Editor’s note: More videos on the vaccine crisis for discussion and comment. There are so many videos being produced at the moment, but we try to source the most significant. In the first video, Dr. Peter McCullough explains bio-terrorism and the pathogenic spike protein caused by the vaccine.
McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Clinical Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, Dallas, TX. Dr. McCullough is an internationally recognized authority on the evaluation and practical application of medical evidence concerning contemporary issues in medicine. His show ‘The McCullough Report’ is heard on the America Out Loud Network.
In addition, a video from Stew Peter’s show interviewing Dr Jane Ruby on statistics and trials, and the planning of Booster shots 3 and 4.
A slip of the tongue; misreading the facts, or are these the facts?
Oz Anchorwoman Says ‘An Australian Company Is Developing A Treatment It Hopes Will Prevent People From Dying From Covid Vaccine’ ! – NOT SO HILARIOUS!!
” Freud wrote that speech blunders are the result of a “disturbing influence of something outside of the intended speech” like an unconscious thought, belief, or wish………………….. unacceptable thoughts or beliefs are withheld from conscious awareness, and these slips help reveal what is hidden in the unconscious.”
How Long Do the Vaccinated Have Left to Live?
Dr. Mylo Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world’s population
are “Useless Eaters” who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible.
“……….He presented me with the information, called the “End of Cycle Formula.”
He explained how easy it is to calculate.
“The Power of Simplicity,” he said. “There is a maximum cycle of ten years from injection to End of Cycle,” [or death], he elaborated. “And it is extremely easy to determine.”
He said any hematologist can see it within seconds under a microscope, and even more readily under an electron microscope. “The percentage of blood affected [or contaminated] by or with Graphene Oxide is the reciprocity of the End of Cycle calculation,” he divulged.
In other words, an “inoculatee” [as he calls anyone jabbed with the Experimental Use Authorization Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon] having 20% Graphene Oxide deterioration in their blood will, barring any other input criteria, live for 8 years. [10 years less 20%].
Someone with 70% Graphene Oxide deterioration will not live more than 3 years. [10 years less 70%].
Dr. Jane Ruby recently was interviewed by Stew Peters on his podcast and showed examples of what the deteriorated blood looks like when exposed to Graphene Oxide.
Graphene Oxide, for those who are unaware, is the component of Messenger RNA spike proteins and prions, which is at war with the heart, lungs, brain and blood for oxygen.
Graphene Oxide is an oxygen sponge which deprives the body of necessary oxygen and causes many complications, including but not limited to anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer.”Dr. Mylo Canderian’s viewpoint is much the same as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Big Pharma CEO’s: LET THEM ALL DIE!
I asked Mylo what the effect of second and third shots and boosters do and how that changes the End of Cycle table.
Mylo replied: “It is all measurable through hematological testing. The more shots and boosters the imbeciles get, the worse their blood will look under a microscope, and the quicker they will turn to fertilizer.”
Finally, I asked him how the plot to kill so many billions of people could be kept so secret by such a group of elites.
His answer was: “You don’t know much about Freemasonry, do you, Steve?” And there you have it.
MASSIVE! Top Doctor Warns about COVID Vaccine (DISTURBING …
Dr. Peter McCullough – Texas A&M College of Medicine: In this disturbing video, a top cardiologist breaks down the dangers of the vaccine and shares his convictions on why there is such an emphasis on vaccines, over treatment. If you watch nothing else this week, watch this!
Wonder what the outcome is for those that are affected by the shedding/passing on of “something” from those that have been injected, as referred to by Dr Tenpenny, Dr Fleming (holding up the various corporations research into the shedding that they spent a boat load of funding on research for, so it’s “a thing”, as they would not waste money on something that wasn’t a thing?
Some people have acquired “something”, from being around those that have had injections.
Thank you GS for this very important question,
Dr Christiane Northrop (Dr T., Dr F. and more) a few weeks ago indicated that young girls and pregnant women and post-menstrual older women are in danger of bleeding disorders and worse, following close contact with freshly jabbed individuals. So, if the s.c. “shedding” is a fact, we would be facing a very effective Bio Weapon and involuntary “vaccinations”
Pfizer – Larry Fink, Scott Gottlieb, Dan Littman, Susan Hellman.
Moderna – Stefan Bancel, Tai Zaks
Johnson & Johnson – Alan Gorsky
What common traits do these CEOs share?
Guess it’s random coincidence, forbidden to speak.
Maybe Josh and Anastasia’s pop, could expand on the details for over 80 million kill shots designated for Oz. Repeating, over 60 BSWL4 globally, three in Victoria and two in Queensland.
This is oneweb global dictatorship, no more nations or flag waving parades drenched in the blood of innocents. With cyber surveillance 5G, and herd stupidity, ‘jabs’ the most efficient means of eugenics genocide.
krown kabal komunizm
I’m sure its just a cohencidence. The defining feature of the COVID/vaccination era is coincidences.
How do they say it, “nothing to see here, move along”.
