Editor’s note: Thanks to Dr Sandra Johnson for forwarding this video. It is an interview with Dr Richard M. Fleming about Covid-19 and Corona viruses.
Evidence shows that this virus is engineered with Gain of Function (GoF) including mechanisms creating an Inflammo Thrombotic Response (ITR) with mRNA Reverse Transcription (RT) into cell DNA with Prion-like structures presence in the virus spike protein.
Bio: In 1994, Dr. Fleming presented to the American Heart Association his “theory” that cardiovascular disease was due to inflammation. What was a theory in 1994 has become well-known fact for decades and was highlighted in 2004. The Fleming Method patent (FMTVDM) covers ALL methods and devices able to measure metabolic and regional blood flow differences. This breakthrough made it possible to differentiate functionality of tissue, tissue types as well as non-tissue, and the measurement of treatment response using all isotopes, enhancing agents, and devices capable of detecting and measuring isotopes.
COVID19, hidden figures and OODA
by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick
20th March 2021
What figures about COVID19 do you believe?
Indeed, what figures can you believe?
Do you simply take them all at face value, and work from there? That would certainly be nice, but it’s not really possible, and you would come to some pretty weird conclusions.
For example, I was running through the Worldometer site the other day. Yes, what an exciting life I now lead. Sitting right on top to each-other, on ‘deaths per million’ of the population were: Singapore, New Zealand and China. They are way down towards the very bottom of the list.
Deaths per million
Singapore (188) = 5 deaths per million (total deaths 30)
New Zealand (189) = 5 deaths per million (total deaths 26)
China (190) = 3 deaths per million (total deaths 4,636)
Just to give you a quick comparison with countries rather closer to the top of that list, where the deaths per million are around four hundred times higher, on average:
Deaths per million
Czechia (3) = 2,206 deaths per million
UK (6) = 1,843 deaths per million
USA (12) = 1,649 deaths per million
Returning to Singapore, New Zealand and China. What do they have in common? From a COVID19 perspective they all locked down pretty hard. At least they say they did. They are all pretty wealthy countries. Apart from that… not much.
On the surface, there is nothing much to get excited, or confused about, yet. However, when you start looking a little more closely, you begin to notice stranger things. For example, if we look at total ‘cases.’
Total COVID19 cases
Singapore = 60,128
New Zealand = 2,432
China = 90,062
So, China with a population of 1.4Bn (One billion, four hundred million) had ninety thousand cases. Singapore with population of just over five and a half million, had sixty thousand cases. Just in case you cannot do the mental arithmetic. Singapore’s population is two hundred and forty-six times smaller than China’s.
Which means that Singapore had two thirds the number of cases in China – resulting in almost the same rate of deaths per million but in a population two hundred and fifty times smaller.
Where does this then take us? It takes us to a place where the case fatality rates are widely different. Not just between China and Singapore, but in all three countries. In fact, these figures are not even in the same ballpark. Not even in the same city. By case fatality rate (CFR) I mean the percentage of people with a clear-cut infection, who then died [terms and conditions apply].
Here are the resultant case fatality rates from the three countries, in order.
Case fatality rates
China = 5%
New Zealand = 1%
Singapore = 0.05%
Which means that, using the figures provided, the case fatality rate from COVID19 is one hundred times higher in China than in Singapore. Or, to put it another way, you are one hundred times more likely to die if you get COVID19 in China than in Singapore.
On the other hand, you are only twenty times more likely to die in New Zealand than in Singapore. So, should we all rush to Singapore and find out what on earth they can be doing to cure so many people. Or….
Yes, you’re right. These figures simply do not add up. Not even remotely. Medical interventions, sadly, have made very little difference to mortality rates from COVID19. A few percentage points here or there. So that cannot even remotely explain such massive differences.
What is the other explanation? It is, and can only be, that we cannot possibly be comparing like with like. Which, in turn, means that the figures in one, or all of these countries, are so incomplete, biased or wrong, as to be utterly useless.
