By Dee McLachlan
Above is a video of Dr William Bay putting Paul Kelly of the AMA and the doctors of Australia on notice. He interrupts proceedings and is then thrown out for prescribing reality.
Sudden and Unexplained Deaths
It really feels like we are living in a parallel universe. The mainstream media and the medico-class are unable to see through their horse blinkers. Nothing to see here! It is so astonishing how quickly sudden and unexplainable death in teens and young adults has become normalized.
I have to wonder whether a Herald Sun headline in the newspaper last week was an attempt to further this thinking — that deaths of teens used to be normal too. The article was entitled, “Homesick Tragedy”. A strange title for a very sad story about a young lad, Timothy Fehring (15), that died unexpectedly in 2019. It must have been the most unusual case back then: a Year 11 student dying in Berlin whilst on an excursion. He began vomiting but soldiered on, and by day seven of the overseas excursion, blood trickled from his nose and he died shortly after. No cause of death was given. And so the death of Timothy from Blackburn Highschool in 2019, has forced the state government to overhaul staffing requirements for international tours.
In trying to research Timothy’s case a bit further I found this — another Blackburn school in the UK:
“A Blackburn school community is in shock and mourning after the death of a pupil. … a boy in Year 11 at Blackburn Central High School, died earlier this week with few details released at this stage. Adam Mohammad, a year 11 pupil at Blackburn Central High School, died on June 8 [2022]…”
And these days there seem to be so many cases of SADS and other unaccountable deaths (e.g., died in his/her sleep from unknown causes). It has become all too common.
Fake Reports / The Leary Case?
Have you seen the reports in the mainstream that parents (anti-vaxxers) are falsely reporting deaths of vaccine-injured children? Take this one for example in
“Truth about 7-year-old boy who ‘died after receiving Covid-19 vaccine’
“A Sydney father’s declaration that his “beautiful” seven-year-old son died in the back of an ambulance of a “massive heart attack” days after receiving his Covid-19 vaccine has been labelled a hoax by authorities after sleuths noticed something was wrong with the man’s Facebook page.”
The post was about a father declaring his son died of a vax injury, but it seems… sleuths uncovered the fake Facebook profile — with one man identifying Leary’s profile picture as having been taken from a fishing website in Panama.
But was Leary a FALSE FLAG?
As the reporter in this video in the Leary story says, YOUTUBE HAS BANNED ALL ANTI-VAX CONTENT… including any video that said the vaccine doesn’t work. But it doesn’t work.
What a perfect plan. Make up a fake profile; add a vax sob story; prove it’s fake … then ban every other truthful video. Millions of videos. (They removed more than 150,000 last year.) Then in an ABC article:
“CoronaCheck is RMIT ABC Fact Check’s weekly email newsletter dedicated to fighting the misinformation infodemic surrounding the coronavirus outbreak.”
Wow, who funded RMIT (a Melbourne University) for their fact-checking?
Are These Cases Real Vax Injuries?
Paramedics were allegedly called to the Little Gems Childcare and Early Learning Centre in Maryborough, on Wednesday after the toddler dropped dead in front of other children and staff. Was the child jabbed?
Every Aussie should watch at least the first few minutes of this video.
Every who identifies as a Human Being should watch … all 15:46 of this incredibly courageous individual.
Julius, how did you know it was a 15 minute film? I used to be able to see the length before investing in a video, but for the last few months it does not appear on my screen. Have I hit a wrong button?
I am on PC/laptop – it is just there as part of the ‘task bar’ at the foot of the screen where I can also action ‘Settings’ (cogwheel) to double the speed. If I move the cursor away that ‘task bar’ disappears (goes latent) but is activated again when I move the cursor over the screen.
Another Incredibly courageous individual–this is the third part of an horrific testimony from an amazing survivor. Yes this is a long episode I suggest watching from 1.15 min or 1.20 till the end. Then for those who can endure raw truth watch part 123. We need to support these people- in any way we can -the generational survivors of Tavistock’s torture and destruction pure evil of the lucky country’s Mental Health Regime. We now have a new “Global Health & Wellness Consortium (GHWC) taking over the INDUSTRY
Focus on Australia with Gabbi & Ash: Child “transportation” in well known Australian business PART 3
AquariusRisingAfrica Published July 24, 2022 312 View
“Focus on Australia with Gabbi & Ash: Child “transportation” in well known Australian business PART 3
Join us for Chapter 3 of incredible overcomer, Ash’s, story. Today he speaks of his ordeal in hospital for a year, after being burned in a fire. He tells of his sexual relationship with his psychologist”
Thank you for publishing this!
