Home Corona Dr Zandre Botha’s Therapy For Vaxxed Shines Light in This Darkness

Dr Zandre Botha’s Therapy For Vaxxed Shines Light in This Darkness

Melbourne protest

by Dee McLachlan

Melbourne Rally (4-12-2021)

There was another massive enthusiastic crowd in Melbourne today. And I sense each week the crowd is getting more focused and resolute. Numbers will encourage non-compliance.

However, the cognitive dissonance of mainstream doctors seems to have not waned in spite of overwhelming evidence of a vaccine catastrophe. I live in a small apartment block and almost everyone I know has a close friend with a serious injury. Let me cite a few I have heard the last two days.

My close neighbours go horse riding once a week. The woman at the stables had recently fallen pregnant, and her doctor quickly advised her to get the shot for her and the baby’s safety. She miscarried a few days later. Have these doctors not read the studies?  My other neighbour said it affected her legs badly, and her friend began losing her hair after the second vaccination. I heard of another baby, after just arriving in this world, who had to be rushed to heart surgery with a hole in the heart. Another’s mum died in her sleep — mysteriously. Celine Dione has postponed her Las Vegas concert residency after suffering “severe and persistent muscle spasms” (after her shots).

I have heard of hundreds suffering (and dying) from vaccine injuries, but none of their doctors are reporting them as vaccine injuries. It just goes on and on… yer authorities keep plugging the poison.

Get Your Booster

And yesterday “it” arrived. The GOVERNMENT ALERT to encourage you to get your booster — signed by Scomo, the departing minister for Health, Hunt, and then Chief Kelly. What a disgrace. The letter read:

“It’s now time to think about your COVID-19 vaccine booster, for those who are fully vaccinated…

“Twenty months ago, Australia was at the start of a once-in-a-century pandemic, the size, and scope of which we could barely comprehend at the time. … We made the sacrifices and followed the medical advice… our health response has saved over 30,000 lives.”

What a disaster. The pamphlet should read, “Twenty months ago, Australia was at the start of a once-in-a-century PLANDEMIC, the deception on a scale we can barely comprehend.”

Now Germany

Germany has now announced “National Lockdown for the Unvaccinated” (following Austria). The Epoch Times writes:

“Exiting Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Dec. 2 that Germany will lock down unvaccinated people as top officials also signaled that they would back plans for mandatory vaccinations in the coming months. Merkel said individuals who aren’t vaccinated for COVID-19 will be excluded from nonessential stores and cultural and recreational venues. The Bundestag, Germany’s Parliament, also will consider a general vaccination mandate. ‘The situation in our country is serious,’ she told reporters, claiming that the new measures are an ‘act of national solidarity’.”

And now there’s the Omicron scare — it’s spread to 38 countries, but NO DEATHS.

The Op-Shop

On Friday, needing some ‘essential’ items (like clothes), I decided to try my luck at my local Op-shop — the local Salvos. Signs, codes and warnings were plastered on the door, alongside a large security guy blocking most of the entrance. After he quickly confirmed that it was no entry for the lepers, I engaged him in conversation. I reflected on South Africa’s apartheid, and after saying that he was from Iran, I said “you know all about this then”. He agreed. But our conversation was cut short. The sullen manager obviously did not like my passion, and appeared in the doorway and instructed the security guy to get into the shop. The manager then quickly shut the glass door in my face. Well, it cemented my place in society.

Dr Zandre Botha

In all of my discussions, many are distressed about their injuries or the injuries of family members. There is this strange acceptance that this is the new normal. Some believe the ‘big one’ is still coming — hence all the passing of new pandemic laws after the once-in-a-century pandemic is over. We will see.

However, it was encouraging to hear Stew Peters interview Dr Zandre Botha — yet another doctor from South Africa. She is part of a group of doctors that have come up with a protocol to counter some of the catastrophic harm caused by the jabs.


Medication — Dr Botha

Mega oxygen (90) R260, Hydroshot (28) R398, Zeolite R39, N.A.C (42) R113, Thrombocyte (42) R84 / Heart health (60) R290, Glutathion (60) R370

Ozone, Molecular Hydrogen and Rife Combined Treatment – R200, CoMra laser combined with Rife – R255



  1. Scientists find ‘molecular trigger’ for AstraZeneca Vaccine blood clots…

    Scientists believe they have found “the trigger” that leads to extremely rare blood clots after the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.

    The team – in Cardiff and the US – have shown in exquisite detail how a protein in the blood is attracted to a key component of the vaccine.

