Home Corona Dr Roger Hodkinson “Medical Idiocy of The Most Grotesque Degree”

Dr Roger Hodkinson “Medical Idiocy of The Most Grotesque Degree”

source https://millionsofcelebs.com/

An interview with Dr Roger Hodkinson.




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    • Quackery, Pure and Simple – Rogue Male

    Love the banner quote: “The Truth doesn’t give a fuck what your opinion is.“


    I reckon if Elie Wiesel was still around he would be writing a book titled “Cough” – or “Sneeze”.

    • Your Chance of Dying from COVID19: The Official Facts™ (According to the UK Govt)


    • There seems to be quite a wide-spread perception that the nature of the virus was overplayed & the shutdowns unwarranted, but that the vaccine is harmless.
      As an archetypal science dunce I simply adhere to what a 1st Century medic had to say:

      “For every tree is known by its own fruit. For from thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.”
      LUKE 6:44

    • Scott is a selected poo-bah, a member of the secret society that is the Masonic brother/sisterhood. As long as there are slavemasons, leading us to the great wall via crown protocols, there is no hope for better days here. From my position of insignificance, all seen is a cyber surveillance permanent lockdown, we’re all in mates. Serco has prepared everything for the new normal. Oz is the launching pad, and unless all poo-bahs are removed from influence, we are doomed. Mandatory vaccinations, ‘no jab no pay’, is a criminal operation by banksters for gangsters. With all positions loaded their eugenics agenda is unopposed. The traitors have led us to crown kabal communist gulagia.

    • “for how long will Australians be expected to attend to their screens daily to hear the latest alerts and instructions from on high about where you can go and what you can’t do” (2:19 min)

      As I’ve intimated on other posts, there’s no law that compels anyone to adhere to any electronically-delivered edict.

      • But putting that in the face of any respective faux “authority” is, of course, a big mistake.
        Best just to play dumb

      • I just say I don’t have a phone, and I am not going to waste my pathetic and inadequate pension on a mobile phone. And nobody can force me to.

        This reminds me of when government told me I had to purchase special rego plates on my safari vehicle. I just said NO.

        In the end they gave me free plates. That was smart, but goverment today is no longer smart; just compliant.

        Everybody, do not be compliant. Drag your feet. Say, “YES, ONE DAY SOON” They will be the ones who collapse, exhausted. it looks like 30% of the nation is now non-compliant. Nothing destoys like almost-compliance in ultra-slow motion.

        Wear the bastards out.

        • Actually it’s really best not to give ANY phone no. out to any government officer or agency if you can avoid it because the privilege ALWAYS winds up being abused.
          E. G. If you raise any sort of issue with the Po in writing that pertains to their domain they’re legally obliged to respond in kind.
          But the usual response is to side-step whatever issue happens to be at hand via chitter-chat

        • “Wear the bastards out”

          “There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’ And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.’ ”
          LUKE 18: 2 – 5

  2. It is becoming increasingly clear that SARS Cov-2 resulted from ‘gain of function’ work by first the United States, subsequently delegated to the Wuhan lab. Whether the organism escaped from the lab or was independently distributed before or at the World Military Games there, is not clear but what is clear is that the story this was a zoonotic bug that jumped directly from bats to man is utterly untenable. It also proves the intention to deceive and ‘cover-up’ at the highest level. In other words it was intentionally developed and probably released, as a biological weapon for political purposes that are not difficult to conceive. Party to secrets, it may go some way to explain the government’s (in retrospect) over-reaction. It may also explain why one of the first trips carried out by the Queen, after being released from her Windsor incarceration, was to Porton Down. https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/search?q=porton+down

  3. Thanks Dee – very educational – shows the complex nature of Vitamin D and how it can be deactivated by hfcs AND I’LL BET SUGAR.

  4. I’m not a trained medic or journo, could be just a caged ape.
    What can I do. Throw feaces of course.

    What would it take for doc to become an antivaxxer, given his do no harm stance.
    What would it take for this journo to simply wiki the history of the so called social media ports, from seed money to now.

    Guess we have to wait for our fearful leader to say sorry twenty six odd million times.Even his experiance at saying sorry like a machine gun gives us quite the wait.

    I know, I know, takes all kinds and maybe they might open some sleepy eyes. The redundancy is brutal.

    • plus they are idiots,because when this moves from experimental to approved as it surely will, well… no more wriggle room. Not even a Nuremburg code will offer fake help then.

  5. Grand pooh-bah Boris has got cold feet !!! Anyone probably heard by now he is axing all the mask and lockdown measures, can’t resist lying about it though, including our ABC, saying it is because of the success of their weird and dodgy quaxxine program, nothing at all to do with the massive protest a week before, a hint of bigger protests potentially leading to total disorder, can’t have that !!! The cookie is crumbling. Good London protest video:
    https://www.bitXXXXchute.com/video/n4tRbDdGajRc/ (take out XXXX)

  6. Is AUS government paying attention to recent developments?? Maybe One Nation is listening…

    Paul Craig Roberts (05JUL2021) links to:

    Prof M Chossodovsky:
    (WHO starts to slip and slide. Due to the threat of German Lawyers Fuellmich et al?, or Indian Bar Association’s lawsuit against the medical CEO at the WHO?)
    Or as w3 puts it: “The cookie is crumbling”.