An avalanche has started from Mt Tambourine.
Drs out there, join the ‘Bay’ movement now, cancel your rego yourself! A new medical board will be formed later, where all who have de-registered themselves can be made useful again.
The same applies to reg. nurses.
Dr William Bay (yesterday 03AUG2022?) is here recording an interview with Heather from Australian Drs Group. She is asking questions to be able to publish Dr Bay’s situation. (14 mins)
That Dr Bay hasn’t been de-registered yet, could be a sign that the AMA/APRA is seeking OTHER reasons to sack him other than Dr Bay “Standing up for the patient” against the Australian medical establishment.
Until recently the medical profession have been looked up to as ethical beings. However with their unwavering servitude to the pharmaceutical industry and the AMA since the Covid-19 debacle they have done themselves a disservice in the eyes of the thinking public.
Even blind Freddie can detect that the Covid “vaccine” is killing thousands and maiming millions around the world.
Surely the fact that there were less deaths in 2020 than in 2019 should have rung alarm bells to people with he education that a doctor receives. It was being reported in the media during 2020 that deaths were in numbers never before seen. Doctors of all people should have known this to be a total fabrication. If all the deaths attributed to Covid-19 in 2020 were fact what happened to the cancer and heart damaged people that usually make up 90% of the annual death numbers?
Dr William Bay – WOW – that’s what I call courage, integrity – being human.
Here is Amazing Polly ~> Dead Doctors & DNA-Targeted Weapons
At the beginning of Polly’s vid, she refers to “the lying, mainstream, compromised, bought-off press” that declined to cover the [fascinating] story of young doctors dying.
I’d just like to mention that I don’t think the MSM is “compromised” or “bought-off.” That would imply that they have a pursiut other than lying, but have sold their souls. Nope. It looks to me that they are, basically, “Tavistock.” They exist to be the propaganda arm of the Secret Government.
Point of Order sustained !
Here’s the video
The Quackzine operation (and lots more) is falling apart. A political (universal?) cover up must be found and used. In my humble view this is the one:
If Pelosi must visit Taiwan’s leader(s) and thereby risking a nuclear war, all that needs to happen to prevent this, is for the Taiwanese leader(s) to quickly fly to Singapore and meet Pelosi there.
(How many minutes do Chinese/Russian submarine multi warhead rockets need to hit key positions in the US?)
(Sorry, I stumbled onto James O’Neill’s territory.)
After the sinking of “The Kursk” the Russians probably switched to drone subs, their land based ICBMs go from north Russia, over the Indian Ocean to Antarctica and then come up anywhere in about an hour (mach 17)
Regarding the 6 Canadian doctors dying, here is a balanced view from The Pulse, a Cdn independent news site.
Most upper-middle class Australians are so brainwashed they actually believe that the psychopaths killing their children will suddenly be humanised with non-violent peaceful protest. The lower middle class believe god will save them.
Eventually the working class will look up from the footy game long enough to notice their children are dead. That is when the bloodbath will begin. First, they will tear doctors apart. Many will get their first flying lesson from a hospital roof. Then will come the politicians. But quite quickly, workers will turn on the bureaucrats, journalists, and pretty much anybody who they heard say “safe and effective”. A lot of clinic nurses will resemble dart boards.
The Minister for Defense will call out the army, not comprehending these are the same working class smashing the parliamentary doors down and invading the seven secret floors under that building.
When the dust settles, and the blowflies can be heard buzzing loudly in a million urban locations, Australia’s population will have shrunk by around three million in three days. There will be few funerals but a lot of bulldozers.
Meanwhile, the spineless middle class will be hiding in their homes, knowing they will be pariahs for as long as they live… which three jabs means won’t be for very long.
I guess this is always the way it was going to be.
I wonder why I ever bothered to warn people.
