Home Corona Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews Vera Sharav on Medical Tyranny

Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews Vera Sharav on Medical Tyranny

(L) Vera Sharav (R) Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and associate

Editor’s note [DM]:  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is an international trial lawyer who has successfully sued large corporations like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank. His worldwide network of lawyers has listened to a hundred experts from every field of science and they have collected undeniable evidence that the Covid pandemic is a plandemic — a planned criminal operation. According to Dr. Fuellmich, a second Nuremberg trial may be needed…

The video below is Fuellmich and his team interviewing Israel holocaust survivor Vera Sharav who is a public advocate for human rights and the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP). (Somehow this interview, so far, has survived the violating community standards BS)

One of Vera’s comments resonated with me,

“When people conceal a crime… they know it’s a crime.”





  1. “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau

    • ASTRAZENECA (UK data) – Some of the many injuries include: blindness, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, sepsis, paralysis, Bell’s Palsy, deafness, shingles, alopecia and covid-19

      PFIZER (UK data) – Some of the Injuries include: strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, Bell’s Palsy, sepsis, paralysis, psychiatric disorders, blindness, deafness, shingles, alopecia and covid-19

      • From Todays NEXUS Newsfeed

        New study reports Covid vaccinated people are 600% (THAT’S 6 TIMES) more likely to die from covid variants now spreading!

        Link Title Below

        Vaccinated people found to be 600 percent more likely to die from covid ‘variants’ than unvaccinated people – Nexus Newsfeed

    • The comparison to the Jews and other undesirables who escaped the Nazi plan is a good one( Vera Sharavinterview):Acknowledging where any ill-conceived idea is heading is never going to be comfortable; being overwhelmed by it after it takes full force is always going to be much worse.Better to be a bit uncomfortable now than very uncomfortable later on.

      • “Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:

        She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,

        How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?

        Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

        Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;

        But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:

        I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

        When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

        Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me”
        PROVERBS11:20 – 28

  2. https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/05/31/stop-this-madness-920-women-have-reported-the-loss-of-their-unborn-baby-after-having-the-covid-vaccine/

    920 women have reported the loss of their unborn baby after having the Covid Vaccine

    By The Daily Expose on May 31, 2021 • ( 22 Comments )

    In the United Kingdom the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JVCI) has advised that all pregnant women should be offered the Covid-19 vaccine. Meanwhile in the USA the CDC states that all pregnant women can receive a Covid-19 vaccine, if they wish to do so. But how exactly have these health authorities managed to conclude that the Covid vaccines are safe for use during pregnancy?

    The JVCI say they came to the conclusion that pregnant women should be offered the Covid vaccines because “in the USA, around 90,000 pregnant women have been vaccinated mainly with Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and no safety concerns have been identified“. But is this statement true?

    The latest data within the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the USA shows us that 395 women have reported the loss of their unborn child due to the Covid vaccines. Out of 90,000 this may not sound like many, but it’s important to remember that only 1% – 10% of adverse reactions are actually reported to the VAERS system, and there is a serious backlog due to the vast amount of adverse reactions that have been reported to the Covid vaccines. So the data presented within the VAERS system doesn’t include every report that has been submitted up to the 21st May, and reports made as far back as January are only just being added into the system.

    • “how exactly have these health authorities managed to conclude that the Covid vaccines are safe for use during pregnancy?”

      I really don’t don’t think they’ve reached any such conclusion; they’re merely aware that it something isn’t fit to enter the bloodstream of an unborn baby it’s not fit to be injected into anyone.

      • This “TRAIL” is not expected to be complete for another THREE YEARS, then it’ll probably take another year or two, to correlate all the data and come up with final findings.
        Until that is complete, anyone who tells you it’s O.K. to inject pregnant women with this concoction, needs seriously mental analysis. Same goes for any fool who allows this crap to be injected into themselves willingly. NONE of this crap has been proven to be beneficial to humans at this point in the TRAIL.

      • Actually, given the amount of readily available information on the subject the question should probably be “how exactly have pregnant women managed to conclude that the Covid vaccines are safe for their unborn babies ?”

        The requirement is really on everyone to wake up to the fact that taking the path of least resistance re anything is always going to have undesirable consequences.

  3. This is CURRENT ON TOPIC, a 2.5 min tour by a citizen who has been reporting on a empty Washington. I have been following him for quite awhile and this update is consistent from the mysteries, since a alleged ‘inauguration’ on 20th Jan.


    Five minutes in support of above,

    Now wonder if things are all ‘okydoori’.