    They think this kicks off a chain reaction, involving the immune system, that can culminate in dangerous clots.

    The vaccine is thought to have saved about a million lives from Covid.

    However, concerns about rare blood clots shaped how the vaccine has been used around the world including an alternative being offered to the under-40s in the UK.


      “The vaccine is thought to have saved about a million lives from Covid.”

      Thought by who exactly and on what basis ?
      Or would such info simply shatter the ambience of rumour & suggestion?

      • SERCO controls immigration, all BSWL4 factories and runs detention centres, prisons and hospitals in Australia with Military intelligence, including their specialties in cyber data, criminal records, drivers licence records, vaccination records, DNA databases and communications. In 2015 they took over the US Patent Office and now manage 5G in Crown direction, this being a 70% reduction in global population, agenda in genocide.
        Serco is the head of the serpent, 5G with mandated jabs are their abominations and must be stopped. Anyone aiding these criminals is a traitor to all. We are enslaved by Luciferians addicted to andrenochrome and they must be exposed everywhere before it’s too late.

    • At 12: 18:
      “How did it happen that Marxism swept it’s field, swept it so thoroughly that 1000,0000 people had to die?……………… lets face it ‘academics’ throughout the Western World form a native conspiracy class and they are very akin to a criminal class. They’ll believe anything and once they believe something the conspiracy is held tenaciously”

        • But like untold other anti-lockdown/mandate proponents Jay Bhattacharya is apparently still convinced that prolonged childhood breaks from government controlled learning causes life-time damage – when the reverse is true – and that other vaccination programs are perfectly sound.

          So long as there’s a craving for a type of cosy normalcy that has always been totally delusional the all-important lesson of the hour will be missed

          • Its a security thing berry. We always in our mind head towards what we feel will give us the best chance at security, just like we always did as a child with our mum. Thats your ‘cosy normalcy’ and its in every field, whether scientists or otherwise.

            You see it a lot in all professions as ‘professional jealousy’ when years of ‘learning’ a profession makes them protect it, protect its structures and ideas – just like your mum did with her child.

            Thats how and why mind shaping programs such as litter tv, radio and media work so well. People have a lot invested in their beliefs and It takes a lot of wisdom to step out of it.

          • Couldn’t agree more: The World System is held together by a faux sense of comfort/security that, contrary to superficial appearances, is totally averse to fostering any sort of genuine well-being

        • Here’s the same Freddie talking to a couple of churchies who’re concerned the vax passport “will create an underclass”:

          What’s somewhat telling is their complete failure to grasp the fact that that’s exactly what Jesus did, that there isn’t, in fact, any other way the World is going to be bought to justice

          At 4 minutes: “It shouldn’t fall to me, a mere curate”
          So where would we be if St. Peter had rejected God’s call on the basis of being a mere fisherman ?

          • Indeed berry, it was Christ who called Peter “follow me and I will make you fishers of men” and he did. Just as he described clearly what is happening now. How it must happen so that the wheat may be sorted from the chaff.

    • NANO ANTENNAS in Tests and Vax

      …”After spawning a mixture of nylon fiber fragments, Darpa Hydrogel remains on the nasal mucosa under the pituitary and pineal gland along with lithium. This mixture immediately reacts with living structures to form crystals that are directionally oriented to the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field. The shape of the crystals determines the type of hydrogel used. The crystals are conductive due to the lithium contained in it. The crystals can receive the signal from the transmitter to the cell and transmit signals from the cell to the transmitter. These are actually nano-antennas.”



        • THE ROLE OF LITHIUM IN THE DARPA HYDROGEL SWABS “Lithium is an element (reference to Li) that does not occur naturally in humans. It is highly toxic to the pineal gland influence. In low doses it blocks it and in higher doses it can completely destroy it. Aluminum and mercury also have toxic effects on the pineal gland, which are widely used in vaccines. The pineal gland produces serotonin (a hormone of happiness) and controls human biorhythms. It is crucial for higher brain activity (creativity, foresight, sixth sense, etc.) and for social interactions of man.
          Darpa Hydrogel (reference) is an artificial substance that creates a converter between the electromagnetic signal and living cell, tissue and organ. Converts an electromagnetic signal from a transmitter to a signal which a living cell understands and responds to.
          Darpa Hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland and cause the thinking person to become a controllable biorobot. A hydrogel is a carrier of an active substance, its task is to get the substance into the body at a pre-desired place.
          Briefly on the issue of vaccines. Vaccines contain Darpa Hydrogel, lithium and patented genetic information. mRNA is not an untested novelty. In breeding and for top athletes, this type has been using doping for many years. For top athletesThe swabs used for PCR are also composed of hollow nylon fibers with Darpa Hydrogel. this doping significantly shortens the life.
          Genetic information in the vaccine leads to the creation of a patented mutant. The dream of the dark forces around Bill Gates is to achieve to force these mutants, for example by vaccination, to regularly upgrade as a computer program.
          Darpa Hydrogel hollow nylon fibers fill the FFP2 class plastic respirators. This Darpa Hydrogel with additives is slowly released from the respirators. When breathing, it enters the human airways.: LINK ABOVE