Tony, you have a touching faith in the great unwashed.
I have a touching faith in veterans. They have at least fought somebody, even if it was the wrong somebody.
And sheer anger (like you describe) made them resort to fragging. during the Vietnam episode.
Last night, on the hustings, I met an 80-year old chap who says he goes to the local war memorial once a week to say hello to his buddies (R.I.P.) It’s my impression that Vietnam vets are an intrinsically valuable sector of the population. I wish they would get together and share what their experience taught them.
(Conscripts only, no officers.)
One of the teams I played Aussie Rules against in Canberra was RMC. I will never forget a voice from my opposers say, “Kick the ball to me Sir!”
We got a bit roudy during refreshments in their bar and one of the came up and said “Shush, academics upstairs” So in our drunken way we repeated his comment.
Playing against them I got the opinion that I would hate to have them leading me – the mob of wusses.
Tony, true to form the political slime have covered that scenario by previously passing legislation allowing foreign forces & police to enter & operate in Australia with impunity. Free to carry out any military actions against the populace without fear of consequences. They will put out an urgent call to the UN for Indonesian, or more likely CCP thugs to invade & subdue our people.
Ken, what makes you think that China would agree to a request from the powers that be “to invade & subdue our people”.
The PTB are the enemies of China and Russia and a host of other countries currently aligning with China and Russia.
The Death Panel interview Dr. Kevin MacDonald!
The Daily Shoah
TDS923: The Killing Feels
“The PTB are the enemies of China and Russia and a host of other countries currently aligning with China and Russia.” – This is one of the ‘dots’ that threw me off in the beginning.
With all the videos coming out of Wuhan early in the plandemic I assumed that they were videos that had been secreted out of China. Then on another forum someone questioned why Beijing and Shanghai were not locked-down. Hello, what is going on here.
Fast forward a few years and it becomes apparent that those early videos were fake, but WHY? I thought that China was an enemy of the Globalists, yet here they were actively participating in spreading fear and pushing the idea of lock-downs, etc.
The Globalists know that China is the future and the West is going down. My present position is that China conspired with the Globalists to push the plandemic. The impact to the West has been horrific. The mandated vaccines, the lock-downs, food crisis, etc. will destroy the West. Meanwhile, the Chinese have been stockpiling gold and food for years.
The Globalists likely believe that their hidden relationship with China will allow them a very strong position in the future. However, the Chinese are not a stupid race and have seen how the Globalists/Zionists have betrayed every society they have infiltrated. I expect that eventually the Chinese will double cross the Globalists and leave them high and dry in a hollowed out West.
Anyway, that is where my thinking is presently flowing. I remain cautious as I accumulate more dots to connect.
Here’s a dot for you, Tony. China and Russia are members of the UN Security Cuncil and could veto the US’s wishes, but they don’t.
Police in Western Australia are understaffed, I think someone got shot the other day as a result, 340 quit because of compulsory injection rules, the government said they went to work in the mines (actual figure = 1), the media said “morale issues”, they all quit.
Here the overstaffed UK cops are ganging up on a guy who posted a meme showing 4 gay nation flags fit together to make a swastika.
In the other room I can hear Elbow rambling on about something, before the election he had his international itinerary all worked out, he was going to see his Globalist mates, Macron and the rest, they told him get in quick and change the constitution before anyone realises what you’re doing.
Interest rates are going up and up and nobody can explain how giving extra money to the banks will stop inflation, the fact is, it will enhance inflation. The solution to the political situation appears to be to compel the RBA governor to resign. But he too is merely following Globalist directives !!!
What a tragic farce our politicians and M$M are, when nothing but lies dribble out of their mouths, and these lies are getting bigger and bigger, our only hope is that they all drown in all this dribble, even so the rusted-on red-blue voter won’t change, because they believe they are voting for “me”, and the green voters all live in Melbourne CBD which makes no sense at all. Since the green party is on board with forced injections, maybe the green voters could go and join the Western Australia police and gang up on people who re-tweet pictures of the gay nation flag rearranged into a swastika. Perhaps even arrest some ClimateChange™ deniers who have noticed it has been getting colder since 2016. It would appear at least 1/3 of the country needs to go to re-education gulags for one reason or another, or you could just call it “communism”.
