Editor’s note: It is a relief to hear one doctor explain exactly what has and is happening in such a simple and concise way. This video is only eleven minutes but is extraordinary for those who want to quickly understand the whole picture.
As Dr Chetty says, “Now if we want our freedoms back, we were herded like cattle into a kraal [enclosure] and the only way out is through the dip. And that is where we lost our freedoms.” “The vaccine is absolutely non-sensical.”
Dr Shankara Chetty is a Rural Doctor from South Africa that has treated over 5000 Covid-19 patients without a single hospitalisation or death. (WEBSITE)
More videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgDqON47FmQ&t=4s&ab_channel=IndiaToday
Thank you Dee – brilliantly explained – shared and subscribed.
Dr Chetty is very businesslike about the genocide. Maybe he knows that the cancer epidemic since 1955 was of this type.
This is from Patch.com which is subsidiary of MSM; needless to say they don’t mention vax. (Or should I say: Needle-less to say…)
BOSTON — Former major leaguer Julio Lugo, best known for being the Red Sox starting shortstop on Boston’s dominant 20o7 World Series team, has died, according to ESPN. He was 45.
Family members told ESPN’s Enrique Rojas he is believed to have died from a heart attack. His 46th birthday would have been Tuesday.
Lugo broke into the majors in 2000 as a light-hitting but dependable shortstop. He signed a four-year deal with Boston in 2007, playing 147 games for a regular-season juggernaut that won 96 games. He also played all 14 postseason games en route to a World Series title.
Lugo has one of the most fabled Red Sox hits of the century, hustling to first base to bring in the winning runs during the “Mother’s Day Miracle” comeback of ’07.
Go to beforeitsnews.com and see how many athletes have dropped dead or dying.
Also look at Alex Jones at about 40 mins with quotes from fiendish Fauci . ‘The vaccines do not work’ take more injections☠️☠️💁
How about that NSW health Minister HAZZARD? And Ray Hadly of the the nine network fakery.
Did someone say “MANSLAUGHTER”?
Please write up a moot court trial, O Retired Prosecutor, for a fictional health leader, Doris Bay, so we can get a feel for what they might suffer.
I am retired.
But if I had a elderly mum living in my house and did not arrange suitable medical attention, I could be charged ……
With manslaughter and maybe murder, to arrange a plea of manslaughter.
If I had a toothless donkey or old horse in the back paddock and I did not arrange appropriate treatment for it I could be prosecuted by the RSPCA. ( acted once for the RSPCA and the old accused farmer was convicted.)
Do not our politicians, medical bureaucrats, doctors and mass media understand common sense as applied under the legislation?
Our paid representatives better pull their fingers out and realise where they may be standing ….. right in it up to their ears.
Everyone should be allowed to totally OPT OUT of MediCare™ and the way the government should pay for MediCare™ is via junk food tax, tobacco levy, alcohol taxes etc. There really is no excuse for this hijacking of government by Rockerfellas HospitalSystem™.
You obviously don’t smoke, otherwise you would realise that governments have quadrupled the price of smokes since 2007 with their tax excise increases (don’t forget, Joe Hockey did it,too, proving that it doesn’t matter who is in power, they both will screw you over).
You obviously don’t drink ( or at least don’t drink beer) which always are increased with each and every budget (but not chardonnay)
Junk food tax doesn’t increase because the government wants everybody sick by buying junk food cheaper than it is possible to buy healthy food, which is where a sick health system comes into play.
The last thing we need is a tax on sugar, because we all know how the revenue raised will be squandered.
I used to vote ALP and smoke cigarettes when I was young, it was 50 cents a packet of 20. Grow your own tobacco if you don’t want to pay the tax. ALP should all be locked up.
At this point MediCare™ levy is totally indefensible, they can tax car crashes for all I care, I don’t have car crashes either. I’ve had a gutsful of Rockerfellas HospitalSystem™ by now and I want nothing to do with any of it. I’m probably going to start a company and get my MediCare™ levy down to the minimum.
Once upon a time there wasn’t much tax, you just had to send your sons to war. Now there is a tax on everything, I want to see the tax shifted to junk food, starting with white (confected) breads will be fine. You probably think I’m all talk about not going to hospital, but nearly all the problems come from bad diet and alcohol is one of the worst. Why would I go to hospital when the whole point of being healthy is to not go to hospital. I am probably healthier and more stubborn than most. I don’t want anything further to do with the HospitalSystem™.
Where is the video? It does not appear to be on this site.
I’m located in Canada
I did a search and found it here
Tommy, I discovered the same thing (no apparent video) if you are viewing this via WordPress. You need to go through Gumshoe direct …
They; ‘love the smell of manslaughter in the morning’.