Trump had a massive rally in Arizona and said “They’re trying to get rid of cows – you know why – people will be next – people will be next” and he said the audit results will be coming out in a couple of weeks “I suppose” and also said very little about quaxxines except to add as always “you have rights whether you want to take them or not”.
I presume the calculation is that a bit of collateral damage might be advantageous.
(Also apparently nobody is big enough to go head-on into BigPharma).
He seems to be giving more hand signals, this time in a sort of Q gesture (so they say). As candidate I remember he used to make the “OK” sign (masonic 666) with his little hands it was seemingly intended to be a pinching gesture as in gripping a precise amount of something. Possibly he used to be a mason (rich builder) and decided to get out so he may have been duping masons for their vote with kooky hand signals.
Look at the way Trump is pussyfooting around, getting others to say things with him and for him, taking it slow, and lower your expectation for the local politicians to as close to zero as you can.
Greg Hunt’s preferred mien seems to be steadily morphing from “concerned” to “pained”.
Imagine how much damage Rockerfellas alone could do to the US economy if Trump went in head on, he has to take down the pedos first, then there are the midterm elections late 2022, after that should be open slather for sure, who knows when the breakout will happen. Nobody could pull something like this off without the army.
I take it that someone has referred all this information to our Treasurer Mr. Frydenberg so that he can brief Treasury boffins on the possible affects of these possibilities on the Federal budget and seek a fiscal forecasting for the commonwealth budget and the affect it will have on our national debt.
There may be a silver lining if the death rate for the elderly increases…….. save heaps on pensions and hospitalisation and houses will be cheaper due to increased availability due to senior casualties.
The banks surely are looking at their mortgage investment. Poor banks!
Anyway, we have those in government who would be in on this to keep us safe and balance the budget. Would we not?
Came across a Shimatsu article from 6 months ago. I don’t understand why he doesn’t get more attention. He has been spot on with many of his observations and some of his theories (in 29 very detailed articles going back to the start of the pandemic) might surprise.
Start listening for info on the vaccine panic, because the flu will arise again.
All fun, exposing our crooked politicians and fake mass media pushing vaccines and not informing the Oz public on other significant world wide developments, Keep digging media!!!
First five minutes at least.
Look at the 14 min mark and follow the example of the coppers in Austria, Helmets in hand!!!
NSW Police Minister: You and Oz mass media too.
Coppers, 14 min mark.
As in the US,
BEWARE the provocateurs’ at the demos, probably government agents, just acting fpr the news cycles.
The informed people know the agenda and the usual propaganda methods.
Oops. the 24 minute mark. Do not be sucked in.
OUR politicians better listen to the last few minutes, as there why not here?
Very important to note it and even somehow take a screen shot and send it out to all with a question/poll.
Dear coppers, think of your own families… WHO WILL BE ORDERED TO DO STEP 10?
History is full of the lessons every one should wake up to.
No needles for me. I am 78. Would rather hide under the bed than have one. Keep myself very healthy. No smoke, no drink. Walk a lot.
Your not hiding under under a bed Alexandra,
You are “shirt fronting”, and I am impressed.
Our fear full leaders are currently walking it back, your kinda pressure helps keep the line.
I’d say cheers usaully but for you I say
Have other people noted that politicians, the media and local GP’s other pushing the “vaccine” onto those in our community that should NOT have the “vaccine”? Those that already have a poor immune system. The unhealthy and the aged population. These are the ones whose bodies will succumb quickly. Typical of that group I mentioned above. All cowards, pick on those most vulnerable.
FEMA now has control of America watch if you really want
Their video says – President Trump was placed in the presidency to do one thing… hand America over to the Jews 100% lock stock & barrel. He gave FEMA the control of America and the demonic forces will now exercise their full hatred on mankind. Those who cannot see this for what it is, are under a strong delusion.
Govt Of Tunisia Toppled After Violent COVID-19 Protests
by GreatGameIndia
Tunisia’s president has sacked the PM and suspended parliament becoming the first government in the world toppled in the wake of nationwide violent mass COVID-19 protests.
Read more of this post
It’s time to rethink the notion that “loyalty” is protecting and promoting traitors posing as “government”.
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
The present system of Judaic Law conflicts with Christianity –
Jewish supremacist rabbi, Harry Waton, confessed that not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews — a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud. In his 1939 book, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity”, the racist rabbi wrote:
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews. The Jews should realize that Jehovah no longer dwells in heaven, but he dwells in us right here on earth; we must no longer look up to Jehovah as above us and outside of us, but we must see him right within us,” (p. 148) “Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews,” (p. 99) “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100) [pdf 2012 Feb] The Jew World Order Unmasked
Matthew 20:27 Context
24And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. 25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; 27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 28Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 29And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him. 30And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
Redux: Rabbis at pre-army yeshiva: “Gentiles will want to be our slaves. Being a slave to a Jew is the best”
see comments –
“First they came for the elderly, then they came for healthy adults, now they’re coming for our children.”
Some covid skeptic memes, somebody should start making T-shirts.
Oh Crikey, now they are going to censor covid skeptic memes.