Nigel Farage on ClimateChange™
“China & India will burn ONE BILLION tons of coal this year”
Claims volcanoes are worse
He’s a funny guy
Carbon dioxide can not change the climate.
Wake Up Kiwi
Geoengineering And Weather Modification Exposed
July 25 2022 | From: ClimateViewer / Various
The most extensive research on Geoengineering and Weather Modification experiments worldwide, with articles, maps, and timelines to fully expose the hidden world of Weather Control…………
Paul Craig Roberts from a few days ago:
“The US Economy Has Fallen into Recession
Real GDP declines of 1.6% in the 1st quarter followed by 0.9 in the 2nd quarter qualifies as a recession
And what are the dumbshits at the Federal Reserve doing? The idiots are trying to fight supply constraints caused by Biden’s lockdowns and sanctions by raising interest rates!!!
This is mindless. Higher interest rates simply add to costs and further constrain supply.
Central Banks are the bane of every country.”
Raising interest rates is designed to enhance inflation and trigger a bubbleburst of all those mortgages and loans enabled by low interest rates. That’s why business wants Lowy sacked.
On military, yes Ken, I interviewed the Indonesian and USMC troops in Arnhem Land three months ago, absolutely shitting myself that they would prove to be Kopassus, and I was about to flee into the bush.
They were regular troops, we took great photos together, and the US marines spent hours explaining their MV22B Osprey virtical takeoff, which was the most amazing piece of machinery I have ever seen. I want one.
The Bogan. Very nice summation.
Mary. I would not call it faith. I know how pig-ignorant they are, and also what happens when somebody attacks their kids. I have lived among them and fought with them, for most of my life. They are the only sector of Australians who will fight back, and when they do it will be a mindless bloodbath.
“The lower middle class believe god will save them”
Whereas atheists believe he doesn’t do so because he’s fake
Meanwhile a handful of fringe weirdos continue to hold fast to the “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” ethos:
Elspeth, you need to stop looking at the world through a key hole, open the door, and mix with the real world.
And, please, do not judge people by what they do not do, but what they are. I do not speak for other atheists. I simply acknowledge evidence and ignore infantile beliefs.
What a good story in this video of a very courageous man. I only hope that others in the health industry follow in his footsteps, now that he has broken the ice. I also say thanks to his family for their sacrifice.
Latest interview from AMPS
“Dr Altman has a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons), a Bachelor and Masters of Science and a Doctor of Philosophy. He works as a clinical trial and regulatory affairs pharmaceutical industry consultant with more than 40 years experience in designing, managing and reporting clinical trials. Dr Altman has dealt extensively with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration throughout his career.”
Note to Tony Ryan:
Speaking of workers, I saw this headline at Consortium News: “Workers to Strike Arms Manufacturer.” The story involves “2,500 workers who make jet fighters, missiles and drones.” Wow, I thought it was about workers making a policy statement about harmful products. Dee McLachlan has written a whole book about that, for 8-year-olds, in her Awaken series.
But, no. “The top item provoking the strike is Boeing’s move to gut workers’ 401k.” That is, to kill their retirement benefits.
This was union action after all. Boeing has walked away from its retirement obligations. When the strike commences, in two months or so, Boeing will lose billions in productivity and lost contracts. Up the worKers!
I can see the headlines now !!
Scientists have discovered , that Corona Virus is sending people crazy !!
Here is a video of a Doctor , who is suffering from Brain Delusion , who claims that the Vaccine is no good and AMA are telling Lies.
Footnote : what Jail will the brave Doctor be sent to ?
I would like to visit him.
The Person Most Likely to Kill You is Your Doctor
29th July 2022
Watching the medical establishment lie, deceive and exhibit Olympian quality incompetence has been quite a shock for many during the last two years. Doctors have helped sustain the biggest medical fraud in history; smiling away as they jabbed and pocketed the cash.
But no one should have been shocked.
Members of the medical establishment, and their praetorian guard, the experts, always believe they know best. Anyone who questions the establishment must be ignored and, if they persist they must be crushed, suppressed, vilified and ostracised.
“Timothy Fehring died unexpectedly in 2019. It must have been the most unusual case back then” ?
