Home Corona Dr. Pierre Kory on Pharma and Treatment Protocols for Injuries and Toxicities

Dr. Pierre Kory on Pharma and Treatment Protocols for Injuries and Toxicities


Sunday entertainment. Sent by Terry with “If only we could get some doctors like Kory in Oz. It is incredible the results he’s had AND that he had to become a member of an American Indian tribe in order to practice that medicine.”

And comedian Jimmy Dore on the same topic.



  1. Terry is “sometimes” let all the stupooids die IQ style. BUT

    He’s a big softy(but not at the end of a mini-gun, wink). Its not just about the big truth but the small lie’s that unfairly noble people that we want to do well, just so they wise up and leave us all to prosper

  2. I trust that the editor of the SMH, with the editor’s Fitzsimons ‘medical guru’ vilification of horse de-wormer in the 2020 (-22 ?) SMH article, contemplates any adverse consequences on the public as a consequence of the Fitzsimmons article, That article, in effect, ENDORSED AND SUPPORTED THE GOVERNMENT’s BANNING of ivermectin

    • That Red Capped Pirate who is kept afloat by his bullshit articles in the Daily Rag, now commonly referred to, as the Sydney Morning Herald, and other communist publications, and that wife of his, who goes out of her way to ingratiate herself with whom ever is the flavor of the week – according to the SMH – and on cue – one Brittany Higgins, who (if she was truly raped, why didn’t she summon police?) has now found out to her future detriment, that listening to would be loud mouths who pretend to champion one’s victim hood, is really about their own public perception and relevance, and that has nothing at all to do with the so called victim’s problem.

      I hope they both get 20 years for their undermining of public confidence in order to further their own ambitions.

      Creeps, the pair of them!

      • 💁🤪🤪
        Over many years I noted Fitz on that Back page of the Sun Herald scorn Christian’s but he never bagged aboriginal spiritual customs and beliefs.
        And more, ….. so he IS what he has demonstrated.
        A SMH PRODUCT.

      • Yeah the top video with Kory after 15:00 the Tribal Medicine Board created by federal statute is pretty interesting, contrast with Elbow Gump’s “Voice” which is based on either one or 26 pages depending on whether you listen to Elbow or the custodians of the Uluru document, and which Elbow will take advice from but need not do anything as usual, and which he refuses to tell us the details of, could it be the reason he is called Elbow is because he is BENT and CROOKED

    • Contrary to what’s preached in every politically-controlled “education facility” our “primitive” forbears had better medical practices than today’s Mr. & Ms. Av:

      “Ötzi traveled prepared for medical emergencies. In his possession were a dozen different plants known to help heal wounds, cure disease, and fight parasites.

      But health begins with a good diet. Investigators looking at Ötzi’s intestines realized he wasn’t just surviving on berries and seeds. He enjoyed a varied diet of wild goat, red deer, and processed wheat bran (likely bread)…………Indoctrinated with human evolution, people today assume that our “ancient” ancestors, who roamed the earth before cities and civilizations, were primitive. But the discovery of this mountain traveler, who lived during that mysterious era between the Tower of Babel and Abraham’s life at Ur, puts that notion to rest.”

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