by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
Have you ever noticed a breathalyzer station coming up and quickly swapped the position of driver and passenger so the right (i.e., wrong) person would score a low alcohol level? Well, OK, but just be aware that nowadays the breathalyzer machine has a facial recognition component.
Be aware that satellites can read license plate numbers. Be aware that right now your cell phone is reporting your blood pressure to the authorities. And so forth.
Let’s ask: Why is Dr Russell Pridgeon having to burden his leg with a cumbersome “tracking device”? As everybody knows, a GPS monitor can be as small as a pinky ring. Or smaller. Perhaps even smaller than the space theologically allotted to each of the nine angels on the head of a pin. Or was it the nine choirs of angels? Whatever.
Prisoners of Politics
Thanks to the Federalist Society’s Dolley Madison series of teleconferences, I recently got to speak to the author of a wonderful book, Prisoners of Politics: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration. It is chockers with information about the way politicians make rules for such things as parole and bail.
She is Professor Elise Barkow of New York University Law School. Reviewing Prisoners of Politics, at Amazon, reader Coleen Cowles, says:
“Incredibly well researched and well-written, this book is eye-opening and is a must-read for anyone in the U.S who wants to understand the reasons behind emotion-based, tough-on-crime political rhetoric and policies with no basis in evidence. Rachel Barkow’s description of the largely unchecked power of prosecutors and their strong lobby to maintain that power is maddening.
“This book gives a behind-the-scenes view of a system that operates largely behind closed doors and that has grown into a behemoth that now affects the majority of families.”
Today I simply want to call attention, yet again, to the situation of Dr Russell Pridgeon, as he is Gumshoe’s poster boy on the subject of wrongful arrest as well as the subject of Australia’s thriving child-trafficking problem.
His life is made difficult by the requirement to wear an ankle bracelet. It needs to be re-charged for about 2 hours per day if you can imagine such nonsense. Note: presumably the same burden has been laid on the other INNOCENT persons who were swept up with him in Federal Police’s “Operation Noetic.” They are awaiting trial.
Couldn’t they just wear pinky rings?
What is EMASS? I hear you ask. Why of course it is East Missouri Alternative Sentencing Something-or-Other. In that state, in the American heartland, if you can’t afford bail, maybe you’d prefer to wear the leg tracker? Oh, but did you know that you will be required to pay $300 upfront and $10 per day, roughly $300 per month for the use of this device?

Just another racket for the manufacturers, another major expense for poor families. An article at propublica.org states that 22% of ankle-wearers lose their jobs — either because the employer does not like the looks of it, or because the employee has to attend Emass’s office for bracelet-servicing during work hours.
(I do not know whether the Operation Noetic people have to pay for their leg thingie, though of course they have to pay the electricity to charge it up.)
Mothers Losing Kids and No One Is Making This Stop
Since June 2018, Gumshoe has been investigating, and yelping about, what Dr Pridgeon calls “court-ordered child abuse.” It is hard for us to convey to you the seriousness of the problem and the lack of response by the legal profession.
As stated, my jumping on the issue of “pinky ring for Russell” is mainly as a pretext for publishing yet again the plight of the mums, dads, and children. Please have a look at this very short video:
I happened to find that video, along with — unfortunately — dozens of similar videos, compiled by “Women’s Coalition International.” Also, Yoko Ono invited women to write their story and these are displayed at a big exhibit.
One mother who responded to Yoko Ono is Coral. She says she was raped by her father and others from childhood and then became a battered wife. The controlling element in her ordeal was the fundamentalist church. Coral says: “But nothing prepared me for the horrors I would experience in what we call Oregon’s “legal and justice system. Marital and ritual abuse evolved into legal abuse. The Oregon Circuit judge laughed….”
The judge ordered Coral to hand over her breastfed infant to the ex-husband. “I gave the baby over, drove to the hospital, rented a breast pump, and later collapsed and went into shock. I could not understand what had happened and why I have not yet recovered from the shock. Perhaps I never will.”
Wake Up, Judges and Lawyers
Coral’s story is set in the US, but the problem is said to be worldwide and we can say for sure that it is flourishing in Adelaide, Perth, Wollongong, and Brisbane right this minute. Judges seem completely shameless.