Read on –
https://www.bit chute.com/embed/BjIs4eycVaUB/
i cannot accept any findings/information/or advice from dr fleming until he agrees with the the logical conclusions of research carried out by:-drs’tom cowan/andy kaufman/steffan lanka/robert young,that viruses do not exist and cannot be transmitted in that it is solely the bodies way of detoxing poisens caused generally by chemicals in food,water,air emf’s
Beg your parden, but viruses DO exist inside human cells. We all have possibly millions or more viruses lying dormant within the body. Where people go wrong is when they wear masks which causes them to rebreathe their own exhaled carbon monoxide, this wakes up the dormant viruses from within the cells. When someone gets sick as a result and coughs, sneeze, etc, the virus is released out of the cells and goes out into the atmosphere where it dries and dies, therefore they are not floating around in the air! Research Dr. Judy Mikovits, she explains this over and over in many interviews.
I think by now we all know that “Positive cases” are meaningless and just a distraction to keep people on an anxiety level and to keep those numbers up no matter what. Positive does not diagnosis whether you are infected or can even transmit. It is debris that we all have as virus and bacteria genome in our human organisms some 93%. It is fraudulent testing and a test that is being used outside the parameters in what it was originally created or invented for.. There is of course no mention of the long-standing multiple health issues that people have had for years or decades. There is no mention or human error, misdiagnosis, inappropriate treatment, hygiene issues in the hospitals, using ventilators when they should not have… killing hundreds if not thousands in the process. The old saying “Doctors bury their mistakes” hold true than ever before.
The statistics show that 90% of all people died were in Government Aged Care Facilities. What does that tell you? There has been no independent assessment or apology of those deaths. The PM just announced a $10 billion increase to aged care facilities so again what does that tell you?
Humanity is under a biological attack and the agent is man-made that is clear.
U.S. Dr. Richard Fleming Physicist-Nuclear Cardiologist- Attorney states:
Vaccines cannot claim: Which have NEVER been approved. They have been AUTHORISED under the Emergency Usage Authorisatio
The Injection cannot claim what happens after 2 months after the vaccine has been given
The vaccines cannot claim they are risk free
The vaccines cannot claim they have been FDA approved. they remain EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS VACCINES ARE DRUGS
The vaccines cannot claim they aren’t in violation of International and National Law and Treaties requiring Informed Consent where these Experimental Drugs are given to people without Informed Consent
The vaccines cannot say they underwent rigorous animal testing
The vaccines cannot say they prevent Covid-19
The vaccines cannot say they treat Covid-19
The vaccines cannot claim they prevent people from becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2
The vaccines cannot claim they prevent people from spreading SARS-CoV-2
What the Injections can actually claim:
The Injections reduce symptoms and as a result the number of cases defined as Covid-19 — although this was NOT significantly different from what was seen non-vaccinated people
The Injections do not reduce deaths from Covid-19
However Covid-19 deaths can reduced by treating using the hydrochorloquine Inervictim of a 65 year old aprroval by the EPA
What is Vaccine Efficacy?
Vaccines and Injections doesn’t look at how well the drug works
But how often it fails to work
How many of you would take a drug if your doctor told you it didn’t work?
This is completely backwards from how good physicians practice medicine
Governments have never quarantined the healthy
Governments have never pan-cultured or tested the population aka PCR
Doctors have never told you to take a prescribed drug based upon its failure rate but rather its success rate
At the 37 minute mark we learn that it was the US and not China wot dunnit.
It’s not the USA it’s fauci and his friends who are trying to kill everyone, globalist agenda. The American people knew nothing about this. China should have never of agreed to have this dangerous pathogens inside their building and they covered it up
I tell you what though. It makes absolute sense now as to why, when the rhetoric and blame started being tossed around, China pointed the finger at the U.S. If what Dr. Fleming states is true (and it seems to be when viewing those interviews), “representatives” (not sure what other word to use) of both the U.S. and China are at fault…starting with Anthony Fauci.
Why is it that Australians don’t want to include Geelong University as well. Israel and the UK are involved as well.
SARS-Cov-2 is a psyop: virus co-manufactured in Geelong Australia and the US
George Webb said this 6 months ago!