          • Interesting to consider top-level athletes as simply crash-test-dummies for advanced drug labs – co-ordinated and funded by guess who – BigPharma. No wonder the CCP is getting into all the sports competitions, it’s more than just giving the sports fan masses their opium, the entire future of population control is baked in.

    • Well,
      I might event watch the ABC if the whole of the ABC board carpets every employee of the ABC and directs every employee to honour their commission to the Australian people.
      Nine network et. al., , ever heard of being a accessory to manslaughter?
      Not to forget the health bureaucrats⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️

  2. Covid, the Devil & the Jews

    September 14, 2021


    “…………….Judaism is not defined by the Torah but rather by the Talmud and Cabala. The Cabala posits that the Cabalists represent God and redefine reality by inverting it (“revolution.”) Sick is healthy; ugly is beautiful; unnatural is natural; lies are truth and injustice is justice.

    Anything that seeks to supplant God is Satanism. This is the origin of “secularism” and “humanism,” the worship of man, place-savers for Cabalists. It is also the essence of the New World Order,  where Satanism replaces Christianity and true religion.

    Cabalist bankers and their Masonic flunkies (our leaders) promote war, depression and scamdemic to advance the NWO. 

    Cabalist (Communist) success hinges on Christian failure. 

    Cabalists believe that they were ordained by God to destroy or enslave the goyim. They think they are fulfilling God’s Will.

    Ordinary Jews and Masons are oblivious to the moral and physical jeopardy their Cabalist leaders are putting them in……….”

      • I tread very warily with both Makow and Veterans Today – both ’limited hangout’ / ‘controlled opposition’ – or whatever the term is.

        This one from ‘VT Editors’ combines all the standard canards into one pile of garbage …

        • Anti-vaxxers have made me lose faith in Nazis

        “As someone who has generally identified as a conservative, I’m beginning to lose patience with right-wing politics. There are too many people behaving like they are members of a cult in opposing Covid vaccines.

        Conspiratorial thinking has led to Covid-19 vaccines being politicised to a dangerous level which not only alienates people – like me – who value science and progression, but is costing lives. As the Omicron variant spreads across the world, it is more important than ever to push back against the hysteria against vaccines.


        These deaths came after conspiracy theories regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccines spread like wildfire. For months, the Covid vaccines have been undermined by sceptics, and this narrative has been embraced by modern-day conservatism.”

        Very smooth indeed … always remain alert and discerning.

        • Unfortunately being normal is not a cult, injecting weird unknown experimental serums into yourself is normally called being a JUNKY

        • Julius..Can’t help but agree with you re both Makow and V.T (especially Gordon Duff and his pro-vax ‘nursey’ spouse )…creepy, consent operatives. Just threw in the piece to hook crisscross..cheers

    • Thanks anonanon–Fiona Barnett has also done her history–re origins British East India company—425 years with world corporations taking actions that are anti–humans—of corporations with no accountability rebodily autonomy
      listen to survivors stories

  3. The Great Barrington Declaration


    10,000 subsequently signed the Rome Declaration, in which they reaffirmed the Hippocratic Oath to ‘do no harm’, and to demand immediate cessation of the mRNA experimental ‘vaccine’ technology. 60,000 have now signed The Great Barrington Declaration.

    After 10,000 doctors signed the Rome Declaration to “do no harm,” 60,000 doctors sign a petition to end forced vaxxes.

    • I am now confused and bewildered.
      The science says…….. I heard all our politicians, health bureaucrats, fake phony false mass media and the man at the bus stop, tell us what their sconce tells us.
      Bugger I will have to contact Al Gore and professor Flannery to confirm what the real science says.