I’m here to say that we will support you, O Lone Judge, if you can gather your wits and your conscience and come forward to decry this system. We know you did not invent it personally. We assume you do not like it. We can empathize if you are scared, as we are scared, too.
How about you lawyers? Why not invite a couple of colleagues to your home this weekend to discuss it? Surely if you had the brains to get a law degree, you have the brains to put the law to sensible use regarding this EXTREME matter.
Some suggestions can be found in my book, Reunion: Judging the Family Court (2019), which is free here. (Takes a minute to download.) Write to me if you need a printed copy of the book: MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com.
I (Dee) phoned Russell. There is good news and bad news. The good news is that the ankle bracelet was removed a week ago. The bad news is that it damaged his leg.
EDITOR’S UPDATE (16/10/2019):
The picture below was taken on Russell’s leg. However, Patrick O’Dea still has his clamped to his ankle.
The address “MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com.” in the “To” field was not recognized. Please make sure that all addresses are properly formed.
I went to Brisbane and saw Dr Russell and Ann at their court hearings, and was part of the Antipeadophileparty, when it was happening. Dr Russell’s bracelet has been removed with more onerous reporting conditions instead. I would really like, say 30 hard copies of your new book, to distribute to others, of course I will pay for them, postage etc. Good on you for the fabulous job you do. I have been encouraged to write a book about my experiences fighting against paedophilia, but really feel it must be all honest, so maybe when my mum dies, oh and perhaps emmiting the things which will incriminate me, lol
Being from Denmark originally, so not having a net work of friends or any family, it has been a tough time, as it is for all the other brave people exposing this racket. Too many being killed for it. I am so happy to still be here, I will never shut up or comply.
yours in the struggle, love your work, bless you
Mia, please try again, omitting the dot after the com. And please give me at least a fortnight before we run another 100 print as we may have something to add — good or bad.
How can it be good when we listen to the following video?
Oh, now I see. You have to go to the word “1/49” in upper right corner of Dena’s video.
There are all the videos in the set — 149 of them. You will be offered a Table of Contents. i recommend Number 3 by a mum named Paris.
The tracker is off.
Sorry I meant this one by Paris. Dee, pls delete the other one. Thank you.
Pridgeon’s situation sure does draw attention to the nature of the so-called justice system. I mean anyone compelled to enter into any sort of bail undertaking should be hansomely compensated if and when ANY of the corresponding charges fail to stick or the Prosecutor simply gets cold feet(as in the withdrawal of the stalking accusation). That might at least put the brakes on the plethora of bogus and/or politically actuated cases that do nothing but clog up the works.
Why is it, I can purchase a tracking device for my car the size of a match box or even smaller, yet these ankle trackers are huge ???? Tech way behind the advances ????????
Eddy, my guess is that it is intended to hurt. That’s what made me write this article.
You may recall Gumshoe wrote a similar one concerning the use of ankle “bracelets” on the elderly aunts of Jahar Tsarnaev, who came over from the Russian Federation to support him. at his 2015 trial.
They were not allowed to talk to him or even hug him. I think the purpose of the leg nonsense was so the damned MSM could portray the aunts as terrorist wannabe’s.
Wow. Back to that video that has 149 samples. I just randomly chose #13. “Candace”
At 1.10 minutes she says that in order to keep custody, she would have to tell the children that the abuse never happened. This is what is going on exactly in Oz. What did we have a Royal Commission for?
Where are the doctors while this is going on? CAN’T THEY TAKE A FRICKIN’ STAND AGAINST MIND CONTROL?
MY comment was deleted when I began to name the one institution which was exempt from scrutiny by the Royql Commission.
That wasn’t us Helen. That’s a worry
Youtube pulls a white house video and other censorship issues :
“We have to cut the audio, and it makes us look stupid, that we have a video with no audio or we are playing some elevator music we bought a licence for just to please the AI god at Youtube”
“In the past two weeks, the ADL, the Anti Defamation League, which is a project, funded by B’Nai B’Rith, which is the largest jewish freemason lodge…has decided that the hand sign for OK, is a white supremis sign and is now officially banned by the ADL [because the fingers make a ‘w’ and the thumb, forefinger, and wrist form a ‘p’ thus White Power]” A Universal Park employee was fired for making the OK gesture. Universal is owned by Comcast, which is owned by the (jewish) Roberts family.