This is a vital piece of evidence being deliberately ignored
It is not just China China China…
The US, the UK, Israel, France, NATO, the Vatican and others were behind this
Which is it?
https://www.bit chute.com/embed/BjIs4eycVaUB/
If I go to this it doesn’t take me to the site. If I use all of the link together still no video
Try this –
The forward slash at the end is left off in this case.
https://www.bit chute.com/video/BjIs4eycVaUB
Top Canadian Pathologist Tells Alberta Government COVID Is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated On An Unsuspecting Public” Nov. 21, 2020 This Is A Meeting Privately Recorded In Edmonton Alberta Canada Top Canadian pathologist Dr. Roger Hodki…
Thanks! 🙂
WHO Insider Blows Whistle on Gates and GAVI
I have posted this before elsewhere but apparently this is the most accurate. We would have to interrogate everyone in the hospitals, and private practices in the world to find out who was lying and fiddling the statistics. There has been huge problems with getting in contractors for testing
Presuming there is anyone around to do the compilation and analysis, it will be interesting to note the gross Australian death rates for 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. My bet is that the first three years will be flat; and the first upward curve will commence in the 2022 winter, with an ascending curve thereafter until the global population is so low that transmission is impossible.
What worries me is that so many Aborigines believe whatever they are told and, despite warning to steer clear of the vaccine, enough will succumb to become a danger to everybody else. Which means my living in virtual isolation strategy has a bloody great hole in it.
To survive, one would have to be a hermit, which is a whole lot harder to do than people might think. Eventually, you run out of coffee.
Australia, Forced Vaccines, and Ethnic Cleansing*
Why your worry? If you go to https://swprs.org/ and buy the over the counter zinc, Vit D, quercetin and bromhexone cited there as effective Prophylactic and Early Covid treatment, you are no more at risk than anyone in contact with lots of patients in a bad flu season.
Unless all this vaccination forces whatever agent it is to mutate into something worse.
Or unless Vanden Bosche is right, but see Rosemray Frei’s rebuttal of 16.03 at off-vuardian.org
Just a note on the Dr Vernon Coleman scenario… a new definition of herd immunity: no herd.
COVID cellular immunity is maintained against new variants
While vaccines are unable to protect against new strains, cellular immunity reduces the effects of new infections.
Immune cells from people who have acquired COVID are as potent against new variants of the coronavirus as against older variants. That is the conclusion of a study from from the La Jolla Institute of Immunology and the University of California, San Diego (USA).
These immune cells, unlike antibodies, do not prevent a person from getting the infection again. However, if they acquire a new strain, immune cells do help to quickly eliminate the virus and prevent serious infection.
Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. Physicians for Informed Consent
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych, Ph.D. – Natural Immunity and Vaccination
Herd Immunity Myth or Reality?
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych
Immunologist Tetyana Obukhanych: Unvaccinated Children Pose “No Extra Danger to the Public”
Dr Tetyana Obukhanych
Classroom Herd Immunity vs. Lifelong Immunity, Tetyana Obukhanych
Ph.D. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aj3khgad040
Interview with PhD Immunologist, Dr Tetyana Obukhanych – part 1
Herd Immunity: Can Mass Vaccination Achieve it? by Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD
Dr. Tetyana ObukhanychHarvard Immunologist toLegislators: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone
Smoke, Mirrors and the “Disappearance” Of Polio
Think COVID Vaccines Are Safe? You Are Being Lied to – Over 50 Doctors Explain Why COVID Vaccines Are Neither Effective or Safe
Suzanne Humphries MD & Tetyana Obukhanych PhD: Vaccines.
Using Herd Immunity Myth to Justify COVID Vaccines for Kids Is Deceptive
COVID poses almost no risk to children. Yet the push is on to mandate COVID vaccines for all children, with little or no consideration for the health risks of the experimental vaccines.
The Future of Immunity: Session 5
Coronavirus Part VI: Why COVID-19 Is More Deadly to the Chinese
Coronavirus Part V: The Epic Failure at The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention
Dissolving Illusions Book Review by Jeffrey Dach MD
Israeli Jews Petition ICC, Says Israel’s Forced Covid Vax Violates The Nuremberg Code
Israel became one of the first nations in the world to mandate COVID-19 vaccines, and to introduce a COVID passport system that would only allow individuals to participate in society – including commerce – after they received the vaccine and were approved to join the system.
Now, a group of Israeli Jews are suing the Netanyahu administration in international court, making the case that Israel is violating the Nuremberg Code by essentially making Israelis subject to a medical experiment using the controversial vaccines.
