich

Dr Peter McCullough Interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich


Dr Peter McCullough:

“I think that, when doctors wake up from their trance, they’re going to be shocked at what they’ve done to people.”




  1. I am annoyed that doctors keep referring to coronavirus as Covid. People think they are talking about Covid-19, which does not exist. Why can’t they just say the flu, as it was always called until 2020?

    • They are going to nab Bill Gates for his ultimate revenge of the geek, but they say they need doctors to get media training like Dicktator Dan and his wife, to get the message across in a few minutes so even the dummies can understand. As I said before the doctors need a new umbrella group, can they not see this is inevitable, totally necessary, the mafia they are now subject to is going to destroy them, they need to stop grasping for $$$ and look to the future. The smart ones anyway. The predator doctors, I am happy to see them destroyed.

      • W3… I wish you were right. But the doctors ARE the medical mafia. Very few care who lives or dies. In their first six weeks of med school, they are brainwashed as demi-gods to be above such mundane considerations. They are there for the money, privilege, and power.

        If this were not the case, the insane and criminal vaccination and cancer industries would have been exposed decades ago. Toxic foods would have been banned.

        McCulloch is wildly optimistic and egotistical. We cannot rely on doctors to support us. All we have is intelligent citizens with a strong instinct for survival. We need to anonymously distribute simple one page documents which expose the lies and the truth. And using simple language… literacy is now a minority attribute.

        We need to stress that:

        The recovery rate is 99.97%, better than some flu.
        Eventually, everybody is going to get it, so why have lockdowns?
        That the mRNA jab is dangerous and kills.
        That the mRNA jab does not stop infection or transmission.
        That the mRNA jab also depresses the immune system and intelligence.

        I would target small business, because they have the most to lose.

      • It now seems that getting doctors to sell off their private practices to non-medical businesses to work for those businesses was a part of the overall plan for the current situation. Whereby those doctors do not now make decisions on their patient’s behalf, but on directives from their employer. Don’t follow orders you are out of work even though you may have bought into a practice or worked up a good clientele over many years.

        A young doctor with decent ethics now has very little choices of where to practice. Even hospitals are under the same pressures from the medical authorities and their masters the pharmaceutical industry.

  2. They say in the video above, PCR tests at 35 cycles create 97% false positives, so now they are doing a lockdown in Western Australia in order to blame NSW, this is totally political, the politicians know everything, they know PCR tests are bogus, they all know, this is testimony to their ability to lie through their teeth, to lie without blushing, to lie without even thinking, the lies just pour out naturally. These communists are turning out to be a massive problem, from the Lima declaration to Keating with his superannuation corporate enrichment scam to the present starring fascist Dicktator Dan selling a corner of Australia to China, the whole lot of the red party need to be safely locked up, we need a new red party, this one is disgraceful. Specially designed to appeal to the lazy, the naiive, the unfortunate and the stoopids. I will be putting the red party last forever. The blue party needs to appeal more to the lazy and stoopids, they can do this with simple manufacturing type jobs and allow them aspirations such as home ownership. Homes for stoopids could be so cheap if that was wanted and organising them is not that hard, instead they are left to create their own anarchy.
    The Rockerfella gang – Swiss Octagon – Nazi 2.0 – Zionist &c NWO doesn’t affect me as much as it does others but it certainly irritates me a huge amount.

    • The “Rockerfella gang” are under threat, according to Benjamin Fulford (https://benjaminfulford.net/), “An ultimatum was given via the UN Security Council to the WHO, the Rockefellers, and Rothschilds to stop their depopulation vaccination campaign or their headquarters in Geneva would be vaporized in a flash. The world has awakened to their Satanic genocide plan.” David Rockefeller jnr was issued with a death warrant.
      We can only wait and see what eventuates.

  3. COVID-19 variant timeline: Lambda next Greek alphabet letter to terrorize Americans

    COVID-19, delta, vaccine

    The Delta variant, like all other variants of the COVID-19 “pandemic,” is pseudo-science and propaganda. Testing procedures were changed by the WHO in May in order to prescribe the exact narrative needed for more people to get vaccinated; if you don’t get the shot, the variants will kill you. That’s all a lie.

    The biggest problem in the Delta variant/vaccinated versus unvaccinated problem is this: the CDC, WHO, and Dr Fauci have conspired to make unvaccinated people test positive for COVID-19 more frequently. On May 13th, the CDC changed testing guidelines to accomplish exactly that task.

    If a patient is vaccinated, the CDC recommends the PCR test be run at 28 cycles, which is still eleven cycles higher than the recommendation of 17 CT it put forth on the day of Biden’s inauguration. Therefore, cases will continue to rise even in vaccinated people, but at a lower rate than unvaccinated people…and most importantly, at a higher rate than in January-May.

    ………………..In other words, as we have stressed for over a year, the flu is gone. Thanks to the CDC’s handy method of combining pneumonia, influenza, and COVID-19-like illness as “PIC” and eliminating flu test surveillance, influenza was gone overnight once the COVID-19 scandal was ushered in.

    A thorough accounting of the sketchy tactics used by the CDC, WHO, and Fauci to count cases, deaths, and hospitalizations proves there’s no pandemic at all.

    Vaccinated people are testing positive for COVID-19 because PCR tests are set to record high numbers of “Coronavirus” present in humans…and because the vaccines against COVID-19 don’t work to immunize people. Unvaccinated people are testing positive for COVID-19 at higher rates than unvaccinated in order to further the vaccine narrative. Variants are used to further cause fear and uncertainty in order to encourage the vaccine. The flu is gone, and so is pneumonia…because the CDC, WHO, and Fauci decided it to be so. This is all for your safety.