And the brain-rot mystery I referenced on the previous page?
I think any rash of medical “mishaps” ever takes place without years and years of warning bells
I DON”T think anything ever transpires without repeated and emphatic warnings
A simple view. The remedy is to shut down the private reserve central bank along with the bsl4 labs here. Until that happens, the investors will continue to profit on pharmaceuticals and murder.
It’s not complicated, JFK had the solution.
“All wars are Bankers wars”
Brave Vladimir Putin has banned Jacob Rothschild and his New World Order banking cartel family from entering Russian territory “under any circumstances.”
Putin recently reminded his cabinet that he paid off the Rothschild’s debt and “grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and kicked them out Russia’s back door.”
This meeting featured the President pounding his fist on the table and vowing to destroy the New World Order, and according to a Kremlin source Putin is making great strides towards this goal.
“They do not own the world, and they do not have carte blanch to do whatever they want. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. We will not be bullied by them.”
It is understood that the Rothschild banking racket was a noose tied around the neck of the Russian economy. Once the knot was tightened, the economy would struggle and choke.
Early in his presidency he made a priority of uniting Russia socially, spiritually, and economically. He ordered the arrest of the Rothschild backed oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky who had made Rothschild, Henry Kissinger and Arthur Hartman directors of the Open Russia foundation………………”
Everything appears to be theatre, and “choice” an illusion, the gangsters at the top of each empire protect their interests as they can and part of it is knowing what the people will tolerate. Perhaps the most empowered people in the world are in the US but they are badly damaged socially and now economically. Maybe the Russian people are more cohesive and resilient.
Joe, you will probably appreciate this latest advertisement that Russia has put out. –
Don’t ask me what’s going on here but it looks like inner-urban “heroin chic” mixed with some sort of nationalism
“In 2015, Ukrainian neo-Nazis held a party at Kyiv’s “Hot Bar” where they ate a cake represented as a Russian baby”
“Reuters Investigates”, hmm ok,,,,
Putin’s daughter husband
Jew Media Masters
The mind-bending power of the masters of the media
The media-power in Great Britain and elsewhere
By Nick Griffin
The Mind-Benders is an analysis of the media power in Great Britain. Written in 1997, it details how (and why) the information we receive via the media is censored and distorted.
If we are to avoid insidious totalitarianism we must be aware of the enormous control over every form of mass media the Jews possess and – in any democratic society under such powerful influences – who are the real manipulators of political power.
A power greater than government?
” … the freedom of the press belongs to those who own the presses. And it’s true.”
How about the controllers of the owners of the presses.
Charles III has learned well from his mother, he always looks befuddled. “I talk to my garden”, he says, while his late father lived to see the virus he wished to become. He wears the “octagon”, 8-pointed star badge like all the others, the supreme commanders of the army.
Who enforces the banks’ symbolic fiat currency ? The army. Nothing changed since Rome. Who features on the coins and notes ? The monarch.
Some might say Mein Trumpf is descended from King George so I did a calculation, if a person had 4 surviving kids at age 20 and this went on every generation, after 100 years 4x4x4x4x4 = a thousand, after 200 years 4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4 = a million, after 300 years 4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4x4 = a billion.
Got to keep those bloodlines well under control.
Germans infiltrated the British royals 300 years ago. Back then Germany was multiple states. Where did this seed come from, well Saxe Coburg is in Bavaria for starters.
When Rotschild is asked how much he owns he says “not as much as you think”, when the Queen is asked anything she says “Oh really ? Come and look at this tree I planted last week”.
Short videos:
The guy is very candid:
Swiss commoners:
A good video but nothing about the Rotschilds, instead it’s the Queen and Vatikan, relating to the recent pope visit.
People just put Rotschild in for click-bait, the money trail goes out the back door of the bank to all the tax havens etc.
Appreciate Kevin Annett before he “suicides”, a little refresher at the very least (3 min)
Do you believe all the ancient hereditary royals of Europe are jews, and places like Luxembourg, Monaco, Liechtenstein and Andorra are full of jews, and even the Roman emperors were infiltrated by jews, and Cleopatra was a jew, if you believe all that then you would have a cohesive faith, but if you thought the jews just came in and took over 200 or 300 years ago, you ‘d be dreaming.
