Introduction by DM: This post will have all the days of the Fuellmich Grand Jury for the people to decide on the scale of the catastrophe that unfolded over the last few years.
Day 1
Grand Jury – Day 1 (February 5th, 2022) by The Corona Investigative Committee
Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion
Empowering Public Conscience through Natural Law
‘Injustice to One is an Injustice to All’
We, a group of international lawyers and a judge, hereby are conducting criminal investigation modelled after the United States Grand Jury proceedings. This Grand Jury Investigation serves as a model legal proceeding to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against “leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices” who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic. Crimes to be investigated include all acts performed or omitted by a person in pursuance of a common design to commit Crimes Against Humanity, and all such criminal acts condemned in the various communities of jurors around the world.
Day 2
Grand Jury – Day 2 (February 12th, 2022) by The Corona Investigative Committee – The general historical and geopolitical backdrop to all of this
International Lawyers Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer Introduce Day 2 of the Grand Jury, Feb 12, 2022
By showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the Geopolitical & Historical backdrop [like BLOODLINES & SECRET SOCIETIES] the proceeding is meant to create awareness about the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence the necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty, and the necessity to first stop this plandemic’s measures by refusing to comply, and the necessity to jump-start their own new system of health care, education, economics and judiciary, so that democracy and the rule of law on the basis of our constitutions will be reestablished.
Day 3
Grand Jury – Day 3 (February 13th, 2022) by The Corona Investigative Committee – The PCR Test
International Lawyers Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer Introduce Day 3 of the Grand Jury, Feb 13, 2022
00:01:08 – Summary of Day 2 Proceedings – Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
00:08:00 – Introduction to PCR Test – Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger (International Health Scientist & Researcher, Switzerland)
00:44:22 – What can the PCR Test Do / Not Do? – Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kammerer (Virologist & Immunologist, Germany)
01:31:56 – Sequencing – Dr. Sona Pekova (Molecular Biologist, Czech Republic)
02:13:40 – Why are people dying? – Dr. Bryan Ardis (Physician, Holistic Practitioner and CEO of ArdisLabs.com, USA)
03:20:00 – Personal Testimony – John O’Looney (Funeral Director, United Kingdom)
03:44:23 – The Good News – Dr. Shankarra Chetty (General Practitioner, South Africa)
04:50:45 – Concluding Comments – Dr. Mike Yeadon (Former Chief Scientist and Vice-President of Pulmonary Research at Pfizer, United Kingdom / USA)
04:58:50 – Conclusion – Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Day 4
Grand Jury – Day 4 (February 19th, 2022) by The Corona Investigative Committee – Injections & Psychological Warfare
International Lawyers Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer Introduce Day 4 of the Grand Jury on Feb 19, 2022
Crimes against humanity. The vaccines and the great global genocide.
00:06:50 – Summary of Day 3 Proceedings – Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
00:11:54 – Summary of Vaccination Data Around The World – Dr. Alexandra Henrion Caude (Director of Research in Genetics)
00:47:17 – Reasons Why Inoculation Against Coronaviruses Is Not Needed – Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Kruger (Molecular Biologist, Specialist in Cardiovascular Diseases, Germany)
01:12:30 – Deep Dive Into Pfizer’s Phase III Clinical Trial – Deanna McLeod (Principal and Founder Kaleidoscope Strategic, Inc.)
01:43:27 – Nuremberg Code ; The Effects of Introducing mRNA Inoculations – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (Microbiologist, Immunologist and Infection Epidemiologist, Germany)
02:04:28 – Shortcuts Taken in Development and Manufacture of CoVid Inoculations – Dr. Mike Yeadon (Former Chief Scientist and Vice President of Pulmonary Research at Pfizer United Kingdom/US)
02:34:10 – Concluding Remarks re:Gene Based Inoculations – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (Microbiologist, Immunologist and Infection Epidemiologist, Germany)
02:36:40 – Chemical Composition Discovered of CoVid Inoculations – Prof. Dr. Antionietta Gatti (Nano Pathologist, Founder of Free Health Academy, Italy)
02:59:55 – Autopsy and Histology Study on Vaccination-Associated Complications and Deaths Conducted in Reutlingen, Germany – Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt (Pathologist, Germany)
03:37:10 – Quality Non-Conformances in Connection With Covid19 Injections – Prof. Dr. Werner Bergholz (Professor of Electrical Engineering, Germany)
03:55:55 – Q&A
04:18:00 – Psychological Abuse; Recognising The Signs – Meredith Miller (Coach & Author, USA)
04:42:12 – Paranoia, Harrassment and Totalitarianism – Dr. Ariane Bilheran (Clinical Psychologist & Author, France)
05:18:05 – Q&A
05:52:50 – Conclusion
Day 5
Grand Jury – Day 5 (February 20th, 2022) by The Corona Investigative Committee – Economical & Financial Destruction
International Lawyers Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer Introduce Day 5 of the Grand Jury on Feb 20, 2022
00:00:17 – Summary of Day 4 Proceedings – Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
00:03:28 – Introduction
00:05:58 – Technocracy & Globalization, a History lesson – Patrick M. Wood (Economist & Author, USA)
00:39:26 – Edward Dowd apologies
00:40:52 – (video) Project Veritas FDA Executive
00:43:30 – Comparison with other Financial Disasters
00:45:40 – Q&A
01:25:27 – Controlled Implosion of Financial and Government – Leslie Manookian (Former Investment Banker & President of the Health Freedom Defense Fund, USA)
01:54:38 – Q&A
02:36:00 – (video) Inoculation Side Effects
02:42:18 – Shareholder Activism – Bjorn Pirrwitz (Lawyer & Finance Expert, Germany)
03:12:45 – Q&A
03:31:21 – Financial Destruction – Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiss (Economist & Former Investment Banker, Germany)
03:51:30 – disconnection / Brief Discussion
04:07:25 – Financial Destruction (continued) – Prof. Dr. Christian Kreiss (Economist & Former Investment Banker, Germany)
04:16:10 – (video) Hacking Human Beings – Prof. Yuval Harari
04:18:01 – Concluding Remarks
Day 6
Grand Jury – Day 6 (February 26th, 2022) by The Corona Investigative Committee – Eugenics + Closing Arguments and Outlook
International Lawyers Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer Introduce Day 6 of the Grand Jury on Feb 26, 2022
00:01:30 – Summary of Day 5 Proceedings – Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal
00:06:52 – “Biodiversity” : The Genetic Takeover Of All Living Things – Patrick M. Wood (Economist & Author, USA)
00:42:45 – Q&A
01:11:37 – How The Unthinkable Became Thinkable – Matthew Ehret (Journalist, Author, Historian)
01:43:55 – Q&A
01:55:25 – How Israel is becoming the Canary In The Coal Mine – Ilana Rachel Daniel (Health & Safety Researcher and Writer, Israel)
02:18:15 – Q&A
02:28:10 – Personal Testimonies Within Israel – Avital Livny (Initiator of the Testimony Project, Israel)
02:54:52 – Q&A
03:12:55 – How Eugenics Appeals to the Elites, and Ultimately Leads to Genocide – Vera Sharav (Founder and President of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP)
03:43:05 – Q&A
04:09:27 – Outlook
04:11:50 – Conclusion
An individual currently named Norman Swan, a paediatrics doctor with an interest in theatrics, fully rusted-onto the ABC-TC payroll for 40 years, has just been on telling us there has been an increase in the death rate, mentioning heart disease and claiming this has been caused by CovidOmicron™.