Read on –
Ronavax Roulette: Issues with Lipid Nanoparticles (Part One)
Ronavax Roulette: Lipid Nanoparticles
PEG And The Protein-Corona
On topic, yes all the statistics are lies, why else would they be pumped out on fully-owned MSM.
I have to say I tend to agree with Dr Sherri Tenpenny that the quaxxines are most likely time-bombs, let’s face it, what use is a useless eater except to extract wealth from, when they have finished performing their duties aged 65 you have to get them into hospital as quickly as possible to extract all their personal wealth and whatever the government and insurance will contribute, after that you finish them off, this is the most economic business model available, this is optimum, and there is an added benefit in removing older skeptics and having them replaced with a smaller, brainwashed socialist programmed generation who is totally unaware that the transfer of houses went from retired baby boomers to banksters and BigPharma shareholders. Anyone who marvelled at CSL’s share performance over 20 years ($4 to $300) may these days be wondering no more.
Key word “time-bomb”
Bristol Riot: There were enough riot cops to firmly but non violently, disperse the crowd. Instead they appeared passive and directionless whilst their vehicles burned. Could it be that the same management that took the decision not to intervene when statues were being pulled down, adopted the same approach here? On the one hand we have cops visiting 82 year olds at night to issue threats over her having a cup of tea outside with a neighbour, whilst refusing to intervene to stop arson, criminal damage and personal injury. There is clearly something fundamentally wrong with current policing philosophy and practice that needs to be put right to ensure common sense and consistency. https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=police
“…it seems the elite have prepared for themselves. a ‘Covid-Bubble’ to generate and justify the printing of $trillions in cash and keep them afloat selling masks, vaccines, and mobile Apps, while the puppet-politicians, many of whom have direct financial connections and interests in the Covid-profits, are granted powers to kidnap, torture, rape and kill with impunity and deny not only the public’s right to protest but even, the right to raise our voice in public or criticize the government.”
“…transform the global population to status of
‘lab-rat’ within the austere divisions of what amounts to Corporate-Communism – a corporate-feudal system in which every nation is merely a ‘farm’ for providing wealth and power to the globalists and their sycophant minions. A world where governments amount to management-teams employed to quash rights, law and democracy by whatever means deemed ‘necessary.”
Timothy, thank you.
We were warned by our forebears and here we are, captives in tel-lies-vision.
James Corbett w/ Whitney Webb: Exploring the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links (PPP background and vaccine corporations linked in)
Even some in the independent media have bought into the hype surrounding the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID vaccine and its “not-for-profit” nature. But once you peel back the layers of obfuscation you quickly find not only the profit motive hiding underneath, but the dark specter of eugenics. Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout joins us to discuss her recent article, “Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement.”
The Jenner Institute developed this vaccine in 1995 formed a PPP
The PPP was with GlaxoSmithKline and HM Government
In 2005 it was spun off to Professor Adrian Hill theme Lead, Vaccines and GlaxoSmithKline was taken off
Then it became a partnership with University of Oxford and the Pirbright Institute
the Jenner Institute ran trials of the Ebola vaccine on humans which was very controversial
The Ebola trials were in conjunction with GSK and the US National Institutes of Health NIH in 2014 to be fast tracked
They are producing tons of doses well before (months) its approved by any government
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease with the Fauci led NIAID were intimately involved
AstraZenca receives $1 billion in US funding for Oxford University coronavirus vaccine
It will be an annual vaccine to profit massively
The Welcome Trust was originally created in 1936 from Henry Welcome that went on to become GSK
It is the philanthropic arm that has been behind this ‘life sciences’
There is the Oxford Vaccine Group which is part of the Jenner Institute
Professor Adrian Hill is part of the UK Vaccine Network which determines where monies will go to the Public Health which is ‘all’ vaccines
The model or ‘modeller of choice’ of Neil Ferguson was completely wrong and exaggerated like previous models of his
One of Adrian Hill’s bosses was when he was a thesis student at Weatherall Institute Molecular Medicine (David Weatherall)
He was member of the Galton Institute (100 years since its creation) both have spoken here several times
The Galton Institute tries to distance itself from the eugenics programs population and race particularly in Africa
They are doing an experimental malaria vaccine with 4,000 children in 2020
They have history of vaccine trials on children being very controversial with children dying
The work on race and genetic susceptibility to diseases
Adrian Hill specialises and focuses in genetics o severe respiratory diseases
The Welcome Trust is the archivist in the UK Eugenics society which is the Galton Institute with inner-connecting ties between them with heir pseudo-scinece
The Welcome Sanger Institute in Africa taking genetic information from Africans and finding a way to monetise that creating one chips
They are literally monetising the genetic data of Africans eventually to sell i back to them at profit
The Galton Institute used to be called “The Eugenics Society” founder Francis Galton
Engender Health funding birth control in developing nations which has partnered with the Gates Foundation used to be called “The Sterilisation League for Human Betterment”
