Editor’s note: A stunning summary of humanity’s predicament worthy of a post.
Sourced from Beforeitsnews:
“Dr Vernon Coleman’s track record of spotting health dangers is second to none. Since the 1970s, when his first two ground breaking books (The Medicine Men and Paper Doctors) were published, Dr Coleman has been gaining friends among patients and enemies among doctors and drug companies… Vernon Coleman, a Sunday Times bestselling author, is one of the few medically qualified authors writing on medical matters without bias and without any professional or commercial commitments or allegiances. His honesty has made him many enemies among the medical establishment and the establishment’s commercial alliances. His predictions, forecasts and warnings have often been made years (and, in many cases, decades) before anyone else…”
Fmr CDC Director: Bird Flu is the Real Pandemic – C19 was just practice – Ice Age Farmer (3:28)
With masses of immune-compromised international travellers going everywhere ( and natural people locked up at home ), it should be easier to make multiple plandemics out of anything
• ACH (1753) The Secret History Of The Twentieth Century (1921 – 1931)
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock reads segments from his book, “The Synagogue Of Satan – Updated, Expanded, And Uncensored.”
Parts 1 and 2 can be found on his website (1739 and 1746).
Transcript of Vernon Coleman’s monologue on 21st Century Wire:
• Heroes Battling Covid: In Honor of 2022 Genesis Prize Laureate Dr. Albert Bourla
LOL, it is not even SATIRE! Fork me, the propaganda gets more absurd by the day.
Does anybody believe in propaganda? Ask all those with health problems caused by design by the Covid “vaccine”.
Spare me mate puhlease! “Jewish hero”? 😱
This news casts a pall over my chook run plans. Even though it will be 100 Ks from the nearest town, snow corellas and white cockatoos could carry it. They love chook runs. On the other hand, I won’t be using chook pellets, which is the attraction fo native birds. Will I? Won’t I? Decisions decisions.
Echidnas also lay eggs
but not 365 a year
Bill Gates would call that an opportunity
I seriously doubt that snow corellas and white cockatoos would pay much attention to a CDC rumour
If chooks are free to roam through the bush for a few hours every day they’re incredibly pathogen-resistant
The Maiden’s Prayer(La prière d’une vierge) – T. Badarzewska | Piano
Thank you CrissCross 767, how refreshing! The best I could wish for, after stacking 4 tonnes or is it 4 c.m of fire wood for the winter + the Kelpie walk.
Tony I don’t believe you have anything to worry about. Could this be just another cover for all the deaths that are about to happen caused by the Covid “vaccine”?
Yeah I was in Thailand for 2 months during Sars 1 (mid 2003), it was “raging” in HongKong and Singapore but nobody did anything in Thailand, no mask or nothing.
But then it dawned on the “authorities” that a global epidemic could wake the masses up to the hazards of globalisation thereby jeopardising the precepts of said system.
Hence the control charade of the past two years
Irony being that they’ve achieved exactly what they wanted to avoid
If I hadn’t witnessed the self same attempt to crack a peanut with a sledgehammer when my husband and I removed our 6 year-old from State custody aka “the education system” my eyes would never have been properly opened to the pitfalls thereof. The purveyors are evidently incapable of grasping the fact such attacks are the best wake-up call ever.
Everyone needs to get uncomfortable:
“If we are comfortable in this present world, we are not yet in the only true faith. To recite certain verses, and expect their material fulfillment, does not mean that we are in the faith. We are in the faith of Abraham when, like him, we are strangers and aliens, not only in the world, but also in the Land of Promise. We need to look for the coming of the Lord, to long for His appearing, the coming of that whole millennial and future fulfillment that is eternal. That is why ETERNITY NEEDS TO COME INTO OUR CONSCIOUSNESS NOW. The remarkable paradox is that to be preoccupied with the things that are future and eternal would make you believe there would be little effect and consequence now. In fact, what does the world say, “If you are heavenly minded (eternally minded) you are of no earthly good.” That is a lie, because the opposite is true, “Except you are heavenly minded, except you are eternally minded, you are of no earthly good.” Every value that the world celebrates as right and true is unmistakably a lie. What the earth needs is not more earth, but more heaven. Eternity must come into time, the holy into the profane, the sacred into the everyday, by people who are already walking in heaven as if it is the very foundation of their life and being. That is the only true faith.”