He says Victorian hospitals have been “code red” because staff have been short, it’s “not clear why”. NSW hospitals have an excess of customers, he seems to be saying, in fairly vague language, they finish off with a promotion for a combined CovidFluShot™ in development by the usual outfits.
Norman is famous for taking down a Sydney doctor:
“William Griffith McBride CBE AO (25 May 1927 – 27 June 2018) was an Australian obstetrician. He published a letter on the teratogenicity of thalidomide following the findings of a midwife named Pat Sparrow, which resulted in the reduction of the number of drugs prescribed during pregnancy. Later in his life, McBride was found guilty of separate counts of medical malpractice and scientific fraud for falsifying data in a paper that claimed that the drug Debendox was also responsible for birth defects.”
It seems McBride was right about this drug too.
Why do mothers and babies need to be drugged and injected at every opportunity ?
Perhaps Norman is working on the answer.
It was only due to nausea in early pregnancy that I couldn’t stomach coffee or alcohol. Is it really that hard to figure out that physical discomfort of any sort has an innate value? The thalidomide disaster should serve as a reminder as to just how destructive addiction to “feeling good” actually is
“SADS” , ( [unexplained] sudden adult death Syndrome) could have alleviated you from your afflictions.
To resolve any re-occurrences, try a booster covid mystery injection.
The Physer studies of pregnant ladies was suspended….. seems that it was too effective,
The feel-good lure of vaccination obviously goes to the notion of obviating prospective physical and social discomfort. In other words it goes to a totally warped concept of existence itself
Dee, bet our freaks of the Australian journalist freak’s show will never accord any acknowledgement for your efforts for humanity and justice.
Well, politicians, medical freak tyrant controllers, ABC, SBS, press media, and the controllers of the msm, you are all going on holidays, so you miserable fake lot have plenty of time now to examine and know that you are caught out as being complete gullible stupids …. Or criminally complicit in mass genocide as aiders and abettors of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
By the way our journalists, how about some research and professional due diligence with ethical standards.
Catch up with the normies and taste the continuing drips of reality filling the public’s cup.
Try X22Report.com episode 2945B. You will love musk exposing all the previous CENSORSHIP on Twitter. (Files 1-4 SO FAR) You all know what that is?? SPRUNG…..FAKE MEDIA.
I like Reiner, but he be from mk central
i embrace what he says but we need to leave crutches like Nuremberg behind.
Notice the white hats in the “historic” lead thumbnail, well this is a well known repeat lie.
at the very same time of these show trials, the paperclip machine was running flat out or gaining function
I never trusted Reiner and he throws in the persecution of the jews as well……many many other cultures have been persecuted.
Yep. Agree, so many other atrocities / genocides to mention. I’ve seen him talk on this. But he is German and in one way has to address it whether he wants to or not. What other issues?
Criticisms of the Nuremberg Trials
The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust
Do the ‘war crimes’ trials prove extermination?
by Mark Weber
“I never trusted Reiner”
Well he’s avowed socialist, as born out by points (1) & (2) I make below
And as socialism is rooted in personal aggrandisement it stands to reason that “he throws in the persecution of the Jews as well”
“The greatest drama of the Last Days (which is already in process) is the attempt to annihilate
Israel by the nations so as to remove God’s very provision for their relatedness to Him. That is
why the “nations rage and take thought against God and His Anointed and want to break their
bands from them” (Psalm 2). If you want to be freed from the requirement of God, as a nation,
in the relationship of nations to God, then you must remove the nation Israel. That explains
why the last drama in history, before the Lord’s coming, is the attempt again to annihilate
Israel, as well as the motive for it.”
Who do you reckon New Testament Israel is?
No argument on my part as to who the Apostle Paul refers to in this passage:
“For I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, so that you may not be wise in yourselves: A hardening in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles may come in.”
The biblical meaning of being “chosen” elucidated from 01:55:25 in “Day 6” of the above presentation
To answer the question – who is an Israelite?
Romans 9
Israel’s Rejection of Christ
9 I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, 2 that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen[a] according to the flesh, 4 who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises; 5 of whom are the fathers and from whom, according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.
Israel’s Rejection and God’s Purpose
6 But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel, 7 nor are they all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, “In Isaac your seed shall be called.”[b] 8 That is, those who are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are counted as the seed. 9 For this is the word of promise: “At this time I will come and Sarah shall have a son.”[c]
10 And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac 11 (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), 12 it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.”[d] 13 As it is written, “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.”[e]
Israel’s Rejection and God’s Justice
14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.”[f] 16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”[g] 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.
19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” 20 But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?
22 What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23 and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory, 24 even us whom He called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
25 As He says also in Hosea:
“I will call them My people, who were not My people,
And her beloved, who was not beloved.”[h]
26 “And it shall come to pass in the place where it was said to them,
‘You are not My people,’
There they shall be called sons of the living God.”[i]
27 Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel:[j]
“Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea,
The remnant will be saved.
28 For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness,
Because the Lord will make a short work upon the earth.”[k]
29 And as Isaiah said before:
“Unless the Lord of Sabaoth[l] had left us a seed,
We would have become like Sodom,
And we would have been made like Gomorrah.”[m]
Present Condition of Israel
30 What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness of faith; 31 but Israel, pursuing the law of righteousness, has not attained to the law of righteousness.[n] 32 Why? Because they did not seek it by faith, but as it were, by the works of the law.[o] For they stumbled at that stumbling stone. 33 As it is written:
“Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offense,
And whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.”[p]
[…] Source […]
The convening of this so-called “court” presents a number of red alerts:
1) As less than ½ the population has expressed dissatisfaction with, and resistance to, the various covid-engendered restrictions and demands, a respective indictment could hardly be made by a “Court of Public Opinion”; like it or not, such arrogation just bespeaks a Marxist-style manoeuvre
2) The term “International Lawyers” strongly suggests that the global village concept is all good so long as a certain coterie get to call the shots
3) The “BLOODLINES & SECRET SOCIETIES” precept proves an inability to differentiate between fact and contention – which issue has, of course, been the very font of everything that’s purportedly being called out !
It is a FACT: There are secret societies with secret oaths ‘manipulating’ policies at high levels in business and politics via their influences.
To deny that fact is the modus of the secret societies to fool the public.
President Kennedy referred to such organisations, not by name, a month or two before he was murdered.