  4. Video: Covid-19 “Pack of Lies”: Crimes against Humanity. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 21, 2021

    The unspoken truth is that the novel coronavirus provides a pretext and a justification to powerful financial interests and corrupt politicians to precipitate the entire World into a spiral of mass unemployment, bankruptcy, extreme poverty and despair…………


    When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.

  5. Watch: “The Secret of the Pine Needle aka the Pineal Gland in the Holy of Holies and the Abraham Accord. Kevin Woodman.

  6. Channel 9 has just delivered these gems: “the Bondi cluster grows as panic rises in the east”, also “mad rush, confused travellers” & “the highly infectious variant” & “this variant is of grave concern”.
    The MSM is in the driver’s seat . . .

  7. Here’s a long ‘opus’ of some Democrat/libtard from Silicon Valley who finally had the ‘penny drop’. Now that he and his family have had the ‘vaccine’ he has NOW done the research he should have done before he got the ‘jab’. -oops

    He is still firmly in the Democrat family and strongly rejects being influenced by objective reality and thus being a ‘deplorable’. He is going through such cognitive dissonance that he just keeps rambling along repeating many things over and over. Pathetic, I feel sorry for his daughters who relied upon his morally superior ‘logic’.

    I expect there will be many more of these kind of stories over the next year. Screw ’em, let them have the Darwin Award for being a dumb-ass.


  8. Here’s a sample of “deep fake” and they say “Multiple sources confirm that the following “World leaders” are now deep fakes combined with surgically altered human look-alike actors: President Vladimir Putin of Russia, President Xi Jinping of China, Pope Francis, U.S. “President-elect” Joe Biden, and many others.”

    And they say “Another country that is about to liberate itself from the Khazarian Mafia is Israel. Israel will hold its fourth general election in two years on March 23rd. Mossad sources say Nazi Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is no longer of this earth. If so, the election campaign should make it impossible to fake his continued existence.” Note that “Bibi” (PM since 2006) has just been deposed in the last week and this story appears to have been produced 6 months ago. Source:

  9. With unlimited funds, secret societies controlling all governments and corporations, are the globalists operating this agenda. Their objective, a global security superstate centred in Jerusalem. With total Covid control worldwide 24/7, this totalitarian regime run by tyrannical technocrats has the world in lockdown, Oz franchise being Westfield Bondi central.

  10. Woke to a Cathy Fox Blog article——please read


    Sridhar is the youngest ever Rhodes Scholar [5a]

    A Rhodes Scholar is always a sign of globalist cabal, and very probably Monarch mind control.

    There are 5 protests planned in US cities today

    Seattle Children’s Hospital: 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105
    R.I.S.E. Demonstration Center: 2730 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20032
    Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia: 3401 Civic Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19104
    Burton High School: 400 Mansell Street, San Francisco, CA 94134
    Maspeth High School: 54-40 74th St., Elmhurst, NY 11373

  11. Here’s another pro-vaccine video with ‘celebrities’ trying to convince the masses to get the vaccine. Crikey, there was even a large picture of Fauci thrown in.


    I also decided to research ‘anti vaxxers’ on the ‘net. Good Gawd there are some stupid people, really nasty too! I hope this vaccine genocide speeds up as there are way to many fools out there that need to be culled.

    • Yes the promo seems tailored to the most stupid common denominator, and the use of a “musical” style is quite interesting, musicals were seemingly dropped from Hollywood feature films (in favour of cars & guns / chick flicks) and transplanted to short music videos, apparently musicals are most cost effective as promotional pieces ?
      We have also gone from an occasional crossover with “infotainment” and “advertorial” material to a takeover, where messages are being stuffed into every format and pushed from minute to minute.

      • “Yes the promo seems tailored to the most stupid common denominator” – I’ve noticed that with all the pro-vaccine videos. Heck, I’ve got no problem with the Cabal targeting the stupid, they clearly can’t convince anyone with a decent IQ or that has some common sense.

  12. “Neurotechnology will drive the next ‘hybrid war’ which has already started. In terms of conflicts, the following are apparently legal: basically relating to psychological warfare, dysfunctionality stuff, rendering lack of capacity, acoustic weaponry etc.
    Neuro-hacking includes the ability to create thoughts and blend them with AI. Neuro-hacking allows us to adjust memories at the nano-scale.”

    Dr. James Canton


    This would alarm me, typically.

    Space is needed for the meek.