  4. Creepy lying filth producer on crooked ABC TV gave a big slab of air-time to the nasty, child injecting boss of the TGA Skerritt who banned HCQ and IVM in order to enforce Fizzer’s junk serum injections. Next same lying filth producer of crooked ABC TV covered a protest march / rally held in Ballaarat and how much video of the 1000’s of protesters did they show in the story – nothing and none. Instead they found three BRAINWASHED VIRUS CULTISTS amongst the small businesses in one street who were whingeing about sales being impacted. Well someone on the ABC internet managed to get a fragment of real news out, the actual TV is obviously reserved for BRAINWASHED VIRUS CULTISTS who lost the ability to think long ago.

    • The locals, most in a divoc coma, will probably cheer the occupiers as liberators until ending up in Serco hotels, brainwashed thinking UN and kabal are the good guys.
      Not long ago, in Tuzla and Srebrenica, ‘good guys’ watched (or supervised) as civilians were shot and fell into mass graves. Same mercenaries here today – krown kabal komunizm – now with digital surveillance hellbent for final solution. Words are inadequate to describe these butchers, traitors from all races.

    • There’s only 2 ways said little gem could be interpreted; McGowan is either a total retard or so arrogant as to think the remark will stick.
      Either way it’s just one more instance of Judgement being poured down like the Niagara falls

  5. The marketing ingenious, satanic doublespeak, jabs manufactured in bio weapon labs spiked with mandated shots to ‘freedom’. All over here, masked lining up for booster shots by injectors in white ‘the good guys’.

  6. Just heard, walking past a radio, fruit pickers from NZ and Pacific islands here with accomodation free in hotels on $50 to $90/hr. Now how do you figure that where farmers get $30 for 1000 kilos of oranges.



    “………..The Cabalist Conspiracy is on the cusp of success. God has been banished from public life. Illuminati Jews control the mass media and can deceive and degrade the masses. Entertainment is an orgy of pornography, apocalyptic chaos, obscenity, propaganda, social engineering, predictive programming, violence, and satanism.

    Illuminati Jews and Masons behind feminism are responsible for the debauchery of Western women. They are behind the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism designed to destroy marriage and family.

    They were at the forefront of sexual liberation, pornography and abortion. The mass media is obsessed with sex. It has a fawning fetish for fertile females, and even children aren’t safe. The stock market is a giant casino with millions day-trading.

    Christianity has been Judaized, concerned with “social change” (the Satanist agenda) rather than spiritual development and salvation. Christian Zionists are pledged to the Zionist rogue state.

    The Illuminati are destabilizing the Third World using charities to “empower” females to reject marriage. Donors are invited to become an “agent of change” which is code for NWO.

    They want girls to be “educated” i.e. indoctrinated, as in the West. In general, they are feminizing the world, making women and their concerns central.

    The people are lost and increasingly desperate. What’s left? Depression? War? The Antichrist?…………”

    • Salvation.
      Which, like it or not, most people tend not to seek unless they’re confronted by complete anarchy and moral degradation

    • Henry Ford on The Economic Plans of International jews

      From The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem (1921) by Henry Ford

      November 30, 2021 renegade 10 Comments


      History of Judaism: At War with the Rest of Humanity

      We now have a better understanding of why the jews, who have always aroused universal hatred everywhere they have ever been, inspired not only disgust and hatred but mockery, farces and wisecracks; the history of this obstinate “people” is in fact as ridiculous as it is tragic and threatening.
      Read the post


      • Meanwhile in the globalist fashion parade we have world leaders taking advantage of the lull in international travel, of course hoping this will be permanent, spreading the Omacron variant around. Grek Hunt was allegedly aiming for Foreign Affairs but his complicity in the TVdemic bought him down early, probably hoping to replace Downer one day, so missed out. But we have arms dealer Putin visiting arms buyer Modhi, such a festival of hugs you never saw. O’Macron visiting the Saudi Prince, bodies of journalists ground up in meat mincers all forgotten. Charles son of Liz visiting Queen of Jordan ( discussion of meat-grinders ? ), someone presenting as Biden dropping in here and there, they are all buzzing around like flies at the moment. I didn’t spot any notorious jews globe-trotting lately, maybe they have the media blackout like on “Insiders” this morning ( which I watched some of ), more than my usual one minute I actually watched the entire 2nd half. The media blackout on United Australia Party was total, they were referred to as “cashed-up independents”, a sort of dangerous wild-card or even an ACTUAL PROSPECT which must not be called by name. No triumphalism from ABCTV / ALP hacks. Most of the Insiders TV show was cartoons, sketches and bloopers. We could discern that the ALP has gone a shade of “globalist green” and might need to team up with The Greens to pump some air into their slowly deflating ClimateChange™ mantra. It’s great we have solar panels going on everywhere and electric cars coming up, but it’s time to take down the CO2 story as “fake news” just for the sake of honesty and nothing else. Energy prices up so job done.