A society that’s been proven to exist can hardly be called “secret”
Love your comment.
It is ridiculous, knowing that a building exists in no way exposes what is in it behind closed doors occupied by and subject to secret oaths.
I wonder why you are trying so hard to ‘inject’ both feet. Love it.
Alright I love it as people expose their modus.
Anyway, for those who want the ‘dripping into the cup’ to continue might be more interested in the following.
I reheard the x22report.com episode 2945b and could not be but more amused.
After all the E Musk twittering (parts 1-4) exposing fraud and censorship, I noted from about 40 minutes more fun and highly recommend listening to it to the end….. about 15 minutes.
EB, just catch up with your boosters please and keep the rest of us safe.💁🏼🤡🙏
Media mob, love you lot too. Keep ‘boostering’ as the medical spivs, pharma, Fauci, Gates, Schrub, Harari, Jacinta, Dan, the WHO, DAVOS and government, et.al., instruct you.
So who wins?
The bankers and SECRET SOCIETIES as usual, they will try and bring in a financial (happening now) collapse and buy up the leftovers for pennies.
Poor EB has a lot to digest, if not sprouting BS.
Come now, elspeth, we have known for centuries the existence of Judaeo-Masonry, cartels of usury and intrigue, etc. who relentlessly claim to not be “secret societies” but to being “societies with secrets”. The main secrets being their aims and objectives, membership and operations, contrasted with the openly proclaimed objectives of institutional Apostolic Christianity… to bring all souls to Christ as far as is humanly possible. That militant mission has been abundantly sanctioned by many miraculous occurrences right from the get go. Of course, the modern Pharisees say exactly the same as the Pharisees of old where the indicators of the truth (the blind see, the lame walk, etc.) conflict with their ambitions: “It’s Beelzebub doing these things to deny “the chosen” their birthright”.
Good to quickly close off an argument about semantics, however, your other comment below is so loaded with double-negatives and subject clauses it’s worse than algebra, I have looked at it 2 or 3 times and am still defeated by it.
I keep thinking… who is really running the show?
Well, keep thinking! Who is determined to show their superiority over the Creator by trying to wreck, or usurp, His Creation and its purpose.
No matter who has been running the show, now it is our turn to take the wheel as the opportunity presents itself.
They are a few grasshoppers, the ants are in the millions.
Ref: A bug’s life? Have not seen the film but referred to at x22 report.com. and the message is clear.
Time to awaken the bugs before the UN, the WHO, Davos and N Kidman et.al., expect us to cannibalise ourselves.
To find out who rules over you find out who it is you are not allowed to criticise.
Our saviours, Rockerfellas’ medical fraternity
“No matter who has been running the show, now it is our turn to take the wheel as the opportunity presents itself.”
Well said
For Dee–History of Earth File
Only Pure Light Creator Consciousness/9D Time CRYSTALINE TIME
Covent of Creator, Alpha/Omega. 9D light & dark 8D-3D both sides, Major Arcana
Progenitors create life throughout multi-verse INFINITE TIME
Suns/Stars formed both sides; dark/light star systems Earth 5D planet. 197,000,000,000 BC
AROUND 18,000,000,000 EARTH YEARS
5D Saurin race original race on Earth
17,800,000,000 EARTH YEARS
Inception of Universal Council, Universal Court & UPU
17,000,000,000 EARTH YEARS
ABRAXAS Royalty 5D Humans (Humans 1.0) partnered w/ “Dark Overlord” & begin conquering worlds
3,000,000,000 EARTH YEARS
Abraxas partner w/DRACO & Mantids w/power of Lucifer/Dark Overlord/Omega
Conquered millions of star systems & billions of planets & moved them to 3D
2,000,000,000 Earth Years Ago: Ball of Archons created (OMEGA AI/Nibiru)
95,000,000 Earth Years ago: Draco/Mantid/Abraxas first attempt to conquer Earth. “The War of the Races”. Saurins avoided complete takeover.
69,000,000 Earth years: Second Battle for Earth, 17th Century, reign of Molodoch (not Moloch), known as the Great Ones. Molodochs were benevolent Humans 2.0.
Battle ended 70 Earth Years later, 28 Earth Races won
57,000,000 years ago: Age of Darkness began. Abraxas
et al put out the sun, went underground, used tech to
create Artificial Sunlight.
52,000,000 years ago: Ice Age began on Earth’s surface
JAIQS AI Systems implemented w/Command Centers
9D only, 9th Dimension of Light/Creation of Lower Astral 9D Systems, Progenitors of the Council of 9 responsible for monitoring both sides, Alpha System maintains Hall of Records
37,000,000 Earth years ago: “The Redeemer” head of UPU. Permiator of Light or Casper, a planitoid, created second sun/began “great thaw”
By 28,000,000 years ago: Planitoid mostly thawed Earth partially restored Natural Sun. Earth’s inhabitants remained underground.
18,000,000 Years ago: Draco Returned. Start of the take-over. Beginning of attack on Earth & Age of Decline.
For the next 15,000,000 years: Draco increase industrialization & slavery, begin genetically modifying Humans. Human 3.0 and 4.0 emerged. Draco began also bringing slaves from other captured planets.
3,000,000 years ago: “Destroyer” or “Ultimate Black Magician” turned Multiverse Central Sun into Giant Blackhole.
The UPU, run by the Enforcer chased the Destroyer to Tiamat, then attacked & destroyed Tiamat. The remains of Tiamat are visible from earth today and make up most of the asteroids in the VanAllen Belt
Implosion of Tiamat, Destroyer ran to Earth, Destroyer pulled Earth to 3D establishing its Orbit around Sun we know today.
Enforcer bound Earth using “Metatron’s Cube” creating “Hell in a Box”.
Casper destroyed & gegenschien
Beginning of “War of Reprisal” or Time of Retaliation.
2,500,000 years ago: surface of Earth inhabited by
Humans 5.0 & became a loosh farm.
250,000 “The Great War” 5 Races
Great War Ends w/victory of 5 races over Draco.
Creation of Humans 7.0 & 5 Tribes of Humans
Restoration of the Gateway to Heaven / 9th Major
Arcana Dimension. Peace on Earth between all Earth’s Inhabitants. Destroyer Quarantined & Abraxas Draco Mantids gone.