The Galton Institute historically was enmeshed with the elites of the UK and American background of eugenics with rebranding their NAMES or CORPORATIONS OR INSTITUTES and with academia in London
David Galton teaches in a prestigious university in London and has book titled “Eugenics the future of human life in the 21st century”
They have been involved with this eugenic research for decades and its all documental
USAID is also involved
In 1968 the president of the Eugenics society said something that in the future eugenic goals will be accomplished under a different name than eugenics
People who were very influential and praised by the state today, Winston Churchill, Margaret Sanger, John Maynard Keynes of The Golden Institute
It has never been reviled in the UK polite society to be member of this organisation which is rebranded and listed as a charity and has been allowed to continue
Academics are on these boards and keep advocating for them in prominent places including covid 19 policy
No accountability with this ‘movement’ of the Welcome Trust is alarming
To use this Covid 19 policy in the US to treat systemic racism and institutional rascal by giving by giving minorities the Covid vaccine first. Not subsidising their health care, not giving them stimulus cheques, to resole long standing problems including police brutality
If you read John Hopkins Center for Health Security they bring up the George Floyd protests is he reason to give this vaccine to them first
Their obsession with African genetics with the Jenner Institute and the Welcome Trust which is part of the aristocracy in the US for a very long time
They gave Palantir vaccine allocation which is a ‘Predicitve’ policing and locking up corporation that the very ethic vaccine that they are going to “save”
Astra Zecca is being touted as the vaccine for the wider world and the poorer sustainable developing countries that ‘need our help’ so we will give them this vaccine in particular which should raise concerns
If they can get the “Precedent Setting Time” that you are going to require one of these Covid vaccine so you can participate in society inanition one every year
They can always start changing the formula in the future but they will insist that you keep getting the same brands annually as no studies have been done with the interactions of the different brands with each other
Now with the different Covid variants, Gates is saying that you will require 3 doses per year boosters for all the variants…for a vaccine passport they can just keep adding them on
To continue state assistance you will have to show Covid vaccine compliance coercing the most vulnerable people to succumb in subsisting in dire economic environment
The new US health at cabinet level science czar for Biden has links with the eugenic society Eric Lander also ties to the Human Genome Project and eugenist figures like James Watson and also funded by Jeffrey Epstein. He is about to seek Senate confirmation so expose and ask about those eugenic ties. They are trying to elevate eugenists in higher positions in government
General public awareness is absolutely essential as its vitally critical!
We are in a Information War
Goggle Ventures is one of the players stands to profit from this Astra Zeneca vaccine even as aka google Youtube systematically scrubs information from heir platform
Goggle Ventures is profit motived with clear conflict of interest and should be held accountable for it with their “misinformation policy”as they are preventing critical reporting with their suppression of facts and heavy censorship which should alarm people
Silicon Valley needs to be reined in
My opinion is that all of the guilty electronic MSM licenses need to be revoked, appropriate charges for the person in charge, fined and jailed for the OTT misinformation, disinformation, suppression of facts of evidence, heavy censorship. blatant lies with the fear campaign of propaganda when 99.92% of people recover from covid or whatever they are suffering from
Notes and references
https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1619-whitney-webb-on-the-oxford-astrazeneca-eugenics-links/California proposes curriculum with chanting name of Aztec god who accepts human sacrifice
Dr. Richard Fleming discusses COVID-19, treatments and vaccines 4:02 min
Beware: There is nothing in the EAU Emergency Authorisation Use documents that says that this vaccine will prevent you from getting infected with SARS-CoV-2
There is nothing in their EAU documents that says you will not be able to transmit the SARS CoV-2 to somebody else
In this explosive interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman, Dr. Richard Fleming explains that there is an enormous amount of deception surrounding COVID19, treatments, and the so-called vaccines. Dr. Fleming, who is a PhD in physics as well as a medical doctor and even has a law degree, argues that there is much evidence suggesting that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was created in a laboratory through U.S. taxpayer-funded “gain of function” research by scientists in America and Wuhan, China. He even names names. Watch here: https://thenewamerican.com/deception-…
In this explosive interview with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman, Dr. Richard Fleming explains that there is an enormous amount of deception surrounding COVID19, treatments, and the so-called vaccines. Dr. Fleming, who is a PhD in physics as well as a medical doctor and even has a law degree, argues that there is much evidence suggesting that the SARS-Cov-2 virus was created in a laboratory through U.S. taxpayer-funded “gain of function” research by scientists in America and Wuhan, China. He even names names. He also explains a great deal about the mRNA technology at the core of the COVID vaccines, which he warned is experimental and is not even approved by the FDA. Pointing to the “Emergency Use Authorization,” Dr. Fleming said people are being misled, and that authorities and medical professionals are failing to obtain “informed consent” before using the experimental vaccines on people. The doctor and expert in so many fields concludes by recalling the horrors perpetrated by Nazi medical professionals, warning doctors and policymakers to be very careful.