P. 42 “The Burning Bush”
100% pure science fiction
Shanghai quarantine centre (1 min)
Apartment prisoners screaming, shouting (1 min)
Pets eradicated in garbage bags (1 min)
Detention procedure (1 min)
Pure communist dictatorship which ELBOW stands for, like Dicktator Dan beloved leader of the State of Useless Easters Victoria. ANyone who votes for the communists in this era needs their heads examined. Please try to think before you do something stoopid. And take note, only fully va666inated people are allowed to be scrutineers, so it’s crooked before we even start.
Food being dumped (1 min)
Hazmat suits lock them in (1 min)
Drones & Robo-dogs (1 min)
Government automatons (1 min)
Pet death squad (1 min)
Small kids in quarantine lockup (1 min)
Hazmat suits bashing a guy (1 min)
Old people being picked up (1 min)
Mass daily covid testing (1 min)
Food being dumped (1 min)
Hazmat suits lock them in (1 min)
Drones & Robo-dogs (1 min)
Government automatons (1 min)
Pet death squad (1 min)
Small kids in quarantine lockup (1 min)
Hazmat suits bashing a guy (1 min)
Old people being picked up (1 min)
Mass daily covid testing (1 min)
Military deployed to Shanghai (1 min)
Which part of the Communist Manifesto does Australia not follow?
10 Communist Manifesto Planks of the US Government
February 21, 2015—167 years ago today, Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto. In it, Marx outlined 10 Planks, or policies, for overturning capitalist economies. How many of Marx’s planks are already implemented in the U.S.? Let’s examine the planks to find out.
The 1st Plank: “Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”
The 14th Amendment in 1868 granted the US government eminent domain power to expropriate private property in the name of the “public good.” There’s also the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which wields enormous zoning and regulatory power, as well as school and property taxes, and environmental considerations which take precedence over private property and individual rights. You don’t pay your property taxes? The government takes your house. So is it really your house to begin with?
Read on –
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
So, therefore the ‘West’ is communist and China and Russia are not or less so.
The “10 Planks” of the Communist Manifesto
Looks like I’m now being censored, take out the XXXX
Food being dumped (1 min)
Hazmat suits lock them in (1 min)
Drones & Robo-dogs (1 min)
Government automatons (1 min)
Pet death squad (1 min)
Small kids in quarantine lockup (1 min)
Hazmat suits bashing a guy (1 min)
Old people being picked up (1 min)
Mass daily covid testing (1 min)
Looks like I got delayed for exceeding the links limit ( seems to be 5 )
Sneaky new Australian laws mean you are a terrorist for going outside
We already got the sneaky laws in Western Australia a few years ago, government goons can pin you down and inject you with any “poison” (their word) they decide to inject you with.
No kidding !!! Check out IMOP DR Judy Wilyman for more info.
Authorisation to supply or administer a poison [SARS-COV-2(COVID-19) Vaccine] – Australian Defence Force (No 7) 2021
An authorisation by the Chief Health Office under the s. 197 and s.198 Public Health Act 2016 (WA) to authorise relevant Australian Defence Force employees to supply and administer the COVID-19 Vaccine…………………”
Re vaccines, Scomo was reported in the media as saying that he is sorry that he never used the Defence FORCE in the first place.
Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston
Never ending va666ines, tracking devices & AI
Next Bioweapon Release, Hemorrhagic Fever & The Endgame
The definition of a woman
That guy Brendan Murphy ought to be locked up, he is a central part of the Medical-Industrial Kabbal and as such wants to promote the new growth industry, “gender reassignments” starting from school-age. To promote and normalise gender reassignments biology must be thrown out the window, no further reference to XX and Xy chromosomes in all your cells’ genes will be accepted, it is now up to your VIABILITY AS A CUSTOMER. Government will pay, that’s why they are aggressively infiltrating government health departments. Dicktator Dan in Melbourne used to be health minister. “Health” is the vehicle they use to infiltrate and control populations. Just look at the videos above in China, Hazmat suits beating up everyone, locking them in, killing their pets in the street. REJECT THE MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL KABBAL. Instead of supplying HCQ and IVM for Fauci-flu victims, they push their satanic injections. Yes right here in your Australian capital city. Take note of this filth, identify them to your friends and kids, they are enemies of the citizens and their time will come soon. First let everyone know and understand what they are up to.