85,000 Years ago: Earth last remaining 3D planet 7 became “Nexus Planet”
18,000 Years ago: the Black Magician/Destroyer broke free/moved to moon. “Great Flood” began. Destroyer came thru portal in Ukraine & took over 3-5 tribes
18,000 Began the Rule of the Dark Overlord
Beginning of the Order of the Black Sun in Modern Day
16,500 years ago: Draco returned, declared Global
Marshall Law & made a deal with Destroyer to Stop the
War. “Tablets of Destiny” or Free will to choose
between heaven or hell
16,992, as part of the agreement of “Balance” between
the Dark and the Light, the Time Loop. The loop began
the cycles of 1008 years of dark then 100
12,000 years ago: Installation Moon Sattilite Base &
Installation of Saturn Ring Moon Matrix
12,000 years ago: began first Archon Infection of Earth,
4,000 years ago: Astral Stream Multi-Versal
Matrix/Metatron geometry installed
3012 years ago: The Council of 9 and the Creator
realized the Draco’s violation of the Time Loop Agreement and the Tablets of Destiny as no transition from Dark to Light ever took place and appoint Solomon as the Guardian over the Angles and Demons and the Time Loop Transition to Light
By 3024 years ago: Solomon violated Natural Law & Creator left him. Solomon signed Covenant of Nefertiti (ISIS) & joined Demons. Building of 2nd Temple. Dark Timeline Remained until 2018 or 3 more cycles.
Order of the Dragon Families Founded from the Line of Solomon 9 years after the building of Solomon’s Temple by the Demons army of the Black Magician aka Order of the Black Sun
2016: Anu returns (Mar), Marduke dies, Enki in Custody, Enlil dies (Dec). Kim appointed Ambassador to Universal Council
December 7, 2018: Binding of Order of Black Sun to line of Solomon Ends. The Black Sun SSP division pleas w/Abraxas for Stay of Execution. 3 year extension granted
2019-2020: Artemis Accords are signed appointing US branch head of the Secret Space Force
September 20, 2019: The “Others” declared “Independence Day”. Destroyed levels 6 & down of DUMBS & no longer offer any assistance or connection to Militaries/Agencies
December 2019: The Black Sun/Hole in the center of the Multiverse is replaced with Source Creator, First Star is Born as the Universe starts to expand again
Note “explosion” of building Jersey Island–DUMB ???
did note the Jersey thing, DEW strike?, and Lebanon strike and the surgical Miami strike after McAfee offed himself. Draconian’s will always attack history, on the short and long side
Unlikely history. Any empirical proof of it?
don’t need any, its the big bang, right
nobody has proof, yet we know
I found this newspaper in a cafe and they are probably still looking for distributors
It’s English but they are doing a local version, this first issue is a month old already before I knew about it
American Protestant Pastor claims truthfully that “Israel” isn’t Israel of the bible and brainwashed Christians attack him proving the point that the “Jews” have twisted scripture to get Christians to support (((Anti Christs))).
https://www.henrymakow.com/2017/02/Pastor-Who-Spurns-Israel .html
They squeal about the Holohoax while actually engaging in a genocide which is their MO in ALL THINGS.
Jews Destroyed Record Number of Palestinian Homes in 2016
In 2016, Israeli authorities had sped up demolishing homes of Palestinians in the occupied territories, rights group B’Tselem reported. The number was the highest in 12 years, during which the group kept systematic statistics of the demolitions.
B’Tselem says the demolitions campaign intensified in August 2015 and unofficially halted later in the year, only to be resumed in 2016. Last year Israel demolished 274 homes in the West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem), thereby rendering homeless 1,134 individuals, including 591 minors.
In East Jerusalem, Israeli authorities demolished 73 Palestinian homes in 2016, while 15 others were demolished by their owners on orders from the municipality. Violation of the orders would have carried hefty fines and would not likely prevent the demolitions or being charged the cost of carrying them out. Together those actions rendered 295 people homeless, including 160 minors, B’Tselem said. The authorities also demolished 48 non-residential buildings.
“Despite the differences between Area C and East Jerusalem in terms of which authorities operate in each area and the laws applied by Israel, the policy Israel pursues in the two areas is similar, and designed to minimize the number of Palestinians in as much land as possible,” the group said. “Authorities cynically cite illegal construction as a pretext for the demolitions, while at the same time authorities are the ones that prohibit legal construction by Palestinians.”
The rights advocates accuse the Israeli authorities of failing to authorize enough construction permits to meet the demand of the growing Palestinian population, leaving Palestinians with no choice but to build homes illegally. B’Tselem believes it to be part of a policy aimed at making living conditions for Palestinians unbearable and forcing them to leave.
“This policy, which all authorities work to uphold, severely and directly violates the most fundamental human rights of tens of thousands of Palestinians, and indirectly those of hundreds of thousands more. At the same time, the policy also offers decisive evidence that Israel has long-term plans to continue controlling the area, while oppressing and dispossessing its residents,” it said.
The thing is: the Jews are the ones complaining about how whites in Europe and America should be forcibly flooded with Moslems. At the same time, they are ethnically cleansing their own country of Moslems.
They are certainly not taking any refugees.
So what is the deal?
If Moslems are good for a country, why doesn’t Israel want as many as they can get?
I agree that those afflicted with a kind of cultural or convenience narcissism that call themselves “Jews” cannot conceive of any notions of truth and virtue that is not subject to the original premise of a physical/ideological/political/ideology that is not conducive to material and political controls that increase the influence of usurers and corporate megalomaniacs who wilfully exchange personal integrity for fame and fortune and indemnity.
Uh-oh! I may have inadvertently fallen foul of the Glugshoe “Ministry of Truth” that does not tolerate anything inconvenient to “New Age” nonsense.
JB I got a copy yesterday. The topics are mainly what you and I know about but the explanations and print are very easy to read. I recommend to those that are not up to speed on the world topics.
Yes it’s good to have paper copies laying about the place, cafes and so forth, for people who are not phone addicted to pick up
A bit more about Jersey Island–a place very much part of my personal lived experience
Pedophiles on the Island of Jersey: The journalist’s view: Leah McGrath Goodman
Ex-warden appears in Jersey court
The former warden of a Jersey care home has appeared before magistrates, facing three charges of indecent assault.
Gordon Claude Wateridge, 76, will reappear on 9 June. He formerly worked as a warden at the Haut de la Garenne care home.
BBC News, 12 May 2008
An independent team will today arrive in Jersey to begin a four-day review of the island’s child protection system, which has been described as “barbaric”.
The Howard League for Penal Reform will be investigating allegations that children in protective custody were kept in solitary confinement up until 2007.
inthenews.co.uk, 11 May 2008
Bryn Estyn victims relive nightmare as Haut de la Garenne gives up secrets
By Ben Glaze
THE child abuse allegations rocking the tiny island of Jersey have brought back nightmares for victims of the UK’s biggest child sex scandal.
Ten years ago, 150 former residents of North Wales care homes came forward claiming they were physically and sexually assaulted as youngsters.
An independent inquiry slammed police and council officials for failing to act and made a series of recommendations to prevent such abuse happening again.
The North Wales probe centred on allegations at Bryn Estyn Boys’ Home and a paedophile ring around Wrexham and Cheshire, where monsters abused vulnerable youngsters in care.
It led to 10 convictions with the culprits jailed for a total of 49 years.
Now similar claims have been made by former residents of Haut de la Garenne children’s home in Jersey. Last Saturday police discovered a child’s skull buried in the grounds and detectives are investigating claims as many as 160 vulnerable youngsters were abused by 40 suspects over more than 20 years.