📊 Documentation and additional material regarding the information shared and claims made in this interview by Dr. Fleming can be found at his website: FlemingMethod.com
When the Vaccinated Spread Illness
Doctors and Scientists Who Speak Out Against Vaccination (click on lick for full article)
“There is corruption, laziness, and error in every facet of politics, industry, and government–and the CDC and Big Pharma are no different. The HHS even admitted (after they were sued) they haven’t performed a single “Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines” bi-annual report for Congress that they were required to do starting in 1989 as part of ongoing vaccine safety, which would be especially important to do, since the pediatric vaccine schedule has quadrupled in the past 30 years. Vaccine safety should be ongoing right? These are babies we are talking about. Otherwise, it’s just another science experiment.”
The main reason the general public don’t hear about these doctors, experts, and whistle blowers is that major information sources, the big pharma controlled dominant scientific journals and the biggest mainstream media, are not covering and catering their studies and stories. In Youtube alone, many of these videos from doctors who speak out are being taken down or deleted. And if you search on Google, you’ll not easily find them. The voices of these professionals are being silenced, twisted, and censored. Those who speak up are being demonized and maliciously presented to the public; let alone ostracized and institutionally punished, using the power of money and influence while those who advocate vaccinations are financially rewarded and being portrayed as heroes and saviors of the people, sincerely working to fight illnesses. This is how big pharma’s power work and continues to deceive the public. Worst, some doctors who are against vaccination, especially the holistic and naturopathic doctors, are even murdered.
Alan Jones and top Victorian Government economist confirm there is no pandemic
(well Sanjeev Sabhlok, actually – good for you Sanjeev, albeit there is no “Novel Virus”)
Beijing Says Third Dose of China-Made Vaccines Needed After Vaccinated Doctor Gets Infected (Click on link for full article)
Expert says poor vaccine quality and virus mutation are causing infections
Chinese health authorities have recently said that an additional third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine may be needed to boost its effectiveness. The announcement was released soon after a doctor in China’s Xi’an city was reportedly infected with the CCP virus after receiving two doses of a Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccine.
A virologist who spoke with The Epoch Times believes that the poor quality of the Chinese-made vaccines and the increasing threat posed by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus mutations are causing infections.
The Chinese doctor surnamed Liu from Xi’an city, the capital of Shaanxi Province, tested positive for the CCP virus despite being fully vaccinated – getting two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, Chinese media reported on March 18. The reports did not mention which Chinese-made vaccine the doctor received nor provide additional information about the case.
Gao said that the virus infection is in the respiratory tract, but antibodies are produced in the body after the vaccination. “The antibodies in the body [produced after taking the vaccine] may not be so good for preventing respiratory infections.”
He said that the mass vaccination has just started and there is no data to show how people react to the vaccine.
Then he said that two doses of the Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines, which are inactivated vaccines, might not induce enough antibodies, and a third dose is needed.
Then he said that two doses of the Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines, which are inactivated vaccines, might not induce enough antibodies, and a third dose is needed.