  4. Weak kneed politicians are willing traitors –

    “……..That is what I mean when I refer to corrupt governments. Any one who sacrifices the interests of the people for the benefit of profit-makers is a traitor. He is the fifth columnist of to-day-the enemy inside our gates.”

    Senator Richard Darcey Hansard 12 November 1941

    World Bank IMF Exposed Aid Conditional On Imposing Extreme Lock downs, Curfews.

    The RBA and the ATO are owned by the owners of the corporation called “The Commonwealth of Australia”, registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission

    The Nation’s Credit: Senator Richard Darcey, 1941 ( ALP, Tasmania)

    “…………………On one occasion I told honorable senators that the people who sent us here are under the impression that the 111 members of Parliament in Canberra comprise a national government engaged in the task of ruling Australia. I have told the people repeatedly that their assumption is entirely wrong and that Australia is governed by the associated banks.

    Under the present system no government, can carry on its functions except by continuing the policy of borrowing. The only way to pay the ever-increasing interest bill is by borrowing still more. All money comes into existence through the banks in the form of a debt. That is why we are ealled upon to pay such tremendously high taxes to-day.

    I have spent a considerable part of my life expounding my financial theories to the people, hoping that they will some day realize what a racket is being put over them under the present financial system, and that an obligation rests on the shoulders of every member of this Parliament to scrap it…………………”

    http://www.alor.org/Political Democracy/TheNation’sCreditSenatorRichardDarcey.htm

    • This advert tells us everything. The Cabal EXPECTS masses of deaths in the near future as planned. These psychopaths are that self centred that they must gloat to their victims before executing their crime.

      After 9/11 departments such as FEMA and Homeland Security were set up to implement these foul schemes. That is why FEMA camps were built around US, UK and Australia. Under normal Australian life there would never have been a thought of this use of taxpayer dollars. Of course all finance for these setups were borrowing of CREDIT from overseas Central Banksters to be paid back by the Australian taxpayer. A scheme allowed by our bought and paid for Freemason politicians.

  5. Project Monarch Mind Control: Delta Programming

    by Admin · March 14, 2021

    Delta programming
    Assassinations Project Monarch mind control

    Delta programming is military-assassin programming that has trickled into popular consciousness through movies like La Femme Nikita, its American remake, Point of No Return, and The Long Kiss Goodnight. Regarding the Delta programming, Sullivan said: “…it was when I was used to do hits, kills, and also body guarding and hostage extraction. I had a great number of alter personalities that had specialised training and had different modes to do different things.” MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER – by Uri Dowbenko

    Read on –


    Revelation 1:8-20

    8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

  6. This morning too lazy to get out of bed watched a little bit of a few free-to-air channels, they were all pumping quaxxines as hard as they could !!! All channels same message being rammed home, in different formats, including “the anti-vax conspiracy” promo (channel 10, now owned by US CBS according to recollection). In between, ads from Harvey Norman for big TVs. Now with “internet TV” government can watch and listen to us at home and see if we are wearing mask or not, so at some point we should not have to buy TV, at this stage TVs probably become compulsory. Then you won’t be allowed to put tape over the camera anymore or you will get extra bills or a visit. If you try to do anything except work you will end up with too many extra bills. In the end you will be relieved to get alzheimers and go to the “aged care”, quite a lot like soylent green already.
    The nomads resisted the farmers but the farmers won, and now the farmed will resist becoming “internet of things” ants but eventually the ants will win, because the farmed just can’t keep pace with the tech.

    • Good to see some are awake and stirring.
      Well this should bring some much needed cheer to aussiemal, and hopefully the Chief Health Officer will get 3 years as advertised, quite a light stretch I would say.
      So as for “Mr. Rizzo; Pursuant to the message under; I require your confirmation by close of business 14 June 2021 that you are conducting the criminal investigation requested; or not.”
      I wonder how this is going now, I guess they have booked something, and the delay will probably be interminable …

    • Ah Mary a “code red” programmed chicken. Frequency “mind controlled” seemed off topic –but no spot on– a few quotes from my “mind files’

      “Also common universal Illuminati codes can be used by the slave to get set free from police and judges. Within the Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially their headquarters, the Illuminati uses Enochian language to program with. With Druidic branches Druidic symbols are used. With the Jewish groups, Hebrew is used. Other languages are also used. An Illuminati System can easily have 6 different languages used as programming codes. The foreign language codes will be for small parts of the System only. Special artificial languages are also employed, as well as sign language.”

      “The Illuminati’s intelligence agencies have programmed thousands upon thousands of slaves. There are only so many code words to pick from and some of these code words are favorites”

      “In the context of A Few Good Men, a “code red” refers to a type of illegal order that results in the hazing or death of a marine by his fellow officers. As the film progresses, the case is ultimately assigned to Lt. Dan Kaffee (Tom Cruise), a lawyer who prefers to quietly plead his cases. At Galloway’s urging, however, Kaffee finally uncovers whether or not Jessup gave the code red order.”

      And the


      brings me to Sarah Moore Unseen Unknown Unheard –Going clear

      “CLEAR – This is considered the highest access to information. Clear can also be described as no colour. At any present moment in the total history of the Illuminati, there are only ever four people at one time considered FULLY CLEAR”

      Scientology–but that’s another story

      “Many people have often speculated about the ‘very top’ of the Illuminati. From what I have learned, no one has gained an accurate description of their personage or nature. The more important Illuminati hierarchy kids or bloodliners start of FULLY CLEAR. Essentially they are taught that due to a bad spiritual deal two generations back, this resulted in a spiritual debt of which the world is now paying for.”

      With respect to the chicken

  7. Berry, they are excellent links. I had known of the brain degeneration of the vaccines, so the links are handy to have.

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