A little girl, who took a picture of the cartoon character who was fired, is devastated she cannot use the photo in her school project.
Eventually, everyone will have an AI assigned to monitor them and…be as useful as the cameras that saved Jamie Bulger’s life all those years ago /end sarcasm, and act like a cop when you make a mistake.
Being a policeman now is not a career with longevity anymore.
I wonder if the anklets come with a with a electromagnetic warning. Just joking of course they don’t, consent would not forthcoming in that pesky medical consent direction. Why not just strap a microwave oven to them and should cells mutant locally, well cancer is hereditary. Extra draconian sadistic behaviour like the judges and penal professionals joke about “bubba” giving extra in the showers( lol judges). The dear Doctor would have little to fear in incarceration, so for those who will get on fine, up close and personal 24/7 radiation.
Our finest “defence forces” would not bat an eye at such mundane dealings and put a bullet though everyone and their children should they need peace keeping. What could be better, a trophy kill, honours and protection from community by ” put your adjective here” smiling home secretaries, attorney generals(salute w) as well as the medal pining suits we are familiar and endless unknown “brave, high ranking, defence personal”.
Well a pox on you(you be right mate just vax it), but please don’t pretend you are defending me. I perceive you all as amoral cowards(order follows, givers or non thinkers) just like your line manager(superior). Love it, stay quiet or leave you say, from your endless world excursions.There once was a saying for your type, devised by one Richard Head, the term escapes me for now, like a reason for you to enjoy doing these reprehensible things.
So far as I can see there’s no legislation that authorises any Queensland Court to order GPS tracking save in an alleged domestic violence offence:
So that’s why it was removed?
From the ADL website:
“Showing 1 – 40 of 214 Results”
1-11 is a numeric symbol used by the Aryan Knights
100% is shorthand for “100% white”
109 number of countries anti-Semites
claim Jews have been expelled from
12 is a numeric symbol for Aryan Brotherhood
14 “We must secure the existence of our people
and a future for white children.”
18 is a white supremacist alphanumeric code
for Adolf Hitler
There’s an anti-antifa flag symbol listed as well
Also at their site:
ADL Education Leads the Charge in Fighting Hate™ For Good
https://www.adl.org/latinx for the latinx (that is, latins who hate the gendered aspects of their language, and note they are countries south of the US, not China, Canada, or Ethiopia)
https://www.adl.org/take-action Look at the lovely picture of Tim Cook receiving an award for ‘Courage Against Hate’. Note also the ‘Rainbow Flag’ down the page.
Look how hard these people fight. If you need to have learnt anything since 2016, is that these people are fighting too hard. The boy who cried wolf?
“One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of Israel; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the world.”
[baseball (and basketball) are freemason creations]
Are you a Third Temple denier??? and why CPAC 2019 should really be called ZPAC (ZionPAC)
Rick Wiles believes the top evangelical leaders are freemasons christian television, radio, literature is freemasonry controlled.
Stay for the bit on ESPN (Disney sports channel) as host brings israel palestine conflict in discussion on NBA and China, which is quickly ended by a commercial break…And ‘Eye on Zion”
Topline: Blizzard Entertainment has banned Ng Wai Chung and stripped him of his prize money after the Hearthstone professional gamer, also known as Blitzchung, shouted slogans in support of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement in a post match interview.
Grammy Award-winning DJ-producer Zedd told fans on Sunday that he was “permanently banned” in China for his supportive tweet for South Park’s episode about Chinese censorship.
Kerry O’Brien is duped by Climate Change:
David Icke on Know More News:
John Faine interviewed by Virginia Trioli on One Plus One (ABC Australia). I passed on this.
ABCs’ 4 Corners: The infiltration of Australia’s universities by the Chinese Communist Party.