A lot of deception took place at her Coronation which made the queen a subject of the Roman Catholic Church which itself is Babylonian paganism dressed up with Christian terminology. The first Jesuits were Babylonian Talmud following Edomite Judeans. And then there is the fact that the queen is a Freemason which is a Jewish organisation. So it can be safely assumed that the chicanery goes way back.
It seems to me the entire Babylon-Zion narrative is a big “look over there” scam which has been running for a very long time.
Don’t magicians and “illusionists” rely on that principle, to dupe their audience ?
The Two Babylons
by Alexander Hislop
The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop The Two Babylons or The Papal Worship Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife By the Late Rev. Alexander Hislop First published as a pamphlet in 1853–greatly expanded in 1858. 2 CONTENTS Introduction Chapter I Distinctive Character of the Two Systems …
The Trail of the Serpent
By Inquire Within
For some years a Ruling Chief of the Mother Temple
of the Stella Matutina and R .R . et A .C .
Author of ” Light Bearers of Darkness ”…/2018/09/Stoddard-Christina-M.-Trail-of-the-serpent.pdf
1. To-day I may tell you that our goal is now only a few steps off. There remains a small space to cross and the whole long path we have trodden is ready now to close its cycle of the Symbolic Snake, by which we symbolize our people. When this ring closes, all the States of Europe will be locked in its coil as in a powerful vice.
Makow – “You Knew I was a Snake”
We allowed a satanic cult, Freemasonry, affiliated with the banking cartel to infiltrate every social institution. “We corrupt in order to control (and destroy)” is their motto.
“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in…”
We allowed this corruption to spread to all the institutions necessary for the preservation and healthy development of society: government, the mass media, education, church, justice system, military, police.
“Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent comments on menstrual irregularities met with serious rebuttal from gynecologists, who say COVID-19 vaccines should not have been injected into pregnant women without adequate safety testing.
“Well, the menstrual thing is something that seems to be quite transient and temporary, that’s one of the points,” Fauci said in an appearance on Fox News on July 25, upon being asked about the effect of vaccines on menstrual cycles. “We need to study it more,” ………
“Dr. Christiane Northrup MD, a former fellow in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, remarked to The Epoch Times on Fauci’s comments: “Unfortunately the menstrual problems we are seeing are far from transient and temporary. Many women have been bleeding daily or having heavy, irregular, painful periods for an entire year. And some of these are well past menopause. Something is way off here. ”
Tag: polysorbate 80 linked to infertility
Posted on November 28, 2017
Polysorbate 80 in Vaccines: Is it safe?
………….We’ll talk about one such ingredient today- polysorbate 80. The CDC Vaccine Excipient and Media Summary lists Polysorbate 80 as an ingredient in the following vaccines:
DTaP (Infanrix)
DTaP – IPV (Kinrix and Quadracel)
DTaP- HepB- IPV (Pediarix)
DTaP- IPV- Hib (Pentacel)
HPV (Gardasil and Gardasil 9)
Influenza (Agriflu and Fluarix)
Meningococcal (MenB- Trumenba)
Pneumococcal (PCV13 – Prevnar 13)
Rotavirus (Rotateq)
TdaP (Boosterix)
.............Polysorbate 80 in vaccines has been linked to infertility.
............. In this study, baby female rates were injected with polysorbate 80 at days 4-7 after birth which resulted in their accelerated maturation, caused changes to the vagina and womb lining, hormonal changes, ovary deformities and degenerative follicles.
This study researching the link between the HPV vaccine and infertility cited the findings of the rat study above and notes insufficient and poorly designed research on fertility effects in clinical trials for the HPV vaccine. If you’ll recall, the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) quote above claims that there is no link between the HPV vaccine and infertility. However, this study states unequivocally that this claim cannot be asserted:
“The relevance of polysorbate 80 ovarian damage to the cases presented here is unresearched and unknown and assurances of ‘no biologically plausible’ link between HPV4 vaccine and ovarian effects cannot be given.” (emphasis mine)
If you’ll recall, CHOP also drew a comparison to ingested polysorbate 80. This study also addresses fertility effects of ingested polysorbate 80:
“The chemical is present in orally ingested medicines and foods, but did not affect rat reproduction when subject to digestive processes at up to 5% of their oral intake. It did decrease rat reproduction at 20% of their oral intake.”