          • Big “Hello” to Belgian Mathias Cormann now working in Europe for the globalists, presumed previously working in Australia for the globalists, I heard “he has a way of getting consensus”, I would have a way too if I had sufficient “backing”. According to Sean Hross Belgium does not only do chocolate, they also do castles with pedos. Occasionally the cops there turn up some idiot with a basement who fails the protection test. Normal people get the water cannon.

  8. “The vaccine is thought to have saved about a million lives from Covid.”

    Thought by who exactly and on what basis ?
    Or would such info simply shatter the ambience of rumour & suggestion?

  9. 2644 episode at X22Report.com is a must update.
    Note all the statistical casualty lies re deaths to CREATE the pandemic with hospitals paid and pushed by the FAKE PHONY FALSE MASS MEDIA. (💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰 greedy liars)
    Bad luck mass media, people are waking up so bye bye mass media and ABC.
    Bye Ray😜😜😜😜
    Sell the ABC and dump the dumb politicians.

    • Significant hearing commenced not mentioned by msm
      Nuremberg 2 commenced in Poland against criminal world leaders. ( or similar before it is pulled from all reports and file)
      Note Reiner’s report at the end of his address re the masked old lady and the good doctor in the bank 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 that is what the whole spamdamic is about. (Creating a world without empathy💁lacking spiritual existence)

      • And think!!!!!
        That is what our msm and politicians are deliberately trying to create. A world devoid of empathy and love.
        Silly fools, they do not know what they are up against.

      • AT 22 MIN

        • Thank you Dee……. Gumshoe again comes to deserving msm recognition.
          All you politicians experienced in the legal profession (lawyers) must listen to Mr Fuelmich (a real lawyer⚖️) and realise that you should never practice again…. You should be struck off for incompetence.
          As for the medical profession malpractice has to be evident and many should also be struck off and let a real medical practitioner take their place ….. particularly at the medical bureaucratic level.
          So AMA, better start realising that you better rethink your futures.

    • Maybe also, Liberal, Nationals, greens, the fake independents with staffers……. The bloody lot of them.
      Incompetence and ignorance is their occupation.

    • video #2 annoying preramble runs for 2 mins.
      WRT Rand Paul and even Trump, one has to make allowances for politicians i) needing to walk both sides of the street and ii) needing to avoid unnecessary assassination attempts.
      Nobody has forgotten JFK, so there is more than enough plausible deniability. With Rand Paul, probably doesn’t want to be struck off as a Rockerfella’s HospitalSystem™ “Doctor”. This would be very bad for his political career so he would be treading carefully.
      ( Disclaimer: the above is a reasonable explanation, not necessarily my personal position. )
      More effort needs to come from the coddled and comfortable grass-roots. If people can’t be made to wake up about this globalist injections program, they ultimately have failed the test of natural selection, which is at the crux of all this anyway. Too bad, some of them were better contributors than the “elites”.

    Already switched to e-money some time ago under socialist government, now getting va666ine status microchip implants
    New Swedish PM (promoted from treasurer) resigns after coalition with The Greens falls apart, then returns with new coalition with “far-right”.

    Swedes were protected from the va666ine hoax “emergency measures” by their constitution but the socialist party is still in the majority.
    It seems any group of normal anti-globalism people are characterised as “far right” since the imaginary pejorative term “populist” had no teeth, was impossible to weaponise. So now in desperation, normal, anti-globalist people get tagged “far right” pending infiltration by globalists of their movement, however good or bad their movement may be. Hitler started out as socialist and got everyone into Volkswagens, then he was infiltrated by the old royals of the former German kingdoms and before you know it everything was propaganda, munitions, SS officers dressed to kill, concentration camps etc. Normal people cannot seem to have a mass movement without it being INFILTRATED by globalists. There is only one possible way out, a strong military government backing its own currency, we see that in Burma and potentially in the US. Bitcoin for example can only survive with a strong constitution protected by an even stronger military. But Bitcoin denies tax revenues to the military therefore undermining itself. The military dictatorships that run most countries in East Asia seem very nasty but the globalists want to mass needle-rape EVERYONE.
    So that’s your choice, globalist depopulation or military dictatorship, which would eventually be overthrown by globalists anyway. There is a 3rd way of course, that is if everyone started using their brains in the national interest, but that’s probably impossible.

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