Sorry for going all Arlyn on everyone
You’d be hard pressed to think of a better way of trivialising a serious issue; at least Arlyn had a measure of sobriety
Which issue am I trivialising, Berry?
The article, if I’m not mistaken, was about the use of humiliation within the justice system. You evidently think that’s a non-issue, that censorship is more important. I strongly disagree.
I had not considered that humiliation and censorship should be ranked as to which is more important. Forced to decide, I would have to say the opposite. And I remind myself of 1984:
“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“
Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.
“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? ”
Humiliation is worldwide. Freedom of speech is uniquely western. You probably cannot deal with humiliation without freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is law that has remained rather settled for 100 years, and there are some checks and balances and people have traditionally accepted they shouldn’t yell “Fire!” in a crowded theatre, or incite violence etc. Also unique is the right to face your accuser. And we might owe this all to Galileo.
Freedom of speech is under attack primarily from the democrats (I’m not letting republicans off the hook here), and with “Rapid, Illegal Immigration” (may I also add legal immigration) 80% of immigrants tend to vote democrat. Who tells these prospective immigrants that the constitution protects free speech, and the nuances implicit? (a question that can extend to sexism, homophobia, racism, transphobia, you name it;)
Why is it such a problem that, perhaps, 10% of the countries in the world has freedom of speech? And how does diversity stand in the face of censorship?
Again, look at how hard they try to attack it.
Millions of people protested going to war in iraq. They exercised their free speech. They were ignored, but they didn’t forget. More evidence for us.
Freedom of speech protects unpopular speech because you don’t make laws protecting speech everybody agrees with. Freedom of speech allows speaking truth to power, lest anything power does not want to hear is declared Hate Speech.
I thought I had published the following link:
“In an article published Monday titled “Global Brands Better Stay Away from Politics,” the Global Times warned Americans, and international actors, that Chinese authoritarian speech restrictions now apply worldwide and any protests in the name of free speech are “ridiculous.””
“Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Sunday that any attempts to cause division in China “will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones.””
With my most abject apologies to Dr Pridgeon.
Ankle bracelet have been used for a long time in Alice Springs- being tested/trialled using the local aboriginal community as guinea pigs. NT -correctional services are masters of humiliation, torture, degradation and it is all covered up. Children as young as 10 kept in solitary confinement for 21 hours a day. No visitors-no blankets-handled by psychopaths —
There is such a history of outrageous acts of brutality in a flawed incarceration system based on Her Majesty’s Prison system, these bracelets almost look humane.
Peace and Strength to you Dr Russell Pridgeon
“Child protective services are state-based. The Family Court is federal and there are fears children are being lost in the gaps.”
“That children are falling into harm because of gaps between the federal family court and state and territory courts, child protection services and police.”
“I cannot even comprehend what goes through a judge’s mind when they decide what is in the best interest of someone they’ve never met or even spoken to.”
Problem is that the gap theory just signifies a lust for more un-Godly control.
If a car has been filled with incompatible fuel no amount of additions, alterations or tinkering under the bonnet is going to make it run the way it was designed to do. Fixing the problem is of course relatively simple; the tank just needs to be completely drained and then filled with the right octane
Another report–to address the findings of another report.
Again separating Aboriginal community child protection issues from the mainstream policies regarding the welfare of the child- “in the child’s best interest”. Big Business
All children need to be heard families need to be listened to, advocates need to be co-opted, truth about the criminal intent needs to be exposed. Promises need to be kept. People need to be educated.
Richard Weston, Family Matters Co-Chair says-
“If we do not change our course of action the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in care will more than double in the next 10 years,” says Family Matters Co-Chair Richard Weston.
“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are seven times more likely to be on a permanent care order until 18 years. They are at serious risk of permanent separation from their families, cultures and communities.
“The trauma associated with child removal is intergenerational. It affects a person’s functioning in the world, has an adverse impact on family relationships and creates vulnerability in families.
“Healing is an important part of reclaiming the resilience we need to deal with life’s challenges and address the burden of trauma in our communities,”
It is not a black and white issue it is an issue about the deliberate creation of generational trauma and dysfunction, to control -enslave the masses, pushing people to breaking point.