Sounds like CHOP is comfortable making claims that actual scientists researching the HPV vaccine will not make.
As an interesting and possibly relevant side note, a patent for a vaccine that would decrease animal fertility has been submitted by the University of Georgia Research Foundation. This patent lists polysorbate 80 as a preferable ingredient: “and additionally preferably contains Tween 80 (polysorbate 80).” According to the patent “Background of the Invention” section, this vaccine is an effort to controlling dog overpopulation. Another quote from the patent:
“Collegenase treatment of zona pellucida proteins known to alter the proteins in a way that can be demonstrated immunocytochemically. Abnormal estrus cycles, characterized by constant or prolonged estrus, and other deleterious side effects, such as ovarian cyst formation, were found to be associated with the vaccinations (C. Mahi-Brown, Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. Microbiol..18,94-103 (1988)), and were never satisfactorily explained.” (emphasis mine)
Those phrases in bold echo findings in the polysorbate 80 rat study linked above...........
Pope admits to Genocide, motion to arrest him begins at UN – China-Rome alliance in jeopardy
Enough to make you dizzy
Vaccine Information
6 Things You Need To Know When Deciding Whether or Not to Vaccinate
Do High Rates of Vaccination Make Us Safe? Let’s Talk About Herd Immunity.
How To Get a Vaccine Religious Exemption
Do Vaccines Contain Aborted Fetal Cells?
Ethical Guidelines for Clinical Trials Prevent Many Vaccines From Being Adequately Tested for Safety
SIDS or Vaccine Induced Death? What Does the Evidence Say?
Why Did the CDC Silence the Million Dollar Harvard Project Charged With Upgrading Our Vaccine Safety Surveillance System?
Polysorbate 80 in Vaccines: Is it Safe?
8 Things Your Doctor Didn’t Tell You About the Flu Shot
Excerpts From the Transcript of the CDC’s Private Simpsonwood Meeting
Google Document containing over 30 pages of sources linking the ongoing use of aborted babies in vaccine R & D titled: Legitimacy of the Religious Exemption on Pro-Life Grounds
Response to Mayo Clinic’s “COVID-19 vaccine myths debunked”
Covid Resources 2 – Doctors and Other Specialists
Told you AMA affiliation was death warmed up.
This NOW a Doctor can help me if I need it, even unconscious. I will certainly go beyond(way) my comfortable physical limits should Doctor Bay require my help. Pick up the stethoscope brother, you have earned it.
Mary, I’m singing what he’s singing
its a surfer legend thing and close to our heart up these parts as well
more i look, moar i’m uncomfortable. no aspersions ok.
the essence is pure, good enough. where else can you go
Peter McCullough: “This month the World Council for Health which represents 70 bodies worldwide has called for a global recall of all jabs” because of 40,000 deaths (1 min)
Uninformed Consent-2 hour doco.
Testimonies from COVID jab injured-Dr Joseph Mercola
Some can be fooled, most of the time, fortunately many are waking up. The crushing of truth by those in control is the beast in action. Mega corporations and traitorous governments are enriching the powerful few enforcing this corporate monopoly social credit system now getting worse.
Those who came here from communist countries, can verify who was predominantly in control. The same lot are doing it here now. Fascism is the collusion of these parasites, the end result being the beast system.
The only beneficiaries are the profiteers making the vaccines. In a sane world, run by good people this agenda could never be. The facts are, we are run by greedy murderous devils devoid of conscience.
Real truth is ugly, disturbing and repulsive, with this the worst form of slavery ever enforced. A world gone totally insane, where the mass gives their souls to satan. The AI 666 totalitarian technocracy, incorporating nanotechnology robotics trans-humanism with genetic manipulation, are downloading peoples brains to a smart computer. We have sunk into pure luciferianism. Only people who are possessed can conjure up such evol sorcery, with mass murder their ultimate goal.
These adrenochrome junkies are pedophile child sacrificing scum destroying our world. Their paws are all over covid/divoc. They consider all of us as their enemy.
Why are they obsessed in building hell here? Because it is their destiny.