  7. Quaxxine injury blame-game (from Bangkok Post)
    “Following the outbreak of Delta, which now makes up more than half of all cases in Bangkok, the epicentre of the third wave, there have been reports that hundreds of fully vaccinated doctors and health workers have been infected and some of them are critically ill. Hospitals have therefore urged a booster dose of mRNA vaccine for this group.”

    Meanwhile we have seen graphs showing Delta™ (formerly Indian) is virtually harmless, as you would expect coming from India where they are doing natural herd immunity with great success.

    • Nobody seems to mention, or maybe they have forgotten, that the mRNA jab also contains the adjuvant phenyl glycol, which essentially (unintentionally) disarms the immune system. So, if you are vaxxed, and along comes a new strain, weaker or stronger it does not matter, it litterally jumps down your throat and rips into your undefended lungs.

      People who have not had the jab are relatively unaffected.

      Anyone who has the booster, is a sitting duck.

      I am, by the way, very qualified to explain this because I am an accredited Conspiracy Theorist and I am President of the Flat Earth Society. Well, Flat Darwin anyway. I have never been outside my suburb… y’know, ya can tell it’s flat just by lookin’.

      I’m not self-deprecating. Just thought I would get in first.

  8. Attorney: U.S. Case Against Julian Assange Falls Apart. As Key Witness Says He Lied To Get Immunity Kevin Woodman Type it in.

  9. “Dr. Vladimir Zelenko discusses an incredibly serious concern, one shared with at least two other highly credible experts — Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, and professor Luc Montagnier, a world-renowned virologist who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of HIV.

    Yeadon, Montagnier and Zelenko all believe the COVID-19 shots could reduce life expectancy by several decades, depending on several factors, including whether you’re required to get booster shots. In fact, there may be reason to suspect that many who get the jabs and subsequent boosters could lose their lives within two to three years, as a result of pathogenic priming.1,2



    • All is not lost! Well worth a look at the ‘post-jab’ options. Thank you Dee for posting this. Vital info for those you care for, who’ve been sucked in to taking the jab. They may survive, but there’s still big questions about the next generation. Unlike the PRC’s one-child policy, this seems a ‘no-child’ agenda. People need to know this. Even the ‘Sheeple’ look forward to grandkids.

  10. Boris is now trying to regain control of the narrative. The python will release its hold to allow the victim to relax a little, then start to squeeze again. During this pause the story must get out that the #1 figure behind modern BigPharma “medicine” is Rockerfellas and your best interest is not even on the list. Where your best interest coincides with marketing is the only place you will get any sort of service, even then it is devious and often a type of over-servicing. Unfortunately the stoopids will still have total faith in BigPharma and subcontract all of their thinking to the industrialists. This will play into their hands for the next squeeze. It is all lined up, “spars 2025” and the disgusting MSM is still in business. The alt-media has to get the story out even to the dumbest, who will be brainwashed to think all their ailments from the various medications and maltreatments actually come from air-germs, they will be spraying “Glenn20” around the place with even greater vigour than before, they will be queueing up at Chemical Warehouse in even greater numbers and gorging on white bread all the way to Spars 2025. How long will it take these dumb, cud-chewing cattle to catch on, or is it impossible ? ? ?

    • debunked!!

      sorry seems to get the attention, nowadays..

      The python does not relax its grip, it goes all out once its decided to strike… no problem with the rest of your post however.

      k, have hit my word liimit today, wise advice always considered.(wink u).u=Mary

    • I just went off the mountain again today. Went into town and mingled with the morons. Crikey, please, let’s get this die-off going.

  11. Thalidomide now being rehabilitated and down-played.
    But .. wait for it … now:
    “It was approved for medical use in the United States in 1998. It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines.”
    Yes you understand correctly. HCQ & Ivermectin OUT, Thalidomide IN.


  12. If pregnant mums and kids get the mRNA it won’t matter what shape the’re in. Be prepared for lots of tiny coffins.

    As Hodkinson said, this is the crime aganst humanity of all time.

  13. Briefly on topic, very good diatribe from grumpy old Doctor Roger, definitely time for Boris to grab the football and barge his way to the front and try to remind us who is leader.
    Meanwhile the real leader was Thailand, who first promoted the use of HCQ around January 2020 and also first started using UV light for disinfecting public places such as aircon malls.
    Someone told them forget that and change to spray so now they are dumping gallons of spray everywhere.
    We learn more recently that the new King of Siam has spent years hanging out an hour’s fast drive from Switzerland and obviously takes his cues from meeting with Swissy, otherwise, he will be disenfranchised by god knows what awful means, such as no more preferential treatment from BigPharma.
    Which goes to show there is no exit except by grass roots actions, alt-media, asymmetric stunts etc.
    In places like Pakistan they still burn effigies, I would like to see Rockerfellas being burned as effigies, is there anywhere left we can make bonfires or has nanny state totally prohibited that.
    Pakkies would just do it in the street, as would southern Europeans I can say for sure having once been to Naples.

  14. Since Boris did his backflip our lying filth MSM is going twice as hard on pushing their nasty experimental quaxxine and we even have scenes of army officers sitting around a table discussing how they can best assault citizens with the BigPharma concoctions.
    Here comes the army, the public is the enemy, this is worse than outrageous, it is indeed satanic.

  15. The comment “the gutters will run with blood” will probably be prophetic. Doctors deserve everything that comes to them.

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