Introduction by DM
Another Fuellmich update with Maria Zeee about the powers coming after the Faces of resistance.
Interestingly, I contacted Barry Trower in 2019 to discuss the possible weapons being used by child protection staff on protective mothers to disable them during access visitation with their children. We had a long conversation in the middle of the night — also about the oncoming problems of 5G. At the time 5G hasn’t been switched on.
Below, the interview between Fuellmich and Trower.
Q commented in a drop years ago?
Paraphrased: “The day will come when “THEY” will not b able wto walk down the street”.
Well, politicians, medical tyrants, main stream tv and shock jokes, health professionals; any idea who Q was referring to?
Not to worry yourselves, you know that Q is just one of those nutty conspiracy theories, the msm has told you so🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
MSM; Just keep thinking and stating that Q is qanon.💁🏼🤡 ‘they’ are silly enough to believe you.
Dying Fish…
Imagine this happening to humans?
Indeed, we will be served up with Schrab chips and wrapped in msm news paper.
Been watching this die-off for decades, not saying this is the mechanism but it could be here. They will always go the algae bloom
“DARPA’s Man in Wuhan
“Michael Callahan’s career began in USAID and in the bioweapons labs of the former Soviet Union, advancing the agenda of the global bioweapons and pharmaceutical cartels. He would take what he learned there to execute a massive expansion of DARPA’s biodefense portfolio and today finds himself squarely in the center of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.
Beatles and “I need no….
Because of the debt money system the economy requires the importation of debt free immigrants to borrow new money into circulation as interest sucks it out.
Meanwhile vaccinate those no longer able to borrow.
Looks like they are contaminating the food supply including the organic supply based on Infrared Spectroscopy analysis its in meat & dairy products
Jerusalem has seven hills, it’s one world government, in prophecy called the beast.
In Oz, Zionists control everything, the private Reserve Bank and all other banks, corporations, education system, government, mass media and the net.
Because of this stranglehold we now have a two class system, rich and poor. When will people see that 10% on a home loan is 250% over 25 years !
Please note wages haven’t budged in three decades, in real terms worth way less now than then. Our youth truly pushing $hit uphill pissing against the wind, competing with CCP cashed up.
Demoncracy here is tyranny by psychopathic plutocrats. A system devised by criminals to steal common wealth making us all slaves.
Rome has 7 hills as does New York, home of the Babylonian United Nations.
According to a certain historical progression the “pope-is-antichrist” theory is on the right track, problem is it doesn’t counter in the fact that the corresponding Roman/Euro heresy that took off around AD 115 was eventually superseded by another that took root from about AD 630 and at this point said rogue movement is now the fastest growing religion in the world
In the first instance a series of treasonous “Christian” bigwigs declared war on Jews and Judaism, their core mantra being that “the Jews murdered Jesus” an accusation that defied the very word-for-word foundation of that which they purportedly held dear:
“As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
JOHN 10:15 – 18
and as we all know, the rest is history
As for the current situation, the following pronouncement remains definitive:
“The Jews are brought in droves to Palestine so that the Palestin-
ians—and the unified Islamic nations behind them—will have
the honor of annihilating the evil of this gang . . . In just a few
years, all the Zionists and the settlers will realize that their arrival
in Palestine was for the purpose of the great massacre . . . When
Palestine is liberated and its people return to it, and the entire
region, with the grace of Allah, will have turned into the United
States of Islam, the land of Palestine will become the capital of
the Islamic Caliphate.”
“Not only does the Muslim end-time narrative envision Jesus returning as a Muslim prophet to abolish Christianity, but it also envisions Muslims executing a final genocide against the Jewish people. Within Islamic end-time narrative, the last days mark the time when Islamic supersessionism will be most fully implemented, more victorious than any other time in history. Needless to say, we should not take such a vision lightly, as this is precisely the mission the Bible says the Antichrist and his followers will seek to accomplish.
None of this should be surprising. After all, it was Satan himself who was the first and ultimate supersessionist, desiring to supersede even God Himself:
‘But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God . . . I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High’ – (Isa. 14:13–14).” page 166 – 167
Compared to Australia and the US, what is communist about China?
No Hegelian system
Stew Peters in Florida agitating for Nuremberg trials
#trump #jewish #mafia
All credit to Reiner for connecting lawyers who are proposing Nuremberg 2 trials. Their brave work, in going after the criminals responsible, exemplary. We need to support them and pray they succeed.