Ask Margaret Hodge how horrors can hide
By Jenny McCartney
The police excavation at Haut de la Garenne, the former children’s care home in Jersey, has quickly become one of the most sickening archaeological digs imaginable. The items found in its warren of bricked-up cellars – a child’s skull, a set of shackles, a sunken bath – are fragments of a terrible mosaic of the past, in which a series of predatory adults seemingly inflicted unthinkable cruelties upon helpless children in their care.
More than 150 former residents of the care home have come forward with their stories, and it will also fall to the police to sift through those grim memories from the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s. One woman, who spoke anonymously to the BBC last week, recalled the “punishment room” in which children were sometimes held alone for two weeks or more.
The Telegraph, 02/03/2008
‘Culture of concealment’ divides Jersey as abuse scandal grows
THE old men of Jersey are racking their consciences as terrible secrets resurface.
Dozens of senior figures in the island’s tight-knit establishment are facing possible police questioning over who knew what about abuse, beatings and, con-ceivably, murder from the 1940s to 1980s at the Haut de la Garenne children’s home.
Timesonline, March 2, 2008
From BBC (British Bullshit Corporation)
“Gas supplier Island Energy said it was working with the fire service to “understand exactly what has happened”.”
That’s why I went straight to the BBC on this occasion, to “understand exactly what happened”.
Reminds me of my paper-mask wearing chiropractor whose appendix blew up after he was injected, thinks it was a random incident
Wealth Management United Kingdom & Channel Islands – Rothschild & Co
United Kingdom & Channel Islands Wealth Management – United Kingdom & Channel Islands Advice & planning Investing Banking & lending Entrepreneurs Families Charities Insights Get in touch Client login We work with the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, families and charities to preserve and grow their wealth. WHO WE work with What we ………………
Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890
(53 & 54 VICT)
[25 July 1890.]
Chapter 27
An Act to amend the Law respecting the exercise of Admiralty Jurisdiction in Her Majesty’s Dominions and elsewhere out of the United Kingdom.
Exception of Channel Islands and Other Possessions
The provisions of this Act with respect to Colonial Courts of Admiralty shall not apply to the Channel Islands.
“Pretty sure Elon Musk wants to ‘criminalize’ Fauci because Fauci lied under oath, engaged in gain of function research in a Chinese lab, jeopardized the entire planet, and arguably contributed to the deaths of thousands of people,”
“Forget the ‘Twitter Files’…
Unleash the “Covid Files.”
Unleash the “Julian Assange files”.
Unleash the Seth Rich files.”
Unleash it all, Elon Musk. You didn’t buy a company. You bought a crime scene.”
The Elon Wolfe, I’m not Dunblane
OK Simon, I guess you know things we don’t know.
Slightly off topic, but maybe not.
Mind control is the program of academia, science and hidden hands that rule. Ignorantly, we are loving ourselves with iPhones, a convenience that’s obviously become a nuisance.
Tragically, transhumanism is anti-people, as we are led to a giant digital concentration camp. Similar to the Pied Piper fable, although in our case, now totally real.
Realise, everything wireless has to go.
It is their 🔐 key to our enslavement, iPhones have erased the little freedom we had last century.
No one can force you to have one, if you don’t want it. The more who refuse, the less control they will have.
We lived well 25 years ago without them.
The solution is so simple, there’s no need to contemplate, the iPhone is the NWO.
We need to push back, it’s the only option left.
After 911, I gladly stopped viewing the tell lies visions on the ubiquitous idiot boxes in every home/bedroom. Kicking this digital beast, clenched in hand as if on life support is another matter. Good luck to all if you can, looks like we’re all junkies now, our enemy is banking on it.
The Apple logo isn’t kool, they’re telling us straight – bite into temptation.
“Tragically, transhumanism is anti-people, as we are led to a giant digital concentration camp. Similar to the Pied Piper fable, although in our case, now totally real.”
Tum de tumtum. Tum de effing tum tum.
Chapter 1.1: Mayer Rothschild and the Five Arrows
Chapter 1.1: Mayer Rothschild and the Five Arrows Mayer Rothschild and his sons dominate European banking Mayer Rothschild and the “Five Arrows” Overturning the European Monarchs Rothschild Interests in England Rothchild Interests in America Rothschild Interests in South Africa Mayer Rothschild and the “Five Arrows”
Hearst’s Chicago Evening American commented, Dec. 3, 1923: “The Rothschilds can start or prevent wars. Their word could make or break empires.” Reeves notes, “The fall of Napoleon was the rise of Rothschild.” Napoleon was later slowly poisoned to death with arsenic by a Rothschild agent. They had no need of another “return from exile”.
The New York Evening Post noted July 22, 1924, “The Kaiser had to consult Rothschild to find out whether he could declare war. Another Rothschild carried out the whole burden of the conflict which overthrew Napoleon.”
The Kaiser’s Chancellor, Bethmann-Hollweg, who actually precipitated World War I, was a member of the Frankfurt banking family, Bethmann, and a cousin of the Rothschilds.
Here’s the guy who elevated Rotschilds’ banking empire in 1769, look under the heading “Reign” (250 years ago)
History of the Rothschild Bank, World’s Biggest Bank
In 1694 William III teamed up with the Rothschilds to launch the Bank of England. … The daily London gold “fixing” occurs at the N. M. Rothschild Bank. As Bank of England Deputy Governor George Blunden put it, “Fear is what makes the bank’s powers so acceptable. The bank is able to exert its influence when people are …
Your guy says Rotschilds started a central bank in Amsterdam in the early 1600’s (no date?) but the conventional story is that M.A.R, was the founder of the trans-national stuff and not born until 1744.
The city of Amsterdam would have certainly had very liberal trading laws but if this story was fact then why no date or specifics. I also have trouble with this:
“Mayer was a serious student of Cabala and launched his fortune on money embezzled from William IX- royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region and a prominent Freemason.” I don’t think the royals are so ignorant of human nature or accounting.
btw I think William 9 and William Elector 1 might be the same person. So William slid into the shadows and Rotschilds took the heat of the publicity until now. Not the usual arrangement !!! The rest of the later dynastic stuff I have no questions about.
The elephant in the room is the Vatican.
The characterisations below are pretty good
“Those who tell you you don’t need a gun – have armed guards”
“Those who tell you to lower your carbon footprint – have private jets”
“Those who tell you sea-levels are rising – bought beach homes”
“Those who told you to lock yourselves down – went to dinner parties”
Those who told you to get “experimental” injections – stayed well clear themselves
Those who told you to be an honest citizen and pay every kind of tax, levy, duty, fine and fee – engaged in all types of scams, kickbacks and private arrangements
Those who told you to queue up for your democratic vote – engaged in any type of rigging they could get away with
Those who told you that you are living beyond your means – are confiscating your birthright by stealth
Those who told you they are your one trusted source of information – are shameless, barefaced liars
what kinda monkey would hear that nonsense, now see that nonsense and not break the gimp mask protocols by speaking the hate speak in man form
black gimps matter (too much tell me) + sorry its a lull and they always do that when u least expect it routine style
dead lives matter , Ye
So what’s all this about?