Meanwhile, the distributor of China’s Sinopharm vaccine in the United Arab Emirates has started offering a third dose to some people with low immune response. The UAE approved the Sinopharm vaccine last year. Authorities said on March 20 that nearly 56 percent of its adult population has been inoculated with at least one dose of the Chinese vaccine.
(My comment: The same will be for Australia as there are different genetic backgrounds with different immunity systems, existing multiple long standing health issues and the SS Principle with some people are more Susceptible to whatever and some people are more Sensitive to whatever) The Precautionary Principle has been abandoned under this “Declared Pandemic” and this “Declared Emergency.” This false declaration that the vaccine is safe and effective is another lie by the many adverse health problems and deaths world-wide)
3,964 DEAD 162,610 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 “Vaccines”
Doctors Around the World Issue Dire WARNING: DO NOT GET THE COVID VACCINE!! [1
British casualties of the experimental mRNA jab
While DeepState Puppet Fauci Was Giving Bad Advice to Trump, He & His Family Were Donating to Joe Biden
We Shall See….
BREAKING NEWS: Fauci to be arrested & tried at Gitmo
Rumble — David Zublik reports that his sources are telling him Fauci is on a Death List for crimes against humanity and is soon to be arrested and sent to Gitmo for a military tribunal. Robert F Kennedy recently reported that Fauci and Gates make profits off the sale of certain COVID vaccines.
Webb: Pelosi Has The Laptops
George Webb. Ex Dutch Intelligence and World Hero
USAID: A history of front companies acting on behalf of the CIA
The recent disclosure by the Associated Press that the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), a notorious nexus for contract fraud within the State Department, contracted out a project to develop a rival to Twitter in order to foment rebellion in Cuba has refocused attention on USAID’s long history of acting as a contract vehicle for various CIA covert activities.
The New Vaccine Czar – Report by George Webb (click on link for full article)
So, this gentleman is Moncef Slaoui, PhD. He has investments in this Moderna, you may have heard a lot about the stock market yesterday in the movement of a potential vaccine. This is a very untested MRNA, Messenger RNA, vaccine technology, Thalidomide has had far more success in terms of its testing than this, its very early days as opposed to hydroxychloroquine, HCQ, which is 80 years, 80 years of long track record as well as being cheap.
So this Slaoui, is 30 years with GlaxoSmithKline, the largest provider of vaccines in the world, this British Company, but he has many connections that you might not know about.
Again, he is involved, not only with Moderna on their board, but also a sort of a DARPA of biotech in Southeast Asia. It’s called AStar which is the agency, Science and Technology and Research group, started in 2003 in Singapore, but it’s very much part of this ecosystem of virus-vaccine.
So this Slaoui, is 30 years with GlaxoSmithKline, the largest provider of vaccines in the world, this British Company, but he has many connections that you might not know about.
Again, he is involved, not only with Moderna on their board, but also a sort of a DARPA of biotech in Southeast Asia. It’s called AStar which is the agency, Science and Technology and Research group, started in 2003 in Singapore, but it’s very much part of this ecosystem of virus-vaccine.
You have the virus or the bioweapon and whatever it happens to be, you deploy it and then you do an assessment, you do a tag and trace, you do surveillance, and that’s where Singapore Statistics comes in that I’ve talked about, and you have a lot of NATO Couriers with Singapore Statistics and you have a guy who came up through the NATO ranks, like Slaoui did. He went right from Mons, France, the SHAPE Headquarters there for NATO, straight to Brussels where the UN and the WHO were based.
So he’s been a very much a vaccine player, and he’s also one of these authors of this World Health Organization R & D Blueprint for Viruses and Vaccines. He’s been the key person to push the CEPI, the preparatory group for the next pandemic. He’s been predicting pandemics and saying we need a pandemic to see the need of his technology platform.
We talked about the MVA Technology Platform yesterday. This is what is being positioned by Sina Bavari from Fort Detrick, the person we have continually told you about, offering the R & D paper for the World Health Organization.
So he’s been a very much a vaccine player, and he’s also one of these authors of this World Health Organization R & D Blueprint for Viruses and Vaccines. He’s been the key person to push the CEPI, the preparatory group for the next pandemic. He’s been predicting pandemics and saying we need a pandemic to see the need of his technology platform.