    Stand and be judged, i’m scared too. However my view is distract away could mean i get home soon. is it just me or is it nice even in the JAWS.ahh i digress …

  14. At face value the geographically isolated & deadbeat town known as Albany WA might appear to have escaped the oppression that’s fallen on most of the planet: dig a little deeper and it soon becomes very obvious that’s not the case.

    There might not have been any mandatory mask wearing or social restrictions but by the end of last year we had the worst residential rental crisis in the Country; people who were born and raised in the place simply have nowhere to live. And just try getting medical attention re anything other than IT. When I rang my dental centre a few days ago re a crown that had come off a back molar I was confronted by the fact that they’re booked out till December.

    I figure that a major contributing factor would have to be the fact that, prior to the bar on overseas travel untold Aussies were getting their teeth fixed off-shore due to the cost difference but I’ve yet to see any publicity re the issue. Apparently it doesn’t classify as a health crisis.

    • The stoopids are copping it from every direction !!! In Vietnam they will do screw-in dental implants on the spot, probably knowing full well the bone under will rot out in a few years and the implant will become loose. In Vietnam they couldn’t care less and, would you really expect them to ?

        • Well here there is at least the courts and they might lose their license so they are scared of that but in Vietnam I think they are the most cavalier I have ever seen (and why not).

          • ps They are closer to our standards in Thailand, in fact there they have dental hospitals with all the cutting edge stuff who do jobs 10x faster and a lot cheaper.
            An client once told me dentists often start to go mad, and it happened with a dentist I was using so I could see it first hand. It must be awful when you just have to turn up at the clinic because you are addicted to the money, but you were sick of the whole scene long, long ago.

          • Thailand, India and Indonesia and a whole host of elective surgeries, not just dental

            Procedures which would no doubt have been initially deferred by the Aus clientele in the belief that everything would be back to normal in 6 months at the very max
            But eventually they realised they had no choice but to seek help locally
            Small wonder the System doesn’t have the capacity to deliver

  15. Some Chinese people told me the Chinese Australia news yesterday said 8 Australians “couldn’t walk” after quaxxination so I have looked around a bit and can’t find the item in English language but if you search “vaccin paraly” you do get a bunch of results.

    • We keep hearing from doctors about proven treatments, absurd masks and lock-downs, but nobody in even the alternative media ever mentions the elephant in the room – The Great Reset and depopulation.

      Hell, it isn’t some ‘conspiracy theory’, it is a stated objective. Take a look at this page from Claus Schwab’s own book.


      Maybe people should stop worrying about masks and spend some time connecting the dots on all this insanity – perhaps there really is a common purpose behind it all.

      • Why is Washington shut down and sealed off, beginning immediately after the election, when Trump was still caretaker president, virtually the same day Trump appointed a new boss of the army. Is this evidence enough that they are using DC (which is not a state of the union ie foreign territory) as a courthouse / jail and they are draining the swamp in there ? ? ?
        Why are Biden, Harris, Pelosi etc pretending to run things out of DC when they aren’t ? Is this to keep swamp creatures calm while they are captured ? Is it all to keep some continuity in the economy and governance while massive changes take place in staffing, hegemony arrangements, preferred contractors etc … probably I guess.
        On the depopulation agenda, the weather seems to be cooler since the lockdowns, jobkeeper sitdown money, pending economic collapse etc. It seem to be agreed the solar cycles are going to a minimum, who knows how long for. Nobody is in denial about historical ice-ages, and nobody says much about why or how long they might go for (or how deep). So depending on the power of the sun, it all kicks on a bit longer – or not.
        So I agree your fundamentals are sound.

  16. Do Christians believe in a fairy tale or are they mentally disturbed?
    What do fellow gumshoes think in this age of permanent Covid ‘washing with artificial insanity?
    Could satan replacing santa, apply to Jesus and luciferase injections?
    Relatives and associates say that I’m a blabbering fool, as they swallow hook line and sinker, from traitors on all bases loaded. Have a good Friday, enjoy the sunshine and evening with family and friends, over a good dinner and a few drops of His blood – the everlasting covenant, with peace love humility kindness and eyes to see thru their bs.

  17. “A sudden humility descended upon the King. He felt, as so many men were to feel in similar circumstances in ages to come, as though he were a child looking eagerly for guidance to an all-wise master – a child, moreover, handicapped by water on the brain, feet three sizes too large for him, and hands consisting mainly of thumbs.”

    P.G. Wodehouse, The Clicking of Cuthbert, 1922

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