The “international court” thing was broadcast 10 months ago and there’s been 0 impact
Could that have something to do with the fact that this was broadcast 3 months ago?
I’m not saying that the forum was completely without merit
I just think there needs to be more caution re assuming anything and esteeming any self-appointed authority
“REINER FUELLMICH ANSWERS THE ALLEGATIONS OF FRAUD AGAINST HIM BY COLLEAGUE VIVIANE FISCHER” Sept 29,2022 https://responsiblyfree.substack.com/p/reiner-fuellmich-answers-the-allegations
I wonder what is going on here? See my sources below saying he has left the committee and yet I can’t find anything about it on the number of different search engines that are outside the main stream. Has anyone found anything on this? let’s try to get some truth about this.”
What strikes me more than anything is that if he & Fischer had posed any real threat to the PTB at any stage the split would have engendered an MSM field day
Actually the total lack of interest in the February presentation expressed on this page is sufficient proof that he’s never posed any real threat to the PTB at any stage – so long as the wannabe opposition continues to prove that it’s not up to engaging in anything more than a personal venting platform there’s obviously going to be no change of direction
think its about stoking infighting
the world is a stage and we are mere actor’s
Way off topic: I’ve been surprised over the years at many things that have turned out to be true. I will often take some new information and ‘file’ it away in my memory to see if anything else pops up that may be another ‘dot’ to connect.
OK, here is a recent video from Clif High that may be quite important, or, it could be another fizzer, only time will tell. If nothing else, it is an interesting video. – If anyone has some corroborating information, please post it.
oum u a mua. being a wordsmith i want to grab that billet by the cylindrical short and curly’s.
crazy talk, and u have not seen anything yet. aloha trueman, glad ur crew
Thanks Terry, I OWE YOU ONE💁🤡
At least CC and EB have something else long to suck on.
Now with a 80 foot diameter.
I tried to find something else on the ‘net about it and all I got was an ‘artist’s impression’ which was nothing like what Clif was referring to. Clif apparently has better sources, so I will monitoring him to see what else he comes up with. – It would be totally cool if it was all true, that would definitely freak out the stoopids.
WATCH: New Zealand police take baby away from parents over vaccinated blood transfusion dispute
So that advent corresponds to the Oumuamua theory because ????
It’s off topic.
I don’t think you can go past Rand Paul’s interrogation of Fauci
Or the shameless perpetuation of the same gain-of-function “research”
Notwithstanding the fact that cosmic contagion theories in general deserve much more attention than they get
It’s apparently just too scary for most people to bust out of the idea that everything on the planet is being commandeered by some humanoid syndicate or other
The physics crowd is looking at black holes in space with wormholes inside them that transport things instantly to the outer fringes, they are telling us space and time aren’t constant, possibly not even real, they arise out of some 5th dimensional substance, it goes on and on, and on the micro- side they find atoms are made of quarks and next quarks will be made of something else, meanwhile as you say the debate rages about ancient bloodlines vs Ashkenazi “jews” and other factions.
All very well to say God made it all and read your bible but that is not usually the topic du jour because it’s not really news. You feel safe on your hobby farm with the Old World Order all around you but the NWO’s intent is to scam your farm away from you or take it by force. Then you will be reading Jobe, all very well but a major compromise on “comfort”. Being comfortable is a priority for many, even the hobos living in doorways have sufficient blankets and are uncompromising in their choices of locales.
Personally I wasn’t gifted comfort, it arrived like a reward after decades, and I don’t much want to go back to no comfort.
None of which has any bearing whatsoever on the point I just made
It is entirely based on your comment and extends to your usual conclusion
I didn’t say anything more than:
* I think that covid 19 was a consequence of gain-of-function “research”
* cosmic contagion theories are scary because they don’t present any blame avenue
If that makes you feel offended it’s not MY problem
Resorting to a personal attack just proves you’re incapable of engaging in any sort of rational debate
I am not part of the “offended” contingent and the “attack” is purely in your imagination, I will prove there’s nothing personal by stopping right there
“You feel safe on your hobby farm with the Old World Order all around you”
Supercilious rot that not warranted by anything I’ve ever said and that simply testifies a contempt for civil boundaries
It turns out that it’s you who is offended, not me !!!
Matthew 5:29 Something about plucking out of eyes I wouldn’t attempt to interpret but maybe it applies !?!?!
Are we done yet
I should say I am impressed by some of your legal battles and also theosophical debates with OCD767, actually they usually get a bit too deep but that’s just me. As soon as you mentioned the black salve I went out and got some, so I see real value in some of your stuff. I don’t know why I would have contempt for civil boundaries, you can explain that if you feel motivated to. Unfortunately though this particular dispute is somewhat vague and probably without much value to anyone.
Globalist minions The Greens Party have been pushing hard for more medicare treatment of modern lifestyle victims by Rockerfellas’ MedicalSystem™ including unlimited visits to “general practitioners”, head shrinkers, and probably sex-change operations next, I have been smelling an increase in Medicare Levy on the wind for some time, and who could possibly begrudge Rockerfellas’ MedicalSystem™ a few billions extra after all they have done for us, injecting kids and chopping people up as fast as they are able, while suppressing every alternative treatment, but this news is not about Rockerfellas, this is about The Greens, who are 100% on board with depopulation efforts and communist “own nothing” high tax and endless handouts. Get ahead by giving up, just sit there at Centrelink waiting for your number to be called, is communist style “aspiration”. Lots of people these days sleeping in doorways, this is communist transition in action, normalisation of “own nothing”. Everything will in due course be taken via exponentially increasing government debt.
Look how this debt surged ahead from 2008, pausing for a short breath in 2019 before an even more massive surge driven by the scamdemic implementations. Take a quick look at this chart, it’s more amazing than the latest moon rocket
Go for it crooked and infiltrated Greens Party, give us all debt-funded head shrinkers instead of proper jobs, and what kickbacks will you lot be getting, beachside mansions with attached rainforest perhaps, or more likely a luxury apartment in Geneva, either way, if you are not of the bloodlines you will no doubt end up culled yourselves, won’t that be fun.
I got some good medicine for people with the blood clots, of which we have one, it’s called Serracor-NK and there’s another one called BioFullerine, as well you can get nicotine gum or patches anywhere. Apparently smokers don’t get covid so if you’re one of the paper mask wearing nutters you might feel better going on the patches.
Good old BigPharma could have sold lots of patches if they weren’t completely corrupt and evil with covert agendas.
For the normies and exposing the controlled propaganda from the msm, face book etc.,
Hilarious x22report.com episode 2946B …. seems that twittering has turned into squawking for truth from the Musk.