We talked about the MVA Technology Platform yesterday. This is what is being positioned by Sina Bavari from Fort Detrick, the person we have continually told you about, offering the R & D paper for the World Health Organization.
We’ve talked to you about Virginia Benassi offering it, being the World Health Organization Secretariat Representative. Sort of a NATO Representative, writing a paper as a technical officer.
We’ve talked to you about how chemical weapons and biological weapons were used by NATO in Libya and Syria, and Sudan and Yemen after that. But we’ve really been consistent in our message here for four years.
So, a little bit of his background. He was the Head of Global Vaccines at GlaxoSmithKline. He, GlaxoSmithKline kind of swapped their portfolio with Novartis and bought up all their vaccine intellectual property.
But he also is the Chairman of the Board of this Galvani Biotech. It’s a joint venture with Google to use actual transducers, and so forth, then you find nerve bundles to actually do neural modulation, so this is sort of the, you know, using the neural modulation of your axons could prevent autoimmune diseases, for instance, where an autoimmune disease is an overreaction, neural modulation could potentially turn down the volume, et cetera, on your immune responses. There’s a whole bunch of diseases that are caused autoimmune. You know all of them, arthritis, et cetera.
So, and, but this Galvani is a very much a joint venture with Alphabet, which is a CIA backed venture fund with Google. It is a Google company.
There is evidence (patents) to prove that the virus and principle vax were created by Institute Pasteur Paris and transported to the laboratory in Wuhan ( built by France with aide from Obama administration) collusion between Pasteur, USA and China seems most probable. http://www.verite-covid19.fr
Vaccination and the Media – Conflicts of Interest in Australia (click on link for full article)
Around the world there’s a constant barrage of articles in the mainstream corporate media berating ‘anti-vaxxers’ and hindering citizens asking legitimate questions about vaccination policy.
In Australia recently The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age have published a series of articles with an ‘anti-vaxxer’ theme – what is the motive behind the labelling and marginalisation of people who ask questions about vaccination? This is especially important to consider now as research on questionable coronavirus vaccines is being fast-tracked around the world.
Conflicts of interest are clouding this issue. For an Australian perspective, see below independent vaccination campaigner Elizabeth Hart’s challenge to former politician Peter Costello. Costello is now Chairman of an Australian government investment fund which includes over a billion dollars’ worth of vaccine company shares, while he also chairs a media company which publishes articles demeaning and marginalising people who question the ever-increasing number of lucrative vaccine products being added to the vaccination schedule.
It appears you have alarming conflicts of interest in your roles as Independent Non-Executive Chairman of Nine Entertainment Co, and Chairman of the Board of Guardians of the Future Fund.
There was never any covid…its a hoax..they patented it and engineered it as a bioweapon that has to be injected into you and it sheds via spike protein. Its in their documents. Covid was never isolated. Period. The longer we push that fake narrative we will miss the assault on us daily with radiation, chemtrails and breathing in Nano particles. The same exact symptoms for hovid is the exact same as radiation poisoning….they are now creating new strains with the jabs….
Because of Dr. Fleming’s interest in heart disease I wish he would read Dr. Broda Barnes, MD Hypothyroidism The Unsuspected Illness. Barnes published Solved: The Riddle of Heart Attacks decades ago. Dr. Mark Starr, MD was elated when a colleague gave him a copy of Barnes”s book on hypothyroidism and Starr describes at length Barnes’s work for almost 20 years traveling to Graz, Austria to study the autopsies the Empress Eugenie mandated because most hospital born babies were stillborn. Barnes discovered that heart attacks were extremely rare in patients on a minimum of 2 grains of desiccated thyroid hormone. Dr. Mark Starr, MD reports the same thing in his book Hypothyroidism, Type 2–The Epidemic. Starr’s specialty is pain medicine, but he’s hypothyroid which motivated him to read 100 years of the best research in hypothyroidism starting in the late 19th C with the big study by the Clinical Society of London. He explains the many reasons why it is an epidemic. Doctors today are taught to go by the blood test which detects too much thyroid or thyroid failure, but fails to signal to 100s of 1000s of people who would benefit from desiccated thyroid hormone, NOT the synthetic T4 which doctors are now told to give and why it does nothing for most people. The blood test looks good but the s/s of hyperthyroidism are still present.