Further confirmation-Dr David Martin and Reiner Fullmich-SARS2 Patents +more…
Pfizer CEO-Breakthrough cases…
Paramedics,Nurses and First Responders Tell About Their Experiences In Queensland Australia.
All thousands of them — where do they park their cars?
The virus is completely gone, only the agenda remains, “to inject all 7 billion people on the planet” ( Bill Gates ).
You can see sports crowds everywhere aren’t in the slightest concerned with virus, in Western Australia a Grand Final football game was held about a month ago, vast numbers of people were flown in, security was lax, they all flew out again, nothing happened at all, but straight after a few truck drivers were persecuted by the communo-fascist “Labor” government in the state, as are truck drivers all over this country, the reason is they want to shut them down, they want to use imported drivers, they are looking for an excuse to throw even more Australians on the scrapheap and replace with globalist lackeys.
After the celebrated football game, attendance close to 100,000 I would guess, the borders went back to being totally shut down again to all except VIPs & celebs.
You can see sports crowds don’t care about the expired bogus virus and you can also see Obama and Hillary’s refugees massing on the Polish border, they may be cold and undernourished but the virus hoax is the last thing on their minds.
Africans carry on with their wars and migrations and daily dramas with no concern for this pandemic of lies.
The only place where the hoax virus is a threat is where corrupt politicians work in tandem with corrupt MSM and mass hypnotise the weak-minded. Put the corrupt politicians and lying MSM agents in cages where people can throw faeces at them all day, this is the way out of the scamdemic. However, many people don’t care that they are being lied to or injected with experimental and very weird substances, and they are happy to implement track & trace, they have been sold on “safety”. They believe the track & trace agenda will catch criminals. Not so !!! There are many ways around for the determined and hard-core criminals. This large contingent of sheeple will be poisoned by va666ines and many still won’t wake up even if they have been injured. They can see the crowds everywhere on their beloved MSM TV news but their minds don’t make the connection. They are in an induced state of denial-faith-hypnosis. They are totally bogged in and will not be shifted easily.
• Judy Mikovits PhD – Antidote For Vaccine Toxin And Warns Against Dangerous Fake One
• Interview with Ann Vandersteel
“SARS-CoV-2 is not a real human virus, it’s a monkey virus grown in the vero monkey cell line, always has been, just as SARS was created in that cell line and the variants are in that cell line.”
“Nobody’s sick. This has a 99.7% survival rate, so there’s no such thing as an ‘asymptomatic carrier’ of a disease-causing virus. A virus either makes you sick or it doesn’t.”
“So, essentially, COVID-19 is a marketing hype name to promote fear and get people running to the doctors to get these PCR tests, which are, of course, completely falsely-calibrated and they’re not measuring COVID-19.”
Why was I one of the few that saw through the scam so early? The answer was, I used my common sense to realise that never before had any lock down procedure been necessary in the many previous virus periods during my lifetime. Then with the help of “Gumshoers” I did research to unfold the whole story of crap and murder.
Thank you http://www.gumshoenews.com and your readers that made comments, providing video addresses. Most of those videos are now recorded for court evidence if required. 38 of those videos and numerous other video addresses are in the hands of the Western Australian Health Minister and Chief Health Officer thanks to our “Gumshoe” Communinity.
So there is no wriggle room for this State Government to move in any court challenge that may be presented. (Like, we didn’t know. We weren’t told. We weren’t to know.)
Good plan
Hi, Aussiemal.
I wonder how the Qld Uni vaccine was stopped from being developed due to the fact that one would test HIV+ if they took that vaccine. Seems funny that people are being diagnosed immune system deficient (5%) per week) as time goes on. When you couple the fact that many people agree that Covid was spliced with HIV (why Dr Birx, who was a HIV/AIDs specialist was in on the coronavirus briefings early on) it seems there is more to the HIV angle that would be initially thought.
Not to mention that PCR tests are weighed according to a computer simulation of what the coronavirus is. What do you make of all this?
Liz Cheney kicked out of the Republican Party
Anyone doesn’t know who she is, her father is a mass murderer from Wyoming involved in a lot of infrastructure companies which serviced the Iraq invasion 2003, also in the Alice Springs to Darwin railway line with John Howard
I don’t mean to denigrate the video, it is quite good. However, we appear to be ‘preaching to the choir’ – everybody on Gumshoes knows this information about the ‘vaccines’. What we need to do is get the Covidiots to watch it AND understand it. However, the Covidiots are glued to the MSM and all the BS narrative. – What is the solution??