Enjoy and laugh at the exposures with more coming from the Twitter files.
Sprung ABC AND SBS et.al.. 💁🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Max Igan’s recent video – you’re gonna love the first 10 minutes.
You keep making my day😩😩👻
Add from about 30 minutes, that was enough for me…… you are wrong, people are not stupid, they are ignorant AND STOOOOOPID.
I can think that we need larger pods to put the stupids in and reverse the development, before being ‘conceived’ babies till they may be reborn as human beings with a brain.
Marx Eegun has been pushing the notion that “human consciousness” is a self-constructive phenomenon that has no cause or purpose other than itself. As such, I can only contend that his version of reality differs from the likes of Yuval Harari only in the in the kind of audience he wants to appeal to. The dialectic of competition between an obsolete “thesis” and a self generating “antithesis” is the mechanism of all “progress”… and the egomaniacal drongo purports to be the “synthesis” of an “old” version of reality married to a “new” reality of a kind of indeterminate “becoming” that has no first or final cause.
I contend again that the brain is not the source of consciousness but is only the physical organ that connects the physical world of sense and motor to the metaphysical mind and it’s the physical organ that connects the “life principle” (soul) to the operation of the physical components of a live being.
The demonically narcissistic Yowieegans of the World irrationally assume that an effect can be its own cause.
Well that explains how ants can function with a brain the size of a pinhead. Some of those soldier ants are very smart, and they’re probably only a few weeks old too. I thought it seemed things worked that way but here you just make a bald-faced assertion. I read somewhere Musk told his implant team to hurry up or they would all be dead before they got a result. And today he has lost the mantle of “World’s Richest Man”. Too independent perhaps ?
It seems luxury goods are outselling everything post-scamdemic.
I have the feeling that this is going to create headlines around the world. The article so far is only in German (7-8 pages) and is incredibly detailed, so I just translated the first bit. The statistics come from PEI (Paul Ehrlich Institute) and Robert Koch Institute – the 2 top federal agencies for Medical and Pharma statistics in Germany.
Martin Sichert is an MP for the largest opposition party AfD in Germany (88 seats of 598 in the Bundestag). The huge police raid in Germany a couple of days ago, arrested several persons from this party and I cautiously connect the below statistical collection with this occurrence.
Shocking figures: more than 30,000 sudden and unexpected deaths every year started together with the mRNA injections.
By Alexander WallaschDecember 12, 2022
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The member of the Bundestag Martin Sichert (AfD) tried for months to get data from the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV). He only got hold of this data via detours.
First published on alexander-wallasch.de.
Together with the IT specialist and analyst Tom Lausen, MdB Martin Sichert analysed the files with a result that shocked both of them:
The “sudden and unexpected deaths” literally exploded from January 2021. Since 2016, the average has always been a little less than 20 per day, but from the beginning of 2021, one hundred people died “suddenly and unexpectedly” every day.
They have had an incident in Queensland where two cops got shot and on the TV news they are saying the shooter was kicked out of his job some time ago because he would not take the forced injections. Who knows what really happened when the M$M covers something they cover it their way for their reasons. Seems to be a prepper, maybe having his guns removed.
Make sure to look at this story
The cops are in extreme denial, the M$M is calling the dead preppers devils, 4 cops went there to make an enquiry (?), very dodgy story
Dodgy WA cop gets 30 years
There is a lot being left out of this story. I don’t watch TV, perhaps others can clue me in, what is the media saying/spinning about this guy and what went on?
Conspiracy theorists –
“………….Train was a noted conspiracy theorist who regularly posted about his extreme views online.
An associate told The Guardian his descent into the world of conspiracy theories had been relatively recent, with Mr Train claiming the 1996 Port Arthur massacre was a false flag operation to “disarm the Australian population”, and repeatedly claimed the government was running “re-education camps”.
“Re-education camps are located at the end of the line. Monitoring the rail system will ensure no escape. Dissenters will find themselves catching the long black train,” he bizarrely posted under a 2021 article about QLD Rail’s surveillance capabilities, adding “beware of the boogie monster”.
He also voiced about his dislike for authorities, including the Queensland Special Emergency Response Team, and appeared to support the doomsday prepper movement ………….
“According to property records, Stacey Jane Train and Gareth Daniel Train purchased the isolated, sprawling 43.51Ha property in February 2015 for $95,000.”
‘isolated’ – from what?
‘sprawling’ – what are they trying to say?
10 More Crazy Conspiracy Theories That Became Conspiracy Facts
(ANTIMEDIA) Generally speaking, conspiracy theories form where there is a vacuum of verifiable facts associated with a controversial, usually tragic event. The concept has evolved over the years and is a part of our popular culture. There are legions of conspiracy theorists and “truthers” who have devoted their lives to certain theories, and there are legions of skeptics who have devoted their lives to debunking those theories. All the while, conspiracy theories of every stripe and variety festoon the footnotes of history. Even the origin of the phrase itself is subject to conspiracy theory, as some researchers have argued that the CIA invented and promulgated the term in order to marginalize fringe thinkers and neutralize investigations.
The internet has obviously had a profound effect on conspiracy theories, simultaneously helping and hurting the cause. While a world of information is at people’s fingertips, so too are alternate worlds of manufactured propaganda. While the Internet may appear to be a democratized, unfiltered path toward facts and truth, it is easily manipulated. Powerful corporations pay a lot of money to have their dirty laundry buried in the search results underneath contrived puff pieces. ………..”
The MSM is not credible, but I was surprised they actually printed about the bloke’s belief that Port Arthur was a psy-op for gun control. Crikey, I think that is the first time I’ve ever seen that information from the MSM, Of course, they frame it as a crazy conspiracy theory, but it at least made it into print.
Yes Joe —very dodgy story–links to this global–“German” story
Scope of right-wing terrorist network in Germany comes into focus
“Last week’s raid was apparently carried out because the Interior Ministry and the chief federal prosecutor’s office feared imminent attacks against state institutions, which would also have endangered the lives of high-ranking government officials and politicians.”
re above
“On December 7, some 3,000 special police force officers searched 150 properties across Germany. Since then, 25 people have been held in pre-trial detention, and 29 others are under investigation. The attorney general accuses them of being members or supporters of a terrorist organization. But they are only the tip of the iceberg.”
From your link:
“Heinrich XIII Prince Reuss, who is considered the ringleader of the group, has long been known for his anti-Semitic statements and his support of Reichsbürger ideology. At a digital fair in Zurich, Switzerland, for example, he agitated against the power of “Jewish big capitalists” and declared that the Federal Republic was not a sovereign state but was dominated by the Allies to this day.”
Paperclip, anyone ?
So anyway you go to Zurich and to make your “big capitalists” statement more palatable you have to name drop jewish. The Vatican got Charlemagne to go around getting everyone in Europe on the tithes system. Zurich was one of his fortresses !!!