Bill Gates gets into genetically modified mosquitoes
Obviously the expert is on the job, presumably to wipe out Africans, Asians, Latinos etc,,,, “oops”
Covid™ mandates will end after the mid-term elections ( Demonrats will be wiped out )
In Western Australia they have a State Attorney-General named Quigley who was in court making statements and lying his face off, this is the kind of person who gets promoted in the major parties.
A few years ago someone set fire to his cars in his home garage and he thought it was very funny.
“Ho ho ho”.
He lives not far from disgraced former WA Premier Brian Burke ( I think they call him a “lobbyist” ) who was very well known for a thing called “WA Inc” with Alan Bond
After 15 years of rampant money printing, the WhiteHouse blames inflation on Putin
Just saying, that’s if this post gets to the page here at Gumshoe!!
A very small bit of research brings up multiple pages on how this Doctor, is now deregistered. In fact if you try to find where his practice is you’ll come across this:
“This person is not on the Medical Register and may not practise as a doctor in the UK.”
I find Factcheck to be more reliable than Snopes ever was!!
Then there is this:
This is written from Americas point of view but it’s the same the world over..
“No vaccine or medical product is 100% safe, but the safety of vaccines is ensured via rigorous testing in clinical trials prior to authorization or approval, followed by continued safety monitoring once the vaccine is rolled out to the public to detect potential rare side effects. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration inspects vaccine production facilities and reviews manufacturing protocols to make sure vaccine doses are of high-quality and free of contaminants.
One key vaccine safety surveillance program is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, which is an early warning system run by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and FDA. As its website explains, VAERS “is not designed to detect if a vaccine caused an adverse event, but it can identify unusual or unexpected patterns of reporting that might indicate possible safety problems requiring a closer look.”
Anyone can submit a report to VAERS for any health problem that occurs after an immunization. There is no screening or vetting of the report and no attempt to determine if the vaccine was responsible for the problem. The information is still valuable because it’s a way of being quickly alerted to a potential safety issue with a vaccine, which can then be followed-up by government scientists.
Another monitoring system is the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink, which uses electronic health data from nine health care organizations in the U.S. to identify adverse events related to vaccination in near real time.
In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, randomized controlled trials involving tens of thousands of people, which were reviewed by multiple groups of experts, revealed no serious safety issues and showed that the benefits outweigh the risks.
The CDC and FDA vaccine safety monitoring systems, which were expanded for the COVID-19 vaccines and also include a new smartphone-based reporting tool called v-safe, have subsequently identified only a few, very rare adverse events.
A two second Google search found me this, hopefully this will make the page, unlike most of my writings!!
Well that was two seconds of your life utterly wasted.
Wikipaedophilia is nothing but a hotbed of toxic hate and vile racist bigotry and supremacy.
Anyone with integrity and decency is lambasted as a ‘conspiracy therapist’ or much worse …
… while antihuman paedophiles, rapists and murderers, and human trafficking filth are selectively hailed as ‘victims’ or ‘philanthropists’
Here are two more wasted seconds on “September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11” …
But I guess in your case you consider that two seconds an ‘investment’.
Oh Julius, it wasn’t the only link it brought up, there are dozens of links about this alleged doctor.
But thank you, obviously someone of your intellect replying to a nobody like me should make me feel flattered.
It’s a pity i’m not!!
You condone this?
“Coleman also worked as a newspaper columnist for a number of publications including The Sun and The Sunday People, where he had been an agony uncle until he resigned in 2003. Whilst working for The Sunday People, Coleman wrote that if children diagnosed with autism were “stuck up to their necks in a vat full of warm sewage for 10 hours they would soon learn some manners” and that diagnoses of hyperactivity and autism were “misused by middle-class, aspirational parents to excuse the behavior of their obnoxious children.”