I’m tired of running into irrational mask-holes that act out with enthusiasm all the ridiculous restrictions. Thankfully, there does appear to be an awakening, but it isn’t happening fast enough for me. Perhaps if someone could figure out a simple way to expedite the process of awakening. – I’d like a personal device, say a 5G generator or whatever, that I could press that would trigger the graphine oxide in the mask-hole’s body that would immediately give the mask-hole a wake-up call. – Talk shit to me, and I’ll press the button dumb-ass.
At this point we are just playing a waiting game for the jabs to slowly take their toll.
Injection injuries are being enthusiastically framed up as Delta Variant as you know.
Gulag Gladys was torn down with (relative) lightning speed once it became aware she was totally controlled, nothing has happened with the communo-fascist dicktators of the left.
Another battle ground is the climate change hoax, somehow this has traction even though everyone is aware the weather and climate has been cooler in the last few years.
The “right” is being attacked for being resistant to pointless regulation. The entire zero carbon thing is powered by TECHNOLOGY not politics. In light of this I found a scrap from Scotty trying to set his record straight in the face of attacks from the holier-than-thou left, various owned hacks and sensationalist, globalist controlled MSM.
I reproduce this just in the interests of balance and accuracy and because socialist elements seem to have lost the plot in multiple ways, surrendering their rights to globalist agendas:
“Australians want action on climate change.
But they don’t want their electricity bills to skyrocket, the lights to go off, for their jobs to be put at risk or for the way of life in rural and regional communities to be sacrificed.
Australians want a 2050 plan on net zero emissions that does the right thing on climate change and secures their future in a changing world.
We have not and would never make a blank cheque commitment or impose new taxes, as Labor has, to achieve net zero.
I always said I would not commit to net zero by 2050 unless we had a plan to achieve it. We now have that plan.
We will do this through technology, not taxes. By respecting people’s choices and not enforcing mandates on what people can do and buy.
Emissions in Australia have actually fallen by more than 20 per cent on 2005 levels. That is more than New Zealand, Canada, Japan and the United States.
We have beaten our 2020 emissions reduction target and are well on our way to meet and beat our 2030 target.
We won’t be lectured by others who do not understand Australia.
Key to our approach is investment in new energy technologies.
We want our heavy industries, like mining, to stay open, remain competitive and adapt.
We will not support any mandate – domestic or international – to force closure of our resources or agricultural industries.
Australians can always trust the Coalition to have the right economic plan to enable Australia to deal with the challenge of climate change.
To read more about our plan to responsibly reduce emissions while protecting jobs, click here.
Yours sincerely,
Scott Morrison
Prime Minister”
Global warming / Emi$$ions Trading via CO2 HOAX blown to pieces
( Pollution and de-forestation is still bad )
Slide the bar from before 2016 to after 2016 to see the sunspots going dormant
Electroverse 16 Nov 2021
I have pondered Terry’s frustrating observation of a lets say “disappointing slow uptake”. seems half allusion(as above comments). and half deadly predator.
My natural tactic is “attrition”, so I think I recognise it here.
Everyone seems unsure of the next “shoes to drop”, but we know they will continue to play this the same way.
We have to wait by the side of the river for now, patience, attrition cuts two ways.
Is anybody attritting THEM?
O yes (though depends on “them”). Carlo Maria Viganò(hope I have that right-just learning my “Caths”), even takes too pepe the pope.
They always sacrificed their children Louis Pasteur or attritting style.
PS- hope your well Mary, have to come and go these days, prepping style.
Always good to think of unexpected yet welcomed family turning up.
“There is a terrible story breaking about Renmark a small country town in SA where there have been 13 boys, one as young as 14, who have all developed myocarditis after the jab. This is permanent heart damage, it can’t get repaired and has a 50% fatality rate over 5years, you have it for the rest of your life, all 13 families are suing. It’s a media blackout.
Renmark high school was one of the first schools in South Australia to support a pop-up Covid vaccination clinic.” – Cassie Koutras
from memory Hobart, “ok’ed”, fluride 1956- aluminum fluoride-but i karnt remmembored
On 7 news this afternoon, 10,000 people suing for adverse reactions to jabs. Who is going to pay compensation here, where pharma firms have impunity and are exempt from prosecution?
Gumshoe Lawyers, help please.
“For claims between $5000 and $20,000, claimants need to have been hospitalised for at least one night, will need to nominate they are seeking less than $20,000 and provide applicable evidence of the nature of the injury and medical documentation of its likely relationship to a Covid-19 vaccination.
The government says the evidence requirements for claims of $20,000 and over, including death, are still being developed and will be advised as part of additional information on the scheme in the future.”