It goes on:
“In 2003, proceedings to ban the far-right German National Party (NPD) failed because the Supreme Court judges concluded that there were so many security agency employees in the party’s leadership that the NPD was “in substance, an operation of the state.”
That’s how it’s done, go to K. Swab University Gmbh
“Only an independent, socialist offensive of the working class can stop the fascist danger.”
Frying pan or fire anyone ?
Yeah, there is a lot more to this Oz story we haven’t found out. The cops don’t send 4 police out on a ‘routine’ missing persons inquiry. They must have known he was at the property and were going to arrest him.
The spin about being a ‘conspiracy theorist’ is a red flag for me. I want to know the back story on how this all developed. The fact that the whole household allegedly ambushed the cops is also suspicious.
Then there is the father telling the media to make up whatever they are going to, that tells me the father doesn’t trust the media and expects some spin/lies.
And why kill the neighbor? That doesn’t add up, maybe the cops accidentally killed the neighbor thinking he was one of the family, or maybe the neighbor saw something he wasn’t suppose to? – I hope some independent investigators get into this case before the cops start disappearing evidence and fabricating other evidence.
The emphasis on ‘guns and ammunition’ and Port Arthur may be a predictive programming on a ‘militia movement’ gambit and a further disarmament agenda.
I got ‘probed’ about nine months a go by a fellow that was inviting me to go to house for a hunting trip. He showed me a picture of a .50 caliber rifle that they had at the house. I asked him how do you get a .50 caliber rifle in Oz, “I’ve got contacts”. – I’ve got a bad feeling about this incident.
4 cops were the entire staff of that police station
From commenters –
Incredible how fast they got that tactical response vehicle there. Wonder if they’re going to be placed at every police station or were they prepared for this one event.
Perhaps they were already in situation?
A bit more grist to the mill mate. Good question. This town was 300km from Brisbane. Don't tell me they just happened to have one stationed at Chinchilla.
I don’t suppose you’ll credit this one, Terry, but in 2017, I placed an ad in the Adelaide Advertiser, for $400, that said Port Arthur was a false flag. Dee wisely advised me not to waste the money but I couldn’t resist.
Well, you’re on the radar. When they start rounding up militia members you could be a ‘person of interest’ that needs to be interrogated. Perhaps you might get a free trip to Oz for your interview.
Oz is a Murdock Lowy krown kabal establishment.
At this late stage, all dissenters are being drawn out. If it means sacrificing a few of their own to crush conspiracy, so be it.
We’ve seen this played out many times before, similar to a really bad movie only getting worse,
always the young naive innocents murdered for a demonic agenda serving the serpents in control.
Port Arthur was the end of fair go here.
Australian gov’t data reveals ‘incredibly high’ excess death rate in 2022, many with no link to COVID
As the weight of evidence that the vaccines can kill, suddenly and silently – even weeks and months after administration – accumulates, the blanket denials that they are playing any role in the global trend of excess deaths ring increasingly hollow. ………………..
Except for the stoopis, their ability of denial is extraordinary. The local doctor is now having a clinic for the more recent ‘booster’ and the stoopids are lining up to make appointments.
Australia showing 17% increase in excess deaths.
Check page 2 (of 54 pages with KBV-data, until now “hidden” by the german authorities, I believe that the opposition party AfD now has all data from German doctors fed into KVB. With other words Health minister Karl Lauterbach et al have nowhere to hide.)
KBV=Federal collection place of doctor’s patient data.
Page 2 shows excess death rates 2016/17/18/19/20 and 2021/22!
!!2021 and 2022 show an approx. 500% excess death increase.!!
( “R 96 a.s.o. are codes showing “variations” in how and where Sudden and Unexpected deaths happened.)
Picked up by Gateway Pundit
Rubert Murdock version
Florida goes on the attack
Scientists are beginning to question whether COVID has actually killed anybody at all.
Oregon grassroots group of old timers intends to overthrow fraudulent state government
“Fantastic news for all those terrorised by the relentless threat of having a six inch rod thrust up their nostril and stabbed into the extremely sensitive and fragile blood brain barrier.
From the 1st of Jan 2023 PCR tests in Australia will no longer be a ‘surveillance tool’ but will require a referral from a nurse or medical practitioner.
The PCR torture devices were NEVER meant to be utilised in this way. The creator of the PCR test Kary Mullis stated, before his convenient death just prior to the plandemic ‘outbreak’, that the PCR could not be used as a diagnostic tool.
This is one terrorisation device – millions of which arrived in Australia in 2017 – that we no longer need fear.
As the truth comes out about the lies we’ve been told over the past few years, keep in mind the fact that the Ancient Egyptian overlords used a similar technique to punish defiant slaves.”
a bit of empirical evidence for those who have expansive minds those who
can “see” the metaverse–
the pineal gland–lobotomy leukotomy–MK experiments a la the Tavi
One Billion Dead: The Death Jab
Human Race Post-Mortem
By John Kaminski –
If I could title my first published collection of essays Americas Autopsy Report (2004) about 9/11 and the phony wars which that deception triggered, it is even less of a stretch to call this essay Human Race Postmortem (2022), as our species marches zombie-like to its own funeral.
Beyond all the misguided actions we commit and all the futile gestures we use to insist that we are independent, self-controlling beings, the overwhelming evidence reveals that we are neither. We are really stumbling simpletons consistently unable to determine our own destinies.
We are pathetic, misinformation-driven puppets hurtling toward our doom with no solutions in sight and no powerful force or person willing to rescue us from our sorry slide into semi-conscious slavery, if not outright extinction.
Statesmen have become stooges, soldiers now morph into sodomites, and doctors demonically devolve into demons, poisoning the blood of the patients they pretend to save. Our peripatetic human heroes have slithered into the swamp of their own greed, and are no longer trusted by sickly consumers who once idolized them………………..
0 seconds ago
Tim Veater
A dangerous, inadequately tested vaccine was foisted on the public, for a seriously over-rated virus, with disastrous down-stream pathological complications in numerous areas. That is the truthful bottom line that has yet to percolate through the public consciousness. If and when it does, despite the concerted efforts of government and media, it has the regrettable likely consequence of undermining trust in vaccination and health advice across the board.
Note how the Chamber was almost empty. Why are MPs uninterested in protecting Public Health? Parliament is, and has been, in total denial, presumably because to do otherwise would be to admit liability for this outrageous catastrophe. I have tried in my puny way for nearly three years to highlight it. Needless to say Andrew Bridgen has been targeted as a result of challenging the prevailing pro-vaccine narrative. That is something we have come to expect from the various platforms and media outlets which have all been party to the scam. http://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/
Sent earlier this evening
Dr. Michael Yeadon, the ex-Pfizer VP, and participant in Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Grand Jury appear to have been suspended on Twitter and several fake accounts have been allowed to continue. He is an important contributor to this topic and should be heard and protected.