Law Institute of Victoria is not happy with Dicktator Dan’s “Kafkaesque” detention laws, however they have no issues with the ban on HCQ and IVM and see no issues with people being forced to use expensive experimental patent medicine substitutes ( for an epidemic which doesn’t seem to exist most places around the world ). These Law Institute people clearly regard themselves as educated, clever and informed and must be on plush salaries. Are they trying to justify their existence, or trying to preserve Dicktator Dan’s existence by softening his bill ? Or are they just subservient to a sort of “consensus of the owned”.
Michael Kroger ( former ? ) Liberal Party Chief clearly calls this fascism, the ALP wanker is in denial. Kroger says this is the biggest non-lefty protest he has ever seen in Australia. Descends into historical argument. Victoria is going fascist according to the most conservative element in the state. ALP wanker shouting the sky is falling.
Swedish University: Spike Protein Goes to Nucleus and Impairs DNA Repair (In-Vitro Study)
[ this was mentioned a few days ago in Gumshoe but no splash link ] 39 min lecture
Scandinavian countries + France ban MODeRNA ( a few days ago )
Sars-Cov-2 Spike impairs DNA Damage Repair ….Article
From Arlyn:
22 Steps to Global Tyranny
“this book is perhaps the simplest explanation of what is going on behind the scenes in australian politics. It explains how Australia, under the guiding hands of the ALP/Dem/Lib/Nat/Greens, has gone from the highest standard of living in the world to number 23 and going down.”
It’s a nice summary if anyone hasn’t worked it out already but the book is about 10 years old and the website http://www.SaveAustraliaAlliance.com.au seems to be gone.
What the book doesn’t recognise of course is the impending Virus Hoax which is the latest imperative not including the Climate Change Hoax.
Well people of all shapes and sizes are becoming aware that everything is a lie so maybe we will just see a die-off of the stoopids, then who knows.
Oz had the best standard because most things were produced here. The immigrants were mainly European, as they were technically skilled in agriculture arts crafts. Free trade destroyed Australian prosperity, PA and 911 cemented the deal for common demise. Covid/divoc mark of beast ID has delivered us to CCP Crown Kabal global slavery. Chinese produce $2 throwaway items for Bunnings, here we are incapable of even doing that. 98% was made here, most over sixty have memories and that’s why they want us gone. The bloodsuckers in suits, in their glass towers, shafted all good Australians. They know it and don’t care, money talks BS walks only for the connected. “Who’s your daddy, what school did ya go to.” That’s how it works here and unless perpetraitors are replaced, it will only get worse.
BHP steel needed sharp drill bits, One steel made from ship junkyards in coastal India now the go here. Drill 100 holes in it, with a blunt drill bit, cuts through like cheese. Just don’t overload the beam it bends. That’s our problem friends, nobody cares everyone’s playing with distractions, at the touch of fingertips we are all unemployed secretaries now. For how long?
“most over sixty have memories and that’s why they want us gone.”
As I was leaving Parliament House yesterday a woman walked up to me spontaneously and said she knew I was a “hero” because I as an older person had come to the “Kill the Bill” protest—she was from Bosnia and she introduced me to her son. Her parents lived through the Second World War and we shared some history. We were near a small group holding boards about experiments–being lab rats–coercion lies–I had been sitting with ritual abuse survivors and shared my Tavistock Institute history linking it to the current exposure about satanic ritual abuse and cults in Australia aware of the recent St Patrick Cathedral State Funeral and the timing.
The woman from Bosnia knew about Paperclip and the evil in our midst
She gave me a hug wanted her son to take a photo of us both and said never go into aged care –“they are killing off the elderly because we know their lies”
She also realised there were many present who were running with a “staged political agenda”— one distinguished looking “gentleman ” was walking through the crowd handing out 2 books—” National Sunday Law”—and another titled “Steps to Christ” I pursued him and had a chat– after listening to the “preacher’ I said so it has all happened -not NWO –but One World Government One World Religion–Satanic Luciferian—Cult—- all hidden in plain sight
Then home with amazing “messages’ people from my past checking in— well I do exist in some form—also facing reality that I am a number–and an “experiment”
strength to you Tony
Faith in truth, strength to you always.
In crown and communist Jugoslavia, one needed a million dinars to buy a loaf of bread. After that war, snoops and goons from there, came here and were promoted. Same system here now, except wages haven’t budged for four decades, in real terms a fraction of what they were. Krown kabal komunizm. Common saying among second class there then, ‘komu sve, komu nista.”
Translated, some everything, some nothing.
‘After that war’, in the nighties, snoops etc……
Oz common wealth is a delusion, banksters have everyone by the balls. Most unaffordable housing in the world. From first to last, in forty years just passed, we wear the global dunce cap.
Australian Citizens Party Report- 12 NOV 2021